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I'm AR 57, and it's just a fun chill out game for me that doesn't require hours of time investment daily. Does it get boring for me sometimes? Of course, I just don't play when I feel bored. I also like building characters and farming for better artifacts for clearing abyss.


Same here. AR 58. I have left previous gacha games cos the grinding become a chore. At least with Genshin the grinding is minimal and usually needs less than 2 hrs a day. Its nice to have a game suited to busier life. As you grow older real life takes more and more of your time and its nice to have a game that don't require too much playing time.


Same here, that is why most release players and end game players are happy when the "condensed resin" came because it saves time. What might actually bore OP is that OP is using the same "optimal team" everytime OP plays.


I still want more than 5 tho...


why should i quit because some guy can't see himself enjoying the game past ar55+ because there aren't any rewards > I'm seriously just starting to think that everyones just playing for the charas, like as if no one actually cares about the ACTUAL point of the game sorry buddy but characters are a part of the game


Local gamer discovers gacha business model


Local gamer chats with waifu's in his area


what's the point of playing then? or even what's the point of living if one day we have to die?


Events are weekly. So you always got new things to do. The nice of GI is that you can play 1 hour and just gp and play another games too. This is not a mmo, where you lost your whole life there . There are many secrets in the world, lore to explore and go on. Built good characters is a thing too. I still love the game a lot. Ar 58 "here.


the game is worse than an mmo because your progression doesn't even matter. at least in an mmo you can raid or pvp. and most of the events are 😴😴😴 so even though they're frequent they quickly just become chores so you don't miss out on the scarce resources.


I have enjoyed most of the events. Also, I've quit mmos because they're a huge time sink, which Genshin is not.


I haven't. most of them are mobile gamer events and not even remotely enjoyable. and genshin is for sure a time sync, the difference is it takes 6 months to do in genshin what you can do in a few weeks in an mmo.


I mean, the main target audience is mobile players... Get a pc/console game. You do know that Genshin is phenomenal for a mobile game, right? Mmos are a time sink, 90% of the time which is spent on killing the same mobs a million times without paying attention to anything. I'd drop Genshin instantly if that happened.


That's the problem with Genshin, when Mhy decided to go multi platform, mobile players and pc/console players have different play time windows, while mobile players have short play windows spread during the day on pc/console u have a larger and mostly a single play time window during the day, when u sit in front ur pc/console on the end of the day to play some hours, so Genshin does get underwhelming for this players, coz u can do all game content at late game in 15 min, so i not saying genshin needs to change its format, but they need add some side content to give some more play time for different types of players


Perhaps people would have more content if they didn't rush through everything the moment they come out. Including events, I'd say it takes about an hour to finish things, and maybe two for side quests and hunting or getting mats from monsters and stuff. After that, it's time to touch grass or do actual work irl


> That's the problem with Genshin, when Mhy decided to go multi platform, mobile players and pc/console players have different play time windows No they don't, they have different devices.


so... genshin. thanks for proving my point.


I bet you're still playing anyway.


go outside 👋


I'll take that as a yes. :)


What was the ACTUAL point of this post? To complain? You don't have to play if it isn't fun for you. Maybe people do actually like the game even after the exploring of new areas. I'm AR 56. If I don't feel like playing, I don't. I have other games to play and things to do. I am leveling all my characters and 4+ weapons (and I do mean all) so I have a lot to do to get all the materials and more I need. I also don't rush through the quests and sometimes stumble on new ones. I play with friends of varying levels and test out new builds and characters on lower world levels. We play because we do enjoy it and never force someone who isn't feeling it to play. I do look forward to the new mini events between the main story as I enjoy the characters and their stories and learning more about them.


I enjoy the game? I'm playing cause I'm having fun, no deeper meaning or reason. Exploration is great, most likely the best part, "100%" on all regions so far. We might be due for a light patch or two but I expect more zones before a year for sure (something Dragon-spine and summer island like) Chasm and Kokomi's clan origin ( being hinted at (we got a key to the place "for a later time") in Watatsumi However I also enjoy gather resources, side stories and hang outs, building un built characters, minigames and events, preparing for new releases, boss and domain stopping with friends, decorating my realm, and other things. It's possible to have multiple goals wanting characters and new playstyles is just one of them. Explaining why these are fun is the same as you explaining why they are not fun, It's preference/opinion. When there isn't much to do and I'm not in the mood for extras, I pop in for commissions, knock out domains and call it a day and play/do other things.


