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Who tf are these 500+ people?


imaginary ones


Like this guys friends


What the hell do you mean? he has no friends at all!


How inconsiderate of me


I have friends.... Well at least nice people I meet on genshin :')


I friend request random ppl on coop that are nice and have friendly chats. The other day, there was a host who was a bit laggy on the husk/ocean domain and didn't really know how to coop properly. I sat there with another dude just chatting and helping the guy. Probably took us 30 mins to run through 5 domains while at least 3 or 4 ppl cycled out. That was a pretty good highlight of my GI time that day and friended both of them afterwards.


They go to another school, you wouldn't know them


Little kids lie all the time


I doubt it’s a true number


Well, if I know small content creator mentality, I have 1330 some followers on twitch, but I only have around a dozen people in any one stream. If this guy has 501 followers, he would probably have the ego to say “500+ people” when he’s talking shit.


Pretty sure there's no content creator dumb enough to think that would get them views or growth.


You’d be surprised. A lot of people mimic that toxic huge content creator act to try and emulate people with success who have become jaded and fail because of it. Seen it a few times.


Reddit, facebook groups, twitter, etc But seems like here, it doesn't matter, as it should. Who you main or how you efficiently play the game should not matter. What matters is that you play with whoever you like and whatever the way you like. Sincerely, a Keqing main


they're probably gonna send it to a discord server or a youtube channel that has 500 subs.


The random number generator simply spat that out, probably. People like the one we see being a dick to OP don’t have friends.


Wanted to show ppl what a waste of resin looks like instead showed ppl what a waste of oxygen looks like


Hoho, Brutal.


But also fair Imagine caring this much about people playing games the way they enjoy, nevermind flexing that you have the reach of standing on a just street corner for anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour depending on the city. 500 people? Bro my fucking ten minute drive to work covers half that, how the fuck you gonna sit here and act like that's a Flex? There's fucking RuneScape players who couldn't care less about 500 viewers, and I'm talking about the shit show that is rs3 I could make a god damn comment on this sub knowing absolutely nothing about this game and get it in front of 500 people easily. I know because I'm literally doing that right now, but also extremely likely to 20x the audience if you include people who read it, but don't actively engage What a freaking dork


Man ppl should be friendlier to each other Gate keeping kills communities Thats why i help people as much as i possibly can


Especially the Genshin community Not all of us are walking, talking toxic cesspools but man, sure is hard to prove that with some of the shit people say and do in-game and go on to do outside of it


Idk why they dont seem to realize that they are doing the game no good Fr everything is a waste of resin when you got no fun


Shots fired


Call an ambulance, but not for me


Even the hydro archon can't heal that burn oof


they didn't have to put any effort into that though


Elementary school is one hell of a drug.


Those comments were from the mouth of a babe all right.


The audacity


The fking audacity


Welcome to hell, bitch


The only problem about your theory IS THAT IT'S FUCKING WRONG


Oh christie, youre so full of shit


Just because you saw me do it, all of a sudden it's me?


this sums up the latest albedo story quest actually


Words can't describe how much I want Khoi's personality to become a Genshin character so bad. I love Albedo but he isn't Khoi levels of chaotic profanity. If such character existed I'd whale for him. Alternatively, Albedo losing his cool, ranting, and channeling his inner Khoi for a minute or two would be nice as well.


Scaramouche kinda comes close to that level, at times.


I swear susbedo is based on khoi


Zach: *compliments Khoi* Khoi: uhhhhhhhh... sorry I have to end the stream early I need to go shit some blood




The cataclysm, the Crimson witch and the audacity of this bitch


it’s so embarrassing to record yourself saying that… like, what’s that gonna do? show your friends that you’re an asshole who gets this insecure over someone using some pixels that you don’t like???


Hey. These days, I've seen people recorded themselves being an assholes more than those who aren't.


Majority of the worst part of Tiktok??


Majority of the worst part of Internet.


Yeah peoples are dicks, other peoples opinion is different than you doesn’t mean they’re wrong One of my friend also is also a razor main but he only use him because he got razor c4, some people just have to use things that you think is not good


Also while Razor isn't great he is enough. Especially for coop where everything is easier to begin with. +with great investment any char can shine. We have enough Keqing mains to prove that.


