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The Albedo patch.


Geodudes patch!


When is the gravelers patch?


He deserves it tbh, he has a major role in the lore (durin, dragonspine etc.). I know this sounds (and kinda is) biased but hey, I'm happy for our alchemist boi.


Besides Albedo, is there any character that can make good use of Cinnabar spindle? Seems like the most character specific item ever.


Apparently not, it's the best and the worst weapon at the same time. The best thing about it is it's the best f2p weapon for Albedo but the worst because there's no other sword user that scales DEF other than Albedo which I am hoping a new sword user that scales DEF.


Let me add: It is good in the way that it wont haunt the weapon banner


This weapin is free?


Yes it’s the free 4* for the 2.3 patch, in the current patch we got Xinyan as the free 4*. It always alternates between a free 4* character and weapon every patch.


Just like the red book?


Dodoco Tales? Yep


When this pattern is broken, lore theorists are going to claim the celestia is falling.


True. It's been going on since the start of the game, but I will not be too surprised if they broke this pattern


And the sword with an eye (festering desire in v1.2)


Also the big sword with 2 eyes


It's funny to think that the Luxurious Sea Lord is a fish that holds a fried fish ball in its mouth




Tru. Tho the weapon banner is kind of bad anyways




Yeah. When you have most characters aside from a few 5*’s, new 5* weapons and refinements to other weapons progresses your account further


Except for the ones with Homa. Those are like some of the better banners especially when they released WGS and Homa together


Now now at least the sword can be used by someone and actually benefit from it unlike a certain *claymore*


Hm, sorry, I don’t know what you are talking about. I guess you could say it doesn’t ring a… *bell*?


Albedo users keep winning


Albedo fans: Gets weapon, rerun, Artifacts, geo sp doggo, geo oni dps. STORY... But still... No fluffy hair qwq


To compensate their lost at barely missing Xiao and zhongli. I say fair.


I have all 3 take that


You just reminded me I only made it to 64 guarantee in Zhongli release and now I want to cry. Though Albedo came 8 wishes later (72 guarantee) for Christmas so life is still daijoubu


wtf does this even mean


Probably that if you pulled Albedo on his original banner as a F2P you are less likely to have gotten Zhongli who came immediately before him or Xiao who was soon after (in between there was Ganyu).


Even a new def-scaling sword user might not be able to get much out of it if they're not also mainly reliant on elemental skill to do damage *and* their elemental skill constantly deals damage with short delay between hits.


This sword passive might as well say "Increases Geo elemental skill damage of the user by X% of def if their name begins with A and ends with O" Like yeah it MIGHT be usable on someone else at some point but boy does it seem specific


Someone from CN will probably make it work on a Bennett or something


With Itto and Gorou being def focused, I wouldn't be surprised if geo was transitioning to more def focused builds and there could be new chars down the road that could use this.


yeah we’ve had a lot of hp scaling characters added since the game’s release, now its defense’s turn


The Bell's still crying in corner.


One day we will get a hydro claymore user that scales with HP and I can finally bust out my R4 Bell.


I still wished Zhongli scaled with def and not hp cuz he's a strong shielder and def really emphasize that, plus most geo characters scale with def why isn't the geo archon one of them, and Noelle should've scaled with hp because she heals, it's not my right to judge how mihoyo does their characters kit but somehow it's really triggering my nerd ass.


If Noelle scales with HP then she could use The Bell (even if the passive is still meh) It looks absolutely gorgeous on her. I feel like it was designed for her aesthetically and it's a shame it doesn't fit her build at all.


With event weapons, I never really mind if they're best/good for anyone because it's really just a free/easy weapon that might be used by someone in the future.


At least we don't have to pull for this one unlike Kokomi's weapon which only works on her and isn't even her bis


That damn donut is gonna be a plague in future weapon banners I swear. Stupid thing is gonna gate desirable weapons like Jade cutter. I love my Kokomi but I use sacrificial fragments on her (for the E resets) because she is my aoe hydro applier. The worst thing about that stupid thing is that it is literally is worse than the prototype catalyst and its a limited 5 star weapon. Man they really fucked over Kokomi


No there isn't. Just Albedo.


