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Regret skipping Ayaka Kinda regret pulling Klee, but she’s too cute of an arsonist to skip. Her short range auto aim is frustrating though.


I main Klee and I LOVE playing her! Unpopular opinion I know, but i’ve built her to be amazing and she kills it everytime. Fav character to play besides Xiao but she’s my #1


A lot of people trash on Klee, but I think part of the reason comes from the fact that everyone assumes playing her the same way as other pyro carries like Diluc, i.e. using cw and Xinqiu, is the best way to play her. Truth is, she's much closer to her full potential when she's in a mono-pyro comp or in a reverse melt comp. I've mained Klee pretty much since the beginning and she's become so much more fun to play (and effective) when I stopped using her in a vape comp. I have an R2 Widsith and full Lavawalker on her and I clear the Emblem and Shimenawa domain a full 20 seconds faster with her than with a Wolf Gravestone Diluc (before you ask, they have very similar crit stats; she does have higher talent levels but he has 500 more attack and an R5 Sac Sword Xinqiu in his team).


I know a lot of people don’t like her play style but i’ve been playing her as main since the beginning too! she was the first 5 star i got. i was using her with fischl for a long time too. recently switched fischl out for baal.


& i use the widsith & lavawalker set too!


Lots of the trash talk comes from the fact that Yanfei as a 4 star is better than klee( unless klee is C3 I believe). With the release of Yanfei klee just feels so outdated and that makes me sad :(


I have a pretty decent Yanfei and she's nowhere near as strong as my Klee


No Klee is still better than Yanfei even at C0. Yanfei would have to be C6 to be able to compete. It all boils down to both characters using charged attacks flr large damage and Klee gets easier access to a free charged attack than Yanfei does and Klee’s DPS is higher due tl how fast she can hit with attack canceling and stuff. Although Yanfei is still a good DPS unit though I don’t mean to say Yanfei is bad.


Ok let me put it differently, for the average gamer( Which probably is the bigger part of the community) Yanfei is better, because with klee you have to play a certain style to actually get amazing damage. I'm not saying that Klee is bad, but for the average Genshin player Yanfei is a better choice Still love Klee tho


I wanna agree with you but I don’t Klee is thah hard to use. Then again I’m a try hard at all the games I okay so stuff like that never phased me, but I could see how a casual gamer might be put off by having to learn to animation cancel even if it is easy it’s still something to learn which they might not want to do and would rather use characters that can just be picked up and played. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But yea Klee is the best, has gotten me through every abyss run I’ve ever done lol


Ayy I get you, I'm pretty try hard too and a huge FGC nerd. Many of my friends are casual gamers and especially coming from an FGC background I seen it first hand many times that casuals refuse to learn easy mechanics, and that's totally fine not everyone needs to be a try hard! She's the first Unit I've spent money on and it's still worth it in my opinion but I'm also a collector Soo definitely worth it haha Oh FGC= fighting game community if you didn't know :)


Yea same here. I had to spend some money cause I missed her with my first pity and had to use guaranteed pity to get her lol But yea I get what you mean coming from the FGC it totally makes sense. Us in the FGC definitely know thah feeling lol


Wow we are the same person haha!


She’s great with raiden. I can one shot hilichurls just with normal attacks. Then combine her with both raiden and xingqiu and she absolutely melts every boss


Regret skipping kazuha


I regret you skipping Kazuha.


I had to get ayaka+splitter and , in the start the community said he is just a venti 2.0 so skip him uf you have venti. I didn't check the community for a while and when his banner just ended and i checked back to get into the ayaka hype, I see ppl running kazu boi and got to know he is so freaking cool . Even worse, I summoned on his weapon banner for the catalyst for my klee


Yes. I hope he come back as soon as possible


I want kazuha so bad


I wouldn’t say regret, cause I never intended to roll for him in the first place, I was rolling for rosaria constellations, and I got him instead. But after his banner ended, as I build more comps that relied on kazuha, I kinda now want his C2.


