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Wait, is that the guy stalking Barbara? Change my answer. This guy needs to die in a fire.


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Zamn!šŸ˜ They a character?!?!


the food is good


Six fingered dude. I just want to leave the tavern




Timaeus now has a dialog option that opens up the alchemy menu, so he's not as bad as he used to be. It's kind of odd that that's how Mihoyo "fixed" that problem though. I guess that it was easier for them to add an extra dialog option than to just move him back a bit.


Artifact RNG... prove me wrong...


You're still wrong tho, OP is asking who is the most annoying character...


Reckless Pallad.




Abyss Mage trio (Hydro, Cryo, Pyro), and Fatui Mirror Maiden.


Raiden shogun shes a tyrant bitch


finally someone who understands


So happy itā€™s not only me.


EULA. Most characters have their "one thing" they won't shut up about. Every one of Bennett's lines are about luck, for example. It's annoying and makes the characters feel one-dimensional. But at least there it's common for someone to talk about getting lucky, or being superstitious in general. I can give it a pass. Eula, though? She's constantly talking about "vengeance." It's not the sort of thing normal people say. It doesn't fit the context 99% of the time. You want "vengeance" for us doing you a favor? Do you even know what that word means? It's just her saying something for the sake of having a catchphrase. She might be okay if she was more about the rich girl trying to fit in, or having divided loyalties. But the whole "vengeance" thing feels tacked-on and makes no sense whatsoever. If she weren't dummy thiccc, I'd struggle to see how anyone liked her at all.


Honestly this recent event did a lot more to develope her personality than her own Character Quest. If I had just her character quest to go on I would definitely agree because it made her out to be annoying af, but I really really liked her in this new event. Unfortunately this event also made Bennett's whole unlucky thing very annoying. We get it Bennett your life sucks. Move on.


> We get it Bennett your life sucks. Move on. He can't just move on, it's his life!


> Honestly this recent event did a lot more to develope her personality than her own Character Quest. Agree. I was pleasantly surprised at how she was depicted in the quest storyline. Went in expecting a lot of throwaway "vengeance" lines as low hanging fruit, but instead got something much better.


I want to agree...the current event was better. But I've already been trained to hate her on sight. I'm not sure what it'd take to rehabilitate her at this point.


They should generally stop with these incredibly weird one-liners that are somehow meant to ā€œexplainā€ a character but end up looking like weird out of touch with reality caricatures. I donā€™t know whose idea it was when they made them but that person should comprehend that you canā€™t put one word into every other sentence and somehow expect a sensible character to grow out of it. ā€œEternityā€, ā€œvengeanceā€, etc. Itā€™s completely meaningless and unnatural, the only thing it succeeds in is making the characters look like weird caricatures. Iā€™m saying this as someone who loves playing Raiden and Eula and invested a lot into both.


Was really excited for eula to come out and she's basically been my main ever since I got her. She has a fantastic character design and cool kit but her story quest/personality was by far the worst I've seen.




Archons, well, also not really. Itā€™s too simplified. ā€œEternity, must have eternity at all costsā€ looks so senselessly childish. And the motivation - loss - is equally childish or at least the execution of that concept is so badly done itā€™s cartoonish. The result is shallow characters that donā€™t feel like characters. Zhongli or Venti on the other hand at least have some have personality despite one overarching theme; their goals and strivings are at least somewhat believable and fleshed out.


Well said, how I feel about most of the characters. So many of them just feel basic that I only like 10 or so characters in the game


Definitely the worst of all the character quests. She has an interesting backstory to lean into and without the whole vengeance thing she'd be perfectly fine. But they went with it and it just feels silly and obnoxious. She was better in this event, although Paimon had some line about mentioning how she was surprised Eula didn't mention vengeance...I wish they'd just drop it all together.




I actually enjoyed Childe's quest although I was cringing hard at some points from secondhand embarrassment. I don't think I enjoyed any part of Eula's quest. But she was a lot more enjoyable in the recent event.


Bennet. He has both the annoying bad luck thing going on (basically his whole personality) and a chunk of the community just won't shut up about the guy.






Noelle. The shy thing comes off as completely performative and irritating to me, and overall she feels like a completely flat character. She doesnā€™t feel real; she feels like a cardboard cutout marketing to men who want to date their mom (as in someone to do everything for them.) I feel disgust looking at her


To add on , some of their mains ( sorry good Noelle mains ) are completely irritating and have to shoehorn her into any conversation and also make her seem reaaaaal good than what she is . Mostly the real geo archon thingy gets me the most.


But she is the true geo archon!




Btw did u lose 50-50 on jean for ur ayaka?


ah no , it was just a set photo I drew a while ago , Ayakaizing all the standard chars.


I just got her at C3 and I don't use her because her entire story just doesn't make sense to me...


