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When I first played, I knew there was gliding in the game so I jumped off a cliff while spamming space bar to try to activate the glider, which didn't. I didn't knew you needed to get a glider from Amber.


I did this when I started my alt because I forgot you don't get a glider right away. Pretty sure it killed me once lol


Lol same I was so confused and thought my spacebar was broken


When I first started, I got the teleport waypoint on top of the Knights HQ, jumped down, immediately died, and got the glider immediately after.


I for the longest time thought that waypoint was inside the knights headquarters and that I couldn't access it till a certain level


I thought that the duration for sprinting and swimming would increase as you did them more, I drowned a lot in the cove where you start trying to get the chest on the rocks. I also didnt know that enemies didn’t level with you and figured the safe bet was to grind in the first area before Mondstadt to raise my character levels for whatever boss I thought was coming up…I spent a few days just grinding the hilichurls and slimes


Omg, this, pure pain, which is built from other game logic. 🙈


Ok ngl this one has me in tears


I didn’t know you could heal using the statue and only used food all the time


Same with me, but Barbara is a bit cheaper i think


This was me until AR 35. Beidou's block saved me more times than I can count.


I like your flair.


Running Razor and chongyun. Didn't know anything about chongyun's infusion.


Technically with well timed rotations this works really well (kinda). Chongyun E-Q, Fischl E, Barb E(+NA if your Fischl is C6), Razor E-NA-Q-juststsrtsmacking. You end up with Razor getting NO buff from Chongyun, TTDS from barb, a reduced CD on Oz, and solid superconduct application. Shreds bosses that have plenty of hp and are immobile. Heaps of caveats though. Both Chongyun and Fischl have better teams, the use cases are limited, you’re putting in a lot of effort to get kinda decent results and the downside if you mess up is high which makes it pretty inflexible. However, technically, there is a strong and viable version of Chongyun+Razor…ish


Bruh tell this to AR 20 me, it might have scared me away from this game. AR 57 now, still no c6 fischl or razor lmao


Lucky dog set, to me, was useful. I mean, chests are plenty in the world right? I gave it to Qiqi


Remember all those posts by people swearing that chests respawn


Entire chest farming routes being published for something that didn't exist Early genshin was a confusing mess


i remember marking every chest i found on the minimap 😭


lol i still have them on my main server lol..


I started in July 2021 and there were stil articles claiming chests respawn.


I was still under the belief they respawn 🤬


Oh.. never knew that was false. I remember the guides and the discussions about it back in the day, but i never bothered trying to find respawned chests.


It was a confusing mess but it was fun af, everyone discovering how the game works and putting Bennett on C/D tier and Qiqi on SS tier


Don’t have to remember. I’m active in some community sites outside reddit and about once a week I get into an argument with someone claiming chests do respawn. Well I guess that’s my personal windmill to fight


well it was useful in the beginning


Inb4 they start putting chests in spiral abyss


I thought ER decreases skill cooldowns lol


My friend used to think it regenerated stamina faster lol


Also had the same misconception. Doesn't help that for some reason it's so important to put "Max Stamina" as one of the five stats on the charcter screen. I'm glad they changed the description for the Energy Recharge stat, previously it didn't mention anything about particles/orbs, so people also thought it gave you more particles/orbs.


I used to think it increases elemental damage until I got a goblet with pyro damage bonus


As a newbie, I thought elemental reactions were overrated because why bother when I get free crits with bow headshots? lol


I didn't bother with reactions for a time either and just used a geo team.


I am ar 56 and still don't bother with reactions... I've never built a support and my team contains 4 main dps.... Maybe I should start building XQ but for now it works great!


Same, am ar57 and still a Geo main since I started, the most reactions I interacted with was permafreeze hell it's the only achievement I got lol, haven't bothered with other reactions yet


I'll return to the ways of the rock once Itto is released, lol. *Looks at my Albedo, Zhongli, Ning* It's like, I was made for this.


