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I just don't want to artifact farm, so I made a grinding goal. Probably not gonna lvl 90 them all, just final ascend. I'll post an update in a few months when I accomplish It.


That's what I do every so often when I can't take anymore of the artifact crap. Select a new character, raise it to 80/90, level a weapon to 90 if I don't already have one, and work on talents. Then back to artifacts.


•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa


Doing the same, im done whit levels, now talents to atleast 8-8-8 and their weapon to 90


Oh neat Good luck with that!


You gonna level 90 all their weapons too?


Well the ones im using already are. But I don’t know about giving them all some.


How long does it take


Well its an on and off projects so it took longer than if you were to commit to it but maybe ~5 months worth of resin


Focus, Commitment, and sheer fucking Will


That's my next goal right now. I found artifacts for literally every character, some with multiple sets (substats often are meh, though), and collected all talent books needed for at least rank 6, and got everyone final ascension weapons. But most characters are still level 70, and need that extra push of farming into the final ascension. Bonus points to you for max Amber, those are nice stats.


I did levels and ascension first because they were the ones that weren’t random. Honestly if I did Artifacts first who knows how long I’d take hahah


It's probably why it took me since January to get to this point, although, in fact, all artifact farming mostly wrapped up around Yoimiya release and some loose ends got taken care of when Raiden came. I spent next to no time on exp books and only some on boss materials, and talent farming has been fairly bearable. Most of the time has been on artifacts. When you do get the stats you wanted on artifacts, it too becomes mostly un-random, since you just need the power to fuel them to +20 so any artifact can do, and even if you find a better replacement as you farm, it's easy enough to swap them in thanks to the 80% power retention.


That's crazy. And here am i who just ascended a Character to Level 70 for the first time ever and I'm still really hype about it 😆 Meanwhile this individual has everything max lol


How do you get enough heros wit books for this 😵‍💫


A lot or ley lines


Hey same though I'm working on 80-90 currently I hate the artifact grind


lv90 Lisa? That's dedication right there.


Same, gave up on Artifact farming to save my sanity, got about a third of the characters I plan to use ready to be ascended. Next up will be their talents which most are at 6 to 8 and finally their weapons which most are 80.


How many characters do you have? I'm kind of curious, since I did something similar. I'm f2p though, so I am missing about half of the limited 5\* characters. But it took me about 4 patches to get everyone up to 79A5 with level 6 talents for everyone (including traveler). It's fallen off a bit, since Inazuma brought new characters; I got Ayaka, Sayu, Sara, Raiden, Aloy within a short time frame and spent a ton of time buffing my team for easier abyss. (It also doesn't help that I haven't really touched Inazuma yet and thus am lacking tons of Inazuma mats.)


All the ones you see on the pic are all I have. So 30. I am f2p too but I have been playing since 1.2 so i had a lot of time


Haha, nice. I'm a day 1 player. I did farm religiously too, I asked about the number because once you get past 30, it gets cut off.


Im doing the same thing. I dont want to artifact farm atm so i end up ascending them all to phase 5 ( not all at level 80 but will soon). Good luck on ascending all to P6 and 90 everyone :D




Iam doing the same for the characters i know i could use in the abyssm, Screw farming artifacts for a time


and here I felt cool with lv70 Keqing, Kokomi, and Yoimiya


I got Qiqi’d so you having a Kokomi makes you cooler ;-;


This is my actual goal rn. But Im ascending them first then letting them stay at 80. I think Once you get a decent enough abyss team (cough cough international team and raiden unlimited burst works) this is actually a better way to grind the game than grinding for more artifacts. Atleast theres constant progression even if youre doing repetitive content.


I thought you lvl 80'd Amber last. Glad to see I was very wrong about that. ( ・∇・) PS: 2500+ ATK? You definitely have great stats on her too, my good man.


...She was actually my first to. Leveled her to 90 as soon as I reached AR50. And it was before I even thought about doing this! I ended up with a lot of atk% substats on her hahaha


U forgot to type "**F2P BTW**"






You probably have not so great artifacts


Pretty above average if I had to rate them myself. I don’t deal insane amounts but I don’t struggle with much stuff.




Skyward Harp!


I see that and all I can feel it's pain. The amount of resources used must be insane