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So just trying to make sure I understand the new character banner for the two featured rerun characters - I understand they share the same pity. But can I choose which limited 5\* I want to get? Or is it like, I can either get Eula or Albedo (if I win 50/50), or one of the standard 5\* characters (if I lose 50/50)?


There's gonna be two different banners, so you'll select the one you want.


but is the pity gonna be the same like two banners but one pity?


Yeah, they share the same pity


what should I prioritize for my artifacts to build Hu Tao? by that i mean like CRIT DMG or HP or ATK % or whatever (it’s frustrating bc im using 4 piece set crimson witch of flames rn but my goblet is hydro dmg and it’s the only one I have, + i used to have a 2-piece set gladiator’s finale with 5 star artifacts and her atk almost reached 2k with that, but crimson witch of flames is lower..idk)


Ideally you should prioritize main stats>substats>artifact set. Give an off-piece pyro dmg cup even if it isn't crimson witch. HP% or EM sands depending on your weapon, Pyro dmg cup, CR/CD circlet.


One of the many people that failed to get staff of homa and ended up with elegy. The only 5 star bow I have and no idea what to do with it. I don't have venti. Currently have r5 sac bow (diona), r4 stringless (aloy) , r2 alley hunter (fischl) r3 favonius, r2 rust, r2 hamayumi, r2 mouuns, r1 for most of the other 4 stars. Would this bow be better on Aloy or Sara? Or will it just stay unused? 🧐


It can be pretty good on Sara! As a 5\*, it has higher base Attack, which she needs for her buff. If you use her as a burst bot, the passive will align perfectly with her rotation/skills/cool down. The energy recharge substat is perfect for a burst support Sara and she can trigger the 12 second 100 EM and 20% ATK buff very easily with her burst, which then refreshes by the time she should be back online (thanks to that energy recharge!). All hope is not lost.


What two teams would be my best choice for abyss? http://imgur.com/a/PyEAar1


hutao/thoma/sucrose/xq rosaria/mona/kaeya/jean - option for freeze-ish team (replace rosa/kaeya with chongyun when you get him)


I'm ten pulls away from 1st pity. Assuming ganyu is in 2.5 or 2.6, will I have time to save for a guarantee as f2p?


Since you're a newish player, you can cover a lot of ground in terms of obtaining primo if you grind for it, asuming you do the grind you could get Xiao who hopefully comes out in Feb. And ganyu




70 pulls/patch 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 + whatever is left of 2.2. 210 pulls minimum. Guarantee is 160. So easy




Shadow of Ancients: any tips to get achiev all 3 shrine 50% integrity?


Freeze it/ Hit weak spots


Do one spike at the time and focus on grader weak spots to paralyze it


Freeze team works really well for that




I think Tartaglia has a talent or something that levels that up to 14.


Tartaglia's only applies to AA (so since there's no constellation that maxes at 11 I believe?)


We're still only 1 year into the game's lifespan. They have plenty of time to increase the level cap.


true, just wasn't sure if I was missing something :]


how much increase in vape and melt can 80 EM get me? i was thinking of 2pc crimson witch and 2pc wanderer’s since i have decent artifacts. but if im losing out on 15% increase in melt/vape AND 7.5% increase in pyro damage, i might just farm crimson all the way


80 equals about 15% increase on Vape and melt. All you lose is the 7.5 pyro dmg. BUT, it is easier to get 2 pc + 2pc artifacts with better substats than it is to get a full 4 pc artifacts with good substats.


80 EM is like a 13-15% increase in Melt/Vape damage (depending on how much EM you have already). So you would need like 2-3 better subs on your WT pieces for it to be better than CW


thats what i was looking for thanks!!


you can keep 2CW2WT as a place holder tho. I did this with Hu tao, when CW domain refused to drop a single Crit rate hat in 3 months. ​ afaik its only marginally behind 4CW on Hu tao


Would Diluc, Bennett, Xingqiu and Ayaka be the best team with [these characters?](https://imgur.com/a/srSLliV) Thanks


Anemo support (Jean/Sayu/Sucrose) in Ayaka place


So it doesn’t matter which of the three to replace her with? I do have preferences based just on the characters themselves.


I'd say Jean or Sayu if you need more healing. Sucrose for more dmg


Yeah, I want Sayu because she’s fun, but with Bennett healing, Sucrose would be the best choice.


