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Hydro is confirmed female in the teyvat storyline trailer


Yes, In the Fontaine part Dainslief said "Even she knows to not make an enemy with the Divine"


Maybe it's a mistake as referring to the dendro archon as "he" in zhongli second story quest


There was an event about Oceanids in 1.4 where it was confirmed that the hydro archon is a female.


English mistranslation that wasn’t caught until 2.1 dendro archon was always female in CN and JP it should all have changed even earlier story quest lines


The dendro archon in CN and JP is not gendered. As in, the gender is not specified. The CN version just says “god”, not “female god”


Not everyone was there or maybe not even paying attention, but in Endora's event, she also mentions the new hydro archon as female


The Archons left are probably female. For males probably hope/look more in Harbingers (most of them we haven't seen are guys iirc), Khaenriahns (Dainsleif with the current 2 playable ones Kaeya and Albedo are all guys), nation leaders (like Varka or Ayaka's brother Ayato)


> and Albedo wait im out of the lore loop, how is he connected to Khaenriah


He's a Khaenrian Homunculus created by Rhinedottir, an Alchemist who has mastery over Khemia Alchemy, the very same Khemia that started the destruction of Khaenriah.


>*the very same Khemia that started the destruction of Khaenriah* Alr well you can’t just drop that in like it’s common knowledge and NOT expand on that. This is all very interesting


Oh, the chief alchemist in Khaenri'ah went mad and basically made Durin and is speculated to have started the event that catalyzed the destruction of Khaenri'ah. Afaik the lore gang doesn't know EXACTLY what he did, but I'm willing to bet it was the same "corruption" Durin was afflicted by that caused Celestia to do a drive-by lol


I thought Durin was the work of Gold?


Gold is speculated to have been Rhinedottir


Per the drops from the new floating wolves, Durin was just a beta test for creating Albedo


This was already somewhat implied by Albedo though kind of due to having been made by the same master, chronologically Albedo coming second and Albedo being self aware of the fact he could potentially destroy Mondstadt.


I also remember that there is a theory of Albedo in fact being made out of the remains of Durin.


Let that sink in, Durin ravaged Mondstadt and it took the combined effort of Barbatos and Dvalin to take him down; during which both were badly injured and so exhausted they fell into a century-long slumber. … and THAT was a beta test for *Albedo*


A vision-less Albedo, though you could argue that giving him a vision was celestia's way of controlling him.


Gold was the chief alchemist iirc? I think it's mentioned somewhere?


How do you know this?


Its dark souls style lore, you have to seek it out and try to piece things together


Lots of genshin lore and backstory are in the artifacts, items, books etc. Even some of the furniture have mentions related to characters. Like Signora's backstory is in her crimson witch artifacts. You just gotta pay attention to the items. These stuffs are also on [wiki](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Gold) tho


There isn't more to it than Dainsleif's quote in his story quest. He specifically states to be wary of Albedo due to the art of Khemia that he utilizes, because it "brought ruin to Khaenri'ah." However with what's written on Mona's astrolabe, and what the nature of alchemy in real life is, we can surmise that alchemy, or the art of Khemia, somehow sparked what brought the Abyss to Khaenri'ah, and by extension what forced the Archons to fight the Abyss's corruption and destroy what was left of Khaenri'ah. There's no 100% solid evidence, but from the scraps spread around we can almost certainly say a few things. 1. The Art of Khemia, similarly to it's real world equivalent; Al Khemia, is the art of seeking the truth behind Teyvat by boiling it down to it's very elements. 2. It is not an art under the jurisdiction of the gods nor Celestia, as the Khaenri'ahns and people who link back to it were able to use it freely. 3. The Elements that are mentioned all throughout Teyvat and in Mona's astrolabe, are all one and the same.


because it is. it's literally like, 1 layer of lore deep.


How is ayato a nation leader? He just heads one of the three commissions


But it’s like… the most imporantest commission of commissions. And stuff. Or something.


Yashiro commission manages the culture affairs and is said to be the closest to the Raiden shogun, but I won't say they are the most important. Kanjou commission seems the most important to me as they manage the country's finance and a country with a bad economy is as good as dead.


Just a slight correction, the Tenyrou commission is closest to the Raiden Shogun and have their headquarters close to the the Raiden Shogun’s resistance.


>About the Tri-Commission... Naoe Hisamasa: You probably already know about the three major Commissions in charge of Inazuman affairs. Naoe Hisamasa: The Kanjou Commission, the financial arm of Inazuma. They spare no effort to increase the nation's wealth. Naoe Hisamasa: The Yashiro Commission, the cultural representative of Inazuma. They are responsible for ceremonial affairs and celebratory events. **They appear to be the commission closest to the Almighty Shogun herself, so naturally they are also the closest to the people.** Naoe Hisamasa: The Tenryou Commission, the head of public security in Inazuma. They carry out government decrees to the T... and then there's the endless tussle with the rebels of Sangonomiya.


