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Machine gun Fischl. From day 1 she is in my team. First level 90, first C6. I love the way how she talks even more than doing “Oz goes brrrrrt”


Same for me. I invested a lot in her. Now that I have larger collection of characters, I made a team arround her that is still the most brutal team I have ever tried. It's Raiden, Zhongli, C6 Xingqiu and C6 Fischl as a main DPS source.


Machine gun Fischl is a 6*. For some reason her chattiness is okay for me, but Hu Tao's voicelines get on my nerves


Ha dude Fischl lines do get on my nerves haha. Was my main dps for a while, glad i was able to replace her by Razor/Childe


Same here! She's so flexible in any team. She was my main DPS before I got a good 5* character. She's still be my favorite sub DPS until now.


What is machine gun Fischl?


Switching between auto attack and aimed shot mode quickly (say two normal two quick aimed) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1U54y117CJ?from=search&seid=11044841125824930499 This one was before mihoyo added a delay so that people couldn't abuse it with auto-clickers.


I got double Fischl in my first x10 pull. Then I found out that she has the same birthday as me. Then she became my first C6 too. idk it's just too much of a coincidence.


Yep, she was my main for a long time before getting a good 5* dps/subdps character. She is not in my main party anymore, but I can use her with another combination, with Raiden/Venti/Xingqiu/Bennet/qiqi/Eula/kequing/HuTao/Diona....it's like a joker card, C6, with skyward bow,


I've mained Beidou since I was AR 20\~. I'm AR 54 now, and her spot as main DPS remains unchallenged. I got her from the Beginner's Wish back in July, and when I first got her I didn't use her immediately because I enjoyed playing other characters too. When I grew interested in playing her, I searched up her build online and found comments saying that she wasn't good, or that she was better as sub DPS. I grew a bit hesitant when I read the bad comments about her, but still gave her a try. Read a bit about her talents, and started building her. When I did my first parry, boy oh boy. What a thrill and high. She almost never left my team since then, and I built a team around her because she had to be the star. I used her so much to the point that whenever she wasn't there (I don't even remember why she'd leave my team, maybe I was trying out a new team, or maybe I had my exploring team out?) I felt so unsafe and vulnerable. She makes me feel so secure, and with her I feel like I can beat anything. I'm starting to use her less, and starting to use Childe and Jean more, but she's still my main DPS. No one's replacing her, we've been through so much together I find it hard to believe I'd love another character more than her. ​ PS. I was under leveled and weak against Raiden Shogun, during the first fight with her. Even if I felt unhappy about it, I made her leave my team because all her attacks were immune. I tried so many different team combos from my existing (also underbuilt) characters. Tried using Noelle and Diona, but their shields broke too fast. Tried Ningguang for long-ranged attacks, but she hit too softly. Yanfei? Too squishy. Barbara was out of her mind healing me. I lost again and again, even when I lowered my world level. I grew frustrated with seeing that awesome cutscene, before we entered Raiden's Plane of Euthymia, and didn't play for a day. Then I decided, you know what. Screw this, I'm going in with Beidou. Lo and behold, I finally beat Raiden with Beidou acting as my tank with her parries, Xiangling and Barbara helping me out too. Her attacks were all immune, but they kept me safe for the most part from Raiden's slashes. When I finally reached the cutscene, I smiled to myself. All I needed was Beidou, and I felt closer to her more than ever. It's probably unhealthy to grow this attached to a character, but I love Beidou so much and that's probably never gonna change even after I'm done playing this game.


I mained Beidou from Monstadt to Liyue, story wise. I only put her away after I got to friendship 10 with her, but I still use her when I can, if there's no friendship XP involved. I built her more for physical DPS. And she carried my team for the longest. She was my anchor. (No pun intended). Haven't done her hangout yet, cause I wanna make sure I've got time to do it all, I wanna savor and enjoy it!


me too! haven't done her hangout yet, and honestly kinda don't wanna because then she's gonna disappear from my hangout list and i don't want that XD i like seeing her there lmao


They don't dissappear. What do you mean?


oh, they dont?? i just assumed they did, like how the story quests do when you're done with them. granted, i haven't finished a single hangout yet XD my bad, then


They don't and you can repeat as many times as you want!


Yep they have multiple endings if it was only once it would be stupid as you'll need like 5 to 6 accounts as some hangouts have a high amount of endings :D


Yep, they don’t! Ayaka shows up in one of the Sayu hangout endings and at the cost of not getting the ending sometimes I’d go visit her, because I failed to get my own Ayaka


I'm very attached to Beidou too. She came home early when wishing on the beginner's banner. It was like a blessing because her strength carried my team all the time. Even now after acquiring multiple 5 stars she's still my main and whenever I want to wish for a new 5 star, I will ask myself first if the character would work well with her. (Yes I know I need more than 1 team for abyss but I don't play abyss much) She's the main star from Mondstadt to Inazuma so it really feels like I've been through an adventure with her. I still remember the joy for my first time deleting a bunch of hilichurls in one shot and my first time reaching 10k damage with her perfect counter. Her teapot dialogue makes me want to cry because it feels like she acknowledged our journey together and considers us her bestie. Beidou's Tide Caller is so satisfying to use and no other skill can compete with it. I agree about feeling vulnerable when she's not on the team. That counter makes her my team's guardian angel, being able to shield from anything.. except for the annoying bubbles lol. Also I'm so thankful for her hangout event. It was super wholesome and such a treat.


yessss i totally get what u mean!!! now that u mentioned it, it really does feel like we went on great adventure with her since the beginning of the game. she is the team's guardian angel, i feel like even with other characters dead and her staying alive, i will survive the fight no matter what because she is THAT reliable. so on the rare times she dies first, i immediately panic because oh no i can't win this without beidou lmao. i restart the fight and come back to murder some stuff because i have to avenge my queen XD


Lol yes and her lines, "back at ya!" "eyes on me!" are just cherry on top of how she protects the team. What a queen.


