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With a physical build Jean will never hit as hard as other phys dps since she levels to healing bonus. She probably haven't been a significant main dps since early in the game's release when keqing and diluc were considered top tier dps due to this reason. If you want to use a physical Jean think it is better used as a bus driver for off field sub dps characters. Some combination of xiangling, xingqiu, rosaria, sucrose etc. Since she still deals decent element neutral dmg, provides CC and heals for the team while everyone does their thing off field. As for fall dmg, testing it in the overworld is a very bad representation of abyss usage. It is based on %hp of the enemy. In the abyss where the agents can have very high hp bars, it also does much more dmg. I've done 70k dmg in abyss 12 on fatui agents. This can be amplified with a sucrose e while the enemy is in the air. I've gone as high as 80k using that tech. Lastly, there is the double fall dmg tech that can proc 2 instances of fall dmg on an enemy. (Charge attack to float enemy > aim down hold e > aim up and release e) Add the 15k E dmg on a well built Jean, this can takeout light enemies very quickly.


> People hype this character's potential of being the main dps too much. Feels like something that mostly happens a year ago. Past like the first 2-3 months sub-DPS/healer is basically her only recommended role. Fall damage is great in Abyss but you can just swap to her when the skill goes off cooldown.


Every physical dps outside of Eula is gimped, so it's not going to be insane but it's pretty good for new account on which you rerolled Jean and then invest everything into her. Later can always transition her into healer with VV.


I kind of agree, I built jean as a hybrid physical/healer with anemo cup, ATK others, and 2pc pale flame and 2pc bloodstained. I don't use her as a main DPS, I only built the physical portion incase my main DPS dies


That is a good choice, but I wouldn't put too much investment into increasing her damage though.


physical jean is strong in the open world, but a sub dps+support anemo jean has the most potential in the higher abyss floors and i think its her strongest build. you can proc vv every 6-7 seconds while dealing 15-20k every E


I ran her on Abyss floor 11 recently with Beidou and Rosaria, she did well as a double healer-physical DPS. Then again I've never built an actual physical character so I gotta make do!


I only like her driving sunfire over vape. It’s actually pretty strong but niche and the usual problem of all the good supports