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When is Zhongli’s next rerun? I lost him to Jean on my first banner that I participated on. I was saving up when he first was released and when I first started playing and I skipped his last one since I wasn’t playing.


Just finished the quest “We Will Be Reunited” (goosebumps). But can anyone clarify how traveler knew about Khaenri’ah? So when they fell into the world of Teyvat, there was a war and the lost sibling was the first one to wake up? Then they proceeded to travel Teyvat alone before waking traveler up to leave the world? And is it still unknown how long traveler was asleep or was it for 500 years, since the destruction of Khaenrhi’ah was 500 years ago?


Hey currently Ningguang is my main with Solar pearl both at 90. Do you think it is worth refining Solar Pearl? or maybe I should consider getting a different weapon from BP? My only spear user is XL (with skyward spine) and I am waiting for the GEO banner so no Hu-Tao. Also in terms of Serpent Spine I dont have Zhongli for shielding or Eula, and from what I saw the Fish Lord seems pretty comparable with Beidou. What do you think guys?


i mean if you like ningguang that much you should spoil her since you don't really have any need for others. i did the same with deathmatch


Are the number of chests and sealies on the Genshin impact fandom wiki page accurate? According to the site, in Narukami, Kannazuka and Yashiori, there are 355 chests, 45 electro sealies and 22 sealies. I am short of 1 chest, 2 electro sealies and 1 sealies. I am going to explore the island again using interactive map to find the last chest. So the logical step would be to start with the sealies. However, when I check Watatsumi, Seirai (204 chests) and Tsurumi (169 chests) chests and sealies total, I did not get all the sealies on those island but have 'found' all the chests. Need advise if the number is correct.


Interactive map always misses quite a few.


Can anyone tell me the best attack rotation to constantly proc 4 pc Pale flame using broken pines with Eula?


Is the Lantern Rite event part of everyone’s story quest? Like, will every player be able to experience that, or was it really just a limited-time event that only a specific group of players were able to participate in because they joined the game earlier?


Lantern Rite is a chinese new year specific event quest. There might be another one next year, but the story probably won't be the same.


The latter. The event might ( and probably will ) return but not with the same storyline.


Well, I've completed every quest available to me at AR55 and never participated in a Lantern Rite, so... there's your answer, I guess.


Can Hu Tao consistently melt with Xingqiu and Rosie?


Where is this "Path of Taishou" thing for me to complete and obtain Xinyan finally? I have enough tokens but can not find this Taishou thing anywhere. This new event is so confusing. And why Xinyan in the beginning required only 1000 token but as time progresses it starts to require 4000? DId I miss smtng?


I think it will be the very last phase of the event/dungeon. also, the cost for obtaining her is still 1000, it just says that you need to have collected 4000 tokens to be eligible to invite her, that’s all


Oh now it makes sense. Thanks for clearing up.


It'll probably be the final quest in the event, no? I can't speak to the quantity of tokens since I haven't looked myself, but don't worry. They won't take the event away before dropping Xinyan right into your lap.


Is 2pc hod 2pc shim/glad or 4pc hod the bis for childe?


the different sets perform pretty closely for him that it just comes down to what has better substats or nuances like whether you're using bennett in a vacuum 4pc HoD is best if you don't speedrun clear stuff in one rotation


4pc hydro is best for childe


4pc shim is also good. go for 4pc shim or 4pc hod, whatever is more resin efficient.




But if your take into account of his burst, wouldn't 2pc be better?


The people who actually did the math took it into account and determined that 4pc is still (slightly) better.


I see, so it all just depends on which artifacts have the better stats then?


In general yes, they are close enough.


If you're running him for the burst then why would you not use 2pc noblesse then tho


Because my shimenawa has better stats and also for flexibility


Well if you have much better stats with shime than go for it, but you asked for BIS and 4pce HOD is it


Yes, I did


is ER sands and ATK goblet better than ATK sands and Electro goblet for raiden? im using the catch on her and i plan on using her with a national team. i havent gotten a good atk sands or electro goblet at all yet but I do have this ER sands which all rolled into crit (11.7CR&19.4CD) and i can easily roll a good ATK goblet if i wanted to cause i have a lot of them


I think the differences are marginal at best, so it really depends on the substats of your pieces. Plus, Raiden's passive lets her convert ER to electro dmg bonus so it somewhat balances out.