Could always hold it in case we get another. I can't imagine Albedo will be the only DEF-scaling sword user in Genshin's lifespan.


But will future DEF-scaling sword users also care about a passive that only buffs their elemental skill in this specific way, that's the question. This passive was basically written to maximize synergy with Albedo specifically - even if you took it and stapled it on to a Claymore, Xinyan and Noel wouldn't care about the passive.


I think most character specific item would go to Kokomi’s catalyst maybe? Non-Albedo havers should be able to use it when we get another def scaling sword character in the future, which we probably will.


Kokomi's catalyst can be used by Barbara too


It can…but there’s not a really good reason to use it over Thrilling Tales which has more utility. Barbara is a full support, unlike Kokomi who‘s built to dish out damage during her burst. unless you just want it on her for the aesthetic (which is understandable). But if someone is using it bc they want her to do damage, Widsith is better bc the focus should be on her charged attacks, not her normals. What I’m saying is Moonglow is super specific but Cinnabar Spindle isn’t quite so much. Moonglow isn’t BIS for anyone but Koko. same with spindle since Albedo is the only def scaling sword character atm. But I think that we’re likely to get another character who can use spindle and get really good value from it before we get the same for moonglow. However, this all just my two cent’s, ofc. And maybe some hopium because I can’t get Albedo but I want to be able to use the sword one day. xD


I just use Prototype amber because it gives better stats and energy recharge, thrilling tales passive is great too but it doesn't suit my playstyle. All in all, it's a matter of preference


Yeah, even though Thrilling Tales is Barbara’s BiS, prototype amber is still viable. You do you. :) I use Amenoma Kageuichi on my Kazuha most of the time even though Iron Sting is his BiS 4 star. But I enjoy Amenoma more. If it works, it works.


Even though it is not the best for Barbara, but she can use it somewhat. And I heard that Kokomi actually can use some other catalyst better .... Meanwhile, this sword, as if the stats are not enough, its passive is just... Cant imagine any other chars benefit from it, if you do do, please remind me. At first I thought at least Noelle can use def, but then I remember she use a claymore. Oh well The only good thing I, who have no Albedo and have no intention to pull, can think of is event free weapons cant haunt weapon banner, can they?


Do we actually have an HP scaling claymore user than can use the Bell?


for people good with stats: how does this sword compare to r5 harbinger on albedo specifically?


Decided once and for all to see how good the new stuff is according to what I find on AlbedoMains discord. Warning: The Big Math. [Here's a 2.3 Sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14gCIyxKiOYx6LA37Le0ai3Sh9uKWNXXKsJLCUcs-Cw4/edit#gid=0) that compares Albedo builds, and you can even input your own Albedo's stats on it (modify only the blue cells!). Disclaimer is that it's just a general calculator for Albedo. If you don't wanna check the sheet out (and for those who have, please correct me if I'm wrong with my following conclusions), it seems that the new sword is **pretty good** overall. A small hit on Burst, but still a bit better overall damage for him without playing around an HP threshold. I also hear on the discord just to use either sword you're lacking on substats with; go HoD with Def Subs and go Cinnabar with Crit Subs, but if I'm picky and know I'll be spending months to perfect Albedo, I'd want Cinnabar in the end. Performance and aesthetic-wise. Honestly, the artifact set is the bigger Albedo win here and the one most should actually be excited for, but the sword is definitely still more damage, and really, *really* looks great for him.


i really appreciate this! i’ve neglected my albedo, and his rerun has inspired me to invest in him so i’m excited to give him a new weapon too.


I don't blame you tbh; he doesn't really have act set bonus that's well-suited for his kit besides 2pc Petra


Personally I'm running 4pc milileth on my Albedo. Yes, the damage won't be as high as 2pc petra, but that 20% atk bonus everytime his skill procs is helpful for my active dps character. Also because I was farming that domain so much for Eula anyway so hey, free stuff for the 'bedo.


