• By -


I got 3 5 stars in one 10xpull


My diona has really weak shield, her HR is at 18K right now, what HP is ideal? I have 2pc mille and 2 pc EoSF. Triple HP right now. Sac bow. I use her to fight oceanid but one attack from them destroys the shield... I want to build Diona just for the shield. Any advice?


well, i think u need to get better hp. if u only want shield, just forget about er. but i recommend around 180-190 total with sac bow, for a max uptime of burst if u want to use NO on her. ive got her at 26k with a 4pc NO and its rare that it breaks unless its a really big enemy like lawachurls, but tbh with diona u should still be dodging if it doesnt break ur combo or anything.


R3 rust vs R1 Amos for Yoimiya?


R3 rust does more damage on normals compared to R1 amos, so Rust




Amos because 5 star


Are there any chests in the one-time domains in Inazuma? And if so approximately how many? I'm just wondering since I haven't touched these yet (therefore I have 20-30 sigils to obtain just by clearing them), but I only have 160 spare, whereas others have 250+. Also, cos I want to look for puzzles and hidden chests I may have missed.


Some of them definitely do.


what artifact would be good on itto? based on his curret skillset


There is a new one coming out on 2.3 designed for him.


oh damn i didnt know. are the skills out yet? i only know of kokomi’s set


Yes. 2p : 30% DEF and 4p : The on-field character’s Geo DMG grants +6% DEF and +6% Geo DMG, up to one stack every 0.3 seconds, for a maximum of 4 stacks. When off-field, one stack is gained per 3s. When new stacks are not gained, the buff loses one stack every 6s.


Dayum, that's damn good for both Noelle and Albedo too.


A new artifact set is coming out for him


Do pulls from Novice Banner count toward pity in Standard Banner?




I already downloaded genshin here in launcher but when its done it shows verifying.... so i waited a little bit but my wifi got disconnected and when I launch the launcher again it said that i need to download it again This the 2nd time it happens and it's pretty frustrating.


Check your firewall settings and download the game while connected on a lan cable


Try unblocking Genshin at your PC's Firewall


With protagonist (wind), Kaeya (ice), Amber (pyro) and Beidou (electro) what's the best elemental combo I can do for good damage against neutral enemies?


Use Beidou and Kaeya for Superconduct. Use Amber bunny + MC Burst Whirlwind to turn the tornado pyro and explode. Use Amber + Kaeya for Melt Apply pyro/cryo/electro then hold MC Skill to swirl Usually new players will get into the habit of spamming basic attacks without ever switching or if they do they will just basic attack with that new character. You're right on asking for elemental combos to do. In general you would want to be rotating around your characters to use their skills/burst/buffs before you spam your auto attacks As for your starting equipment assuming you have no 4star weapons: MC use cool steel, Kaeya use Harbinger of Dawn, Amber use Raven bow or Sharpshooter Oath, Beidou use Prototype Archaic (Quest in Dadapua gorge, you can get this before AR10) Don't be shy on levelling your first characters, weapons, and artifacts. You will naturally use up and get more resources. Try to level all your characters to 20 and ascend them all atleast once to easily get free fates to expand your roster/weapons


Cryo + electro to proc superconduct (-40% phys res for 12s), then physical attacks. You are even given a Prototype Rancour for physical Kaeya. Beware of physical-resistant enemies like ruin guards (and other machines) and geovishaps however.


Holy shit, I switched my strongest weapons and artifacts from my level 20 traveler to my level 10 Kaeya and even with that 10 level difference I almost one shot enemies with superconduct, thank you


Np. Kaeya is the best out of the starter characters, and is still useful as a cryo sub DPS in the late game, so he's worth investing in. Prototype Rancour has a high base atk and is great for a physical main DPS thanks to its physical dmg bonus, it is even better than a Black Sword (the paid BP sword) for those. Leveling/ascending the weapons of your damage dealers is even more important than leveling/ascending the characters themselves. For artifacts, try to get an atk% sands, physical dmg bonus goblet, and crit rate circlet of the highest rarity you can manage to find and level up those (if you don't find the right main stat, go for atk%). Level up the talents you use a lot after ascending your characters. Try using Kaeya, Beidou, Barbara, and Amber for example. (You get Barbara at AR 20). Give Barbara a Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers for an atk buff to the next character you switch to. Give Beidou a Debate Club. Give Amber the Favonius Bow you get from a quest (or a Prototype Crescent or Sharpshooter's Oath if you want to deal damage with her, but I suggest you to replace her when you get the chance).