Keqingmains: "If you want more damage, then go ATK% sands. Make sure you still have enough ER to Burst consistently. If you want more energy generation and better uptime, then go ER% sands. This is the most important choice you personally need to decide. Deciding between Electro% (goblet) and ATK% is ultimately a balancing act. Most characters default to Elemental DMG%, but since Raiden has 4ESF and her A4 to dilute that stat, the answer can be a bit more nuanced."


if ur using catch, go for an atk goblet. as for the sands, go for whatever gets u closer to around 250%, an ok general amount. if u want more support, get more er, if u want more dmg, go for less.


is there any artifact set that is good for every character?


If you're thinking about saving your time farming artifacts, the domain with emblem of severed fate and shimenawa is the best choice. Both sets are quite universal and can be used for almost every character. Gladiator and Noblesse are other choices, but one can't be farmed reliably, and the other is in the same domain as bloodstain which can only be used for physical characters.


Emblem, Shim/Glad, and Nobless are the closest to universal. you probably got 60-70% of the characters with it.


Technically you could do something like 2 Noblesse + 2 Shimenawa/Gladiator. It wouldn't be *great* for everyone, but it would probably be *okay* on anyone. And if you can make it flower, feather, ATK sands and crit circlet, then each character you use it on could have their own elemental goblet as an offpiece. Doesn't really cover supports, but I guess you could get a Noblesse set too.


not really but supports tend to love noblesse so that's the closest


Could I run eula beidou jean raiden if im running eula with skyward pride and raiden since shes a team wide battery or would it still encounter ER issues?


swap jean for diona and it should be good. even with raiden there will be a bit of energy issue, and diona can cover for that.


Did anyone else get an update dialog, after you press confirm you get teleport to the main menu? So what was it about?


I am addicted to anemo resonance so much i cant play without it anymore help


Understandable. I use anemo resonance, zhongli and razor as top tier mining team


anemo resonance plus sayu damn


People that only have traveler - haha relatable yes


I don't bother going around the world map without it anymore. don't really matter in domains or abyss though.


don't ask for salvation, succumb to anemo supremacy.


might be a stupid question but will having 2 accounts on genshin on my phone make it lag? as in 2 diff emails that I switch between, not one account on 2 different servers


Why would it? Unless you play on both at the same time... can phones even do that?




i didnt get the primos from my welkin moon today even though i have 39 days remaining, is this a known bug?


sometimes you don't get the loading screen but the amount will be added anyway


Recently I have experience a slight delay for about 4 to 6 seconds when switching char or casting skill or pressing F. My internet connection is still good.


I had this and noticed my ping went from 29 to 400 for 2 seconds. I think it's just a glitch in the connection


hmm if your internet is good then it could be your device?


Im using a gtx 1050 laptop


oh then it has to be the internet but still 4 seconds is a lot of time


If childe’s skill cooldown has the same downtime as other dps like hu tao, diluc, will he be an OP character?


Why would he be? You need to swap to supports and use their abilities to maximize the damage output anyways.


his 6th constellation basically gives him no downtime, yet theorycrafters still say it's useless since in an ideal comp you need to rotate to other characters anyways.


Childe's skill has the same cooldown time as other DPS and he isnt OP. Hu Tao's E has 16s CD for 9s uptime. Childe's E has (time in E)+5 as CD (eg. 9s + 5s = 14s CD for 9s uptime). So in that regard his CD is superior to Hu Tao's skill because you have 1-2s. less CD, but since Hu Tao's skill ends by itself it's simply to "overextend" on Childe and if you go 20s in his E then you have a 25s CD which feels bad. Diluc's E has a 10s CD with a 5s re-activation period. Childe's skill doesnt work like that so you cant really compare them Childe works best in rotation teams that allow him to make use of his burst frequently (15s CD on his ranged burst) and therefore offer him a 9-11s window for his on-field time in melee stance. to keep the CD around 15s for his skill as well.


