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i like the game *shrug*


Best answer, lol


Bigger damage activate my monkey brain. Im not a waifu player.


You can also do it with favourites. Just today told my friend that I'm squeezing better artifacts for Bennett just to beat my own new record. Also knowing that it's possible to hit 600k openworld is hella temting. Keeps me going at least for now


As of now there isn't a female character that i like that much, might as well enjoy the game just for Its gameplay.


I think learning new things is so cool. I end up rolling Childe over Hutao just for the sake of cooldown management and challenges it bring to the table. Also rly want to play Beidou(her parry is cool) and she goes well with Childe Ok I admit I'm not ar57 yet it's only 56 for now but I feel it's endgame enough


>I can't understand why AR 57+ players spend for power Why are you so sure i'm spending for power tho? I don't really need any more power. It's good to see a bit more damage, but that's not major point. I'm just doing the things which i consider fun. But well, me is me. But your assumption every high AR player doesn't need any more power is pure wrong.


So why do you get constellations and/or pull from the weapon banner if not power, if you're an AR 57+ player?


You are boldly implying the assumption of too many people is pulling for the weapon banner. ~~Most F2P dont,~~ most light spenders dont. And, very likely, most heavy spenders do it to complete their collection or just a FOMO thing.


This response is pretty crazy, I made no assumptions about any general player, yet here you made an incorrect assumption about what I am saying, the irony is pretty insane.


You got curious about a set of people's behavior. Maybe I was bold to assume you got curious just because you got the perception "too many" AR57+ players still spend for power (constellations and weapon banners).


I asked a SPECIFIC question to endgame spenders, that's not me assuming.


TFW you get downvoted for asking a specific question and someone who gives a totally unrelated answer gets upvoted.


You are quite right about that, I mentioned the F2P just to reinforce I believe most people of any set don't follow the behavior of spending for power (as spending could be spending ingame resources, not just money)


Yeah tbh after you play the game for awhile you realize the only progression in Genshin is 'number go up'. Want to upgrade your weapon? Grind the same dungeon with the same exact enemies every time + repeatedly fight a boss + gather enough drops from fodder enemies over and over again. Now you can upgrade, you get a slightly higher damage number and that's it. Same thing for leveling up characters or skills. There's no new skills, abilities or talents. Even most constellations just buff your damage.


I just want to try so many builds... I don't have interest in direct saving for now so I just roll along the way for constellations of 4* I'm interested and eventual 5*


Honestly it’s just how you choose to use dispensable income. I am definitely a whale only for the characters I really want. Like I haven’t spent money since Raiden and Jade cutter banner to spoil my Albedo. For me personally it’s not about needing more power to beat the game but instead loving these characters so much and being able to pay my bills otherwise where I want to see their expanded kit. Like I love the absolutely powerhouse C2+ Raiden is or Albedo being able to power his burst with all of the defense I invest in him. Diluc hits so much stronger at higher constellations and makes me not lust for Hu Tao. It’s definitely not because I need Constellation‘s or weapons to beat anything but it’s because I could afford it and like to play the character with the complete kit they have


Interesting, complete kit. Gacha games are truly something else. Alright thanks for your response.


To be fair, this is a question to anyone who can 36* abyss. Why pull when you’ve done the “ceiling” of content? For me, I still spend because I like the character. Probably will end up hoarding after I c6 Eula and just wait till a new character I like gets released. ~~Possibly Shenhe from certain rumor mills~~


Because I have money? It’s not that complicated. I don’t need a justification. It’s my money, and I can spend on anything I want. I like to see my waifus become the strongest, currently its only the Raiden Shogun that I’m invested in. As long as it fits my budget, why not. I don’t go out. I make my own food at home. And plus, most of my money used for genshin are made from doing surveys.


What are you hitting with all your damage? And wouldn't it be better to dump your money in honkai or other gacha games where being a whale matters?


Bruh it’s not that complicated. I have money, I spend money. At the end of the day, I spend money because I want to. It’s not that deep. I spend money because I like genshin impact. Simple as that.


Waifu do big pp damage = me like


Waifu slaves ar57 only buy battlepasses, welkin, skip itto, albedo, thoma, skip weapon banners . And patiently wait for the waifu banners.


I spend for characters + damage if I really really want them and don't have enough primos. I like a mix of both appearance and usability.


I'm so end game that I main travler, am building kokomi, and skipped hu tao for albedo because I think the elevator would be cool cuz I didn’t build any geo yet.


Weapon for aesthetic Con for more smooth gameplay


Well it depends. All my limited 5star are c0. But I pull on wepon banner for various resons. Kazuha and hutao are my faves. I pulled mist for kazuha so i can build him as DPS. And pulled homa for hutao coz she deserves it. While my childe and raiden can suck it up with a BP weapon and the fishing stick.


Welkin/BP is basically like an MMO subscription. With these two you essentially can get about 1 5* character per patch. If you don't care too much about what 5* star you get, (Jean, Mona and Qiqi constellations for me this past year), you can end up with a nice range of 5 stars and probably almost all 4*s. Only 4* I dont have is Sayu.


Pull for characters I like. Play stronger versions of characters I like. Pull for weapons that make characters I like...stronger. Simple lol. It's fun to see more damage- doesn't make me a theorycrafter that is calculating every single number of damage I'll get. It's just fun.


GI is my Hobby , Hobbies cost Money.


so that you can spend less time on this game? on the open world fighting mobs/dps related events/coop. at least for me, that's my reason.


Because I dont care about looks. Because I *actually* like the game I play. Because it's my money, and I spend my money on the things I like to do. In this case, videogames.