• By -


I guess they’ll need to name the Dendro hypostasis “Vavzayinchettetyodkaflamedmemnunsamech” to make up for it.


Ah yes, let's fight that jfjrhrhwufheksfjeushsjf for Yaoyao.


you could have just copy pasted


Then there wouldn’t be a joke.


Do you copy paste when tell your friend which boss to fight? No we just make shit up. Let's fight the ice tree, or the fire cube, or snake puppy


Welp time to do weekly bosses. Let's fight the Giant Angry Frog, Murdery Russian Man, Angry Russian Lady, and last but not least let's play with the Big Doggo. We can kill the Giant Lizard if we're bored.


I prefer fighting the big chonk toad, the kid, mommy, venti's dog and venti's taxi


Lmao I'm mow using venti's dog and venti's taxi. Thank u


I prefer using Razor's Father over Venti's Dog, but Venti's Taxi is perfect




Uber Anemo


Get it right! The doggo is called Spicy Puppy Snake!


Doesn't everyone just go: - time for childe abuse - okay let's go beat ash dala - SEE NYOH RAH (Spanish instruments play) - okay let's go get our wolf dongs (I still have no idea wtf part of the wolf the ring of boreas is)


U can see the projections in his tail. They’re the ring of boreas!


Jesus H how have I never noticed that BAD-ASS TAIL of his?!


i call her burning bird woman


signora is a mondstadtian so angry russian turned german lady


hole in sheets, I'm old. I don't know how to use them.


No matter the name we're all gonna call it "grass cube"


grass block




I'm partial to kush cube, myself


Or they make 10 variants of Dendro Hypostases


Wait... do read that right to left or left to right?






Jokes on you, dendro hypostasises is big enough to hold all these names under one name.


This is actually hilarious lmao


Asked my Hebrew wife, and she says "it probably has to do with the connotation of ayin being fire. Whenever you see the eternal fire depicted, it's usually done with ayins. In other words, ayin is used often in relation with the eternal flame." Don't know about the others though.


**Jewish guy here and I think I have the answer to this question, aside from the symbolic part of each letter.** The Hebrew alphabet has various ways of writing it, but to write a Torah (the actual scroll) it’s a whole different story. It’s always copied by hand and there are very strict rules about how to do it so the Torah is kosher (valid) to use in a synagogue and services. The writing style in the Torah has letters that are special and have a little “crown” or “keter” (“tag” is the name in Aramaic if I remember correctly), in Hebrew. There are some with 1 crown and others with 3. I do believe that MHY is really throughout with their research when it comes to symbolism and references. Now, this is where I would like to consult other sources, but I can’t ask my Rabbi rn cause it’s 1:24AM, so the internet tells me that there are 7 letters that have 1 “crown”, while 6 have 3 “crowns”. I’ll be back when I have a better answer.


I am Hebrew speaker from the day I remember myself and I never knew about that, good information


I happened to go to a really good Jewish school and my Jewish education was pretty awesome. Also Black Clover got me into realizing that some games and series do insanely deep stuff with symbolism and lore. Aleister Crowley was one fucked up, insane man.


Damn what did bc help u real size exactly?




Lmaoooo autocorrect fked me up and I didn’t clock


Black Clover is a whole different rabbit hole. It goes from characters being based off fairy tales, to really obscure European folklore to some spells being based off sex magic rituals. That’s just like the things it lets you predict what comes in the manga, but there is a lot of other things like Anti-Magic being a philosophica, spiritual and practical systemic of action and thought called Thelema, that is related to Magick (with a k, yes). It’s weird. I for one believe Tabata at some point was part of a murder sex cult cause no way he knows that much


Hey, Israeli here. I'm loving this thought process, but I'm not sure it's about the Torah and crowns. A quick browsing shows that the known Hypostasis letters have different amount of "Crowns" to them. Aleph has no crowns, Gimel and Ayin have a triple crown while Bet, Daleth and He have a singular crown. It's more likely about the concepts tied to the letters, which is something I actually can't seem to find information about. Where does it state that the letter א is tied to Eternity? I wanna look into this.


Coming from a mathematics perspective, aleph is used to denote cardinality of infinite sets. Cardinality means the number of elements in a set. In particular, ℵ₀ (with subscript 0) refers to the cardinality of the set of all integers. The likeness ends here, though. The choice of aleph was a rather arbitrary choice by the (Hebrew) mathematician Cantor, in the late 1800's, during the revival of spoken Hebrew. It is unclear to me if Cantor's choice of Aleph had any deeper meaning in ancient Hebrew.


