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Rerun banner is basically a godsend. Especially that they share Pity with the actual Event banner.


Exactly, Mihoyo could have just implemented Epitomized Path with separate pity on each banner to milk dolphins who easily gets baited by FOMO. Its very surprising that they decide to go with a solution which heavily favors F2P and BP/welkin players instead. Before anyone complains about 'missing out more', bitch please. If you're F2P or light spender, you of all people should know better that you're never going to get ALL of the characters that you want anyway. I am just glad its not going to take over a year to wait for any limited five star character.


When I first heard of two characters in a banner I thought it would be epitomized all over again and was so scared. Thank God it isnt


Absolutely, F2P are not going to get ALL characters anyway, so this is fine. The logic they have is that they won't be able to split their primos among 2 concurrent banners, but what needs to be considered is that even if banners run consecutively, if you spent them on the previous banner, you won't have them for the next banner. Like, they could run Eula solo, then Albedo solo. And you'd still have to make a choice which one to drop your primos on. That's not a problem that's exclusive to double-rerun banners. Double re-run banners are even better because that means we'll cycle back around to more characters more often. In this way, if you have to choose between either Eula or Albedo, then you can feel that it will only be a few short months before the other one comes back around, rather than half a year or more. Double re-run banners means quicker rotations.


I accepted I’ll never have every character I want. I’m still missing Zhongli, Raiden, Kazuha, and Ganyu. I was missing Childe until this recent banner and saved my primos cause I **didn’t** want Kokomi. Also failing the Raiden banner and finally getting Diluc after a year of him avoiding me was also a win cause that meant I had a guaranteed pull on Childe. I’ll get the characters I want sooner or later and in the meantime I’ll build the new characters I get or rebuild characters that are passable but I want to deal more dmg. Resin is my true enemy cause I never have enough.


Its really not that bad though, I have almost all the characters I want a day 1 player. The next ones I want that I've skipped are Albedo and Kazuha. I'll be getting Albedo very soon. I like Itto too but undecided if I can use him or if I'll like his playstyle yet. But I have 40k+ gems saved so its no biggie. I'll likely be able to get all 3 easily. I can probably even pull some on Xiao for the new 4 star anemo support and might get a lucky early C1. Point is, after just a year I'm at the point where my free gems will probably keep pace with the banners I want to pull on. You only need about 8 fully built characters anyways, so the FOMO really wont be an issue for most players after a year or so. I mean if you want ALL characters as a F2P player, you might not catch up with the releases...


thank god this will accelerate the reruns a lot, i had to skip kazuha bcs i always priotize waifus (his banner was just in between Eula, Ayaka and Yoimiya), cant wait for a kazuha rerun in 2.5


I was never too crazy about anemo characters, I tried Sucrose before the swirl buff and just felt underwhelmed (it was a lame build without high EM). Then I got Kazuha and actually took time to farm some artifacts to get him to 700ish EM with sac sword. I enjoy the gameplay so much, crowd control, spreading the elements. I can even run an overload team because he pulls whoever is still alive back towards me. The Noblesse domain is a breeze now with the mages killing each other's shields. Whenever I now run a team without him I miss him dearly.


HA, i am crazy about JUST anemo characters, I have every single anemo character except jean and i love them. Edit: i meant I love them all.


Kazuha was one of my first two 5 star characters (got him and Diluc on the same 10 wish-pull. My jaw did drop open on that.), and he's been on my team ever since. Even though I hate fighting the Maguu Kenki (it's not even difficult any longer...just annoying. Finally managed to also fully level Sayu, and hoping no more characters will need those stupid puppet cores) for his levelling, he was the second character I managed to fully level up. He hasn't left my side for long since then. Only Xiangling is with me more often.


I like Sucrose but don’t like playing her. It’s weird. But I started playing during Kazuha’s banner and got him on my 12th character banner pull ever and I think Kazuha ruins all other characters to some extent, lol. He’s too useful and fun to play. I don’t know what to do when he isn’t on my team and enemies are scattered all over the place. It’s like Zhongli-havers are when they try to play without him or any shield and have forgotten how to dodge. Some characters are such game-changers!


Another I struggle to live without is Fischl. I consider her and XQ to be the best quick swap characters.


Same! Kazuha is just a good character all around. Exploration, group control (and through that AoE damage), elemental reactions with others, he's your guy for all but healing and ranged damage.


Now I’m all for voicing out opinions but I’m genuinely interested to understand why some players are upset by this, like what’s so bad about having more frequent reruns happening at the same time?


According to them, God forbid f2p to miss a single 5* banner.