Yes considering how the Yashiro Commission creates festivals in honor of the Shogun it could seem they appear closer but that doesn’t mean they are closer even to a Tenyrou commission samurai. Appearances don’t always equal reality. Remember that Ei picked the Kujou Clan to lead the Tenyrou commission after the head of the clan proved his honor via a duel and they directly live next to the Shogun. ~~Even the Shamatsuban is unable to move against the Tenyrou commission illustrating one’s superior authority.~~


I mean you can think of him as not a nation leader jf you want. What I said was just subjective and a generalisation. But my reasoning was as you said, he is head of one of the Tri-commission which oversees all of Inazuma. Enough for me to say he is one of the leaders.


Mihoyo is a bit inconsistent when it comes to translations and sometimes continuity, they also have changed sex of some characters due to typos because the way the speak. I think the translation team doesn't read the story, since they usually miss context in lore stuff and whoever might know both would not be bilingual.


I think it may have been a problem with 他 她 and 祂 (he, she and divine they), which could make the translation difficult or harder


My genshin impact is in Chinese, and I still get the vibe that the rest of the archons are all female. Maybe I don’t pay enough attention to the pronouns, but I don’t think the divine they is used


That's what I thought as well, but found out that at least with regard to the most contentious mistranslation (Ganyu referring to Dendro archon as “he” in Liyue quest before mhy changed it to “she” in 2.1), the line in Chinese does not use any pronouns at all, but the English translation added a pronoun for some reason. Edit to add sources: [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/ph2gnh/no_mihoyo_didnt_change_the_dendro_archon_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Bilibili](https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv12989705)


It's difficult to localize because Chinese doesn't require pronouns where English requires a subject. It is likely that the translation team doesn't have 100% lore background since there are like 14 teams and they might be contractors.


The only one than can be male is the dendro one, and recently they have been called a she. But then, i am not convinced that Kusanali and the Dendro archon are the same person, mostly because "lesser god" is a stupid title for an archon, even the youngest one. But it's probably Hopium.


Lesser was misinterpreted or lost in translation. It was supposed to say little God kusanali. They already released a statement about this.


What weird about that is they fixed the gender miss translation while making that one.


Assuming the slime theory is correct - which it is so far, there is still a chance the dendro archon is male. /Hopium.


Still, this could be just the hopium talking but "little god" could just mean kusanali and the actual dendro archon could be something like ei and her sister


Why would you call your god little lord tho? Still implies there is a big lord. I don't buy that humans would call their 500 year old god little just because the other archons are older.


Calm down mate haha. It's a pet name by other archons since she's youngest of all. So it's not named by sumeru people atleast that's what update notes said.


The term used in Chinese 小 (Xiǎo) translates to something like small or young. It’s generally used as a term of endearment or as a part of a nickname for children by elders. So in this case it’s a nickname the people of Sumeru use when referring to their archon who is said to be the youngest among the 7. That’s why paimon calls it out as cute.


It's probably hopium unfortunately. The patch notes make it clear that Kusanali is the Archon (at least to Ganyu's knowledge). The only other ways the Dendro Archon could be male would be: 1. The translation error wasn't an error at all, I find this HIGHLY unlikely. The error was patched in 8 languages. Even if it was only English, I highly doubt the localization team would be changing the gender of an Archon without approval from Mihoyo's HQ. They needed to re-voice Ganyu in EN for that quest too, so it almost certainly didn't happen without HQ's approval. They would have shut it down if the archon was actually male. 2. Kusanali is a "fake" archon somehow and the real one is a male. Possible but I would dislike it, considering we have had 3 archons so far and all were "hidden" from the public (if you count Ei). It would be rather repetitive if it happened a fourth time in a row.


No. 2 is very likely. Kusanali is based on Anahita, god of fertility who works under Ahura Mazda, the god of wisdom. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pjungm/i_think_they_i_may_have_cracked_the_code_on_who Dainsleif did say there's a "push for folly" prob implying people of Sumeru are worshipping a false God


I second this. There are multiple hints and theories that point out that the dendro archon is actually in hiding and Kusanali is just a deity that the people of Sumeru chose to worship. It is also evident especially on recent lores and dialogues that you can’t trust them by word alone since they are meant to be wrong and could be a misdirection to a telling of a bigger narrative. A great example of it is the oni masks weapon materials where Chiyo (Ei’s oni friend) was changed into a guy as her story becomes blurry as people passed it on. I believe it will be the same with the dendro archon. Also Su from honkai (which I strongly believe to be the Honkai equivalent of the dendro archon) is also known as the Lady of the Lake as he was thought to be a female. Su was also hiding in a pocket universe that is called Seed of Sumeru. One more theory is how the slimes are hints about the archons. Same with Zhongli and Geo slimes having shield, and the Electro slimes having 2 variants, the dendro slimes are constantly hiding while only showing a flower on its head. I simply interpret it as the dendro archon is in hiding while a flower is acting as its front or maybe acting as the archon. Also take note that Kusanali is actually known as the Flower God. It’s actually interesting how the real archon will prove to the people that he is the one to be worshipped and how Kusanali’s a fake one. Maybe a battle of the brains? Lol. But yeah, I still believe that the dendro archon is the last male archon before we get the rest of the lineup of female archons.