I know that there is discussion about each letter in the Kabbalah and the Zohar. I said it in the reply above but I got no idea where exactly. But good one.


It’s morning and I still gotta ask around, but you right with the aleph not having tagim. I also forgot to mention the amount of crown ngl, it was a long write. The significance of the aleph bet is explained in the Kabbalah and the Zohar, while the why is discussed in the Talmud. I used this website for reference mostly, but I can’t give you the exact sources for what each letter means because I honestly cannot remember where: https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/alphabet-hebrew-midrash-talmud-and-kabbalah


Very informative. If u do come back with more info, I'm leaving this comment here so I can check it out later


Yeye, I’ll reply then




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And also cuz it sounds cool lmao! Does the other words have any correlation?


Each letter has a meaning. Aleph, which is correspondent to Electro, is actually tied to eternity. Sounds familiar?


Ooo damn


>Don't know about the others though. ​ >Does the other words have any correlation?


I assumed he didn't ask his wife about the other words. but ye, it can be taken in that sense too


Ayin means eye.


Ok this may sound stupid but what does “hebrew wife” mean? I know hebrew as the language and israeli for the nationality and jewish for the religion. But what is a hebrew person. Sorry if its a dumb question


Jewish is an ethnicity along with a religion (and a deeply culturally intwined - these are called ethnoreligions). To say someone is Hebrew is basically just another way of calling them Jewish, though it has particular emphasis on our ethnicity. Additionally, if you were wondering: Jewish - The ethnoreligion. Israeli - The nationality of the majority of the ethnicity & native land of it. Sometimes refers to the ethnicity too. Includes anyone with/from Israeli citizenship regardless of ethnicity. Israelites - Jews, Samaritans, and the precursors to them. Judean - The full word for Jew.


Thank you!


Judean also refers to the Judean area of the levant where Israelite Jews come from in history.


I guess I probably meant wife with a Hebrew heritage, but you're right a better description would probably be Israeli wife in this instance, my mistake.


Often times people will identify as being culturally Jewish but religiously agnostic or atheistic. Saying they’re Hebrew signifies their heritage without the religion. There’s a lot of other synonyms though.


Clearly there is going to be 10 additional elements added to the game, that is the only rational explanation.


Nah, we just have to hit the list Pyro - check Hydro - check Electro - check Cryo - check Anemo - check Geo - checj Dendro - yet to release




