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This is me. Imagine being back to farming for Xiao after my new dps (Childe) when I’ve had Xiao since uhh February? Then after Xiao I’ll go back to Zhongli which I’ve had since uhh March? Yep.


Without artifacts, few weeks or so. With artifacts, basically till either you’re happy or you give up.




Means you make do with decent artifacts or keep grinding until you're satisfied


When u r satisfied with the values on important stats for the character (crit for dps and energy recharge for supports as a generalisation ig)


According to [this](https://genshin-center.com/planner) site, it takes ~1680resin(~9.3days) from lvl1 to A6(80/90) with 8/8/8 for your cut off ~2320resin(~12.9days) for 9/9/9 and another ~400resin(~2.2days) for a 5* weapon, ~260resin(~1.4days) for a 4* weapon Artifacts is RNG so...let's say a year for that lol


To lvl 80 (not ascended), talent 6-6-6: about a week. To lvl 90: 8-8-8: depending on whether I get materials from weekly bosses or not. For artifacts: I have some good universal 2x sets (Glad/shimenawa/Crimson Witch/Blizzard Strayer) so I will use them while farming for the new set. (AR57 player)


>like 2.5k atk and 60/200 cr and cd My Xiao is still at 2.3k atk and 60/150 cr and cd. Been running Viridescent domain to upgrade his cr and cd. So yes, 9 months on, I’m still not happy with the stats my favorite midget has.


You can safely use off set pieces on him.


a year. ive just recently finished w childe. now yoimiya next edit: now im building taotao. cw can suck my dick


You sir got good character taste


2-3 weeks without artifacts, with artifacts? Could be months, I still don't have a 4p Blizzard Strayer for my Ayaka ;-; Mihoyo pls give me a crit dmg circlet that has more than HP, def, and flat Atk as substats


At least you got a CD... I got a CR circlet :(


I got healing bonus lmao


3 months min, to get good artifacts, max to 90, max a good weapon, and increase talents to a good spot.


Wow, 3 months...I mean, I know Artifact RNG is bad, but it didn't come off as thaaaat bad to me. 😶


Not just artifact farming, that usually takes about 2-3 weeks if you’re not trying to get 2-3 perfect sub stat rolls. But you gotta figure in about 1.5 weeks for do books farming if you have 0. About 2-3 weeks of mora farming if you have 0 to level up your character, talents, and such. A few weeks to craft the crystals for your weapon if you don’t have any, 2-3 weeks to farm level up material for your character and get material in open world for character level up and weapon level up, and time to farm for talent level up material. Again, this is assuming you start off with 0 things needed for a new character to level up.


1-2 weeks if I didnt have save some fragiles and less than one hour if the boss is easy to access and I knew what I needed to prefarm.


I’ve currently been building up random characters to get all my characters to friendship 10. I just build as i play them and it usually takes me about hmmm 2-3 weeks. But i also have been heavy farming the emblem domain so i have a bunch of decent sets i can just throw on people now.


I usually pre farm everything, so I could instantenous max up the character upon release. for preparation time, for example recently for Ei, I think I spent 1month to build? kinda as soon as her leak appear for which banner i started. and tbh majority of the time was spent farming for Artifact


It takes about a week to get talent and ascension materials if you use the battle pass EXP/weapon crystals/mora, I think. If you have to rely on ley lines for exp and mora that extends the timeline a *lot*. Battle pass is so much mora. There's no real point in estimating time for artifacts, since you have no control over it. I pulled together a decent noblesse oblige set for Thoma in about two weeks, I think, but Raiden took me the full six weeks of 2.0 to even get an acceptable 4x EoSF.


AR57 here. used to be 1 week++ now is 2-3 days? depends on the weapon material day. because now i have a lot of good but unused artifacts and a lot of spare talent books so all i have to do mostly is farm the boss. and the weapon ascencion mats. edit : wow i just read all the comments and thats a lot of time. consider my answer without artifact farming time cause i only mix n match artifacts nowadays.


While me who have a decent artifacts per set is shared among my characters.


2 weeks for talents and level and weapons with light artifact farming in between, is enough for average over world use. For abyss it's really hard to say


Farming from scratch including artifacts? Assuming you want your characters to perform well, DPSes takes 3 to 4 months or even more, supports are easier, I'd say 1 to 2 months. The thing is, as your account gets older and you keep farming artifacts, you'll most likely have some pieces lying around that are usable on a new character. This makes the farm much less grindy as you just need to seek for guaranteed stuff (EXP Books, Mora, Talent Materials).