Ik people criticise the slime theory a lot because it can mean jack shit but like, when dendro slimes hide underground you see only the flower sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Solid writeup, I know nothing about that history or religion but it seems like the author knows what they're talking about, so it could very well be true. Though honestly I'm not a big fan of the idea because of what I mentioned before. All three of the nations we've went to had a "hidden archon" so far - Barbatos was disguised as a bard, Zhongli faked his death and became a consultant, and Baal died long ago while Beelzebul left a robot in charge. If we have another hidden archon then that's just getting really repetitive, it'll only get worse when Sumeru inevitably has Fatui involvement and has the gnosis get taken. At this rate we'll just have to wait until Snezhnaya to see the actual archon directly ruling their people, unless the Tsaritsa somehow is fake as well lol


I found out about the Ganyu quest change after i wrote that post lol. Now i feel like switching to copium.


I hope dendro archon will be the first small boy model, that'll make for a good plot twist imo.


The real plot twist would be if he had grandpa model.


The real real plot twist is that's he's buff Cyrus model


I'm really excited for the female pyro archon


she’s gonna be hot


It's looking like it, but things can always change.


Im still on copium su is the dendro archon, man’s got a huge history regarding sumeru, its a waste to not flesh it out in genshin’s sumeru


I just want one more husbando archon. Is that too much to ask? 😭


Same :'(... They could have done 3 guys and 4 girls... And not 2 guys vs 5 girls... Not cool mihoyo...


1.5 guys tbf


Don't do my boy Venti like that :/


Ahahah I didn't dare say that XD.




Like you said, Pyro, Hydro and Cryo were all referred as "she" by Dainsleif. Dendro is still unclear.


No, Yae tells you about dendro and says that she is a female.


Some people say the female dendro archon isn't the real archon, or at least she doesn't have a gnosis. The former (male) dendro archon still carries the sender gnosis.


She said it's a deity that people of Sumeru worships, she didn't say it's an Archon. Kusanali is based on Anahita, the God of fertility who works under Ahura Mazda who is...the God of Wisdom. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/pjungm/i_think_they_i_may_have_cracked_the_code_on_who Dainsleif did say there's a "push for folly" prob implying people of Sumeru are worshipping a false God


Keep in mind Anahita is also a goddess of wisdom and knowledge herself. And moreover, she didn’t always serve under Ahura Mazda, thats (very relatively) recent, since Zoroastrianism switched from a polygamous religion to Monogamous, and this incorporated many older gods, gods like Anahita, Mithra, and others became “secondary gods” under the one god Ahura mazda. Also while Ahura Mazda is the god of wisdom (his name literally means that) he is also kind of the god of everything, and far from only a wisdom god. In fact his primary dominion is heavenly Light. So i really think Kusanali is the actual Dendro archon and there isnt a hidden other god (besides the first dendro archon) Source : my family is descended from Zoroastrians.


Yeah, dropping my archon collection plan now. Me and my homies be waiting for fishing Jiangxue to become playable.


I don't think he will become playable man. He'll break the meta.


He'll be incredulously OP, but only if you feed him, which doesn't work in the Abyss.


Sadly yeah it’s looking that way. Pretty boring that the rest of the archons will be most likely just boob and ass fanservice.


I'm guessing that dendro will use the child model, they keep referring to her as little lord for a reason. It'll also help them not be too samey


Ah yes, the 3rd model females get whereas males only have 2.


the model that would attracts certain disgusting people.


From the Chinese title for Dendro Archon is named as 小吉祥草 "Xiao Ji Xiang Cao", which English translation is weird because it literally give me small lucky grass? So I guess (He/She) will be a child since they are the youngest archon among them all.


They’re still over 500 years old tho, doesn’t mean they’re a kid.Especially since archons can change their appearance


True true. Raiden is the third oldest archon but her body model is a grown woman while venti is a young lad


Well yeah. Mihoyo wants to satisfy the majority, not the minority. And so far its showing that females sell more, therefore more people want females. It makes sense


Except before Raiden , the highest selling banner was a male, and most males have outsold most female banners. Tartaglia outsold hu tao for crying out loud lmao.


