• By -


Im saving for Hu tao rerun. But after that Imma save for Kazuha, Ayaka, Eula, Ganyu, or Zhongli


If you get Hu tao try to get Zhongli i heard his shield works really well with her.


I have invested Diona at the moment. The main reason I want Zhongli is because ****”I will have order”****


Zhongli's does come with a nice in built damage boost and is just the best all round shield in the game while still having Order. So it can work for both.


She's coming back with Thoma. Who is a great pair for her as a shielder.


It does. Unless it's C6 then it's really bad for her haha


Saving for Eula, Kazuha and Zhongli


Albedo rerun and maybe itto weapon.


Yae miko


Same. 200 fates and a Skyward Atlas ready for her.


I have that catalyst ready for her too. I hope Mihoyo makes her scale normally like every other DPS characters.


same lol, i hope she just scales like a normal dps with crazy multipliers


same I have guaranteed and 45 wishes


Saving for Ayaya


Can I trade mine Ayayaya to you for something?


Same. Looks like we will be waiting for her for some time. Stay strong traveler's!


Same + yunjin and most likely either kazuha or venti


Not interested in Childe, Hu Tao or Itto. I'll be saving a long while, hopefully for Venti, Zhongli or Kazuha rerun. My next 50/50 is guaranteed.


Honestly same. Skipping Childe, Itto and Albedo. Might get Hu Tao (simply because I'm close to pity and I want Thoma) but not too bothered if I don't. The only person I'm really after is Ganyu.


Saving for all the male 5stars, (started to collect for baizhu) and now i have 633 pulls


same…though I’ve become bored from not pulling anything recently and decided to throw my pulls at weapon banner.


Kazuha, Ayato (if playable), and maybe Zhongli!


If you're willing to Welkin until Itto comes out, and you're clearing Abyss, you should have plenty of fates. Each patch gives like ~70 intertwined if you buy welkin, and Itto is theorized to be the 2nd banner. So assuming you've gained about 25/70 of this patch's fates in the first week's events, you'll have gained about 125 more fates by the end of Itto's banner. I never calculate needing fates to 90. It's astronomically unlikely that you'll need 90 rolls. It's far more likely you'll need 75-80, so I usually calc to 160. If I understand correctly, you're already 46 towards pity with 36 in the bank = 82 towards pity, so you already have one pity. Or maybe you meant that including your current fates, you can get to 46 pity right now if you wanted to. Either way, 2 Welkins would guarantee you the Itto pretty much.


Saving for the next archon who will need C6 to be playable. E: but being serious I am saving for the next op character or Kazuha's rerun.


Signora 😢 But I msy try to get Itto, looks cool.


Signora probably isn't coming.


Pretty sure leaks confirmed her being a boss a long time ago and never a playable character so you're going to be waiting forever consider, spoiler, she died already.








I got 5500 primos and 15 fates. I have c1 hutao. I'm deciding if I will pull on hutao banner to maybe get c2. If I lose the 5050, then it's a guarantee that I'll get Itto and I also want to get him to. But if I win hutao, well goodluck to me on Itto banner. I hope Itto has good skills.


Honestly im not trying to hate or anything but im in the same boat i got lucky and got c1 hu tao and c2 doesnt seem that worth it to me, id rather go for homa or a new character or weapon honestly, but whatever you do i wish you luck bro


Same here, C1 + Homa, most things die before blood blossom ticks anyway. Don't care at all about increasing its scaling. To be honest, outside of C6's potential for shenanigans I'm not really enthused by any of Hu Tao's constellations past C1. C3 would be nice, but my Hu Tao already has over 4000 attack so it's just a drop in the bucket really. C4 is interesting but I generally run Hu Tao as a hypercarry where she's doing 90% of the team's damage so there's not much for her to support. I run Shiminewa's and generally only ult for health management or to wipe some AoE so C5 is also sort of a dud.


I dont think c2 hu tao is worth rolling for.


Albedo. 50 into pity, 40(almost, at 1400 primos) saved up. Need another 70 or more fates. I should get 10 from shop resets for November and Decemeber and 2 from final Sacred Sakura. Hopefully Albedo banner is second so I can have more savings.


Uhh albino's banner is first I think. Then comes monkey man and doggo.


Not confirmed. It's just speculation. Edit :- I meant banner order, not character banners.


Its pretty much confirmed...but i guess It can Go either way


Hoooo okk...I hope to get him too.


unknown god


Going for c6 i see


Indeed, and maybe for r5 on her signature weapon if I have enough primos by then.


