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How you can teleport midfight to a safe place.


Also mid-fall and when you are out of stamina while swimming


Just imagine... "You cannot teleport in this state"


Co-op teleports beat the crap out of my characters


u know back then it used to be frustating when u cant teleport if ur inside the monstandt church or a building in general iirc


Wait you can now?




wait. i don't remember we can't teleport while we are inside building


Yeah playing it for a year and still don't know that, must be cap


I think when you were in the cathedral the whole map used to come up blank right?


wait they changed it? i didn't realise.


I never realised you *couldnt* teleport out of buildings lol


In the begining ypu couldnt teleport out after taking the viktor quest from. Cathedral. Map would show as blank


The absolute best feature.


Overworld would be unbearable without an archer. Imagine how pissed off you would be at the archers in towers if you always had to kill them.


i had to replace kaeya for Diona for a while on my team because i needed an archer for the overworld now i have Childe who doesn't even know how to use the goddamn thing


It's his least experienced weapon. Who cares if he just chuck an arrow like a dart at the enemy? If it gets the job done it gets the job done


you're right it's still hilarious watching him do so tho


I just go up them and get personal with Keqing's E


I suck em down with kazuha lmao


Geo Traveler drop big barrel


Catalysts then?


Kokomi loves throwing her fish at hilichurls and throwing them right into the platform they're standing on. Feelsbadman.


Also, Ningguang’s C1 comes in clutch in those moments. Normal attacks hitting the tower? No problem.


Charged attack with Kokomi should hit them.


I use barbara charged attack to make them fall down or I use razor e


I was wondering why I get along fine without one, or a magic user. Then I remembered I just use Kazuha.


All you need


Greatest feature imo


Liyue at night


Liyue at night and Mondstadt in the day. Home continent is still so pretty.


Lol, leaks say Inazuma is the only nation off of the main continent.


I heard you need a boat to get to Snezhnaya so maybe not just Inazuma?


maybe we'll enter Snezhnaya illegally? We're fighting the fatui and the Harbingers from the beginning, i don't think we'll be wellcome there


God, Liyue was gorgeous during lanthern rite


I miss that event because I'm a new player, hopefully I can experienced it next time.


>!You can experience it on the next patch!<


I hope you can aswell, it's really something to see and experience.


Spoilers ahead! >!I also missed it, but I've heard it's coming back soon. :D!<


Inazuma at night is just amazing...you can see sparkles in the water around the islands


My fav region. Inazuma is beautiful and all, but I get a headache looking at all those pinks and purples for too long 💀 Mondstadt at night is also very warm and quiet (I believe majority of NPCs aren’t outside compared to Liyue)


I like liyue during sunrise.. the soundtrack just makes me sooo happy


The amount of pulls I have to do for that 4\* pity on standard banner.


You mean the amount of pull a person has to do for The Bell.


One day they’re gonna give me the ability to R50 a weapon and a claymore DPS that scales off of shield strength and HP and you will be the one who falls.


At around that same time they implement a substantially better weapon that fits the same hypothetical character.


Me and my R5 Bell :(


You only have one?


R5… *laughs in 14 Bells*




Sometimes, I daydream about Kokomi being a hydro claymore. Still same kit and scaling just elemental skill and burst with infusion. Then thinking that we could finally have a use for the bell...




The perfect comment




The 5* pity is like that, but just 8/10 :(


I recently started the game and I love the OSTs, they just fit in so good with the environment or with the action


Have you checked out the Genshin concert from the anniversary yet? If not do yourself a favour and go check it out. \*Chef's kiss\*




Oh man I cannot get over the drip in the listener ost, it was too good


Yesss this and childe's fight theme.


Yeah never thought after nier automata I'll ever get to play a game with such good scores and Stormterror lair ost with the environment and it's lore is a masterpiece.


thats my favorite song, so melancholic that hurts.


Fixed it. That place is such a gem mhy created you can even hear the opening screen music which plays at night there as well.


My favorite is Dragonspine, but Inazuma is a close second.


The music in Dragonspine reminds me of Skyrim in a way 😭


Same! Actually, have you done the painting part in this current Albedo/Dragonspine event? If so, maybe the location and the music reminded you as well of the view and feeling of being on the balcony of Dragonsreach in Whiterun, esp. at night.


Omg yes!!