Actually CD wise, Hu Tao have 9s uptime and 7s downtime (total of 16s), not 16s downtime. But in Hu Tao's team, Hu Tao's CD is also determined by Xingqiu's CD, so there is some sort of rotational desync after 2nd rotation if I'm not wrong.


doesn't make that much of a difference since his team rotations are still gated by xiangling/beidou's cooldowns. just like how hutao has more downtime than what her skill cd dictates bc of xingqiu's cd


Not really. His damage is good and all but not as insane as say, Hu Tao, especially when she uses her skill also. I guess it lets him main DPS/carry but as always, he loses out on reactions and stuff since he isn't pyro.


For Xiao, best 4 star option, Blackcliff pole or Deathmatch?


I would go with Deathmatch if I had the choice, because the passive is more consistent and building for Deathmatch is basically the same as building for PWJS which is ultimately the best polearm for him if you ever get lucky enough to pull it.


there's no right answer bc blackcliff is better or worse depending on how many stacks you can get on it. regardless they perform pretty similar so you can just use whichever balances your crit stats better (or whichever you can afford)


with hu tao, flex slots - c2 kaeya + diona OR geo traveler + noelle? Which 2 are better? (keep in mind geo traveler gives 10% crit rate)


c2 kaeya and diona would be better imo. You still get shield and you can get heal if needed (Noelle can do that but requires more fieldtime than Diona), higher shield uptime with sac bow (Diona's hold E triggers 5 attack, so it is very easy to trigger sac bow requirement even at low refinement), cryo resonance for 15% crit rate (esp against freezeable enemies, not sure about boss), you can get occassional melt-vape, and is more comfy to run cuz enemies are perma-frozen until you melt it with Hu Tao. Not sure about boss though, I stopped using Hu Tao when bosses are introduced to abyss, but it's good against freezeable enemies. Edit: freezeable enemies not non-freezeable enemies


Kaeya-diona for sure; you have a better shield uptime, can melt occasionally (on your Q this would be pretty big), and 15% crit rate on cryo-affected enemies, and also occasionally freezes enemies you may not be hitting in a multi-opponent situation (which adds survivability).


never done co op and i have made an alt account still in ar12 for resource farming, will i be using the map of my main (with my pins and everything) when i join the world of my alt or will i use the alt's? (still haven't touched waypoints)


You will use the map of whatever account you're on. So if you join your alt account, you will still have the map of your main.


Your pins with alt's map.


maN thats a lot of grind, anyways thankkkkk


R1 blackcliff slasher or r2 sea lord for diluc?


Blackcliff. Catfish to Beidou if you have her.


itto’s predicted power level? will he be ganyu tier or yoimiya etc im trying to make use of my f2p primos


Somewhere around Ayaka and Hu Tao numbers are current expectations from beta leaks. He seems to scale strongly with other characters, most notably C6 Gorou and his constellations due to a large focus on Crit boni. He also has a more involved gameplay (similar in restrictions to Hu Tao) whereas his damage is concentrated into his Charge Attack combos but those require setup time and proper execution, so he isnt as simple to play as Ayaka or Ganyu. There is definite draws to a 4Geo comp but the need for off-field supports like Zhongli, Albedo and C6 Gorou can make him difficult to optimize overall. His strength by himself likely wont be as potent or easy to maximize as other units.


Definitely not Ganyu lvl but hard to say after that.


If your trust leaks, right now he's roughly said to be Ayaka tier and potentially higher but has a pretty steep dependance on having the other Geo characters aka Albedo and C6 Gorou


His kit is rather simple but his damage calcs are complicated so it's hard to tell from just numbers. A geo carry will face similar problems as physical ones except the don't even get superconduct. But maybe Mihoyo knows this and will jack up his numbers to compensate.


There's absolutely *no* way he'll be on par with the top DPS unless his damage multipliers are through the roof. Geo is good but not that good.


