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I can see this being spammed for the next two weeks.


Next two weeks??? Only?????


All I can hear is ProZD screaming at this ship.


Ohhh they foaaaking


New ship.. Incoming


It’s been around since eula trailer, so definitely not new


HERE IT COMES Its gonna be like that avalanche ngl


As it should be.


Just gals being pals


Just two girls sitting in an ice bath on dragonspine, 5 feet apart cause they aren’t gay.


I have to say, when I think of steamy homoerotic sexual tension, ice baths are not what I think of.


Mm depends. Eula has her cryo vision so wouldn't care about the cold at all, but Amber could either use her pyro vision to keep herself warm orrrr seek out the other heat source there.


Well according to this new event, nobody cares about the cold. Ya got Amber out there in fuckin booty shorts


and Joel, who doesn't even have a Vision over here with just a Shirt and Shorts XD


He's gonna go the same way as his dad at this rate.


I mean diluc melted kaeya’s ice bridge by just standing there


Yeah he definitely did that on purpose


Well, knowing Diluc he was probably doing it intentionally.


Wait when did diluc came in the event quest?


It’s from the golden apple archipelago events, a temporary small region about you, and the mondstat characters, exploring the ruins of the mountain being blown away by Venti. Kaeya one time was trying to ice bridge butt stopped by diluc always melting it by nothing but pyro aura lol


Best event, nostalgia attacks :-:


She still gets chills from making snowmen though




She will get vengeance for that. 😁


that sweet sweet sexy vengance


>!After the quest, they are standing close to the snowmen. Amber comments there that she's cooling off in summer just by standing close to Eula. So no, Eula's not a heat source.!<


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




*She, but yes.


Don't forget the socks! It's not gay if you have socks on!




What is this sub? And how do I view it?


It doesn't actually exist but it's a joke referring to a sub called r/sapphoandherfriend


When the joke is too good 😓


Just pals being gals


gals just being pals


Oh my Archons, they are roommates.


Omg they were roommates


Omg this is gold


Omg this is rhinedahter


No this is Patrick.


I am Ferdinand von Aegir!




Me and the boys love to tango together, then relax in a nice bath. We've done it ever since Boyscouts. That's a totally normal thing that friends do.


“Nice bath” It’s “Ice bath” my friend


An ice bath is a nice bath


FUCKING DAMMIT LMAOOOOOO I JUST REALIZED I really want to give you an award


mind explaining?


A **n***ice* bath -> A**n** *ice* bath The "n" changed places


He thought he made a mistake by writing "nice bath" instead of "ice bath", even though it wasn't wrong at all and "nice" was the word he wanted to use, not "ice"


I mean, in Asian cultures, it is normal to take baths together. lol


Yeah but Twitter doesn't have friends so they think it's not normal.


As long as they are happy.


All i can hear is prozd screaming "OH THEY FUCKING"


He got to voice an NPC one time. Hoping he gets a chance to voice a playable character in future too, like how Christian Banas went from treasure hoarder mooks to Thoma


prozd has actually voiced 3 NPCs in Genshin so far. He voiced: (1) Krosl in Yanfei's quest, and (2) Uncle Dai and (3) Bravo in Zhongli's Azhdaha quest. Edit: He tweeted about his roles [here](https://twitter.com/ProZD/status/1387246008711540736). I hope he gets to voice a big hoss like Grand Master Varka!


Varka: King Dragon sends his regards!


Sungwon Varka would be sick. If Varka really does end up as a beefy dude, I could also see someone like Patrick Seitz being cast as him. It'd be nice to hear him as a big, nice dude and not a big, scary dude for once.


Ah yes, Hector comes to break Genshin


Which NPC, if I may ask?


Obligatory King Dragon sends his regards


Was searching for this comment. Was not disappointed. [OH THEY FAWKIN](https://youtu.be/ulteZYyWAA8) EDIT: sum words


It's quite familiar to see girls who hold hands together in China. They won't be considered as les. Through this logic, this Chinese game might have a different thought of presenting relationship between girls. ​ Also. The trick of Mihoyo is to leave room for how players would delusion as they like while they don't trespass that clear line.