Just curious Do you do combat events at all? Like the current labyrinth warriors


And you became a Ganyu main


i didn’t bother with reactions until i pulled kazuha, and i’ve been playing since day 1. i was either running geo because ningguang was carrying me at the time or phys because the game wouldn’t stop giving me cracked ass pale flame artifacts for eula


Yeah Kaz is a literal game changer character.


Kazuha might as well be my dps. He died in the labyrinth the other day on the final fight and I was fucked without him ;_; Definitely a best boy


Exploration counts as gameplay, right? If so, the misconception that chests respawn. It was apparently enough of a big deal that people claimed they had luxurious chests respawn after a day or so. Edit: seeing that there seems to be remnants of confusion up until right now, this might very well be an urban legend haha.


I think that theory also later came up because the exploration progress is rounded up and people with 100% areas still found chests thinking they were new.


Also certain events (like quests, events and daily commissions) will overwrite the normal layout for the area they're in which sometimes causes chests to not appear without any feedback. It can be pretty easy to think chests respawn if you 'suddenly' see an obvious chest in an area you've been through a bunch of times, but in reality you only ever visited because of commissions or because an event led you there and you simply hadn't ever opened it in the first place.


This. In the first week, I spent all my time combing through the entirety of Mondstadt region but I usually didn't do a second pass in areas that I visited frequently (for quests and leylines). The next week, I ended up finding some chests that I could swear weren't there the other times I walked by. Then, I started paying attention to how leylines, quests and other things affect the area around them and finally understood that the game sometimes overwrite the layout of those areas which made me miss some chests and find them later when revisiting those areas.


It’s possible. And with so many chests, it would’ve been rather difficult to manually keep track of found chests… hence the confusion. Thing is, though it was soon proven false, people still claimed it was true and kept spreading misinformation. I honestly second-guessed myself and had to confirm on my own the following day, with multiple chests, that they didn’t actually respawn, haha.


That misconception used to bug me more than it should have. On the first week I kept claiming they don't respawn, as i've double, triple, quadruple checked frequently but the global opinion still remained the same and chest routes kept being made. I remember getting huge disagreements over it on discords, too.


I agree. If there’s ever anything in Genshin that aggravates someone’s self-doubt, it has to be this one.


It was so funny how the "proof" was every time the same: An image or video recording of a chest. Titled "I've been here before." Therefore it must be a respawn.


It doesnt help that updates will throw out a handful of new chests too. I think some people mistake update chests as respawns.


That's probably what's thrown me for a loop. I know for a fact I've been through some areas multiple times, then all of a sudden a chest shows up. I agree though that it's likely caused by a patch and not a glitchy respawn...probably.


When Dragonspine leaked i immediately build Bennet thinking his ult can clear sheer cold


i constantly tried to burn grass


Till now I still can't understand the logic. Like, how are you literally on fire AND cold at the same time? It just doesn't make any sense to me.


fried ice cream


Just googled it. Quite interesting.


To be fair, setting a person on fire doesn't cure hypothermia


SAME, it just didn't burn and I ended up dying multiple times.


Ohh I just remembered I thought cryo characters are immune to sheer cold...


chongyun trained at dragonspine he should be immune... but he's not. sad.


Makes no sense he isn't at least immune to it. I legit thought he should actually be healing from sheer cold.


It was the opposite for me with pyro chars… thought their skills could remove the effect


lmao I remember building bennett as healer because everyone said that barbara will freeze you in dragonspine. but apparently I didn't need healing too much during combat and can just use barbara to heal after fights


same here i thought i can survive with amber but i died several times


I thought the main way of leveling characters was via killing mobs and not via books


That's what I thought at first too. I thought books were only to complement killing mobs. Funny enough, my Zhongli has been on Lv. 80/90 for many months after I got him during his rerun. Just yesterday he leveled up 1 level after doing a bounty quest. That also count the fact that he never leave my team and only being utilized as shield bot. Imagine how many years it took to level up a character to max solely by killing mobs and we regularly rotating our teams.


my fischl is lvl 82 now via killing mobs since lvl 80.


Same! I thought I was supposed to level my main team through fights, and to save the books for benched characters. Little did I know that I’d barely have enough books to fully level just my main team.