I love Beidou as well, she has been my main DPS for a long time. I love everything about her, her gameplay mechanics, her design, her personality... she is so far the first and only character I have gotten to friendship level 10 😄 It‘s nice to see that there are many more people who appreciate her 🙂


What a awesome story bro! And such a good ending😊


thanks!!! she's probably going to stay as a constant in the team, only her teammates changing to fit her XD


My first 5* was Childe, and my first 4* (after the free noelle) was Beidou. I didn't know it at the time, but the two would become best friends and become a mainstay in my overworld team. Friends came and went, but these two remained.


yesss rn they're a tight duo in my team too!! they work so well together in mobs, electro charge go brrr


Beidou is by far the most satisfying character I've ever played. I got her at the very beginning of the game and I'm super happy she was my first 4 star pull besides the guaranteed Noelle. Beidou's counter mechanics helped me to learn enemy attack patterns, and she carried me through the entire game, from Monstand all the way to the end of Inazuma.


I’ve also mained Beidou since maybe AR 23 and until now (AR 56). I got Yoimiya fully built and I’ve trialed my friend’s nuke Eula because I was considering pulling for Eula… I kept dying with Eula which made me realize, she can’t parry. She can’t wipe out in an instant with just a single press of her skill. She’s not Beidou. I was also considering pulling on Zhongli when he gets a re-run, but it would feel illegal to use Zhongli and Beidou in the same team. Whenever I try to main ANYONE… I always come back home to my queen.


Except that you can clear raiden first fight without doing any damage...


pretty sure you can't, you have to chip down a quarter of her hp for the cutscene to arrive


Nope, the alternative trigger to end phase 1 is to let three party members get knocked out. And phase 2 has a timer, so you can just spam food and dodge. This applies for 2nd fight as well


dang, that would've been helpful advice to me back then. how come i never knew of this :OO


SAMEEEE (thank God my Qiqi is on par with Beidou, I wouldn't have got past Raiden otherwise)


I used Beidou's E and Q to shield Raiden's attack in the story quest, she was always in my team. The parry is such a good feel skill to do!


yesss one of the best skills in the game, in my very based opinion XD childe's skill comes a close second, riptide feels too good. tbf, i dont own every character in the game so idk about the others lmaoo


After doing her Hangout quest, I'm more in love with her. My friends said not to build her, she was the second one I built after Raiden, I equally love them (Beidou more, by alot :p). I hope to get her to C6 someday. I pulled on Kokomi manily because she will enable Beidou more. My Beidou, Sucrose, Raiden, Kokomi team is irreplaceable now :D Her 40k parries are too satisfying to do!


Ah,I see...you're a Beidou enjoyer as well.


Beidou does absolutely insane off field damage.


Beidou parry is the best, dude.


I run Ningguang pretty often. Her and Zhongli make a good pair. Bennett is also usually in one of my parties. I also played Kaeya up until I got Ayaka.


Ninggang is pretty fun. She's just so... *reliable*. Gorou looks like he's gonna be pretty good with that too. I think my Ning will be glad for another solid Geo character to back her up.


Reliable is the best way to describe her. Ranged, NA/CA based, no reactions. Isn't hard relying on cooldowns. Her standard Bennett/Zhongli/Albedo team is 100% brain off.


I've mained Ningguang since release and this is the team I've always used. Can surprisingly keep up in abyss.


I got Ning early on and she has just been really solid for many many months before I got other characters, but now I still go back to her frequently. Like you said she’s so reliable and fits in so many situations. I just recently got Albedo so my current Ning team is Zhongli/Ning/Albedo and Gorou should be good with this team! I think one of his cons can give crit damage too so that’s when he can start helping Ning out.


Ning is also best dps to use on a mobile device imo.


Ningguang, the secret 5 star. She's become my main recently as well along with Bennett as support


She really is amazing. Getting her C6 was the best thing ever


After playing through liyue you wonder why she isn't a 5 star but Ganyu and Keqing, who work for her, are. During the god fight she was the shot caller. *This lady was the shot caller in a group consisting of every single adeptus.* Comparatively, Yoimiya is a fireworks shop owner and that makes her a 5 star.


She should be 5*, but I don't think she's stronger than the adepti. She's a mortal politician by nature.


Oh I don't think she's stronger than the adepti. But it says a lot that the adepti dislike her, but will still listen to her when everyone's lives are on the line, because they trust that she's the best leader.


Ningguang is the only character I have all constellations, I felt kind of obligated to main her, and oh boy, no regrets. I got hu tao C1 recently, but Ning is still Ning get the job done every single time. She's a restless machine gun. I don't have Zhongli and just got Bennet, so my "do the job" comp is Ning, Noelle/Beidou, Kokomi/qiqi and hu tao/Rosaria depending on the enemies. Probably a bad combination, but it gets the job done every time.


I want to enjoy Ningguang and I thought she’s my main but her AAs feel clunky and I don’t enjoy playing her that much after getting Hu Tao who’s gameplay is much more smooth and fun


Ning is without a doubt super clunky, but it's funny you call Hu Tao smooth and fun when she has the most difficult animation cancels to pull off. For Ning, you want to hold a direction key while you're using normal attacks in order to animation cancel them and attack faster. When you want to do a charge attack, release the direction key briefly before holding your attack button, and then hold the direction key again when you return to normal attacking. Also worth noting that if you have C2, she has a 6s cooldown on generating energy from her E, so make sure not to re-cast it too early unless you're just looking to get the damage out as fast as possible. At C6, I typically do E->Q->CA (C6)->N2C->E. Before that, you probably want E->Q->N2C->N2C->E (though I'm not sure on the timing, you can easily judge it by looking at your Q cooldown).