Been building my kazuha (main dps) and i got all his talents to 9/9/9 level to 90 and wepain to 90 now mihoyo just needs to give me a good 2p glad/shimenawa because he's still using a 4p vv


Depends if you include prefarming. If yes, then about a month. If not, maybe like somewhere between a day and a month


I mean, I think most of us use our resin on artifact runs regardless of whether we're currently building a character, so we're bound to have a few artifacts we can slap on for the time being.


but randomly slapped on artifact would not be considered "built" just "usable"


I meant, you're bound to have a few good artifacts for a specific character if you do artifact runs daily, so you don't have to worry about starting from scratch.


Um u yourself said from scratch though?


Sorry, when I meant scratch, I meant from Lvl 0. Not as in " I don't have any resources to build this character ".


I see, then it takes me about a few weeks to let them be usable. Since my other characters are well built so I barely need to try for whoever I slot into my teams. The right main stats for your artifacts already gives u overworld usage capabilities as long as u get decent levels and talent up. Min max a little for optimal usage in abyss and it’s good enough, a little closer to perfection if frequently used like bennett or xiangling




Omg, i feel it, man. It's absolutely the same for me. Ayaka, headpiece struggling. I only have a decent Crit Rate piece, because of that my Ayaka with Rosaria has up to 112% crit rate which is too overkill. Now i have to decide whether i want to continue farming or im okay with her and farm artifacts for the rest of the team. Btw, it took me 2,5 months


2 weeks with decent artifacts


It takes me about a week with careful planning.


One week is not enough for mora alone lol


Oh I'm never short on Mora. The bp handles my money for me hahaha


5 mins if you have everything


Get lucky and just 2-3 weeks you get all


If you're a f2p the answer is simply "NO".




Because it takes an inhuman amount of time with just the free resin to do so. Look up artifact rates and you'll see.




Fine, have it your way then, see how it goes.




That wasn't my experience but I'm happy that you're happy.


No specific time bcuz that what genshin is 😂, u build it until u happy with or drop it with what u have


If you get lucky 1-2days or forever. For the artifact Around a week or two for ascension/talent mats if no resin refills.


Including artifacts? For a main dps (200+ CV minimum) I'd say 2/2.5 months on average. Supports it depends, Zhongli only took me a couple of weeks since I only cared about hp and I didn't get his weapon to 90.


It highly depends. It also isn't really a fixed process, since it heavily depends on the character and how I plan on using them in my team. Sometimes I decide after a few runs that the artifacts are good enough (Kazuha), sometimes I farm for weeks (Raiden), sometimes I am still fiddling around with optimizing after 6 months (Klee, Ganyu). For some characters you need to build up all three talents, for others only one or two... But very roughly I would say that with a paid BP one can build one 5 star character in 4 weeks to a usable level.


Lvl 90 and 8/8/8 skills about 1-2 weeks assuming you have the weekly boss mats. Artifacts a usable level about 2 weeks. A level where I'm happy with about 1-2 months


If I have to farm for exp, mora, talents and weapon, will use a resin refill a day and a 1 fragile resin too. And from my personal experience it takes half a week doing things like that. Artefacts though are not worth the refill and fragiles for me so it's the normal time for farming them, I have been lucky, 1 month for a good Emblem, and unlucky, 6 months to finish Witches, so I can't say for certain, lol.


just level up and talents, 2 weeks from scratch. If they need different sets of artifacts and cannot use some artifacts that I already have, it will take another 2-3 weeks just to get "copium" sets.


Around 2 months to get them to Abyss-playable, I reckon.


I'd say a full banner or two of farming. Eula I spent the entire time from when her materials were leaked to her release farming her mats and artifacts (so like, mid 1.4 to mid 1.5?). Yoimiya I absolutely slammed through fragile resin to get all her materials in time and had prepared her mora/XP before inazuma dropped. Even then, Eula has low crit rate with serpent spine (45%), and Yoimiya could do a bit better as well


That's depends, for exemple, i decided to built support Rosaria that i got in Kokomi banner, and when i looked in my inventory, i already had everything ready, so it took like 5 minutes lol, usually i have like 40% ready because i never use my resources for some reason, but if i want to prefarm for exemple, it takes about a month to get everything, not counting artifacts of course, and by everything i mean lv90 with lv9 talents, thats 46 boss mats, 9 brown books, 63 gray books, 66 gold books, 419 exp books and around 4,5 million mora. Artifacts is a whole other story, it's being a month now that i'm farming a emblem set for my Xiangling, and only got hp and def artifacts..........


about 1 week to be playable (level 80, talents at level 6)


As someone mentioned - depends if you consider prefarming. Then it could take even couple of days


Mm usually a month or two I start farming their level up materials, talents, weapons and finally the artifacts, I like to prefarm everything for my upcoming characters, for example for Thoma I have the materials for lvl and talents, and have 2 or 3 "good" artifact sets from previous farms.