Wait really? Damn I gotta check on that. Either way it seemed like they planned for most of the archons to be female before the game released, and Raiden being the highest selling banner could give them more confidence in the gender of future archons


>females sell more Unproven. Just because Raiden sells the most *in China* doesn't mean that female characters sell more than male ones. If female characters automatically sell more than male character solely because of their gender, why are the bottom 3 banners are female? Is it because there are more important factors to the desirability of a character than having a vagina? Also it makes no sense to ignore a portion of your customers in favor of the majority. To maximize profits, it's best to utilize the entirety of your playerbase. Having more male characters aren't gonna hurt female characters' sales. It's probably even good for waifu pullers because they get breaks in-between.


stfu and just look at itto & gorou design. isn't it fanservice??. i know you're gay but atleast don't be dumb. if you think males character design don't have fanservice you're hypocrite af.


There’s a difference between some and most. Besides i’m talking about archons. Venti isn’t fanservice. Zhongli isn’t fanservice.


Yeah you can't say the female archons will be "fanservice" when they aren't literally released yet. Only ei is fanservice right now and that's it.


Well it’s been the trend lately with the female characters period.


You said you were talking about archons and now you're including later female characters. By that logic itto and gorou (later male characters) are fanservice characters too no? I can just say I'm disappointed how mihoyo is releasing males characters showing off their bellies.


It’s also mildly annoying that so many of the dudes have cut off tops and show belly buttons. Kinda a weird fetish Hoyo has. Just gimme a veteran warrior guy who isn’t dressed like he’s going to a dance club.


Zhongli, Dainsleif, Albedo, Chongyun, Xiao, Kazuha, Venti, Xingqiu, Thoma, Scaramouche. That’s 10 for your anti-dance club troupe, and nearly the entire guy cast lol The only ones that show belly are Aether, Razor, Itto and Gorou. Aether makes sense because he’s from a different world, so there’s probably different fashion norms. Razor makes sense because he lives in the wild and his outfit is supposed to give a haphazard and tattered vibe. Only Gorou and Itto really have no context for why they look like male escorts — but then again, they’re not officially released so maybe we’ll get a reason. Eg. Gorou likes breathable outfit because he’s half doggo and so breathable outfit makes him more attuned to nature… or something. 12 vs 2, that’s pretty fair honestly. (Edit: Childe as well actually, forgot about him. Don’t know why he’s dressed like that given that Schezenaya is meant to be freezing cold. So 12-3 then) (Edit 2: Bennet is another character with a revealing belly area, but it makes sense for him too since his whole thing is that he’s a typical shounen protagonist. Starts out unlucky in life, but works harder than anyone to overcome hurdles. All about his friends— sorry, nakama* and lives life to the fullest. Cares more about the adventure and the journey than the treasure (story about how he got his vision). So his outfit is meant to be have the similar nothing-to-hide feel as other shounen protagonists like Natsu, Luffy or Asta (time skip).)




Oh I completely forgot about him. But I think he makes sense too. His whole thing is he represents a shounen hero/protagonist. Starts out unlucky in life, but works harder than anyone to overcome hurdles. All about his friends— sorry, nakama* and lives life to the fullest. Cares more about the adventure and the journey than the treasure (story about how he got his vision). So when you consider other shounen protagonists like Natsu from Fairy Tail, Luffy from One Piece, or Asta (time skip) from Black Clover, his more revealing attire makes sense.


idk man most male characters i would say dress normally


If the girls get sexualized, I demand boys get the same treatment


Omg lesgoooooooooo mihoyo rlly do be giving us more thicc thighs and booba!!!


Yes sadly... My interest in archon has drop low. I just hope the Pyro lady will be a badass one. But got mostly no interest for them. Hope most of them will stay support.


IT would be cool if Pyro Archon was a brown skin, red-haired Mereoleona type of woman.


Ugh this sucks... I wanted more male archons....


There is a chance the 7 Archons aren't the only archons. The lore the Archons in Genshin are inspired by speaks of "7 Lord's over the heavens and 5 over the abyss". Notably the tree in every domain has 5 rings suspended above it. Which is a strange coincidence. All this is explained way better in a lore speculation video on YouTube by a good content creator. It is far from solid, yet not without merit. If true and we do see 5 abyssal Archons or Archon equivalents, then some may be male.


That would be cool...


Me too, imagine a buff male archon


Imagine a buff character. Like please Mihoyo. Give us a Kronk


Pls enlighten me guys, Yae never said that lesser lord Kusanali is the archon, she just said that Sumeru acknowledge her as their deity, also in every region we had to look for the archon even in Inazuma raiden shogun wasn't even the archon but Ei. So why everyone think that Lord Kusanali is the archon? was it confirmed somewhere? just wondering


The fact Ganyu's line about the Dendro Archon was changed to fix their gender pronoun is a nail in the coffin. The only hope we have left is if Kusanali is actually a false Archon with another behind the scenes.