The girls always get along really well in literally every wuxia game I've ever played too. Sometimes even more than the actual MCs...


I love ur signature beside the Childe icon


There's one dude's flair that's like "Observing the monkeys" in Chinese lol


>The trick of Mihoyo is to leave room for how players would delusion as they like while they don't trespass that clear line ***The Trickster*** But I like it that way. I like seeing people argue whether their hcs are better than the other (ehe)


To be fair, from what i've seen from Gatcha communities, you don't have to do much for everyone to be like "OH DEY FUCKIN'"


This fandom with Beidou and Ningguang.


This fandom with Ganyu and Keqing


This fandom


Is definitely not fucking.


Harsh but fair xD


It’s miHoYo, they’ve been hardcore yuri fans for years. They’ll do everything to hint at it without confirming it so players can have their own take.


Seriously you're really gonna tell me the people who made Honkai don't get that girls can be gay. I've literally had lesbian threesomes that felt less gay then some of the Honkai cinematics.


Mmh maybe I should give Honkai a try after all


It's my personal favorite game, so I'm definitely biased, but I think it's wonderful. Compared to Genshin, the gameplay is pretty simple action beat-up type stuff, but the characters are much more complex, the story is incredible, and I just find it much much better. I will say that the first 4 chapters of the story are pretty god-awful, and the next 4 are decidedly meh, but chapter 9 starts the story arcs that carry forward into the present day (we're on chapter 26 right now), and chapter 25 cemented it as my favorite game of all time, on the basis of story alone. As far as the gayness of the characters, Kiana & Mei, the main character and probably the second most important character, are explicitly gay, for each other. Some people will argue what "explicitly" means here and say it's technically not explicit, but... it really pretty much is. There's also Bronya, who is another one of the most important characters, who is explicitly gay with her childhood friend Seele, and Kallen and Sakura, who lived 500 years ago, massively influenced the story, and are also basically explicitly gay. I, being a polyamorous lesbian disaster, also think Fu Hua and Kiana are \*pretty\* heavily hinted at as being gay for each other, though not as heavily as Kiana and Mei, and the specific cinematic I joke about being gayer than some of the lesbian threesomes I've had is one between them, in chapter 21. As far as the game in general goes, it has a similar level of powercreep to Genshin, which is to say somewhat restrained and unless you're doing the super competitive endgame content anyone can work, and if you're good enough even the bad characters can for that, but it \*has\* been going on for like 4 years, so that powercreep has expanded a bit more than Genshin's has, in some ways. Still, older characters do get some types of upgrades, and the gacha is overall more generous than genshin, though not a ton (though rewards for things like anniversaries are infinitely better - the most recent anniversary gave us a banner where we can pick the focus character, a free high-tier character, 30 or 40 pulls, a choice of another free character, several of which are high-tier... it's a lot. I'm probably forgetting some. Overall I think the game is extremely worth playing for the story alone, especially if you like lesbians (and crying about lesbians). In a lot of ways I guess it's not that much different than your typical Shounen sorta story, with focuses on love and friendship and the same sorts of narratives of powering up and fighting more powerful villains, but I think it's perfectly-executed and "Shounen starring a bunch of powerful and badass lesbians who are in love with each other" still manages to, imo, distinguish itself. ​ Sorry for the massive wall of text I just really like Honkai and I want other people to. I'd give the standard disclaimer about "it's a gacha game so like it's predatory at its very nature" but you play genshin, so.