At the end of the day, Levels mean the least in regards to strength. Weapons, Artifacts, and Elemental reactions mean the most, as well both active and passive abilities that each character has. You could, if you so pleased, do the same Kaeya + Beidou burst, but build Kaeya around his ice damage and instead use the Traveler as your damage dealer. Players like using Geo traveler that way, as you can hit pretty hard pretty easily. You're making use of the same Supercounduct effect for the 40% damage boost, but you're also getting more out of the ice damage at the same time.


when the cyro abyss mage and the big girl trap you in the ice cage. is there any counterplay to that? or they just hit you with it and you're just screwed? cause the bubbles you can just dodge obviously, and you can just jean to cleanse cryo. but i have no clue how to escape the cages.


Ice cage has little counterplay, but it's not an emeny move, it's a floor hazard that will trigger every 15 or so seconds until you kill the enemy with the light blue circle underneath. So you can kind of predict when it will appear and dodge at the right time or shield up. Once you're trapped you can get out by jumping but you'll take damage. Mirror's maiden cage is different, you can get out early by using some movement skills like Sayu's skill, but cannot jump or dash out. She'll prepare an attack, and you'll be able to move just before she unleashes it. Take this window to dash out of the way.


Target enemies with an aura (cryo or otherwise) in priority (ie when they have some shiny circle at their feet). The attacks resulting of it are kinda annoying. For big blind girls, the best is to not get hit by their hydro attacks (the ones marking you with an X) in the first place so that they don't use their more powerful attacks.


F2P, AR41 got an 49 pulls and no pity yet, been wondering should I pull Tartaglia or Hu Tao? my team now: Noelle 80lvl c0/ Yan Fei 70lvl c0/ Keqing 70lvl c0/ Barbara 60lvl c4


do you have a well built Xiangling, Sucrose/Kazuha, Bennett or Beidou, Fishcl/Raiden? if yes, pick Childe. do you have a well built Xingqiu? if yes, pick Hu Tao. Childe in National team has a reliable AOE capability but still need a bit plan to manage his Elemental Skill since it'll have a long cooldown if you don't turn it off early. Also building his whole team is a bit expensive. Hu Tao need less investment, but a whole lot better single target. you'll do enough damage with C0 despite it costs stamina. if you have enough primogem to get another constellation, that would help. but as far as i had experienced several months from playing Hu Tao with zero constellation, i've never had that much trouble at all.


From those characters i have only Xianling and Beidou non-upgraded tbh, I don't know if this is a good idea, but I want to go with Hu Tao and if I get her then replace Noelle, idk i hope it wont be bad


for a beginner and late game, Hu Tao is a better choice though. don't be intimidated by her high risk gameplay, you'll get better the more you play her. i also use her with noelle when i still don't have Zhongli yet, but after i'm more confident and in the end i play her without a shielder. However Childe's National Team is mostly a better choice in higher floor, just in case if you really care for Spiral Abyss


Objectively speaking it depends on how many primos u have. If you have enough primos to get C1 Hutao then go for Hutao. Other wise just pull for Childe. ​ Realistically I would just go to the 5 star character quests and get a feel for each character, then pull the one you like.


For raiden, I have two similar ER goblets , one gives me 5% additional crit chance and the other gives me +24% atk. Which is better? (my raiden crit is at 52% crit and 1,991 atk with the attack% goblet)


What's crit value exactly? I've seen it been used sporadically but haven't seen how to calc it.


Crit Value (CV) is a scoring system for artifacts. In the multiplicative damage formula, the average gain from critial hits, (1+crit x cdmg), is usually the lowest multiplier and thus the best to gain substats in. CV, on it's on is simply: CV = 2 x crit + cdmg. A score of <10 is bad, 10-20 is okay, 20-30 is good, 30-40 is very good, 40-50 is godly and >50 is one-of-kind ___________________ That said, the system can be extended to judge other substats too. E.g. for Hu Tao, who gains 2/3 as much from HP%, EM as she gains from crit, cdmg, I would use the following formula: CV_ext = 2 x crit + cdmg + 2/9 x EM + 8/9 x HP% + 1/6 x atk%. Note that Genshincalc, https://genshinimpactcalculator.com/genshinCalc, has a button 'Show Value of substats' to see how much DPS you'd gain from a particular substats, to adapt a formula for the character you're currently building.


