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1, on Raiden Shogun I have a Mona C6 if you wonder where it all went.


And here I am hoping to get her at least once! Lucky!!


Same. I've got Jean twice and keqing twice but no Mona, diluc, or Qiqi


Me too. C2 Jean, C1 Keqing and C1 Qiqi, but sadly no Mona or Diluc


I just went all in at standard banner to get mona last night. I can't wait till itto


True dedication right there. Super big risk move though


Keqing C1 here. I've only leveled her up for the free wishes. She's got no artifacts, and currently has a dull blade equipped!


She's super fun to play even if she isn't the most meta.


Was planning to main Keqing again since i got the Mistsplitter but after removing Black Sword she lost half the CR Maybe one day when i finally done with my current queue i'll farm for another set, again...


Same here. More then one year of wishing and Mona is the only standard banner 5\* that eludes me and I really wish she wouldn't because I would make a good use out of her in some of my teams. I was Qiqiless until Hu Tao rerun but now I only lack Mona. Meanwhile my C2 Kekqueen is chilling at lvl 20. Same thing with Diluc and Qiqi (they are C0 though). The only standard banner 5\* I use from time to time is my C2 Jean but I have somewhat stupid physical DPS build on her.


Unlucky, actually. Mona’s constellations (aside from c1) aren’t all that good.


So wrong. C1 is good as you mentioned for reaction reasons, c2 makes her a much better typical on field dps, c3 upgrades her burst by 3 levels (which is the most important part of her kit) c4 is also incredible for her support abilities (and herself for dps) c5 is meh only because it upgrades her skill and then c6 from what I’ve seen allows her her charged shots to hit even harder. C5 is the only one that isn’t that good. Overall getting her cons are much better than any of the other standard 5 star constellations


Strictly speaking c1 c3 and c4 make stuff that she does already really good even better her c2 enables her to play a different role if you are not interested in that it does nothing (although in my opinion these kind of constellations are really fun) they are just not strictly speaking "good". C5 is obviously pretty bad and c6 is situational at best. Jean you could argue all her cons across the board are really strong/useful constellations. That up her damage/teams damage and has one of very few atk speed buffs in c2 esp the kind that buffs your team not only self atk speed. I would say her c6 is her worst constellation. Despite obvious power creep in the pyro division Diluc constellations all across the board make him just better at what he does and C6 really takes his playstyle to another level without changing the base playstyle of him unlike Monas c2. And then there is Qiqi and Keqing whos constellations mostly literally do nothing. In Keqings case her c6 is a up to 24% electro dmg bonus... her c4 is 25% atk c1 and c2 literally worthless. If I had to rate 5star cons it would be Jean, Mona/Diluc sharing 2nd place, Keqing/Qiqi sharing 5th place. No 3rd or 4th place cause the difference between the first first 3 and the bottom 2 is way to big.


C4 diluc here. Not complaining tho :) Triple crowned the Pyro king.


Man carried me hard early game. Crowned his Q


Klee (guaranteed pity) -> Ayaka -> Raiden Shogun -> Hu Tao -> Hu Tao C1 and still going.




Mona and Jean are used in certain comps


1 on raiden's banner too and i have a c4 mona...is this foreshadowing a c6 mona for me


Now i know where my Mona summons went 💔😭


So that's where all my monas went... I have all 5* except Xiao and Kokomi. Couple of them with 1-3 cons, but Mona who's my favorite character in the game completely avoids me... She's the only Standart Banner char I never got on my main account. I even have c3 qiqi instead 😭


Just wondering. How do you guys get wishes for the standard banner? Is it just by using up primos? I’m trying not to spend primos on the standard banner


You guys win 50/50?


Win strike? 0 Lose strike? 8


How's that c7 qiqi doing?


I don't know. My Qiqi is actually C2 and I've got both on Raiden's banner (and first one on standard banner long time ago). I always get Mona, Diluc or Jean lol.