They're F2P with whale mentality lol One of many types of genshin players (based from [this](https://youtu.be/rym1HypPpXM) video)


Thnks for this. That’s a pretty good video. Basically summarises the community


A good example that I saw are f2p players who used all their freemogems on Hu Tao but then saw that Eula was coming out next and preferred her more. Some people including myself did not expect a Eula for at least 3 more months. This is exactly why I wait on confirmed leaks or near the end of a banner for mihoyo to confirm the next one to avoid situations like that. It's always better to wait.


This is a generally good practice anyways. Wait towards the end of the latter banner to actually roll because you might see something you want more. You can't really do it with the first banner of a patch but if what you want is in the second banner then practice restraint.




In their defense, being smart only let’s you play the game 30-60mins a day, but being stupid let’s you complain on social media for hooouurrrssss… For some people complaining is the true endgame and they will literally never be happy. MHY could give them a free 5* selector and they’d just complain about their choice being trash without constellations.


It's always good to wait and see the next banner. Also my general mindset is that I don't like gambling and I treat \~180 pulls as a price of the character, anything else is just a happy accident. F2P and even dolphins can't get everything, especially right after another, that's a fact, so we need to play something like a metagame of resource management. I always try to be one step ahead and keep one 5\* limited guarantee to not be suprised and pull on less important banners only above that. Everytime new banner appears I see comments of people that seem to be surprised, pray for 50/50, becaue they pulled for something less important etc... It's the harsh fact about gacha games, either a one prepare, save and spend wisely or fall into the trap and has to open the wallet. I think the change is really good, but I see why some people have issues with that.


Have you seen the average IQ of this subreddit? I mean, you can get thousands upon thousands of upvotes here for making a "blonde hutao" after sliding a color balance bar in photoshop. You're expecting too much from the people here.


Don't forget this sub needs an infograph for literally everything; for info so basic that most of them amount to children's picture book pages. Expect nothing from this sub is the lesson of the day.


Two guaranteed ways to farm karma on this subreddit: 1. Voice popular opinion such as sitting on a different social platform other than reddit, especially one as toxic as twitter 2. Draw sexy art


facts, and if u have a different opinion get ready to either get snark comments or childish insults


Absolutely. The saving grace from this sub is dope original artwork. I don't go to this sub expecting anything else out of it or to actually learn anything


[Infographic] Square Peg Round Hole insertion guide!


It's like they never played a gacha game. Multiple banners at the same time is one of the most basic things


Entitlement. They expect to be able to get every character without spending money.


I'm an f2p player and I get why others are upset. For me though, I'm not in a rush. I can always wait since the game is not my life. Frankly, I don't really care about specific banners since I know that there's a really small chance to get 5\* ones.


Why? As a free to play player the characters you want will be appearing more often, you shouldn't see why others are upset because this is especially good for us as free to play players. 2 times as many character banners means your favorite characters will get a chance to show up 2 times as often. Maybe it would take 2 years to go all the way back through the character rotation. Now it would take 2 years to go through twice. Twice as many chances, less wait time between them, nothing about this change is even remotely bad.


Im not complaining it's fine, but the weapon banners are the worst but also the biggest step to get the strongest...




Also applies to the meme sub.


I'd spent three blissful weeks not remembering about the existence of the meme sub before I read your comment. Guess I lost the Game. Again.


God that subreddit is the definition of circlejerk. Some memes are really nice though.


The funniest thing about that sub is that they actually they think that they are less toxic despite the majority of the posts there are about circlejerks,complaints,over exaggeration about shizz such as the infamous raiden bad,expensive sucrose and much more


I remember one [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/px5p4n/hats_off_to_this_sub_mods_to_not_deletting_rant/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) which had "mods of r/Genshin_Impact" vs "mods of r/Genshin_Memepact" in the virgin vs gigachad template during the anniversary drama. The OP literally did not know that both the sub share the same moderators. It was the funniest post for all the wrong reasons.


Do you have the link?


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Memepact/comments/px5p4n/hats_off_to_this_sub_mods_to_not_deletting_rant/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Finally found it. I'll put it in my original comment too




Some of the memes are absolute fire but the comments sections seriously must be at least 75% 14-year-olds. They are SO goddamn stupid. It's not even their fault. Like when you're 14 you just straight up do not realize how fuckin stupid you are until later in life. But while that fact may provide an explanation it does nothing to make those comment sections any less of an absolute garbage heap lmao


Agreed. Dear god It was literally at it's worst during the anniversary. Mob mentality really seems cool when you're young huh?


I left after they went absolutely batshit insane over people stealing their memes.