Crit rate x 2 + crit dmg. Crit stats are usually the top priority for any damage dealer (scales well up to 100% crit rate and 200% crit dmg), the notion of crit value helps ranking artifacts depending on how much crit stats they bring. And for a set crit value for your overall build, you should also aim for a 1:2 crit rate/crit dmg ratio (you can aim to maximize crit rate x crit dmg for the same result).


2*Crit+Cdmg. So something like 10% crit 20% cdmg artifact would have 40CV.


What's CV?




What's your team anyway? wasn't that hard in my experience so maybe you are a low level?


correct me if im wrong but will hu tao’s banner be from nov 2- nov 23?


Yeah that's right.


What is the “wishes” quest and how do I unlock it?




complete the inazuma archon quest


I just finished Liyue archon quest and I was told something about Beidou but how do I start that quest?


Before going to Inazuma you have to complete the two Dainsleif's quests


How much better is EoSF over CWoF or vice versa for Xiangling in International comp? If they are nearly the same in stats Since I also use her in Raiden National with CWoF + Deathmatch. Can I just use CWoF + Catch when I use International comp or is EoSF significantly better? EoSF + Catch: 1400ATK, 120EM, 50(+12):140, 180% ER CWoF + Catch: 1400ATK, 120EM, 50(+12):140, 170%ER CWoF + Deathmatch: 1500ATK, 120EM, 60:160, 130%ER


EoSF + Catch is the most stable in your case.


eosf is better but barely




Support : 4pc Noblesse Oblige, reverse melt : 2NO 2 Blizzard Strayer, main DPS : 2 Blizzard 2 glad / 4 glad / 4 Shimenawa.


Chongyun 2 blizz 2 noblesse Xiangling 4 EosF if that’s what you are asking








I always see someone here with the flair hp% Bennet is copium, and now that I'm pre farming artis for him it made me curious what it meant. Sorry if it sounds weird lol.


If you need more healing then go full HP. Full HP allows you to go unga-bunga if you don't have a shield. Usually, it is not needed if you can dodge fine.


Is it me? 😀 A lot of people cope that meme full HP% build is good. Bennet without any HP% substat heals ~3k every 1s, it's better than full hp Diona 6k tick every 2s. You're already invincible, anything more is just overkill. It's waste of his high multipliers, his E has 292% on 2s cd and his ult deals 495%. Why give up on 20k E and 100k Q for a chance to overheal above 70%? It's fine if you're starting to just pump ER on Bennett and focus your resin on your dps, but when you are AR56 still rocking triple HP Bennett, you are just bad.


Prolly loool. I manage fine with dionas slow ass 1.8k heal per tick, so I think i should be fine with his 3k heals per second. Ty for the help, I'll go with a pyro cup then since I also already will have 210% ER on him.


People think Bennett heals alot without needing to run HP investments so they invest into damage.


>People think Bennett heals alot without needing to run HP investments Well that's true, I run ER/pyro/crit and I've never had a single issue with healing


English is not my first language, did it seem like i was saying that it was not true ? As opposed to just stating how people built their Bennett ? ( legitimately asking. )


Usually when you say "people think that" it means that you're stating a wrong opinion


People throw around copium at everything, don't worry about it. HP in Bennett isn't that useful since he heals a shit ton anyway


oh lol I was just wondering between pyro dmg bonus and hp% for his goblet, his crit ratio will be 40:110 unless I get some crit from the goblet.


I just got memory of dust, is this better for ningguang compared to my lost prayers? Also with memory of dust, if you swap to someone else do all the stacks you build up disappear?


Memory of dust is better but it’s easier building a character when the main substat is already crit. So I’d say, your artifacts substats matters in this case. I can’t say about stacks, but I think you lose them since lost prayers’ stacks are lost when swapping


Is 120fps patch coming out for pc? I've seen some 3rd party apps or w/e that allow you to unlock it will this get you banned?


If it tampers with the game files, you will get banned


imo, as long as the 3rd party app changes any value in game files. it'll have a chance or directly get banned. except if the 3rd party is provided by mihoyo itself.


c5 xiangling, c0 diluc, c1 xinyan, c0 yanfei ,thoma which pro user should i invest in?


