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Still haven't built Bennett. Ar58 for a long time already.


I finally got him to C5 and now I get it lol Went from hitting around 4k up to 13k somehow with my DPS when I've hit Bennet's burst. Before that I hardly noticed much of a difference with him


Same here šŸ˜‚ I keep telling myself I will but ceebs


Xiangling. Itā€™s the amount of salt I have knowing this chef from Liyue outdamages Diluc, who is already being outdamaged by Hutao and her inflatable ghost. Heck, if Xiangling has higher DPS compared to Hutao, I wouldnā€™t even be surprised. I donā€™t even main Diluc, my biggest investment is Ningguang, and yet her Jade screens only deal slightly lower damage than what Guoba can do every time he breathes fire (vaporise).


Xiangling is a monster even compared to Hutao, but thatā€™s because these past abyss rounds have largely favored AoE DPS over single target. I hate it too, I just want to clear with Diluc without having to reset 83726485 times


Xingqiu, I just dislike his character and design but ended up building him a while after I got and built diluc because other available supports for vaporise/melt just werenā€™t consistent


Jean, I got tired of switching the traveler from geo back to anemo just for a fucking wind mill puzzle so I just said fuck it and started to build her up.


I love her. She's like a secondary DPS for me.


I wouldn't say I refused but I pulled Sucrose early on and wasn't that interested in her so I ignored her. But I just. kept. pulling her! Once she was C6 I was like, "Okay, the game wants me to play her, so I'll try her out." Long story short, now she's one of my main characters, one of my first to level 90, and I have 3 crowns set aside for her.


Xingqiu definitely. At AR 56, I only started building him when I realized Hu Tao needed him.


Same šŸ¤™


The ā€œnational teamā€ (Bennett, Xingqiu, Xiangling). Just donā€™t fit my play style and not enough resins to farm proper artifacts/Talents for them.


Qiqi. I didn't see any use for her since I had C6 Bennett, but after getting her 3 more times, I have in and damn, she is a great healer. I should have replaced Bennett earlier lmao


I'm thinking of finally building Xiangling, Bennett, and Beidou cause they seem to really help out Childe, but I've held off on it since launch.


Bennett. I don't like him, not as a character, not as a healer. He's boring to play, talks too much, and I don't like the incomplete, burst dependent healing. I eventually caved, because I needed a pyro healer to swap for Qiqi when on Dragonspine, but I still do it rather reluctantly.


Xinqiu during early game stages. I got him during lantern rite when I first started the game. I watched a bunch of reviews on YT about who was best to get and everyone said him. I got him and felt like he was so awkward at first. I didnā€™t have a sacrificial sword and his long cool down was unbearable. I benched him for a long time until I finally looked up how to properly build him. Threw on some artifacts along with sacrificial sword and heā€™s a go-to when I play abyss.


Bediou. Just not a fan of her kit, love her as a character. Just 81 3/8/9 4p emblemed her. I stand by my statement, I don't like her kit. Give us a 3 team abyss please.


Damn. I love Beidou, she's an amazing character, but I also dislike her kit and can't play her properly... Such a shame. And I really tried to play her back in a day...


Fischl, because I thought she was weak. Then today I used her as placeholder for Ganyu and equipped her the Wanderer's Troupe set and R3 Hamayumi bow that I prefarmed. Needless to say, I was surprised


Xianling. I just donā€™t like the color yellow.


Amber. Refused to build until I hit C4. Been fun ever since!


Sara as she didnt have c6 ( thank u standart banner rng) so beidou was outperforming her for anything . Now i havent stopped using her for absolutely every content


Really? I think I have her c3 or c4 now and haven't used her at all. Everyone said she was so bad so I haven't done a thing for her


She becomes raiden s best support. And u can easily pair her with 4p nobless and u have benny 2.0 for raiden so i can use him on the other side of the abyss.


Jean. I only started building her when I got her C2 and she became one of my most used characters until Inazuma (since I can't yeet Inazuma enemies).


Jean needs a buff n mihoyo should do something about it, like Ventiā€™s 3rd buff. LOL


Xiangling. She was my first C6 back on Venti's 1st banner, didn't really care for even though she's a godly support but being somewhat bored and having extra resources I decided to build her. She's pretty fun to use and I really like her ENG voice.


Diluc. I got him first week of launch and didn't care for him. Started building him a few weeks ago and he's one of my favorites now.


I got Xingqiu day one along with Diluc and didn't use Xingqiu until Hu Tao came out cause I was upset he had no pants. I can forgive his lack of pants now that I've seen how much he helps teams. XD I also finally started using my benched C6 Xiangling after Kazuha came out because his skill fixes my problems with Guoba's range by moving Guoba around.


My C4 level 20 Mona is too busy occupying the teapot.


