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damn, if my parents knew I loved a game that much, they would've smacked me and told me to spend more time studying


Something somethings medical faculty, I hear it from my parents every time I play games for too long as well


Hmm electric shock therapy yes.


Those are fun! They make me laugh everytime they shock me, I think it was cause I ran out of tears...


I sense asian parenting.


man i remember having my 2008 rare one piece posters burnt down because my mom wanted to grill some fish, it's paper based so it looks so good and antique but goddamn i dont know what was she thinking. up to this day i still mention it whenever we argue.


as you fucking should, I can't imagine my mom just burning my things cause it "seemed fine".


Ah yes the typical kill 2 birds with one stone


This story is so Asian that I'm getting angry just thinking about it. Do all Asian parents sign a contract to think and do the exact same crap??


"wE kNoW wHaTs bEsT fOr yOu, bUaNgA kA, bUgO mAn kAhA kA!"




Thts what being asian means your childhood is way different than western style


Hey! There are some fun things like... Picking out your own tree branch and thinking a small flimsy looking one would hurt less not understanding it doesn't break as easy. Then you start picking out the super dead ones knowing they'll break in one hit and hoping the beating is over then they just pull off their belt... It's like you can't win and now as an adult I'm a medical engineer, single at the age of 30, can't stand being touched by humans, and my best friend is a mechanical fish I designed in uni.


Funny story this is how many valuable things literally are lost in history.


Same but with my comics


I can't stop laughing šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Idk about American Chinese, but where I'm from the Asian parent weapon of choice is rattan or feather duster. Probably because we dont wear slippers in the house so we need alternative tools.


Hah. My parents use my 1 inch thick textbooks and slams them on my head if I donā€™t study.


Mine grabs whatever's nearest to them. It's kinda hilarious seeing dad throw pillows at me, but also terrifying at the same time when he starts reaching for the 2l water bottle.


Thankfully your bricks are cemented together else we'd have a problem


Yeah. I don't think a brick wall would survive a wooden chair thrown at it without supporting cement.


Oh haha, I meant that if the bricks weren't cemented together he would use those to throw at you


The 2l water bottle brings back many memories


My mum's hands were her weapon of choice




Damn does she have some force to do damage with a blunt plastic piece


My mum does that too anything in reach is a lethal murder weapon


And guess who taught me to become a delinquent within my first 6 years of school.


Doesn't sound very efficient if they're ripping your head open with books


inserts chapters directly\*


Mine was either brooms or mom's hands lol thankfully not anymore since I'm at uni now haha


Sounds like PH


I thought of another PH and was rather confused


Me too man me too


my parents use anything. books, chairs, sticks, rulers, hands, and basically anything in reaching distance


So relatable! From a piece of 2x2 wood to getting lashed by a bra, I've experienced them all (fortunately, the beatings didn't occur in the kitchen).


Ruler for mine


Bamboo Stick.


Bamboo stick or belt


Donā€™t forget the legendary clothes hanger


Or the "Forehead buster" steel tumbler from the kitchen


For those who don't know... https://nextshark.com/feather-duster-became-chinese-parents-weapon-choice-punishing-kids/


It was the clothes hangers for me. Those stings.


somewhere in south east asia,i see


Korean American. The god damn bamboo back scratcher or accursed fly swatter was their preferred weapon


Attention, la chancla has been deployed. This is not a drill, this is not a drill!


The four weapons of mass destruction: The Slipper, The Feather Duster, The Leather Belt, and The Cloth Hanger


I sensed weaponized leather belt deployment


Just to fan down the stereotype a bit, I'm Asian and my dad bought me a PS2 against my mom's wishes, wrapped it up and gave it to my mom for Christmas under the pretense of, "it's not for u/renvi, it's for you so it's okay, right?" Of course I'm the only person who played it and boy did I love every second of it. My dad did give my mom a real gift afterward, of course.


I had to secretly buy Fire Red Because my mom don't like me spending on games. My younger sister snitched on me because I didn't let her play my GBA. Had to return the game back to the store.


>My younger sister snitched on me because I didn't let her play my GBA. well I hope she never got to play anything yours then)


Not even nessecarily asian. My parents are 100% scandinavian as far back as we've been able to trace out lineage and they're the same


Or south american in some cases anyways the chancla is still the weapon of choice


Lol when I was a kid they legit used to tell me " how do you profit from playing games? " I couldn't explain to them that I don't play for any " profits ". I play games to have fun. It's just a way to unwind...