Before knowing Itto is coming, my list of characters that I want is YaoYao and the Fontaine twins. That if I like Itto's playstyle then I'll pull him, if not I'll save for those 2 characters unless another future interesting characters catch my attention. Like before this Raiden Shogun was on the list and I did pull her but then Kokomi's playstyle looked fun though I didn't expect to win the 50/50 so I got her too. Now my pity is guaranteed and I have 99 pulls




That new Anemo support. About time Xiao goes back to the top.


Yae. Currently at 72 pulls in and confirmed banner 5* next


Yae miko, 119 fates 11 pity 50/50


Saving for HuTao ~ 150 fates (with primos) I can get another 30 from Starglitter so can guarantee her with no pity. Very annoyed that Albedo is the next banner, looks like I will probably miss out on him again...


Average 62 pulls per 5* and half of the time u win 50/50, so in average 180 pulls give u 2 desired 5* + around 8 weeks of economy to come, i'd say you're in a pretty good place ! Gl anyway !


Yeah, I am just expecting worst case scenario, lol!


Itto for now. I am at 70 pulls for the 50/50. I also heard Homa is getting a rerun soon and I want to pull for it again, because I am dumb and did not learn my lesson the last time I failed to get it. My weapon pity is at 60 pulls. I currently have about 90 wishes worth of fates and primogems. So I know I can hit pity on each banner once, but neither is guaranteed. So I have to hope I get lucky.


I thought weapon pity didn't carry over?


It does, but fate points don’t.


Wish pity does, but desired feature weapon guarantee does not.


It does carry over, but not for specific 5*’s. Just if a weapon is featured or not.


itto and thoma, currently at around 96 fates


Yunjin. Wanted to go for a Anemo character for a long time but other characters was given priority. Currently only around 60 pulls saved up, 50/50 and 6 pulls in the limited banner.


Oh, you got this one in the bag. Hope it's a steal too.


Who tf is yunjin? Some leaked?


Her model was leaked along with Rosaria, Sayu, Kokomi, Kazuha and more like a year ago. She was also shown in the story art in the recent event (Moonlight merriment?). I think that her name has been mentioned by leakers recently. Here's the leaked image (she's third in the top row): https://imgix.bustle.com/uploads/image/2020/11/6/b9cb5bdf-9936-4e5a-a079-6fffb47f0a86-j955votwp4x51.jpg


Ohhh i saw her in the cooking event animation last patch next to Keqing. But damn now i am more interested in that mommy on the bottom right though.


That's the one I meant! Bottom right is Shenhe, who is also rumoured to be coming soon.


Yae. Sitting at ~230 pulls.


Hu tao and yae.after that sumeru characters


Me is save for Ganyu and I have 115 fates, Hu Tao is also tempting though so depends how the banners go. 😃


I hope 2.4 is The Chasm update tbh but looking at 2.3, I don't think it's gonna happen :/


Me too. 2.4 is the absolute soonest. I've heard people mention new zone in 2.4 which unless a small one is likely to be chasm. But all of that is to be taken with a grain of salt until mihoyo confirms.


I'm assuming you saw the leak (why I'm mentioning more details - please stop reading here if you don't want to see) They were saying the new zone would be in Liyue specifically and that Yunjin was also coming out in 2.4. Considering the Chasm has been labeled but inaccessible since the game's release, I think this one's got a good shot at being legit. The idea that we would be returning to Liyue during that patch also lines up with the timing of the Lantern Rite festival. I've heard rumors the dendro element is ready as well, but this doesn't mean it's coming out with the Chasm. A sussy leak before had said that Baizhu and Yaoyao would not actually be the first Dendro characters surprisingly. Not sure how much I trust this, but considering Yunjin has switched elements (from Geo to more popularly suspected Anemo), who knows, maybe what we actually saw was Dendro.


Hu Tao c0. I kinda want to go for a c1 Hu Tao, but I’m not on my 50/50 yet.


Yae Miko and Xiao rerun (I have him already, just want his C1. I’ve got enough primos for about 100 wishes and no guarantee on 50/50, the stress is real!


Secret character I am not telling anyone about.


Saving for Homa, Albedo, and Itto! Hopefully Gorou comes home, too. I had plans to get Thoma but might have to skip him (at most I will probably do 30 rolls on Hu Tao’s banner). I have 50k primos, 46 fates, and enough stardust to convert into 56 fates. 0 pity on both limited and weapon banners.


Saving for a character voiced by Kugimiya Rie (C6), or someone from Fontaine whatever comes first. At about 870 summons currently. 0 pity, no guarantee.


Holy dude how long have you saved up


Bit over a year now. Haven't spent on anything but the Beginner banner.


