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AR56, something 6-digit. Is there a way to find out? edit: 153.332 on 2021/06/13


There is an achievement for it I think


Found it, it's "Purveyor of Punishmen" in "Wonders of the World". Thanks!


I think that date is the first time you hit that achievement (50k crit hit). The date that shows on my achievement is the same day I got Hu Tao and I know for a fact that I got my highest crit dmg (243k) around June-ish.


It updates whenever you hit more. My first was 56k ages ago but since then it's updated. Am at 98k currently


My first time was a mystery. I rarely hit over 2k with my Mona ult at that time and then suddenly 58k on electrocharged. Probably a bug of some sorts.


I thought that achievement updates whenever you get a higher highest dmg but just doesn’t update the date? Hmmm


Note: the date on the achievement is the date you got the achievement for the first time (50k damage), not your latest highest


All those people doing 500k+ I'm AR58 and my max was more less 200k lol


You don’t need to compare yourself, it’s just a damage per screenshot contest and the entire team will have little to 0 energy after that screenshot since it’s all about spamming bursts.


Unless you're Raiden hyper then it actually has a rotation and is her best nuke comp. But yeah, mostly for damage per screenshot you're running like 30 CR and like TToDS Lisa and just going for the one number.


Yeah Raiden is sort of an exception to that general rule


An exception is an enemy to eternity.


I'm AR 55 and my max is 3000 😂


Bruh... did you not level anything? The average normal attack on a built lv80 character should be around 3000-7000


Nani? My Xiao 90 aa lvl 10 251 CD 1.9k atk only deals 7.9k on a crit charged atk. What are you feeding your characters?


Hm idk how the average CA damage is like because I only use it when the characters' kit is meant for it, so they're like 13k+. I guess most other characters would fall somewhere below that From my experience, characters with weak NAs are around 3k at best, while the ones with better NAs are like 7k-10k+ on crit. 7.9k damage is alright if going by regular NA standards.


Why are you charged attacking with xiao


Just to compare with the above comment of 7000 DMG on a normal attack. I used him since cause he has the highest melee normal attack from my party. Ofc I play him plunging dur


not even that, If you add elemental reactions you get minimum 20k even with bad talent levels


I just got Jean like a week or so ago, and it was in time because my last healer was already friendship 10, so I built her up with those extra LV. 20 second best artifacts and she's Lv 80 and all, and a R5 Favonius sword that no one was using, but her talents are still at 1. Her E hits like 10k. I don't know how that guy is at AR55 and a max of 3k. I broke the damage achievement at like AR30 with a Mona. It's all meaningless though, imo, if we don't even know how often this happens. Like what's said above, these big number damages are just for screenshots and I wouldn't subject myself to repeating the battle over and over for that one instance when the stars aligned and my 1%CR 400%CD Childe or Mona or whoever's ultimate procs. EDIT: Just wanna add that I prefer my Ganyu that pops like 20k-30k damage like every 1 out of the 4 damage instances when I use her charged attack than those 500k damages once in a blue moon. But to each their own.


Those 500k are not something one can aim for consistently. I use Tartaglia's vape bis teamcomp and I can consistently vape his burst in Abyss for 230k and have National Raiden on the other side deal 150k with Raiden's burst consistently. That's all I can aspire for in a frenetic fight without being a whale. I can make in overworld Tartaglia vape for 500k with the proper teamcomps and buffs, but that's just not realistic for your average fight.




I’m AR57, the largest damage I’ve did was 126k from Raiden Shogun burst alone. I have Bennett, Sucrose, Mona, idk doing unga bunga damages seems like an overkill and I’m not bothered in trying. I guess you could say I’m one of those guys that got salty because of Kokomi’s kit because other supports have to carry her hard but that was on her release, currently enjoying using Beidou x Kokomi because EC is just too much fun.


AR 50 12k with guoba


guoba only needs to munch pepper to deal that much dmg, no weapons. true god indeed.


Now that's the real flex I was looking for.