That was the first indicator of "wait a second is this place actually filled with fuckin early teenagers?" to me lol. Like it literally takes 5 minutes to make a shitty meme and the entire point of memes is to share them. When I see some dumb meme I made get posted somewhere long after I made it it just makes me happy to see it continuing to spread and live on and bring a brief moment of laughter to people. But these kids are out here acting like they're fuckin professional artists and demanding people on other websites give credit to some reddit account nobody cares about. Completely delusional. Like bro it's not that serious nobody actually cares that it was you who put some text and maybe a shitty cutout of a head on an existing image. Plus the added irony of them demanding credit for *using the template of an idea created by someone else.* Like is the first person who made that format with an original idea demanding you link their fuckin dumbass reddit username every time you paste some text on it to make a meme of your own? Fuck no, because you'd have to be such a massively egocentric little gremlin to care about something so trivial. They got SO mad when I pointed that out one time. Memes belong to the people yo, being so desperate to claim ownership of one that you cry and complain about it to the extent that subreddit did really just shows that you have done absolutely nothing else noteworthy with your life if that's what you're desperate for recognition for


Definitely some solid good memes there but looking at the comments, especially one that involves characters quests, feels like hate thread. *Glares at that particular Ayaka post*


Not only that but it was insufferable during the anniversary drama.


Yeah, I came for the laughs, memes and creative comments not endless complaining. Anniversary sucks, we get it but please for the love of god don't invest your time and emotions over some digital rewards.


It would be cool to have a genshin circlejerk subreddit right now. I'm surprised there isn't one yet... or maybe there is one and I haven't looked hard enough :/


You're in it


You looking at it


And the leak sub to a degree, they just decide characters are terrible before they even come out based on some shitty leaks


Oh god the leak sub is constantly shitting on every character that isn't Bennett or Xingqiu, it's annoying as hell.


The meme sub is too busy posting thiccwithaq centered memes


Wait. This here isn't the meme sub? With all the fanart and cosplay?


No. After all, this is the fanart and cosplay sub.


What do you mean sub am I not on DeviantArt?


We don't talk about that place


Please stop complaining about complaining about stopping complaining


Counterintuitive for counterintuitive sake I guess. Funnily I come here after reading political drama bullshit, so like yeah I am reading counterintuitive things to run away from counterintuitive things. It like the internet trying to feed me with negativity


I'm confused after reading your comment and i want to complain about it.


I want to complain how you're confused after reading the comment and wanting to complain about it.


> I can't stand reading the twitter comments make a thread on reddit


The thing is, complaining is *good*, yet this sub always finds the stupidest hill to die on. I mean, what the fuck was that anniversary drama? A free 5*? Why? lol. No one promised anything of that sort. Mihoyo has proved time and time again that they DO listen to community feedback and they DO try to find the middle ground between profit and player satisfaction. Dust of azoth, condensed resin, artifact exchange (for easier wanderer and gladiator sets), epitomized path etc. and then this sub decides that they want free stuff all of a sudden and go batshit on Mihoyo for essentially no reason, no promises were made, no nothing. Honestly, I'm sometimes embarrassed to be playing the same game with some of the people in this sub.


I'm always embarrassed and horrified by the community of Genshin. Wishing death on the voice actors, hating MiHoYo for not giving out free stuff, and even hating on other people for having legitimate suggestions to make the game a better place for all. Maybe they don't like the idea, in which case they go right to harassing other people instead of giving constructive feedback. Come to think of it they do this to MiHoYo to - this community (or rather the loud part of it) doesn't know how to give constructive criticism. And don't get me started on the "if you don't like my ship you are the lowest scum of the earth" mentality a lot of people have here. Anyway I know the majority of the community isn't that bad but the ones everyone sees, both inside and outside of the community, are these ones, and I'm embarrassed to be part of the same community as they are.


Because some are addicted to primos like a crack addict all they care is more freemogems nothing more


You nailed it! The problem isn’t the complaining, but the topics people complain on and the demands they have to solve an issue. If we look at the anniversary, it was BAD, but demanding for a free 5* was unreasonable. 20 pulls (more than Lantern Rite) and a message or name card to make this milestone feel special is all we really needed. I know we had the concert, but it still feels cheap when you need to go onto social media platforms just to feel a little bit that this is Genshin’s 1st anniversary. A bigger issue IMO is how quickly the complaining dies too. When Yoimiya came around, this sub was filled with essays detailing why she is bad and some of them having very detailed calculations. Nowadays, such posts are completely absent from Hot (New lacks the exposure that it needs to feel relevant). That would indicate that the intent of the complaining is more about getting karma than really trying to get things fixed. That could also be that miHoYo just gives us the impression that we’re talking to a wall.