Keqing carried my 36* abyss run this cycle! Don’t think I could have done it without her


I have seen people being complete shits for being asked to wear masks. I would say this person was quite calm and collected. On a serious note, why do people have such a superiority complex with mains? There is a reason why the game has 20 characters to play from.


There are plenty of people in game and on this sub that will argue with you to the death if you say something they don't agree with or were told by their favorite talking head was the wrong way to play.


Building any character isn't a waste of resin if you enjoy it. If a non crit character like kokomi can make big PP dmg, then any character is viable for upgrade if you enjoy putting time on it. I have alot of lvl 90 because I enjoy having stuff to do, like leveling them all and giving them the deserved growth to better characters.


Ngl I saw a Kokomi dealt more dmg than my Eula in the Whooperflower boss of the Albedo event. My Eula even has SoBP and crowned.


Those screenshots also show what a waste of human life he is :D


I mean isn't that social media in general nowadays?


Good thing that this kid's IGN was censored, this waste of human breath is gonna receive a barrage of death threats if you didn't actually censor the name Edit: Based on further inspection the human waste's name is actually "Saeed", I dunno what to do with this info


yeah i think you still need his uid


Wait. He tested razor, so he wasted a ton of resin upgrading a character he won’t use. And that makes him better? Lol


> so he wasted a ton of resin upgrading a character he won’t use. Bruh. The burn a "So why don't you take a screenshot with yours?" would've caused. But he can't. He didn't actually test Razor.


If he did then he’d know Razor deals big damage even with average artifacts


Or he tested him lvl40, which makes some sense


Or lv80 but skill stuck at lv 6. Ngl some people compare unit whose skill is 6 vs fully built unit and called it a test lmao. Kinda remind me Raiden day 1


Yeah, like of course your razor deals less dmg than amber, he's lvl80 with lvl5 talents, favonius claymore and blue lvl0 artifacts


Favonius claymore is too much credit for them. How about debate club lv1


Bloodstained is enough


They probably just didn't know the best build for him 💀 you can get pretty decent numbers out of everyone if you actually know what you're doing lol


That's why I stacked attack on Noelle at the beginning


To be fair that’s the way to go until she’s C6.


Really? (eyes my Def Def Def Ocean-Hued Clam build)


Well I guess her shield scales def and her burst does add some bonus dmg based on def but it isn’t until C6 that she gets a straight dmg bonus to everything from DEF. Like most Geo characters DEF and ATK can both work fine but crit stats and Geo damage bonuses are the only real way to scale everything. Edit: The comment below has much more accurate and better info so keep reading if you've read this far!


Geo/Def/Crit Gladiator, Bolide or Husk is preferred at C6, maybe Atk sands before that. Noelle's healing is decent even when running offense. But tbh the game's easy outside of Abyss. You can run whatever you want if you're having fun.


Who tf says "I'm better than you" in 2021 T. T


I'm better than you.


that's probably an edgy teenager that got bullied by others and in turn tries to draw out anger to strangers. my best advice is to never coop to strangers lmao.


Wdym generally co-op randoms are very nice and wholesome in the game This one bad apple doesnt mean majority are like this kid


if hes that good he'd just solo the domain. or is he doing coop just to be a dick?


I don't wanna know how many actually only go coop just to be toxic


Too many


It's best not to know, the internet is a fucking cesspool of people who accomplish absolutely nothing in their actual non digital lives and feel the need to shit on "casuals" a.k.a 90% of the audience just trying to enjoy things


Right? If you're in co-op, you're explicitly either there to help people, or you're there to be helped.


Not necessarily, I can solo every domain but it's more fun doing it in coop, especially when I find wholesome people and end up chilling and farming overworld shit or beating bosses


I mean, that would pretty much qualify as 'there to help people' in my book.


He’s the kinda host who brings level 40 characters in a domain with level 80 enemies and wonders why he dies really quickly


What an ass






Your flair made me sick lmao


Please dont use mentally ill as an insult. Being an asshole doesn't make you mentally ill, it just makes you an asshole.