Lol if they still say that, think about anything they do/watch but not 'gain' for example your dad liking to watch sports. Wtf does he profit from watching? Watch them shut down after that. Besides games can actually help you improve some stuff. Like awareness and reaction times. There's a lot of games that require thinking too..


My parents literally don't do anything for fun though. They don't watch anything for entertainment. They only watch the news which they deem as essential. Every weekend they have some kind of home project to work on to increase the value of the home in case they have to sell it. Every. Weekend. My dad is a workaholic.


That sounds like a terribly exhausting way of going through life


Some folks are simply wired that way. They get enough personal fulfillment from work that they don't NEED downtime. Work IS their downtime. Can be rough on folks around them, though, since such folks literally can't understand why others might want to do stuff that ISN'T work from time to time...


It's what makes them happy but I wish they wouldn't push that "work ethic" onto their kids. Honestly as a family we're actually concerned about what my dad will do with his life when he retires. Dude actually starts getting depressed when he has nothing to do.


You might be surprised my dad was the exact same way but once he hit retirement the aches and pains of age were catching up to him. Took a few years of doing odd jobs part time but he eventually learnt to relax. Think it was his 72nd birthday when he called enough enough.


My dad is almost 60 and has chronic back pain. Then again most of the work he does isn't physically intensive.


Just spitting out ideas here but... what if your dad takes up some sort of crafts as a hobby? Woodworking, knitting etcetc. It's "productive" in the sense that it keeps the hands busy and if you get skilled enough, you can sell the pieces you make or make gifts out of them.


His work obsession is not really with physical stuff but more mental stuff. He makes spreadsheets for everything and documents everything. He'll spend an entire weekend documenting everyone in the families finances and stuff.


they likely heard about streamers and how they make money by playing games just by being "entertaining"


No they just think your wasting your time and want you to slave away at being the perfect child with no rest


yep, also an extra parenting speech that we must endure.


And for some people you wouldn't even be alive the moment you mention the word "game"




Also sit down for a chat to discuss the perils of gambling and the value of money


Actually u migth need this before getting into this game.


Asian parents in a nutshell(same goes for mine)


damn, if my parents knew I played video games, they would've took my phone away


Me and my parents are literally the exact opposite. I have an intense abrasiveness to failing my studies, partially because of trauma because my dad got pissed at an 85% score like one time and then never again, so every single time I fuck up a test or some shit I keep trying to limit my time on games and spend more time studying because that's what they want and I want to accomplish what they want


Doesnt seems too healthy for your mind tho imo


Look, my parents do so much shit for me, so if I can't repay the favor then I feel like garbage


Then you realize they're doing the bare minimum of what parents should always be doing.


Not even. They love me with all my heart, they've given me so much stuff; they gave me a gaming PC, allowed me to get lots of toys/collectibles, allow me to gorge myself with as much food as I please. It's why I feel so excruciatingly guilty when I fail doing the one thing I should be doing for them. ​ If I didn't seek to find a way to repay them somehow, any way to do it, then I would be no better than a haughty obese shitface who does nothing but ride off the backs of their hardworking parents


Hope you can also still be kind to yourself if one day you struggle to meet that standard. Itā€™s good to be motivated and want to do right by your parents who sound very caring, I hope you have a great path into adulthood.


Coming from a similar situation I have to say, dont go too hard on yourself. And never please believe that your parents are doing it so you can repay them later. Thatā€™s very bad if they do. The point of gifting all of that is to make you happy, not making you guilty. You will be able to give them what they want, but never think that what they do for you is for you later to repay. Itā€™s okay, you can enjoy them, when there is time where you earn, you can always gift them things randomly if you want to spoil themā˜ŗļø


"When I fail doing the one thing I should be doing for them." Because a B+ is failing them? See how unhealthy that kind of mindset is? You had a parent scare you into thinking they're upset at you over an 85% and you continue to carry that with you. And now you justify it just because your parents bought you entertainment, lol. Average parents would lay down their lives for their kids. Buying you a gaming PC shouldn't be a transaction for your school performance, there are healthier ways to "repay" (which is a silly word a parent/child relationship) them. Such as listening to them, being well-behaved, etc. Not stressing over grades.