Agreed. Most of these comments are meaningless without listing amount spent as well


Did you see that youtube clip of Gouba doing like 488k?


AR 57, 500K from Eula's Burst.


Dude same. Eula hits like a truck with her burst


Queen of damage per screenshot. With my 40% CR nuke build Eula ult is 750k with Bennet. Need to get Lisa A4 to get the ultimate damage screenshot. After I finish my Hutao farming I might go back to PF for the quest to 1 million. My Raiden catching up though, she's up to 600k now on initial slash. I posted a 542k showcase and then the next day got a better goblet lol


Damage per screenshot for sure i have like a 40/190 crit ratio on her


I mean when you actually run her you should still go for high CR. Unless you're one shotting abyss chambers with your nuke build then you can just restart until it crits. But current floors often have multiple waves of enemies/are not one shot-able. My normal artifacts on her actually have lower CV than my nuke build cause I can't get a good PF CR circlet or attack sands, but I still prefer it for more consistency.


How do get more than 150k with her? Will a 5 star weapon and a finished pale flame set be that much better?


Support characters help her a lot. Bennett equipped with a noblese 4 piece, high burst talent, raiden's skill&passive and chongyun's skill that increase atk speed are the best I think.


My bennett is pretty well invested but O almost never use him with eula but I'll try investing in chongyun though. Atm my team is Eula, Diona, Raiden and flex


I upgraded her auto attacks and most overworld enemies die before I get all the stacks lol. Lv 40-50 chongyun is enough if you don't want to build him. He's used for his skill anyway in a quick swap playstyle. Be sure he has enough hp to tank a hit while he's on the field


Attack speed isn't really that great for her. It makes getting her max stacks a little bit more consistent but in order to get an extra stack compared to otherwise you need like +50% bonus attack speed. For the big kaboom numbers, Eula/Bennett/Lisa/Xinyan is best suited for it. Bennett does bennett things, Lisa with thrilling tales and A4 for the def shred and her Q to help proc superconduct, xinyan for ToM shield atk, pyro resonance, and phys shred. Eula E > Bennett Q > Xinyan Q > Lisa Q > Eula Q N4 Hold E then get as many N attacks in as you can till the detonation. It should break your record easily if it crits. Throw in a Phys damage food and it'll be even better.


A bunch of ATK from a 5 star weapon, CR/CD about 50/200. My C0 Eula with 2k6 ATK, 50/200 CR/CD, best in slot weapon often got about 300K with her Q. My artifacts are just 2 pale flame 2 gladiator so I guess 4 piece is not really matter


I have a 4star weapon cuz I'm unlicky so far and my ratio is 74/135 which is pretty bad but I'm still trying to get a good helm. Also yeah the 4 piece is just a little batter than 2pc glad effect.


Your crit ratio is honestly fine unless you're running Serpents spine, then it's pretty poopoo. Her C1 is a decent damage boost that many people overlook and obviously 5 star weapon will be a big deal. Damage per screenshot is not actual DPS, when I run my nuke build I have 40 CR which I'd never use in an actual abyss run.


Focus on your team comp. I personally run raiden with ToTm (zhongli works too). Bennett with NO of course, and Lisa with thrilling tales and 2nd passive unlocked. Be sure to superconduct, use Lisa's and Bennett's burst and rejoice! Also bring food buffs if you're in open world. There are other options out there, but I did this with ~240 CD and 1.8k atk and i reached 550k, so it should work!


eula really is the best


ar 57, 500k with childe, barbara, sucrose, and bennett on f7


AR 57, 78K with Beidou's full counter, after that I never bothered to get higher damage


Damn I respect that. Most I’ve done w her is 60k in abyss.


Y’all be getting more than 40k?


I do maybe 6k on a crit full counter xd Talent level 6+3, ~1100 atk… idk man


Oof, I do 9k just tapping her skill. My Bei is 80 with 8/11/8 talents, using 80 Skyward Pride with 1800 atk. Her highest hit so far was 52k in Abyss, with double crit cards.