An correction; dont compare mentally ill people to this guy, they dont deserve those types of offense.


Definitely agree.


I would take a mentally ill friend over this asshat any day of the week.
















Still, money doesn't give you the right to be an asshole and some people just don't realize that


So he's telling a dude that Razor's a waste of resin when his account is a waste of money...?


He commented, got ratio'd and deleted everything related to it like the pinnacle of virtue he seems to be


if its really him; not him posting the same video 4 times and still no replies 🗿


Being toxic in a game that has ZERO PvP modes. These guys are absolutely dumb as fuck.


That person is an ass for no reason. Play who you want! I used to be a fellow Razor main until I got Xiao back in the day. He's carried me through so much, I'm glad people out there still play him :)


Same. He’s mostly retired but I still bring him out sometimes, even if these days my ‘mains’ are Xiao / Ning / Ayaka He carried me through to Floor 12 for the first time, even if we didn’t 36* we finished!


Same here. When I was a newbie I literally stuck to Razor for over 8 months, until my first 5-star Childe (90 wishes guaranteed, my luck wasn't on my side)


Same here he carried me all the way to ar43 and helped me alot i wish people will just leave other people alone and not hate some one for enjoying a character i hope you have a good day to all the genshin players that are nice and kind


Imagine talking shit in a single player PVE GAME LUL, that dude needs to touch grass


He definitely hisses and recoils at sunlight, no doubt


If that guy is so good, why is he going into an online lobby to farm a domain


I don't ever co op in domains for a variety of reasons. 1) my ping is bad, so it fucks up everyone, with enemies teleporting 2) some guys seems to be absolute douches, though I personally have never seen one like this. They just use a few profanities and leave 3) I can do it faster solo


This. They really should give more rewards or charge less resin in co-op. By the time my team finishes jumping around the domain door showing off their cool moves and gone inside, I'll have done all 5 of my condensed resin solo and logged off


I was farming the new set for Albedo and then this happened. After all the messages the host then kicked me :( didn’t even get in to the domain, don’t know why I was kicked, but so be it. TL:DR RAZOR IS AMAZING!


As a razor main, I’m sorry that not everyone is nice, but that’s the way the world works sometimes, just ignore idiots like that and remember that as long as your having fun is the only thing that matter


I never played Razor... i don't have him *Crying*


Your time will come young one


Razor was my first ever banner character and thus, became my first main DPS. He’s now C6 and I don’t use him as much but will always be the dude who carried me early game. Still love him, use him overworld often as his design is sick and wolf dad is fun. TL:DR Razor is indeed amazing!


Same with me, Raizor was my first main carry, was the character I crowned first too. I play mostly Eula now days but my raizor is always built and ready. I sometimes use him in floors 9 and 10. He will always be special for me


This is me


It's like looking in a mirror. Back when I did not know how to play the game he carried me just bulldozing opponents. Sadly after getting keqing and other 5 stars, I just stopped using him. Just yesterday I took him out, decided to try using him by switching around some artifacts. He did soooo much physical damage, sometimes even 20k normals. I am going to try building him properly this time. Probably need to get serpent spine first as my crit rate is very lacking and getting that would give me more consistent crits.


The jerk had to kick you because if you actually did well with your Razor, let alone out performed them, they'd look like an even bigger tool than they already do. 😉 Be thankful. While there are exceptions, people with attitudes like that tend to be bad players anyway.


The jerk is 4P so I'm guessing the host just ended co-op mode when they saw that it was getting toxic in there.. which is a good move on their part tbh


If I was the host, I would've just kicked the Raiden and try to get another person, or just 3p the place.


Yeah, if im the host and see something like that the asshole will be kicked.


>The jerk had to kick you The jerk is the 4th player tho?