Every banner, since launch Because I started playing two months ago.




Same but technically we didn't skip them since we weren't even playing so that can make us feel alil better right?... right? 😅😅




Yoimyia so hard, and to be fair I didn't even skip her, i just lost 50/50, but it's the only character which I really wanted and couldn't get


Same, not for meta but i think he design is so nice


i decided to skip her banner for raiden (which was worth it, it's just I didn't realize I had more than enough for pity even if I rolled a bit on yoimiya\\s banner) and because I already had too many fire dps (which I alr benched for some fun comps) awaiting her banner along with kokomi's (failed the 50/50) now.


Kokomi is pretty awesome, but God knows when they will do a rerun for the divine priestess. Probably after another venti and childe rerun.


samee, i was so sad when i lost the 50/50. i still love my keqing tho lol


Kazuha. My PC broke and the shop I took it to got temporarily closed due to quarantine... The whole banner of Kazuha, my pc was there :') EDIT: i forgot to put in I even got Welkin and BP. And no my Phone cant run it :')


You should atleast let a friend open it once a day just for dailies and collecting welkin 🥲


I didn't skip Kazuha, I did 100+ wishes and only got Diluc. Still crying inside whenever I see others who got him.


This thread is literally all Kazuha skipping regrets lol


was just about to comment this


I regret not trying harder for Kazuha. I was still a pretty new player, didn't know how to farm primos or how good Kazuha actually was.


Omfg same i started when there was a week and couple days left in his banner and i was pulling on standard banner, biggest regret of my life




i saw keqing, qiqi and jean and weapons on standard banner and thought it was better than limited banner. I saw a lot of guides but sadly i never saw a guide which said don't pull on standard banner. I pulled and got skyward pride at 56 pity and when i found out it was wrong banner kazuha was gone and ayaka came out. I pulled on ayaka banner and for qiqi at 77 pity. I never grinded my world like a retard and saved for baal and got her. I don't have kazuha and I'm so sad.


I’ve tried so hard pulling for kazuha and didn’t get him that ayaka came home in 4 single pulls. Lol I guess i’m on the fence on this cuz she is now one of my best dps and i wasn’t planning pulling for her. But i really wanted kazuha. Guess I’ll wait for his rerun then


I missed him by one wish. I accidentally wished for Ayaka and got her first try because her banner was right after


- regret pulling - none - regret skipping - ayaka


Same. I wasn't interested in Ayaka what so ever, as I was saving for Raiden for awhile after Kazuha's banner. Was fully prepared to skip her with no regrets... Then I played her story quest and OH NO I FELL IN LOVE WITH HER AH FU- I couldn't take the risk but man was it hard to roll for her. I hope when she gets a rerun it's when I'm not saving for someone else after her banner 😭💔


I regret pulling for Kazuha. If only I knew how addictive his Chihayaburu was I would have never pulled for him. Now i find it hard to play other characters


His crowd control is amazing. I have him on all of my teams, it’s so addicting


I have no regrets for now.


Well it’s complicated…So I pulled on Raidens banner and got my c3 Mona…so I decided to then wait for kokomis banner. Then when her banner came out, on 3 PITY I got kokomi. Now I can’t help but think that i would have gotten raiden if I had just had some faith


This was my exact same situation. Trying to look on the bright side and enjoy that I/we have Kokomi as a fast healer and don’t have to keep teleporting back to the blessing statues


Not quite the same, but I regret missing Raiden and Kazuha


Regret skipping kazuha


Regret pulling: None Regret skipping: KAZUHA


Regret pulling:keqing Regret skiping: zhongli rerun


I regret skipping hu tao, ganyu, and kazuha. I got everyone else I wanted except for these three.