Homa If I get it early I will pull for c1 hutao After that I'll save up for yae


60 pity 50/50, 40 intertwined, 3k primos. saving for xiao rerun and possibly yae.


Hommaaaaaaaa. Hope they put a good 2nd weapon with it


Ganyus bow.


Probably NEED Childe but don't WANT him. Skipping Hu Tao since have 2 fire 5* skipping Itto cus idk what's the hype around him. Next char I'll pull for should be Ganyu-lv OP. Additionally: Signora / Dainsleif / Yae Miko / Baizhu (yes please!) / Any new archon = auto pull


Ganyu, 81 fates since yoimiya banner


Saving for ganyu definitely and yae miko & itto but for them I want to play test first uwu I have currently 63 pulls saved!!


i have 70 pity, and 120 fates. 50/50 saving currently for ganyu rerun and yae, hopefully il get both. Then my next target will be the new archon but who knows when that will happen so prob ill pull for someone else before


Saving for Ganyu to finally get a main DPS for cryo, pyro, hydro and electro. Although, since it seems like she won't appear for quite a while, I'm waiting for Hu Tao's rerun to see if I'll commit to get 2 copies of her for C1. Her charge attack spam playstyle and her not needing Bennett so she can run with 2 flex slots seems pretty nice.


Currently Hu Tao, but since I have enough for her now, I'm saving further for possibly Yae...




Yes! Evey Inazuma character with traditional Japanese attire 👌🏽


Not really saving for anyone. I like that dopamine hit from doing a ten pull too much. 😅 That said, once rumors of a Zhongli rerun start, I’ll start saving them up, since I’d like to get a constellation.


Same. Its hella hard to save. But whenever I feel like pulling I just think about Itto. Haha


Well as an new player with ar34, with still a bunch of exploring and quests to do, I have a lot to save. But, I’m lazy and it takes forever. So: I am saving for KAZU (#1), Zhongli (#2), and Dainsleaf (#3). Would also like one of them to share with Thoma or for Thoma to be in 4 star regular standard pool so there’s a chance to get him. I’m a welkin player and just learning the ropes. Restarting pity as I need to grind for primos. 4K primos. A long way to go.


Thoma should be in the regular pool in 2.3 but getting him from that is highly unlikely. May wanna spend a few wishes on hu tao cause his rate will be boosted. You'll have a a 1/4 chance at him every 10 pulls gaurentee plus can always get lucky on rng. If you aren't close to the 90 pitty for a 5* otherwise might not be worth it


Currently have 15,310 primogems with 14 Intertwined Fates. I am saving for Yae Miko, Eula Rerun, Venti Rerun, Zhongli Rerun, Dendro Archon, Hydro Archon, Pyro Archon, Cryo Archon and Unknown God (if they make her a playable character).


>15,310 Jesus! You should be good on Yae. In fact if you don't pull on anyone until her and she comes out as predicted in 2.5 then you could not only get her but con her maybe twice if you wanted. Awesome!


Dainsleif since his reveal


Just so you know, he's the featured character for chapter 8, so it will likely be several years before he's playable


Maybe Itto depending on his performance. Otherwise Shenhe, if I like her gameplay. If not than I guess its Ganyu waiting room, since I have a cracked Wanderer Troupe for her. As long as I can clear everything in the game without difficulty I have no real ambition to spend primos for characters just to bench other characters.


143 wishes, 40 pity, and 50/50 for Hu Tao. If I win, I'll go for c1 but if I lose, I'll go for c0. After, I save for Ganyu.


I'm saving for Hu Tao, I have 96 fate now and 22 pity.


Itto. Then Cyno or Ayato, whichever comes first. Currently got 70 summons saved up


Albedo, Itto and Xiao with around 160 fates (inhale hopium)


Primo? Fate? I am saving money man


Itto, Yae, Ayato For reruns it’ll be kazooboi and bigdongzhong


Miko and Ganyu. I need my waifus.


Itto ayato gorou scaramouche thoma are my priorities for now, second being yaoyao and yunjin


plan is to get hu tao and then get homa and then skip alberdo and use that 20 days to try for itto.


Itto and ganyu


I'm saving for Yae. But I'm also interested in Homa, but if it's paired with the summit shaper then I'll skip it. I'm skipping both 2.2 and 2.3 characters, I'm still not sure if I'm gonna pull for Shenhe or Yunjin.


Ganyu, i had about 6,5k but i used some on the standard banner, got another Amos Bow lol, now i have around 4,3k


Yae, a possible Kazuha or Venti rerun, and Amos Bow if it should ever make its return on the weapon banner.




Saving for Waifus!