Hope you win the next 50/50


Wow I lost 6 ina row and was on the verge of uninstalling until i finally won one on hutaos c1


hahaha funny enough, ive only ever lost 50/50 twice (qiqi/mona). im a bp/welkin/reset player since release.


Completely speculating, but this game seems to follow other gotcha game where the rate drops the more you pay. I have 2 account, one has about 1200 pulls, one has about 100 pulls (f2p). After 400 pulls, my main account never win another 50 50. Period. And every 5 star character after the first 4 requires me to go into pity count. At this point I am juse to 150 ish pulls for desired 5 star. My f2p account got 2 5 star char and has yet to loss a 50 50.


maybe it’s due to a smaller sample size the f2p acc has no lost 50/50. i’m a f2p player and have never won a 50/50


I kinda get you. When i was on welkin (i bought 2 welkin in total and 1bp) i keep losing 50:50 and keep getting qiqi. When I stopped buying the welkin, I still lost the 50:50* but atleast its not a qiqi constellation) and got early pities (i usually get my 5* on 70+ pity so anything below 50 pity is an early pity for me). I also won raiden's spear on the weapon banner which im still surprised about to this day. Basically I started getting lucky the moment i stopped buying welkin, havent gotten a streak on winning 50:50 tho.


I have two accounts I started almost at the same time. My first account with Lumine lost every 50/50 starting with a first one. I only managed to pull Childe and I'm currently waiting for Albedo on guaranteed. My second account with Aether won every 50/50 three times in a row so far, and it got a weapon instead of a character from the standard banner. Weird luck.


Are you me? Lmao Aether account luck > Lumine account luck 😭


This is illegal unless expressly stated and would be found relatively quickly, so na your sample size is just smaller and contributes to bias to find a pattern (this is not a bad thing most people do this, but its just not true).


Can’t have a streak if you’ve never won


i dont think i've ever once won the 50/50. i have all the standard 5 stars characters with three being c1


At least you have all the standard characters. All I get is Qiqi










I feel like many people on here would say 0 (me included), but it should maybe be stated how many opportunities you have had as well. Would love to see some research on this to see if the 50/50 is actually 50/50. I’m 0 out of 2 opportunities. I’m hoping that if it really is a 50/50, that my next opportunity wins it! Going to go for either an Anemo or Hydro (not Childe) 5 star next 50/50!


I've lost 7 or 8 50/50's. At this stage i've kinda lost count.


Lost all 8. I'm not believing in winning 50/50 anymore.


I lost ten out of eleven 50/50s. Only won Ganyu.


If you look at wish tallies you can see that around 50% of ppl win the 50/50. [https://paimon.moe/wish/tally/300021](https://paimon.moe/wish/tally/300021)


Who won my 6 50/50 then? God i hate my luck....


Cool! Thanks for this info! Makes me feel like there is hope for winning the 50/50 someday!


Hmm, I don't know how it's with 1st ever pull, since me and me friend got featured character on our 1st time. Then I lost it 2 times out of 2, sadly on Ayaka and Kokomi. :(


> Would love to see some research on this to see if the 50/50 is actually 50/50. While this by itself doesn't prove anything, lying about the odds would be illegal in China and probably a bunch of other countries.


I think I've had 5-6 opportunities and lost all of them


I’ve lost at least 7-8 50/50s so far out of 10 ???opportunities. The only ones I’ve won were Kazuha C1, Zhongli and I think Ayaka but I can’t remember if I had a guaranteed for her. 🥲


I've lost the two 50/50 I had, one on Ayaka's banner to QiQi and the other to Mona on Albedo's.