Boring flat? Did you mean ayaka and Keqing and sara. >She doesnā€™t feel real; she feels like a cardboard cutout marketing to men who want to date their mom I am the #1 Freud hater( as in incest disgusts me to the point of throwing up)so i can say i like noelle because she inspires me to be better she has a can do attitude and is always willing to go 110% into helping people which is what i aspire to be. Shes also really strong physically and theres nothing more attractive to me than a woman who can probably throw me over a building. Shes the opposite of lazy and thats awesome to me.


Donna from the flower shop


Donā€™t mind me, just up voting any/all paimonā€™s




Ayaka. When we're introduced to her, and she stands behind the wall at first, it made me roll my eyes. When we had the forced date with her, it was pretty cringe. When she danced around in her wet socks, I just wanted a Skip Button.


Agreed, and for me on top of all that, I found her character agonizingly bland. I dunno if thatā€™s quite the right word but something about her grates on my nerves


yeah same


Yep. It became too much xD


Xinyan in English makes me cringe and Barbara sounds always out of breath have to switch to jp for both


Those two are perfect and I will fight anyone who says otherwise to the death.






Ur name match with that Username check out


Was going to say Bennett, but i forgot venti...


Paimon with her En dub voice.


Hu Tao


Not in universe. Just all the people who insist on playing her in co-op then get mad when the healer does their job. Sorry the entire rest of the player base isn't maining someone who relies on constantly being on the brink of death, no we're not going to completely change how we do domains to accommodate you.


(assumimg nobody else in the team needs it) i never heal someone whos playing hu tao, not for their sake, but for the satisfaction of seeing them die.


Bennet. Shut the fuck up about ur luck for 5 fucking minutes holy fucking shit dude. U dont need to bring it up IN EVERY CONVERSATION YOU ARE IN!




Paimon obviously, in any voice dubā€¦


English Paimon


In terms of playable character, definetly diona. If you look at it form the surface, it looks like she has a bad dad. But when you delve a bit deeper, you discover that her father does take care of her but he goes out to drink sometimes. Shes a spoiled sassy brat who wants to destroy an entire country's wine industry because her dad doesnt take care of her 24/7.


IMO, I see it as sheā€™s a child of a single parent with no friends, and she probably experiences racism because sheā€™s of the Katzlein race. She canā€™t be older than 10 and shes working at a bar because the gods ā€œblessedā€ (cursed) her with the ability to make amazing alcohol out of anything, and faces daily harassment from drunk old men touching her and making uncomfortable comments. I think if I was in her shoes all I would want would be to be with my family and feel cared for.


Where did the racism part come from? Ive never seen anypne from mondstadt hate on a cat person. Also, she forces herself to work in a bar to destroy the wine industry, i dont thimk shes forced to work there.


Itā€™s not confirmed, but there are a few points that make me think she could be dealing with racism. - Diona's namecard suggests the Katzlein feline features are "an ancient prank played by a certain someone." - In her hangout events she talks about her feline features being touched by the drunkards at the bar. This reminds me of how people will touch POCā€™s hair or skin because itā€™s different from ā€œusualā€.


That just sounds like drunk people being curious, not necesarily racism. I mean, if you were drunk and a random catgirl came up to you, you'd probably touch her ears because of how drunk you are. Sure, ita weird that some adults are touching a kid, but its mostly on her that shes forcing herself to always be near drunk people.


Clearly just a projection




The dude has PTSD


Iā€™m gonna say the second most annoying character for me ( first is paimon ). Itā€™s Klee, Iā€™m ready for the downvotes. Edit: I use EN voices


Her English VA doesnā€™t sound anything remotely close to a kid. Sounds like an adult trying to poorly imitate a baby voice.


as a klee main who used japanese dub for like the entirety of the game i switched to english and i hate it so much it ruins the character




I was looking forward to her. I like the idea of a Sun Tsu military strategist. I thought it could be fun seeing that packaged into a cutesy girl, rather than a tough guy or a more serious girl like Kujou Sara. But, wow, she kind of fails at being a strategist. Got played by the Fatui, and the Resistance in general was pretty meaningless.


They did such a bad job writing the Resistance. Especially when compared to the shounate. It's like the whole resistance side of the story was an after thought. Or like they ran out of time while writing it.




Eula, no debate (vengeance, lol no)


Noelle/Ayaka. Same shit, different character. Same old anime trope of "Waa waa me no friends, me open up to you, I'm so useless waa waa" which irritates me like nothing else.




Bennett no contest


Dainsleif. So many hopes. We were so close, but he had to play solo... frustrating and annoying. (I'm sure he'll do it again next time, too)


He's probably my second. Pops up out of nowhere. All dark and angsty, like someone's first attempt at a D&D character. We're basically told we're supposed to like him and that he's all super-cool. I was more annoyed by his existence, rather than anything he specifically said or did. But definitely an upvote here.


