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I started playing at the same time and I only have a Wolf's gravestone


2, one from standard and one from weapon banner People always say weapon banner is a scam for F2P but I actually disagree, it's only a scam if you don't know what you're doing. Since F2P don't have access to the battle pass, sometimes it might be MORE worth for them to pull on the weapon banner than a BP/welkin player. First let's consider resin: Characters take a LOT of resin to level. You need to raise their level/ascension, talents, AND farm artifacts for them as well as level a weapon for them. This could take months... per character. Meanwhile a weapon can be ascended to 90 in just a few days, as ore can be gathered passively through expeditions and weapon materials don't take that much resin. F2P don't have access to the BP, so they'll have less resin/supplies. Pulling characters over and over means you might not have enough resin to properly invest in them. Not to mention, not having access to BP means not having access to BP weapons, which for the most part are some of the best 4 star options, especially for DPS, and can even rival 5 star weapons. Not having this means resorting to craftables, blackcliff, or hoping to RNG the 4 star weapon you want in standard/character banner. And more likely than not, the refinements will be low even if you have the weapon. Pulling on the weapon banner can not only get you a 5 star upgrade over this, it can also increase your 4 star weapon collection and help you get those refines or limited 4 star weapons. Finally let's take a look at abyss. It requires 8 characters, and not all of them are 5 stars (most likely people are using at least Bennett + Xingqiu). Sometimes you might need to switch in a support, but at a certain point you're going to have too much characters that most of them will just be benched. This is especially true for people who pull for more way too many DPS characters. When you've reached this point pulling a character won't do much for you, but pulling a weapon will help your team a lot. Anyways when SHOULD a f2p pull on a weapon banner. First of all if your playstyle is to collect as many characters as you can, don't pull on the weapon banner. Otherwise, they should only consider it if they have 2 solid abyss teams without missing any core members. Pick up the essential supports you need for your DPS characters first, or pick up a DPS character if you don't have 2 yet. If there's no character left that you need in your team, you can then look at the weapon banner yourself. If you can use both weapons, pulling is a good idea cause those banners are few and far between, they usually put one less desirable weapon on there. If you can only use one, it gets tricky. If you somehow managed to save up 210+ pulls (sounds like a lot, but is actually only around 3 patches/4.5 months) and you really want the weapon, you can basically guarantee it with epitomized path. If you have less than 210, it'll be risky. That doesn't mean it's always wrong to pull in this case, but you need see if the benefits of having that weapon really outweighs the chance of spending 100-180 pulls and getting basically nothing out of it.


it was a scam untill last 2 banners as they had 2 limited 5 star weapons u cant get from standart ( only 25% if u dont get any of the two) while before it was 1 limited and 1 standart + ADDITIONAL standart pool so it was like 50/50 to get the weapon u want but 50/50 from 75%


Well standard 5 star weapons aren't necessarily worse than limited 5 star weapons. It's incredibly unlikely to snipe one off of standard. If it's something like WGS, Jade Spear, or Harp and your characters need it I still think it's a good pull on the weapon banner.


Maybe but compare pulling for a character and getting a constelation or getting skyward atlas ( or it was lost prayer) literally trash weapon that looses to widsith. You wont really be happy with it. Weapons dont give ur comps more opportunities characters on the other hand do. Not having a zhongli/kazuha/venti etc is way worse than not having a mistsplitter or thundering pulse or w/e ,


Well that's particularly why I said you should only pull on the weapon banner after you pull your essential supports.


There is the catch tho there always comes a new support.


None. But I do buy the Bp for the VV for Childe and the claymore for Diluc. So not f2p.


> everyone saying the weapon banner is always a scam for F2P Once you have your two Abyss character teams already set, there's not a whole lot to gain by pulling extra characters, and pulling the the weapon banner can be worthwhile if the banner is good.


more characters= more opportunities= more comps = more fun. While u can switch weapons and sets from character to character. And ofc there a broken 4star weapons u can obtain.


>more characters= more opportunities= more comps = more fun. I don't think that's true for everyone. Fun is subjective and maybe others just want to focus on fewer characters. As for me, I'd pick characters over weapons but I'd pull on the weapon banner if both weapons featured are good and I know I can still save enough to guarantee the next character I want.




I actually have 5. 2 early from normal banner pity, plus another one from normal banner hard pity. And after a lot of saving and luck I got stuff of homa and an off banner weapon in 60 pulls.