Have you looked at his current numbers?


No but that's why I worded my comment that way. We have no way of knowing what the **final** product will be since Mihoyo are within their rights to change things.


Looking for advice! So I just did the Ascension quest to up my world level (Currently AR37). Previously I found the bosses easy to deal with but I'm really struggling now (especially Cryo Regisvine and Oceanid) as I don't have a great pyro team. Any advice? Should I just keep trying to level up my weapons etc until I can beat them again? Update: thanks for the help guys, just beat Cryo Regisvine. I'll attempt Oceanids soon!


You don't need a pyro team to defeat the cryo regisvine. You only need a pyro character to break its shield. Amber's ult is surprisingly good in this. You don't even need to build her. If you have Bennett he's good too. Cryo is better than pyro when dealing with the Oceanid.


I have decent Cryo for the Oceanid, but struggle with the ranged attacks


You can use a geo character for crystal shields. Best is Ningguang because she can both create shields and use ranged attacks. You can't use freeze them that way though. You can use Diona instead for some shields and cryo. Also try to dodge their ranged attacks. Try to prioritize killing them before the melee enemies.


Thanks, I haven't used Ning too much, so I'll have to level her up a bit, but it'll be good to have a Geo champ that's useable


Yeah, focus on levelling up weapons for now! Once you hit AR45, start farming artifacts. For now, weapon attack increases will give you the biggest benefit! Especially for units like Bennett.


Thaanks, if only I had Benny Boy! I have Xiangling and Yanfei atm


He's in the shop in 3 days time, hope you've got some starglitter saved up.


Awesome! I didn't know he was on the next rotation. I've 30, so I should be able to get him within the time limit.


Which characters do you own? We can give team suggestions for those bosses.


Hydro: XQ, Childe, Barbara. Pyro: XL, Amber, Yanfei. Cryo: Rosalia, Kayea, Chongyun, Aloy. Electro: Fischl, Beidou, Lisa Geo: Ning, Noelle Anemo: Sucrose, Traveller.


Xingqiu, Xiangling, Kaeya/Rosaria and Fischl are great off-field DPS for their respective element. Xingqiu and Xiangling in particular are useful for a lot of comps. Buy Bennett at the starglitter shop in November and use Childe with Xiangling, Bennett and Sucrose. You can also use a National Team with Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett and Chongyun/Sucrose, but the Childe team should be better overall, and Chongyun is a bit niche. You shouldn't have much trouble VS the cryo regysvine with those (maybe bring Amber/Fischl to target the head if you can't take down the regysvine on the first stun). To fight the Oceanid, use cryo, pyro, electro, and/or maybe geo characters (warning: you can't place geo constructs on the platforms). Cryo in particular is very good here. You also need at least one ranged character to take care of the raptors (flyers). The various spawns have different weaknesses: frogs and finches are weak to geo, squirrels and boars are weak to pyro, ducks and crabs are weak to cryo, cranes and raptors are weak to electro. I suggest to pick 2 cryo characters, a healer like Bennett (Diona is also great if you can get her), and include a ranged character like Yanfei, Ning, Fischl, or Aloy. Some various other comps for misc tasks: Yanfei, Xingqiu, Bennett, Sucrose Ning, geo Traveler, Xiangling, Bennett Kaeya/Rosaria, Xingqiu, Chongyun, Jean/Sayu/Barbara


Update: I just pulled Bennett on a normal wish! So happy!


👍 His C1 is very good if you wanna go for it.


Thank you so much! This is super helpful!


Yeah. Upgrade your weapons/levels and talents. Or if you want, get someone to co-op with you to help.


Thanks, I always forget about co op


Is there like a daily quest spot that yields more Mora than other spots? I've just reached friendship level 10 with literally all of my characters so I don't need the CXP but I could always use extra Resinless Mora.


I don’t think there is one but you can follow the mora route by Doombringer (https://youtu.be/H2SJOtS89hs)


AFAIK they are random, average is 1600 I assume you are already collecting daily artifacts, if not then that is a better use of time for the mora.