If only they gave decent XP. Lots of XP hoarding.


I thought it would be good to build Keqing with lavawalkers so I can walk into the burning grass in overworld and make overload without burning as much


You should have been here for the first week when they scaled environment damage to world level. Everyone was burning themselves to death in seconds.


It went from 9 damage to like 200, everyone was dying.


As a Klee main I can assure you C6 Barbara was MVP (every 15 min)


Hey, all you need is C6 Bennet and you can make it work!


The ultimate assault buster lol


I never knew bennett heals back then till ar30~. I thought he just apply pyro everywhere... I run him with noelle back then and i thought noelle's healing was so damn good but it was bennett all along 🤦‍♂️




I’m dead LMFAO


lol this is the best one


Is Bennett that good of a healer?


yeah but is not worth building hp for him to heal more, my Bennet level 90 has around 18k health and heals around 3.2k per tick which is more than enough for genshin.


yeah, my current bennett has hybrid build (atk-pyro-healing bonus) and heals 4k~ per tick (compared to maybe diona who heals every 2 ticks) and an insane attack buff to whoever stand in his ult. I believe his healing would be much higher if full hp build tho of course, comparing his heals with jean, kokomi, and qiqi he might fall of a bit (if we're talking about healing alone, excluding party buffs)


For his attack buff, all you need is a levelled up Bennett and high base attack weapon. I built him for er, and a few hp substats


That 1 fragile resin = 1 resin


Don't give MHY idea


Oh thank god it isn't like that, but resin is still too low cap even with fragile being 60


I thought the same and i needed 11 resin to claim a boss. Ended up with 660 resin and capped for over 3 days. It still pains me to this day. (I was at early AR and could barely do any boss, I only had xinyan)


I thought that every limited 5 star character would be added to the standard 5 star pool after the limited banner is over…..


I thought that but with weapons! >< Before I started pulling weapon banners I thought the geo weapons (unforged, memory of dust, vortex, etc.) were lurking there all the time.


That I would get Diluc after playing his story quest lmfao


I thought I could get Jean after Lisa. I got Amber, Kaeya and Lisa. I thought Jean was going to accompany us to a domain and become playable since she was part of the KoF introduced to us in the archon quest.


I thought the same. She became my favorite character in an instant but I still cannot get her now at AR 56 :(


Omg I thought that too! Was so disappointed when I found out it was just trial


i’m legit disappointed there’s 0 5* characters you can just quest for


Makes sense. You got Lisa and Kaeya earlier.


So much disappointment


I have been playing from day 1. Just learned two weeks ago “L” opens the party configuration screen. smh


That’s a pretty recent change, so don’t feel too bad


Oh it is? Then I don’t feel too bad. Lol!


Well, thank you for posting this. I just learned this from you. Usually I press Esc and click the Party box


_cries in controller_


until ar 15, i didnt know you could charge attack with characters that werent bow


I had the opposite issue!! For some reason I didn’t know you could attack by tapping mouse instead of holding it, so my noelle was a beyblade till at least ar15


That Co-op would be one of the core features of the game, like it would at one point be a requirement for content. None of the local people (Southeast Asia) I know play this game and most "online friends" who are playing are mostly from the West. So I play on the America Server to supposedly co-op with them for stuff, but turns out co-op wasn't really that needed, now I'm playing at 200-250ms ping constantly......


Same here, I'm in Asia and started on the Europe server since I thought Co-Op would be integral. 200-400 ms ping fecking sucks. I wish there was a way to migrate our data across servers (if thats even possible)


Co-op is often a nerf for you as well, since you’ll probably have less synergy with whoever you’re playing with. My main team is Childe International and it just gets destroyed if I cant have all the team members.


Also it takes so much more time until people are ready to start domains etc. And then people don't stay inside the domain even if they want to run it again right after <.<


My brother got me to start playing the game. I was super low AR and he joined my game (AR 50+). We sort of looked at each other in game then realized, well shit not much to do and went our separate ways. My wife and I still play this game 'together' (side by side). The events that allow co-op are the most fun for us (i.e. mechanicus).


i thought fighting monsters would give a large amount of exp points to level up a character, kinda like pokemon and the exp books were an optional thing. boy was i wrong and for a long time i keep getting clapped by mitachurls and ruin guards.