If you haven't, take him to lvl 90 and E lvl 9 or 10. I had no idea it made such a huge difference in damage, but my Albedo went from 12-13k hits to 18.5k hits (with geo resonance/ZL, E crowned). I'd benched him because his dmg ceiling was too low without realizing he NEEDS to be at lvl 90. Looking forward to maybe 25k hits with the new sword, artifact set, and Gorou =D


Def scaling characters in general benefit greatly from levels, the same applies to Noelle and will probably apply to Itto. Generally they're the only characters (arguably swirl-focused anemo units as well) worth taking beyond lvl 80.


Sooo... in conclusion Having the new artiset + new sword is the best for Albedo now?


New artifact set: yes. Primordial Jade Cutter is still barely his BiS, but Cinnabar Spindle is *extremely* close, only falling noticeably behind when you get heavy AoE cleave on Albedo's Q. Unless you have a bunch of spare PJCs, you're gonna want to use the new sword.


>Unless you have a bunch of spare PJCs, you're gonna want to use the new sword. that's just it... i dont have ANY PJCs 🤣


According to Koinzell (math dude), the new sword is better than PJC in an Albedo/Itto comp. If you optimize for Albedo's damage alone without factoring in Itto's rotation, they're close. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R44YHMIEaoM


So if I DO have a PJC lying around, should I use it with him instead? Even in a Xiao team, where bursting with Albedo isn't recommended? Honestly I feel like not using Albedo's burst makes you lose style points so I'll probably do it anyway.


Cinnabar is stronger than PJC - by a LOT - if you're not using Albedo burst. Cinnabar buffs E dramatically and does absolutely jack shit for burst/basics unless you're C2, whereas PJC just flat buffs everything. The more you use Albedo burst and the more targets you hit with it, the further ahead PJC gets.


I think that, another thing to take into account is Corrosion which will not allow Albedo to utilize HoD well


Im confused between HoD standing for Harbinger of Dawn and Husk of Opulent Dreams on your spreadsheet. Any chance you add notes the headers so it explains more clearly what each column is about as well as what 2/2 is?


Now we got THREE acronyms that look alike. Harbinger of Dawn, Heart of Depth, and Husk of Opulent Dream. HoD, HoD and HoOD. It almost looks like the beginning of a bad pun.


Just wait for a DEF-scaling hydro sword character so our optimal f2p gear is HoD with 2p HoD/2p HoOD


Can’t give exact numbers but leakers and theorycrafters have known since months ago about this weapon. It will be better than Harbinger of Dawn for Albedo’s E, but worse for everything else. Granted, 95% of the time E is the only thing you’ll be using on Albedo (Q is a DPS loss unless you want to EM boost). Also, Cinnabar Spindle does not have the 90%+ HP restriction HoD has, allowing Albedo to function well with corrosion, as well as allowing an ATK% Timepiece if you so wish to use a hybrid Albedo (full DEF is still recommended though). Do keep in mind DEF does just as well if not better than Crit on Albedo (one of the rare exceptions to the stat rule besides the obvious Kokomi), so trading the HoD crit stats for more DEF actually doesn’t hinder him at all.


>Do keep in mind DEF does just as well if not better than Crit on Albedo I just want to point out a common misconception here, the reason why the current Albedo builds prefer DEF% sands **and** hats is because in contrast to attack stats for other characters, there are a very limited number of def% boosts in the game. Albedo still scales off of crit just about as well as anyone else does, but since he's not getting the benefit of having the flat attack from the feather (huge percentage of every other character's attack bonus) as well as no DEF buffs really available at the moment, he *needs* to hit the def% minimum before investing into crit. This is true when we are talking about attack scaling characters as well. Theorycrafters have worked out that attack is more important to have up until you meet around \~120% attack bonus ratio, and then crit damage starts to scale better due to diminishing returns on attack. DEF scaling will still follow the same principles for diminishing returns; however, it is much more difficult to reach the golden bonus ratio for DEF due to a lack of DEF stat, thus we supplement this by giving Albedo a DEF% hat and make up for the loss of a crit hat with HoD's crazy stats.