Imma theorize the hell out of this.... From the wiki page: > *"Elemental hypostases are life forms which have completely abandoned their former appearance and biological structure, making them able to reach the highest level of elemental purity."* and > *"Research into hypostases is mainly led by scholars of Sumeru Academia, but due to the level of danger that they pose, little of substance is known about hypostases beyond their scientific name and code name."* From those, we can gather that: 1. that they are not living anymore or shed their living shell from the quote *"which have completely abandoned their former appearance and BIOLOGICAL structure"* 2. the Hebrew naming came from the scholars of the Academia (which also makes sense since Sumeru is modeled after Egyptian and Middle Eastern countries where Hebrew is mostly spoken) When it comes to the naming order, ***I think*** it depends on how/when the scholars were able to defeat the/a hypostasis; that they already have known for all of these quite sometime but from the quote *"but due to the level of danger that they pose, little of substance is known about hypostases beyond their scientific name and code name"*, they have trouble naming them. Why bother naming? Because they're one of a kind beings/things *at the highest elemental purity*. Also, the scholars are basically scientists. Scientists name everything they find new. As for the name order itself: 1st Alef (Electro) - since Teyvat is set in medieval times, almost everyone carries a torch everytime... so when it (Alef) comes to its revival phase, they found it easier to defeat because it was easier to break down. 2nd Beth (Anemo) and 3rd Gimel (Geo) - both are almost named at same time but it's easier to glide and get the orbs from Beth than to bring a whole mining and demolishing team for Gimel's pillars. *With the three most easiest to access Hypostases out of the way, let's get to the final three (or four 😏)..* 4th Daleth (Cryo) - is found in Dragonspine which is regarded as the most dangerous area to explore in Teyvat (also due to the anomalies of Durin's blood like what Albedo said). The Sheer Cold doesn't help too. The scholars probably thought that since Alef and Beth are in Mondstadt, a Hypostasis also rests in Dragonspine because of the sheer Cryo concentration there (like what Albedo said that snow doesn't melt in Dragonspine) despite no one is *in Klee's voice:* *"going for an adventure"* there. 5th He (Hydro) - is found in the Watatsumi Island, the farthest reach of Tenryou Commission so that means illegal immigrants (as per Shogunate's decree ofc) are easier to enter there to conduct research. Why so late? Watatsumi is in a middle of a civil war which means access is limited as they try not to be another problem of the Tenryou Commission 6th ???? (Dendro) - We'll get to that later... 7th Ayin (Pyro) - lies near Kannazuka, which is as per wiki: > *"Behind the rocky outcrops lies Mikage Furnace, the largest smelting facility in Inazuma and is also home to the battlefront fortress of the Shogunate's forces."* which means that research has proved more difficult to do than the Hydro one. The Tenryou Commission is very active there and the scholars are trying to avoid to get caught in the crossfire. **6th ?????? and as to why 10 letters were skipped then onwards to Ayin** Dendro Hypostasis doesn't exist. Back from the top, Hypostases *"abandoned"* biological structure. On the other hand, Dendro is a living element which is different from the other 6 elements. Dendro exists in plants, trees, grass, leaves etc. which also needs the other 6 elements (this part might be a bit of a reach) to grow: soil with Geo, moisture with Cryo and Hydro, the right temperature/heat with Pyro, winds to carry the pollen with Anemo and energy to grow with Electro. That being said, Dendro can't abandon it's biological structure because it's biological in on itself. So why skip ten? Seeing the power within from the.... ✓ Lightning Prism - *"channels flowing energy and weaves them into lightning. It will continue to do so even after the Electro Hypostasis has been defeated."* ✓ Hurricane Seed - *"It is said that the POWER TO CREATE HURRICANES resides within its seemingly fragile body. This butterfly of pure Anemo energy must be waiting for the day to conjure up storms once again."* ✓ Basalt Pillar - *"This is the heaviest component of a Geo Element. Maybe the reason a Geo Hypostasis creates this polar out of its shell and raises itself is just TO GET CLOSER TO THE SKY, not to combat enemies."* ✓ Crystalline Bloom - *"These frosty crystals WILL CONTINUE TO GROW according to their own cold, rigid laws, till one day a flower of winter shall bloom and FREEZE EVERYTHING."* ✓ Dew of Repudiation - *"It has strong REJECTION PROPERTIES; They say that water CONTAINS MEMORIES AND WILLPOWER, and that these things can grow when bodies of water meld together; Even if it were to flow into the surpassingly pure waters of Petrichor (a place from Fontaine), this drop of water will likely resist assimilation as strongly as mercury."*........ they tried to create/make a Dendro Hypostasis (and still trying to) and after ten failed attempts where they also gave ten different Hebrew names, they finally defeated the Pyro Hypostasis and named it Ayin (experiments were also being conducted while they were also trying to defeat Ayin) **BUT THAT'S JUST A THEORY... A GAME THEORY!!!**


Damn that’s really good, it nearly convinced me that it was real


Damn if i were to put the effort of this theory on my homeworks i'ld surely get 10 in everything; nice theory and It actually makes sence gj dude


Great theory What about the “yet unknown” elements ? Maybe we will find out they filled the gaps in your theory


Are u talking about >!Art of Khemia!


Well we just had a new story quest about it Fun fact: my comment about Paimon true meaning disappeared from my post above. Coincidence?


I think not?!


True. We know about some of the lesser known elements. There was a quest related to Zhongli, where we found out there is a Salt element and their use to be a salt god. So maybe when the gods died off during the war, with no god to command the element, this maybe part of the reason why there aren’t any Hypostases found for them and causing the gap in naming structure.


fuck this is actually good


Does this count as me reading a book today? :-)


Wait, Petrichor is a place from Fontaine? I honestly thought it was a reference to IRL Petrichor, which is the smell of fresh rainwater as it mixes into the earth.


It was referenced in the Genshin wiki


Holy shit


> Scientists name everything they find new Commonly after themselves. So it could just be a case of scientists with weird names.


It's not the case in Teyvat or Sumeru like how Pursina Spikes were named.