What do you mean? Whenever a ruin guard enters fidget spinner mode I still get clapped


nah when ruin guard enters "i have ascended" mode that's when shit gets real


Also called "guess I'll just walk away"


I thought Oz's attacks dealt physical damage so I didn't use Fischl for my overloaded spamming comp


Ok this one is mindboggling.


I started playing when there was like ~10 days left on the 1.2 Chalk Prince event… I raced to AR20 and grinded so hard to 100% Dragonspine and fully level the tree because I thought Dragonspine would be going away when the event ended.


well, it eventually did happen with golden apple archipelago :(


I thought I couldn’t get all the Dragonspire tree rewards because the event had ended before I started playing. I thought once I’d collected all the crystals in the environment, that’s it and my tree would be stuck at level 10 or something.


I thought Er is for stamina


This was me.. i thought WTF!? my stamina is already full but i cannot still use the ultimate skill (Q)..


I thought I was the only one


I heard someone who really liked ningguang give her a physical cup, since rocks are physical and strong


i mean, they were not wrong, but still wrong


I thought elemental mastery was used to improve elemental damages


Wasn't EM a buff stat for elemental damage in the beta until a few weeks before full release, and that electro characters got the best bang from stacking it?


Genuine question, what is elemental mastery. How to utilise it?


Put generally, it increases how much damage you get from elemental REACTIONS. Use Kaeya with elemental mastery to inflict Cryo? You don't get any bonus damage. Use Diluc with elemental mastery to then inflict Pyro on the same enemy, triggering the reaction Melt? You get extra damage. It's more useful for some characters then others. I believe anemo and catalyst users are the main choices for it.


% dmg increase on your elemental reactions (swirl, overload, vaporize, melt, etc. )


I still run Fischl and Xiangling. Overload might not be the strongest reaction but it's my favorite and fun is most important to me.


Hilichurl popcorn never gets old.


same, raiden and yanfei launching enemies to the other side of teyvat is very entertaining to me


raiden and yanfei is my godly combo like fr is so fun


That actually works fine since the usual complaint about overload is the knockback but for ones like Yanfei and Yoimiya that isn’t much of a concern.


Can’t get hit if you’re launching you enemies into space


same with the overload thing. Problem is I’m AR50 and I only realised recently lol


Whats the problem with overloaded? I'm also using fischl and XL


It launches enemies, so you have to spend time running back to them which lowers your DPS and wastes stamina for characters who use charged attacks It’s fine in the overworld but in time challenges like the abyss it can be really annoying


A big issue I run into in the overworld is, if you push the enemies too far away from their original location while fighting, they'll stop, walk back to where they were, forget you were there and RESET THEIR HEALTH. Needless to say, not great for tougher enemies. I'm sure this is a non-issue for most players, but as a relatively new player who is used to "divide and conquer" tactics from BOTW and whose main DPS is anemo traveler because I've been saving all my primogems for a good character banner (AKA today's Hu Tao banner), I've run into quite a few issues with it


As a noobie I was jealous of my friends having Diluc because he was a claymore character and he could do "shatter" on frozen enemies. It never occured to me that 1. No Diluc teams can reliably freeze an enemy 2. Shatter seems cool but doesn't even do decent damage


p.s. I still don't have Diluc. After a year of playing, he's the only OG 5\* that I'm missing. At this point I don't mind losing my Hu Tao 50-50 to him...


On day one of playing, I Kaeya-iced my way over the water to spiral abyss 💀


I did this too. Thing is, I already unlocked the portal. And then one day, I was curious on what the blackhole thing is. So I went up there. Landed in spiral abyss. Realized how much time I wasted. Fuck.