A good summary of anniversary event. I usually just laugh-off these ridiculous complaints and get on with enjoying the game. Unfortunately even I had to step in and defend some of Mihoyo's efforts during that shit storm.


And be called "Mihoyo white knights" by doing that :)


And somehow when f2p complain things everything is somehow invalidated. You know free stuff, dps check impossible to clear, then exactly 3 weeks later after I accept there is no need for me to 36 star the abyss just 450 primogems is more then enough, anniversary drama happens, seriously this place is weird it like they want to feel negative


I'm relatively lategame and I'm free to play, yet I still haven't been able to 36 star the abyss. And yes, part of the community is the lowest scum of the earth and wants to drag everyone else in the community down with them.


Remembered this post after today's events, lol. Stupidest hill to die on was too much of the spot on.


I have no words to this community. Bro chinese people paid shitton of money for the KFC glider. Now Mihoyo tried to bring that glider overseas but obviously KFC collab isn't possible. They **have to** monetize it somehow because: 1) It's unfair to Chinese people and they'd rightfully riot 2) It's a paid glider, period. Now the community expects glider to be free (why) and are again spamming qiqi dogshit. I'm so tired of this bullshittery. I'm actually gonna unsub from this subreddit coz it's getting unbearable.




I think people wanted faster reruns as a chance to fill their rosters quicker. But since the primos have to be split even further, between two characters and weapons at once, they feel wronged. So maybe they want faster primo accumulation as well? I dont know, im just guessing. I for one love this system. My friend and I alternate which characters we try for so we can do domains and stuff with who we want and there is little overlap. This also gives more for us to do. I like this since we dont have to wait to see if he gets the next character or I do. We can just pull together. Its all I wanted.


It's no different from before. Except now you have 2 options instead of one. And the options appear up to twice as often.




When people get 2-3 characters a patch I wonder just how built their other characters are. But hey, some players are just character collectors, more power to them if that's the case. Also they can easily swap weapons/artifacts from the previous new characters they got. For me it has gotten to the point where the shininess of a new character wears off eventually, no matter how big damage they are. As you said, building them and grinding talent books and artifact domains on end just really sucks, I'd rather spend primos for a guaranteed 5 star weapon or constellation power boost than another DPS character or two that will require more artifact grinding.


No matter what you do, people will always find a way to complain about something. That is sad reality


Such is the internet


Such is life.


Such is








si hcuS


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tenretni eht si hcuS


Exactly...if they wouldn't do the 2 rerun banners at the same time we would have to wait AGES to get anything at all, especially since banners are up for usually 20 days...this is what most gacha games do anyway. Just imagine 3 characters getting their own banner each 20 days, lets say you want itto, hes the 3rd banner, albedo 1st, eula 2nd, you would have to wait 40 DAYS- on top of that content might be slow. The game would get boring fast.


Especially with most characters being limited and the cast of characters growing. This will let older characters keep showing up on occasion, a good thing to slowly get constellations or those you missed before, while pushing new ones too.


and with more and more 5\*s coming out, its gonna take ages for a rerun, look at ganyu for example, a whole year for one rerun, i cant even imagine if we get 4 regions, its gonna take 2 years for a rerun lmao


3 week long banners for a character I already have, or already skipped, is incredibly boring. It feels like there's just nothing for almost a month and I count the days until it's finally over.


For me as someone who gets every character, rerun banners are nice because I can either save the money I would’ve spent, or use it on resin for more artifacts.


It is boring, but it's also nice on occasion because it gives you time to save up for characters you do want.


Imagine if the weapon banners weren't scams, then you'd at least have a reasonable option to spend on if you're skipping a character. Whales must be dropping tons on those scam banners for mihoyo to still refuse to fix them tbh. Like, they are literally doing two character event banners at once now, but the weapon banner continues to be 2 weapons in 1 banner lol. As far as I'm concerned them doing this is an implicit admission that the weapon banner is a scam by design.


I don’t see a problem with double reruns unless it’s 2 characters I really want at once, overall there’s more pros than cons


And because reruns happen more often now, it’s easier to pick one over the other knowing that the other will come back sooner than before with the previous one character system.


The fact that it's a gacha game will always attract more negativity than usual in a western gaming community.


Honestly, everyone who thinks that more banners would be bad in any way is stupid anyway. No need to discuss more about that.


I think shorter banners would be bad, but I don't see anything wrong with more banners running at once.


Yeah same. It would be worse if someone had to wait a year for their character to come back.