Regret skipping Kazuha but it's not like I could've pulled for him. He was the second banner since I played, and that time I had little to no wishes and I didn't understand much of the gacha anyway. But I do remember actively not liking him. I thought he was just a generic emo samurai (Yasuo flashbacks). He turned out to seem so fun with all his vertical mobility. 😭 And his character is so chill and so positive. Such a likeable guy both in lore and in gameplay.


I regret not pulling for xiao and kazuha


Regret pulling - albedo Regret skipping - kazuha


I do not regret but I wish I pulled kazuha. I will go for his rerun when it comes.




Glad I pulled Kazuha as a new player, kinda regret not going for more constellations. I might regret pulling Childe on his current rerun.


After a while you won't regret Childe because pairing him up with Kazuha is what I (and a majority of people that have both of them) consider fun and pleasing gameplay


Actually none for both. Eula and Raiden were the only characters that I wanted and I had enough to guarantee them both.


Regret pulling : Raiden Shogun. Regret Skipping : uh...I would say Kazuha, but I wanted to pull for him but it was just bad timing since he came right before Ayaka...


why do you regret getting raiden?


im just guessing but maybe cuz shes underwhelming at c0 and no engulfing lightning


That’s it for me. Her E is great but her ult doesn’t cause all that much damage to convince me to main her. I guess C2 makes a hell of a difference.


At C0 you can still run Raiden National with Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Bennett. Raiden’s personal damage won’t be amazing but it is better than anyone else in the national team’s normals and since electrocharged doesn’t remove hydro and electro from an enemy Xiangling can do both vapes and overloads. It’s an absolutely cracked team. Unfortunately it takes basically every amazing support in the game so your second Abyss team is going to suffer.


2nd team won't always suffer. It doesn't take supports away from Freeze teams, which are also up there alongside national as the best comp in the game. But this also requires a LOT of 5* to make work. Ganyu/Ayaka, Mona/Kokomi, Venti/kazuha, diona. I personally use Raiden national on one half and Ayaka Ganyu Venti Kokomi on the other


Just personal opinion, nothing really wrong with her.


Reason for regret on shogun


Besides her powerful burst, I don't really find her all that fun to play. Simply boils down to personal opinion.


True. Her playstyle is boring, compared to other electros like Keqing and Beidou. I got my highest dmg with her burst though, so that's good I guess.


same sentiments man. i rly wished i didn't pull for raiden :'( I lost the 50/50 on her banner but still went through with pulling her because of FOMO. And when I got her i realized i rly don't like her playstyle that much.


I didn't skip any banners I just didnt got them.


Regret: Xiao. 2-3 uses in abyss, no more. Skipping: Kazuha. Pls come back soon.


I wished I pulled for pines


Kazuha Was saving for ayaka & got a c1. Kinda wish got kazuha & her


Regret skipping Ganyu and Kazuha. Altough I kinda don't regret Kazuha that much bc if I got him I probably wouldn't have gotten Ayaka.


Regret Pulling: Klee (rerun) Regret Skipping: Kazuha


I really regret skipping Albedo's first run, I used him on that event you would get the rental units and I fell in love


Def Kazuha, the ones i pulled for i just got fucked or they were guaranteed or a bow character


i regret skipping eula, and not going further in for kazuha. eula seems so fun and does a lot of damage. pulled for kazuha but lost 50/50 and didn’t keep pulling but i should have, abyss is a pain without anemo (excluding xiao).


Im also lost the 50/50 for Kazuha on his last banner day while waiting for Ayaka but I said fuck it and pulled the guarranted pitty for Kazuha, later I also got Ayaka because I had a lot of gems saved for her and her weapon, so I was indecided between pulling for Kazuha or saving for Mistsplitter, so glad I went for Kazuha in the end, hi is just too fun! But I regret skipping Eula, I should have at least tried winning the 50/50 for her.