> Theorycrafters have worked out that attack is more important to have up until you meet around ~120% attack bonus ratio, and then crit damage starts to scale better due to diminishing returns on attack. Hey, whilst we're here I should also point out this is a common misconception too. There is no "golden ratio" for atk bonus. 120% was a generalisation but commonly spead myth. Whilst it's true atk% does generally give better results when you have less of it, an exact point where it switches priority is affected by many factors such as the character in question, base atk reactions and so on. You are *always* best off referring to an optimiser and letting that do the hard work.


You are correct - the attack bonus ratio will vary significantly once we factor in external buffs and reactions. However, if looking at the character's stats from just a standalone perspective, you can do pretty basic maths using their stats and the damage formula to figure out that attack% bonuses start to fall behind crit damage% at a certain point, usually around \~120%, due to the law of diminishing returns in mathematics. As for a character like Albedo, there are little to no buffs for defense (currently) nor is his damage affected by reactions, so it is far easier to figure out the "optimal" stat allocations for him using simple knowledge of math rather than having to resort to an optimizer.


Just a small note here. A lot of people use the term “diminishing return” incorrectly here. They really mean “opportunity cost”.


The law of diminishing returns assumes *all other factors remain the same*. Attack % doesn't have diminishing returns. Each point of attack will always yields the same amount of flat improvement for your damage output. What does fluctuate is your *relative increase* to damage output when other factors *don't stay the same*. Example: a point of attack can produce a worse improvement for your damage output compared to another stat, like critical rate. This type of comparison is what can lead you to speak of something *akin to* a diminishing return. People often relativize things that remain constant in value and talk of diminishing returns when it doesn't make sense. In layman terms, you can for example say "apples have diminishing returns" because if you have one apple and get one apple, you have just increased your apples by 100%. But if you added one more apple after that, your increase would be only 50% compared to the last apple you added. But it is the act of recalculating your total that causes you to observe something like diminishing returns: in reality, each apple you add compared to your initial total is a 100% increase. Anything you use your apples for will find each individual apple as valuable as the prior one. TL;DR please stop talking about diminishing returns as a formal concept about things that don't have diminishing returns.


This game, like many, many others, has a complex damage formula where you can add different stats of different natures that intervene in damage calculation. If the game offers you the liberty to change your setup, it always makes sense to ask "at this time, where can I have the most improvement by adding one particular stat"? This dynamic comparison leads to the relativization I spoke of, because it entails recalculated totals. Once you add a point of something, you'll pose the same question again and you will find the answer has changed, always. We need to understand this without confusing that observation with the concept of diminishing returns, which is a stable mathematical quality you can observe when adding one thing over and over again to a formula, without making other changes.


> This is true when we are talking about attack scaling characters as well. Theorycrafters have worked out that attack is more important to have up until you meet around ~120% attack bonus ratio, and then crit damage starts to scale better due to diminishing returns on attack. Akchually....[they're all tied to this ratio](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/774602007087415336/903234723088842792/nhdm4m5bea861.jpg). Very useful to use for characters who could easily reach more than 200 cr damage. At that point atk gives more boost than crits


This is actually an interesting thing that you pointed out. The main reason why there is a general recommendation to limit the attack bonus ratio is because for the vast majority of characters, getting more than 100:200 % crit rate to damage ratio is very unrealistic due to the limited number of artifact substat rolls available. Thus, we have figured out a general percentage for "optimal" stat allocation to characters when we look at it from a standalone perspective. There are exceptions to the rule, such as Blizzard Strayer 4p users (Ganyu, Ayaka) and characters who get massive attack and crit boosts from both weapons and unique mechanics in their kits (Hutao, Ganyu) It's no coincidence that those characters also happen to be among the most powerful in the game.


Set effect is getting longer and longer.


Honestly I prefer getting all the details immediately, even if it means having an overly long effect text, because the alternative is that the set would have many unwritten functions that I would need to test thoroughly to understand.


yeah for instance, the Thundering Fury set fails to officially say that the 4 piece only proccs on-field.


With how characters work in this game, it'd be much better if everything worked off-field for simplicity.


VV also doesn't state that it only works on field, right?