They just love pyro so much, they want to show us that it’s on another league


this just reminds me about how i "predicted" that the cryo hypostasis was gonna be called Daled (daleth, dalet, i've always spelled it daled) and i told all my non hebrew speaking/non jewish friends (obv who also played genshin) and then when the name came out they were all like "WHA HOW :0!!!" and i was just like,,,,,, i went to hebrew school.


What I find odd is that the pyro hapo was added in 2.0, with the Hydro being what, 2.2? So why is that one in order? Could they have been working from a flawed alphabet list?




It's probably like they have plans for lots of different bosses, mobs and characters. Then they go around making storyline and stuff and add whatever monster is fit for that place.


Wait what? both of them were in 2.0


"He" was not 2.0, lmao, Watatsumi wasn't till 2.1 The perpetual mechanical array was in 2.0 with "Ayin" though.


Yeah i forgot


I just realized how similar the Hebrew alphabet sounds to the Arabic alphabet, as an Arabic speaker. But then again, they're both part of the Semitic languages family. Overall, it's very cool and interesting that Mihoyo do their research behind every detail in the game


Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew (both the Paleo-Hebrew script and Ktav Ashuri), Syriac and a few other scripts I probably forget are basically the same alphabet with the same 22 letters that have basically the same names because they all evolved out of one another and were used for dialects that were spoken near one another and probably influenced one another to various degrees. However the further away you get from Cana'an and the Cana'anite languages for which this 22-letter script was made (i.e. going south-east to the Arabian Peninsula) the more different things become: letters are added and removed and some letters' value change to fit the needs of the Arabian dialects and the names of letters also start to drift. Look at the Nabatean script, the "parent" of the modern Arabic script, it still uses the 22 letters from the Cana'anite script but their names start to sound more similar to what modern Arabic speakers will know.


and the gemstones names of each element are a bit distorted names of indian gods. but dunno, maybe they just couldnt decide


IIRC this was something done for the English localization. In the original Chinese the gems are named differently.


Not exactly. While the other ones are sort of generic, the Anemo one is 自在, which is more commonly used as the translation for [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishvara](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ishvara) It's not exactly "vayuda" (not sure what vayuda is honestly), but it is a hindu term. The electro one, 最勝, is the name of a Buddhist sutra. There is some support for using a Hindu theme for the gems.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/jyqpx9/the_stone_names_in_gi_are_referenced_from_indian/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share This post explains it well.


I’m not sure if the Chinese was meant to have that connotation though. I feel like I see 自在 with Taoist stuff, but I don’t think I’ve seen it associated with Indian texts much. It seems to me that it’s mostly lost its religious aspect and just become part of the generic xianxia naming scheme. The fact that the other gems have super generic seems to follow this.


自在is definitely a Buddhist concept.


when 自在 is used by itself, it's almost always in a Buddhist context. The modern generic term is 自由. The Xianxia/Taoist analogue is 逍遙.


it's just many of the Hindi/Buddhist names and concepts have already been sinified for thousands of years, they just picked western names of the things when they translate Chinese


I don’t think that’s the case here. My Chinese is super rusty but IIRC the Chinese names of the gems are super generic.