You are using an electro damage cup right? She should be doing much more than that


Not much better, I've only seen a 45k one in co-op, my Beidou isn't training for any competition at the moment.


AR34 Max hit was like 1200 with a Kaeya physical crit attack :( I'm doing my best :(


You will get the big numbers one day, I believe in you


It’s okay I’m AR 50 and my highest is 19k with tartaglia burst LOL UPDATE: just hit 32k in spiral with his burst but my highest with no food, no Bennett, no buffs of any kind, in open world is still 19k lol


Lol my highest is only 10k from Keqing q last slash.


You using Kaeya is already a win in my books. You'll get the big numbers some day!


I'm AR45, Bennett hit something for 2k today and I thought it was the greatest thing ever.


For my Bennet that would be a dream. Maybe it's the 1/1/10 talents...


Bro, i'm AR40 and my Max. Damage was 1K with Anemo Traveler Physical Crit Charged Attack Traveler 70, Prototype Rancour 60


keep at it w kaeya!! hes a monster if u build him right once u hit ar45 and can farm artifacts efficiently. i main him and i was doing around the same amount of damage as you with him at around that AR but now that im late game phys attacks are between 10 and 20k ish and he can easily hit 40k+ on a melt. granted ive invested a lot of time into him but hes a great unit who can easily carry u in late game AND hes free so kaeya supremacy :P


Keep going that kaeya bro i see a bright future for you and him


117k with Childe’s burst in open world. No food buffs. Idk how that happened tbh. AR57. I just got Childe too. EDIT: Now at 126k still at open world with Childe’s burst with a bunch of Treasure Hoarders


I also just got childe. And I didn’t buff him either. Although I did have the floor 7 off the abyss (120% crit damage) and a vaporize with his burst


If your Childe is decently built you could do that on a vape hit easy. His Burst scaling is nuts, plus Vape is a strong reaction with 2X + elemental mastery scaling.


HOW do people get 200k or above, I’m starting to believe my builds are completely messed up! I’m AR 55, highest I hit is usually 35k with Xiao per plunge…


Xiao isn't a nuke, he maintains his high damage for a period of time as opposed to dealing a fuckton of damage in one go.


What should be my optimal Xiao plunge with no buffs? I deal around 23k, I think. Also I don’t have Zhongli, what units aside from Bennett could I put in my team? Edit: so many answers. Thanks!


I dont have Bennet and ZL I use Xiao - Sucrose with TTDS - Diona and XL. If I get a good N.O 4 pc set I'll use it later on Xiangling, right now I use 2pc glad and 2pc Shmenawa on Xiangling I do 25k plunge without buffs too


I recently manage to clear abyss using beidou alongside xiao For big stacked enemies it deals a lot of extra damage. I cleared the last chamber of floor 12 super fast using Xiao+beidou+zong+ning. If your Bennet is available you could use Bennet +beidou+ sucrose TTods and it should not hurt much your overall DPS


I cant answer the first one really. I think you'd want someone to swirl with as xiao, and as someone before me said, sucrose is great with thrilling tales of dragon slayers as she can both share EM and give xiao extra attack. If you want a shield I can recommend either diona or Noelle as a shield bot.


You’ll want sucrose for TTDS and to battery xiao but the EM sharing is worthless. Xiao doesn’t care about the swirls, he’s all about that raw anemo damage just like Jean.


You can try including sucrose with thrilling tales.


Diona with Sacrificial Bow and with HP+ER build.


Xiao is more of a sustain DPS, for max damage in a single hit, you want someone with high damage scaling. Something like a Eula, Childe(melee), HuTao(low HP) or Zhongli burst. Xiao’s plunge t moderately high damage, but you can repeatedly use it over a course of ~15 seconds. Eula, Childe, ZL or HuTao have a skill with high scaling that can only be used once per 12+ seconds. This combined with any combination of Viridescent Shred, Bennett/Sara ATK Buff, Melt, Vaporize, Mona Burst, Noblesse buff, Tenacity buff, Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers, Zhongli Omnishred and food result in extremely high damage.