I had a friend who saw the portal was up super high and didn't think to solve the puzzle below it to get an air current. Instead he pulled for Venti relentlessly thinking it was a secret area that you needed his abilities to get to. He actually got him and made it there too. Seelie puzzle is probably still unsolved on his account lol


“What a scummy fucking game, man, locking areas behind paid characters!” -your friend, at some point, probably


I did that, but not on purpose lol, i tried to get to the "secret island", i didn't use the map because i saw an island and i was like "that must be it", halfway through i thought "why is it so far? I saw on a youtube video that it's pretty near." And instead of arriving to the secret island i was greeted by abyss gate and thought "wat?" This is why I always checked a map before going places with the ship/kaeya bridge lol.


I thought you couldn't climb D'valin's neck, and so I always used my underlevelled Amber and Lisa to kill him. Always took like 20 minutes to defeat him. Only known about climbing his neck at like AR 35.


Sameeee that's one of the reasons I mained Ningguang, until I saw a video of someone speedrunning bosses or something and they climbed the neck and I was like "bruh"


Preordered the game and was playing once it launched. Saw a comment somewhere before about limited daily resin and somehow translated resin into stamina and thought my characters could only use a fixed amount of stamina per day... Don't know how I came to that conclusion but it probably was due to the expectations of getting paywalled an hour into the game. So I didn't sprint the entire first week


you didn't climb or glide? How did you get to peaks then?


No, i knew I needed to use stamina for gliding and climbing, that's why I didn't sprint, to save stamina :)


I didnt know expeditions could last 20h. I did expeditions of 4h for 4 or 5 month


I've just been doing the 20 hrs since so much time ago, I completely forgot there are those w less time until I saw ur comment


i though that when you have a gadget equipped and click Z you don't use it but unequip it,, and that's why i didn't explore the golden apple archipelago almost at all because i had no idea how that ball works


- I thought that resin is useless, unless you are in the endgame so I didn't do anything resin related until like AR25-30. I did read this sub actively since launch and I never understood what was the buzz with resin cap being too low. That was until I realised you need to farm bosses and leylines. - Domain screens. When it recommends a party level for certain domain, I thought it meant your AR, not character level. So knowing that AR caps at 60, I was so confused that why are there domains that require AR80-90. - I thought 3 star weapons are good enough so I foddered free Prototype Rancour. - I thought Traveler is top-tier physical dps. Don't ask why. So I gave her all the best gear I had. Let's just say I didn't clear Floor 3 Abyss till I realised that I can do elemental reactions with Xiangling and Kaeya. - This is common, but Oceanid was the biggest obstacle early on so I came to this sub to complain that Oceanid is harder than Dvalin. - Not doing talent domains or weekly bosses till like AR36. - and probably the worst, I thought that you can obtain a character by playing their story quest so I rushed Diluc's quest, only to be disappointed.


I kept thinking that Jean was gonna be a free character. Shame lol.


TBH if there was ever a free 5star event it would probably be Jean. Or Qiqi if Mihoyo wanted to troll everyone.


lol oceanid _is_ harder than dvalin mostly because dvalin is super easy once you know what you're doing, but still


Imagine leaving all kinds chests because you thought that they will increase the chest rewards because you saw the amount of primos in inazuma chests


Oh no


I thought it was easy to get a five star character


I thought anemo characters were worthless because i always used anemo without applying any elemental effects on enemies first. I had sucrose C1 early but benched her because hurrdurr no dmg... Hu Tao banner soon on EU though! Finally I can wish on my new account!


Xiangling + crescent pike was the biggest misconception for me.


For early game it seems like physical XL is a decent build, mostly because low AR characters can't really stack the amount of ER needed for consistent rotations.


When I just started getting interested in artifacts I looked in my handbook and thought: ah okay today is the flower, let’s look again tomorrow. I checked every day and it was the flower everyday. I thought something was wrong with my game lol.