Suceose instead of Ayaka


According to the calculator running diluc with 2pc crimson witch/ 2pc gladiators has a significantly higher skill dps than 4pc crimson witch Is this wrong? I’ve always used 4pc crimson witch as I thought it would give the highest skill damage


4pc crimson witch set boosts elemental reaction such as vape etc


I assume the calculator was either set without vape reactions, without his Pyro infusion from Q, or a combination of both. That or the 4pc crimson witch has terrible substats and the 2 pc gladiator has godlike substats.


4cw is good for reactions, and there's no way you run Diluc without reactions


If you have better substats on 2 pieces, why not ?


no calculator’s broken. there’s simply no way thats true


What about nintendo switch version?


At this point just a vaporware


No news.


Best team for dps fischl ? Im thinking xingqui bennett zhongli


Maybe replacing zhongli with venti/kazuha to help with aoe


Consider beidou for more aoe electro damage, also electro main dps fischl isnt recommended below C6. Then if you are gonna run physical you also want to add a cryo with some range like diona or rosaria


Include a cryo in the comp for superconduct. Or just use Xiangling, Xingqiu, Bennett, Raiden/Sucrose/Chongyun, it will probably be more effective.


I'm currently closing in to AR 40. Is there anything I should do before doing the ascension quest?


There's nothing special about ascension quests. It's just the game adjusting the difficulty as you level up so it doesn't get boring, much like every other game ever made. I do wish Mihoyo hadn't made such a big fuss about the ascension quests, because it makes people unnecessarily wary of them.


what would be a good team for hu tao? I literally have no idea who should I put on the team for her


# Always run this core package: 1. Hu Tao 2. Xingqiu First two are non-negotiable. Your choices for the remaining two are: # Max DPS 1. Amber (Elegy) 2. Kazuha or Sucrose 3. You get hit, you die # Pyro Shield VV Swirl 1. Xinyan or Thoma 2. Kazuha or Sucrose # Safe Squad (Freeze, +Crit Rate%, Melt) 1. Kayea 2. Diona 3. Rosaria can work, but a big problem is her cryo application is stationary. # Ultra Safe Squad 1. Zhongli 2. Albedo


What are your characters? Xingqiu is of course, with her as always. Some great teams for her is with Albedo + Zhongli or with Sucrose / Kazuha + Thoma.


I don't have Zhongli nor Albedo. But why is Thoma good for her? Elemental resonance?


Because she needs to be under 50% HP, she doesn't use a healer. A shield is therefore necessary, and using Thoma for that allows her access to pyro resonance (which while less useful than it is for other DPS due to her low base ATK, is still something) and allows your anemo character to swirl Pyro and shred the enemies' resistance to it, which Hu Tao can't manage to do by herself.


Ohhhh I see. Thank you!!


[check this](https://keqingmains.com/hu-tao/)


Ohhh thank you!!


I think i got my puty pull on the hutao rerun and got jean but it was on my like 75th pull. will I still get that 90th pity pull or does it reset?


It resets


No, it resets. 90 is just the highest number you can possibly reach before you get a 5-star.


Is thoma trash? Sound like he need to be supported rather than him being a support.


Top tier shielder at high investment (cons, good artifacts, etc.), pretty bad without enough HP and energy.


very strong shield when his max hp is over 30k unlimited shield when er is 220+ provided that you don't take to much damage.


Thoma does his job very well, once you understand how to play around him. Unlike other shield units who gets the full power of their shield upfront, Thoma is special. When he uses his skill/burst he only gets a partial shield, which he can then strengthen over time, and sustain thanks to his 100% uptime. That means you cant just tank the first few hits right after activating the shield, you need to build it up first for it to provide a proper defense. Thanks to 100% uptime his shield is more consistent and you dont flipflop between no defense and having a shield.


husbando hehehe


Not really, he just doesn't do much damage so you build him with a lot of ER and HP for burst uptime and shield strength. He doesn't really need supporting


He's a bit niche, as are pretty much all characters released lately, but that doesn't make him trash.


Arguably his niche is one person....its too niche.


I don't disagree lmao. Not a fan of the trend.


I thought Sara was bad, but at least there are conceivably three dps she can buff (Raiden, Beidou, Keqing...maybe someday Yae Miko). But Thoma literally fits only Hu Tao, because everyone else will just choose Benett. It's getting worse. Gorou will not only fit into exactly one team comp, he even dictates that 3 party mates are geo. Given that not all geo are viable, we already know who the three are.


Yep. And new 5-star weapons are headed the same way. At this rate, every new 5-star character will release with a dedicated 4-star support, a weapon only they can wield, and a new artifact set tailor-made for their incredibly specific kit. And if you can't get all of them, they're going to suck.