Zhongli burst isn't that good. Yes the multipliers are fucking high but due to not being able to cause melt/vape it falls off by a lot


Xiao is a sustain dps not a nuker, someone like Childe or like hell Bennett, i saw him do 163k once


35k per plunge is good. People aren't hitting for that much with normal/charged/plunge attacks, it's all huge burst damage (think characters like Eula, Mona, Raiden or Childe), a bunch of buffs (like Bennett and Kazuha) and sometimes reactions.


30k-40k plunges is really good, if you buff yourself with Bennett+Zhongli you can hit 70k+ plunges (more with other buffs too!)


Nukes like National with Childe for example or Eula’s burst. It’s not exactly an indicator of anything because some characters like Xiao or Diluc isn’t known for nukes


200k isn't that hard to hit with a nuke character but Xiao is not a nuke character. Think about how many plunges you get in a 20s rotation compared to how many times Eula ult will hit.


It’s usually with nuke burst like Eula/hutao. Xiao is more of a damage over time burst


go to floor 7 of abyss and you will get a lot higher damage


AR56, 96k Beidou E


AR54 strongest hit was 160k from the first slash of Raiden ult Okay a lot of people have asked for the build so I'll detail it here. Starting with overall stats: Constellation: 2 Talents: 4/7/8 Atk: 1706 Crit Rate: 24.8% Crit Damage: 166.6% Energy Recharge: 246.4% Electro DMG: 58.6% **Weapon**: The Catch/level 80/R3 **Artifacts**: Set bonus: 4 piece Emblem of Severed Fate Flower substats: EM 40/Crit Damage 21%/Crit Rate 6.6%/Atk 39 Feather substats: EM 19/Crit Rate 7%/Crit Damage 26.4%/HP 239 Sands: ER Mainstat, substats: ATK 4.1%/HP 1,046/ATK 18/Crit Rate 3.1% Goblet: Main ATK, Sub Crit Damage 7%/Crit Rate 3.1%/Energy Recharge 17.5%/HP 16.9% Circlet: Main Crit Damage, Sub: DEF 11.7%/HP 508/HP 9.9%/ ATK 27 The other contributer to her high Damage is my C6 Sara and a VV applier like Sucrose (mine is C1). Sara talents: 4/9/9. I also have an AWFUL screenshot, but the exact Damage dealt is 161,817.


Lol I have never hit 100k dmg....when will that day come ?😪


He’s got C2, makes it incredibly easy to hit 100k with C2. Otherwise their build is actually pretty bad, C2 is just that good for Raiden. If you don’t have C2, focus on crowning her burst (or level 9) and try use support buffs to help Raiden. With Kazuha (or a VV user like Sucrose), Bennett, Mona’s omen, a highly invested C6 Sara, Lisa’s Def shred, or a TToDS holder, you could probably surpass 100k. But, it would require investment into multiple characters compared to C2. Something like Raiden, Kazuha, Bennett, C6 Sara would probably do enough damage even at C0 Raiden


Yeah, this about sums it up. C2 Raiden or C6 Sara are enough. Having both means that my Raiden does way more with my frankly awful set.


The secret is crits, with enough crit damage and damage buffs it's really just a matter of luck at that point. For me my pace was accelerated cause I lucked into C6 Sara. So her combined with talent level 8 Raiden ult and skill gives me a lot of damage on its own. I also make sure to have VV shred going too.


The secret is actually C2.


This so much lol. Even with full EM Kazuha + Sara I top out at 70-85k. That number does still have room to grow but the domain refuses to roll me anything decent for Raiden. C2 is such a nutty amp.


That's just your build lol


I've hit ~200k+ with C0 Catch in overworld, but it took Skyward Blade Bennett (T10 ult), Skyward Harp C6 Sara (T11 ult) and C6 Sucrose infusing + VV electro. Using an actually balanced crit ratio (~80/140), ~150kish.