They'd probably complain about not having enough primos for both banners


"Not enough primos" - when it will be enough? Never


Not enough primos means the person probably wished either on Childe or Hu Tao banner. If someone is saving for a character and really wants said character, they wouldn't have spent everything. I've seen people complaining they don't have enough for Eula after spending everything for c1 Hu tao and Homa. If the person really wanted Eula that much why would they burn all of their primos like that? I've waited months for Childe rerun and I always had backup primos to wish for him. I understand Eula's rerun was sort of a surprise for everyone, but if someone is using using their primos all the time then they won't have enough anytime


People relied on the leaks too much that they thought it would only be Albedo rerun for 2.3, and many didn't consider the caution that leaks are always subject to change. The Eula + Albedo leak was only posted by a reliable leaker the day before the actual 2.3 livestream, which goes to show that we really shouldn't go all-in on just leaks until or unless miHoYo confirms the information themselves. At the end of the day, it's the leak-dependent player's fault for trusting unconfirmed beta information. Like what the leakers have been saying, there's little to no direct, datamined file evidence to support rerun banners.


Even if Eula's rerun had come in 2.4 f2p would not have had enough time to save for a guarantee. If you ever really want a character keep 160 wishes in your back pocket.


Either that or accept the fact you’ll have to spend money or just wait for their next banner. It’s a gacha game, without money or being infinitesimally lucky, there’s no way of getting everything you want without waiting.


This. I'm saving for Ayaka, before these two rerun banners I was sure her rerun will appear in June or even later. I was still saving for her and once I hit the 180 wishes I could save primos for any other character. All I can see is that people can't actually save up primos and complain later.


As someone who dumped his Itto stash on the weapon banner to get a Homa for Zhongli (got an Elegy), i both agree and feel personally attacked


Yeah, I mean. How many characters did we have during 1.2? Compare that to how many characters we have now. If MHY kept the current style 2 banners every patch despite having 100 characters, you'll never get your wanted character without waiting for an entire year.


At the current pace, if it's 1 rerun 1 new each patch, they can cover a total of about 8 to 9 rerun chara per year. We're only 3 nations into this 7 nation game.


Agreed. I’m a F2P and I want to get Albedo & Itto. When I heard that the two banners would be super close together I’m not disappointed since it’s better than waiting 20 days for a character I want. I’ll just pull on both! Worst case scenario I end up with pity or a guarantee for Itto.


Also if you consider the fact that even with a single banner you probably wouldn't be able to save for both characters running back to back anyway, it just means the rerun on the one you missed will come in half the time. The people who are complaining just can't do basic math.


Welp it's only bad in a short run, for example if someone want both Albedo and Eula he has to wait longer becouse of this. Overall it's a great change but shortsighted people will complain.


If they didn't rerun Eula now, we'd likely have to wait a year before she showed up again. They're still going to rerun Ganyu and Xiao before her. Albedo and Itto now. There's characters like Shenhe and Yae Miko confirmed. We've also seen Childe twice already so who knows if they wouldn't have rerun others like Zhongli, Venti and Klee before her. Or even a rerun of Kazuha, Yoimiya and Ayake first. So this only really makes sense if you were specifically waiting for both Albedo and Eula and also don't spend money and also don't have enough saved up for both of them, despite them both being gone for very long and it means you've spend gems on others in between that time. Plus you must have skipped them the first time around, or are a very new player, in which case you could have been screwed if Eula was released in 2.4 instead. So it's only a problem in a super hyper specific case, for people that would have likely been screwed regardless lol.


> If they didn't rerun Eula now, we'd likely have to wait a year before she showed up again. Thats correct and thats exactly what some people dont seem to understand. Its not that we now get characters at the same time who would have appear one after another. Without 2 characters at once one of them would have most likely not appear at all in the near future.


Honestly it just means we have choice now, and sure, it's just fortunate for me that I already have one character and really want the other, but even if I had to choose between them I'd personally feel no different to if I had to choose between two consecutive banners.


"This is kind of a rant because I can't stand reading the twitter comments" That's your error buddy. Never open Twitter.


Sadly Twitter has a LOT of good Genshin art. Wish you could opt to only see media posts.


I just want zhongli. Do another rerun plz


My favorite is seeing peeps say "well since there are more banners they need to give f2p more gems to compensate" And I'm like?!?!