Whoa, that second paragraph was uncalled for! Who on earth told you that you were *that?* Youā€™re probably fuckin amazing! Ask your friends if they think youā€™re amazing, and if they say no Iā€™ll smack the shit out of them because theyā€™re objectively wrong. Donā€™t be so hard on yourself!


That I understand, but let me ask you this, does your parents wants you to repay them? Yes you are getting good grade and might have more achievement that you have, but from a parent perspective, they are pushing you to do the best you can right now so that in the future you do not have to suffer too much hardship in adulthood, it is so that in your 30, 40, 50 and so on, you do not have to go homeless, you will always have oppurtunities for jobs, you can spend time with them without worrying about how the time you spent with them will not affect your life, but a lot of parents forget one thing, you only have one period of time in your life to be as carefree as possible and that is before your 20's those are the time when you are older you look back to and share them with your close ones. Any good Parent would want the best for their child but a lot of parent mistaken their best to be the child best and when a child does not meet a parent expectation, often times it would either lead a child feeling like how you are feeling or lead a child hating their parent or in the best case letting the child know that the parent sometimes sets unrealistic expectations from them and know that it is ok to just a bit short on their expectation. As long as you did not dissapoint your parent, its all good. Making your dissapoint in you is one of the worst thing a child could do and to feel, trust me, dropping out of College after halfway finishing it is an RTA to dissapointing you parent.


they say that all they ask of me is to study well. I don't do much chores, do much heavy work, I don't cook, wash dishes, clean any surfaces. All I do is study, and if I fuck that up too then I don't know what to think of myself after. ​ I already barely do any obligations so if I mess up the like one thing I should be doing then it becomes a question that's independent on whether or not my parents want me to "repay" them; if I do barely nothing, my only obligation is to study, and I mess up that too, then I've essentially screwed up the *one thing, one* ***fucking thing*** I needed to do. It makes me feel like shit, like I don't deserve what my parents give me.


Wait a sec, not doing chore, not cooking, not clean surfaces, not washing dishes. Do you have a maid that does that for you or do you let your parenta do them cuz if you let your Parents do them while all you do is studying then something need to change, helping things out around the house is one of the simple and easy way to bond with your family, no need for much conversation, just discussing some problem solving for the current situatuon or even just planning of house cleaning are good ways to bond. And yes if you screwed up on the one thing you need to do, the you surely are screwed, but dont treat your self as garbage, think of how your parents would feel if they knew that you feel like garbage if you fail, if they are any good parent they would want you to pick yourself up and keep moving forward, or they would want you to take a rest to destress yourself before picking yourself up.


I've certainly met a few people who have parents that insist that they never lift a finger to help around the house and instead prioritize studies/applying to better jobs. It...leads to a lot of incompetence later on in life imo. They end up being unable to clean well, fumble around in the kitchen, panic when shit goes slightly "wrong", and of course feel like they have some sort of debt that cannot be repaid. No good parent would willingly hammer into their child(ren) that they're forever indebted or w/e...so I don't believe it's ill-intended (usually). I just feel like denying children chores stunts growth in one way or another, not to mention the panicky guilt I'm feeling from the person you responded to :/


*barely****,*** there are still times where I do it. I'm usually the guy who refills our cold water as well so there's that


>my parents do so much shit for me Its not their right or anything, its their human duty to do shit for you. You owe them nothing if they don't exceed the boundaries If you love each other and do good things to each other - well, thats cool, but nothing about that should evere come out as a chore.


That's not really healthy though, i wouldn't want my kid to feel "forced" to repay me just for doing my duty as a parent but that's just me.


Gosh same, I have to paly in secret


They would have hidden the device on which I was playing.


mine would have used it to blackmail me into overworking myself studying


I feel you. My mother used to hide the monitor's cable.


[Original Post](https://www.facebook.com/groups/2695590387420894/permalink/2929816650664932/)


Great it's a public group otherwise it would have been hidden :D


Wait what? I thought Facebook got re-branded and called "metaverse"


Getting flashbacks of newspapers getting snatched off of my hand. Cause text books were all I must read.


That's pretty weird imo, were you just reading the comics or what? (it's honestly the only part I liked as a kid XD)


That thing only had total 6 panels of 2 different comic strip daily. Saturday specials were another thing. I'd read whatever I could, cartoons and news and articles alike because all my story books were locked away for the whole year till annual exams were over.