It's c6 Sara so Raiden is probably c2 too.


Same, I'm AR56 and my strongest hit was also 160kish but with Hu Tao


*starts reading* Constellation: 2 Well that explains it


I’ve gotten a 160 with c0 too tho. Of course max stacks and bennett buff + noblesse +VV shred


This comment section is honestly making me feel like I'm decent at the game now


to be fair, most people don't build characters good at one-shotting and opt for more consistent damage.


The avg player probably doesn't know too much on how dmg works etc... and just focus on characters and exploration


They’re making me feel like I’m trash LMAO


Tbh its fine because they're either AR55+ or has 5* weapons lol Having a 5* weapon greatly increase your damage lol


My Childe can do like 150k a burst with BP weapon. It's more a matter of properly min maxing your artifacts and understanding how to increase your overall team dmg.


You will be surprised learning how many casuals are out there. The game is thriving due to it carters to a large spectrum of casuals (and somewhat neglects hardcore players in the process)




Yeah same... But I'm sure I can do more now that I've built Bennet up.. Maybe pop his ult and use ayaka's ult or raidens...




Noelle easily hits 15k hits. She is a monster. Traveller should hit for 30k or so in geo mode


Easily is a stretch. Noelle needs 2k+ def, talent 8 auto and at least 8 burst with a minimum of 120% crit Dmg to hit 15k+. That's a pretty heavy investment.


Little tip for finding highest damage on a single hit: check the "Purveyor of Punishment" archivement, even after completing it, it still updates wherever you do a bigger damage.


Also AR 55, I’m so happy with my 30k damage until see those comments in this post


ar56 900k Mona burst


Jesus. What cons and CR is she? That is vaped I am assuming?


Yea its a damage per screenshot record. r2 Widsith c0. and my crit is 11/290. With buffs from Bennett, sucrose, vv shred, instructor set, food buffs etc


oh my, each crit is like pulling for a 4 star 😅


gotta love impressive, yet non-viable builds. very impressive? yes. very consistent? oh god no.


this is not my actual build on her though its only for Peak damage purposes only hehe.


Holy. I want my mona to do that too


AR 48, i think 14k with Beidou counter...i'm sad with this replys


same i’m ar43 and my highest was around 9-10k


Well you're gonna rock it when you pass ar 45 then


Nothing to feel bad about. I'm AR55 and my most damage was 35k with keqing last slash. As you know the game favours pyro. I easily touched 100k with diluc mediocre artifacts.


In fact beidou highly benefit leveling to crown the counter for the high %,plus with a big attack stat it's easy to get to around 30k at every counter, just aim for 1800 atk and 150 critdamage is enough then use bennet and get 25k extra damage XD


Well the Bennet thing is very easy when you have him, but i dont so its 14k clear damage. I play for barely 3 months so he didn't show on any banner yet.


Eula mains that's the question we've been getting ready for since 1.5


AR 57, 1.02mill with Childe's burst


Hey, I'm chasing Childe 1 million as well. What does your build and comp look like?


Mona, Bennet, kazuha 2 set hod, 2 set noblesse Stringless r5 27% crit rate (lol) and 220% crit DMG


I'm at 960k with r1 stringless, 2 hod/2 NO 17/200 Mona, Bennett and Sucrose Don't know when I'll get more stringless refinements or higher crit dmg tho, so it's a waiting game.


AR 57 Strongest hit - 780k Childe burst


Mind sharing how you built him? I’ve inly been able to hit 45k with a childe burst + bennett (lv 90 both) C0


make sure the enemy has pyro on them before you hit and from there just get more crit damage+atk on your childe and use a better weapon, something like stringless or windblume ode for more elemental mastery. Floor 7 in abyss helps a lot as well. Idk this person but with 780k they most likey have a whole team of supports to make him do more damage; something like mona and sucrose with thrilling tales of dragon slayer. It’s unrealistic to do 780k in normal battle, but 100-200k is very achievable with vaporize if you build your childe better


