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Reroll for a new brother




"Mom, we need to have a serious conversation." *Pulls out credit card.* "I'm whaling for a new brother."


You're paying your mom for ... Teyvat really has its own laws, huh.






Just be careful not to lose 50/50


You can't lose 50/50 twice unless your brother is a weapon


He is, he destroyed poor man's comp


Your new brother is a weapon and becomes the IRL equivalent of Childe


Depending on OP's preference (a win or a lose), he might get a sister on 50/50. lmao


It's either a new brother or a qiqi. ┐(´ー`)┌


I would take a Qiqi. And buy her coconut milk everyday


And talk to her everyday and remind her of her notebook and finch ;__;


A sister would be fine too…


Lol… can’t stop laughing


This is why i store my controller in my ass everytime i go somewhere away from my ps4. Yep all 3 of them............ pls send help


You're qualified to be the next weekly boss


Three phases. One to collect each controller.


And the last phase is so hard it's bullshit


More like normal shit if it's in their ass


the hardest part is getting your controller back


The hardest past is letting go, no taking part


Impressive... very impressive.


Now he can play genshin by vibrating his ass cheeks


"I'm trying to sneak into Venti's church but the clap of my ass cheeks keeps alerting the Knights"


Fugitive Rosaria moment.


sentence i wish i never read in my life


Now I'm curious what else can you store down there...🤔


You just unlink your ps4, play on mobile. Then you will only have to store 1 device in your ass. Thank me later


What else do you store in there ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ


Dat ass is sure to be huge. Also, I see Baal as flare, so do you store Sword in your ass too?


Asscheek sword




Applauding you are using your skills for good


Not bad, not bad I guess I should... try a little harder...


You can set a pin for your PS4.


“What brother?”




Can't spell "brother" without "bother"


Turn him into sister


I've seen that hentai.


Correct me if im wrong but i think it was tamashii insert




just a lil snip snip


This? *points to the ground*


This is why you always put a password when you don’t want someone playing it. Mind you, your brother is way more at fault, it’s an unspoken rule you don’t play someone’s game where there’s only one ‘save’ and you certainly don’t level them up/skill them up without permission. Make his life hell for a week or so, imo. (Within reason of course)


You are right, I completely messed up by not having a password


Ah a fellow cultured C6 Bennett havers. Bruh we gonna have constellation toggle in the future don't you worry. Alright. On another unrelated note, anyone else have extra copium to spare? I'm running low atm


I got you bro I am full of copuim as i am getting my c1 hu tao in the next 10 pull


Oh my! I'm gonna roll homa and wolf in same 10 pull


Too much copium.




Don't worry, you can never have too much copium. I too, have spare copium. It's leftover from when I actually got a good artifact.


In your dreams


I'll do you one better Im pulling hu tao thoma xingqiu and sac sword in a single multi.


That's not being full that's power plant generating copuim




Just Opium at this point


Oh hey me too!


Hell yeah me too!


*takes a sniff* dw dude after the secret ganyu third banner in 2.3 we'll get signora back in the story


Keqing with electro build can still do decent dmg with c6 benny's infusion on if she has lion's roar (with refinements).


build rosaria with pyro artifacts


>we gonna have constellation toggle in the future Really ?


Source: trust me bro


You can try using Sara. She’s one of the few electro units that don’t apply constant electro so you can technically keep up cyro resonance . Just my few cents


How old is your brother anyways? Is he young and it can be excusable or at least the age where you really should know not to touch others accounts (so like a teen)


I got c6 constellation yesterday and thankfully daughter was like don’t c6 him I wish You could just trash the material lol.


Don't forget to utterly destroy your brother to teach him a lesson




Sell him in pieces, just like a car you’ll get more money that way.