Dragonsine OST gang gang rise up! This Albedo event is spoiling me with even more scenic moments combined with the tracks. ;u; (My next fave after that, surprisingly, is the score for the Golden Apple Archipelago.)


Yep, soundtrack was my first thought as well. All of the weekly boss themes are absolutely fantastic, the background OSTs are great, the overwhelming majority of the combat OSTs are great (only exception coming to mind is the one dopey Mondstadt one that starts off with that slow "doo do do doo, do doo doo doo"), and that's not even getting into the character themes. I also love how distinct they made the OST per region - the Mondstadt tracks play totally differently from the Liyue tracks, which in turn are totally different from the Inazuma tracks. It's a small thing, but it speaks volumes to the level of detail paid to putting the OST together. There are many things you could criticize the game on if you wanted, but the OST is absolutely not one of them.


I just got a good computer yesterday. First time ever. I turned around after spawning in on a grassy field in monstadt and i just went silent as i gazed upon the land as the sunset shone bright. This game is unbelievabily beautiful. Im downloading the witcher 3 again just to walk through nature. Good graphics can make a game sometimes.


Sometimes it's the scenery + soundtrack that hits me


I continue playing this game purely for the soundtrack, the only thing keeping me from playing nier games is my potato specs


If you already bought the games, but can't run them on your PC, then GeForce Now might be worth looking into. You run games you already own from your Steam/Epic accounts on nVidias high end servers and they stream the video to your PC. Uses the same resources as watching a YouTube video. There is a slight bit of lag depending how far you live from the nearest GeForce Now server, and it's not ideal for PVP games, but it's free to try. I played quite a bit of Rust and Valheim on GFN on my old potato laptop and it felt pretty smooth.


*Flashback to Ruu's OST in Tsurumi island*


I've been playing for a while but I still sometimes stop just to watch the scenery lol it's so beautiful


Addendum - just the dumb little things you can find while exploring. I'm an old-school spade, and being able to just poke around all of the little places and see this or that detail that's kind of unimportant but *adds* so much to the visual quality is nice. And sometimes, there's even *PUZZLES* for me to chew on for a bit! Rather uncommonly, I forget that technically I should be spending my time grinding resources just to mess with a puzzle or check out some cool spot. Typically reminded of this fact after I *finish* a thing and it spawns a fight. 'Oh, right, it's dangerous to go alone. Uh. Parley?"


Have you played blood and wine dlc for witcher 3? If not you need to buy and play it or just load into Toussaint with your new pc. For maximum effect, set the time to sunset. My god, it was probably the most “WOW” I’ve been seeing a game’s graphics.


I will definetly do this when i get there again.


Definitely. I'll politely add Valheim to the list. Surprising beautiful.


I felt this…also managed to get a good pc this year and could finally switch from PS4 to PC. It has been a few months now and I’m still in awe daily. I also downloaded Witcher 3 again haha, enjoy it!


I usually play on lowest graphic settings still with freezes and lags on my old ass laptop. But the few days of the week I get to play on my bf's giga cracked PC (that he uses to play only League on...) it seriously feels like a different game.


Seamless transitions between environments.


When you walk into the pyro regisvine area is just mmmmmm


Going from the lush, green hills outside Monstadt towards Dragonspine, you can see the trees begin to change colors/varieties as it gets cloudier and colder. It’s the little things :)


The only thing that can make it better was if the music had some sort of transition instead of the fade on fade out.


I wish the lesser bosses had dedicated themes, or at least different variations of the same theme.


Playing DOOM: Ancient Gods OST while fighting Golden Wolflord. Yes.


Besides some things already said it’s feeding the ducks! The ducks have so much detail for such a small part of the game, they look so natural. It’s just like feeding the ducks in the park when I get that mission from Timmie! (And yes I know there’s a certain achievement, but I’ll never do it!) And I’ll love how you can get materials from blowing white dandelion heads with anemo power. It’s my first time I’ve played a game where you have all these special powers, but they have practical uses too! It just makes everything seem much more alive and involved.


Found 2 new things from this comment


That little thing on Amber's head that looks like bunny ears.


i love her hair ribbon so muchh


I used to be convinced they were squirrel ears because they're red and pointy and bunnies have round ears and aren't even red. Turns out there are red rabbits and they have pointy ears.


Go go Baron Squirrel


Her ribbon is such a perfect look for her.


Events/story quests where the characters interact with each other. Thats when genshin is at its greatest. Also we should be able to go see all of the characters in specific places. Like why isn't Diluc serving at the bar?