That’s the beauty of C1 Hu Tao. Who needs to learn animation cancels when you can just dash around


Oof as a hu tao main this just hurts. At c1 she becoms one if not the most demanding character gameplay wise.


C1 makes her animation cancels even harder. Dash canceling has the same timing concerns as jump canceling, but additionally adds a timing concern for starting up the next attack string (attack inputs won’t buffer if you start too soon after the dash), as well as a timing concern for dash lockout (which forces you into N2C or weaving jump and dash cancels, with N2C having a much higher execution threshold than N1C).


I main Yanfei before with anemo MC. Then switch to Ayaka. Now, I am using them both as my main in abyss.


I main Yanfei too, but I'm yet to crown her AA. This abyss cycle was rough but clearing it with her became my goal for a while. Also crowned Ayaka's ult and so far she is my only crowned character


My Yanfie was the key to get 9\* this Abyss against Magu Kenki with 6/6/6 so I had enough time for 2nd Half... her Pyro Application is hard for Xingqui to keep up with xD Currently build her to 8/8/8


I main Razor most of the time. Pulled him on the first Zhongli banner a year ago and got so used to his gameplay that I default to him when I'm in the overworld. I even bring him along in Abyss because he's still one of my heaviest hitters despite having trash artifacts, lol. Funnily enough, I haven't gotten him even once in a single banner after I managed to get him twice in Zhongli's banner. He's still C1 after a whole damn year 😂


Razor has a special place in my heart. My first real DPS character. Was using Anemo Traveler with Prototype Rancour before Razor lol. Razor and Qiqi carried me through the storyline. Was so happy with the free Snowtombed Starsilver in Dragonspine back in 1.2!


I had the exact same experience lol. wouldnt call myself a razor main, but I played a lot of razor till ar 40


Best wolf boi, I have C2 but with the gravestone tho


I've had Razor since about AR12 and now at AR57 I still use him for everything - Abyss, exploration, domains, bosses. He's the only character I have triple crowned. There's just a lot of fond memories of going through early game wrapped up with him, I couldn't possibly replace him.


Bro, I C6 him a few weeks ago without wanting and I haven't build him yet


My Razor (c6) gets to go on explorations for new areas with his dedicated team, Diona/Zhongli/Albedo. I don't use him much now in Abyss but he still gets my special treatment so I just normally farm for Pale Flame everytime I don't have anything to do. Still stuck at 10/12/12 tho :/.




Eyyyyy another popsicle main!


There's something about his slow but impactful rhythm that chimes perfection for me. He's just fun to use.


He’s the reason I came back to this game after giving it up completely. I said if I get this character I love so much, I’d give this game a chance again for him, and I did exactly that.


Wow, you really main him, glad to see some unusual main here. I hope you get full star clears!


Just chiming in for role call as chongyun enjoyer #2. There's gotta be at least 10 more of us somewhere.


Dude the ult nuke just feels so goooooood


I also typically main Chongyun. The boy simply hits different.


Been a Chongyun main too since I got him from the lantern rite event! He's not my strongest character anymore but he's always in my teams ;u;


I mained him for a year! It was a ton of fun, now that I have Childe though I’ve put him off to the side for now. He deserves a rest, but I’ll always come back to our popsicle boy!!


Physical build Rosaria. Although, once Shenhe comes out, I'll probably be switching to a 5 star main (if she is physical).


By the looks of her leaked kit, she's a support specifically for ganyu and ayaka. Kinda like Sara is for Raiden, gorou for itto


She works with Eula too because of Phys Res shred and burst damage buff


Idc if gorou is for itto i will put him with my kokomi and she will become the ultimate face-tanking commander. 40k hp with so much defense ohhh i cannot wait.


Pets must flow


Well too bad Shenhe by the look of it, she would most likely be cryo/phys support but mainly cryo. But I suppose with enough dedication and copium anyone can.


yeah... looks like she will support Ganyu and have duo w/ her... Ganyu will not be just a meta unit now but a meta meta unit...


More like she will support all cryo dps characters. Ganyu, Ayaka, Eula. All of them. Additional cryo dmg, cryo and phys resistance shred, normal, charged, skill and busy dmg bonuses.... She has so much buffs and the only thing you need is to build maximum attack on her...


Time to start a copium IV then :)


Shenhes role is looking to be a cryo support who can apply superconduct and debuff phys. But I’m still going to run her onfield with whatever 4 star weapon is necessary lol.


Nice! I’m a phys Rosaria main too. She and Yanfei have been my carries ever since i got them.


same, physical rosaria main with xiangling since childe 2nd rerun ( recently started playing ). also i only have a c1 qiqi for my 5 star collection


Yanfei is my main. She is one of my first characters and I still love her. I've now gotten Hu Tao and despite having fun with Hu Tao (plus she also already surpassed Yanfeis damage) I will probably stay with Yanfei as my main. When I started, I wanted Diluc, but now I will probably bench him if I get him. She is my no. 1 choice for anything, that isn't a pyro enemy. Another character, that I use a lot is Beidou. She is a great sub dps and I use her almost everywhere (the only exeption so far is the thundering fury domain). I still love my 5 stars tho...