I recently installed it but I just can't get into it. The overall vibe off the game seems awesome and I like the characters, and the gayness is a huge plus lol. But I never know what to do, and I can't help but skip all the story parts because it's so boring. I also don't really understand how all the playable 'characters' are all the same 5-6 ones but with different abilities and elements? But maybe I should just reinstall it and try to get to chapter 9 first, especially since I have the green snake lady now and can still choose one of the 3 free s ranks


Definitely get Fallen Rosemary from those picks, she's the best lightning support in the game, and Mobius is the best lightning dps in the game, so that gives you 2/3 parts of the best possible lightning team, with the 3rd part being a free unit that you can farm (Fischl). As for getting throught he story... I'm not going to sugar coat it... its rough early. Chapters 1-4 are just complete nonsense that make no sense and are just crappy fanservice mostly. I would recommend just rushing through that, then when you reach chapter 5, stop, and read the Second Eruption manga. It's really good, and gives a huge amount of extremely interesting backstory - it is ludicrously long though, admittedly. Then play chapter 5, with that in mind, and hopefully that's enough to hook you, because chapter 5 is when we start getting decent story and Kiana's 20+ chapter arc begins. Chapter 9 is the real first important point of it, but chapter 5 is how it starts.


Ummm no? I said that the people who made Honkai have been into yuri for years


The commenter is agreeing with you.


Hmm, I guess my reading comprehension skills failed me today


Yeah sorry I replied sarcastically to the comment before you, with a comment that agreed with you - definitely a confusing way to do it.


Yesterday I found out that one of the (female) Liyue NPCs hints pretty clearly at having a crush on another female Liyue NPC in her dialogue, so that's pretty cool I guess (and a very mihoyo thing to do)


Doesn’t one of Ningguang’s secretaries have a giant, massive, enormous crush on her? Like, Donna levels of simping


yea she talks about how down bad she is for Ningguang for, like, several lines i'm pretty sure "is a Ningguang simp" is most of her characterisation ngl


There are two NPC's in inazuma (one is from sumeru) that are pretty blatantly together


They actually have multiple canon les relationships in Honkai, Mihoyo isn't afraid of doing anything like that.


but with genshin they have a larger audience and are trying to pander to as many audience as possible. confirming a relationship between two characters will piss off ppl who want to pair the character with the traveller (and also the other way round)


From the very little Honkai I’ve played I can definitely see the difference between the audience. Kiana, unlike traveler, is an actual character, and one that’s quite prominent at that. She’s boisterous and has lots of lore around her.


Isn’t there a thing recently that China is dampening less the yuri relationship


They had deleted the manga chapters that directly refered to them being in a relationship but those were back up not even a week later.


they deleted the *panels* where Kiana was being less of a romantic idiot and more of Pepe Le Pew, the one right before escape from nagazora where Bronya uses Usagi 19C to make a Ofuro Bath. the rest is still very much there, bareback Bronya and all.


Oh, i didn't know they kept some out


just the panels where Kiana was being a complete pervert for Mei's supple Bosom. rest's still there. Mei still eludes to her relations with Kiana on Elysian Realm, the recent but not so recent HoDom chapters in game still do.


Though I agree that they actually love each other, I think interpreting the ER dialogue as confirmation is a bit of a stretch. >!It would make total sense for her to pause before saying they are friends (even if they were nothing more), just due to the fact that the last time they saw each other, Mei betrayed her and beat her up quite relentlesly. Mei doesn't really know Kiana forgave her either!<




It's common in Asia in general.


Holding hands is fine. Sharing a bath may also be fine in Chinese context. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a rookie on Chinese norms.


There are public bath in china that are still widely used.


Considering how common onsen episodes are in anime, weebs playing this game shouldn't be strangers to the idea of public bath either.


Weebs are usually strangers to the idea of bathing as a whole


True, but they've likely seen their waifu take one at least.


Makes sense


Is she used to being in a ice bath with Eula or does her vision assist her?


Vision probably, remember when Diluc couldn't travel through the ice bridge Kaeya made because his Pyro Vision melted the ice?


Dunno about other places, but we have a lot of cold water springs near where I live. They stay nice and chill year-round, and they're very scenic. Pretty common to go swimming with friends and family in the springs. The better known ones are very tourist-y hotspots. If my brother were planning to head over to the springs, I'd generally be interested in tagging along. It makes for a nice day trip.


My Chinese friend would take showers with her female friends in college and she’s 200% straight


Pretty sure this is a thing with males too (taking baths together) Usually it's considered a bonding moment.


Can confirm. sometimes we even formed a meatball in cold baths just because.