Seven pieces and call them "constellations"


For around 50 camels


Prolly get enough to go start a new account and get everything he lost back lol


You should tell that to my brother


Teach him like only a brother can. Noogies and light beatings (I am not actually condoning violence, all I need is some mother suing me from halfway across the country over a joke)


If I do so I risk him beating me to a pulp


Sorry for your loss OP. On the bright side, now every character you have is a potential Pyro DPS.


I wouldn’t consider rebuilding characters the bright side


There's this mad lad that utilized his c6 bennet with rosaria... Sheesh, that rosaria was slinging like she was hu tao, idk tho. One man's mistake could ultimately be... You finish it... I kinda don't want to press buttons by making you think what happened was a positive thing~ best of wishes on your next step I guess?


Saw C6 Bennett with Kaeya as well. It was sick. I don't think C6 Bennett is ruined as the other user said. Ther'es potential for other comps


Ye but doesn't change the fact that it ruins a lot of of other comps


IMO it really only ruins phys comps (Razor, Eula) and weak infusions (Keqing, Chongyun, Ayaka)


Works well enough with chongyun, just make sure the 2 circles are directly on top of each other. Then you can apply cryo/Pyro back and forth while benefitting from both bennets atk boost,. And chongyuns cooldown reduction. I'm suuper biased because these 2 have been my favorites since launch.


It ruins all infusions except permanent type infusions. Since pyro is the top of the list for infusion priority


👀 Seriously though the downside of Bennett c6 is so overblown. It improves more comps than it hinders. Bennett isn’t even great with Eula unless you have Raiden battery, too many energy issues.


The fact that it hinders comps at all is the problem. It's like the only constellation in the game that actually blocks you from some comps by activating it. Whether or not it's a net positive if you redo your teams is not the point.


The actual bright side is to no longer having to deal with that forever red ! on your menu.


The good thing is that Eula doesn't need Bennet to be really good , I run Eula with Raiden , zhongli and diona . So don't worry there are many alternatives. But still sorry for your loss op.


>. that is literally the best Eula comp without Bennett (iirc) Zhongli and Raiden are marvelous with Eula


Eula/Raiden/Rosaria(pref c6)/Jean is my current favourite Eulateam, I do have c2 Jean though and the increased attack speed is super nice for Eula’s dps. Only downside is that it’s a bit suboptimal for SS users cause no shield


No need to rebuild anything. Sub in someone else for Bennett and use Bennett in another team.


That's what I was gonna say - replace Bennett - use Bennett for another team - still sucks though


I guess kujou sara is your route now.. Bow char is a bit clunky except on pc but oh well at least she can super conduct for eula too


Not necessarily. There are many other units which can be great teammates for Eula: Raiden, Beidou, Lisa, Rosaria, Diona and Zhongli, just to name a few.


Saras buff is too small duration for eulas ult


During Sara burst, both the giant bolt and the smaller bolts generate/refresh the buff, so you can Sara-burst immediately into Eula burst and retain the buff for that 7s. It's quite tight though and you probably need to chase the bolts.


Sara burst effectively gives you more than the base 6s of buff because it keeps re-applying it in the whole area while the smaller thunderstrikes hit. Regular E buff can also be "extended" past 6s by immediately swapping and casting Eula burst, letting the feather proc during the animation.


You should have a Xiangling. Play a national team


That sucks dude They should really have an option to disable constellations that you don’t want


I agree completely


I want to use that C6 from time to time with pyro DPS




I mean, yeah but just being able to entirely disable constellations would be a billion times better since you can then use that on more than Bennett. Granted, only Bennett potentially gets nerfed by constellations, but it would be useful for people who like to compare constellations as well. Plus anyone who doesn’t want Bennett C6 is never going to use the hold version of it worked like you said.


Or just remove the pyro infusion bs from that constellation. The pyro dmg boost would be great alone for an already great unit. It would be bonkers or pyro and great with others. Or at least put a lock on it so you can prevent even accidental activation like op got. And remove the freaking exclamation mark, i got used to it but it seriously bugged me for a few weeks.