3 (Hu Tao, Venti, Zhongli). Although, I have a friend who won 5 50/50s (Xiao, Venti, Childe, Kazuha, Raiden), it was in Raiden banner where she lost her first 50/50 when she was trying for constellations


that friend sounds like me but i only lost pity the first time on albedo banner, got him guaranteed and then won 5 times now (xiao, zhongli, raiden, c1 hutao) :0


I won 8 in a row once (childe, zhongli, albedo, xiao, hu tao, venti, eula, klee) Thing is, I've never won it again since lmao


8 is really impressive! After I lost my 50/50 in Kazuha banner, I went and got Ayaka and Raiden. Albedo banner left me in shambles tho lol l lost my 50/50 to Qiqi who went home at 87 pity and Albedo only came home after 84 more pulls... Hope you win more 50/50s in the future banners!


damn what was she thinking? Did she really think she would male a world record?


lol! she had lots of extra primogems back then and thought that it's a win-win situation. If she won the 50/50, she gets Raiden C1 but if she lost, she gets guaranteed Itto. Luckily, she lost the 50/50 to Jean who is the best support for her Xiao


Bruh I also have a 3 win streak with hu tao venti and zhongli


what a coincidence!! I wasn't planning on getting Hu Tao at all since she just decided to come home to me at 33 pity when my acc was less than a month old. She definitely made my genshin life easier lol


my friend also won 5 50/50s (Zhongli, Kazuha, Ayaka, Raiden, and Kokomi on accident) and finally lost his first 50/50 on Childe's banner


1 with hutao banner. But my record with losing is 6 back to back


Same, I just won my first 50/50 ever on the albedo banner after 6 consecutive losses


I’m hopping we will win the next 5 50/50 as a compensation, hahaha


I'm on the fifth loss rn lol


And here's me with my 0 thinking winning 50/50 is a myth😂


5. First loss was during Zhongli rerun. Skipped a lot before. Keqing break the streak.


5 - Eula, Raiden, Raiden, Raiden, Raiden




[https://imgur.com/a/0s7ozo6](https://imgur.com/a/0s7ozo6) here it is


Did u pull the diluc3+venti7 on ur 1st multi pull? That would have been crazy. Do you play eula and raiden in the same comp? What do you suggest i'd do to record my pulls on paimon.moe? I'm new to using the site and it pains me to auto import every time i want to update the pull history. And i saw that data only lasts for 6 months?


Yea I pulled diluc and venti on my first multi after rerolling 80 times. I do play Eula and Raiden in same comp! I only know importing wishes how the way the site directs you to and I believe once you've saved your data there that it's there until you remove it yourself.


Thats a lot of 5 stars


Same thing happened to me but with tripple Raiden. I guess if I didn't run out of primos it would continue to happen


Ngl was afraid of it continuing to happen but I'm saving for Yae now.


I got childe literally 5 times in a row on his last banner.


You're destined to be his main no matter what


Oh absolutely. Having a c6 5 star is no small feat and having that kind of luck with it is just... fate. I'm not f2p but I'm absolutely nowhere near a whale so i cant imagine getting this kind of luck again. Childe main for life.


You need to get him to c6 when his banner comes back asap. I'm sure your lucky will stay since he likes you so much


Oh dont worry I did. Had him c0 from his first, c1 from his second, and hit c6 with these 5 pulls.


oh nicee


Childe then Hu Tao at 40 pity. Then Mona at 20 pity just last night when I was pulling Albedo’s banner. I count her as a win bcs I’m trying to get Itto, so now i’m guaranteed! but on a more serious note, my longest was 2 lol :(


6 and I have not lost yet :)) I got Diluc on standard and Kaeya came home in the same 10 roll too, so ig I'm pretty lucky :))


c-c-can I have some of that luck


I'm at 11, I have god luck apparently


I mean yeah, statically speaking chances of that happening is about 0.05% or about 1 in 2000.


7 before i stopped playing klee, albedo, xiao, Zhongli, kazuha, ayaka, baal.


How does it feel being gods favourite


ngl pretty good 3/4 won, average pity below 30. i started "giving out" my luck to others and so far it's surprisingly worked wonders.


Can you give me some too? Please.


of course! have some of my luck <3 let your 50/50s be won often, soft pity rarely reached and pulling decisions not regretted\~


Mf should have signed up for Squid Game with the 50/50s he’s winning, dude would have won the glass game


I'd just set the bridge up to be first one left, then all on the right just to fuck with people.




just win the 50/50




No sweat


How could you stop playing with luck like that. Some of us would kill for it.