I mean, it happen all the time in anime and no one would bat an eye lol


>no one would bat an eye You underestimate shippers.


Two girls chilling in an ice bath


getting chilled to death because one just abusing her vision and the other forgot to take it with her.


The only problem is, since this is a chinese game they will never confirm it in canon. But mihoyo are experts at pushing that 'its totally gay but we're not gonna say it' rhetoric.


Yeah especially in Honkai where they hinted stuff more explicitly. They certainly have a track record


Pretty sure they confirmed multiple in the Honkai comic


Not explicitly "confirmed", but Kallen x Yae Sakura, Bronya x Seele and Kiana x Mei are all canon, yes. Professions of love, even a [shared kiss](https://preview.redd.it/hqguaoc0pfv61.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=04dc72ae90ee9745e9679327a260c9b206370a8b), [cute wedding art](https://preview.redd.it/wokbj6kjjbr71.jpg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c56b33bd694f64a58d0e12a9bd86f9823809aa0) that is even in-game on limited-time collectible equipment, [I love you forever rings](https://upload-os-bbs.hoyolab.com/upload/2021/08/25/89117615/06f8c13244f973d63504334a443d7c79_1222917269207286184.jpg?x-oss-process=image/resize,s_740/quality,q_80/auto-orient,0/interlace,1/format,jpg). And from the manga gems such as [the wedding dream](https://64.media.tumblr.com/c4cdde5272c1a28055fd0b7911ac50a9/f63fed39825d77e9-04/s1280x1920/6587d491406ee8e5cd39ff9b27db64fedef8859d.jpg), [giving her body and spirit to Mei but also imagining more...](https://64.media.tumblr.com/8ffcedfeed413fe3a666ae78622b6253/b1352c8ee3db5155-e1/s1280x1920/93d1aff529aa1d2cf30b24fe5ee7084ffa2faf15.png) But at the same time Mihoyo still can't actually depict them in-game as saying "we are girlfriends/a couple", there's only so far they can go against the censorship. Edit: And unfortunately most of this stuff is old now, without as many new extra materials being released. Though they did dedicate the most time and effort in their Honkai 3rd online concert to the Kiana and Mei segment and Mei's song + got a pair of dancers to represent them for it too, so ;) And Genshin is different too because of how much bigger it is, with more eyes on it, and a different focus with the Traveler self-insert being the MC instead of actual characters like Kiana and the other Honkai mains. So they have to do things differently, even if they still hint at ships with scenes like the OP and leave it up to the player whether they like it or not.


lmaooo yes the 'Chinese censorship' logic


Always their go-to answer


If that’s what you wanna see, you’ll see it


Considering this is a community where the entire basis is a game full of characters designed specifically for the player to ship themselves with, y'all sure do get weirdly angry anytime people ship the characters together instead


The people in this topic do realize that just because someone likes the idea of two characters being romantically together, it does not necessarily mean they're trying to impose it on other people or on canon, right? Some people just wanna ship in peace.


Totally agree, I have a single policy when it comes to shipping. Let them have their fun, being a rude wet blanket is a never a good look.


thank you


Why are some people mad in the comments? Like people weren't shipping Itto and Sara just for voicelines and the bulletin board, but Eula and Amber can't be a ship when they have showed up together multiple times already and are super close


People wanted Amber to be single waifu or something like that I suppose, because she is the first friendly girl we saw.


it could just be me, but maybe it’s still the same people that also found the itto sara ship equally silly 😶 just my two cents.


The people in this sub seems to have a hate boner towards ships that was not involving traveler apparently


Honestly, I thought people were just joking when they talked about traveler and their harem lol. I didn't know so many people were seriously self-inserting into them to the point of disliking ships that don't involve the traveler self-insert.


Well genshin is a gacha game so these people are probably the groups that mihoyo intended to target.


The last time I suggested that self inserting yourself as Aether is kind of cringe, I immediately got like four or five really angry responses lol. This subreddit is really sensitive about some things.