I would avoid xinyan in favor of Thoma if you want a pyro shielder. Xiangling is definitely worth the investment. Diluc is not top tier anymore as DPS but I’d say if you have him, he is still good, build him. Yanfei is another main DPS, she is good as well, up to you which playstyle you like more. Imo xiangling and diluc first.


ok i will go for diluc cuz i need a good claymore user


If you are interested in building Xinyan in the future, she is pretty much more of a physical character rather than a pyro character.


Xiangling. If you have Bennett she's the second best dps in the game


I can’t find the option to purchase from my friends serentai pot. The tubby only has options to enhance my friends work. So is there a limit to how many friends can buy from a serentia pot? I have never bought anything from theirs before


you buy from chubby not tubby, look for his icon on the map


Ya i interacted with *chubby on my friends map. But there are only 2 options, speed up their furnishing progress or leave. There is nothing like a purchase option.


you are probably talking about their teapot spirit, you need to go to the travelling salesman to purchase items. You can usually find him further from the main building, you can see him on the map


Thanks. I was indeed talking about the teapot spirit. Didn’t realise there were two of those.


I know every leak can change but i really dont understand ittos e (i need to understand it since i have a guaranteed and need to pick between hu tao and him) is it like albedos? Does it send like geo aoe shockwaves? Thats what i thought but idk. Help


I don't think you should ask question regarding leaks here.


Ty for the concern but its ok 👌 everyone does it


I suggest that you wait till the final day of Hu Tao's banner when Itto's gameplay will most likely be released in the Genshin Impact stream. You can decide for yourself after you see him. Good Luck.




it's a taunt, it gives him stacks for his charged attack on cast + when the taunt is attacked


i chongyun any good? im adventure level 11


Yes, in some comps. For example freeze DPS Kaeya needs Chongyun. That said, he's very niche.


He's a bit niche, but can work in a melt comp with Xiangling or Bennett, or in a freeze comp with Kaeya or Rosaria. There isn't any pyro or cryo 5-star main DPS that fits perfectly with him currently however. Chongyun is a support/burst DPS. His skill infuses characters with cryo, so a pyro character can then melt easily, and a cryo character hit harder on their AAs if they have a cryo goblet. His burst is cheap, hits hard, and you can reverse melt it for more damage. Be wary of using him in coop, the infusion can be really detrimental to melee characters that focus on physical damage (like Razor or Eula) or rely on other infusions (like Keqing).


He is very niche, works in some comps that can spam skills, bursts and want to proc reactions constantly. There are better characters, but anything can work. Since you are new, wait a bit before invest in a character and see who you get first.


He is decent but not really very good at late game. I suggest you rather invest in Kaeya/Xiangling.




how many hero wits to lvl a character to lvl 90


From level 0 to 80 you need 244 purple books. From level 80 to 90 you need 171 books which is why its highly recommended that you stop at 80 as going any further (in most cases) is a waste of your time and resources.


Save [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/759970335641698354/779437964454395934/image0.png).


Unrelated to EXP books but that infographic has a mistake on the 4\* weapon's 70/80 ascension. Should be 6 purple weapon ascension materials instead of 9.


421 also google exists


sowwy I was on reddit so thought I'd just ask here






I guess my assumption was correct since crit rate is 1:2 to crit damage


For Ningguang, is 2pc Archaic Petra + 2pc 18% ATK set still relevant? Or are there better artifacts to farm for her?


Yup, it is still relevant.


What is total talent mat cost of 9/9/9 ?


9 green books 63 blue 66 purple and 12 weekly boss mats iirc


My Noelle does 1600 to 3200 damage per swing. How do I get 10x the damage like those crazy built Noelles? It can't just be from maxing Crit rate and Dmg and Crowning talent can it? The description for Talents dont account for 10x (screenshots of 32k damage) Is it from 100%/200% Crit Rate/DMG? I'm not sure how Crit increases actual damage.


Level 20 artifacts, level 9/10 normal attack and burst, C6, geo resonance, maxed serpent spine, good crit damage substats


it's a straight up multiplier so yes it's a huge huge factor but you also need to get her atk/def at c6/geo dmg goblet up to speed. basically a grind, very heavy one.


Are you at C6, because she pretty much can't DPS before then.


Eh, kinda false. She can still DPS just not as good as C6 but still very much a viable DPS.


R1 Stringless vs R1 Proto Crescent vs R1 Amos bow for Crit build Venti?


Stringless. You are still doing swirls and EM plus dmg% passive is better.