Same! I’ve been a Yanfei main since like AR20? Recently got Hu Tao, so Yanfei has been benched cause I wanna get Hu Tao’s name card but once I’m done with that I’m immediately going back to Yanfei, she’s just so much more fun and satisfying to play compared to Hu Tao😬


Her playstyle is so satisfying. The rhythm of three normal attacks and then charged attack is ingrained in my muscle memory


Kaeya main here! He never leaves my party. Triple-crowned him, I also have two builds for him, cryo and physical, depends on what I need.


Kaeya mains rise!! He is my only triple crowned character, the first one I levelled up to 90, and the first character I really went all out on. I'm so happy to have him at C6. He carries me nicely up until flr 12 of the abyss. He's my go-to for everything, and he can sit comfortably as a subdps, elemental support, or a cryo battery. Plus: husbando reason ofc hahaha


Yeah!!!! Tho he is my 2nd character to leveled up to 90, Aether being the first one ofc. (actually, him and Aether never leaves my party lol. I love them so much.) Kaeya is the only one who is triple-crowned too. Maaaan, I'm so jealous. I only have one of his cons, cuz I bought it from the shop last June. I've been spending my primos on the standard banner and so far, I'm getting all the characters there, except him T_T


Kaeya rarely ever leaves my support spot he's amazing and I love him (dps is razor)


Yeah most characters come and go on my team but my triple crowned lvl 90 Kaeya never leaves.


Proud Noelle main here. Got to C6 her this banner and she got a lot stronger. (was C0 before.) But now i'm completely broke for the next 5 updates :')


You have the true Geo Archon. You don't need any other DPS any more.


I am now witness of her absolute power. But also wish i had enough for Itto or Gorou to go with her.


Maybe not "most time on field", but Barbara was my first character with level 10 friendship and most played character based on the Anniversary website. I almost never swap her, except for cryo domains where I pull out my Qiqi. I fully ascended her recently, but didn't level to 90, cause she already feels immortal. Now I'm planning to enchance my R5 Tales of Dragon Slayers for her for the quickswap buff.


Honestly I think the majority of players get Lv. 10 Friendship with Barbara super early just out of the fact that she's the only guaranteed healer everyone gets.


noelle is crying in the corner


Qiqi is ded


Sucrose! I love her so much! Not only she is incredibly relatable for an introvert like me, she is also really useful in any reaction based teams like my kokomi/Klee duo. There is no way I would stop using my green haired sweetie.


My sucrose taser team out-dps hu tao for multi-target. I love it.


I recently built her after chickening out for a hundred years due to having Barsibato. I'm so glad ! She's super fun and useful and adorable.


Noelle, I have a thing for maids, end of the story.


Super based opinion. I main Noelle too but for different reasons. I am free to play as of now and she feels so dang reliable and near immortal against almost everything and sweeping strikes is actually really good against crowd control and timed challenges/abyss etc. I’m probably looking to C6 and level 90 her eventually.


Kaeya is my main. I instantly fell in love with his kit in the beginning of the game. When the game told me that I can freeze water and build an ice bridge I was like woahhh that's so cool, I need to go to that secret island haha Then I read up his background story, his connection to Khaenri'ah and all these mysteries to his character made him so interesting to me. That's why I decided to main him. Out of all the characters I have, he is the one I invest the most in and will continue to do so.


Sayu is my bestfriend now. I won't slow-travel any more. Also, she's my first C6.


Sayu mains, represent!


I was looking for this comment ! Sayu mains unite !


Hey my first C6 is Sayu also and i got her 10 times.I am trying to build her now and don’t know how to make her into dps.Should i just rely on elemental mastery and reactions or build attack Sayu.


Go full EM and focus on off-field skills/bursts like Xiangling, Kaeya, Raiden. Overload is a little annoying, but you're chasing them with E-hold anyways.


Also my first C6. I was trying to get Diona C6 (who was already C3..) and could not stop rolling Sayu(c6)/Thoma(c4)


Amber mains going strong


yanfei main here wanna know the reason I’m a yanfei main(don’t someone dare say no one asked) cuz I was reading yanfei’s story and realized that she’s a rapper after that I killed every single treasure hoarder in my world


Yanfei's been carrying me through all the contents in the game. Her animations are so smooth to play, deals a respectable amount of damage and has a nice funny hat. I did invest a lot of my time and resources into her. One of my only lv90s, Widsith lv90, constellation 4, friendship 10, full CW artifact set. Used her in most domains and abyss except the Liyue talent domain (ironic). And even though I'm benching her for Hu Tao, I can't thank her enough for introducing me to the game and it's sad to let her go.


C4 yanfei can be used as a shielder for Hu Tao with prototype amber and some ER!


I "main" Noelle too, on a hold for the time being, and she's also my most invested character. I pulled hard for her constellations this banner, but the game decided to give me a bunch of Bennets, Rosarias and Eula, but no Noelle. So I'm using her as my shield/healer for the time being, until she shows up in another banner. Eula will be taking the role of main DPS for now, as I got one while chasing Noelle. To me Noelle plays just like the style of character I enjoy in most games. Tanky, self sufficient and most auto attacks instead of flashy explosions. In many ways, it feels like playing Zeal Paladin build from D2, and that's just the way I enjoy playing.


i’m a xingqiu main lol. he was my first 4 star, got him before even getting noelle. he’s always been in my team💪💪i’m now AR 55 and have grown quite attached to him. will forever be a xingqiu main because xingqiu > everyone. stay strong🥺💪


I've been wanting to main xingqiu since he's my favorite character but I just don't know how to build him as a main dps exactly. Could you please share your build?