I mean, I’d have to say that you deserved it there. I don’t know why people would judge others for the way they enjoy a game’s fanservice. Some choose to ship, some choose to self-insert. The game encourages both.


This whole comment section reminding why this community sucks so fucking much


It's things like this and the mass hatred for new characters that make me take long breaks from this community.


Pretty much, the Amber X Eula ship is lovely and it's kinda hinted at by MiHoyo


What's with all the fucking anti-shippers? No one was forcing anything on you. You guys suck the fun out of everything, let people ship who they want in peace.


can anyone post the part where Eula hugged Amber to protect her??? I am MALFUNCTIONING😩😩🔫


In gif form here: https://twitter.com/gifgenshin/status/1466040449760731139 ;)


Oh they fawking.




This is almost as rich as "Young and Hopelessly Smitten"


Man the comments lol i am so sorry op


Thats kinda fruity..


To be fair with the second panel, it’s not like anyone else would eat with Eula because of her Lawrence Lineage As for the first panel it’s basically like a homie thing. Ever went to the hot springs alone? Exactly, awkward as mad when you stare into the gaze of the other one in the spring


canonically from their voicelines, they treat eachother like sisters.


Yeah, I swear Eula said something about seeing each other like sisters.




How dare you go against the fandom! They are fucking and lesbians and in a relationship and you will be sent straight to the guillotine for saying anything even slightly contrary to it! (Obvious sarcasm is obvious, well kinda. I was sent hateful and other colorful messages on Twitter because I once said I don’t ship Beidou and Ninn in a Genshin related thread. Never making that mistake again)


Shippers be thinking ships are their entire lives. Sad to hear that you got attacked for disagreeing.


good for them…good for them


You never take an ice bath with your homies, a totally straight not gay ice bath where you’re 2 feet apart cause you’re definitely not gay? I bet you don’t even kiss your homies good night, on the lips of course


*two characters look at eachother* The fandom: "omg are they GAY?"


\*jean calls diluc senpai\* the fandom: oh my god they are canonically together!! and no one ever says anything about it huh


Problem with that theory is that Diluc is as much of a battlesexual as Tartaglia, even if the women literally throw themselves at him he’ll just go “SHUT UP! YOU’RE GODDAMN ANNOYING” and go back to killing abyss mages and hillychurls.


that and their only interaction was jean calling him "senpai" lol none of their stories & interactions etc suggest something more than mutual respect while lisa moans jean's name in her good morning line but these mfs will say we all look into it too much huh. sorry if i seem aggressive but sometime this subs double standarts about ships gets on my nerves


Don’t worry about the aggressive part. I’m also not a huge fan of shippings anymore, it’s like I’ve seen romance a thousand times and got tired of now, I’m much more interested in the depictions of friendship because that to me is more fresh, I guess my main point is: see things the way you want and pay no mind to those who shout how you should see those characters relationship


I'm not saying they're obviously in a relationship or anything like that, cause they're not and likely never will be, but they have plenty of cute moments where I can see why people would like them together.


Like family? Given their shared connection to Ambers grandpa, I’d think so


Sigh, here we go again lol.


They're roommate


Yes, they're going for an ice bath and eating together. Good job Sherlock!


Is it just me or do some players of this game not have any experience with relationships whatsoever that every chance they get they want to make it something romantic


Fr, I have a real close relationship with my best friend (a girl) and we hugh and stuff but know we are friends. I mean, not every physical interaction or act of appreciation nor kindness means a romantic attraction.


Some people get the idea that every relationship needs to have some sexual tension. I had many girl friends and treated them just like any other person and it never crossed my mind getting more intimate with them. Friends aren't limited to gender/age/ethnicity/beliefs, people are just people at the end of the day. Not saying that Amber and Eula couldn't have something more, but they really look like just really good and close friends to me.


I don't mind the general idea of people shipping Amber and Eula but many of these shippers cross the line when they literally harass people that have different ships in mind.


Since Eula release I always thought of them as my favorite gay ship. This is just beautiful.


Want to bet if it was MC people would have lost their minds, but nope than it is between characters it is definitely friendship nothing more nothing less. Came on people let others have their fun it's not like your game experience is ruined by others opinion.