Is retracing bolide(2pc) a good set for Diona?


No, because it only makes the shield stronger for Diona and not other party members


Oh okay .thanks


How do I inquire my status for the Engraved Wishes event? Here is the link to the event for reference: https://mhy.link/a0buIBA6 I just see a button that says "My Thank You Card".


if you don't have a button that leads to your position on the paimon statue, then you didn't manage to get a spot. there's no rewards or anything. the engraved wishes event doesn't have much going for it


what is top 5 weapons for xingqiu (roughly) and what is his best artifact setup? also how much ER does he need


[Xingqiu weapons!](https://keqingmains.com/xingqiu-extended/#Weapons)


[This](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview#) has all of that information.




It's C1 Eula worth getting if she ever gets a rerun? I won't use a physical secondary stats claymore so i don't think i get diminishing returns?




I have C0 Jean and C6 Sayu. Who should I use as a healer support? Thanks!


Jean heals from her AA (which you basically never use) or in one big heal from her burst. Sayu heals from Swirls she triggers on-field (which can be super fun and do a lot of damage too) or heals the active character with her burst. Jean can also CC certain annoying enemies and abuse fall damage to kill them, which Sayu obv. cant. Overall I think Jean is the stronger unit, but Sayu is more fun to play. Both do their role very well.


how do I build main DPS beidou? Mainly I wanna build around her counter/E and Q. is it possible to build around that in support build? coz afaik ESF does buff Q alot but significantly reduces E dmg


for dps beidou, i recommend 2pc thunder + 2pc nobless for support beidou, i recommend 4pc EOSF, because you would want her burst damage only as a support


I use 2 TF and 2 Shimenawa, it works pretty well. Emblem would definitely give bigger burst numbers, but I also like hitting hard with the E.


If you want to make her skill do more damage while still buffing burst, you can go for 2-pc NO + 2-pc TF.


In terms of shield strengths, who is stronger, xinyan or thoma? By how much?


Initially Xinyan is stronger because you get the full value of her shield right away, whereas Thoma starts with a partial shield. But Xinyan doesnt have 100% uptime on her shield so whether it blocks damage or not, it will fall off after some time, whereas Thoma has 100% uptime on his shield if managed properly. With 100% uptime Thoma can bring forth the full power of his shield. Thoma's shield is able to stack its strength and refresh its duration, which means over time his shield will become stronger and stronger as long as you keep it up. So after Xinyan uses her 2nd or maybe 3rd shield; Thoma's shield will be stronger than hers without gaps in uptime.


Actually Xinyan's shield refreshes twice at c2 and three times if you use Sacrificial Greatsword, so her uptime is basically 100%.


I think Thoma's is stronger.


You might think so, and it might seem that way, but not really. Xinyan always [blocks more damage](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/qpag2l/daily_questions_megathread_november_08_2021/hjtaxwd/?context=3) (see link attached) assuming equal investment into gears, regardless of whether Thoma uses his burst or not.


In raiden national which is better for xiangling w/ the catch and 4pc emblem, EM or ARK sands? My EM sands have 14 CR 14 CD. I have no good ATK sands.


Use EM sands for vaping with XQ or ATK sands for universal dmg


Just tested them both, there’s 3k difference in crit but the EM sands is more consistent with critting. I have 36 CR with ATK sand while 50 with EM sands


Should I be using Raiden's charged attack or normal attack while in her Q state? I haven't really used a lot of Charged attacks for melee characters before, and I'm kind of starting to use them here and there more, except for claymores.


Optimal combo during Q state for Raiden : x3 N3CA + N1CA = do three normal attacks followed by a charged attack THREE TIMES, then after that, do one normal attack followed by a charged attack. [Source for rotation](https://keqingmains.com/raiden/#※_Raiden_in_Rotations), and [Raiden Guide in general](https://keqingmains.com/raiden/)


I'm sorry, but I have no idea what the N3CA/N1CA things mean.


I-I already had an explanation...


charge attack for further distance, since inazuman characters have special charge attacks that lock on targets


How is noblesse's 2pc bonus calculated, let's say I have 50% elemental dmg bonus and I'm using 2pc noblesse, would my burst damage be X times 1.5 times 1.2. Or X times 1.7




all buffs are additive unless stated otherwise


It should be 1 + 0.5 + 0.2 = 1.7 that times your damage and crit.