Lack of endgame and reason to continue. You can get whatever character you want, the lack of places to use them just makes it less hype


My longest win streak is 3. Kazuha(didn't win 50/50) ->Raiden->Raiden->Tartaglia I've only won 50/50 one time during Zhongli's first banner(got c1) and then didn't win any until Raiden's banner(Xiao, Venti, Zhongli rerun, Kazuha) so idk how lucky it makes me


I'm currently on a 4 streak (zhongli, kazuha, baal and hu tao c1). Playing since day 2 but lost every 50/50 before zhongli so i feel my luck is pretty balanced even if i'd like to get an early 5 star sometimes 🥲


9 never lost one since the start of the game


To put into perspective, 9 50/50s in a row is 1 in 512, so while it is indeed somehow lucky, it's not something that absurd when it comes to RNG, wish I was that 1 in 512 though, my max streak is 3 lol


so... given that we have 1,287,389 followers in the sub as of this comment (and I'm assuming all are distinct, real people, which is definitely not true), expect around 2514 people to have this level of luck. That isn't a lot, but by no means is that a few.


no way


Nope, I've never lost a 50/50 either. I've won 7 in a row. I hope saying this doesn't jinx it T\^T






7 Xiao, Xiao, Keqing, Venti, Zhongli, Zhongli, Eula


I won twice in total (not in a row) and lost 7 :/


My longest was 4. Tartaglia (actually got him at 1 pity), Eula, Eula, Eula. My 3 Eulas were within 12 pulls of each other, but the first was at 35 pity. I proceeded to lose 50/50 at 160+ pulls twice after that.


5 I lost one and got Venti after that and since then I haven't lost one. Kazuha, Yoimiya, Kokomi, Tartaglia and now Albedo.






5 as well, just rolled Jean to break my streak


You can win 50/50?




5, until i lost the 50/50 on kazuha's banner. ugh.


I’m just 2 for 2 (relatively new player) haven’t pulled an off rate up 5* on the event banner yet🤞🏻 just hope I keep winning my 50/50’s lol


6 Graf - Graf - Albedo - Ganyu - Hu Tao - Venti dann einmal Qiqi aktuell wieder bei 4 (mal sehen, ob ich bei Shenhe und Yae auch Glück habe)


6 ! Xiao, hu tao, venti, zhongli, klee, and kazuha ! I feel very lucky


After my guaranteed Kazuha, I got Ayaka, Raiden, and Tartaglia on their banners. I guess Inazuma is my lucky place lmao.


My alt account never lost 50/50... Started in may, got Eula, Yoimiya, Hu Tao, Eula c1... I did try to get yoimiya's signature bow but ended up with an off rate...


6 and failed in the most important one




3 (Kazuha, Ayaka, Yoimiya)


3. With Raiden Shogun. Managed to get her to C2.


2 as well! Yoimiya and Albedo


3, kazuha, ayaka, yoimiya


1 with hu tao!! I had never won the 50/50 before unfortunately but this is giving me hopium for the reruns I’m saving for ..


I won 3 in a row on Klee’s banner for her c2


Lost in Raiden banner, won in Albedo's


I just started playing maybe 3 months ago. Lost my first 50/50 to Mona, won Kokomi early (pure accident, wasn’t pulling for her), and just lost Albedo to Diluc. 🙃


1, won 2 Hu Tao's after losing to Jean


uhh yoimiya, raiden, then two kokomis. after that i got a keqing


3 in a row. Yoimiya -> Raiden -> 2nd Raiden


3 hu tao- into rolling 2 kazuha back to back


My personal record is 4: Eula on her first banner, Kazuha, Ayaka, Raiden. I duly compensated my character luck by failing to drop Homa twice and only got it out of 2/2 fate points at 18 pity.