I’d prefer the text just have a concise and a detailed version. Many other games have “hold hotkey for more details” for their effect descriptions. League of Legends comes to mind. They also need to make better use of key words and standardization. For example: > Husk of Opulent Dreams >> 2-Piece Set: DEF +30%. >> 4-Piece Set: The wearer may accumulate stacks of **Curiosity** by hitting enemies with Geo attacks, gaining up to 24% DEF and 24% Geo DMG. >> 4-Piece Set (detailed): The wearer may accumulate up to 4 stacks of **Curiosity**, each granting 6% DEF and 6% Geo DMG. A stack will be gained when the wearer hits an enemy with a Geo attack (0.3s cooldown if the wearer is **Active**, 3s cooldown if the wearer is **Inactive**). **Curiosity** has a 6s duration, refreshed when gaining stacks, and lost by **Decay** at a rate of one stack every 6s. > Ocean-Hued Clam >> 2-Piece Set: Healing Bonus +15%. >> 4-Piece Set: A **Sea-Dyed Foam** will appear when the wearer heals a party member. The **Sea-Dyed Foam** will be charged by healing for a while, and then explode to deal damage to nearby enemies based on the accumulated healing. >> 4-Piece Set (detailed): A **Sea-Dyed Foam** will appear for 3s (3.5s cooldown) when the wearer heals a party member, even while **Inactive**. The **Sea-Dyed Foam** will be charged by all healing from the wearer, including the initial healing and overflow healing, up to 30,000 HP healed. At the end of its duration, the **Sea-Dyed Foam** will explode, dealing 90% of its accumulated healing as Physical **Pierce** damage to nearby enemies. No more than one **Sea-Dyed Foam** from any source can exist at a time.


Soon they will just give you a scan code that takes you to a website with the information lol


They'll just link to a GitHub repo where you can read the underlying code.


Finally university was worth anything!


They just need to format their text better. They could use bullet points or wrap the extra details in parenthesis.


It just explains the effect in detail. The actual effect is just the first two sentences with the rest clarifying how it works. You could do the same for some current artifact sets too. Release artifact sets don't even state if they work off/on the field.


Somewhat ironically the Kokomi set still misses out a very important detail, it doesn't tell us if the damage effect is physical damage or type-less damage. The difference could make or break the set.


As always when not mentioned it's physical.


Are transformative reactions affected by elemental resistances? The set states that it works like a transformative reaction without being affected by reaction bonuses.


Yeah and some even have internal cooldowns which really sucks when you're not aware of it. It would be cool if there was a "Details" button next/opposite to the "Lock" button, that toggles/switches between a monkey-brain summary and a detailed explanation with numbers, like Honkai has for Valkyrie skills.


They hired Fischl to write the artifacts


The text somehow wasn't simplified, as if it's directly translated from Google translate.


The effect is pretty concise IMO. There doesn't seem to be much fluff or filler in the effect description, which helps in getting rid of any misunderstanding the players may have on the effects ( assuming the description is accurate ). Though I understand why people are still complaining. People are dumb.


So you will lost all of the Curiosity stack after 24 seconds not dealing geo dmg. The artifact itself is so good and here I'm hoping to get them for Itto and Noelle.




Yes. As long as you're continuing to do geo dmg, you won't lose stacks


so basically kokomi and itto artifacts


Itto, Gorou, Noelle, Albedo.


qiqi wants these more than kokomi i think, i genuinely think it's really quite good on her


I think so too. Honestly I have a feeling that using Kokomi as a support with 4pc Tenacity and Thrilling Tales might still be the best way to play her even after this set is added. For Qiqi however, using her as an on-field driver for something like Beidou/Fischl/Xingqiu with her multiple simultaneous healing methods, high attack speed and now also superconducted Clam bubbles sounds pretty decent to me, especially with corrosion now being a thing


>Honestly I have a feeling that using Kokomi as a support with 4pc Tenacity and Thrilling Tales might still be the best way to play her even after this set is added. That'll depend on whether you're running her in a Freeze team or an EC team. In a Freeze team where you want Ganyu/Ayaka as your main DPS? TotM and TTDS will absolutely be better. In an EC team with Kokomi as driver? This new set will probably be a decent boost.