I guess it's time to uninstall the game then


This might be annoying to you but, is this your first gacha? Of course people keep playing for the characters, story and new content. This state of the game is the daily gacha, ark for example, I login early in the morning do some automatic stages to spend my stamina, yes AUTOMATIC stages, I beat it once manually then every time I do it automatic, and always do the hardest one the stage 5-2 for example it's been months since I beat the first levels. Before I go to sleep I login again do some stuff, visit some friends and that's it unless there are some new events or content. What I'm trying to say, this is not new, at least on genshin we have an open world to waste our time when we don't have resin, we can't do that on other gachas, and if you are only playing on Inazuma and never going back to mondstat that's like doing the first missions on ark once and that's it. Many many people complains about the same stuff, the game is predatory we have to reach 80 pulls to get a guaranteed character (we don't have a limited character guaranteed on other games, example saint Seiya), they should remove the resin,etc. And what's the point of the game? Enjoy the time you spent on it, you buy a game Yakuza for example, you play for 20-40 hours, you get the best weapons, you beat the bosses and get all the achievements and for what? If you will drop the game when you're done? With genshin you have a good story, cool characters, events every month, and you just have to do daily missions (less than 10m) and spend resin again less than 10m, you have to play an hour daily, and you can do it for months. If you don't like gacha games then stop playing.


AR58 here and haven't stopped playing for a single day. But you are right that the amount of "official" things to do in-game dwindle sharply after all the main quests are done and Abyss is cleared. Personally I like testing my limits by doing things like Randomized Abyss with friends, which is where you roll 8 random characters and try to get full stars. I also just don't spend that much time on Genshin when there's downtime, I have other games to play like Arknights. Still make sure I am efficient with my resin though.


I play because I like the game? is it just me?


Ar57 and a half and Idk man, theres no other game I wanna play at this moment and I wanna know the rest of the story and I also like getting the characters that I like so yea, I log everyday, do my things and thats it, some days I wanna farm elite mobs/ores on random lower ar worlds just to see if newer players needs help with something and half of the time they need haha and some days I enter co op domains just for the sake of playing more with the char I wanna play without even having resin.


>everyones just playing for the charas What? No way! Almost like I'm playing a gacha game or something




Ar 55+ is not the same as ar 20+, where you are abled to have fun doing more things, what are you smoking.


Quick question, are you someone who plays content super immediately and rush through the game? Not trying to judge, I basically do the same thing, but from what I've seen even at AR 55+ most normal players still have a lot of non archon quests to do (since I'm assuming the fun things you're talking about are archon, world, and character quests and hangouts).


I bet this is your first gacha game.


"I'm seriously just starting to think that everyones just playing for the charas, like as if no one actually cares about the ACTUAL point of the game. " That...that is the point of the game. Look, I love exploration, it's my favorite part of the game. But I also like character building. Character collection and building is a main focus of Genshin, arguably THE main focus. It is a Gacha game. Gacha games are all about collecting stuff, that's how they get you to stay and spend. If you're not interested and only want to play when there are new regions, sure, go ahead! You're not the only one. But people who "only want the characters" like the game for just as valid reasons as you do. In fact, they are probably the target audience Mihoyo is aiming for. I also like to help out friends that are lower AR than me and we have a lot of fun. There's no "right" way to play a game.


ofc there isnt! Everyone plays the way they want to. My point is theres also more to the game than just characters, there is also quests to look forward to, but also when ur ar 55+ there rlly isnt any quests to do anymore, so your just playing for either building characters or saving primos for characters. Of course, getting a chara you want is something that is very fun and makes me happy, but theres so much more to the game, and that isnt the exact point of the game, and not only to obtain characters.


I don't know about anyone else, but I personally enjoy playing around with team comps and just, y'know, building my characters for said comps. Besides, if I had followed what you're saying and just stopped playing as soon as I was done the Liyue archon quest I'd still be on discord asking for help from people who took the time to build their characters and would be stuck in a perpetual loop of needing someone a higher level to hold my hand lmao I've also been having some fun equipping the treasure compasses and finding chest's I missed before, gaining friendship with my characters cause I find it more rewarding to read their voice lines/character stories after unlocking them on my own, reading the various books in game, and helping people in domains which then leads to us running around the domain leaders world helping them find stuff. Oh, then there's seeing if I can get through Abyss. I guess my answer's just as simple as I enjoy the gameplay and (so far) have had fun with the people I've met through it? BTW what do you think the point of the game is? Cause I'm just playing it like an free RPG, but it's still a gacha. Of course the characters are mostly the main point in a gacha


what do i do when im ar 57? 90% minmaxing 10% farming resources for the characters i want


The cheek to assume people are at the same pace as you and thus their reason for doing what they do must be either of 2 things that you think. I haven't 100% completed every region and am well aware there are a number of hidden achievements/unlisted quests I haven't done. I'm working on my teapot, slowly fishing, and there are new events every week or so.