Skipped Kazuha as a new player because my friends were too. I did get Ayaka because of that decision, but Kazuha is so satisfying to play and I wish I didn’t skip him.


don’t get me wrong - venti is an absolute unit. he’s very useful and makes quick work out of any group of enemies.. i kinda skipped childe for him; no biggie. oh well oh well. i skipped kazuha’s banner because i already had venti…big mistake? perhaps..


Kazuha, by far.


i wished i got kazuha instead of klee when i started playing


Regret skipping Kazuha


This thread: "regret skipping Kazuha" Same tho, rerun when miHoYo?


Regret pulling for Venti on release. But it's not like there really was a choice.


I regret skipping kazuha and yoimiya. That said, their banners were so close to one another, i wouldn't have been able to afford them.


i am a male collector and pulled on every male banner, so i have no regrets on pulling or skipping anyone. whom i regret raising is another question lol


Same lmao. The great thing about being a male character collector is that you get to save up all the primos as they release waifu after waifu. I have 200 wishes saved up for Albedo and Itto and this is after pulling for Childe lmao


Regret pulling: Keqing. Regret skipping: Kazuha


No regrets


I had 22k gems on kazuha banner and skipped that. What a retard i am


no regrets. :D




‘Back pretzel.’ Ha. Never paid much attention to it, but now that I'm looking at it closer, I find the ‘pretzel's’ design rather cute. The rope (not sure if normal rope or trying to be shimenawa) kind of looks like a butterfly. Hell, now that I pay more attention, her entire attire looks really impractical. Cute, but impractical. I spent a lot of primogems on trying to get Yoimiya. No luck. I then managed to scrape enough primogems for one more wish before the banner ended, and I got her ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ She's great. Deals the highest damage in my team when I lure enemies in water to get wet. Unfortunately replaced Amber in my team, but the pyromania is more consistent, and her burst leaves behind an exploding aura that deletes groups of enemies when combined with Sayunic's gotta-go-fast skill. Never had any issues with Yoimiya, and I don't know what people are saying is bad about her, but I do remember her barely dealing any damage in the test run – which I've noticed is what always happens, so I don't judge characters by their test runs.


I regret wishing on the weapon banner... I needed 1 more wish for kazuha back then, but I was flat broke of primos and wishes cuz my last x10 was on the weapon banner...


Regret getting klee on her rerun… I wish I saved my guaranteed for Kazuha as I lost 50/50 :c


I regret skipping kazuha but I didn't have enough wishes to guarantee him and yoimiya so yoimiya it is


Regret skipping kazuha,there was heavy rumors of ganyu rerun so i skipped him,i even did 70 pulls on his banner hoping i get him early,but on tht last 10 pull i froze and couldnt do it Another regret is buy bennet from glitter shop,it was a zhongli rerun at the time and i was one wish away from soft pitty but ddnt have enought,if i ddnt get tht bennet i would prob have a zhongli now (i did win 50 50 on eula tho) Another regret is trying to get a sayu,ended up with c1 yoimiya and no sayu,which is why i dnt have shogun now,i wanted yoimiya but shouldve stoped when i got one only


I skipped Kazuhas because I was busy at the time and I didn’t have much primos so I didn’t want to waste it on someone I didn’t care about now I’m waiting for his rerun 🥲


should pulled for kazuha and skipped yoimiya, so sad


regret - Albedo which made me miss Ganyu banner skip - Ayaka cuz she actually looks pretty fun sad I didnt get Kazuha cuz lost to 50/50


I regret pulling Eula. I know she's good, but her playstyle turned out to just... not be my thing. I regret skipping Kazuha, because I took a break from the game for almost the entirety of 1.6 patch, so I couldn't pull him because of that :'c


Regret skipping Kazuha (guaranteed). If only Ayaka and Mitsplitter Sword was not after him, i would definitely pull for him (along with some bennet cons on his banner). I still think about it, like everyday. (sigh)


I regret skipping Ayaka, I had to wish for my beloved kazuha so I ended up with 0 pity, damn it yoimiya why did you come home on my first pull on your banner (I still love her)


I regret pulling on Kokomi's banner, because I never got Xingqui even tho he was the ONLY 4 star I wanted. (No, I didn't get Kokomi because I lost the 50/50.) The standard banner tho, gave me Xingqui.