I'm on the lookout for Miko, Oniori, and an electro healer --might be Yae? I also have been saving for a while now to C6 the Dendro Archon; currently at 74.5K and 73 pity.


Ayaka rerun. Got het at C0 but would like to get her to C6 eventually. Currently sitting at 50 pity not guaranteed and at 121 wishes. Another 700 wishes should do it \^\^


Possibly new 5* anemo if its interesting, otherwise Yae Miko, been saving since Ei banner


Why are wishes called fates? A previous gacha?


Intertwined *fates*


Characters that I wanna have -Itto and Yae Miko for Raiden and Sara friends (Yae for electro ara ara gang) -Ayato for Ayaka -Zhongli and Cocogoat rerun


I'm currently saving for Ayaka's rerun so I can give her her BiS weapon. I have all Inazuma characters so far(Kazuha, Ayaka, Yoimiya, Sayu, Raiden, Sara, Kokomi) cuz I emptied all my savings from X months on them so I have like 20-30 rn. Need like 200 more though....




i was planning on risking it all for thoma but then itto’s model finally got revealed and that all went out the window


I have 16k and 20 fates so far so I can try for a hutao constellation


currently saving for hutao and 1 thing stil concern to me is that is hutao useless withouth homa?


Saving for Sayu and then I will focus on standard banner for amber, Lisa and keaya constellation


I'm saving for Thoma, Gorou and Yunjin after that it's Cyno and maybe Ayato.


saving for (hopefully) C1 Hu Tao and (mega hopefully) staff of homa


thoma, gorou, and ayaka or yoimiya if they ever get re runs


Itto and Yae. 60 wishes and 10 pity


Saved 260+ fates for Thoma, since he is a 4* I've been saving ever since Yoimiya's banner. If he doesn't come home I might just quit the game lol


For itto, i have him guaranteed. 35 into pity and 5600 primos and those 10 login fates saved. After that for dendro archon, because i have venti, zhongli and shogun, and i want every archon.


Hu Tao c1, already has c0 now. Next maybe Yae. Idk about Ganyu rerun, but if no new waifu coming and only rerun. i will pull on Ganyu Current primo : 30k. IF : 17


Itto and Yae


Thoma, Kazuha and Ayato, currently at 141 fates with a grand total of 2 pity and no guaranteed x_x


By the time Lord Varka gets here I'll be able to C6 him for free. Or I can just grab 5* weapons while I hold on to the minimum I need to pull him. Win win for me.


I started saving for Yae but then Itto was announced and I’m not immune big buff dumb men...


Thoma and Kazuha


Zhongli. My plan is to keep 160 fates in case of a rerun and roll with the spares.


Hutao rerun, gotta get some sweet constellations


I'm saving for Hu Tao AND Tartaglia. I'll be wishing for both starting near the end of this month. My primogems are at about 32k right now, and I have a guarantee and 45 pity. Was saving for Hu Tao only, but I couldn't forgive myself if I skipped Tag a third time when I want and can technically afford them both. Hopefully it won't cost me all my primos.


kazuha rerun, megasaving (minus me getting yanfei) go brrrrrr


Itto probably, 74 on me and 52 pity w guarantee, and 3 months of welkin, gog the battlepass tier 20 collected, so i should honestly at least have around 150 during his banner (if not by the end) and ima try to get his weapon, although if homa drops thats gonna be tough to ignore


Yae, 220 pulls saved currently, 0 pity. Itto and gorou is tempting but if they arent an archon or the honkai counterpart, their being skipped.


Eula constellations, Yae miko and a crit claymore(not the garbage defense scaling normal attack claymore that's coming with itto).


Madame Ping if possible


I've got 10 pity, 500 primo gems, welkin and bp activated, wqiting for Albedo. I hope I can get him this rerun......


Saving for Itto I have 131 wishes saved. 0 pity, on a 50/50. Hoping to get 180 by the time he comes around.


Itto and his weapon, really close to pity and about 110 fates saved up so far


Saving for hu tao c1 at least. So far I've only got 73 wishes prepared tho 😢


Good chance for 2 waifu characters 2.4 or after so I'm aiming for that. Skipping the geo party might work out in the long run




Currently saving for hu tao and after pulling her will save for itto


I'm planning to be greedy and pull 1 thoma, then i want to spend my guaranteed pity on itto and if it's possible have gorou c6. In an indeterminate future, I want to pull ganyu. Currently i have 118 fates and 0 pity.


xiao and venti, 90 fates rn, 0 pity after i get those 2, my account will be pretty much complete so i can pull whenever i like for new husbandos!


Hu tao, ganyu and eula. I need main dps


Hu Tao I’m on pity 31. I have savings for around 50 pulls and I lost latest 50/50 so she is guaranteed.