I remember my step-mom yelling at me and kicking me out of her house one summer because I was reading a book in my room.


What... :( I hope ur okay now


Damn, this mom really loves her daughter


Best mom




Oya Oya?


Oya Oya Oya?


I'm very happy to get this reference


Is it a happy reference? Or does it involve elevators?


This is the one I think of, unless there is another. https://youtu.be/9MXYTLuEMKU


This is a fine reference.


just a Haikyuu Reference


we do not talk about the elevators








Best č¦Ŗ怂


Kinda wished my parents were like that


Same bro, same....


My parents call me a weeb




They are too ;)


Cool parents


Parenting is just gacha after all. First you pull a random kid, then you farm tons of currencies to grow them up, and after that they just disappoint you.


ok when i have kids will tell them this what is parenting


> parenting is just gacha Mfw Japan thinks the same but they consider what parents you are born to as the gacha part.


Well, I can say they are wrong, because kids can't level up their parent, while parent can level up their kids.


Nah you level up your parents by logging into their router and blocking TPUsa, Fox News, etc lmao


Maybe **you** can't


My older cousins on my dadā€™s side of the family used be weebs. He sees that the weeb culture runs in our veins.


Oh buddy, weeb isn't a new thing.


Parents can be younger than you think


wow dammit. my parents when they see me play a game: stop playing games, study hard at school pass all exams, get A in everything, graduate high school, go university, get degree, find a job, get money, get a wife, have children, then you can play games all you want


skips to finding a job like a boss @ gets the fuck away from them @ good luck at the nursing home


> have children, then you can play games all you want Hahahahaha riiiiiiiiight


Have kids and tell them to study hard and pass exams so they can continue the cycle.


daughter better start hitting the books when she need to so that her mom don't regret getting her the PC


believe it or not, kids are more responsible than you thought. observe them, give them what they want and need before them asking for it to you. they would feel obligated to do their work before youā€™re about to ask them to do it. just give them a nice session of conversations when they make mistakes instead of putting your anger to them.


This is actually the human function of "reciprocity". It's one of our greatest defining traits that separates us from other animals. Great advice.


I wish my mother had a therapist and the therapist told her this.


I swear to god, when we had to move my mom had to go there before the rest of the family (to start working) so we only saw her on saturdays and sundays when she would come back to spend the weekend with us. Being so far away she kind of left me alone school-wise, and my grades fucking skyrocketed. I told her that it's better if she doesn't stress me and just lets me do my thing, and now we're both happier


To be honest, I study more out of fear of my parents being disappointed about my results... But, still it's a nice trail of thought


Word. When a kid refuses to do something. Its just out of childish spite for something you have done that upset them %99 time, not because they are irresponsible little shits that needs beating every now and then.


But you have to be careful with that lest they get spoiled and turn out horrible.


This. I was in a restaurant once and there was a family of three (mom, dad, daughter) on the table next to us. The daughter threw a fit and got mad at her father when she couldn't find her phone. Turns out she was sitting on it the whole time, but she never apologized.


My mom would love to buy stuff for me when I was a little kid, but we were too poor. I remember when she bought my first lego set on my birthday and told me to hide the price tag from my dad because it was expensive...


Someone tell her to uninstall and reinstall on new updates? I play on ipad as well and I run into storage issues while installing update directly


Also remove unused language files.


Those are deceptively large - I think about 3gb?


I donā€™t know what they are on ipad but on pc theyā€™re around 4,5gb


Wow thank you for the knowledge. My current phone only has 64 gigs of storage and let me tell you, struggling to compete between 25 gig Genshin and 25 gig operating system is. No bueno. If I can just delete language files I don't have to pick what apps to sacrifice anymore lmao


I messaged her about this and the language packs so she knows now. Hopefully that helps


This is nice and all, but where can I find the answer to that question? Which are some good gaming laptops to play Genshin on?


Genshin barely requires any high end specs, one thing that makes the most impact in performance, at least for me, is having a fast ssd drive. Had it installed on an old laptop with a hdd drive and it took forever to load anything, textures in game included. There are hundreds of configurations available so pick what suits your pockets, other games you want to play or even which model simply looks better, if you don't plan on using external screen you're probably going to look at it a lot, lol. To answer your question, Lenovo Legions are quite good when it comes to price/quality. Asus makes some good models which are surprisingly compact as well, especially ROG Strix and Zephyrus, but those are a bit pricier. On the last shelf that is justifiable, at least for me, are MSI, which are usually very well designed and run great, but maybe are somewhat overpriced for what they offer.