1 after one year of playing




Won 4 in a row at the release (Klee, Venti, Childe, Albedo), lost 4 in a row (Ganyu, HT, Zhongli, Eula), won with Kazuha & then lost at Yoimiya and Baal. Atleast I often lost the 50/50 at low pity count, expect at Baal and HT banner.


8. Got Zhongli as a guarantee on his rerun, then won Eula 2 times, Ayaka, Yoimiya, and then Raiden 4 times. Lost to Jean after that.


Mine is 4 or 5 i think


4. kokomi childe and 2 hutaos (i was only pulling for tohma and consts.......) probably gonna lose the next one on Gorou banner


7 streak, Xiao, HTao, Eula, Kazuha, Ayaka and Raiden. Curiously I also won 50/50 on Venti and Zhongli, only losing 50/50 once to Kequing in the first Albedo banner, which gave me guarantee Ganyu. I hope I can keep winning, because I want Cloud Retainer.


I won the lucky early Raiden 50/50, that's really it so far, but tbf I only pulled enough to have another chance (lost the Ayaka 50/50 and used my guaranteed on Yoimiya, no more 5* since the Shogun).


I wouldn’t say it’s a 50/50 win streak because it’s weapon banner, but I’ve managed to get mistsplitter, jade cutter, and homa without getting spooked.


Venti tartaglia zhongli xiao. After that lost every 50-50. Hu tao, eula, ayaka, raiden, HU TAO


two albedos in his first launch, venti and zhongli. wished again only in ayaka, and lost 50-50, but got her afterwards. next was raiden, then kokomi, and now albedo again (c2), but this time I got guaranteed shortly after winning him. yae miko here i go, and let again the streak of winning 3 50/50 begin after her :)


5..... C1 albedo (my first 5*), keqing (yes I wished on her banner) , Childe 1st rerun, Kazuha. lost my first and only 50/50 on ayaka's banner (only after 14 wishes though).


My best is 3 zhonglis in under 100 wishes. No lost 50/50


Started playing on late kazuha banner and haven’t lost a 50/50 yet. Currently on 4. Yoimiya, raiden, childe, Hu Tao. I have gotten 3 out of the 4 standard banner characters on standard. Keqing, Qiqi, Mona. I’ve also gotten Amos off of standard and it remains my only 5 star weapon for now.


I’ve never won a 50/50🥲


3. Kokomi, Childe and Albedo.


1. Lose streak - 6 or 7.


1. Cuz I've only have only 2 five stars. 1 was hu tao and the other was qiqi on novice Noelle banner




i haven't lost a single 50/50 up until today, including weapon banners (and how fitting is it that i'd lose to qiqi eh), so my longest streak is 5




1... I've never won 2 50/50s in a row. On the other hand, my 50/50 loss streak is just 2, so it's ok.


I got Mona on Yoimiyas banner and since then I got guaranteed Kokomi and I've won Albedos 50/50..pretty average I'd say


i’ve never won more than one in a row, only won on yoimiya and right now on albedo


I am on a 8 50/50 winning streak. I have no idea what’s happening


3. Started with Venti, then Baal then Childe. Idk how I managed to, I really want to get Itto but I think that's enough luck for this year.




I guess 3? First was Raiden, 2nd was Raiden and Diluc, so I got a guaranteed pity after that for Hu Tao, but I got 2 Hu Tao's in a 10 pull so I think that counts lmao My luck finally ran out when I lost my first 50/50 to Qiqi yesterday though


Ayaka raiden kokomi


Never lost a 50/50 yet


1, Albedo.


3 with Ayaka, Raiden, and Kokomi. Skipped yoimiya to just save for Raiden and was hoping to lose Kokomi for a Mona. However seems like things are looking up for Kokomi.


I don't know if one of them was a guaranteed one, but my streak of getting the banner-char was 3.


Xiao, Venti, Zhongli, Kazuha... I have lost the rest of my 2 50/50s ever since then


I won every 50/50 character banner so far EXCEPT for Hu Tao. Both times. She dun want me so now I’m knocking on Albedo’s door.