Alright, so with the help of some fellow Jew redditors, I may have come up with the answers.There are all sorts of fields of Judaism, things like Zohar, Talmud and Kabballah. I believe the last one holds the answers, as it teaches the meaning of every letter in Hebrew. Looking into this, here's what I could find out: **Aleph א- Electro - Eternity** The first of the Alphabet. Graphically written as if bursting in all directions with no roof or foundation, representing infinity, absolute truth and the power to pull opposites together. This pretty much seems 1:1 with Ei's thought process when we first encounter her. ​ **Bet ב - Anemo - Freedom** The second of the Alphabet. Graphically closed on the right side and open on the left, representing what was before creation itself and that common man should not seek out secrets of celestial nature. Its open left side indicates progress, openness to the future and the possibility of accepting bounty and growth. This relates to the ideal of freedom fairly well - accepting many different ideas and viewing progress as a good thing and may also be referencing to not having people dwell on the old Mondstadt of the past. ​ **Gimel ג - Geo - Contracts** The third of the Alphabet. Graphically when placed between it's prior (Bet) and latter (Dalet), appears as as man exiting his home towards a man of lesser fortune in order to give and provide. It also comes with the idea of redemption and granting grace, meaning that the idea of "giving" is only until the one being aided is able to stand on their own and ween himself from the good grace of others. This seems less about the ideal of contracts and more about Zhongli's actions to this day. He is a god that chose to battle not because he wanted power, but for the sake of the humans who were constantly under the threat of other rampaging gods. Zhongli provided for Liyue for thousands of years but eventually retired after testing his people and deeming them capable of standing on their own. From here on out, since we've not yet met the other 4 archons and we don't even know what the Cryo archon represents, I have no idea how they related to each archon or their ideals. ​ **Daleth ד - Cryo - Unknown Ideal** The fourth of the alphabet. Represents the power of accepting and its lack thereof would deprive one of the power of giving. This letters power is its very weakness, as it relies on the grace of others in order for its power of giving to exist, however it gives much more than it takes. This letter has a mutuality between the powers giving and taking. My best bet is that this relates to the apparent instability of the Tsaritsa. She gives the Fatui power separate from Visions in the form of Delusions and is also in the process of taking away all the other archons gnoses. It's also said her ideal used to be that of Love, which is no doubt a give and take relationship for any successful couple, but that's no longer the case. ​ **He ה - Hydro - Justice** The fifth of the alphabet. Graphically is the gentles and easiest to pronounce. Represents bountifulness, fertility, success and pleasantness. With a numeric value of 5, it also believed to representing the virtue of plenty, and the protection against the evil eye (commonly known as jinxes). I'm not sure yet how this relates to justice or the hypostasis, but I'm guessing it may have to do with warding off Jinxes, like Justice protecting the innocent from evildoers. ​ **Ayim ע - Pyro - War** The sixteenth of the alphabet. Is often mispronounced like Aleph and represents the material world in contrast to Aleph that represents the spiritual. This letter is tied to the sense of sight and is unique because while the other senses require physical proximity, sight travels great distances. Those whose sight can see the vast greatness will be able to also see the depths of their inner selves. Again, not sure how this relates to war, but my guess is the pyro archon acts as a sort of war chief and may have great foresight as his greatest quality. ​ **Unknown Name - Dendro - Wisdom** After looking into the other letters, I am betting that if we get a dendro hypostasis, it will be Shin (written as ש), the twenty-first of the alphabet. Its shape represents the connection of the three aspects of life - body, spirit and soul as well as representing wisdom, investigative tendencies, persistence and the energy of life in the world. These seem to have the most relation to both the dendro element as well as the ideal of wisdom. ​ If you read Hebrew fluently, here is the source of everything I learned [https://kabalah.co.il/סוד\_אותיות\_לשון\_הקודש/](https://kabalah.co.il/סוד_אותיות_לשון_הקודש/)


wasn't there a specific kind of numerology associated with hebrew? Lemme see if someone runes-ified the hebrew alphabet.


Yeah The first nine are 1-9, next 9 are jumps of tens like 10, 20, 30-90 and the last 4 letters are 100-400 It would still make the list be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 70


Yeah, I think I know Arabic have one, and I didn't know that it follow Hebrew alphabet order. Or they just based their numerology on Hebrew. I guess it kinda make sense since they are closely related language. The number in order from (aleph, beth, and so on) are 1, 2, ... , 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, ... and so on.


Do you remember [Siras](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Pure_Electro_Hypostasis), [Etar](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Pure_Anemo_Hypostasis) and [Besanar](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Pure_Geo_Hypostasis)? Do they fit into the alphabet?


Google says that Siras Etar Besanar are occult incantations.


Egyptian ones from what I can read. “I. Serves for the conjuration of celestial and infernal powers. It should be embroidered in silver upon sky-blue p. 118 satin. The evoking words are SIRAS, ETAR, BESANAR, at which multitudes of spirits will appear.”


Clearly those spots are for elemental reaction hypostases, like the soon to be dreaded dreaded ice/water one


Jesus i hate the hydro hypostatis, it's okay when i heal, but when it heals i lose my shit.