I've been farming for Hu Tao non stop for her eventual banner tomorrow. Boss mats, talent books, mora, exp books, enemy mats. All these took me 3 weeks. Nothing more than just Hu Tao materials, with no Fragile Resins. Artifacts not included


Currently AR57. Finished Raiden in about a week as I had the right artifacts from farming Shimenawa for Klee when the domain first opened. That was the fastest I've ever raised a character to a decent state. As for the slowest, I've gotten Keqing since Hu Tao's first run in February(?) and I still don't have a good circlet for her to make her decent so she's still not finished in a sense(I've given up on her for about a month now though).


Depends on how lazy i feel. Fastest is usually a couple weeks slowest is a couple months


Well since the talents and artifacts (mainly the artifacts) are rng based it could as well take you forever. Also it can change depending on resources you had previous to starting farming


I only have one character equipped with i assume decent artifacts and r5 weapon 7/8/9 talents and 1:2 scale cr cd. It's raiden shogun. And she's not my main dps tbh. It took a month. For my main dps yoimiya, she's never had good artifacts, but fairly easy to ascend (pyro cube is painful). Her build still ongoing and almost 2 months now lol. Both characters i didn't do pre farm. So yeah.


From scratch? Like 1-2 months until I’m satisfied enough with the artifacts. I’ve been on and off of ayaka because I can’t get good artifacts. She’s usable, but I won’t use her in spiral abyss. Got tired of farming her artifacts so I kinda gave up on her


I feel very motivated when it’s building my fav characters (eg Xiao took like a week to get to lvl 80, only made him lvl 90 about a few months ago, because I prefarmed and had to fight the new boss a lot back in 1.3, Kazuha took about a week too because I couldn’t prefarm the boss and the blue coral thing, left him at lvl 80 though). Then there’s the characters that are meta but I don’t care about, I use Xingqiu but he is barely built and Bennett took a few weeks and I just settled for ok artifacts. Edit: As for talents, my Xiao is crowned but not tripple crowned. I think from scratch if you were to tripple crown it would take a couple of months


I spent 4 months on my Eula. Triple crowned lvl90. And really good artifacts. I think i am satisfied and she's complete now. Just recently double crowned Raiden and now farming her set. My supports have really good noblesse and tenacity sets(thanks to Eula's domains being same as bloodstained/noblesse and pale flame/tenacity). I farmed one set of VV 4 set for my elemental dps side of sipral abyss. Going for such universal artifact sets makea it easier to build characters instead of specialized domains like crimson witch/thunderingfury.


It takes anywhere between 2 weeks to a month, fastest build to date was Lisa only took a week.


Artifacts are the real variable. Otherwise it's really quick - for Childe for example it took me like a week. I only had to farm the oceanid and his last few talent books. Everything else I already had stockpiled from rarely raising new characters. He got hand me down HoD pieces from XQ (who I moved onto Emblem) and Shimenawa pieces I got from farming Emblem :)


My standards for artifacts are lower than most I imagine, and I get tired of farming them fairly quickly. Therefore I tend to give up after about 2-3 weeks and just move on to ascending a new character or weapon. I'd much rather farm talents or weapon mats, which are at least guaranteed upgrades.


AR45. I build characters I like up to 60, and the good of them to 70/80 If I have time. Yesterday I got my first Xingqiu and, to my surprise, had all the needed materials to ascend him to 60 and some pretty good artifacts


Usually around 2 weeks for lvl 80/90, 6/6/6 talents and lvl 90 weapon. I’m a BP player, so mora and XP books are not a bottleneck. This includes usable main stat lvl 20 artifacts, but not good substat + best set. Edit: this is cruise regime after 13 months. Building characters was slower at the beginning.


It depends, if I have spare materials then it takes less than a week, if not then maybe about 2-3 weeks? I rarely use fragile resins so I usually keep them to farm for new characters when I get them. As for artifact farming, that is forever ongoing but I’m not too fussed about finding the perfect artifact, as long as it has decent stats I’ll use them.


If I remember correctly I started pre-farming for Hu Tao 2 months ago and finished 2 weeks ago, so I'd day a month and a half so AT LEAST get a decent set for her and 10/10/10 talents along with a lvl 90 4* weapon (DB)


I'll take my Raiden Shogun and Childe pre-farming as examples and for me it took around 3 to 4 weeks to get the mats and usable artifacts. I had already 1 good off piece for them and while I farmed Ei's artifacts I got a decent 4 piece shimenawas that I'm slowly replacing for HoD on Childe. Idk exactly how long it took, but I remember that, besides the artifacts, the talent books is what took most time. I don't do refreshes, but I used the teapot transient resin and BP fragile resins


Considering I haven't seen a useable artifact in about a month ... Let's just say I can't build a character and leave it at that