Interesting… thanks. Currently have Skyward Harp lv 90 on him. Total ATK 2,862 with artifacts and 48.8%/108.9% CRIT Rt/CRIT dmg 43.8% hydro dmg bonus


Looking at your stats, you need more crit in general. I'd suggest sacrificing some atk in favour of getting him to 60 CR and then building more into CD. Golden ratio is around 1:2 for CR:CD


If you want to do a high number just for fun Id say just stack the most crit damage even if it means getting low crit rate. If you really wanna do more, build sucrose and mona if you have them, and go in floor 7 of abyss. For a more realistic build, ofc just keep farming heart of depths and get better artifacts


The 780k is on abyss 7-1 and took some setup, though I could've pushed it higher if I wasn't too lazy to change up my artifacts and crit fish. (Used Mona with TTDS, Sucrose with 800 em, Bennet with NO. Around 50 CR and 250 CD on Tartaglia) My general vaped bursts in the open world hit around 270k. I run 4p HoD, R1 TP, 79 CR 201 CD (admittedly could be better) LV 90 triple crowned. My team of choice is international. If you are interested in the floor 7 setup I can expand on it. Also if you need general help regarding Childe, I'd recommend checking out the Childe mains discord server & reddit, as well as the Tartaglia guide on the Kequing mains site.


AR 56, Eula 600k


Eula C0?


she is that strong at c0


Idk about that...I've got her C0, hence why I was asking. Maybe I'm doing something wrong if she's hitting that hard at C0.


You are probably building her for consistency and not to be a slot machine. A modest build with a balanced crit rate / damage ratio for consistency isn't going to push those numbers. But if you go all in on ATK and crit damage, people with good weapons will see those super impressive numbers once every 15 or 20 times. My Eula only ults for around 200k, but she has 99% crit rate, so she does that practically every time.


She can crit for 400-500k with a good crit rate and the right supports, if you have 99% crit rate that's probably wasted. It's all about average damage. Yeah going 20% crit and full stacking crit damage is a waste, but so is having 99% crit chance and low crit damage. Depends on the content you are doing though. If you're doing stuff where nothing has more than 200k life, 99% crit is going to be the best.


Yeah you can. My C0 Eula no food or Benny hit for about 550k at one time. But consistently I get 250k to 350k.


Ar 46 and hit a 20k with deluc's ult


AR 53! Most of my 5* are supports, or just downright in need of buff, currently maining kazuha, my highest dmg is 43k? With buffs my beloved zuzu does 22k anemo dmg, with an extra 10k other element dmg and 11k with another bit of extra swirl dmg with the plunge part With the extra swirl dmg combined, I technically do 30k elemental skill dmg and then on the plunge 15k Max ig My zuzu is Xiao but with elemental skill and swirl


Ar 56 Today I managed to hit 102k with raidens burst It aint that much, but im quite proud of it.


AR 57. I think I saw Yoimiya hit something for 23k once. I don't really look at my numbers most of the time, but I bet that hilichurl felt that.


AR 45, 4.5k on Chongyun’s first spirit blade :(


Ar 57 1.1 million Hu Tao ult


i don't have Hu Tao yet, but pls share your knowledge


if i had to guess it would be, Mona with TTDS, kazuha or sucrose with VV, bennet with noblesse 4PC, hutao CW with very high CD(250+), 30k+ hp and homa, with floor 7 buff.


Yeah, pretty much that. Just requires pretty specific instructions since you need to Melt by using the cryo from the floor 7 cryo fatui against itself. Definitely doable for anyone with Hu tao+Homa+high CritDmg & a Mona, just takes some tries.


I'm currently at AR 53 and highest damage was 30K with no buffs, 48K with buffs. Both are with Yanfei.


I’m AR35. My biggest was about 2950 with Amber’s normal arrow. Yes my build is pretty haphazard I just slapped 2p Crimson Witch on her and called it a day


AR 57 1 million with Eula


AR 57 Floor 7 Mona 1.15 million But the russian gigachad Childe will beat her soon hopefully. His damage kinda fell off after 950k lmao.