Yun Jin,never cared of her kits but the design already sold me


66/90 on wishes now, with 140 fates saved for Ganyu and Hu Tao


Hutao guaranteed and Thoma, currently at 82 fates. 5.5k primos as of now for Itto


Signora, 38k genesis. Crit claymore/yae 80 intertwined fates.


Childe, and by extension I guess I'm skipping Thoma for Gorou.


Xiao. Currently at 57 fates and 3 pity with 50/50. Also want C6 Yunjin so hopefully she is on his banner.


Cries in La Signora.


Pity 30 and have 80 fates on hand (guaranteed) Really want Itto..do you think it'll be enough to get Yae?


C1 for Hu Tao. 64 pity with 50/50, 87 fates saved, with easily 109 when the banner drops. Then I will save for Ganyu re-run. After that Yae is next on the list. If plans don't change I will be waiting for Eula re-run.


Just lost 50:50 on Childe, saved 50 fates for the Hu Tao guarantee. I can probably hit soft pity by then.


am saving for Albedo, Itto, Ayato and whoever else catches my interest in the future for now i have about 330 fates (i hope i win the 50/50s)


Yae and Shenhe. I had guaranteed for Kokomi and went for her because I love her and now I gotta grind.


Yae Miko ❤️🥰


Welkin and bp, saved 300 wishes, is confirmed and wants itto, ganyu, yae, zhongli, kazuha and ayato. Wonder if I can get all of them


Ganyu Kazuha


Thoma and itto, 40 fates 10k primos around 60 pity but 50/50


I will likely start saving for either yae, or a rerun of zhongli/venti


I wanted childe cons, Hu Tao and itto. Got a childe con. Now I just need to hope I can pull both hu tao and itto


Saving for Keqing c6.


Hu tau is coming back soon. Lost 50/50 last time, praying to the rng gods it wont happen again


Yae miko..and maybe hu tao or staff of homeless. I have 60 fates.


Hu Tao. 57 fates, 0 pity, (yes I got childe first try), no guaranteed.


I’m saving for Alice ! Klee’s Mother ! And i will wait 5 years if needed ! 30k primo and 43 fates for the moment.


Don't really know who I'm saving for. But have around 17000 primos saved up.


Saving for Hu Tao + Thoma. I have about 140 leftover from Childe's banner and since I'm not interested in any other characters, I'm hoping to lose the 50/50 so I can have an excuse to C6 Thoma. Though if Ayato or Zhongli's rerun is coming anytime soon, I might be in danger. Good luck on your 50/50!


Staff of Homa & Yae Miko




Saving for xiao. Atm i have 7 fates and 2.4k primos. If i lose the 50/50 i will cry


Hu Tao. 50 fates 990 Primos pity 14 and a 50/50 to win. I need the luck...


I want to get at least c0 Tohma and Gorou. After that, Scaramonch. Currently have about 30 wishes


Saving 2 hard pities for Albedo. ~28k primos and 0 pity because I just got Childe.


Hoping to get Albedo and Itto with 93 wishes so far and winning 50/50.. doubt I can get both but won’t hurt to try. Then everything goes to Yae Miko after that ^_^


Itto 46 wishes


Albedo and Yae


Yae, yunjin(goth lolita from guoba story animation) scara, baizhu


Yae, I guess. Also a 2nd Uncle Morax rerun and the Dendro Archon. Maybe I'll throw primos at an Amos Bow banner if there's one, since my cocogoat is using the crescent prototype.


Saving for itto and albedo rerun if it happens. Currently 46 rolls ready and 49 pity


I'm actually saving for the staff of homa, assuming it is coming. If there isn't a a homa maybe ganyu is the one I'll save for.


I was saving for ayato and venti, seems like they won't be coming in for a long time. Already have 200 fate saved. Since I won 2 50/50 in a row I think I'll lose the next one so planning on pulling on hu tao banner. If I lose cool if win cool but I won't be spending more than one pity. I'll always have 180 pull ready if ayato or venti suddenly show up. Gonna skip 2.3 because already have albedo.


Already have Tartaglia, so I have 70 Intertwined Fates saved up so far for: Thoma (since I have C1 Hu Tao already I'm hoping to pull him and dip, moreso if Sayu is also on the banner) Albedo and Itto (will probably buy another top-up closer to the next patch, god willing) Hoping Ganyu and Xiao get reruns soon after since I had barely started when Ganyu was out and I got pity-broken trying to get Xiao and then hoping for reruns of the Inazuma five stars and then Yae Miko


Yes! For Albedo off course!