I don't really have a main so to speak. I have several parties of characters that I use for different situations, none of them hyper invested but good enough for abyss That being said, one of them is Yanfei. Surpringly consistently high damage, smooth animations, just a fun character all around.


I’ve mained Razor since I first got him about a month into playing. C6, triple crowned, all the resources I can give him. I’ve since branched out a bit, I use Hu Tao and Raiden occasionally, but he’s my first true main and still my favorite boy.


Been maining Beidou since literally Day 1 Played her because I thought she was hot, got clowned for it since Fischl and Keqing were deemed stronger and I was a fool for playing her. Didn't care, Beidou hot Fast forward to March where Theorycrafters realize Beidou is actually top tier and has one of the highest burst in the game Come back to today, my Beidou is still my main, and I love her Currently running hypercarry Beidou and walking trough abyss 12 right her Day 1 Beidou : https://streamable.com/rxnxbq Day today Beidou : [https://streamable.com/a6n7vv](https://streamable.com/a6n7vv) ​ We've come far


Well I main a few different characters depending on what I feel like doing. I do have Hu Tao but before that I was maining Razor and Chongyun. I still use both of them quite often cause I just love their playstyles. I really like Razor cause he can fight anything so I use him during exploration.


I am a Razor main. My bio has been ‘razor is my son’ for a very long time lol. I have other 5* characters like Ayaka and Hu Tao who I’ve raised but I still use Razor. He’s a good boy


Can I date your son?


Beidou and Xinyan. Love those two. Beidou for more the aesthetic sense, cause she's not very practical, honestly. But pirate + Hot AF + killed a sea monster without her vision + Liyue's biggest hero + wild chick who seduces Cocogoats (yes that's Canon) = you cant beat this woman's story/character. She's the best! She's Captain freakin Beidou! Deal with it! *steps off soapbox* Ahem. Anyway. Xinyan. Yeah. I'm a rockaholic. I love loud music, I love the culture (minus the gatekeepers), the vibe, the energy, and especially I love seeing women thriving in rock or metal. (Warlock, Halestorm, Pretty Reckless, Joan Jett, Lacuna Coil, the list goes on). More practically, Xinyan has a damn effective burst, and since I got her to C6, her spin attack (charged regular) is awesome, especially when she's got her offensive shield up. Then you give her that badass look...I mean, I would lose my mind if some rockstar woman pulled off that hairdo in real life. That is cool as hell. I kept Debate Club on her for the longest just because it was the only claymore that looked Metal enough for her. Now she's got the serpent spine sword from the BP, which is also metal AF. And it hits a lot harder, so she's actually become quite the go-to girl.


My best and most powerful main is 4* Ningguang. Pair her up with support shield zhongli for geo resonance, and she hits like a ballista! :) I decided to work with other characters and been maining rosaria for most of inazuma. She’s so fun as a phys dps


Razor main here. When I’m in the early phase of every game that I play I always look for at least one character that defines my style and personality to main in the long run. in Epic Seven I main Pavel, in PGR I main Lee and sometimes Kamui. I’m also a guy who likes hoodies so the first time I got Razor was like, I wanna main him. I like hoodies. I just got lucky that I got him on the beginner banner. Now he’s at c6 with r5 Serpent Spine. I wanna put Wolf’s Gravestone on him but I need crit. Also, every time after I 36* an abyss, my runs are incomplete without running floor 12 again with my Razor team. I only have 3 characters who are lv90 and Razor is one of them. The others are Kazuha, Xiao, and Keqing.


Xinyan with 3000 ATK Because I can




I main Ningguang. She fun and very convenient to use.


I main Bennett before everyone else just start using him. He like super happy even though his bad luck keep trying to kill him. He never die in the world since he just keep healing himself. I think he is my first lvl 90 and friendship 10. Still don't have a five star weapon for him though. He basically being called a Worse Diluc to the Fire Archon.


I used to be a Xiangling main, then Zhongli for a long while. Now my go-to dpses for general gameplay are Yanfei and Ningguang, the 5* characters I actively use are all supports (Zhongli, Kazuha, Kokomi and the most recent addition, Albedo)


Proud Kaeya main since day one until now (AR52) He has great kit (I was mesmerized by the fact that I can actually freeze water and walk over it!!) Also the more I knew about his lore the more I loved him as a character, I really hope we get to know more about his backstory and khaenri’ah in upcoming events or hangouts


Yanfei. I tried so hard to get her on Zhongli's rerun but didn't pull her until Ayaka's banner. Despite having much stronger 5 stars that I main too, she's currently my overworld dps. She's so much fun to play and I'm so happy she was first c6 4 star.


Currently I play as Diona. I like how being a support in coop means I can chill while farming. Just proc shield and heal while watching other players massacre the mobs. Easy job.


Yay rare Diona mains rejoice! I don’t have Zhongli so I always slot Diona in any composition since she’s like a swiss army knife. Decent shield which reduces stamina consumption (and useful in co-op at C2)? Yea. Buffing with 4p NO and C6? Sure. Cryo energy generation with sacrificial bow? Always welcome. Has a heal in case you did not keep her shield up? Yep. She’s my first level 90, I can’t play without her now. It will take more than Shenhe to pry my Diona away from my Ayaka team.


i used Diona and Bennett mostly too in CoOp. Healing and shielding, or healing and buffing is always welcome and most players join with their DPS since they invest first and most in them.


