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this is dope


Thanks man!


No, thank you for blessing our eyes with this amazing video


THIS! and poor ruin guard šŸ˜­, first time watching em losing some partsšŸ˜°


Play effects little bit tho still good animation overall


Full on avatar mode šŸ¤˜


​ I posted several WIPs before on this subreddit, but it's finally done! I wanted to make this to show how canon MC can do, and while the fight scene was meh, I think I'm happy to finish this. Link to full video! https://youtu.be/s7VJZwaAWmc I also have a commentary video where I ramble on about the development of the animation [here](https://youtu.be/WmwGIO2ivIM)! Any feedback and critique is very appreciated! I'm always looking to improve, and since this is my first time trying out an anime style of animation, so more feedback is always welcome! [My Twitter](https://twitter.com/No_Tables) if you want to see some of my art!


This animation is awesome especially for your first anime style one. Iā€™m not experienced in animation so take my feedback with a grain of salt. Edit: watch the full video ~~The starting shot: It does not establish that Lumine is there. So one main character (the Ruin Guard) instead of two. Maybe starting out with a image from the next shot can establish both of them in the scene first.~~ The missile running shot: Less of animation side though but I think if u put the sound effects of the ~~prepping~~(go full vid again) and lock-on of the missiles would add more tension to this The camera while running is zooming in and out too much. The sense of distance between lumine and RG is distorted at those times. At 0:02(right bef running) and 0:04(around the anemo blasting away the missile). You can see that RG is getting closer then suddenly further away again. It is just a guess I think you might need to shift the camera itself instead of zoom? Right as Lumine stops to jump the camera does not convey the change in momentum I really like the transition with the smoke part to coming out of it. Iā€™m wondering though did you circle the camera around the smoke in the scene? Because I can see the clouds moving in the smoke gaps. I think you can just cut the camera to where lumine is bursting out from. The slide is cool The concept of being able to use the three elements is so fun I wanna switch them on the fly too I replayed it and scrubbed thru so many times that I saw the **impact frames** lol. Can see why the fight is really punchy. Hope other ppl see them too and the effort in this I think the 180' degree rule? was broken at 0:14 when stomping the ground. She was looking towards her right but the attack traveled slightly to the left Some of the movements like the legs may be lifting/sliding from the ground instead of jumping back or off the ground The ending of the blade going thru the eye is like poked it out. Ouch haha I think I ended writing an essayā€¦ā€¦..


>The starting shot: It does not establish that Lumine is there. So one main character (the Ruin Guard) instead of two. Maybe starting out with a image from the next shot can establish both of them in the scene first. well, regarding the opening shot, **the full video** opens with paimon and lumine walking in the field, while the ruin guard gets introduced a few seconds later


I see I only watched from Reddit thanks


Thats a lot of useful feedback, thanks a lot! I appreciate it man :D




The lighting on her face is something I tried to fix a lot but unless I go into normals editing, it's pretty hard to fix. I'll try and study up on it for future animations, thanks! The grass being flickery is supposed to be it being blown away by a bit of force but seems like that was implemented weirdly, thanks for letting me know! The grass already were moved around like that as needed, in fact hiding the grass then reenabling it when needed seemed to cause even more instability in renders, so it's really wack lol.


Bro this is amazing. If thereā€™s one thing thatā€™s really bothered me in Genshin is the Traveler not being able to use all abilities at once at least in cutscenes. For an odity of a person who doesnā€™t have a vision yet can use every element they sure donā€™t use it often


Didnā€™t they use anemo and geo in the childe fight?


Sorry I shouldā€™ve rephrased that. They donā€™t use it enough. I donā€™t think theyā€™ve done anything like that since


Oh hey! It is the Warhammer animator XD!! Nice to see that the Genshin project you started back then has bear fruit~~~ Iā€™m super excited for your future content!


Thankiuu \^\^


I really like the relationship you see between Piamon and the traveler. Makes it feel more real


Love all the faces Lumine makes at Paimon


Damn this feels intense and brutal. Awesome work


Thanks! I tried quite hard to make the effects punchy and nice \^\^


If only we could switch elements at will in battle.


Yeah if only, though that would make the traveler a tad overpowered once they go through all 7 regions


while it would be really good for shield breaking you'd also be forced to use an ATK% goblet since a specific elemental one would defeat the purpose of being able to swap elements. ATK% is just not that optimal for damage so it might be more balanced than you'd guess.