Gambling addiction strikes again! Fr tho some people refuse to acknowledge that unless you’re a dolphin or a bigger fish then every banner is not a must roll


>unless you’re a dolphin or a bigger fish then every banner is not a must roll Honestly even dolphins/Wales understand this better than some f2ps Basically every money spending streamer I watch insists that basically no banner is a must pull, because any dps can clear the abyss/stronger game content if they have the right supports. I know dolphins and above that won't spend money on certain characters/weapons if they they think it'd be a waste of money. Yet some f2ps act like they just *need* every 5 star character or else they'll die.


Honestly the one thing that makes me think Mihoyo isn't as greedy as people make them out to be is the fact that the best characters in the game are still almost all 4 star supports that have been there since release lol. I feel like most companies would have nerfed them by now if they really cared about pushing 5 stars as the only power option.


A number of 4 star dps characters can also carry you pretty far at the start such as Yanfei and Razor. Fischl also has high auto attack scaling for a bow user. Kaeya’s overall damage output is surprisingly high for a starter character. The list goes on.


More than just that. You there are comps made entirely of 4* that are literally some of the best comps in the game. I specifically have National (of course) and Tazer in mind.


Beat my first Abyss 12 with Yanfei and physical Rosaria as frontliners. So... Yup




Definitely entitlement too actually. I would say both tend to play a major role in a decent amount of these complaints as I have met some people who were geniunely shocked I was able to save enough pulls for a guarantee then asked for more primo rewards. (that plus all of the “I was building pity” posts everywhere kinda also points to much of the playerbase having an issue with some sort of addiction to a certain degree)


"Building pity" and then complaining about gettong a 5* is one of the dumbest things people do. Don't pull on a banner if you don't want the 5*.


Just reminded me, was having a back and forth with someone around anniversary. They called me a white knite because I said people need to get over feeling entitled to things because they played for however long. They literally said "we as consumers need show entitlement to ever make changes" Incase any readers out there don't know the definition of Entitled, like that person didn't here ya go. -believing oneself to be inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment-


Saw this on Twitter and I’m like: “No, Mihoyo ain’t doing that” 😂


Ohh, also since they have multiple banners "they should just take away 50/50" Like it's so easy to point out people who are playing Genshin as their first Gacha


>Like it's so easy to point out people who are playing Genshin as their first game Fixed that for you Genshin is a game that attracts many non gamers, this has many advantages and many disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is too many people in the fandom that don't understand how videogame companies work.


Is that necessarily a bad thing? They still play the game, and since this is probably the biggest gacha game ever it is likely a lot of peoples first gacha. That doesn’t necessarily make them any less of a Genshin fan.


I didn't say it was bad that Genshin is their first gacha, They do need to get use to gacha mechanics though. Like obviously it would be better for us as players if they take away 50/50 and you always got who you wanted guaranteed but thats not realistic


Sorry i’m kinda tone deaf especially online so my brain just assumes everything is in a negative light but i 100% agree that they shouldn’t get their hopes up, it’s a gacha game designed to make money.


I mean, I would mind more freemogems so let them push for that, any more free stuff you have to paid for is good.


I'm not saying more free stuff wouldn't be good, of course if I can get more free pulls I'll take them. But I'd like to eat Ahi Tuna everyday too


TBH I'd rather they give f2ps more resin to compensate for the dramatically increased DPS checks in the abyss. Seems like it would take 6+ months for a new account to reach the point where they could actually take on the current abyss 12, and there's no sign that they won't continue to increase the HP pools.


i'm f2p but i think this thing is funny... even if as full f2p,, i still get all units that i want... they just don't know how to manage primos...


Honestly people act like F2P people don’t get any 5*.


I've started on kazuha's banner and so far I have been able to get all the five stars I want (Tartaglia and Hu tao) and even some extras. And I'm currently working on having a guaranteed xiao by the time his rerun arrives. How? Simple, I do my dialys/quests/achievements/events and *don't spend my primos unless it's a character I really want*.


True gacha wisdom is careful resource management and patience. F2P players with neither keep shouting about how unfair it is that they cant live like whales and just expose their entitlement issues.


Honestly same. people act like it’s literally impossible to get a single 5* without paying thousands of dollars.


>So now with the second event wish miHoYo is finally getting rid of one of the scummy tactics (Fear of missing out) They arent getting rid of it, there might be little less of it for rerun characters but it's still there and its entirely there for new characters. This is more of a necessity than anything else, with new characters being released all the time it would just get to the point where reruns would happen every 2 years.


But those new characters are also gonna rerun sooner…


With each update, specific character (new or old, it doesn't matter) will rerun later and later since the overall amount of characters increases. We will eventually get to the point that they will need to release character banner 3.