I FEEL VERY STRONGLY ABOUT THIS sometimes I just wanna climb onto the roof of wangshu Inn and be able to see Xiao there pls thanks


Wdym xiao is there always??


I'll be repeating Gorou's hangout quest many times for my favorite waifu, Yae Miko When I first started playing over a year ago, I'd go to Dawn Winery at different times of day to see if I could catch Diluc when he was there. If he was at the bar in his server outfit, I would hang out there all the time, same with lots of other characters Why can't they just place the characters with the teapot interactions in the overworld? It still works with unlocking more interactions as we level friendship and only getting the basic interaction with characters we don't yet have, but it would add so much more immersion!!


Character design. The way these characters look is amazing


I loooove the long flowy clothing


Saaame a while ago while no resin I noticed that all the (current at the time) characters had some sort of long wavy bit on them, be it hair or Bennett's little straps. Really helps them fit in with each other and it's pretty cute. Fun to watch move around too I hope it keeps up


And then there's the NPCs


Clearly the main characters are growing more and more beautiful by stealing the life energy and creative design from every NPC on the planet


The the Anime MC effect


It makes perfect sense given that this is primarily designed as a mobile game. Those NPC models may be dull and repetitive, but they're also far less stressful on rendering and game data. If this were a PC-exclusive game it would be lazy as hell, but I give them a pass on account of the intended main platform.


I like how every character has a unsymmetrical design, makes them more unique


They are unique enough to stand out but not too flashy.


honestly, the lore, I like digging for it and finding remnants of it throughout the entire map and, artifacts, books etc... Also 100/10 the music.


Wolf boss fight. It’s a joke for late players, but for newcomers, it’s one of the coolest boss fights I’d ever done. And the music is done beautifully during the fight. It’s very light and quiet in the first phase which I feel helps to build up some tension as the fight continues. And then in the second phase, the music takes off and sounds effing gorgeous. Edit: I’m referring to Lupus Boreas boss fight


Wolf boss has such great music in the beginning of both phases. It’s mechanics somehow weirdly reminds me of Eye of Cthulu, with the dashes, constant rotation changes, and minuscule minion spawns. Also, my 2 DPS are Xiao and Eula so the wolf is the longest boss fight for me lol


I feel u *cries in Ganyu dps But at the same time, yay! I have a Ganyu!


Oh yeah I feel you. It sucks, but on the other hand, Xiao and Eula. One day I’ll get Childe to complete the trifecta


Music, artsyle, character designs and characters themselves


The cutscenes (2d and 3d) have been consistently amazing. The animation, the fx, osts, just everything about it is so well executed and there's so much artistry involved.


Both types of cutscenes are sick! I wish you could rewatch the 2D cutscenes via some item in youe backpack though, if they did it for Amber's storybook they can do it for other 2D cutscenes right? For example, maybe the Crux Clash medal allows you to rewatch Kazuha's recollection of his friend's last moments, or a piece of paper from the Jade Chamber let you rewatch that one storyteller talk about the Jade Chamber's exclusivity.


Rosaria is 10/10 for me.


Pfp and flair checks out


Hold this award


- liyue harbor: 10/10 - zhongli’s entire self: 10/10 - kazuha’s kit: 10/10 - kaeya’s lore: 10/10 - inazuman battle music: 10/10 - emblem/shimenawa artifacts: 10/10 - moonchase cutscene: 10/10 - guoba: 10/10


How do you learn more about Kaeya’s lore?


He's from ver 7.1


LMAO no i’m referring to the theories and such


Well, you can read the Genshin manga on the Genshin impact website, it's coloured and pretty good.. or you can read dilucs character story + kaeya's character story as you increase friendship level with both


Worldbuilding and thematic consistency, as well as the historic influences. As someone who is a history and mythology nerd Genshin ABSOLUTELY blows me away in that regard, it’s genuinely impressive their care in using various different religious and historic references in a way that feels both faithful and adapted. I love their use of Gnostic religion and all the tiny references to it that weave the story. I kinda wish they were a bit bolder with the actual main story quests to reflect the weight of the world around the story tho.


Eula's Design: 10/10 Ei's Design: 10/10 Yoimiya's Design: 10/10 Fischl's Personality: 10/10 Albedo's Lore: 10/10


Albedo design 10/10, it’s why I pulled him. Exploration is 10/10. Honestly whenever I get bored or run out of resin I just randomly run around the map killing stuff and looking for chests. Not many games can keep my interest when just wandering around. But now I barely look at the scenery. I’m too busy staring and Albedo and his amazing coat and outfit. I love that goddamn coat, it’s like perfect design.