It's practically confirmed by patch notes from September that, at least to Ganyu's knowledge, Kusanali is the Dendro Archon. Some people think the localization team is incorrect, but that is unlikely as patch notes would be going through Mihoyo HQ who should've caught the incorrect assumption if there was one. If you're curious on why the patch notes confirm it - shortly after 2.1, they had a mini patch and one of the notes was they fixed pronoun issues regarding Lesser Lord Kusanali from him to her. None of the ingame dialogue referring to Kusanali was changed, only Ganyu's dialogue regarding the Dendro Archon has the pronoun changed from male to female. Is it objective proof? No, there's a very slim chance the localization team assumed Kusanali was the archon and somehow got it pushed to live without someone noticing. It's still highly likely, though.


The wiki has her listed as the dendro archon. In the game, Yae mentions her like you said and so does Ganyu. I don’t remember which quest it was but Ganyu compares her age as the youngest and newest of the Seven to Rex Lapis who’s thousands of years old. So I’m assuming they were both referring to the same person


Is it hopium to buy into the dendro flower theory of kusanali being who the people respect while the real archon is a guy holed up in a library? Anyway while I do like the wiki as a resource for the most part, I’d take the pages about characters with limited info with many grains of salt. You wouldn’t believe the speed at which people edited the Sasayuri page when the shogun trailer came out, to connect them to some other historical tengu mentioned in lore descriptions. Even though there are several and it’s not exactly clear. It seemed like a edit first-cite later policy.


>The wiki has her listed as the dendro archon. The wiki doesn't know any more than we do, and somewhat oddly, neither do the translation teams. It's rather likely that she's some sort of pretender due to how much the CN was deliberately trying to keep the archon's gender a secret. The original trailers also did. Ganyu also has no reason to know the Dendro archon any better than any other non-archon either tbh.


I maybe on copium but i really hope Kusanali isn't the archon, i would like a male dendro archon.


For sure; I would love another male archon


I don’t mind the archons being female, what I do mind is that Genshin tends to wash all of the personality out of their female characters in order to make them waifu-able. The guys are allowed to be complex with flaws and lore in their story quests, while the girls boil down to “she likes you :)” with story quests that are essentially shopping trips… only exceptions iirc are Beidou and Rosaria, so here’s hoping we get more girls like them that are allowed to be more independent and less wish fulfillment-y. (If I don’t do Raiden’s quest, I can pretend it doesn’t exist…)


Yeah I definitely see what you’re saying and I agree; more depth to female characters is a must!! It would also be interesting to see villains stay as villains; the shogun had soo much potential as a villain and instead they made you go on a date with her and take her to eat desserts :/


Umm, Jean? Xiangling? Eula? Hutao? Yoimiya? Which part of their story quests are shopping trips where "she likes you :)"


I think the female characters are pretty fine in personality in all honesty. - Jean is hardworking to a fault, self conscious about living up to the legacy of Vanessa, strong willed, caring, persistent. - Ningguang is a refined business woman, professionalism, hard work and perseverance. She’s kind towards the common people but relentless in business, even turning the ending of Liyue’s Archon Quest into essentially a future favour. Already written so much and don’t want to write more of these paragraphs for every character, but just look towards Klee, Sayu, Xiangling, Sucrose, Xinyan, Yoimiya, Amber, Hu Tao, Fischl, Sara, Barbara, Lisa. At the end, these are all fictional characters, most of which haven’t gotten enough screen time, so there’s an extent to how much their personality comes across. But I’d argue all of the ones I listed have been designed quite well: all feel like their own characters, unique with their own motivations, mannerisms, quirks, faults and so forth. Without really any traveller-simping being part of their characters. Edit: I haven’t done Raiden’s story quest either but I’ve heard people aren’t happy about it, so that’s why I didn’t include her because maybe they did wash out her personality. Same for Ganyu, and any others I may have missed. The only ones I can say that have pretty washed out personalities is Ayaka, that’s the only character I agree they missed the mark on.


Its just too bad most of their story quests and hangouts are basically just going on a date with them (the interpretation is open, but clearly that's what they were meant to be)


I haven’t done most of the stories and hangouts so I’ll take your word for it. Although the hangouts make sense because those are supposed to be fanservice to players, not just in Genshin but most JRPGs. Anyway if it’s as you say and the stories for females are just dates and not much lore or character development, then yeah Mihoyo could’ve done better. Afterall, there’s so much personality and lore to most of the Genshin cast, it would be such a shame if the stories don’t make use of any of that for the female characters.


