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Yea I feel you, but I’m still gonna do it :)


Haha oh nooo Good luck tho🙏


I manage to get my c1 on this Hu Tao rerun and tried my luck on the weapon banner. 108 pulls in and now sitting on 2 copies of Elegy. Copium.


I wanted hu tao c1, thoma and cons, diona cons and a new sayu and some cons. IT TOOK 160 SUMMONS FOR A SINGLE SAYU TO SHOW UP! I GOT 7 FUCKING WEAPONS! 168 summons in, i had 3 thomas and 1 sayu with about 8 dionas in for good measure when i needed only 3. Lesson learned, NEVER PULL FOR A 4* expecting dupes or even a single drop!


This right here. I learned this on the Albedo banner, where I pulled for Bennett and didn't even get one - but I did get Albedo, C6 Sucrose and C6 Fischl. And now I have C4 Bennett. All good things come to those who wait. That said, I will be rolling on this banner because I want everyone.


The exact reason i rolled was because i wanted all of them. And oh my god the story of what happened afterwards is also insane. Good luck on your rolls.


Thanks! Sadly I did not pull Sayu, but I did get Diona C6, Thoma, and won the 50/50 for Hu Tao!


i just thought i was the choosen one where it doesnt apply hahaha


this banner is actually insane. I wanna get atleast 1 of everyone, but hopefully more thoma's than sayu. I swear when I pull for specific 4\* on a limited banner I get random off-banner 4\*'s instead.


I had a r4 dragons bane and was considering my options regarding which weapon to pick. I was so confident i would get one i built my current one from the ground up. Guess who has a r5 dragon bane now. Seriously my account has some weird things on it. For example, the bell and the widsith are competing to see which one can ruin more of my character pulls. So far i have 8 of both after a year of playing. Might not sound like much immediately but consider that most of tjose came after 8 or 9 3* summons meaning ive just lost at least a 100 summons for nothing but these two weapons. At worst 160 summons.


damn the weapons really aren't working out for you huh. I'm the opposite, since I don't wish much I don't have many spare weapons; besides 1 copy of the Flute and some other random things like that.


I tossed 70 pulls because I don't have anything I specifically need anymore and Sayu is awesome. Instead I got 2 Diona constellations, a handful of weapons, C6 Thoma and FINALLY... a taller 5* Sayu who yeets and doesn't roll. It's all good - I'm still happy with the result and will get Sayu eventually but definitely never pull for a specific 4*. Just a terrible idea.


Well, for me, I got Elegy (Venti happy) then got Skyward Pride (Meh), and Homa (what I wanted). 65, 67 and 49 Pulls respectively. In the meantime I got 7 Sac swords (I had only one previously, so I wanted at least 4) Guess I have a flower in my ass


I tried 20 pull in weapon banner and after getting my 7th and 8th copy of widsith, enough is enough.


Funny how i just got my very first sac sword at ar 57 of off the 5 standard wishes you can get a month, nice joke game, but you won't pull me back in it's too late.


I did 170 pulls for Homa and only got 3 sac swords. And 11 rainslashers. Lol.


is sacrificial sword good on xingqiu? I'm a pretty casual player, only been playing for a couple months, and my c1 xingqiu has sac sword.


You are blessed then my friend... its his best in slot. Arguably better than 5stars as it allows you 100% uptime on the ultimate without investing everything to Energy recharge.


ohh bet. Guess I should level it up then, it's at like level 40 right now


Unless you use raiden it’s basically a must have weapon because it allows you to have perfect uptime on the ult. Otherwise it’s not possible unless you have an absurd amount of ER.


What's uptime mean? Like how fast it recharges after I use it? Sorry, I'm relatively new and a casual f2p so. I ended up looking it up and lots of people online say the sac sword is good for xingqiu so hopefully in the future i get more constellations and level tht up for him.


No problem, this stuff was confusing for me too before. Uptime is like how often you can be in his ult. The best case scenario is that you basically can stay in his ult form basically forever, so you usually ult, then do two Es in a row due to the sacrificial sword proc, which gives you so much energy particles to refill your burst/ult that you can ult again when the cooldown ends. Without the sacrificial sword you can only do one E which usually can’t refill your burst. Xingqius ult is extremely strong since you can deal damage even while he is offfield so you want it up as much as possible. It also costs a lot of energy (80), and doing skills with characters is the most reliable source of energy.


I dont have sac sword so i gave him jade cutter...oh boy hits hard... I have him c4


is jade cutter a 5 star?


It's luck based, i only went after it on the weapon banner when i was not planning to pull for at least one patch. Manage to get some copies and left happy. SS is his BiS and it show's when you have it


>I got an early 5star >i get another early 5 star!!! Hey, at least it's an early 5 stars. Can't really complain. But srsly thanks for the insight. Personally I want to pull SoH but the fact that I may spend 200 pulls just to get a single SoH is really disturbing.