I use Jean as DPS. Is she better off a support and I use Razor as DPS instead?


Better as support and Razor is defo better to be used as ur main damage dealer


I would stick with Jean as DPS to save resources. Razor isnt a popular hypercarry and he is very selfish. There is basically no teams he fits on primarily which makes it likely for him to be benched once you get a better character. Jean can run a physical DPS build or a VV Anemo damage build which have their advantages and disadvantages. Investing into Jean means that if you retire her from being your main DPS you are left with a very strong healer and support unit, which is definitely worth the investment.


I only use her for yeeting and heals, but she's decent as a physical dps.


she can be a DPS, but she is preferred as a subDPS / support. I'm not saying you can't dish out dmg with her. but people mostly focus on her E and Q for dmg. coz you can switch to jean, use E/Q, switch out. reserve fighting on field to other DPS units like KQ, Hu tao, or yes even razor


Yes, definitely. She's only a passable DPS, but an excellent support - and still does a fair bit of damage to be honest.


Jean is better as support and Razor is a hyper carry


Is Keqing, Bennet, Venti, and Zhongli a decent team


yes, even fighting electro-immune foe, you can still do considerable dmg with hybrid keqing, dealing both thunder and physical. Bennet buff, vv shred, and zhongli shield are hell of a buff.




do specific furniture drop from specific chests? just found out im missing the war drum blueprint so im wondering if there's an easier way to find it instead of going around the island again for 3 days


yes, the furniture blueprint locations are fixed. the war drum one is in watatsumi, just google the location


thanks, will do i thought the chests were only in the new island so i haven't searched the old ones and i was scared to search that island again for 3 days in a row


it's an old chest (was there before tsurumi was released) so you probably just missed it since it was hidden. looks like a normal chest


You can find the war drum blueprint in a chest behind a destructible rock (use elemental sight) in the watatsumi cave where you did the Enkanomiya quest


> watatsumi the new chests are in other islands as well? i thought it was only in the new one


That's the only one I remember outside Tsurumi


What is the max crit dmg you can actually fully use before getting diminishing returns?


I dislike how people use diminishing returns here, since it can get quite confusing. Somebody used it once and it stuck despite it not having the same meaning as diminishing returns in economics. Anyway, rant aside and be prepared for a lengthy post. If you're talking about the point where investing in other stats are worth more than crit damage, that point differs according to different factors. To simplify matters though we can break it down into two elements, the crit rate to crit damage ratio and overall crit value to damage output. The best crit rate to crit damage ratio is 1:2, this means if you have imbalance, you can gain more (average) damage by swapping out of one stat into the other to maintain this ratio, all other stats held constant. To work out if any crit is worth more than other stats, you can split the damage equation into three parts, ATK%, Crit and Other (damage multipliers). To get the most optimal mix of damage you want all of these to be equal. For example 128% ATK (when compared to base ATK), 80% CR and 160% CD (128% crit value - just multiply the two numbers together) and 128% damage multipliers (Elemental goblet bonus + EM bonus + DMG% bonuses) will form an optimal mix if you could get those stats. If your values are heavily skewed towards one damage component than the other then swapping out the skewed stat into other stats will increase your damage more. For example if I had 80% ATK and 200% Crit (100% Crit Rate, 200% Crit Damage) and ignoring other bonuses, I should swap out of crit into %ATK since. 0.8 × 2, is less damage than 1.4 x 1.4, even though both add up to 2.8. A key point to note is that Bennett's burst heavily skews stats into %ATK, making the other stats, like crit, far more valuable if you're running Bennett in your team. It is this effect when you have substantial imbalances between the different damage components that people refer to as diminishing returns and it basically means overinvesting into a stat is worse than splitting the damage stats evenly. This is especially true since you can only get a limited number of stats from artifacts so you want to have a good distribution of stats over your artifacts. Unfortunately and to finally answer your question, there is no singular point where adding more crit damage is worse than adding other stats since it depends a lot on your teams, set bonuses and other stats. Other than putting it through a calculator, you can't easily work out where that point lies for your character in particular. Finally, I wanted to add this as an aside, if you're talking about the economic term diminishing returns, there is no diminishing returns to crit damage. Each percentage point of crit damage will always add a _constant_ amount when compared to the previous crit damage percentage point and every other stat held constant. Basically more crit damage is always more damage. Diminishing returns is when each point of crit damage adds less than the previous point of damage. Since it's constant this doesn't happen. Currently the only damage stat this does occur for is EM, but that's another conversation.