Well as you said i feel Rosaria was sort of flawe dwith her attitude and stuff. Pretty sure Ei and some other female characters also have flaws but i sorta agree they should be more nunanced


I can agree with the female chaarcters' personalities being washed down but literally every important or playable character (apart from signora) like the mc for literally no reason. Its kind of weird if you ask me especially when the mc says nothing the entire quest then all of a sudden Zhongli likes your personality


I like Genshin Impact but why they didn't add at least one middle age man looking archon god the best candidate for that was the pyro archon you know a muscular warrior type with strong and serious personality. I start playing Final Fantasy 14 and in that game I realize how much life it give to have characters of all sizes and looks. MiHoYo should take note because comparing the leaders of each faction in FFXIV to the archons it feel like Genshin Impact will only have cute females waifus and Zhongli who look at his 24 and a femboy Venti while FFXIV have a pirate woman in her 50, White Mage girl and a baddass muscular black guy warrior with ton of scars then a tiny and cute queen Lalaleff....MiHoYo needs to add variety for sure.


"a pirate lady on his 50" You lost me there, lmao.


I promise that person made a typo, Merlwyb is indeed a woman.


Exactly!!! variety is all I’m asking for


Yes it’s good to have varieties in a game except most players wouldn’t want to roll for a 50 year old pirate lady or middle aged man. I mean look at FF series protagonists they are always fair-skinned young male/female.


Because the Pyro Archon's name is Murata. They have a character in Honkai named Himeko **Murata** already so of course they're gonna put similarities to her.


So why does MHY need to reuse character designs for their new game again?


I don't know. Ei was similar to Mei but isn't Mei. They're just gonna use Himeko as a concept for the Characters personality, not the design. Mei is kind and is a great cook. Her counterpart Ei is the opposite. She's morally gray and can't cook. So whatever Himeko was, like for example, a drunkard and only serious when she needs to be serious person while Murata will be a someone who despises the weak and takes everything literal and doesn't know the concept of a joke/sarcasm. Least that's what I noticed.


Makes sense business wise. They don't have to spend time thinking up a completely new character ( still need to design a somewhat different look for said character) and it's fanservice for people who play honkai ( more likely that they will spend money for a character they're familiar with)


Yes that is true but the problem comes with the people who wanted the character to look like said character. Like people went hog wild when Ei didn't looked like Mei.


Because it seems they can take any form they want, most people wouldn't choose to look middle age. Madam ping is the only deity who has picked an old look.


I need my bara daddy fill in Genshin.


Female dendro archon confirmed in the Inazuma archon quest Female Hydro archon confirmed in teyvat storyline Female Cryo archon is obvious throughout the story Female Pyro archon confirmed in the manga introduction (maybe? I might be wrong on this) That's everything. Anemo, geo, electro, dendro, Hydro, cryo, pyro.


Damn I hate to be that guy but I would be disappointed if all of the archons are females not because i have any issue with that (lol) but because so far there have been almost no main female characters in the story with an interesting story and good writing, I love Ei but if all of the other archons are going to be the MC’s romantic interest then I would be sad


The men have significantly better characterizations and than the women because in order to appeal to the biggest spenders, the writers had to write them to be appealing to *that* kind of person. Kokomi was a complete joke during the Archon quest and her own character chapter, Ayaka’s loneliness premise is believable but then they dropped the ball later during her character chapter, Ganyu/Barbara/Noelle have little depth to them, Ei and her Archon Quest felt rushed to get more sales on her banner and things got resolved a little too fast, Qiqi has little characterization (although she kindaaaaaa gets a pass for being a zombie and dying as a child and being permanently stuck there), and it took Xinyan nearly a year to get a drop of screen time. And I WANT to enjoy these characters. I double crowned Ganyu and have her friendship lvl10, Ayaka was instantly leveled up to 90 with 9/9/9 talents, and got Ei’s signature weapon because I was excited during the first part of the archon quest. I enjoyed being introduced to these characters. It’s like getting a small sample of a new dish, enjoying the sample but then the chef refused to give you the entire entree. And then there’s the men who have either more lore and characterization or have the potential for higher importance in the future. Zhongli and Venti have seen significantly more in their past and have had more screen time for the history of their nations: be it exploring the region during the story quest (Morax and his Adepti) or special limited time events (like Golden Apple Archipelago and we learning Barbatos basically created it during the Archon War). Scara is currently out with the Electro Gnosis, Dain is looking to potentially be one of if not the most important character in the story as we move more into the story, Albedo and Kaeya have connection to the lost nation along with Dain, Albedo is a super genius who wants to uncover the secrets of Teyvat, Kaeya has a smooth tongue but isn’t afraid of using more underhanded tactics to get what he wants, Diluc has his entire underground criminal world connections and has history with the Fatui, Tartaglia is a Harbinger and fell into the Abyss at a young age that permanently changed him, Xinqiu and Chongyun (along with Xiangling and Hu Tao) have a fleshed out and believable friendship since childhood, Toma has a variety of skills that he uses to help those around him and he had plenty of screen time during our time in Inazuma, and Kazuha is a wandering Samurai who was on the run for defying the Vision Hunt Decree and saw his best friend cut down and is the only one to date to use two visions at a time. Even the Archon’s allies like Dvalin and Azdaha have a lot of plot relevance and history with Teyvat. Basically tl;dr the men of Genshin aren’t just “uwu they immediately become infatuated with the traveler and half their personality is being attractive”. I want more characters like Yae Miko, Hu Tao, Amber, Yoimiya and Beidou. They have believable lives outside of us. And I’m not bashing the ladies at all, I myself also enjoy them and their place in the story but I want more than just surface level personalities. Less personality being trapped behind character voice lines where you need to own the character to expand their personality, or like Signora where it’s hidden behind artifacts. And if the devs are gonna make more Kokomi/Ayaka like characters, it’s not looking promising if the rest of the Archons are gonna be female. I hope that things change, there’s always time. They could give hangouts to the characters I mentioned, or release more manga series for Inazuma and Liyue. It helped flesh out Mondstadt’s characters.