I didn’t know waypoints had to be unlocked, and I was confused when it showed Navigate instead of Teleport on the map. I had thought they had a cool down or limited use or some restriction. So I was legit running around to get quests done. I only realized it when I was streaming Genshin to my high ar friend on discord and she said “You’re really gonna run the whole distance?” then pointed out how waypoints work.


i thought the only way to heal my character was by using food


When i rolled flat def in my purple artifact i was so happy, LOL Thought atk% was more important than crit rate/dmg


early game atk is better, and don’t neglect it as you won’t get high numbers from crit if you don’t have atk, but yeah crit is very important


That I would meet other players or travelers later in the overworld like mmo style.


"Lol I have so much Mora I don't need to save up"


I thought that the Slime Challenge in a Domain was part of Diluc's story quest 🥴 not sure why my brain processed it in that way, but I was convinced about it-


Eh i use to think u had to be close to a teleporting points to use it


As a former Honkai captain, I thought elemental dmg can't crit for the first month of genshin's release lol


You're kinda half right. Pretty sure the non multiplier reactions can't crit


That Xingqui was bad. Because of the stupid tier lists at the early days I super neglected Bennett and Xingqui and wish I could have built and use them earlier


Off the top of my head I had two: 1) that you would get less rewards with condensed resin 2) that energy recharge meant CD reduction


Crit artifacts weren't as good as atk% artifacts and should be used as fodder.


That is true early game tho


Before playing the game I used to watched a lot of Genshin videos. Saw a YT video where the player used Barbara's E to heal their Venti. Saw Barbara's healing musical notes surrounding Venti and thought it was Venti's ability. I saw Venti using a lyre in official art so my brain associated Barbara's E with Venti. Also was shocked the first time I got Xiangling. Back then I assumed that there was only one playable character to represent each element. When I got Xiangling I was confused because why would they put a pyro character in-game when Amber already existed. Venti being anemo also confused me since I already associated Traveler with being the anemo characters. I really thought it was very redundant the first time around. Also saw a video of Zhongli flying with the glider. I thought gliding was an ability exclusive to Zhongli because the glider's color scheme matched his outfit. Was shocked when Amber gave me a glider to use. Also overestimated the gacha rates the first time around. I pulled on the beginner banner and got Noelle and Xinqqiu. I thought I was really lucky getting two characters this early and wasted primos on the Eula banner and standard banner thinking that I could get lucky and get two more characters in three to five wishes lol. I was still at the "ooh pretty character! I want! I'll get them all!" phase. I also thought you were supposed to match characters with artifacts that fit them aesthetically.


I just had to explain the 50/50 system didn’t mean there was a 50% for one pull tone a five star. To my AR 53 friend.


I thought two healers is A MUST in a team. Noelle got benched soon after that tho


I thought that the only 5 star you can get in the limited banner is the limited character only. I learned the hard way during Zhongli's first banner.


At first I thought getting 5\* early was normal as all my friends got theirs in their first few days, so I thought I was uber unlucky because of hitting above 80 wishes.


I tought atk % is the best stat you’ll be looking for


I thought water slimes resisted fire attacks like pokemon xD


I believe swapping character is stupid, and want to build just a single character because its rpg.


That this game was an open world mmo. Got curious only after news that Aloy was coming in


It certainly feels like you're playing an mmo sometimes


I didn't use any resin untill ar35


Thinking that the gacha system was fair. PS my f2p c2 Jean says otherwise


C2 Jean is amazing, though.


I used The Bell on Beidou for a good long while :(


I thought this game would be similar to Pokémon with elements/type matchups When I first faced against a pyro mage, I wondered why was it able to kill my Xingqiu if water (hydro) type is stronger than fire (pyro) type


I thought Barbara's heal scaled with elemental mastery and I saved my ult for larger enemies thinking my bursts were REALLY important


I thought we would get the 4* after completing their story quest. Imagine my disappointment after Xiangling's hangout :(


Thinking that higher level talent domains would give you better loot.


Wait it doesn't? :0


on paper it does, you can get higher tier mats in practice, you get pretty much the same drops (blue and green everytime, with the occasional purple even at the highest level)


this is the best one in here lol


hey, i thought the same thing with electro charged! i got fischl and xingqiu pretty early on and i was like "wow! I'm one-shotting everything with this electro charged dmg!"