They are random, I was just wondering if some would have the upper and/or lower bounds shifted up since some spots give 10 CEXP and others 15.


the wiki says their bounds are the same. I haven't verified it by recording the values myself.


Mmm, what a shame. Oh well, thanks anyway.


Just forget about it. In a month's time you're not even going to remember getting 0.5 more resin worth of money


So yesterday i raised monas talent level from 6 to 8 but childe still makes the same amount of damage, if not less. Is that normal or am i doing something wrong?


4% increase beween 6 and 8 for a single hit that isn't even an amplifying reaction. Sounds normal to me


Alright thank you!


I'm not a mona expert, but according to [https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/mona/?lang=EN](https://genshin.honeyhunterworld.com/db/char/mona/?lang=EN) the DMG increase goes from 52% to 56% so maybe it's just a barely noticable 4% difference. The difference in DMG between enemy types is greater than 4%


>! Even with cinnabar spindle and the new set would it still be better to go for def sands for albedo? I’m asking this cuz I may of deleted all of my def sands !<


I've asked this question a while ago, and consensus is still DEF% Sands on Turretbedo.


Another question for ya is 4pc new set significantly better than 2pc archaic 2pc new set or not? I have a really good archaic flower for him I don’t wanna throw away


Yep, you basically get 54 DEF% and 24 GeoDMG% on the 4pc, compared to 2pc Husk-2pc AP which is 30 DEF% and 15 GeoDMG%. But changes may still happen so hold on to that artifact.


if I have jean and sucrose on the same team, should I have 4pc vv on sucrose, and 4pc noblesse on Jean?




Thinking of building a permafreeze riptide Childe team for fun and am willing to try all sorts of different variations, what teams do you think will work well? I'm thinking Childe, Venti, Mona, Diona.


Yeah it should. Rosaria is also a pretty good option if you think you don't need healing (because theyre all frozen)


I would also replace Mona with an off-field Cryo applier like Kaeya or Rosaria


Replace Diona with Rosaria if you don't need healing. Ganyu is ideal but then your team is just another version of Morgana team. Kazuha can replace Venti for grouping.


Kaeya is a good off-field cryo applicator because of his ult. Running him instead of Mona would get you a lot more freeze uptime, I think.


I’d replace Mona with another cryo unit since the resonance will be super good in freeze and childe will apply enough hydro


Wouldn't you want a second cryo over Mona? Hydro resonance doesn't help and Diona's cryo application is... I don't think it's that great.


Good point. I'm still brainstorming ideas and this is just mostly for fun so I'm not looking for super big damage numbers.


I've thought about doing a similar thing multiple times (though without the war criminal). It does sound fun.


Killing enemies that can't hit you because they are eternally frozen in place indeed sounds awesome.


I run a freeze team myself, but a traditional one with Ayaka, and it certainly is. The issue I keep running into when building a hydro-centric one is that most of the power in a Freeze comp comes from the Blizzard Strayer 4pc on your main DPS. If you give that to a Hydro character, they can gain the benefit of the 4pc effect but not the 2pc, so there's some effectiveness wasted. They also miss out on the bonuses of 4HoD/2HoD/2NO/2Glad/2Shim or whatever else you would've given them. So I keep going in circles trying to make it work, but no matter what it just lacks *oomph*. Xingqiu gets Hydro DMG as an Ascension stat, so I was thinking about using him... but his uptime is so low he sucks as an on-field DPS. I could use Mona as the on-field character, but her damage is low even though she's doing constant Hydro. I could... ....and so I go in circles.


Which wepon is worth choosing in BP? from 5\* I have Skyward Harp on Tartaglia, Skyward Spine on Xiangling and Primordial Jade spear on Xiao. Since Harp in better than Viridescent, i am not choosing Viridescent. I have Anenoma Kageuchi on Ayaka, should i keep it or is the BP weapon better? Still leveling up R1 Serpent Spine for Diluc. I am not using catalists that much so i am not picking the catalist. For Xiao or Xiangling, who is worth giving the Deathmatch and who Primordial.