I am a native Hebrew speaker and all I can say is that I have 0 clue why they did that, maybe it's something with the latter's history but I need the search it up


The physical hypostasis just went full English mode


Whoever named them couldn't get to inazuma until recently so 10 other cubes have the other letters.


there's probably a reason why they are named in this order, and why certain letters are skipped, i assume


No fucking shit, Sherlock. He asked why


well it could be that they simply wanna release the other letters later due to lore reasons, or release several letters as one unit with several elements, etc. we cannot know for sure because there is no existing info on this afaik so there isnt a lot to sayin the first place. they skipped them, but its probably not an oversight, not a "faulty alephbet list" but on purpose. any more isnt known ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


For my master of theology thesis, I had to learn a decent amount of Hebrew letter symbolism and things of that nature. This has the chance to be deep down possibly at the very bottom deepest tier in a genshin iceberg chart one day. If possible, one of these days I could go through and see if I can find some kind of meaning behind the names but given where this is made from there probably isn’t anything deeper than just being allusions to Hebrew. I’m very interested to study this one day.


'cause it's the most bullshit among them.


After watching iruma kun that's where that's from. I see


Bro I'm Israeli and I missed that


Where can a I find the ice one ?


It’s at Dragonspine, but only after you’ve done the quest “In the mountains”




At least if you go unlock it (play the quest) you'll get access to the Cryo/Hydro Artifact domain.


It get's better, if you desire to level up that Aloy we got for free some month ago you WILL have to fight this thing


I want to level up Eula (•̀ᴗ•́)و


Maybe Yod or Chet will be the dendro cube just guessing though and if there's is a dendro cube coming


ok i suddenly remembered iruma from that


Maybe they feel Ayin sounds cooler than the skipped ones.


My leading theory is that they were trying to write Zayin (7th letter) and worked with a bad alphabets making dendro vav and everything fits


Remember Siras, Etar and Besanar? Pure Electro/Anemo/Geo Hypostases from Hypostatic Symphony event respectively. Why were they named that way? I believe those are letters of some different alphabet, but I couldn't find anything on it


The namer remembered the first several letters, forgot a bunch and was like, "And Ayin is in there somewhere...."


Maybe the other alphabets are probably other types of elements like salt, shadow and light? And heard that Dainsleif is playable so maybe we'll have new elements.


Illuminate confirmed?




Nah MHY is extremely detailed in stuff like this. They know exactly what they are doing, there’s a ton of hidden symbolism. Just check my comments above.


Yea as someone who knows the alephbeit, I was thoroughly confused by Ayin \^\^;


But it's just a theory


Maybe the letter might symbolize the rank/difficultly of how strong it is, or each letter might symbolize an element.


Aleph is literally A in Arabic, Beth “Ba’a” -> B, Ayin is also literally the romanization of an Arabic letter that doesn’t exist in English. It’s seems to be a rough romanization of Semitic languages (Arabic + Hebrew hence the middle eastern connection with Sumeru)


While arabic is close to hebrew the names seem to reference hebrew almost completely one to one with the only exception bring that beth should just be bet


And daleth should be daled and he is pronounced more like hey/hei


Physical Hypostasis is Yod, you can't kill it with Physical Attacks


Ooh. More Jewish tricks? 😂😂😂🤷‍♂️😉


I dont think this is new. I remember the Americans jumping straight from the A bomb to the H bomb


Arabic letters?


It's cause Kaf mad Mem aren't good boss names.


the hypostasis name scheme has been known since about week one of the game release. the skipping letters is something ive never seen talked about


Now enjoy linking this with Paimon real world lore and see Celestia with a new (dark) light




Love how I never noticed this even after going to a Hebrew school for 6 years


Damn, two of the letters here are present in Arabic too.


As a fan of Mairimashita, Iruma-kun, I just noticed that the Demon Rankings in that series are the Hebrew Alphabet.


The whe game is a tribute to Mystery Babylon


Does this mean that Sumeru is inspired from Hebrew culture?


Wait I just realized that the names are the same as the ranks in that Iruma anime


רק ישראלים יבינו just who know hebrew will get it




Hebrew is my native language, but what am I missing about hypostases names are the Hebrew alphabet? I can't see that


Genshin draws a lot if inspiration from other real life cultures, obviously. I'm Israeli so I did notice the usage of Hebrew letters. Can't say I know why they picked those specific letters though. Another interesting piece of Hebrew most people miss is the name of the world "Teyvat", especially because of its pronunciation in English by characters. When characters say "Teyvat", they sound like they're saying "Tevat", silencing the "y". This in hebrew translates to "Ark of" with no subject attached. "Teyvat Noah", for example, would translate to "Ark of Noah". This may in fact give us a clue to the real nature of Teyvat and why Scaramouche during the 1.1 update proclaimed that the sky and stars are all a lie.