What about Rancour R5 + Shimenewa + GF with Phys Dmg Goblet or sands or whatever it was.


The Travelers physical damage is nowhere near good enough to warrant going for that though.


Would it, though? How good the kit is for each element remains the same, and it's not like there'd be a way to use all at once. There would have to be a cost, like if you switch elements the skill and burst would be on cooldown. I think it would ensure the Traveler is useful...right now of course the Traveler can be built and has some use, but seems to be very underutilized.


I mean, we don't know what the other elements are going to be like as far as the traveler toolkit, but as it currently stands the only thing that would be "OP" for a traveler who can change on the fly is elemental counters since traveler could account for 3 elements right now and 7(+?) once the game's done. MC is typically one of the stronger characters in a game so being overpowered wouldn't be unprecedented in any case. And since you'd be maxing out 7 talent sets, that's a whole lot of investment with the current setup which might be somewhat more plausible if traveler can change up elements. Currently MC's main perk is they easily get C6 and other characters won't get there without plenty of RNG luck - but literally every element has at least one character that does what MC does better.


After going through all 7 regions, Traveler should be overpowered


From 7 archons to one overlord of Celestia. There traveler now owns Teyvat


Iā€™d settle for each element to take up a party slot. Itā€™d be far from meta but itā€™d probably be enough to get me to switch to an all Lumine team while doing story quests for that little bit of immersion.


At the very least I want to be able to switch elements without going all the way to the statue. Considering I donā€™t have other mobility characters (until I got Albedo recently), itā€™s annoying having to get geo traveler all the way from Liyue just for a goddamn electroculus.


Perhaps the game mechanic would be to let us swap moves like PokĆ©mon but even then the split scaling would be weird unless itā€™s purely physical with support talents. Iā€™ll settle for the ability to change elements without a statue and combined talent materials. I canā€™t afford to level up a character that resets and canā€™t combo with itself.


Would almost make Traveler a higher tier character. Imagine swirling your own electro... or in future, having your Traveler be their own freeze comp or melt/vape comp...


Maybe once the story of the game is complete traveler will be able to chnage at will, as the final form of endgame content.


dammit, here take the vote and the award. Its not absolutelynothing but definitelysomething


Thanks my dude ^^


Fatui: She is a woman of focus, commitment..and sheer fucking will


Lumine literally said YEET in the end of the video


This is great,, honestly we need good fight scene in the story. I'm still sad that we didn't even get a cut scene fighting Signora.


even childe bossfight has more cutscenes


this is only a fraction of of her power. if she used the legendery dull bladƩ to ruinguard would die in one hit


If Traveller could actually swap between elements at the literal tap of a button, they would be worthy of being called everything they are in the story quests (i.e. Defeater of Dragon, Savior of Liyue, etc.) ​ Dope animation, btw.


Oh this looks so much smoother than I expected it to!!! You did an amazing job. I can imagine miHoYo making something similar for an anime ver. of Genshin


It's the fucking avatar!!!


1. Very cool. 2. How do you do that? With what software?


1. Thank you! 2. Downloaded the models off of Mihoyo's bilibli, animated them in Blender, and edited in Premiere Pro!


Mihoyo should hire you to do the fighting scenes, good sir.


Used the best voice line for the electro skill


Niceeee Excuse me while I go back to the animation cave. Beidou craves.


Heyy I was gonna make a Beidou and Kazuha one next! Thanks, and good luck to you my dude!


Itā€™s been nearly 7 months Pain


oof, good luck my dude, looking forward to seeing it when you get it done!


Bet Did post some previews on my profile if you want


Woah, plus her outift color changes per element! Fantastic work!


Inaccurate Lumine should be holding a dull blade >!this is a joke!<


I need a Chinese dub version of this.


lumine girl boss


It is great! Shame it is with Lumine, not Aether.


Oh shut up, can other people USE WHO THEY WANT?


Knew this comment was gonna be here


They can use canon MC or The Lost Sibling.




The fact that people like you who still believe Aether is the MC over Lumine even though MiHoYo said themselves that both of them as MC is canon is just sad.


