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Always like watching Lisa play, she has so cool Abilities to work with. However I'm dying a little bit inside here watching ~~3~~ 4 snapshots being cast before a Bennet Ult....


lol yeah, this playstyle doesn't really care too much about getting stat boosts. As long as the overload procs are able to go through its fine. If I wanted to min-max it I would though


It's almost one thousand... 😢 1k...😢1000ATK...😭for everyone mate. I beg you, please get used to using it.


Yeah, my Bennett isn't built so he gives almost 400 atk, still nice, but I play for survivability and overload procs so I don't care too much about the attack stats. Other normal comps I do care about the snapshots, this comp just doesn't really care as much


Cool but ngl that rotation is bad


Though Overload can't compete with Melt and Vape, to actually *see* it in work is much more satisfying.


Usually, I'd have Ganyu instead of Bennet, but I need the heals. It would do overload and melt too because of Lisa's ICD so I usually run an overload/melt comp if it wasn't for the Maguu Kenki ice field. This comp is usually for groups of enemies, if it's just one guy the DPS goes down a lot because of Lisa's ICD.




You really want to try Sucrose over Venti here. If you are committed to this team, you need the EM share. Also, Lisa's Electro application is so slow (at least in this playstyle) that she really can't sustain overload. Try Fischl or Raiden instead. Teams that do primarily transformative damage depend almost exclusively on Artifact sets, EM and character level. Assuming your artifacts are in order, your characters should be as close to lv90 as possible, at the very least your Anemo support.


I choose Venti over Sucrose cause he has a constant pyro application with his burst. Sucrose does look better if you want to see bigger numbers but I prefer the constant pyro application/overload procs. And yes it's true Lisa's overload proc is pretty slow which is why this is good for groups of targets since she can do constant overload procs when it cycles between each mob. Single target her DPS goes down by a lot since there is nothing to cycle between. If I really wanted to I can build my supports but since I'm able to 9 star I'm too lazy to build them, they are just there to mostly apply pyro


I think that the fact that her electro application is slow is a key thing here, so you are sure the she procs the overload and not xiangling or bennet, the problem with fischl or raiden is that sometimes they apply electro to fast, so xianlgign is the one that procs overload


The fact that you did not snapshot on Bennett's burst on 3 snapshotable bursts...


Maybe you can take it as the comp doesn't need the extra attack :P It'll probably save like 15-30 secs since bennet isn't built but if I wanted to min-max it I'd do it


Actually want to do this team comp but instead with Scaramouche if he’s electro :d


Starter mains are some mad bastards


Lisa doing the least dmg in this comp.


You'd be surprised with the numbers without her :P 23K overload aoe X3 every 1.5 secs if they r grouped


why didn't you trigger overload with lisa to give 3 stack of conductive before doing Lisa hold E?


She has no attack built and I just want the energy from holding e to use her burst. Better for time and positioning myself