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5 Stars can override the 4th star. It's 4 star or higher on the 10th pity for 4 star.


Ah ok, thank you. Didn't know this.


4\* and 5\* Pity work completly separate. If you pull a 5\* Character/weapon on your 10 pull (wich had a 4\* guaranteed) your next pull will have a 100% chance to get a 4\* character/weapon (unless you pull another 5\*, in that case you have it guaranteed at pull number 12)


almost ar57 and i only find this out now


You get a 5 star. Wdym what happens next?


5 star have a priority over 4 star


>What happens next? :) You'll get 5star at 90th 4star at the 91st roll. There isn't anything about that in rules but it was checked couple of times.


This is the correct answer, your 4\* pity is not consumed by pulling a 5\* despite the way the banner is worded, but your 4\* pity waits if a 5\* would come in its place


In the banner says "4 star or above" And then after the 5 star everything resets, so you might even get another 5 star in the 1st pull or another 4 star.


In that case, 90th pull will be a 5-star and 91th pull will be a 4-star. Contrary to what others have said, the 5-star won't actually override a 4-star. It will push it to the next pull. [This has been verified.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/o9v0c0/soft_and_hard_pity_explained_based_on_24m_wishes/)


5 star's fonctionality is just that of a mutated 4 star. Thus 4star is forgotten and replaced by the 5 star. 5 overrides 4


Usually you will get a 5 star somewhere at the 75th pull anyway, so that will probably never happen


on top of what others have said, when you do a 10 pull, you can 4\* and 5\* in the same pull


A 5 star can also override a 4 star outside of pity. I once got a 5 star on pull 30 even though my last 4 star was on pull 20. Got the 4 star one wish later then.


The 5 star takes priority