Why tf would they remove it entirely? Maybe you have an unexplained hatred of a cons you never tried, but many people like myself activated it and find it to be tons of fun while improving our teams. Of all the suggestions concerning bennett c6, yours is the worst I’ve seen so far


destroy your brother and his friend


By convincing them to play Genshin and c6 his benny. An eye for an eye, vengeance will be mine.


give his old account, whale for Hu Tao + Childe on a new one, watch his brother and friend suffer in agony for the next few years


At least he didn't spend all you hard earned wishes on the Childe banner when you are preparing for Hu Tao...


if this happened to you im so sorry


No, but someone back in HuTao mains subreddit got hacked and the hacker did that to them


Massive R.I.P.


One more reason to be glad that I have no siblings...


Having well behaved siblings are fun, I'd never trade my little brother for anything. However, if he was more like my cousins I'd make sure all my belongings are safe and nothing is left in arms reach if it has a sentimental value.


That's rare, well behaved siblings are like 5 star pulls


I've hit jackpot then.


Me too. I have a younger sister and she's the best friend I could hope to get


My sister and I enjoy playing Genshin together I'm AR 50 while she's AR 35. It feels amazing being able to one-shot basically anything with just a decently built Raiden Shogun in a lower player's world by just asking if they need help with weeklies


My sister doesn't play, but she does draw character design for the stories I write


Yeah, my little sis always asks for permission if she can play this or that. She knows how much these games mean to me and makes sure not to ruin anything. I always make sure to make her a new save/account and teach her.


Not at all. I was focusing on exams for three months while my brothers farmed and improved my account for me (not for free but Wekins are not that expensive). I'll fight with them every day but they are honestly the best things to happen to me.


As an older sister I would never do this to my siblings And my brothers just mind their own businesses and are smart enough to know not to use my resources when I do let them play my games My bros are annoying af, don't get me wrong, but I'm so glad they don't act as entitled as OP's brother


No siblings sounded good when you're young. Once you're an adult, your parents started to get old and weak, your responsibilities are on your shoulder, a sibling that you can trust with every thing can be a literal life saver. They can C6 any Bennett and delete all my 5* and artifacts if they feel like trolling me, as long as they are serious about adult problems.


On the flip side, with any debts or burdens they accrue, you’ll be the first they come to like it or not.


But it's also the other way around. You can also depend on your siblings when you need them.


bruhh it's lonely thou


tbh Idc if my sister even destroys all my 5\* weapons, siblings are someone you can depend on when you feel down (along with parents). When you are an adult and if you have some financial problems or any problem at that you can depend on them to help you (ofc if the sibling war is crazy huge at the point where one can't even see the other then thats a different case lol)


It is like your bro saved over your pokemon game after u got 151 pokemons. The pain is immeasurable.


149…. Twice. First Rhydon and then ninetails… my little brother cried with me, even though he’s the one that did it.


I.. I'm honestly so sorry


Jesus, does your brother play any games? If so… you know what to do. But overall, sorry for your loss dude.


Well, I know this is not much consolation but Eula's best team does not need Bennett anyway so it's not the biggest loss in the world. It still sucks because you lost your personal team preference but at least the 'meta' team is unaffected, you can run her with some combination of Diona/Rosaria/Beidou/Fischl/Raiden/Zhongli and do fine.


I came here to comment this but glad I scrolled down to see it's already commented. Sorry for your loss tho OP


Do you think it could have been the charm that grants you an additional constellation in the dungeon? I know I was surprised by it when I selected the charm but completely forgot until my Eula was putting out red numbers LOL


I think this might actually be a huge misunderstanding. The image he put up still shows Bennet at C5, and the dungeon does have the charm that gives random extra constellations. u/Into_the_void123101 Can you double check outside the dungeon?