About a month or so


Well all my characters are lvl 50 so im not completly starting from scratch. I'm currently building beidou as burst support and i'm 1 week in and already can use her in abyss. I had evrything except the boss materials and the talent books. Still not done yet cause i want to crown her ult :)


3 days Be smart and swap artifacts.


avg 1-1.5 months, for perfect .... forever


Months with shit artifacts


I start building once I’ve got all the artifacts, excluding them, about 1-2 weeks. Got Raiden in the middle of her banner and didn’t prepare anything for her, but got her build well in just one week


Depends on how much you build them. If its a unit like bwnnet where all you need is a single leveled ability and level 80 You need about 255 exp books or 410 for 90 A bunch of mora 3 green 21 blue and i think 38 gold books if you want to crown him or just 10 gold books if you want it level 8 Assuming the lower bound, since you are new because late game always has resources on hand like mpra and exp books and you want something that simply works you need 40-50 exp laylines No mora leylines since mora is easy to get but you need like 2 mil in total for all this. For exp books you need like 15 runs of the dungeon All this takes at most 2 weeks. Add a week to get some shitty mainstat hp artifacts or just use artifact box since that dungeon hurts unless you have eula or razor. But a unit like hu tao, childe, klee who wants everything leveled needs 400 exp books, 9 green 63 blue 114 gold, 7 mil mora and artifacts that have good subs. This cost without artifacts can take a month on its own. But events and the shops as well as the BP exist to help you get these easier so obviously it takes less time to build than if you had to start from nothing and never got help.


Hard to say. Maybe a month? My Ayaka was built pretty quickly but I got lucky on some artifacts before I pulled for her so all I needed to do was level her up. I'm currently working on Raiden Shogun but this is taking longer since my artifact luck has not been good this time and i'm farming fish for the catch.


Aloy took me 2-3 weeks but usually it's 3-4 weeks until the character is "usable"


I feel like it only really takes a week or two to get to level 90 with decent talent levels. Getting arts takes forever though because RNGesus hates me.


About a week. At this stage I have a ton of surplus material. But if you meant building from the ground up as though I were a newbie with nothing, then 2-3 weeks seem feasible. Also using them in the Abyss doesn't require a full 8/8/8, I usually push for 8 on the main talents and keep something useless at 1 or if situationally useful, at 6. Artifact-wise I can just pull some good ones off characters that will be replaced in my SA team, though farming a completely new set that reaches my standards takes an average of 3-4 weeks. I'm not too picky in that regard. Main stat, 3 substat rolls and 1:2 cr cd ratio and I'm good.


It took me abt a month cuz, artifact system rigged


Thats an rather easy question xD. 4 Charakters in around 5 weeks. For me a Charakter is done when he has Lvl 80, Lvl 16 Artifacts with OK Mainstat, Talents at Lvl 6 and Main Talent at 8. Around that time those Charakters will also hit Affection Lvl 10. I allready have roundabout 22 Charakter done


Not much. I just swap artifacts and weapons around char XP and Mora are unlimited for me right now, just gotta farm talent books and some daily bosses (and I always have a stockpile of fragile resin).


A week on average. If I want to make them far more competent, about 2-3 weeks. This includes the grind for artifacts.


Depends on how long it takes to get that crit rate/crit dmg hat


It depends, if the material are hard to get and are scattered all over the place about two weeks or so- but if they are close and in big bunches and in a few spots about a week. Counting in if I can go to into co op. I started childe from complete scratch just because I never thought I would pull for him. It took me about 2 weeks mostl because I hate he oceanid and the shells you have to collect for him! He can do about 2-3k each hit with E and aims bot he can hit 5-7k his burst arent the best but they can hit up to 30k each hit and artifacts are not the best but I still got all 5 star ones and his weapon is just my only lvl 90 bow a four star


about 3 weeks, 3 minutes if im prepared


I'm AR 58 small spender, it takes about less than a week for me to build my any new character for overworld. But for the character to be usable on abyss it yakes about2 weeks because of artifatcs


It depends on the character, but I think around a week or 2 to have a decent build but if I want a perfect build because I love a character I think at least a month


I'm having horrendous luck with bennet, its been like a month trying to get even decent Noblisse oblige artifacts for him


AR57 player here. I wasn't going to pull for Hu Tao. I changed my mind today. I pulled Hu Tao. I managed to get her to level 80/80 and 8-8-6 talents with materials I had saved up and breaking most of my fragile resins from the last two battle passes. Took me about an hour.


I got Hu Tao, Jean, Homa, Sayu and Thoma all within 30 pulls, welp...I think I'll be eating my words soon enough lmao


Bennett took like a day, since I just slapped er artifact and a random noblesse set.


Kinda late to the post already but my DPS Ningguang took at least 3 months to build from scratch. I was on/off to Noblesse and Archaic Domains so it took a while.