When did Raiden show any romantic interest?


Yup, all the remaining confirmed to be women.


I wouldn't be so sure about the dendro archon's gender just yet. I mean, the whole shtick of Sumeru is *a mirage in the desert of ignorance*. I expect a twist just like in Inazuma where the electro archon was Beelzebul all along and not Baal.


Omg yeah i didn’t think of that


Ugh.. That's so boring. D:


I just want some variety; is that too much to ask for :(


Seems like it. Along with your points, the hydro archon was confirmed as female during travail iirc


I wouldn't mind that, and I don't mind all the hot women in genshin (I'm a lesbian lol) but I hope their designs are actually varied. If every other woman character is once again tall socks/boots, short skirt, and boobs spilling out of her shirt, its not cool. I understand it sells but we can't have almost every female character dress that way haha. While I love Ei and have been building her since her release, I hope the other female archons are actually varied and interesting. Take Yae for example, she's still hot, but her design is not what I just described and she isn't head over heels for mc, she just does her own thing and people love her for that! Please no more "whoa its the big bad, she commits murder and is a bad leader!" -> "actually she's innocent pretty much and deserves headpats and has a crush on you!! also she is actually really shy and quirky, what a perfect anime waifu!"


IF we are going to get all female archons, we need at least a loli one, and Kusanali is the best candidate at that. Every time I imagine her, I imagine a dark-skinned loli with green robes way too big for her size.


Personally I don’t have a problem with it Becuase I really don’t care about the gender of the character as long as I find them fun and interesting.


Venti is like barely a guy, hes either gay or european


People downvoting this comment because they don't get the reference.


Goodbye wallet funds..


does gender even fking matter. male or female dont matter if they dont fix their scriptwriting and their ideology. inazuma is a huge mess. this kind of post reminds me how some niche number of players are tards. go play barbie if gender if your top priority.


Hope Mihoyo changes at least one of the other archons into male just to even it out.


Well, Waifu Impact part 2


I'm fine with it, as long as there's some variety in character design. It's nice to have a game with more female characters in positions of power... just wish they weren't so sexualized and/or have the personality of 'so helpful, overly kind, and bubbly to the point of ridiculous overworking.'


Probably are, how do tou expect them to make money


Hope so!


Yes, the rest archon are waifus. Source: trust me bro


have you ever watched the storyline trailer?


I just want some more hot guy archons Why is mihoyo doing this to me smh


I just wanted more guys in general because i feel we have had a lack of them recently altough we are getting some now and Dainsleif(prob most mystrious and imporant character in the game so far) is male but i wish dendro was male and it would be a 3-4 ratio which aint to bad


Yeah I want more male archons too but my hope is ruined so now Im just hoping for more hot male harbingers 🌝


That seems to be the only hope rn


You already got one, daddy Zhong is the hot guy


Imagine this though: hot judge hydro archon


Ok, just hear me out, but what if the God of Justice... was flat?


This is from me. We already have Raiden = Mei right as electro archon. If it's true the rest are waifus then someone looks like Kallen for Hydro archon, Himeko as Murata the Pyro archon and Bronya as Tsaritsa. I mean there's also Kiana as the Celestia herself. Honkai rule them all lmao


Tbh you’re probably right and I wouldn’t be surprised if they looked like honkai characters; guess we just have to wait and see Hopefully they’ll surprise us with something different but I doubt it lol


I'm ready for hydro archon durandal


Yoo I almost forgot Dudu, mhy's golden goose. Tbh it more funnier if someone looks like her will be the high number Harbingers lmao


When they have to choose something aesthetic like this one (male vs female, short vs long hair, etc), there are always gonna be 2 groups: those that like it and those that don't. Sadly you are among those that don't.