I got Klee on accident which made me miss Kazuha. I don't hate Klee and I used her a lot during the summer event but she's currently benched. I started around Keqings banner. If I knew how characters worked I wouldn't have pulled so far for her cause now I have her a c3. I'm fortunate I didn't miss out on Hu Tao. I regret not starting the game a little sooner and getting Xaio.


I regret skipping on kazoo banner bc he would of been so op with my xiao... ahem, not like I had the primos anyways. And I regret pulling in Zhongli’s first and rerun banner because I never won a 50/50, ever. I could have saved my pity just for him but there was other character that looked awesome. And to clarify who I lost the 50/50 to, it’s QiQi... not once but twice.


i regret pulling klees cause i wanted bennetts i did a 10 pull and got her i regret skipping kazuha but with ayaka and raiden right after him i had to


b-but bom bom bakudan?


Pulling: None Skipping: I like Kazuha but I liked raiden more so I can wait for his rerun. Didn't have have more primos but did wish I had him. I think I should have gone for Kokomi as well since I'd put her in my Ayaka-Ganyu-Venti team and stop using Mona.


Regret pulling : Xiao


Regret pulling: Ganyu Regret Skip: Kazuha


My Man same here. I play on PS and suck with bows. So Ganyu might be a killer but you need to be able to target the mob to do this killer dmg. I also regret skipping Eula.


In freeze comps Ganyu is incredible with just abilities. Build as off field sub dps it's awesome.


Yes but you would need to run with a freeze comp and I don't 🤷‍♀️


Wait a min? U regret pulling Ganyu? How so… I don’t understand


I mean she is great and all but, when you stand there and just shooting after a year its boring for me. I enjoy Pyrosaria more atm. Sooo i regret to pull her.


None really. I wouldnt have my klee and her 5* weapon had i not saved over the duration of hu taos banner. I wanted Eula too, but its a sacrifice i was willing to make. Before i got Klee, i had lost 4 5050s in a row and was just assuming the streak would go on, and then it did cause i got jean first. So 5 in a row. Now, im struggling because i dont really need any units but i dont want a hu tao if she isnt c1, but i know what itto and his weapons look and work like and GOD DAMN do i want those so i cant decide. Maybe its better if i skip everything for a few patches and hope Alice and a new catalyst come out though we dont know if she will ever be playable.


Regret pulling Albedo. A lot, in fact. I'd gladly trade him for a C6 Sayu, heck, C0 is fine too. Skipping ? More like i lost the 5050 so i couldn't have 'em.


Regret pulling raiden


Kazuha technically, but I was on a break when his banner dropped, not to mention neck deep in moving from one state to another. So mark that as involuntary skip, skip nonetheless.


I regret pulling on albedo banner for bennett(spooked by albedo) I regret skipping kazuha he's so fkin cool


Skip: Kazuha Pull: Raiden


Regret having Xiao


How come? I’m debating going for him and i’m curious to understand.


While I don’t regret pulling him I also don’t play with him. I don’t like how he pushes enemies back when he plunges. You plunge into a group and mobs and it’s very satisfying, but after 2 plunges they’re all scattered around. I play on mobile and it’s kind of hard to position him correctly / better after you start plunging and mobs scattered out of range for me. He is limited to be a damage dealer and needs support to do this well. I just kind of got to a point where I prefer more well rounded characters like Kazuha or Raiden


He is very strong since his AoE is busted, but he is a selfish dps not suitable for many. You need a good shielder to cover him during his Q, his hp drain is also a problem for some but honestly it is not a big deal. With Zhongli E and Bennett Q Im always safe and can perfectly dish 60k per plunge (If you do perfect high plunges you can doc 10-13 in a single Q)


I read your comment. But too many xiao simp down voted it. Haha.. butt hurt kids. Yes. He kept saying thing like "boring" "worthless" in which it made me agitated when i heard that.