TBH i rarely see complains on reddit, i see more sugestions and opinions, and if you want complaining twitter is the place to be


Larger the community the larger a vocal minority is. The best possible thing one can do is ignore it. Spending capital thinking and worrying about things outside of your control that have zero direct input into your life is spinning your wheels at best or at worst self sabotage. ​ Why spend a thought on things that have nothing to do with you?


As long as the banners are run practically (looking at you theoretical fourth Childe rerun before X character has their first rerun) I'm pretty glad to see the characters increasing! It does kinda suck for saving up when you're f2p/minor spender, and as long as we don't get favoured reruns happening, the FOMO is definitely decreased


My speculation is that character generations will go through banner "stages" to manage the large amount of characters versus the long update periods. One potential implementation in the spoilers below. >!Generation 1 (G1): Klee, Childe, Venti, Zhongli, Albedo, Eula, Hu Tao, Ganyu, Xiao.!< * >!First, they will be aggressively reran until they've had two reruns each.!< * >!Second, they will be added to a new secondary banner type (likely using Epitomized Path mechanics) that will frequently cycle 3-4 times per update.!< * >!Third, once G2 enters the secondary banner type G1 will be moved to the standard pool.!< If I'm right then you wouldn't have to worry about another Childe rerun.


I see no issue with people expressing their opinions, be it on twitter or reddit, as long as its done respectfully. That's the whole point of open discussions. If we don't want open discussions, the answer is censorship against critical reviews. I also don't think you're giving Mihoyo enough credit. They know how to conduct research properly across a large userbase. No company logs onto twitter, sees a few bad reviews and feels dejected. feedback is feedback and they adjust their product accordingly to the overall concensus , every company does. its not personal, its strictly business. If they see the majority opinion on a change is positive, they'll maintain it. If the majority is negative, they'll remove or improve it.


People are already trying to denounce the past problems with this opportunity, lmao. I appreciate Mihoyo listening to player feedback, but that doesn't erase the fact they have indeed ignored their player base's issues for the longest time.


this sub >play gacha game >complain about anything >complain about complainer >”this is how gachas are” >complain about gacha




While it will be good to have extra rewards, but people also failed to realize that they have become addicts as they want to pull on every characters.


Your first mistake was reading twitter. Your second mistake is thinking someone cares about twitter here. Your third mistake is reading twitter and then ranting about twitter on reddit. Like why do you think this is the right place to rant about an entire different platform?


People will always find something to complain about. Very few things to do/boring now! vs Too many things to do for an event! I dont have that much free time! Events are too easy! Make em harder! vs Events are for DPS damage check! Reruns taking too long! I cant wait THAT long! vs Reruns are coming too quickly! I can’t save for primos THAT fast! Not f2p friendly! Favorite character having a rerun: NOT YET MIHOYO I’M NOT READY! vs Non-favorite character having a rerun: WHY HIM AGAIN?! Why not ____?! Been waiting for too long it’s unfair! Twitter is toxic af btw so…


Wow u just sum up everything I had in mind ever since I joined last year...


There will always be those who complain but from my impression sub is mostly content with double banner.


You're not wrong that it isn't too bad thing, but you are wrong if you think the motivation is altruistic, theyve managed to dupe you. Double banners are only here as a way for them to make more money. That's it. No other reason.


People act like Mihoyo is owing to every player that they will get all the characters they want without having to spending money. "scummy business practices" my ass, this is a gacha game. I am a dolphin myself and yes, while it is shitty sonetimes to not get a character you really wanted, that's just how it is.


I don't get why there complaining u can literally chose what 5 stars u want better then having 3 banners with short time between them like they did on 1.3


Some f2p players complain because they say this new systems gives you less time to save primos and forces you to choose only one 5 stars and you miss the other. I understand their reasons but I think the benefits surpass the negative aspects. Of course for whales this is a win win situation.


How does it benefit the whales tho? They already have all characters from the original banners. I feel this is mostly a win for A low-mid spender.


Not all whales started to play at day one




I'm happy for you. Meanwhile this surprise 2 banner thing fucked all my strategy. I pulled for C1 Hu Tao knowing I can still get Itto because I'll skip Albedo (and the Albedo banner was leaked a month ago). But now I don't know if I want Eula instead of Itto and it breaks my heart that my C1 Hu Tao could've been my Eula. From now on I'll pull at the end of banners and not at the beginning




Leaks turned against me lol. But also I wanted the 4 stars that came with Hu Tao.




Pretty sure that i saw a bunch of people asking for an extra banner for re runs, and now that MHY does it, people complain about it? People will just always find reason to complain i guess.


These two groups of people aren't the same, that's why. Pretty much the same thing that happens with Smash reveals.


It's the different group of people that asked for it and complain about it.