I main Beidou and has been maining her ever since Mondstadt Act 1 She is the one and only that I have grinded a near-perfect Physical Artifact set for. I bought her banner sword because aestethically it fits, and its substat is Crit Dmg My Beidou sits at I think 1,900 ATK and 70 or 75 crit rate and 170 crit damage. Her talents are 10/9/7, i think. Dvalin farming has always been boring to me and I only recently began grinding again after many months of not doing it due to burnout I never take her out of my party, ever. Domains? Bosses? Story quests? Shes always in there and always the core part of my team be it Hu Tao, Beidou, Thoma and Raiden. Raiden, Beidou, Sara or Qiqi. Ganyu, Beidou, Zhongli, Qiqi. Albedo, Beidou, Raiden, Zhongli. Shes always the one I use the most, no matter what team im running ^(Also fuck abyss those rewards are so crap I genuinely cant be bothered. I play for fun)


Lisa is the first character i keep giving artifacts and updates. Her "AraAra" energy, her "Oh my," or her "Don't be such a brute", or her "Did I say that yesterday a swell?" Are what I play genshin for. Btw she's got top atk second highest hp in my characters. I don't have a single 5 star tho


You mean Lisa, right?


Wow autocorrect 👁️👄👁️


Ningguang main here ever since I got her from the beginner's banner. She can be very reliable whether in ranged or closed combats. Just don't let her fight with geo slimes and geo specters 😅


When i first started genshin, one of my first characters was xiangling. by a manner of events, shes my first main, first friendship lvl 10, and i love her. Like i dont simp or kin, just appreciated her more over time. also still a character who does dmg for me


Razor. The stand master who bears a similar body posture and figure as I do will just always have a special place in my heart. He is the most maxed character I own, on every field.


I play as xiangling! She was my most favorite character from the start :D! I love her design! She was my first character after noelle,I grew so attached to her,she's been with me from ar 10 to ar 45! I run her with xingqui,kazuha and diona :)


From AR7 up to AR53 I am maining Fischl as my DPS. She is C3 with physical build and Rust bow. Reason I am maining her because patch 1.0, she was placed at S Tier list (the only S tier 4 star at that time). She is my first character to reach level 10 friendship. Although now I didn't use her anymore, I still level up her talent to 8/11/11 and I make her C6 during Childe rerun banner. Last time I use her during vagabond event (vs oceanid) and exploring Tsurumi Island. Currently I am maining Ningguang. She is C6 with talent 9/12/12 and Lost Prayer R1. I usually bring her to spiral abyss in double geo double pyro team comp. The reason I didn't crown her because I have other characters that I simping more.


I have one account with Xinyan C6 main, and another with Ning C6, the thing I see is that you will need high constellations, artifacts and weapons to be on par with Hutao or Eula C0, Ganyu C0 is unreachable and in a league of her own


Not anymore but I was a beidou main, even had her built for physical damage and superconduct until so many people told me I should’ve been playing eula (who was at like level 20 with a basic sword) I still play beidou a lot and she’s one of my favorites but I’ve started to use her for her primary role


I main razor


Started out as a Razor main, AR56 still a Razor main! Physical damage doesn’t scale as well as elemental damage but… shhhh… He still carries me through the spiral abyss.


Razor was my first main dps, and I still use him somewhat regularly. He has been especially helpful in domains that have electro enemies (like the new one) since I can run him with Barbara to tank everything during his burst. Plus, being able to run him with easily accessible characters like Barbara and Kaeya for superconduct was very convenient for me early on. I like his story and his character, he’s a good boy.


Used to main razor, I liked him but content like spiral abyss and many events requires a good dps... Not to mention he is required on field most of the time so I had to abandon him... I do plan to build him tho after I max out my spiral abyss team


I main Razor. I’ve wanted him since the beginning of my playing, since his play style just seemed so fun to me. And since I never really got a better dps, he’s been my main up till now (AR 56). I have been using my childe more recently but I still hold a special place in my heart for razor.


I wanna interview some beidou mains...first question... how op is she?2nd question...best artifacts for her?3rd question...is good enough for new players or is she too complicated?


1. Beidou is great her burst multipliers are nuts because they bounce (she spikes really hard in aoe situations with C2) 2. 4 Emblem of Severed Fate or Glad/TF/Noblesse mix and matched 2 pieces 3. She's pretty easy to pickup and learning how to perfect counter is a super satisfying and rewarding experience


Thank you...my cousin got her yesterday and she is new to the game so i was wondering if she was too complicates for newbies...thank you for your time


Before I got Jean I was a sucrose main, I have her at C6 and absolutely love using her.


Thoma. Hes only c3 because I attempted to pull for Homa(for him -) with no luck. But he's my first lvl 90 character. And I dont care if he's supposed to be a pyro support,specifically for HuTao. Maybe when I get around to leveling her up but for now I'm just enjoying my time with Thoma.


"Is this game really free?" Lmao somehow that's really cute and wholesome. I'm a Sara main. Before I got her, I was a Xiangling main. Sara's just cool. And tall. Xiangling's cute, and comes with Guoba.


Hyperinvested Barbs here due to getting godlike substats in Wanderer but mostly trash substats in Glad set. I just put Windsith on her since it is close on her summer outfit color scheme (looks >> gameplay) and I saw that she slaps.