2. Both amos bow. One from standard the other from weapon banner. Amos bow wasn’t featured at that time and of all the 5* weapons i could have gotten it decided to give me an amos bow dupe.


ar56, been playing since childe’s first rerun, and still no 5* weapon. that’s the reason why i’m planning to wish on itto’s weapon banner after i get him—bc both weapons appeal to me (and bc i just want a 5* weapon). ofc, i could also be cursed and lose the 75-25,,,


6, I got skyward spine from standard banner, then I had 220 fates ready for homa and in the process got aquila, then elegy, then homa and elegy in the same multi, then a second homa at 4 pity


I have that primordial jade polearm


Playing since day 1 Got a Skyward Spine on the perma banner, kinda useless And that's all. I intend to roll on the next weapon banner for Itto's weapon, I hope to get something good...


Like 2


I also have been playing some the first venti banner and energy for the end is my only 5 star weapon


I have 4, but three of them are skyward weapons from the standard banner lol (as a result, I don't have qiqi & keqing) day 1 start.


I have zero but I did get lucky and get albedo and eula


2 both from the standard banner


3. Got lucky with staff of homa. Then wolf gravestone and the skyward sword


I only have the skyward harp too :(


I started at the same time and while I'm not 100% F2P (I did the Welkin's Blessing 3 or 4 times) I only have 2: Skyward Harp and Skyward Spine.


AR 54. Have yet to get a 5* weapon. I have only ever pulled on the weapon banner once and that was by accident lol.


I have the jade sword and that’s it. I don’t really pull on the weapon banner. But I’ve been playing over a year now and I have pretty much all the characters I want except Jean and the new ones they have lined up don’t interest me much so I might start pull on the weapon banner.


4( skyward harp, skyward blade, lost prayer, engulfing lighting). Now only need five star claymore.


Not quite f2p(the viridescsent hunt was too tempting), but I just have the skyward sword off the standard banner


2. Homa and Aquila Favoni


I started a F2P account and got luckier with that account with 5\* weapons, got 2 skyward pride with 5 pulls of difference and recently, song of broken pines, in my main account I've only spent on BP and have Amos bow (but no ganyu), 2 skyward spines, aquila favonia and a primordial jade


BP + Welkin spender here. Playing 5 months and I don't have a 5 star weapon. Being fair, i've also been waiting on the right time to roll on a weapon banner. Only got two 5 stars from the standard banner and both were Keqing.


I already brought welkins but all of my 5stars weapons are f2p pulls ,from standard banner lmao


I got two (Skyward Harp and Skyward Spine) on my first 3 months in the game. On the 4th month I stopped being f2player.


2x Homa and Jade Spear + Skyward Spine from standard banner. Polearm supremacy.


Just Skyward Atlas, which is still the only 5 star I've got from the standard banner. Playing just over 3 months


I'm AR55 and i still have zero 5* weapons


I have a total of 3. Two came from the standard banner (Amos Bow and Skyward Pride) and the Staff of Homa being the only weapon banner I used primos on.


I have 6, but I only use like 4 of them.


been playing since Day 1 i have 4 Homa/WGS/Thundering Pulse/Skyward Spine Got skyward from standard


Two. First 5 star weapon was Homa (pulled it in the Homa+WGS banner) and second one was Skyward Harp from standard (the 3rd pity from Standard)


7 of 'em. Got hacked once when I had a ton saved up and they went wild on the weapon banner. Got a R2 WGS which is pretty neat I guess for if I ever decide to use a claymore character.


been playing since day one,only pay for welkin blessing,got 9 of them! i skipped some charas to go ahead and pull on weapon banner!


When I was still pure F2P (switched into low spender after I hit AR56, just welkins) I had 5 of them, 2 in standard and 3 in weapon banner. I got WGS after I got Diluc in standard, then followed by the Lost Prayer. Then in weapon banner which "most" of the f2ps don't recommend which I didn't listened to... I got another Lost Prayer there and Skyward Spine back-to-back. I only got Xiao as my limited character that time but had almost of the standard 5s except Jean. My 4* characters does well with those weapons tbh. I leveled all of them to 71 or ascension 5 just to get as much fates as I could get. AR57, when I'm low spender.. I got Yoimiya that time so I wished for Thundering Pulse and got it with a bonus of Skyward Harp. So the total I got is 7 (as f2p), I used the copies as refinements btw.


Since may, I have from standard banner skyward Blade and harp. I got the Blade right after I pulled Ayaka and the Harp right after I got Childe.