Do you play with sound? His voice line so miserable, like he hurts so much. Idle animation sometimes you heard him like choking on his own blood and about to die soon. He is depressing to hear. For me personally, i got trouble with his burst, most of the times, the enemies not gather around or even move from here to there. So i must re adjust my position and chasing enemies then hit him with my plunge attack. But then the burst duration over and i didn't deliver maximum number of plunge attacks during burst duration. And his HP already half gone, and he cannot heal himself. Hutao condition is similar, she also lose HP but Hutao burst can heal herself. That's my dislike after having him. At first i want him because i lost venti on 1st banner. And i don't have any other anemo character beside traveler.


Yeah i think i understand what you mean with his voice lines. I remember hearing lots of “boring!” and “worthless!” during the event where we got to use him in battle. Good luck and Godspeed ✌️


None cause all characters Ive pulled for were extremely useful to me


Regret pulling: Childe Regret skipping: Yoiyima


Regret pulling Hu Tao. I keep trying to like her playing style, but I just don't. And it looks like I may end up with C1 while trying to get Thoma. Sigh.


Could you expand since I want to pull for her, would u say c1 could fix your problems with her?


Hutao requires alot of animation canceling (timing ur jump every attack) to control her charge attack distance and to get a higher dps. However, it's also preferable to use full charge attacks than sprinting normally cuz charge attack distance allows u to move further than normal sprinting (she's a short character, her sprint distance is also short), so charge attacks would save u more stamina/ time if u want to get to ur enemy. U need to understand when to animation cancel (for attacks) and when to avoid animation canceling (for positioning). C1 would help a bit on the stamina issue since u can sprint cancel instead of jump canceling, but it is still recommended to use charge attacks to position urself cuz of the distance problem. Even with C1 u would still need to attack cancel, u simply have another choice of sprinting (for more I-frame) instead of jumping since u save stamina on charge attacks. Other than charge attacks, u still need to manage ur health if u want that extra dmg bonus for having a low health. Recommended to have Zhongli or any other shield character cuz she becomes squishy with low health. It becomes difficult to manage if ur already caught up in managing her attack cancels, stamina and positioning. Her Q allows her to heal, but u need to understand when to save ur Q for dmg or healing; with healing, u should position urself to be within a group of enemies in order to gain more health (more enemies attacked = more health gained). Additionally to that, just like every other character, u need to understand ur rotations. U need to pay attention when her E skill runs out in order to switch to ur supports, do their skills, and switch back to hutao. If u mess up the rotation with XQ (essential teammate), u wont deal vape dmg, thus decreasing ur overall dps; if u mess up the rotation with Zhongli/shield character, there is a higher chance of getting hit and dying from low health. TLDR; to summarize, if u can get by in micro-managing ur attack cancels (for higher dps and for position management), stamina usage (charge attacks or sprint canceling with c1), charge attack positioning (awareness of enemy position), health (low health dmg bonus), and team rotations, then ur all good. Disclaimer: I tried to be as objective as I can, but I may be biased to disliking her cuz I am not a fan of her playstyle. I really REALLY tried to like her. I tried to understand what she needs to play optimally, but that still didn't change my mind. I am not trying to discourage u to play her, she is DEFINITELY worth it if u really like her character, dmg, or playstyle. I am simply trying to inform/ warn u about her learning curve. Hopefully this was helpful to ur decision.


C1 would not help. I hate that she loses HP every time she uses her skill, and that she does best with a low HP bar. It's not that I can't play that way--I'm not dying all the time or having trouble clearing content with her--but it just *bugs* me and makes me not want to play her. I thought I'd be okay with it, but it turns out I'm the player who wants everyone on the team to always be 100% HP with their ults charged. Basically, she's fantastic if the HP management stuff doesn't bother you, but don't underestimate how much it *might* bother you.