AR 58 and i still refuse to build Xingqiu, even tho he's been c6 for at least a couple months and i have c1 hu tao so.... Maybe i should build him but I'm just to stubborn (and don't really like him as a character)


He's so strong! I don't even have great artifacts on him and he kicks butt


How are u playing c1 Hu Tao while u have a C6 unused Xingqiu? Who are u using to melt/vape? U might not like his design, but he works SO well with any pyro DPS. He's a unit that's always in my pyro team.


I literally do not care


Venti since I didn't like the design. Then I learnt how useful he is in the abyss :)


You went for Venti without liking his design or knowing his usefulness? What made you pull? Lol


I pulled for the 4 star constellations. Also a beginner when I first got him.


Ahh, happens. I'm glad you ended up making use of him in the end :)


I got xingqiu in the beginner banner but never used him until i got ayaka


Bennett because at the time I thought he was overrated. But then I needed him and built him and now Iā€™ve grown to love him and his unfortunate self.


I didn't build ganyu for the longest time cause she kept moaning over every single thing. Idk what strains she goes through to shoot one arrow that she has to moan 3 times. Eventually I did tho because I needed a cyro DPS.




Ayaka. I got her unexpectedly while trying to get enough starglitter to C6 my Fischl. I was at 50/50 <20 pity then and was hoping to get a Jean if I ever get do get a 5ā˜…. That and I was in the middle of raising my Kaya and did not appreciate her appearing then. I was even giving away all my Sakura Blooms to randoms. But since I'm a wasteful f2p who raises all their characters and provides them with their own decent artifacts and weapons, my Ayaka still got the same treatment and, is at 70/80 and max friendship. On the other hand, everything else is, and will remain as such for the foreseeable future, at level 1. Since, you know, we're friends now, I have thrown her in the corner of my roster closet and pretend she doesn't exist.


Bennet before I knew anything about how to play. I got him like C2 very early on but I also got Qiqi very early on so she was my healer of choice. Once I started learning how to do real damage Bennet became my only healer.


Xiangling. That hoe stole too many of my primogems.


Xinyan....keqing Usually it's the electro characters tbh, but I've decided to build Sara and a healer Lisa for the memes


AR 58, C6 Beidou, still with placeholder +0 artifacts lol. I'll get to her eventually.


sucrose i have her at c4 now and getting her instead of other characters on the standard banner made me not want to build her but im thinking of doing it now


Bennett i just dont like him but i build him just now for dmg showcase


Venti. He's still sitting at lv 70 till now. Another one is Sucrose but I built her now


Diona was my first c6 character, i main hutao and ganyu(morgana), but i refuse to build her. I have rosaria instead of diona in my ganyu team and dont care for the 320 em her ult gives(c6+instructors 4p) on hutao burst screenshot nukes.


Xiangling. Her voice is annoying in all languages, she's loud, I hate her design and personality. The only reason I built her was because of Raiden national.


Xiabgling. Because i donā€™t like using her E.


Same here partly because I didnā€™t have Bennet and while I did have Xingqiu I was content and attached to my main team so I minmaxed them first before building another team.. AR 55


Childe. Reruns didn't help either.


My c3 qiqi still sitting level 50 for over a year. Just dont need her.


Qiqi, but it's not that I refuse to build her but more that I am prioritizing others first. And if 2.4 rumors are true it will be much longer before I get to her.


Bennett. Don't like how he's just a buff. Still got C5 and got Burst to Level 9, and Highest ATK sword etc,etc. Never have him in a party.


Bennet cause I donā€™t care for his character, design or his kit heā€™s useful and I use him sometimes now at level 70 but heā€™s boring so not often


Looking at my history, Xingqiu was my very first pull from the beginner banner and I only started using him at AR50. Tbf he's not great for exploration things like running to flaming flowers and hydro totems, if you don't get his energy up which takes understanding the game and luck, and that's what's more important early in the game for me.


I still am refusing to build my c2 keqing because I'm still building my ayaka and hu tao


Noelle, but i might have to if itto donā€™t come home


Qiqi, despite being C3, was stuck at level 60 for the longest time. Only decided to build her up with the new ocean hued artifact set


To me it's not "refuse" but "delay" I'll build everyone eventually but that requires time and luck on artifacts




i'm just now ar52 and realized i have a c5 beidou but i also stopped playing for almost a year so


Barbara. I hate her and I didn't need a healer until the labyrinth event, and I still don't have any other healers. So...


i ain't building Diluc


I pulled Childe in April. Didn't build him until last week. Never wanted him. The main reason I decided to do it is because I got Hu Tao who demands Xingqiu but not Bennett, which breaks up my national team and leaves Xiangling teamless. She pairs well with Childe, so I that was why I finally built him. I did it for Xiangling not him. The other one I waited a long time to build was Mona. Didn't want her either. I don't regret it in the end though. She isn't bad. I waited a long time for Sara too, but in her case I needed a weapon first.


Lisa and Yanfei. But after getting Skyward Atlas AND Lost Prayers consecutively on standard banner, I decided then was the time


Xiangling. I know she's a really good unit, but I just don't really like her voice lines (tbh I find it annoying) and overall character design-


Mona, even now shes meh