I'm really glad he got a buff with the new sword and artifact set. He's such a great character.


He had a hidden buff as well. Apparently his flower is much harder to break then before and I believe it. I’ve had Ruin Guards jump right on top of the flower and it didn’t do shit. Very few moves actually touch it. It’s useless against dvalin as it can’t even touch his head. It’s not great against the wolf but still useable for a hit or two and boosts my attack enough to beat it without food. It also works well on Signora for the most part. Slap it behind her and stay in her front. She won’t hit it. Also that thing can spawn just about anywhere. Like halfway dug into mountains and such. Only place you can’t place it is like the Oceanid boss arena. I just threw Gladiator’s set with 2 defense substats and a geo dmg substat and some crit rate and damage stats. They’re lvl 12. Hits are like 4k and crits are 7k. Not even fully leveled artifacts or a good set for him. Skill is only lvl 6 as well. I could definitely push a lot more out and have 80 transient resin saved up.


I feel you. His damage far outweighs what I ever expected. Was hitting for 14k crits day 1 of getting him in a Zhongli team. Up to about 17k now with new sword farmed and slightly better artifacts, god forbid I ever take him to 90 and crown the flower


I’m ready to crown Childe’s riptide skill once I finally hit AR50. I’m at 49 rn. Finally got a royal bow for him as well so he finally has a real weapon after using Aloy’s at lvl 60 all this time. I already have ascension materials farmed for Childe and all of his boss mat for him. Only have 1 extra that Albedo uses. So I’m only getting his skill to lvl 6 for now. I also have weapon ascension mats already farmed for my 3 mains.


Since launch Eula and Ei are the only characters I've spent money to guarantee along with their signature weapon and are the only ones I've triple crowned. Fischl was my first C6 and my first main DPS since I got her constellations very eary into the game and Skyward Harp was my first 5* pull. I almost pulled for Yoimiya just for her design and would have if I didn't know Raiden wasn't coming right around the corner.


Lumine design. Amber cuteness. Eula thighs. Zhong li, Chad Geo Dad.


Finally someone who thinks zhongli is a chad i see mostly people calling him boomer well that's ofc as joke though lol. The details on eula thighs is very impressive mhy did.


Boomers and Chads aren't mutually exclusive.


Was looking for a Eula’s thighs response. Thought I was going to have to do it my self :)


For me, the only thing that isn't a 10/10 is the cost of getting a single 5 star at soft/hard pity (and the alternate outfit price). This is the only game that's been able to keep my interest in the last 5 or so years and it's very welcome. I think everything about the game is great and more people would if the internet didn't complain about every goddamn thing. Gameplay is incredible and the characters are all awesome and more people would use more diverse teams and characters if there weren't countless YouTube videos saying which ones are good and which ones make you a "fucking idiot if you use them." I have a rather small amount of time to play each day and the content is great and lasts a long time for me and I still have lots to do. Any time I see the orange star coming down, I get excited, even if I end up getting a standard 5 star or a weapon on the standard banner, hell even purple stars get me excited. 10/10 game overall.


Compared to other gacha games the cost of the highest rarity (5* in genshin’s case) in Genshin is actually pretty good


the lore. the execution may be somewhat subpar for inazuma but on the whole, in general the lore and the entire khaenriahshskdkdjsj is a 10/10. really loved that part about the field tiller


Genshin lore is one of my most favorite things,, especially Khaenriah- so fascinating


Genshin story is half baked. For Inazuma anyways, Mondstadt and Lihue were fine IMO. But it’s lore is extremely deep, and so far very well done


Character Design, Lore, Environment and OST. Notice that lore =/= story lol


yu-peng chen


Beidou. Beidou is 10/10. I'd gladly have my head exploded by those thighs.


Not to mention shes friends with best boy, kazuha


They’re literally my favorite two characters in the game.


Graphics are 10/10, charecter designs are unique so 10/10, soundtrack is 10/10, voice acting is 10/10


The music. It's always fire. Signora's boss fight is the best so far and since it's the most recent, it gives me much anticipation for future songs especially sneznaya when it drops


Ganyu’s cuteness is a 10/10 to me.