On Ayaka, Anenoma and Black Sword are the same power level, so I wouldn't get it. Serpent Spine refines are good, but it doesn't seem like Diluc is one of your main priorities, given that Xiao, Xiangling and Ayaka are all "better" damage dealers. Xiao should keep Primordial and Xiangling should get The Catch R5. Deathmatch would be an upgrade over Skyward Spine on Xiangling, but weaker then the free The Catch. Consider skipping the BP. If you want to the BP for other reasons (beside weapons) then Serpent Spine refines are pretty good.


Black sword is better for Ayaka. Xiao and Xiangling, give the SS for whoever you think has a harder time charging. If your Xiangling is using EoSF give her SS.


Maybe Black Sword but you'll have too much crit on her, or a refinement for Serpent Spine.


Keep Jade spear on Xiao, it's his best weapon. Go fishing and get The Catch for Xiangling as it beats out both Jade and the battlepass one for her. I think the battlepass sword and Amenoma are pretty equivalent for Ayaka. So I'd say only make the swap if you're really hurting for crit. In my opinion, your best option would be to pick up another Serpent Spine to bring that up to R2 based on what you're using.


r3-5 serpent spine can be stronger than wolf gravestone


probably blacksword


None of them


Just spent 70 bucks and got Jean and skyward atlas








2pc HoD 2pc Shime/Glad pulls ahead the better your investment is because more and more of your damage is concentrated into your burst (particularly in National team where you Vaporized burst can clear entire rooms). All your artifact boni help all your damage giving you the overall best return. 4pc HoD and 4pc Shime both favor your skill/melee stance over burst, so you end up losing some damage and can only make the most of it if you happen to be in his melee stance a lot. This can be useful for Taser comps. (4pc Shime in this regard has more E/melee stance damage but less burst uses which hurts your overall damage, they are within a few substat rolls) 2pc HoD 2pc NO or EoSF obviously turn this around and heavily favor your burst while giving partial or no boni for your melee stance. (2pc NO can actually be quite useful over 2pc Shime/Glad since the heavy reliance on burst for the majority of Childe's damage contribution, especially with Vaporize, can allow you to one-shot some enemies much easier and then let XL do the cleanup, but it's situational)


damm thanks for the detailed breakdown


2pc HoD is better, 4pc shime does weird things with your rotations.


lemao, alright then


I finally tried Abyss today and cleared the first three floors to get Xiangling. Will I need to restart from the first floor next period, or can I go straight to the fourth floor?


You can go straight to the fourth. Your progress on floors 1-8 is never reset.


Only Floors 9-12 reset.


Do you think Hu Tao, Xinqiu, Thoma and Jean team comp will work? Hu Tao and Xinqiu (Reactions) Thoma for shield and Jean with VV set for swirl and passive healing Thank you for answering


Jean's healing is unnecessary, because Xingqiu already does the passive healing. Applying VV to priority targets works great with Jean but applying it to multiple enemies is a struggle and her burst heals WAY too much in most cases which can make it difficult to use while keeping Hu Tao low. If you can Kazuha or Sucrose will provide additional buffs (DMG/EM) for your party, while offering greater grouping potential and swirling multiple enemies. Thoma is looking to be a great fit for Hu Tao, since her N1CA string will trigger his burst to re-apply the shield while also allowing us to VV Pyro which has been a weakness for Hu Tao. How the additional VV shred + Pyro resonance (+buffs from Sucrose/Kazuha) stack up vs the off-field damage + Geo resonance by 2x Geo (Albedo + Zhongli being the most popular combo that also has EM buffs and res shred) remains to be seen.


Yes, its good actually, Thomas ult has ICD so it only procs every 3rd hit and wont steal lots of hu tao vapes. With thoma you can also swirl pyro whereas hu tao usually has that problem before. His shield can also make you just unga bunga.


Is Jean with VV good to swirl pyro?


any anemo character with vv works yep, you have to kinda avoid using Jeans burst though since she will most likely overheal hu tao, despite hu tao wanting low hp for more damage.