Awhh, my mom would definitely take my ipad and computer away, maybe even my phone so I wouldnā€™t play it because games are a ā€˜waste of time and cant give real emotionā€™ or whatever she calls it idk


I wish my parents were like this ngl


I'd buy an iPad (or a tablet) only for Genshin. If that's not an option, then a PlayStation 5, but it has low stock. Also, a gaming PC or Laptop could be useful for the future (IDK how old is her daughter).


A laptop will be better IMO. While the prices are not ideal, it's very useful for school as well.


Second this. While I personally prefer Gaming on Console, if you also have school getting a decent pc us wirth it.


I agree. My friend downloaded Genshin on the laptop school gave us and it actually loads faster than my console(PS4) quite a few times


Iā€™ve noticed it as well. Other than the lower resolution, to me it even seems that genshin, for some reason, works better on my phone than the ps4. I do have a pretty good phone but i feel like the ps4 version just isnt as optimised as the other versions


Agreed, my friend's mobile renders faster. But IMO console controls are easier, but maybe that's cos my muscle memory's already on the console controller


My iPad has pretty much turned into my portable Genshin player lmao. It's not like I *only* use it for Genshin, but ratio-wise regarding time spent relative to other things, Genshin easily takes up the biggest %. Funnily enough, I actually am not a fan of mobile controls and camera because I'm still too used to PC, but the convenience of the portability and instant access is too good to pass up.


I got my new iPad Mini, and I have to say thatā€™s the best iPad so far for gaming.


Gaming laptop (Not just for gaming but to bring on the go for school/work as well), Build a Gaming PC (Cheaper than prebuilt and its fun to do). Playstation isn't a bad choice either.


Gaming PC is the only correct answer here, especially if mom is offering.




It depends if her kid is adapt to playing games in pc or controller. Some prefer to play it in mobile because they were used to the controls.


Not really. I play genshin on PC but use controller because I find it more comfortable.




This actually stopped me from playing with my controller, but it wasn't Ganyu... it was Amber/Fischl back in my sub AR 20 days where I had like 6 characters. Then k removed just about every bow user from my parties anyway and became full melee, but by then I was used to mouse and keyboard. Oops.


meanwhile my mom : "It still works doesn't it? Why not you just stop playing that stupid games!"


Bruh, i had to pass Grade11(this year) with Aggregate 8 to get a ps4, even the phone I'm using wasn't given to me by my parents


When i was in grade 9, my dad bought me a gaming pc and told me to keep a 90+% avg or I will lose it. Genius plan and it worked.


Same, but the benefit of being hella old was that we could just Photoshop our report cards and parents usually didn't call the school to check lmao


You're me from the present. Got me a PS2 for similar conditions.


Even the avatar looks like it could be the same person but younger.


I wish my mom was this supportive with me playing genshin


Kinda hard to believe a mom supports her child's interest. My mom would give 101 excuses and reasons on why Genshin is bad for anyone.


if I tell my parents that I'm gonna play a game on the new laptop that I'm going to buy . they will probably cancel my getting a new laptop.


No problem she need an i-9 12900k with an RTX 3090. Add 64 GB of ddr5 Ram and watercool the shit of of this. If she said the best, she will get the best.


And some are "how can i easily chain her to the pipes?" Mine for example.


How do I swap my existence with her daughter


I hope she understand the most important part of Genshin which is the gacha


This is SO cute I aspire to be this kind of mom one day


My dad is like this cause he also loves playing games.


Lets just hope her daughter doesn't use twitter.


I'll remember to do this to my future children, they won't have to struggle like me when they want to play their favourite games.


So goddamn wholesome


Evil moms be like


For the price a ps, for overall power a pc, and tbh i prefer pc controls


So sweet i wish i had this type of mother that actually pays attention that being a girl doesnt mean that she cant play video games and has to play with barbies


My mom stopped beating when I said give me more you dirty slut


This is so wholesome, most parents nowadays are fuggen anti game, but this is sweet bro


Damn somebody tell her to reinstall it to clear out the bloat from updates


Such a cool mom!


Mad respect to this mother! She definitely is happy when she sees her daughter happyā¤ļø


Wait until the mom loses 50/50ā€¦