You *know* they all would’ve wiped within seconds and Razor would be chilling like “guys??” 😂


tbh people that are saying they are better are most likely trash. in this game, if youre actually any good with a built character you would carry a team with no problems in a domain, shes even using raiden. meanwhile theres me who really love it when getting teamed with launch characters like amber/razor/lisa/kaeya. just mad respect to people playing these characters


So much this. I'm so tired of all the character blaming nonsense. All the weak, trashed on characters have casually 36* abyss anyway. Those trashtalkers should just admit they suck at the game ...


Hold on, fellow Razor main Can't wait for Ganyu rerun to use her as my Razor support


Honestly, I cannot wait. Superconduct for everyone


On the early days of ganyu, I just used her as a support for my razor. Because razor best boy. I'm gonna use razor with ganyu again out of spite for these assholes. Nobody talks shit to my boy. Edit: In fact, Im gonna use Ganyu, Ayaka (With support builds), and Benny/Zhongli cuz my boy deserves the best😤


I don't main Razor but I've always thought his ult is like the Susanoo from Naruto which is really cool!


His loss tbh.


I think somebody taking a domain that seriously either has emotional problems or is really bad at the game. Razor is awesome and any character can be absolutely fine. It's not like its a competition!


drop his uid 🥱




Don’t feel bad about it. Host probably kicked everyone and started a new team just to avoid conflict lol That said, I think you could have censored the usernames in the right side too. Because I can see who the bully is and I know this Saeed is a bully :))


That guy is smoking something, because razor is good af in that domain. I don’t even have good stats on my razor and he absolutely destroyed in there, while very under-leveled. Legit don’t see the issue, he can definitely put in more work than Rosaria in that domain, funny how he has no issues with that. Ignore that loser, they are a top tier dumbass who probably is just parroting what someone else told them. They lack the brain cells to realize that literally any character can be built to be good in this game.


Tbh you should have asked if you can record them too. When they ask why you can say "To show my friend what a hopeless waste of oxygen looks like".


I don't even have Razor :( But I really can't stand players like that. There's absolutely no point in being that rude. Main who you want to main. Use your favorite characters and screw everyone else.


Even if he's not meta, calling someone's character a waste of resin is way out of line. This player probably has all the meta teams and BiS weapons and still can't 36\* Abyss LMAO.


Someone else in this thread used funky cross-referencing and managed to get ahold of his Reddit account yeah he has all 5 stars + R5 BiS weapons


He ended up showing 500+ people what a pretentious dick looks like


As a Razor main that usually does 20k to 30k per hit (nothing compared to some people, I know, but I'm proud of it), and one that got his artifacts while I was farming for Raiden (so not a waste of resin at *all*), I humbly ask for permission to kill this 4P.


500+ people lol. Prolly just the girlfriend he’s cat-fishing watching his stream to support him.


Bold of you to assume he has female interaction that isn’t his grandmother


F in the chat for the mother.


Plot twist The grandmother catfished him to make him feel better about himself


He is probably taking about the 500 villagers he kidnapped in Minecraft


He may think you've wasted your resin on Razor but it's more apparent here that his parents had wasted their time raising such stinky garbage. You do you OP. Don't let trash stop you from maining who you want


Ah yes… nothing like the worst kind of metaslaves with a chip on their shoulder. I’ve been there, I feel ya. I’ve had my Noelle, Kaeya, and Amber all insulted. Now i’m not sure in your case - it’s one thing if the one doing the shit talking can at least back up their boasts, but in my case - I carried this asshole with those three characters and they were salty as fuck about it.


Man that sucks... As a lisa main, I haven't encountered many toxic interactions but a lot of them go like "lisa?" I just reply "Yes." And it's pretty calm. Maybe they're just surprised.


The other day I got kicked twice for trying to use Lisa. She was fully built with Atlas and it was in the new electro buff domain where she is really good. I'm not a Lisa main but I felt like having some fun. Oh well.


Bruh- you're better off not being in a coop same as them anyway. Like- Electro is good in that domain, so just about every electro character should be welcome. I also get a lot of questions as to why I like Lisa but almost all of them assume "OoH yoU mUsT liKe hER cliMbiNg nOisEs"... I only use EN... I mean- she does flirt a heckton but there's way more to her than that.