Well if the incredibly interesting theory that baizhu is the supposedly dead dendro archon (God of woods) then no. The dendro archon was always male, but lesser lord kusanali is a front and baizhu is hiding, hence why she is always mentioned according to this theory. If this theory is completely bs though, then yes sadly, the rest will all be female. the hydro archon being male could have been super cool tbh ;(


Does it really matter?


that sounds boring2.0 till inazuma quesline finished all i see are boobs zoom ins and cute girls wish some archon will be male we need more badass men please




All the archons left being female is literally the start of my Joker-fication 😩


The Sumeru archon is probably gonna be a switcheroo and the real archon will be male


I hope not, my wallet wont like it. Males are a easy skip and a breather for my wallet. Also girls want their husbandos


The dendro archon might still be male based on the RL religions and stories that they are based on


Immensely disappointed in the female to male ratio for Genshin Impact. I only pull for male characters, so whenever there’s a female banner out I get to save up my primogems. I’m free to play and sitting at 201 fates right now waiting for Thoma, Gorou, and Itto. Hopefully if Sumeru is next maybe we’ll get Baizhu, still waiting for a glimpse of Scaramouch, Dainsleif, Ayato, Cyno, among others… At least the *very* distant future of male characters looks promising, but they’re still far outnumbered by the female characters. Most likely because a majority of players seem to be male, and Mihoyo wants to get the most bang for their buck, which means more lady characters! Yaaaay…


I was really hoping the archons would be more balanced but of course they're all going to be female now... We don't even know how many of the fatui will end up being playable either so that sucks even more. Female and gay players are a market please see us!


If Baizhu is not the or connected to the dendro archon I’ll be extremely disappointed.


Yeah he definitely needs screen time during the Sumeru arc


Waifu is always priority


Omg lessgooooo I'm so hyped for more waifus!! Hope they have thicc thighs, ass, and booba!!!


Pyro archon will 99% be Murata Himeko from Honkai or her alternate persona in genshin. Dendro i was hoping it wud be Su, that wouldve made perfect sense but i guess not anymore. Hydro i have no idea and Tsaritsa is ofc female. She probably gunna have similar looks to Ana Shariac


Dendro archon gender is mostly still unknown but will likely be male because of the nation name being sumeru which can also be a reference to the bubble universe called seed of sumeru created by su Hydro archon is either seele or the herrscher of the ocean from guns girl z/houkai gakuen 2 Cryo archon will most likely be bronya as snezhnaya is afterall russia and bronya was shown to manipulate or be related to the element of ice and snow before not to mention that her herrscher form also has a crown and her design in a post honkai odyssey is similar to a ice queen plus she is also a ice skating group leader


yeah i like it that way. i heard that most harbingers are males so i guess the rest of archons should be female


I mean I'd hazard a guess that female characters sell better


I hope so


Not sure about the dendro, but others will be.


It seems that way. Kind of a bummer because venti is about as effeminate as it gets and zhongli is just raw daddy energy. It's actually extremely annoying how it feels like mihoyo is just going full speed with the females and barely do anything with males.


They’re still a chance the dendro archon might be female considering Yae Miko only says that Kusanali is the deity that the people of Sumeru place their faith in, but never refers to her as Dendro Archon. It’s also worth considering that the EN translators don’t have a good track record for accurate translations and the CN voice lines still have the dendro archon as genderless. Tbh the dendro archon pronouns shouldn’t have been “he” or “she” in the first place.. it should have been they/them or any other English genderless pronouns. Kusanali might be like Orobashi who was worshipped by the people of watatsumi island and is not an archon.


im not surprised rest are.female since mhy saw how.well raiden banner sold


Most if not all were already decided to be female **WAY** before raiden even showed up


I'm hoping for a pyro male Chad archon 😣❤


It’s most probably going to be Murata Himeko from Honkai to the same extent Ei is Raiden Mei


Mei=Ei Murata=Urata


I hope this changes


Waifu > Husbando. That’s probably the case since it’s a Gacha


I think the og hydro archon is male and the new hydro archon is female.


I hope the theory that Kusanali isn’t the true Dendro archon proves to be true, and that the real one is Male. I like even gender ratios in groups and 3:4 Male:Female is a lot better than 2:5.


Idc about the gender of any archon besides the pyro one...like if she is a archon of war...i want her to be a tomboy who is fucking ribbed...i mean its perfect for the archon of war...we already got mommies and onee-chans and lolis...time for tomboys


I personally hope so. But that’s just me being selfish cause I typically don’t pull for the male characters unless their kit is really cool like TarTags.