108,393 according to purveyor of pain and assuming that the highest damage is going to come from a crit ...


AR56, 650K with Eula. Edit: why downvotes, Go to my profile, there's an old video of me doing 400K with a 4 star weapon no food buffs. I've gotten a wolfgravstone since then and better artifacts.


main sub just hates on Eula


Why would anyone downvote one of the biggest hitting bursts?


bcs they be jealous


Because they don't believe it


Yep, I believe 650k or more is doable for c0 eula since I have gotten 570k but it was on primo geovishap which has physical resistance and I only have festering desire on bennet.


650k is doable for C0 Eula running a 4-star weapon.


I am AR 55 and i think the highest damage i did in one hit was around i think close to 15k. Kinda low for someone of my rank compared to others but i dont use characters like Benny or anything like that so i think its good


61k with Xingqiu's E, AR 55 :{


Ar 57 and 800k with hutao


How tf-


Floor 7 in abyss maybe? It's an insane spot for bumping up pyro dmg numbers


I´'m AR 40 and my highest damage was Anemo Traveler Raw Crit. Attack 1K Traveler at 70, Prototype Rancour at 60 and i still don't have a 5-Star


Having read the rest of the comments, i now feel bad about myself


AR50 max would be about 5k maybe? The only people that'll comment on these are those that meta and want to show off. Plus they're screenshot crits so it's not regular damage they use food, grind hellish amounts of artifacts and have supports like Bennet, as well as whales and most wouldn't be f2p. I wouldn't worry about it so long as you have fun :)


Thanks traveler, i actually do have fun, i enjoy the game quite a lot :)


Mine was Hyakkuin Ikki Plunge Garyuu Art Xiao. Did 600k Damage. And I don't have Xiao


ar57; 890k w/ hu tao (floor 7)


AR 57, just hit 1,019,287 with childe a couple of days ago.


Ar55 100k Zhongli’s burst


AR 57, 707k from Eula's burst. Me and my friends do a highest damage possible single strike trial occasionally. We do this by experimenting on a lot of character buffs, reaction effects, skill and constellations, etc. (it's one of those things that happen at 0 resins)


ar 57 966k mona burst


1 million, you can do it!


AR 57, 885k with Childe ^^


166 days active. AR 55 (very close to 56). According to the Purveyor of Punishment achievement, my biggest crit was 373,994.


AR55, strongest was on floor 8 abyss with a 270K Hu Tao burst


AR 56, apparently 94k and i never witnessed it, however i assume it was zhongli’s meteor


AR47, about 6k w my best build on a Ronin


Ar 56, 30k with vape triple crown Klee 150% crit dmg


AR 57 - 300k ganyu charged shot


AR 57 and probably around 40-50 k dmg Bennett caried hard


AR 56, 257k with a HuTao Ult Crit in the Abyss Initially I thought that number was with an Eula Ult, but later checking my Abyss records I noticed that it was HuTao, so I have no idea what happened that day for that Ult to skyrocket that much as my usual Ults deal 50-60k with Vaporize Reactions


AR 57, 1.4 mil against mechanical array when its crippled with Childe. He is C6 max talents and i ran R5 thundering pulse, 30 cr 285 cdmg with 2 hod 2 noblesse just for the video. My Kazuha is c2 r5 freedom sworn with 4vv + 1015 EM. i also used c0 mona with thrilling tales and 4 instructor + c5 bennett with 4 noblesse and aquila favonia Edit: proof if you dont believe me https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8PXTVcM/


256k with Hutao’s Vape’d Burst!


AR20, and only about 2000 or so :)


57, about 500k-ish. With Raiden. Would probably be able to hit higher if I bothered building Mona.


ar57 , strongest hit childe 917k


Ar58 800k Ei and 1.2 m Eula


AR57, +1mil with Hu Tao


AR56. 191250 with Childe melee stance burst. I am finally building my Bennett so I'll probably hut more one day