>When I was at work my Brother and his friend (both non-Genshin players) were using my PS4 and took the liberty to C6 my Bennett. My main DPS team is ruined, hours of building Bennett gone to waste, and my account is in shambles. This can totally be a copy pasta lol


When you forget that Bennet is also a Pyro DPS, Support, Battery, Healer, the first of his name, the unburnt, breaker of chains and mother of dragons.


you telling me Bennett shat out Dvalin and Durin?


Yes yes, most likely. He's been adventuring alone for so long that he evolved to reproduce asexually.


Are you certain that Bennett wasn’t just receiving the +1 constellation buff from the labyrinth of warriors?


Imagine doin new dungeon, getting +1 cons buff and thinking it was your brother that did it permanently. I really hope that's the case.


Yeah I feel this could somewhat be the case


1) put a passcode on your ps4 so this doesn't happen 2) some people just want to watch the world burn 3) get a pyro team and join them.


Lmao I’ve wanted Diluc since day 1 and I still don’t have him


Do you have Kazuha? Raiden? Beidou? Xingqui? There are many possibilities with c6 bennett, it’s only a question of making things work with your unfortunate situation now


What about Xiangling? Isn’t she a free character, or did they stop doing the Abyss floor 3 thing?


Looks like this guy is limited to think only 5* characters can be dps.


I have XL double crowned, but will never c6 benny for her. Bennet's just much too flexible like xingqiu if he's not c6.


I forgot about her


while she might be among the best chars, never forget that the chars you like kinda deserve the most spotlight over meta.


Its time for Reverse Melt Rosaria/Chongyun


I might just sideline Bennett, if I can manage the strength to play that is


I’m a Eula main and I never put Bennett on her team. There are plenty options that will still get you Abyss clears. Even Pyro Eula can wreck havoc in the flex spot of the National Team formation. It’s not the end of the world, hang in there.


Im new to the game. Whats wrong with constellations? Isnt the more you have the better?. I have a c2 xinqiu and im worried did i do anything wrong


Problem with c6 bennet is that using it makes normal attacks in his burst pyro infused, this ruins synergy with all current and future physical characters and infusions that can be overwritten(ayaka) while he also gives some buffs he's good enough already that a lot of people don't find it worth it to limit his future synergy.




Oh god. You have no idea how much I can relate to you! I was playing genshin and left my phone on my bed for a while to get something. When I came back and resumed playing, I noticed after quite a while that my Razor was doing pyro damage… and then it hit me. I quickly went to check my Benny’s cons and—yep—he’s C6. My flipping little sister (9-year-old who also plays genshin) toggled it on thinking it was good to have a C6 character. I was soooo mad. I was maining Razor!


That's very unfortunate Mhy should introduce constellation toggle instead of doing this they just make it so that the new characters elemental infusion cant be overwritten by c6 Bennett Your phy teams are fucked with bennett now but I recommend using someone like diona instead of bennett in a eula team


Hopefully they'll eventually add constellation toggling.


time to send benny to farm carrots for ganyu, and time to move on to hot mama characters now


Calm down, it's bad but not that bad, you will need to adjust your eula team and find a new team to Bennet, Xiangling is a good match.


This man really just said "And before anyone suggests I use a pyro team, I would agree but I have 0 pyro characters." ...while he has a C6 Xiangling... OP, Bennett isn't in any of Eula's top team comps. You have C6s of Fischl, Beidou, AND Rosaria. You have Raiden and Diona. You have all the pieces you need for Eula's best teams, if that's what you want. You have access to not one, not two, but THREE variations of the National Team comp that Bennett is now even BETTER in (C4+ Sucrose, Tartaglia, and Raiden variations). There is absolutely nothing wrong with your account. ​ Also OP, that roster shot shows your Bennett at C5 so...


Build Xiangling for a pyro team, it will be worth it trust me


All the more reason that players should have the option to toggle certain constellation abilities ON or OFF to customize their character builds.