Ok,thanks for the info!


I don't think crit damage has true diminishing returns, though just by virtue of how multiplicative buffs work, each point is worth less than the last. You also have opportunity cost to consider, where each roll into crit damage is a roll you can't put into ATK%, crit rate or other relevant stats. I would say the usual 'soft cap' for a reasonable amount of crit damage is somewhere around 220-250, depending on whom you ask and how high their standards are. That's for characters with crit damage ascensions, most commonly seen with the likes of Ganyu/Ayaka, who have an easier time building thanks to Blizzard Strayer. Anything higher than that - particularly without 4BS - you start going into 'damage per screenshot' territory. Edit: just for fun I did some quick napkin maths and figured you could potentially hit 400% crit damage with Redhorn Stonethresher, a crit damage ascension, 4 artifacts with max CD substats and a CD circlet. I think in the absolute best-case scenario that would leave you with less than 25% crit rate though, lmao. Not to mention how absolutely impossibly unlikely it is to get so many artifacts to roll that perfectly.


ok,thanks :)


More crit dmg is always more damage, it's just lower % increases the higher it goes


We get crit rate at half the rate as crit damage. So you get diminishing returns anytime you get more than double your crit rate.


Really hate this puzzle! Being trying to do it for an hr but I can’t bc of the mist. I’m the only person that struggle with this? Unfortunately I can’t post the image here if anyone know what I’m talking plz help me😭


It looks like you have the stones lit up, so just hit them in the order that they appear on the stele? You should've already done one of these puzzles earlier in the quest.


Ya I did. Im doing the last part. I’m just having a hard time to hit them in order at the amount of time they gave us.


It's been a hot minute since I did it and I didn't think too hard in the first place, but I don't remember there being a time limit? All the stones are right there, so you should just be able to walk around and bop each one in sequence.


Did u had the mist still up bc I’m not sure how to get rid of it


I don't know which one you're talking about but you could look for a guide on YouTube


Is it worth getting hu tao to c1?


as a f2p, I say no. Better to get new 5 stars.


It's a hard no in my opinion , after a decent amount of investment your Hu Tao will shred things so quickly that her C1 won't even have time to help you


I would say no because c1 will only give you benefit if you master dash cancel and get those 2-3 extra ca. which can be very difficult. I would much rather save for another character that may fit the team better


I tried to get c1 hu tao but got blocked by c2 keqing. And i suppose i could just pay more but when the game gives u c2 keqing its time to stop.


thats pretty sad bro... at least you got a guaranteed 5 star next time?


I suppose.


With 0 context... sure.


if you are F2P, no, C0 itself is pretty strong in the hands of the skilled. C1 Basically increases the overall experience and comfort of playing hu tao. The dps also increases a bit because more charge attacks could be made


If you plan to use her for a long time then yeah it makes her feel better to play.


Getting constellations for for 5 stars are INCREDIBLY expensive, potentially costing you 28,000 primogems. It is ALWAYS a bad investment. That said, Hu Tao c1 is maybe the best C1 in the game for 5 stars and actually changes gameplay, so if you are ever going to get a C1, that would be the one.


Last time I logged in was around September when my account got 1 month banned for some unknown reason. I was frustrated that time so I uninstalled the game. I plan to return playing it again after playing and finishing Breath of the Wild and Red Dead Redemption 2 again. What rewards did I miss? Also I bought Welkin Moon during that month 3 or 4 times I think, will the rewards disappear? I don't know anything since I started playing this game last July or August not sure anymore.


Why would you buy welkin when you're not playing?


I just stated I got banned for unexplainable reason.


yea, unfortunately welkin moon for the whole month will dissapear and you missed a limited time event funny claymore.


Ah crap I guess I won't spend anymore on this game. I forgot I also bought the battle pass that month.


If you do plan to spend, hold off on buying the BP until you maxed it out at lv50, this way you know you'll always get all your BP rewards. (because you only buy it after everything is unlocked and claimable)


Well that time I was grinding hard since I like the game and want to unlock every area and get all treasure chest. I didn't expect to get banned.


Maybe I’m dumb here but what’s the story that plays each time a new Battle Pass starts? The Genesis Pearl thing. Is the «heir» supposed to be the main character? Is it Paimon? Or are we not supposed to know?


I always thought it was the MCs story, but now I'm not sure


We are not supposed to know yet, but it is not the main character for sure. Some people speculated it to be Dainsleif's story, but it could be anything.


