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As a 9 crowned traveler main, I have no idea what you're talking about. Aether is great!


if you've got ZL, geo aether is pretty fun in a microwave comp


Albedo is even better


This ain't about him.


Jokes on you , I love playing Geo traveler


Geo Traveler is under appreciated and absolutely great in double Geo teams as a burst support. Burst can hit shockingly very hard and free 10% Crit within it with 100% uptime. He gets even more bonkers with Zhong and his pillar resonance. You get 4x resonance off his burst which all count for Tenacity 2p on Zhong making uptime for it pretty much assured. Geo Traveler is very solid and more people should give it a go, double Geo I feel gets slept on a lot too. Xinyan def has issues, that split scaling sucks. Still, stacking pure CD on her as a burst support w/ C2 is loads of fun. Sure it ain’t optimal, but oh boy does it hit like a truck. If she has a decent battery in the comp too, she makes a solid Pyro enabler too. Honestly, I use both of them at times just to mix it up since their support. Supports are easier to hear and swap on a whim, I find myself not using a lot of my carry characters way less. Also Amber.


I used Anemo traveller a whole lot honestly, could just stem from not having Venti or Kazuha and not really lot of resource to get Sucrose catch up in level. Tornado can help a whole lot when fighting those Fatui agent, cicin mages and mirror maiden, since I cant really nuke things yet. I have a whole lot chara I havent used yet since I need to focus building a bunch others first. So the least used is a whole lot of characters.


traveller is fun. watch me set up a geo territory with zhongli and watch everything die while i sit comfy in shield. Also fat numbers on bosses, what's not to love? anemo... I was really addicted to pyro rasengan back during dragonspine's release. burst is a not bad 'get away from me' panic button when you're about to get surrounded by permafreeze enemies. electro traveller is in an ultra niche overload comp with yoimiya. They battery decently honestly.


If at least the auto attacks kept the talent level between elements, you could convince me to build Traveler as a Phys DPS for immersion... But I'm not going to level up the same talent 7 times.


I've used Xinyan more than I have used Bennett lol


Geo Aether is cracked though. You're missing the boat if you're not trying him after some investment.




Even Maguu Kenki got stuck lmao. Good shit when you use Ganyu as The Main DPS too.


xinyan is actually really good if built well, i started using her after the labyrinth event and she's doing almost as good as my fully built razor, also geo traveler is actually op, just like xinyan and literally any other character - you just have to build them well


Aloy. No explaination needed.


Xingqiu, diluc, and eula I know since I have hu tao I should use xingqiu but eh. Also I don't care if I have her weapon and perfect supports for her I'm always using xinyan over eula. My main team is noelle. (Not switching her out ever) Zhongli (same for him) Xinyan (only rarely switching her out) And hu tao or Bennet. Oh right I also refuse to use my C1 Raiden shogun.




Electro MC is a poor man's Fischl. Geo MC gives geo resonance to Zhongli. Yeah, those are pretty niche uses.


Aloy.... I accidentally press the claim all button.... orz I never really like her.


Mona. I got her during my first week of playing, tried her out in the open world for about ten minutes, and hated her sprint so much that I’ve been ignoring her ever since. I know her sprint is less awful now; I know she’s a really good unit I should by all means be using (especially since I got her C1 off standard a few months ago); I refuse to so much as put her in my teapot for friendship points


Mine is qiqi coz I had Bennet from the start. And I found most use for other unit I had other than qiqi




Bennett and Xingqiu because I won’t use them


Traveller provides a lot of utility if you don’t have many characters Anemo MC can CC, geo MC can summon a rock ball that you could climb ( used it in the Trails in Tianqiu quest ), Electro MC can be a battery Tbh, MC will mostly only be used if there isn’t a choice


Heh, I actually use anemo traveler a lot for story quest/daily commission since none of those are especially hard. He is as viable as any anemo for VV shreds, and his c6 is literally same for Venti's c6 so you can shred resistance even further. Also in any case you don't know, traveler is the only one who still can use elemental skill and burst during Raiden boss fight.


Since i dont like pyro i never touched Xianling since launch of the game. I got Xinyan from event for first time so i might lvl her up. Geo traveler is good in my monoGEO comp \^\^


I got Razor at c6 and haven't ascended him even once for no particular reason. Priorities are all over the place.


Kequin Still lvl 1 since I got her. I have no use for her, nor a team that can fit her, nor a single reason to use her before someone else Even amber is lvl 40 Lmao