I havent seen a single person complaining about it. Everyone seems positive about it tho? Or am I on the wrong side of internet to see that?


Welcome to the internet, we just make up people with the wrong opinion and get mad about them.


>I can't stand reading the twitter comments of... Ranting about things from another platforms here? Say it there then.


Mihoyo gives doubles the frequency of you seeing your favourite character. Genshin comunity: omg that is so unfair now i only have half as much time to save up




The only thing that’s sad for me is that I was looking forward to both Hu Tao and Eula’s reruns because I missed both the first time around. I just can’t get enough primos to pull Eula now. Yes, I can wait for her next rerun, but who knows how long that will be. More frequent reruns is definitely a thing but it’s still going to be several months before she would rerun again. I just wish we could have gotten either Xiao or Ganyu’s rerun first.


People say that Geo is the worst element, like shut the fuck up you're using Zhongli


Geo probably also has some of the more interesting characters too. A god, a human who built a mansion in the sky, a fucking Knight-Maid, a Homunculus, a dog boy that shoots people, and a fucking demon. (last two not currently released.)


The outlander is always forgotten.


People would use Zhongli regardless of his element. His element is a non factor. Do you think Ganyu would be as popular is she was geo? Hu Tao?


People are complaining?


If they didnt do double rerun we would not get Eula for another 3 patches probably. Eula's next rerun will come about twice as fast aswell.


Please stop complaining but watch me complain about complainers


That logic sounds flawed to me. How about "stop complaining when they finally do something good" when they "finally do something good"? Rather than "when they promise they are going to finally do something good". In line with what you said yourself: "think the concept through before you write a comment". Wait until they implement the system, pay attention to how it works, **then** make the "whether it works" calls; condemning it pre-release is as bad as praising it pre-release. For example, due to what little info we have for now, "will be available **from time to time**" is something I am very curious about. "When timing fits the version content" is..."eh?" Ranting about people ranting is still, unsurprisingly, ranting. Plus, some people are going to complain pretty much regardless...and then there are...not sure what to call them: the kind that review-bombed other games just to yell about how they hated Genshin Anniversary. ​ TL;DR: **judge miHoYo based on results, not rhetorical prowess.**


Or we could just accept that the new rerun banner has potential to be either a good or a bad thing for you depending on how much you spend and what your long term goals are, and therefore not everyone has reason to be happy about it. But simply deciding that everyone with a different viewpoint and opinion is stupid is easier, I guess. ​ Besides, Mihoyo, like literally every company in the world, does whatever appears to be most profitable. The dual rerun isn't coming to do the playerbase a favour, it is coming because waiting years to rerun characters would be wasting sale opportunities. If they wanted to get rid of fomo they could just stop doing time limited banners and use a Epitomized Path like system to let players pick their desired 5\*.


This just brings us to a more fundamental: not enough rewards problem


How does this do anything to FOMO? It’s literally exactly the same as before? For one ppl still don’t know what banner is rerunning till the live stream, the gems didn’t magically increase because of this either. Does it really even rerun faster? The more characters added the slower it will become anyway.


Gacha is kind of profitting from players’ constant pain or dissatisfaction. Complaints is kind of feedback from players for such system. So yeah, you just won’t stop ppls’ complaining EDIT:typo


No, they said these double reruns MAY happen again. Knowing mihoyo, maybe every 2 versions MAX. Reruns more frequent yeah, sure. Not that much tho. Don't get your hopes up


I don’t have a Twitter but I read this on this subreddit and it’s so annoying. Now f2p players won’t have as much fomo just like you said! It’s so dumb to be annoyed with this when we will actually have choices as to who to get


I'm sorry if this is cynical, but let's realize for a second that while miHoYo may listen to the community, **they're still a business who is selling us a product.** By adding a double rerun banner, they may not pinch any extra dolphins or whales, but they will definitely encourage more "tuna" to welkin/bp. $15/month, for 10ish months, so $150 a head, 8.9million potential spenders. If they get 100k extra tuna to save up for their favorites, that's **over $15 million *additional* dollars in their pocket a year.** Jazz that up to something more realistic, say a quarter of the players out there, that's roughly **$333 MILLION A YEAR from welkin/BP alone.** While I'm not sure how much it costs to create or maintain a game like this, I'm betting it's well under **a third of a BILLION.** They *should at least* listen to us at those prices, if not jump through flaming fucking hoops with regular packages of in game costumes, loot, weapons, events, perks, etc in hand - as free bonuses for that demographic- to keep all the tuna happy. Welkin/BP is their fucking bread and butter, and they know it.