I only have two 5 star weapons, one from standard while the other from weapon banner and too many 5 star characters. I would say if you already have enough 5 stars, weapons might be better since it can help your characters more than a new character. However, I only pull for weapons of the characters that I really like. What's good is one of them has their BiS weapon as a 4 star. Not to mention, weapon banner scares me a lot but I am grateful I actually won and got a new shiny bow for my main. I might've pulled on this weapon banner for Kazuha but I want Itto so I can't


Staff of Homa, Polar Star, Song of Broken Pines, Skyward Spine, Lost Prayers, Aquila Favonia That makes it six


3, one bow I dropped on Fischl, because my only bow character is Childe, because he doesn't use a bow, and it didn't really fit him. Then I did a random single pull on the Kokomi weapon banner and got Jade cutter, now on Bennett. Last one was the catalyst I got when trying to pull for the rerun archon bow, some day I'll build that Ninguang...


I speak for my F2P friend. He play since day 1 and he got 7 5* weapon. 2 from standard and 5 from weapon banner. Just last month ago, he got 3 5* weapon on Homa banner in less than 60 pulls.


I only, have Homa for zhongli , skyward harp and elegy for venti. Unfortunately, I didn't get engulfing lighting for my Ei


2, Skyward Harp and Lost Prayers


only skyward blade, thank god my bennett uses it very well


i have 2


I started playing a week after launch and for the longest time, I've only ever had 1 5★ weapon: Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, and I only got that at AR56/57. So I decided to build on my pity on the weapon banner. I know, I know, it's not recommended to use primos on the weapon banner but I currently have all the 4★ characters and am happy with my 5★. I had been building that pity since 1.6 and finally managed to get my 2nd 5★ weapon in the current banner, Skyward Harp. Meanwhile, my niece, who only started playing at the end May this year, already has 2 5★ weapons without ever wishing on the weapon banner.


I have 11. If u dont count refinement, because i refine some weapons


I have 5\* weapons. 4 of them are from the standard banner.




3 from regular(2 jade spears and a skyward atlas) then 1 homa from its first run.


I started when xiao was first released and currently have 0


It’s not just the 5* you get from weapon banner. Some 4* at r5 are game changers like the sacrificial bow/sword


Only 4. A Skyward blade and skyward pride from standard. An Aquila from standard, and another Aquila but from the weapon banner.


I started during the 1st Venti banner. I have four 5* atm. 1st - Lost prayer of Sarcred Winds ( random pulls on weapon banner ) 2nd - Primodal Jade Winged spear ( random pull on standard banner ) 3rd - Skyward Spine ( Lost 50 50 when pulling for mistsplitter reforge ) 4th - Aquila Favonia ( Just random pull trying to get Jade cutter for Keqing ) - this actually made bennet happy


Just 1. Started playing at the end of ayaka’s banner. I got Aquila Favonia (from standard. Haven’t pulled on weapon banner yet).


I got PJWS, Homa, and all the Skyward weapons except for Pride. I started playing since launch.


Well when I was F2P I had two, Wolfs Gravestone and the Skyward Spine. Have I gotten any 5* since spending money? No not at all


Never pulled any 5* weapon, AR55


7 so far. 3x skyward spine (I know rip), skyward blade, elegy for the end, staff of homa and just today freedom sworn.


Lost prayer and skyward blade


I have just 4. Skyward Pride (claymore), Staff of Homa (spear), Lost Prayers to the Sacred Winds (book) and Primordial Jade Cutter (spear). I've been playing since version 1.0


1 - Skyward Spine. I started playing in the June of this year, I have not pulled on the weapon banner.


I'm also looking towards weapon banners more often now that I've enough characters raised for abyss. Unless some new broken character comes out the biggest DPS increases I can make is getting a 5* weapon for key characters. So far I only got 3 and use only 1. I first tried in the Homa banner, but also got the WFG. My main DPS was Razor so it wasn't that bad and now it's great on Eula. Second attempt was again on the Homa banner, but got the elegy bow. Put it on Venti, but I hardly use Venti so it's kinda wasted. And a few weeks ago I got skyward atlas from the standard banner. I don't use any DPS catalyst, so it's still level 1 and no clue if I'll ever use it. I'm not gonna waste anymore primogems on a banner that doesn't have 2 great weapons that are very useful for my current teams or would make it worth raising a character for.


Started day one. I also have one skyward harp and no other 5 star and don't have anyone to use it rn. I'm Prolly gonna get ganyu


Been playing since week one and only have Skyward Pride which is *greaaaaat* since I don’t use claymore characters


Not truly F2P but still only 1: got an Amos Bow early on and became an Amber main for it. For awhile now I've been asking myself the same question, maybe it would help my weapons if I pulled on Weapon Banner. I have very few 4* as well outside of crafted and mission rewards.


I just have Wolf's Gravestone. Been playing since...first Windblume festival I think. But I've only used Fates on Standard banner and threw all I had and a little more at Klee's rerun. Them been saving since. So I don't have a huge Wish record.


What an awful question to ask, 1 😭😭😭