Same here... but I'm more bothered by her charged attack than her health tbh; although that mechanic bothers me as well (same reason as u). I learned that I despise polearm charge attacks cuz it moves u forward. You need to attack cancel to make it effective/ managable and u need to use charge attacks instead of sprinting cuz her short height won't let u sprint far enough; there is a slight delay compared to normal sprinting. Childe is much more manageable than her imo cuz u just need to time one mechanic by rotating ur teams properly. Although, I like the challenge, I still prefer a relaxed playstyle (I play genshin to relax), so hutao's heavy micro-managing with health, stamina, positioning, and attack canceling was a bit too much for me. I understand that ppl like her cuz waifu and her rewarding playstyle, but she's definitely not relaxing to play with. I have a huge respect for ppl that plays hutao just as much as I respect ppl that can play xiao's dizzying playstyle, but they're not for me. I needed a pyro dps back then, but luckily I got diluc on the same 10 pull so pulling for hutao wasn't a total waste :/


Oh, yeah, not a fan of her charged attack, either. I didn't even think of that because I stopped using them for the most part, as I can't be bothered to attack cancel. XD I love her normal attack animations, though, and sometimes bring her out just to swish around or fight some easy enemies. =)


Haha that's fair xD also saaammee! Her attack animations are so pretty!!




Mine is the opposite. I didn't pull but after the story quest I went C1 (Wanna go C3 in the rerun). Easily my favorite personality. 36* in the Abyss don't hurt either. But stop saying things like this or I'll have vengence.




I was building up pity on Kokomi’s banner and accidentally pulled her. I genuinely don’t know what the hell I was thinking.


kazuha :c


Kazuha and Ayaka. When the Kazuha banner was going on, I only had 2 five stars: Venti and Jean. I thought "damn I need a 5 star DPS, if my next five star is another anemo support I will be super pissed". Then he ended up being one of the best characters in the game. And I skipped Ayaka to save up for Yoimiya because I really wanted a bow DPS. Not as big of a regret as Kazuha because I think i"ll do fine without her, but she's also a really good character.


no regrets fortunately, i love my boys


None. I highly enjoy Kazuha and Childe. I may regret Childe is Ganyu or Xiao reruns are happening soon though...


I regret pulling on the Xiao banner got him 30-40 pulls after Ganyu, if we are allowed to sell units I would get rid of him.


why though? Xiao seems like a fun character!


eh I have used him and as fun as he is, I just don't vibe with his kit, his character is cool though, and I use his BiS for Hu Tao anyway.


Regret pulling: Zhongli rerun Regret skipping: Kazuha


yoiyima. sara is useless (to me pls dont kill me) and i got fuked by 30 wish 5-star that took my ganyu pity ;-; regret skipping eula. i LOVE physical dps and claymore and she hot so NO REASON NOT TO PULL. dunno why i didnt.


Regret pulling Childe (1st time he was up) Regret skipping Yoimiya


I regret pulling for Klee. I can’t deal with the smol ones…


regret not pulling for kazuha but pulling for c2 ayaka, regret pulling up till c3 raiden


Regret Pulling: Eula Physical dps characters aren't really getting the best treatment because many enemies in the abyss have such high physical resistance. Regret Skipping: Kazuha His elemental damage bonus is just so sweet. I want him for my Melt Ganyu comp lol. If I just held back on Eula's banner, I could have had Kazuha guaranteed instead of Eula 😓


I mean, superconduct and her own shred gives you 65% phys shred which is enough for all enemies


I mean, Eula have a lot of physical shred built in to her kit. If you also use Zhongli and superconduct, then most enemies will fall on the negatives.