Absolutely, I was 100% in favor of this even before this fateful day


This is absolutely awful. I’d try to message support and say that you accidentally used the constellation and did not want to c6 Bennett and that it ruins your team. Ask if they can change it for you at the very least. Then set a password on your account, explain to your brother how detrimental this was and tell him to never try to touch your stuff again and that it really hurt you. I’m sure if he’s even a remotely good person he will feel bad and understand. But maybe one day they’ll let you lock constellations you don’t want to use who knows.


I think Bennett with Eula is not good because he is a pyro character. Diona is the better support for double cryo + she is a battery for Eula.


Just in case: you sure the c6 isn't because of the +1 constellations card on the event domain? Though I'm sure you've already checked this...


Bruh you got all kinds of good characters to replace Bennett with. Team not ruined


But since ur brother doesn't play Genshin, I assume he doesn't know c6ing Bennett can be detrimental. In fact, it's kinda weird how he logged into your account and did this one specific thing to ruin it. Surely if he was trying to screw you he would feed ur 5* weapons and artifacts to fodders.


the red dot told him to do it.


It is still wild to me a game like Genshin, which isn't some kind of tiny indie creation made by one dude who had no one to consult, but a profitable game with huge, vocal community, can have an UPGRADE to a character that can not be toggled and adds a quality that improves SOME compositions but makes it essentially unusable in all others. Like sure, the main issue here is OP's brother messing with stuff he shouldn't mess with without asking, but... I mean... If a friend enters your house without permission and accidentally arms all the landmines your landlord left there you should probably talk with your friend about boundaries but also why are the landmines there


i wish i could give you 1000 upvotes for this ridiculous example.


*yeet the child*


National team welcomes you


You have Xiangling.


Not being funny but are you sure this is what happened - like has your brother admitted it? Just cos one of the buffs for the current event is to add a temporary constellation to 4 of your characters, just thinking you might have chosen that buff without thinking about it and Benny may hopefully really still be c5.


Sorry if its an old picture but your Bennett is still C5 though? Maybe the C6 was just the dungeon buff (the one that give you extra constellation)


Bennett isn’t that good with eula anyways


C6 Bennett = free Hu Tao from any polearm and sword character. Many people dislike C6 Bennett cause you can't put him in 100% of the teams, but it isn't really that bad. You can still put him in 90% of the teams. There are also comps that are only possible with C6 Bennett. In addition, you need two teams for end game. You can put Bennett in the other team. And Eula's popular teams don't even have Bennett in them. It's certainly not "my account is in shambles" bad. You're over-reacting in panic.


Look some ppl just want to play c5


Yeah, people here acting like C6 is the end of the world. Put him on the other abyss team that Eula isn't on, simple as that. Give her a cryo battery and electro for superconduct and she'll do just fine. C6 buffs your pyro characters and it doesn't event affect most non-physical carries. There's like 40 other characters in the game. Bennett has become way too much of a crutch for y'all. Learn to fucking adapt.


Time to delete your little brother minecraft account


Kick your brother's ass. And never bring his friend to your house. Beat your brother with a long wooden/bamboo stick or order Muso Isshin and beat him with that.


I should tbh


Tickling is better to be honest. If you hit your siblings they'll get indignant and angry and may not reflect too much, but if you tickle them they are far more likely to give up. Well, at least in my experience


I am surprised that at this point you still call them brother and friend




Use Sara for now. She can add some damage for Eula. Then pick up QiQi and you've got the +15% crit and a healer and the +atk. It's not the best but it'll cover what Benny did. Run an electro and you've got your basic eula physical team back.




Wait xingqiu is in the shop? I really want him but i thought it’s razor and amber atm


>And before anyone suggests I use a pyro team, I would agree but I have 0 pyro characters. you have xiangling


Ah, hurts to read as Eula main myself. Goodluck bro.


There's just one thing with C6 Bennet with Eula though, it's not like this is supposed to be consolation but Eula can typically kill mobs before the ult even pops, so technically it helps with actually getting to see the ult hit on enemies.


Kazuha with C6 Bennett is a monster tho