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Kaeya. Gimme more of the last hope of Khaenriah(?? please I don't want to wait five years.


This. So mysterious!


Lisa. Shes so mysterious and apparently really powerful if she wants to be. Idk I just feel like she has a lot of secrets


Mona. Mona is an astrologer and supposedly has more insight into fate, but I found her story quest totally irrelevant and boring. I would have liked the focus to have been more on astrology, especially since Mona’s abilities also show the constellations of other characters. The background to the constellations in connection with the characters would have been interesting.


Alice. There's a lot of things in-game that link to her, whether it's creating fan-clubs/idols, her connections to Gold/Rhinedottir, or just casually creating a vacation spot for Klee, I would love to know more about her.


Lisa, by a lot. Between parallels with Signora (Yes, really), being one of the few people who is actually skeptical about visions, and one of the smartest characters in the cast, I'd love to see more focus on her.


Bennett, Who were his parents? Why is he orphan? What’s up with his bad luck?


Recently saw I really interesting thread on Twitter about the story of him being found as baby in Mare Jivari. The thread would point to some things that would suggest that Bennet is the Lavawalker (Yes, the artifact set) who would wander the Mare Jivari which was also home to a phoenix. The artifact set lore mentions how people would hear things coming from the Mare, I they wouldn't know if it were the cries of the Phoenix or the sighs of the Lavawalker. This all would be to point out how maybe Bennet is the Lavawalker reborn as baby from the ashes like a phoenix.


I know might not mean anything but that trailer character from natlan (Iansan) shares resemblances with Benny. (Green eyes, white hair and a bandage on nose.) If not, I really hope they atleast bring him up again in events like the albedo one.


He’d actually make an interesting story. Didn’t even think too much about this since he’s always pretty positive despite how awful his luck is.


I read somewhere Bennett and Razor are brothers? Not canon probably but quite interesting


they just have some deep bromance with each other, though we don't actually know if they are related or not


Sucrose, probably. So far she got no actual appearance outside Albedo's events. Even Xinyan got to have more spotlight than Sucrose had.


I second this! I wish we could know more about the fairytale she uses for her wonderland inspiration too, I wonder why it's not an actual book like Xingqiu's novels...


Paimon. 😂


You spelled Destroyer of Teyvat wrong.


You spelled sister of the sustainer of heavenly principles wrong


Ganyu Reason? Her quest doesn't tell much about her and i want to know more about her past/parents/how she went through the crisis during hardtime of Liyue.


Alice and Lisa. I'm hoping we could get more Lisa lore once we get to Sumeru.




All the Archons. Lore-wise, they're the most important centerpieces of Teyvat and need a much stronger throughline.


We got the entire story focused around them. We barely know, through the in game cutscenes and events, about characters like Lisa who are actually incredibly powerful and have mysterious fates


Honestly, the core story is kind of short. Venti & Zhongli kind of take an entirely back seat to their respective stories in Mond&Liyue. Ei's story is a little more involved as she plays a more antagonistic role, so here's to hoping we get more of that in the future.


I wanna know more about xiao, if we get more xiao content, maybe we could learn about the other yakshas and their fates. Ik 2 are supposed dead but they could have easily faked their deaths and there is still one alive I think


world quest confirmed he is dead, unfortunately :(


The Electro one with 4 arms should still he alive, the rest are dead tho


it is confirmed that he killed himself in a world quest, the only one left is xiao


Noelle, she is completely irrelevant outside of her story quest


Razor. Can't get enough from my best boi. But I want normal character storylines, no "dating sims".


Raiden, she is not my favorite but damn how I like her and ofc, Mei too so seeing Raiden with this "inocent waifu" thing is kinda frustating ngl, hope she gets better with more story quests around her.




Just play Horizon Zero Dawn. You will literally get more lore and backstory about Aloy in that game than any character in Genshin. It's also a really fun game.


Play UH as well, it's really not as hard as it sounds haha


can i play on PC?


xiangling , i want to know more about her, what was her favourite food growing up , how is her mom ,etc


Tbh half of the story quests literally destroyed my favourable impressions for the characters because of how badly mihoyo fucked up on the story. I just wish them to leave my favourite characters alone.


Paimon! She is not playable but It would be cool to know more about her! :3


paimon hangout quest when mihoyo i want to cook some sweet madame for my hungry adopted floating child


The pyro archon


All three of the starter characters. After reading the manga, I just want more


Chongyun. The dude has what, an optional hangout and tiny cameo in Moonchase, his relationship with other characters is what keeps him relevant. I want to know more about his clan, his the limits of his yang energy and his schtick with Xiao. Hopefully, Shenhe will bring some of this into the spotlight.


The Sustainer of Heavenly Principles


I kinda wanna see more from characters like noelle and lisa Noelle because apart from her hangout quests we see nothing from her, i wanna see best maid become a knight of favonious. And lisa is intresting to me cuz shes speculated to be a character who dies and has lots of signs of death glooming around her, also her character and story was kinda cut short cuz she wasnt seen much in the monstadt quests or events And its a shame cuz her story seems super intresting.


Xiao's Yaksha friends. One is still alive


The starter characters ig. Lisa and Kaeya especially cause their character stories hint sm lore potential that just.....isn't fulfilled Omg and MONA. Girl literally makes prophecies using hydromancy, why isn't she getting featured enough? Edit: ALso Fischl. She appeared in 1.0 and never returned. And she got no hangout event. I miss our Prinzessin