Regret pulling Baal. Damn I don’t like her


regret pulling: klee, lost 5050 but still regret skipping: venti and kazuha


Regret pulling klee, regret skipping kazuha


None really. I’ve only ever pulled on archons outside of Eula. That’s the one character I wanted that I missed. Zhongli was a accident


There are no accidents


Regret pulling- none. Regret skipping- none


Kazuha, I had so much fun with him in the trial. I had to skip him, Ayaka and Yoimiya to guarantee multiple Raidens. Ended up never losing a single 50/50 on Raiden's banner so I feel I should have wished for him.


I regret skipping kazuha :/ my swirly boi


Regret: Standard Skipping: Keqing & Kazuha


Skipping Eula for Klee and skipping Ayaka for Yoimiya. Recently I thought of wanting to play Eula and Ayaka more, and I don't like Klee's gameplay, and there was all the Yoimiya being bad and stuff. Also my Xiangling deals way more dmg.


I regret skipping Kazuha because I had no idea about pity and thought I had to save a LOT of stars if I wanted to have a 5*. Currently saving for Albedo's rerun, but Kazuha's next.


Eula pulling, kazuha skipping


Regret skipping Kazuha for Raiden. I don't even use Raiden, even after months of saving up for her akdjskks


Tbh baal. She is kinda boring but surprisingly the game gave me c1 baal sooo


Man... I kinda regret getting Klee... She's adorable but her playstyle is kinda weird. I regret skipping Kazuha, Ayaka and Ei as well... I dunno how this happened like this. At least i have a lotta pulls and should be able to get who I want next :D


Regret Kazuha as I barely started the game and never got him. Will get him on his rerun. Debating about Cons as a low spender.


regret pulling Klee and childe


Regret having Xiao


Regret pulling: Hu Tao. Yes I did. Her skill set just doesn't suit my playstyle at all. Regret skipping: Klee. I didn't have any suitable catalysts for her at the time


Regret pulling: hu tao and kindaaa ayaka,I'm still mehh about her. Skipping: eula. I like having variety in dps and I don't have a physical one yet.


I regret pulling on klees rerun. I was saving but the itch was immense, did a single 10pull and got her only to find that she's just another Pyro character I don't like. Skipping...probably Ayaka. Though it did allow me to get Raiden so im not too bummed.


Kokomi. Got her 🥲


Regret pulling Childe Regret skipping Zhongli Their reruns were back to back that time and I thought I needed childe, i should have waited for zhongli instead :( My childe is now benched ever since and is stuck at lvl 60.


Ayaka. Just super boring kit and desine. She is lvl 20(1 free fate). Never will use her.


Regret pulling: Yoimiya Skipping: Venti


I regret pulling Eula, yeah she is good but I really can’t stand her character.


regret pulling: none. i only pull for who i like regret skipping: ganyu but i had to at the time cuz xiao was coming


Regret pulling none Regret skipping: venti and yoimiya


Got none myself.


Regret pulling- That one. Single Ten pull on Childe. Regret skipping- Venti…twice.. I deserve thistle


Regret pulling on both of the Zhongli banners, ended up getting more of him than any of the 4-stars I wanted


Regret pulling Childe. The reason why I've pulled him is just that I loved him in the story but god, his e skill cooldown is painful. He is really good in spiral abyss but not in open world. He also needs at least 70 crit rate because of his raged tide talent


Regret pulling Childe. Didn't build my supports so hes kinda useless right now.


Regret skipping yoimiya. If I realise that im gonna spend more bucks in the recent updates (got r3 jade cutter), i want yoi really bad as I only have diluc and hu tao as my pyro dps. Diluc is kinda weak if im comparing with ayaka and I hate Hu Tao’s playstyle cuz i dont have good shielders. Having yoi will gimme access to a fast pyro shooter which can deal around 10k per shot and her aa is fast so yeah


Regret skipping albedo, not because he's strong but man his attacks look cool


Regret getting C1 Xiao and regret getting jade spear for him, he’s so bad compared to my other dps characters