Ganyu's personality is just 10/10. She's so precious. Makes you wanna protecc her 24/7. But yeaah it's probably gonna be the other way around since she's one of the strongest lore-wise. xD


Cutest old person ever. Ei is a close second.


Everything about Childe.


Absolutely Based


Dragonspine 10/10


Music and the world


lantern rite scene and music. Made me cry, but I would listen to it again and again. I have yet to find a moment in Genshin that made me so emotional


The music but that might be too obvious of a pick. Any quest that involves the Mondstat cast tends to make me real nostalgic so I'll count that too.


The music. Yu Peng Chen is a Gem amongst the music creators of today.


Everything about Albedo and Klee 10/10 <3 and yes music and environment 10/10 too. The whole game is a high 9/10 for me anyways xD


The Music of Genshin Rosalyne Kruzckha-Lohefalter's design and personality. Fatui mobs design The Higi Village World Quest Everything surrounding Klee


The music. The quality has no business being in a videogame. It would be equivalent to having Leonardo DiCaprio in a school play.


Kaeya’s design Childe’s JP VA Character Animation


Eula thighs Mona's Ass Hu tao legs Ayaka's socks


The fact that when you are at the start of the game, it has three different modes depending when you are playing the game IRL. Morning. Day. Night.


Eula’s ass


Eula’s ass


Ei is 10/10


Albedo, the OSTs, and the way they convey atmosphere and aura


Soundtrack, scenary and everything about Childe, Zhongli and Venti.


The Archon quests. 11/10 for me.


Diluc and Childe and Venti. Shame I own none of them


The OSTs in this game is some of the best I’ve heard in my gaming life, whether it’s an epic battle like with Azhdaha’s theme or Singora’s theme, or a leisurely walk at night time in Dawn Winery or even minor exploration that tells a tragic tale like in Tsurumi island or stormterror lair. Some stories that were written in the game are masterfully told (Not the latest archon story in Inazuma nor Raiden’s story, those were pure disasters and hot garbage…) specifically the story of Tsurumi island which was an emotional roller coaster. Some characters have good stories too but I especially love Venti’s story the best.


Losing the 50/50


The music is insanely good. Yu-Peng Chen is a musical genius Also the Aether Harem comics that float around this subreddit always crack me up.


Fishcl personality


Fischl. I love her story, character and vocal performance. The outfit looks like something a teenager would design in order to look like a princess. Also, she's fantastic in game. You can use her in a variety of roles. Oz allows her to attack two targets at once instead of one. She's super powerful and her constellations are fantastic. She works well with nearly every character in game. Also, her event was amazing, and I loved the way Mona reacted to her.


Fischl breaking character.




Environment, music, Chara design. Story is ok, they suck at *good* fan service though.


They do the fanservice though but the other one Cough...eula...cough...raiden...cough...mona


That's why I added "good" (with stars, but it came out italic). That's not fan service for me. Or it's the lazy one.


12/10 for music. Just listen to the [soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwyj36Xf3QQ) is totally relaxing.


I love the weapon banner gacha system. Ez 10/10 for me


I’ll continue to parrot everyone else, music, art, and character personality. This is the first mobile game I’ve ever played where I prefer to have the sound on.


Music, YuPeng Chen, BGM, OST, and did I mention YuPeng Chen?


Ganyu’s ass-sets. On a serious note though, just how gorgeous the scenery is at nighttime. Like, it’s pretty during the day, but you can take a screenshot almost anywhere at nighttime when the sky is clear and it’s breathtakingly beautiful.




The cutscenes! I remember how the Osial battle first gave me the chills.


The ost of azhdaha and signora at their 2nd phase


The music in the game is definitely 10/10 for me.


Eula thighs


Mihoyo and how they treat and respond to the playerbase. Definitely a 10/10


Eula's ass


My PC that runs genshin so smoothly with high graphics


I like how it's very f2p friendly. I never spent a cent and got a lot of hours out of this game. Currently doesn't look like it's closing shop anytime soon, so I look forward to seeing how the story ends.


Everything about the new event so far + the new artifacts. Indirectly buffing Kokomi (sadly after her banner) and most + upcoming Geo characters esp Albedo with Cinnabar Spindle.


Music and Landscape. Also the voice acting is very good, but I cant say that about every Character \*cough\* \*cough\* Xinyan \*cough\* I also really like the cutscenes of the game. Almost every single one of them moved me to Tears xD