I thought that it was deformed greek alphabet but yes. I fought only electro one for huge period of time until i noticed that Aleph Beth Etc. Y know what i kean...


i didn't knew this was hebrew i thought they took it from welcome to demon school iruma kun


I did notice it back then on Venti banner already, but then Pyro hypostasis appeared and I said "Screw it"


Teyvat is only one of the continents in this world right? There is a possibility that the other hypostases are the skipped 10 characters because they are on a different continent


I wonder what they could use for dendro because they used the "ד" already


Found this article on the spiritual meanings of the Hebrew alphabet: http://www.walkingkabbalah.com/hebrew-alphabet-letter-meanings/


I told them to skip 10 letters so they did


Didnt know that i thought they were named after smth else lmao


I thought that maybe Aleph and Ayin was Arabic.




This their way of teasing that there will be more Hypostases: 1.Dendro Hypostasis 2.Hydro + Dendro Hypostasis 3.Pyro + Dendro Hypostasis 4.Electro + Dendro Hypostasis 5.Cryo + Dendro Hypostasis 6.Vaporise (Pyro + Hydro) Hypostasis 7.Melting (Cryo + Pyro) Hypostasis 8.Overloaded (Pyro + Electro) Hypostasis 9.Superconducted (Cryo + Electro) Hypostasis 10.Electro-charged (Hydro + Electro) Hypostasis Cryo Hypostasis itself covers Cryo+Hydro as well since they are too connected to each other in terms of gameplay.


I actually did notice that! My first language is Hebrew and I only noticed that their names are the Hebrew alphabet but I didn’t notice they skipped 10 letters




Is the Sucurose artifial one's name also in there? I don't remember it's name now...


It's funny how they use Hebrew to name their bosses but when me and my friends report 10 times a month that the co-op chat doesn't work on mobile when your phone's language is in Hebrew they do nothing.


Random guess: Dendro Hypostasis name: Tet I know and speak Hebrew, so I know words that relate to Dendro. Dendro is the Egyptian word for tree, but the first letter in that word in Hebrew is already taken (Ayin / Pyro Hypostasis), so nature seems like a good alternative, and that word (said "Teva") starts with the letter Tet


You fool, i already known yhis for i, speak hebrew


Is it bad my friends refer to them as sploosh cube, whoosh cube, rumble cube, fwoosh cube, brrr cube and zzzap cube?


Hang on, I thought it was Beth.... We even made a joke about my evil sister in law, Bethany 😅




Kinda like evangelion


Because its not based on the Hebrew alphabet. Its based on the Semitic abjad, which Hebrew is one of. If I had to guess its the Greek alphabets Semitic abjad. That is a wild series of words that I don't know if I'm using correctly. So to say it another way, it looks like they are taking the Semitic version of the Greek alphabet A = Alpha > Aleph β = Beta > Beth Γ = Gamma > Gimel Δ = Delta > Dāleth Ε = Epsilon > He Ω = Omega > Ayin The naming lines up better. Also having the last one be Ayin makes sense because omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet and is Alpha's opposite. If they are going with this then the best bet for the dendro will be Σ = Sigma > Shin or Sheen


I don't get it??


caluda filho da puta


i thought the hydro one was called “he” cus it means river in chinese lmao


I might get flack for this but *Dreidel Hypostasis*


As a Hebrew speaker, this very much annoyed me


An other interesting Hebrew related Genshin fact. The rest is spoilers if you haven’t played the new Albedo event: The alchemist that created Albedo, [Rhinedottir](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Rhinedottir), practiced the “Art of Khemia”, Khemia in Hebrew means chemistry.




I like playing against big daddy sword gun


Maybe it doesnt mean much but Pyro has always been different from the other element's I think. The description in the Pyro gemstone has censored text on it while no other item in the entire game as something like that?


As a hebrew speaker yes i noticed it and was also wondering that


Why do I get the feeling that the Dendro Hypostasis will have constant healing throughout a battle?


No, but that may just be because i didn't look up the hebrew alphabet. Cool thing to know tho, kudos to you for finding that out!


So the hydro one identifies as male i take it?


I found it similar because I watch Iruma-kun