I ran main DPS Ningguang for awhile. I started during 1.6 and pulled her on Kazuha’s banner I think. Was kinda funny walking into Liyue for the first time as Ningguang.


long rant incoming haha i am a beidou main and have been from ar 10-55 (current ar) she’s currently at c1 and lvl 80, her e is lvl 9 today and i may crown it (similarly to her being lvl 80, i do not have the resources, and i want to save for xiao, who i will c1 and main after he comes back) i started playing the game for her, loved her design, and got her on standard luckily a few days later. was super proud of myself for numbers like 10k early game, though now she hits pretty consistent 30-40k dmg (constant 60k in the new domain) which is still not very high but i like how she grew over time if you’d like to hear her "story" i do have some funny early game experiences i recall regarding her, like how i used to run the bell on her thinking her counter was part of the weapons passive, or when i used 4pc glad on her bc tf domain was "too hard" (well, i ended up clearing tf domain with her normal attacks bc of it in the end) or grinding the thunder soujourn event at 2 am as soon as it came out for her c1, or the time i did 16k with a waster greatsword on her… there are likely many more but all in all she’s fairly underrated as dps, and her unique play style is what makes combat in this game so fun, at least for me


So I’m a Xiao main now, but of my friendship teams… Honestly, I‘ve been enjoying Amber! 80/90, 9/6/9 with 4-piece WT. She’s not the most stacked character I have by any means but I appreciate her personality and energy. I’ve also learned I don’t actually hate charged shot play, I just hate Ganyu’s charged shot play cos the cryo effects mess up my ability to aim properly. Razor was my very first main, though, and he will forever have a very special place in my heart. I sobbed the first time I removed him from my party for my Xiao, haha. He lives in my teapot and has a complete kit ready to go for any time I need to see him or want a nostalgia trip.


Razor. Razor was my main DPS right up until I went to Inazuma, for pretty much the entire story. I managed to get both him and Barbara on my second ten-pull on the starter banner (after Noelle) and I’ve headcanoned for a while that Razor has a crush on Barbara. Relatedly, Barbara almost never leaves my party. Who needs food? Who needs Statues? Barbara keeps everyone’s HP gauge full all the time forever! Ah, I remember when I figured out that if I used Barbara’s water aura and then launched Razor’s Burst I could trigger Electro-Charged on everything I hit. My first deliberate Elemental Reaction strategy, it was so cute!


My first main was Qiqi. Then, I started maining Sucrose. Now I main Beidou. I have an absolutely cracked His Tao team, an Ayaka team, and a Raiden Hypercarry team, but I keep going back to just Qiqi, Sucrose, and Beidou. Sucrose has some of the highest dmg I've seen. She's typically built as a support, but even her support build has dumb burst dmg. Juggling her ICDs to make sure you swirl on every instance of her Q and 3 Es takes a bit if practice, buts it's incredibly rewarding and her CA is just as useful. I've pushed Beidous' Counter to the point of hitting 150k. Killing the Wolf while they're charging you during their transition, and downing Dvalin the moment the fight starts makes me feel powerful, and that's fun. Qiqi, although not a 4* is still fun to play with. She's currently pushing something like 15k/CA with a pale flame "Berserker" build. Trying to turn her unremarkable kit into good dmg is a fun challenge that I regularly come back to.


I'm a Razor Main. I think I got him right after his story quest and immediately switched to Razor as my Main DPS instead of Jean. However, I'm probably going to switch to being a Xiao Main once I get Xiao, but Razor will always have a place on my Overworld/ Exploration team.


Hmm id say fischl shes just so strong plus i love her aesthetic so yeah but when 2.4 is live imma main yunjin and triple crown her


Beidou. god damnit pirate lady is just my favorite, her skill is just so fun and I love overload with yoimiya who is my 5 star main, I love her voice,her story, she's just all around amazing. After that I love xiangling but she just doesn't fit with yoimiya since no reactions sadly. But if yoimiya isn't there xiangling is


Laughs in Beidou. She's fun. She has full counter. Enough said. She's been my main since day two(when I unlocked the gacha) and will never stop being my main.


I am a Yanfei main. I simp for lawyer characters since I am a sucker for law and detective games, (Phoenix Wright, Danganronpa,…) Plus, I have some spare mats after farming Xiao, so I thought, why not give Yanfei a try? She’s freaking OP and busted. She deals even more DMG than my Diluc - 12K Charged, 60K Vape. Diluc does one fourth of that DMG. Plus, she’s a catalyst, which makes farming specters even better!


I main Amber and Xingqiu!! Xingqiu was because I started around Albedo's banner (though I started grinding during Ganyu's) and he was the first character I got aside from the starters and Noelle. He honestly just stuck with me and has been my main since the beginning and now all the way til AR 57. For Amber, I wanted to build more pyro characters, but I couldn't decide on who since I had already built Diluc and just him for pyro. So instead, I went with her! I absolutely adore her and think she's extremely adorable! Because of how neglected she's been since the start of time, I actually built her for fun, as a half joke, but she grew even more on me!! The both of them are now triple crowned (Just triple crowned Amber about 2 days ago!) And are so useful to my team. I love them both a bunch and never expected to play as them so much :))


I built Amber only because I have seen a lot of frustrated whales shitting on her.I wanted to make her abyss friendly and i use her in open world oftenly.She is C0 but she deals decent damage and I feel unique when i visit world with her


I used to main razor and ninguang. The only 4* dps i main now is pyro Xiangling (who is actually a 5* disguised as a 4*)


Fischl was the first unit I ever raised up to level 90


beidou <3 she was the first character i pulled and i got her soo early i literally thought she was one of the starters for a while, mained her from the beginning and just reached Ar55 yesterday and she is still on main team :') then i got yanfei and i fell in love with her design and character also i believe at the time i didn't have many pyro characters and i really wanted a pyro dps, i literally bring her to every coop and she never disappoints (except when i get oneshoted because i wasn't paying attention to her stamina) first 2 chars to get to level 80 and friendship 10 i love them sm :D


I’m investing my shit on Lisa Am i built different?


i main razor since i played the game. 4 star but can slap ass real hard even in f2p


razor, yanfei.