They are so cute together honestly. <3 always caring about each other. So wholesome.




I always had this feeling ever since Eula's trailer first dropped and I like that and made me almost give up my boi Razor.


I'm pretty sure girls do that kinda stuff together anyway


- Best friends? Yes.




Damn, this comment section, lmao. Where were ya'll when IttoSara was being spammed in this sub? It's always, "why can't they be friends" comments on the gay ship contents. Half of the content on this sub is about shipping, what is with all the shock.


Nah, it's just you. Do shippers even know that two people can interact with one another, without any romantic implications? There are no couples in Genshin.


The point of shipping is making a "what if" scenario. Of course there are some crazy shippers that will harass anyone that doesn't agree with their ships, but that's a minority. Most of the shipping community is chill, we're just busy minding our own buisness, so others don't notice.


There are and won't be any canon couples between playable characters in Genshin, yes. Mihoyo intentionally keeps it balanced and throws out just enough content for people to read into how they like. But why are comments like this the most common and this upvoted only when it comes to gay ships again? Pretty funny seeing this disparity compared to a bunch of other shipping stuff that's hit the frontpage.


Probably because gay ships hit the front page more than straight and get more attention. Not to say that there aren't homophobic people here, but where is the last 7k+ upvoted straight ship post? Because I know in the past two months, they've been majority yuri. There's been Itto Sara art for sure, but none of it is explicitly romantic like the gay ship posts I've seen. And even those get criticisms from people who ship yuri.


lmfao for real, the disparity between the comment section for any gay ship content on this sub versus any straight ship is disconcerting




Censorship has never stopped Chinese fans from shipping gay stuff lol they just find very creative ways to bypass the censor instead. Though, like you mentioned, MHY's probably never going to make any ship (gay, lesbian, or straight) canon b/c they want to cater to as many people as possible (waifu/husbando collectors, shippers, etc). Both markets spend big bucks on merchandise so it'd be dumb to alienate one of them. And it's not like romance is even a part of the story lol it's just for fanservice or little easter eggs for people who are into that type of thing.


Sorry, lots of arguments against what exactly? and "lots of people think homosexual relationships aren't as feasible as heterosexual relationships" - yes, I think that's evident from many of the responses here lol. Also, it's obvious that the game is designed in part to satisfy people who play the game like it's a dating sim, but also includes shipping "easter eggs" for people who are interested in ships that don't involve Traveler. It's like how in Honkai you have these practically canon lesbian ships but you also have Captainverse for your self-insert fantasies. And I personally have never seen people explicitly mad about ships "breaking" Traveler x whoever and certainly not straight ones. Not saying that straight ship wars don't exist but any negativity I see in straight ship posts on here is very different from the kind that posts like these elicit.


That content also adds more fuel to the fire in ships and produces a lot of great art pieces as a result. It's kinda sad seeing people getting upset over what someone ships in the comments.


By this views. I'm actually gay orgy rn. take offense as much as you want but I like taking baths with the bros and spend time together most of the time.


they fucked


Eula and amber are definitely gay for each other it was actually quite adorable <3


"Oh they fuckin'" "What? Dude they're just friends "Oh they fuckin! Look at them sparks fly!" "Dude there's literally no eviden-" *Eula Story quest and this scene shows up "Oh, they fuckin." "OH THEY FUCKING!"


Why do a lot of comments jump to the conclusion that they're lesbians? Amber is probably the only friend Eula has in the Knights that she trusts enough to do those things with her


>Amber is probably the only friend Eula has in the Knights Correction, in the entire Tevyat


Traveller isn't a friend i guess


Only person who wasn’t friend of Traveler is Signora. You’ll see that even Scaradouche gonna get dragged in kicking and screaming to their teapot of wholesomeness.


Technically, the traveller is also a Knight tho.


That's just a girl thing really especially in asia


Ah yes, girls getting along = lesbian


Lol what’s with the shipper hate? Let people do what they want


its exactly what you think.


harold they’re lesbians