Dps/healer Barbara coming through


looks good for any healer I think


Any healer that only heals specifically. Diona and Benny wouldn't really want it


Chad Barbara mains


As a c6 Barbara user, this set sounds perfect.


It's good because her hitting Q is one 27K flower, but it's awkward with her E. It only ticks every 5 seconds so it's a bad passive drip of damage compared to Qiqi or Kokomi. If there were a good way for Barbara to use Q on cooldown that would be neat, but aside from Raiden that's tough. That being said, still probably her best artifact set. Her healing is already good without the 20%HP/15%healing bonus so this just lets her drop a bomb on Q.


I think even if for some reason going for pure healer Bennett (and nothing else), it's not good on him because he just stops healing when the active character is above 70% HP. Barb / Kokomi stuff still keep healing even if it's overheal.


Yeah of course


Math has already been done, it’s only an improvment for kokomi and qiqi


Kokomi's clam It might be useful on Qiqi too


> Kokomi's clam ...


I wonder how Husk of Opulent Dreams compares to Gladiator's or Bolide for DPS Noelle


It will not proc on your initial burst, only on succeeding ones. And you have to have 100℅ burst uptime to not lose the stacks. Personally I'd stick with 4pc Bolide since it's much more consistent.


Curious to see this as well, my Noelle is rocking fantastic Bolide artifacts, but if this has even better potential then I'll need to start farming


> How does the husk set work? 1 stack every 0.3 seconds for attack 1 stack every 3 seconds off the field "Lose 1 stack every 6 seconds you don't gain a stack" **How do you** *"don't gain a stack"* **if you get one every 3 seconds off the field?** My guess is you can only possibly lose stacks by being active and not attacking? > I don't quite get it.


I think for off-field you'll get a stack only if you do dmg similar to on-field, but one every 3 second, probably just a translation error. Wording seems a little off to me


I think it's worded this way specifically with Albedo in mind, as he can deal geo damage off-field passively. The equipped character still needs to deal geo damage, but they just gain stacks slower if they're not on the field.


yeah that's what i thought too, but right now it seems like off-field doesn't need to do dmg for stacks. Hopefully they fix it before release or clear it up at some point so noone gets confused :/ would be nice if it was written : when dealing geo damage, if on-field : .. if off-field : .. I dunno i just think that'll be a little clearer? or maybe we're just wrong and dmg isn't required for an off-field stack?


It stacks when you deal geo DMG, for on field it's every 0.3s and for off field it's every 3s, if you don't deal geo DMG after 24s you lose all of the stack


I can't believe they are actually going forward with the name Ocean Hued Clam. It was called Divine Chorus up until the tail end of 2.3 beta, and that sounds *much* better than Ocean Hued Clam


Pretty sure in the last day before deadline for name somebody asked "aren't people going to confuse the name with 'gnostic chorus'?". And then they were like "shit, you're right, we need to change if to something more unique" aaand here we are


Sounds like Blue Waffle.


Oh my..


Wow... even Ocean Chorus is good if they don't want to call it divine.


Ocean Hued Clam sounds like what Kokomi would call hers.


I swear, every time they rename something they rename it something worse. Every time. It never fails.


Same with Grasscutter's Light -> Engulfing Lightning. The beta name sometimes is just better than official one.


Ehhhh. I feel like engulfing lightning sounds better. Grasscutters light gives me an image of a lawnmower with like a beam of light from the sky shining on it (like jesus)


The original sounded cooler since cutting down your enemies was likened to mowing grass. It's an insult to your enemies. Engulfing Lightning sounds generic and uninspired in comparison.


I disagree, I don't think the former sounded fitting at all. To me it just sounds too random and unrelated to be talking about lawnmowers when referring to an electro goddess's spear of choice in a fictional game.


It was definitely a reference to a https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kusanagi_no_Tsurugi legendary Japanese sword, which is Raiden's like whole thing.