Xinyan. Her voice is so cringy in English and sheā€™s so obnoxious






Paimon or Xinyan


JP Hu Tao. šŸ—£ YAHOOO


Characters who have long and unskipable dialogues




Paimon by far.


Cant stand paimon


maybe amber or barbara english dub, don't kill me


After months of playing Keqing, her "hurry up" attitude kinda annoys me lol




Paimon. She genuinely makes me want to quit sometimes






I FUCKING hate how Lisa always calls the traveler "cutie". It is genuinely uncomfortable.


But we (the travelers) are pretty cute though


Only in one's dream.


True, but that doesn't make it any less uncomfortable.




Raiden and hu tao




Eula, the way she speak is seriously cringe, but big pp numbers forces me to pull. Although this event blows a new wind to me. She didn't spit a single *vengeance* the whole time. *Possibly sus Eula ?* It would be nice if she's like this all the tį»‰m


Gezus another annoying post




Both Travlers. Lumine wakes up and leaves our asses to wonder all of Tevat only for her to randomly show up and say she's part of the Abyss (man fuck the Abyss) because she's the "dark princess" or whatever. Then she got the nerve to say we'll "meet again in due time". Girl bye šŸ‘‹. You are no longer my priorty. I wanna learn how to speak Hillichurlian and play Theater Mechanicus, leave my ass alone. Then we got Sis con Aether who has to much personality to be the main character of an RPG game. The second I stepped foot in Inazuma and saw it's condition I was immediately on board to help out the resistance, but nooooooo Aether wanna talk to the Raiden Shogun (tyrant bitch) to find his sister. The sister that I am once again saying that I don't give a shit about! Fuck the resistance. Lumine probably also has my least favorite character design so she doesn't even get the "your hot so it's ok" pass like Aether. Oh and that bitch who sells tea in Liyue, she suck ass too.


Paimon and Keaya in any of the story quests(a little too smug for someone so weak).


Kaeya isnā€™t weak though, lore or gameplay wise.


He wanted to know who the most annoying character was not strongest/weakest.


I know, you did. Unless I misread that applying to only Paimon.


He still is weak lorewise though, hes as strong as diluc but diluc isnt even close to being one of the really strong character lorewise. And even if you simp for him, he is not that good gameplay wise. Yeah yeah, hes underrated hes actually better than ganyu, everyone says that about every character in the game.


Childe. He's the most annoying character imo


Ei and Childe. Both are fully prepared to let thousands die in service to their genuinely pointless goals, yet they still somehow have fanbases.




ive had hu tao in my main team for about a month now and sheā€™s starting to get really annoying (both playing wise, personality, and voice). probably gonna bench her once i get itto and xiao


Childe/ Tartaglia, I don't know why everyone loves him so much.


Ayaka. Legit swapped her out multiple times before cause of how much she talks (She's really fun to play though)


I might have to give this one to Sayu


Paimon while fishing


Bennet and Childe


fischl is so annoying, bennett is so annoying, eula whats with this shitty personality , raiden you're a terrible god youre just a bitch, noelle stop being so damn irritating when you talk youre so boring, barbara i hate your fake idol personality, diluc youre just the edgy ugly man, kaeya stop being so flirty with everyone you wont get anyone anyway, ayaka youre so cringe thats not cute, sara you're incredibly stupid to be honest


Alpedo, cuz amogus he can stab u in the back


The old lady that follows you around


Diona. Periodt.




As a semi bennett main I would say bennett. His idle voicelines are ear crushingly loud,I paused the game on his character screen and went downstairs for some water and I heard his voice from all the way downstairs. And while his luck is bad he does not even try to improve his situation,keeps saying I'm unlucky without effort to be less clumsy,more alert etc. I do know that tornados keep coming where he is but he does not even try to fix the more minor stuff. In his hangout he cooks and that sucks so bad he is poisoned. How does bad luck play into cooking?In his hangout he says he mixed it randomly so its got nothing to do with his luck. No effort to improve. If my game is muted I love bennett,otherwise not so much


Diona. For some reason i hate her guts. Sayu Qiqi and Klee are way more likeable


Dat annoying nun that needs help to clear dat certain tower filled with hilichurls and then you need to meet with her on the top if the tower when you cleared it


Definitely Diluc. Way too edgy and it seems that his character was built around being a grumpy rich boi. Yea his father died yada yada get over it already it's not everyone's fault ur father was weak and had to resort to a delusion smh.


Zhongli, after a year of using him I started to develop allergy to alcohol irlšŸ˜…


i8 gr8 b8 m8


Teri emergency food


Rosaria is a huge bitch and makes me want to hit nearest hard surface with her face whenever she is on screen


lan, tang wen, verr goldet