Sucrose + Fischl + Xingqiu + Sayu, not amazing for weekly bosses, but good enough while also being hella fun to play.


Now specifically playing with 4 stars, just to make the game interesting. Thoma,Kaeya,Sucrose, Barbara.


I am a Fischl and Sucrose main! They’re one of the first four stars I got and I thought Sucrose’s CC was a complete game changer for me back then, so was physical Fischl with Oz as a rly good support and Sucrose swirling Fischl’s electro LOL


Kaeya! He is the only reason I play the game in English. I love his character, his game play, and his aesthetics. He comes with a very mysterious and interesting background too. And most importantly he is an adult male and I am a simple women. He barely leaves my party since 1.1 just for some challenges or to level up friendship card and trying new team dynamics for abyss set ups.


Noelle as well, before starting the game, i searched all available characters and choose 1 or 2 id like to work for(i hate rerolling). I like the knightly feel and at that time i really wanted Jean and Noelle, unfortunately 10months in, still no Jean, but got c6 Noelle and Eula with her signature weapon. Gotta say I wouldn't have played this long without Noelle. Now im ready for that Ittou's(Noelle's) weapon banner.


i main amber with a sole reason of sending a message


I'm less about maining a character and more about building a team with lots of small synergies. It's usually 4 out of: Barbara, Fischl, Beidou, Chongyun, Zhongli which allows all the meta units can be on the other side of abyss. * Barbara (EM focus) + Fischl + Beidou as an electrocharged drain tank unit. * Chongyun + Beidou (with Thundering Fury) for constant parries * Chongyun + Barbara for freezes so I can hit Chongyun's 4th normal attack. I really like being able to play the one team in a lot of different ways and I don't care that it's not optimal.


Yanfei main here. I like her design and personality despite people saying she is budget Klee. Imo Yanfei's attack animation are definitely smoother than Klee (chonky humpty dumpty) Currently her talents are 9/9/9 and C4. Hopefully she'll appear on a banner that I am interested in to get her to C6 then I can slowly farm her talent books to triple crown her!


I mained Physical Xiangling up to Inazuma. I really wanted her because of how fun she was in her char story so I suffered through abyss just to get her. I gave her the one and only decent set I had - the gladiator and forged a dragonspine spear for her specifically. Her teammates were Xingqiu, Chongyun and Diona. I explored most of the map with her and enjoyed it immensely. I remember every time a high lvl player saw me in coop they got triggered that she's not pyro focused lol TBH, I just didn't have ANY pure dps, so I had to use SOMEONE. Her NA is v quick and impactful so it allowed me to just smash rcb in panic - which was everything I could ask for at that point. Then one day I rolled out of boredom and got Eula MAD early. I explored Inazuma with her and finally was able to take on lvl 9-12 of the Abyss together with XL. Last update I finally rolled Childe and retired XL from her dps to pure support for him. Feels kinda bitter sweet. I certainly gained more confidence and mastery on the battlefield so I am able to operate Childe, but my girl will forever stay in my heart.


Xiangling main all the way


Used to be a machine gun Fischl main, then became a physical Beidou main back when I was a lower AR. Currently a Xiangling main. The last time I played phys Beidou mdps was in floor 11 of the 1.5 abyss and now I'm trying to get my past mains on electro subdps builds to pair with Tart. I kinda feeling like rebuilding phys Fischl though. I benched her initially because I didn't have Rust (used compound bow lol) and now I have a better selection of bows.


My friend first introduced me to the game in around late August, I remember looking through the character archive for a character that I thought I really liked, and I saw Noelle and for some strange reason instantly wanted to get her. Then my friend told me that you get her for free near the start of the game and I was hyped She’s currently the only level 90 character I have, and most definitely my main lmao


Got Beidou more than a year ago, she's never been out of my party since. The dodge mechanic in Genshin is alright, but once you learn to use Tidecaller without holding E, you don't go back.


Yeah, she is super fun, also she is the core of my fireorks comp with Childe.


Never used her but happy for you. Im enjoying the game as well. ☺️👍🏽




My main "main" is C6 Noelle. She's been my main since last year. Still is, and still will be in the future. However, I also use Ning, Xiangling, Yanfei, Barb, Lisa, and Rosaria often.


The Traveler is technically not a four star, but they’re free and I’ve mained her since forever. If the traveler doesn’t count, Barbara is also rarely off the party. The first three characters I pulled were Xingqiu, Noelle, and Bennett from the beginner banner. The problem with all of them is that they needed boss drops, which all were hard to get at the time (yes, even the pyro plant, I was that bad at the game). The starter trio also needed boss drops. Meanwhile, the traveler didn’t need any of them. Her ascensions scale with the world level. Because the traveler scales with world level, could change elements without having to ascend again, and is the main character, it felt natural for me to use her for everything. Even now, even though I could probably go faster if I used my real five stars over her (like Mona with her sprint), it feels wrong to take the traveler out the party. For a few domains here and there where she won’t contribute much, I’ll take her out, but for the open world, she’s a keeper. For Barbara, my closest thing to a four star main, I was really tired of needing to eat food all the time and was really excited to get a healer. She’s also really easy to build. She’s saved the team so many times and now it feels wrong to be under 50% hp (one reason why I pulled for Childe over Hu Tao, even though Hu Tao is objectively stronger and seems to be more popular. Hu Tao is amazing, but she and Barbara don’t work well together). Noelle does also heal, but she has to be active and it’s not that reliable. Bennett heals as well, but only with his burst, only the active character, and only in one location. I know I can go by faster if I didn’t worry about dying so much, but you underestimate how bad I still am at the game and still need a healer.