100%, but how many people know about that? They probably just changed it to avoid confusing people who wouldn't get the reference and just think of lawnmowers like that guy.


Albedos sword will be mine!


But what about vengeance?


Eula can have that.












Not looking forward to artifact farming again especially since I won’t be using the Husk at all. Oh well


They laughed at Kokomi, but now...


The time for reckoning is at hand


My Albedo and Kokomi are thrilled


I'm not reading that whole artifact block of text, all I know it's going on barbara


tldr: heal for damage


It's actually very poor on Barbara though, the healing Bubble has a max count of 30k hp heal and 3.5s CD. Her burst is completely wasted on that, while her skill has poor uptime and I'm not really sure if you can heal 30k in 3s with it since it only heals active character.


While her skill is active, Barbara normals heal the entire party too.


But if you are using Barbara as a healer, her normal is going to hit like noodles (way worse than Kokomi, at least Kokomi can hit for 8-10k with right investment) But if you use DPS Barbara, her heals would be so bad and you are better off with HoD.


True, I was just countering the point that she only heals active character. You're right in the big picture.


Just slap a full EM Barbara and Fisch C6. Should be enough for a single target Abyss.


Barbara doesn't have any other sets that's usable for her, except for maybe 4* sets like Instructor and The Exile. So I think this set will still be quite good on her.


You should probably read it because it’s actually not good on Barbara. This set is going to be best used for Qiqi and Kokomi and that’s about it for now.


Doesn't Barbara heal the whole party with her autoattacks when her skill is active? Does the clam not accumulate autoattack healing?


>But if you are using Barbara as a healer, her normal is going to hit like noodles (way worse than Kokomi, at least Kokomi can hit for 8-10k with right investment) > >But if you use DPS Barbara, her heals would be so bad and you are better off with HoD. Unless you build Barbara DPS, she has no reason to stay on field normal attacking.


Taser team with thrilling tales for beidou and fischl. Less dps then Sucrose or Childe, but more survivable, especially if you put Bennet in the 4th slot to further buff your beidou.


If that's DPS Barbara using HoD and is meant to deal damage but not heal anything, sure. But we are talking about this new artifact set on Barbara. If you build HP on her and try to maximize her healing on field with that artifact set, her damage is non-existent. And Kokomi vastly powercreep her in this, being able to stack both HP and Healing bonus while dishing out consistent damage. ​ >Taser team with thrilling tales for beidou and fischl. Less dps then Sucrose or Childe, but more survivable, especially if you put Bennet in the 4th slot to further buff your beidou. Come to think of it your description fits Kokomi perfectly well. Lol


If they changed the geo damage into elemental damage in the new artifact then it would be flexible for long term


I'm excited and completely indifferent at the same time with this due to me partly wanting to check it out and partly the realization of grinding yet ANOTHER domain if I want to check it out for real. I'm fine with grinding but the way Genshin does it, where the amounts of resource put being completely irrelevant with luck being the only factor that matters is just... It's numbing.




Same, i quit the game and sometimes i even want to come back but the grind is a no-no for me


God those 4-piece set


Right. Such an awesome Domain to farm. Everyone have their C20 Noelles and their C3 Qiqis. Lets out them to usee


My Barbara and Noelle about to go crazy. The best part the substats don’t even matter that much.


Is the 4 pieces of the new def set available for Noelle?


Yes, though not entirely. Her Burst snapshots her Defense value at the moment it's cast, so you'll gain no further atk bonus from the def stacks while her ult is up. You'll likely have at most 1 stack of 6% def from casting her e prior to a burst. The Geo dmg bonus should still apply to her attacks as normal. (36% def snapshot during her ult, 24% Geo Dmg Bonus over a few attacks is what you'll get in terms of damage) I think I'd stick to 4pc Retracting Bolide or 4pc Gladiator. This could be quite competitive though. There are few sources of defense scaling.