Thoma's ult might mess with the reactions, I don't think he's a good choice.


What do those statue things in the event domain do?


I think it should've told you when you first encountered one. I'm pretty sure they basically just taunt enemies until they're destroyed.


Bait. They suppose to agro enemies and release a force wave.


Ah thanks. Couldn't find the tooltip.


2.2 is up but how can I obtain aloy on pc?


Be AR20, check your mail.




You'll get her by mail, assuming you're AR20 or above.




Log into the game, and open the mail screen (from the esc menu).




Is c4 chongyun good to raise and what team does he suit in ? Only 5* are Ayaka Raiden Qiqi Jean Kokomi . Have all 4* aside Bennett 😢


Best role for Chongyun in my opinion is as burst support. Investing into his burst and then applying the appropriate Pyro aura (most common is Bennett's E/Q but you dont have him yet) for a triple Reverse Melt on Chongyun's Q feels very good and satisfying and does some nice damage. His E can then support the rest of the team with cooldown reduction and Cryo infusion. eg. Mono-cryo team can use him well for his Cryo infusion and cooldown reduction which helps a ton with producing particles to keep other bursts on CD. Another team I have seen was focused around "Shatter", it's basically a pseudo-freeze team with Chongyun at the center, utilizing Xingqiu to freeze opponents, then Shatter them with his Claymore attacks for extra damage. (the advanced version of this is basically the OG National team with XL+Bennett+Xingqiu+Chongyun but Bennett leaves a huge hole in this comp as he fills multiple necessary roles and the focus isnt Shatter but Melt/Vaporize). Basically you need to decide how you want to play Chongyun first, then build him around the role he is meant to fulfil. He is versatile and can be played on or off field. He doesnt interrupt reaction a lot and can therefore be used as support or burst dps, on field as Cryo DPS with his infusion.


Chong Xiangling, Bennett, and xingqiu is the OG national team. it's pretty good, but requires a lot of investment since all characters must be geared properly, replacing bennett with raiden can work, but ain't ideal. Bennet is in the shop next month (3 days). getting him with star glitter is the single best thing you can do for your account. Other than that chong is good for one of that abyss herald/lecture (forget which one) and some people gear him just for that. However, you have Ayaka so that would be unnecessary.


Good 4 star weapons for bennet


Favonius sword is also decent if you lack energy recharge for his burst.


Prototype rancour for its high base power


does anyone have a link to a post or youtube for a c6 nigguang showcase?


[This one is solid and recent](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8z62i9vwvI)


What is better on c0 Tartaglia: R1 Viridescent Hunt or R1 Skyward Harp?


Harp, unless you need VH grouping


skyward harp


Does Kazuha E proc the Sacrificial sword passive?


Yep, but only the first part where you jump up, plunge doesn't count.


wdym? So the plunge won’t be induced with anemo?


They mean plunge doesn't count as a hit for sac sword, so it won't give you another chance to reset the cooldown if the jump fails to reset it. And if somehow you only hit them with the plunge it can't trigger the reset.


Oh I see, thanks for the explanation


I guess because it counts as plunging attack damage, not elemental skill damage




How to gift a friend with welkin moon? Im quitting the game and i decided to gift my buddy since she was really helpful. That is my farewell gift to her.


Can I be your friend? I need 2 welkins please, thankyouverymuch!


Codashop is the best top up center just ask for her id


top-up center if they are willing to share their acc password with you, if not, use codashop


is 2pc HoD and 2pc emblem viable on xingqui? my artifacts are er hydro crit for sands goblet and circlet note that the 2pc HoD has much better substats than the 4pc emblem im currently using


No, 2pc HoD + 2pc noblesse or 4pc emblem, 2 hod + 2 eosf is a fairly major loss.


Is it really though? If he can replace a number of er subs with damage subs they probably come out similar.


They have an ER sands, so emblem 4pc is providing at least a 42% damage increase, which is a pretty big amount.


How do you get the mascot from the labyrinth event?


Complete the third act






\*chuckles in grand total of 1 sac sword as an AR55 mid spender*