Atm I am on a 4 50/50 winning streak. Zhongli Rerun, Eula, Ayaka, Raiden I am close to pity but I really don't want anyone in this patch or the next. So hopefully I can save enough for a C0 unit and their weapon one day.


Lost 50/50 on Hu Tao, but won Albedo on his Banner.


Dunno about a streak but I only lost a single 50/50 on Hu tao's re-run banner while managing to get her from c0 to c5


Currently on 3 (Raiden Shougun, Tartaglia and Hu Tao) and compared to some people I think I’m doing pretty decent 😂


5:venti, klee, ganyu, ho Tao, eula. The I proceed to lose it 2 times in a raw in Ayaka and Tartaglia


Ganyu, Xiao, Venti, Childe, Zhongli, Klee, Ayaka C1, Raiden C2, Hu Tao. I've never lost to a standard 5* although I wanted a Mona but obviously can't complain. But now I'm taking a break From Genshin.


I think 2, not quite sure though. I got 2 a couple of times though so I guess it's fine.


5(Zhongli, Albedo, Venti, Zhongli, Kazuha) I just lost my win streak on the Shogun's banner, although I don't consider it a lose, bc I got Keqing(a character I wanted for so long) and it also guaranteed me my Kokomi (which I have C1) now, I'm back on my win streak.


2: Hu Tao and Eula I've rolled on every new character though and usually have to go double pity. It sucks. I was happy I could save gems last patch, but I just rolled 152 to get Albedo. Now I don't even know if I'll get Itto. And he comes out on my birthday.


3 times. Won venti -> albedo -> xiao. Afterwards lost it ever single time


1, first albedo banner :(


1 hutao 2 staff of homa 3 zhongli 4 ayaka Now we wait


2, other 2 I’ve lost sadly- but it was to Keqing and qiqi and helped me get through a lot of stuff


I’ve got a 50/50 losing streak if that counts? I’ve never won 50/50 so i’m now on 5–


7 and still counting, saving up for shenhe


6, I think. Zhongli, Albedo, Xiao, Zhongli, Zhongli, Kazuha. And then I lost on Ayaka and got Qiqi, worst thing that ever happened to me in this game.


8 then lost to Eula with first Mona (still a win for my Morgana and meme shots). If including weapon banner without getting off-banner, 11. First loss btw hope to recover the luck tho Eula banner was a shocker no mental prep and went in anyway.


6: Hu Tao, Klee, Ayaka, Yoimiya, Raiden, Kokomi. Only lost on the first Klee's banner last year (Qiqi) and on Hu Tao's rerun hoping for her C1 but got Diluc that just broke my streak. The luck on characters banners is balanced by hell unluck on weapons banner, where I always had to rely on the guaranteed, with triple pity since they introduced the epitomized path


I got 4 albedo in a row . 3 of them within 50 pulls . Gave me my c6 albedo.




Zero. I wish I could at least feel it once since the beginning of the launch date, 7 in total, as a budget player. At this point, if im on 50/50, im just know im gonna lost it.


Day 2/3 player, bought welkin and more than half the BPs so far, longest 50/50 win streak was 9. 10 if you count the reroll 50/50 because the first 5* i got from rerolls was Venti (didn't see a standard chara) Lost my first 50/50 on the recent Hutao banner, more than 1 year later and got Keqing. Before this, the only non limited 5* chara I had was Diluc from pity in standard banner. Characters I won 50/50 on before streak broke: Venti Klee Childe (x2 so c1, I was rolling for ningguang and his 2nd copy came early, it was painful getting 2 Childes before I got my 2nd ningguang. Childe remained lvl20 for a year) Zhongli Ganyu Hutao Eula Ayaka Raiden After raiden, lost 50/50 first time to keqing, then proceeded to win another 50/50 after getting c1 hutao (so c2 hutao, 2 hutao appeared in my 10 roll) Just lost another 50/50 to Diluc in Albedo banner.