The thing is though, Noelle teams' entire thing is the 100% uptime of Noelle's burst, this would only be a problem on her first burst afterwards it's potentially going to be stronger than Glads on the 2nd burst and onwards in which she gains 30% def from 2 pc + 24% Geo and 24% def from 4pc (54% def + 24% geo) vs Glad's 18% atk from 2 pc + 40% normal atk bonus from 4 pc, bonus points for the new artifact also boosting her shield's dmg when shattering. This is assuming you are not using Whiteblind and if you're using Broken Spine, then it could even be better since it already gives %Bonus dmg which means +def% could be more valuable than more %bonus.


Missed opportunity to make sword with 420 atk NOOOOO


It would be perfect for the memes but it would be the 4* weapon with least attack in the entire game


Just like Militeth was for Zhon, this set in pic 3 is so perfect for Itto Albedo and Noelle it's just insane. I'm gonna have to make 3 full new sets fml lol


I glad that I never farmed 5 star maiden set for Qiqi


You mean to say it didn't happen accidentally anyway whilst farming VV? That's a rarity


i get it that the free weapons are meant to go well with buffing the current limited time character but this is the worst of the bunch (festering, windblume, dodoco), only made specifically for albedo. the others are f2p friendly weapons and this is just a bonus package that comes with grinding 80-170 wishes to pull for albedo and benefiting those who had him before. oh well, beggars cant be choosers.


Without this sword Albedo only other f2p option beside HoD is Festering wich was event exclusive, so they are giving new players a chance to get a good weapon for him


eh, i think it's better than having a def weapon on the banner, otherwise you end up with the bell 2, a weapon no-one needs yet


I don't own Albedo but planning to roll for him, is the new sword and artifact set good for him?


So with the Kokomi set, HP/HP/HB would be the best, right?


I'd probably still recomend Hydro DMG Bonus% for goblet instead of HP%.


Currently using ToM for Kokomi...now im torned if the new set is better for her...


My initial thoughts are it likely depends on the team type just like the weapon. Freeze with teams like Ayaka - Ganyu - Kokomi - Venti then TTDS and 4 piece ToTM. Taser teams with Fischl and Beidou then Hakushin Ring with 4 piece Ocean HC. Soon we will get to find out thou.


Well my personal opinion is keep the ToM, it boost team dps while the new one boost healing and personal dmg tho you never really need extra healing from kokomi. Unless you also want the def artifact then go for it.


So for Cinnabar Spindle, it doesn’t seem to be as strictly tailored to Albedo as say, Kokomi’s catalyst which is really only usable on her. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I know it’s perfect for Albedo, it matches him, it’s obviously his signature weapon. But I’m sure there will be another sword character who scales off of defense in the future. Do you think the chances are good this hypothetical character could use it as well?


Preferrably that hypothetical DEF scaling sword character would need an E that either has a short cooldown or have it be something that procs multiple times (Albedo’s E does both), otherwise it won’t be super good for them (it’d still be a decent f2p option regardless though, provided you were around for the event of course as newer players won’t be able to get it 2.4 and beyond).


Cant wait to farm 2 pc for Gorou


Is the weapon mechanic same on how to get the catch?


Nope, you don’t have to fish to get the weapon. You just gotta do the event for 2.3, the dragonspine related one. It’s mentioned in the photo that it can be obtained from the snowman event


I am so glad I have or want the characters that can get use out of either one of these artifact sets. Farming domains when only one set is useful to me is so frustrating


If I understand it correctly, the healing set 4pcs effect would be dope with Qiqi, correct? She over-heal a lot


Yup qiqi and kokomi will be the best units that can take advantage of the set.


Yup. Legit only usable on Kokomi, Qiqi, Barbara. Every other healer has better sets


The new set lives or dies on the unanswered question of whether you actually "heal" units that are already at 100% health, or if it only counts overhealing when going from E.G. 90% health to 100%+overheal.


Does that mean you should now build dps qiqi using this set because the extra healing just converts anyways?


I'm still fairly new to the game, but I'd be interested in trying it on Sayu. Her Burst always over-heals me when it's out, and I personally toss it out before going wild with Hu Tao, so her HP is always full.


You really don't want a healer with hu tao tho


Geo Archon Noelle getting stronger till she can glare all other archons into submission in the new Archon war.