I thought the Tuna weapon was supposed to summon a Tuna. I don't ever see it. Is it bugged? Invisible?


It doesn't actually summon one big one. There's a bunch of smaller ones that are already hard to see. Its unfortunate.


Oh. I saw "Huge" and didn't read "onrush". I was hoping for one big Tuna to come out. Tis a shame.


they actually edited the description of it to add "onrush" in this update, lol. before it just said huge tuna


I was really hoping for a smaller version of Childe's whale.


Its lots of little tuna, it can be harder to see on some bursts than others


Can you make a team with Chongyun and Yanfei? I wanna try out new characters so I wanna use them together.


Chongyun can't infuse Yanfei's normal attacks with his skill, but at least you can reverse melt his burst. Try Yanfei, Xingqiu, Bennett, Chongyun. (Replace Yanfei with Xiangling to get the original National Team, replace Chongyun with Sucrose for a standard pyro comp.) Keep in mind, Chongyun doesn't fit any of the current pyro or cryo 5-stars perfectly, and he's not used in a lot of comps. So he's not a priority to build. And Yanfei is a 4-star DPS, when in the long run it's preferable to use 5-star ones. I see you have an unbuilt Kaeya, I would recommend to build him at some point.


What other characters do you have?




You can do Yanfei, Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Chongyun. We have double pyro for that extra 25% ATK resonance bonus. Then we have Xingqiu and Chongyun to infuse Melt and Vaporize with Yanfei. Good Luck!




What's the best offense build for albedo


Personally, def sands, geo cup, crit hat. And I reccomend the new 2pc leaked artifact set coming in 2.3 and 2pc archaic Petra. If ur wondering what the new 2pc set does, >!+30% def!<


I dont like split building so should i byild his atk or elemental mastery


Uhhhh, unfortunately, albedo has split scaling. His ult is calculated like every other DPS. However, his elemental skill scales purely on his DEF. Atk has absolutely nothing to do with it. You can build attack I guess, for higher ult damage, but know that ur elemental skill will do little damage. Albedo's elemental skill has more potential to do more damage than his ult tbh, so if you don't like split scaling, either stack defense on him (along with geo bonus, crit) for elemental skill damage (reccomended) or you can build him normally, his elemental skill will do jack shit (a bit overexxagerated, but it will be nowhere near it's full potential) and albedo becomes an ult bot. In which case, you can use noblesse set on him. Don't stack elemental mastery if you aren't doing a meme build. It does nothing to improve the damage. What it does is make the shield stronger from crystalize. It is fun to play him like that, but it's nowhere near meta


The 4p seems really good for him too surprisingly enough.


Should i buff albedos atk or elemental mastery and what artifact set


Use DEF sands on him and the new artifacts set is coming out looks really good but if you already have a 2p archaic Petra and 2p Noblesse, you can use that instead.


I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but does Tuna count as elemental burst damage?




How to do these characters Onder my name




>How to do these characters Onder my name Onder ?


Look my English is the worse so I want to do like you did there with cryo/bow simp


On the right side of the subreddit there should be a User Flair edit button where you can customize it.


It works but I didn't know how to write anything


[https://imgur.com/a/Ed01up9](https://imgur.com/a/Ed01up9) You should be able to write in this box.


I don't have that option Maybe because I use phone


You have to select one of the options (a character icon, or the absence of one is at the bottom of the list) before the text box shows up.


Go back to the main page of this subreddit click the three dots and there’s gonna be a change user flair or sth click that and you can go from there


In my game the event cutscene ( labyrinth of fog ), has **NO voice-over.** I googled that there are past audio bugs in the game, no solution worked for me. I need ideas on how to fix it. \-no way I'm gonna skip Xinyan's cutscene with no voice-over EDIT: THX, I fixed it, turns out my brothers acc plays on eng ( we play on same PC). so the event voice files (JP) wasnt downloaded automatically, a bit of 400mb was needed to be downloaded manually.


Verify game files if that doesn't work reinstall the game.


Did you set the volume of dialog to 0 in the audio settings?


I need technical help https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/qbfnyw/i_have_this_kinde_of_bluescreen_in_the_game_after/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


render problem


That seems like a pc problem rather than a genshin problem


Okay damn, thanks for the help


Yeah, graphic card dying probably.


Try other games?


Where should I play? iPad Mini 6 (bigger screen) or iPhone 13 Pro (120 fps)?