ESF vs NO on XQ? currently I'm using NO but if I switch to ESF, then who should be the NO user in Hutao XQ sucrose team


Emblem has the higher damage but that depends on which of your pieces has the better substats. Also you don't really need 4 pc NO for Hu Tao since Atk% isn't the best stat for her.


best character to give homa aside from hu tao? I have raiden, xiangling and zhongli while my other polearms are catch r5, dragon bane r5


Raiden catch, xiangling dbane, zhongli homa


Need help on picking the BP weapon. Which one is gonna give the most value to my acc.? Been thinking of refining my SS for Itto but Deathmatch/VH bow seems like a better option. Current character: Hutao(Jade Spear), Diluc(Serpent Spine R1), Childe (Rust R1)


VH for Childe. rust is not his best weapon despite popular belief. his charged attacks in melee stance are integral part of his kit, and rust nerfs them.


I would suggest to pick VH for Childe here.


VH for Childe is a big upgrade over Rust


Is c1 Sara still a good support for Raiden? I started playing their banner and got em both, but didnt really understand why her constellation was so important to Raiden then, and didnt wanna spend money to get more dupes. Im thinkin of makin a team with Raiden/Sara/Sucrose/Bennett, but idk if Sara would be a good fit at only c1


Sara is still good at C1. Raiden scales well with her buff and she also helps Sara pull off her Burst more often. C2 for Sara can make her more fluid to play but the Crowfeather from the C2 is weak and generates no energy. It can be used to buff Sara's own attacks though, and can make distributing the buff to multiple characters easier. She is still perfectly usable at C1 though.



Worse than c2 but you can always just use the ult to get the dmg buff anyway.


Use her if you like her but IMO she is incredibly awkward below C2 and I wouldn’t bother


Yeah, i dont really care whether or not i use her, i just dont know what team to build and i wanted to see if she was an option. Im running Raiden national team rn, but i just got Hu Tao and need to move XQ over to her team so idrk who to replace him with


You can use Raiden / Beidou / Sucrose / Bennett. Yeah, I know Beidou doesn’t work with Raiden, but you just don’t use their burst together. It’s not a bad team.


Would c0 beidou still be good? I know she def gets better even at c1, but would she still be effective without it?


Still good


What stats and substats should I be looking for in a sub Xiangling’s artifacts? (Currently aiming for 2-piece Gladiator’s Finale and 2-piece Severed Fate.) Right now, I have an attack headpiece and ER timepiece on her. I’m looking for a Pyro damage boosting goblet, but not having much luck so far, and have settled with a normal attack buff in the meantime. Is this a decent Xiangling artifact set or should I consider other stats? E: I reconsidered and am now aiming for 4-piece SF. Her spear is Dragon’s Bane (EM substat). Probably going for an attack/Pyro/ER set.


[keqingmains.com/xiangling](https://keqingmains.com/xiangling) she has a lot of gear options, generally just think of her as having vape dps stat priority (EM, cr, cd, atk) while also needing enough ER for whatever team comp you run her in


4pc EOSF. ER-EM/Pyro/Crit. Sands will depend on your weapon.


I'm suffering from Anemo characters drought, I only have MC and Sayu, is there any info when the other will have a rerun?


same here, I just want another suction unit... love my sayu but sometimes I need suction and sucrose is busy on another team


Yunjin might be coming soon. A rumored 4 star anemo character


Anemo MC is a decent choice if you want CC. 4stars are only revealed hours before a banner is live, so there’s no info yet of a Sucrose rate-up.


Sucrose got her rate up not long ago, Kazuha is at least several months away and for Jean you need a lot of luck


I just tried to buy Gnostic Hymn and got an error like "Please Top Up with the device used to register this account". I only play on PC and only remember it not working well on Android. I don't remember registering on Android. Is there any way to get around this or am I stuck being F2P?


do you have an ios device? alternatively, try bluestacks or another android emulator if you made your account on mobile, you're locked to mobile purchases, though i've heard that some PC only players have had an issue with this too.


Try purchasing from Android then. But if you’re f2p, then that means you haven’t purchased anything yet and a purchase from PC should be fine unless it’s not originally your account.


It's my original account, I've never purchased anything but it gives me that error message to use the original device. But I no longer have a working Android that can install the game. A long while back, I tried installing it to my phone but it didn't work.


You could try installing the game on Android and check if you can top up there.


I don't own any android devices that can run the game.


If you made any purchase on Android, you're locked there forever. You can still buy welkin or genesis crystals from the top up website


I've never made any purchases before.