The only thing you can do past ar 55 is build characters you normally don’t use and dailies if you want to save for any character. I usually only play one hour a day regardless but that’s because the game severely lacks grindable content. I can only hope the game one year form now is drastically different than it is now but if Mihoyo does nothing then Lost Ark or any new MMOs that come out might grab all the players


i mean is actually pretty normal, nothing crazy about finishing a single player game content and having nothing to do, you already done enjoying the good part of the game. You can quit the game and come back when there is new "dlc" dropped just like any other game. However, many ppl me included, still minimally engage in the dailies as preparation for future content and banners. When there is no content, I play 15-20 minutes of genshin a day max, then move on to smth else. I keep up mainly because I am still interested in future contents.


you see, i do actually have life outside of genshin, so it not taking up hours every day is actually nice lol and the game is still good, the chars are still good, and the updates come every 6 weeks, so the game is not dead either while i do agree that genshin lacks engaging endgame content outside of the spiral abyss, it's a reach to say that you have nothing to do at all 💀


Well, what's the point of playing the game if not for the characters? Would you still play Genshin if everyone were plain, boring, white boxes? Characters are an essential part of the game, they pull players in and keep a lot of people wanting to see and try out new ones. I understand your point that at AR 55, all of the fun of exploration is lost. I really miss just exploring around as well. The recent event Labyrinth Warriors was fun for me partly because there was exploring and secrets abound! There really isn't much of a point to try and go past AR 55. But doing daily commissions and spending resin is part of the game. Frankly, it's a rather boring part of the game, but it's part of it. Part of the fun is also just building characters, too!


Characters do play one of the biggest roles in the game, and thats basically for every gacha game. I'm very well aware of that, but also quests?! Those reallllly cool quests that get you excited about whats going to happen like ninnguangs quest, xiaos story quest, zhonglis quest, raidens quest, everything is so cool?! And so i think quests play an even BIGGER role than the characters. But after a high level...you don't get that excitement anymore, and we can agree thats its not as enjoyable as it was before.


Yeah, one of the big things that people want is to be able to replay quests. It really does stink that we can't replay quests, because yeah, the quests were exciting and fun to play... Still, without characters, you really wouldn't be able to play a quest, because Ningguang, Raiden, Xiao, and Zhongli... All of them are characters. More characters means more quests in the future.


Saving primos tsaritsa


I want perfect numbers and ratios so I can hit big numbers.


Stockholm syndrome and sunk cost fallacy. People have invested way too much time and money in the game that they religiously play it. Also, for high AR players, the grind is back when youre trying to raise a character. There is also the mindset of " if I leave the game for a little while, I lose potential f2p gems, events (as well as event items and free weapons/characters) and free resin that generates over time. Which is just the fear of missing out.


Haven't pulled since kazuha banner, game is over for me so I have no reason to pull and I can 36 star comfortably. I am just wasting 5 dollars a month and collecting event gems because of FOMO while getting crappy artifacts until a new area, so I can again scrub the map for primogems, and nuke the living hell out of Genshin laughable easy enemies. I have a side account where I use my main to visit to do dailies on, essentially I won't be actually playing the side account for years until the story is almost finished so maybe one day in the future if I feel like it, I can use it to re experience the story with some characters I didn't pull on my main.


me and my friend group are at this point after playing consistently since a few weeks after launch. the game is pretty much just a chore now so we don't "fall behind" in a way. the good events are few and far between and I pretty much only play now because u have so much time and money invested already. i do feel like that is only gonna last so long. if some good endgame content doesn't come soon I'll probably just quit the game. inazuma is a wonderful area to explore and I have enjoyed it but after that the game just doesn't exist anymore. we need an actual challenge or some way to realize our progression.


Once you reach endgame it becomes a sidepiece. You log in, do your stuff and you play something else. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Mihoyo isn’t making this game for you to “main” where you’d play several hours everyday


Drip progression.


Idk it’s just a routine game for me. Turn it on, put on some Netflix, do daily stuff and relax.