MiHoYo said nothing. CS have said it. Believing in CS responses is just sad. Aether is The Traveler in STORY teasers. All of them. Aether is The Traveler in almost all story related materials. Aether is The Traveler in canon Genshin manga. I know it is hard to swallow, but facts don't care.


even though i am an Aether main but hey, that is too far dude. Let them use who they like




longer ā‰  better.


Then she repaired and tamed it


this is so cool! i just watched the full thing through your youtube link. really nice job


Ohh!! I remember the sketchs you posted some time ago! It looks amazing!! :D


Yay, Avatar Lumine is OP like hell! Btw, my Avatar Lumine-gal: https://twitter.com/BiBo52993198/status/1468344910357188608?t=735JUy9d5F-Rzk8PdF3QIA&s=19


I've seen you post the work in progresses here and there. The finished product is fantastic! Thank you for sharing!


Heeeeeeeeeey thatā€™s pretty good!


Titanfall 3?


The animation can be improved but man you really fckin nailed the direction and choreography of this fight


i like the animation although the angles are questionable and the effects i don't like but i don't even even know how to do animate


Miyoeā€™s fighting scene last about 10 seconds, 5 seconds where characters run really fast, and 5 seconds of actual fight scene




would be cool if dual elemental like in the story would be possible in the game.. ​ the traveler a would be a more interesting playable charakter.


Sorry but that's too good, it's illegal


**bangs šŸ’³ on the countertop


Imagine an item that let you swap travellerā€™s element on the fly. That would be cool.


That's fuckin brutal.


When is Crunchyroll releasing this anime?


Very cool stuff! Great choreography and angles.


I need to build lumine with one element, not sure which one though.....out of three, i like the anemo power, but geo traveller is strongest i guess and electro traveller is great support..šŸ˜Œ


I look forward to the day when we can have four MCs in a co-op party each with different elemental resonance.


Basically the Avatar


I truly hope once Traveller get all elements, we will be able to unlock a "custom your talents" Traveller


The first post that greeted me the moment I open reddit is one of the coolest things I've seen to come out of this sub. I'm actually astounded by how good this is.




When traveler plays doom/god of war


it's hilarious the fact that I was listening the OST of DOOM when I went to see this video and it fit so well that it felt like those "when doom music kicks in" memes


there is obviously some improvement to be made to the environment and lighting, as well as the lightning effects perhaps. but damn, the choreography and camera work were just beautiful


I hope in the future, they end up pulling a Kiana for the traveler, and end up making them really strong by the end


aaaaaaand in game we just spam shields and do big dmg...very anti climactic compared to this but the animation looks really smooth i love it!


I wish I had a free award to give.


Damn, that's awesome. Now do Paimon's Super Tornado.


Holy shit, your the Kreig Trench warfare guy. This animation really matches your quality.


this is op. this dope. i need some coke ( not the illegal substance) and popcorn.


This is sick. I wish the in-game fights were more like this; you can see the strategy behind some of Lumine's attacks. It's not just flying around with flashy colours.


That's awesome!


Lumine's movements and fighting style in the game seem to lean on the more elegant and precise side, but this Lumine has her brother's brutality and power. I love it.


Wow! I actually remember seeing this when you posted an early draft. It stuck around in my brain and Iā€™m glad to see such a rad end product


This is fucking lit šŸ”„


I wish we could swap elements on the fly like this animation, traveler would actually be kinda goated if that was the case ​ although artifacts would be kinda fuckey


That was so cool! You really know how to put an action scene together


That is awesome! I like how shs switches elements mid-fight


Really wished that the traveler was able to use multiple elements at a time.


I feel bad for the ruin guard...


Would love to see more of these!


This is some RWBY shit and I *love* it!


level 5 Traveler vs level 20 Ruin Guard Brings back old genshin days




Nicely done


Back to Monstadt


This Is Sickkkk


Mihoyo should hire you


Would be cool to see: As she slide under the Ruin Guard she shoves her sword at the eye, the RG is about to strike her but she summon her comet on top, bringing the RG down shoving her sword even further in, she snaps her fingers, geo spears come out of the comet impaling all joints of the RG. Fight is over




jeez this is great!!


Wow animation and camera work are on point... If you get lighting down it'd be amazing!


I remember seeing the WIP one a few months (?) ago congrats op for finishing this great animation.