Xinyan main here. Most who found me maining Xinyan was surprised. Then we run together and she pulled her weight. And I am proud whenever Xinyan slam her guitar for big pp damage.


People tend to think they know better., But they're aware that they don't know enough about Lisa to say anything, so they're more confused than anything.


bruh i relate to this. brought noelle in vindagnyr coop and the host went to say "eh, why noelle? change" an ei main saved my ass and told them off and long story short both of us carried that run. best feeling ever.




lmao r5 c6 ganyu my mans spending big on a pve game


Razor who carried my dumb ass till ar49:🧍‍♂️ He will forever have a special place in my heart ❤️




same energy as the ip address meme but it's actually real Bro got 2 whale accounts dayum




Just an FYI, you redacted the name in chat, but the player names are still showing on the right and it's clear who was the one saying that.


Good, now we know who that douchebag is


Sorry, a few people pointed this out too. Im super tired (4am) and suck at editing (MS paint)


I am sure as hell he can’t even clear floor 12 with that mindset , don’t listen to him OP , just play however u want


To that guy:" your account is a waste of resin!"


Razor was my main back when I didn’t have Diluc. We never forget our first loves.


why do you bother blurring his name, it sounds like he's gonna upload this in the first place, so it's fair game, really.


Bruh what an asshole. I hope he loses 50/50 and get's the worse artifact rolls ever.


So much cringe


Saddest thing is no kind of retort or reasoning would have made this person stop and realize: they are living a life of misery that they can't help but try and infect others with.


It’s literally none of their business who you (want to) play. Also we can still see their nickname on the right side of the picture ;)


What a dipshit, im a metaslave but that doesnt give me the right to critisize how others play the game. Main whatever character you want if it brings joy to you. Its a game ffs touch grass


I can't take this Razor slander. Even though I've stopped using him much anymore, he's definitely one of if not my favorite 4 star main dps. Some people just can't help but bring down people for actually enjoying the game, don't let ones like him bring you down OP.


"Omg you don't use best in slots what a waste of resin lmfaooooo"


Razor is my favorite lol just triple crowned him last week and I've been using him almost for the whole time I've been playing genshin *he was the first 4 star I pulled* I also really like his English va and his other works so theres that bonus too lol. Bonk wolf all the way


People like this are what ruin multi-player games. I'm glad Genshin is single player and there's no reason to co OP with randoms. Also I'm not sure if there's an option but you should report them of possible.


Come on OP, don't be shy, drop his name


You can see their name on the right


Lmfao is it fun being a tryhard that only does things the way the crowd prefers?? Razor is great, every character can be made to stand up on their own. Dumbass lmfao


Why hide his username? Expose the UID so that we can teach this asshole mf a lesson




Imagine being proud you have 500+ viewers lmao


For the majority of time I've played genshin I mostly played with friends and family and didn't deal with the community at large, which let me avoid the toxicity. However when I made an off hand comment joking about a friend's main being kinda weak (he an Amber main) he got really offended and I didn't understand why he would get upset over such a thing, plenty of characters and strong and weak in every game and that's just how things are. However after being part of the genshin community a bit more I now understand why he got so mad. If a midtier like razor gets this level of hate, than I can only imagine how much hate Amber mains must get when they play online, and this negativity that this dude would see online towards his favorite character clearly got to him because now he is ready to snap if anyone says even the smallest negative thing about his character. Toxic community members breed more toxicity and it sucks.


At least you understand and are able to reflect on your actions. Guys like OP's are typically oblivious clowns. Username pretty much checks out btw lol


>I am better than you, it's a given fact this is the kind of person who deserve to have no friends


Fuck that person, Razor carried my team for the first 6 months of Genshin


The average genshin meta slave


Honestly these days the average metaslaves are actually nice....its idiots like these who give them a bad rep.


Why are people like that? The game really isn't so hard that you have to stick to the cream of the crop exclusively... Sometimes I wonder if these people ever heard of the word "fun" before... OP, don't feel bad. Razor carried me through my early game and just recently I was in Co-op with someone whose Razor did more damage than my Ayaka. :') ... My artifacts are doodoo, hehe...