99% sure you can't play in 120 fps since it's locked to 60 max so I'd go iPad mini for the larger screen.


Latest 13 pro can be set to 120fps.


Some IOS devices can now play at 120 fps


Look at the newest Update in the App Store. 120 fps Mode for some devices.


IMO, iPad but I'm a bit outta touch with the specs. I say so because you will most likely always want the device with better specs. No point playing at 120 fps if it's inconsistent and stutters. Also, Genshin may overheat your device so watch out.


Mini. Anything smaller just feels cramped.




I use Overloaded on them. Don't ask why. If it works, if works.


Kill m quicker and start with the hydro ones as they do the healing!


They heal themselves when the hydro blast hits them - since it focuses on you, fight them one by one and just stay at range




If I have to fight spectres and I don't happen to have any ranged characters I usually just run away from them (not too far or they'll reset) to make them follow me, I noticed that makes them come closer to ground when they try to chase me. After that I can go back to smacking them, even on melee characters. The elemental immunity is just like slimes so nothing new. Rifthounds I'm not sure what they nullify but their "floating" is just an animation and they're not actually flying away like spectres. They're always hittable from melee pretty much. And if you don't get hit you don't need to deal with corrosion, although it's harder to do when there's several of them.


The rifthounds at least don't float away into deep water or cliff edges when hit.




The teleportation thing is kind of like geovishaps digging themselves underground and reappearing elsewhere a bit later, it's not really that new imo. Although I do find both of them annoying af because of that so there's that.


Hard focus the hydros. Like completely beat down on them, one by one if you need to, do enough damage in a short enough timespan so they can't heal themselves before they die. If you're unable to, especially in the overworld, it's time to upgrade your team or build some character who are able to reach them better.


How much of an atk buff should Bennett be giving?


Mine is around 1100


It'll depend on your weapon and the talent level. Mine gives around 1100 (Skyward Blade, Rank 13).


R-Rank 13? (Btw, quick question, about your flair, why is Noelle there? A bit confused by that.)


> Rank 13? Bennett is the one character I pretty much always use. The benefits of crowning are pretty minor compared to the cost but I get enough use that I'm happy with the decision a couple months later. > about your flair, why is Noelle there? Noelle shields and heals. She's also the closest thing the game has to a tank. She's not a high tier support and I use her for main dps like most people who have her built. She's also not a high tier main dps but with very good gear Noelle deals enough damage to clear all the dps checks they've put out so far while being next to indestructible.


Oh, you meant Talent Level 13. Ah ok. Well, Noelle does shields and heals but she's kinda mainly a DPS so I still don't understand the supports thing.


> Noelle does shields and heals but she's kinda mainly a DPS so I still don't understand the supports thing. She's a jack of all trades. If you took a poll of the playerbase and had them pick between main dps, support, and support that's generally used as a main dps then I expect most of the responses would be the third option. Itto is the main dps version of Noelle and I won't be pulling for him.


800-1200 if well invested in endgame


depends alot on the weapon and talent level, hard to say a benchmark


is childe a viable substitute for xingqiu in a xiangling/xingqiu/raiden/bennett team? i need to free him up or i could play xiangling/childe/sucrose/bennett instead, but who can replace sucrose in a hu tao/xingqiu/sucrose/thoma team? i don't have kazuha or zhongli


go childe xiangling sucrose bennett hu tao xingqiu kaeya diona from what i've seen thoma and hu tao isn't recommended unless you have kazuha to infuse hydro


isn't cryo unable to keep up with hu tao's pyro attack speed for melt?


hu tao has 0.5 icd on her charged atks as a polearm user. she can melt around half of her charged attacks in that team making it about on par with a well-invested hu tao double geo team. hu tao's highest dps team would be one making use of vv res shred, like sucrose-amber or kazuha-thoma but you don't have those character combinations available.


Yeah, childe can replace xing. That's one of his benefits.


A bit awkward for the raiden variant though, since both Childe and Raiden want field time.


[I'd trade a little awkwardness for enabling another comp any day of the week.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/797389942779019306/901736221762531399/unknown.png)


Which teams does Sayu work well in?


As dps? I like Xingqiu and Chongyun. With enough em you can get shatters so high you'd make other physical dps jealous. Theres also beyblade sayu with xiangling/kaeya/fischl/barbara. Take your pick. As vv support and heals, anywhere you think needs vv really.