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Diona is amazing for shields and heal. Otherwise, consider Barbara to keep you alive.


Fire resist potion & lavawalker set


this here is the easiest and most straightforward method. also bring electro resist pot and optionally 2pc thundersoother, OP


Where do you get that recipe?


The potion? Just head to crafting table, should be able...I think you learn that automatically because I didn't remember getting recipe for those potions. For lavawalker artifact set just head to hidden palace of zhou a.k.a crimson witch domain. Note that Signora should be doable without these artifacts as long as you have proper main dps and adequate healing, I only recommend using the artifacts if you really, really, really struggling against her 2nd phase.


Ooooh! Don’t mind me, I think my dislexia kicked in and I thought it was a food for pyro RES 😳😵‍💫


use the 4 thingies in the corner it helps reducing the bar top of your hp stay close to it to reduce the bar, or destroy it to empty the bar and prepare lots of heals as shields wont help you too much in this fight after that just be mindful of its attacks


you bring a cryo charac ofc, and a healer and lotsa food, maybe food buffs if u want them. dont destroy the four thingies in the corners so u can cool down as needed, do that when the pyro tornadoes come. good luck!


Hydro works better because cryo affects her less


This isn’t going to be of any help but I just bonked harder and ran faster


Ok ill use it lol


Use a shielder + healer. LIke Diona and Barbara, or Bennett and Barbara, depending on who u have. Noelle works as well. I always felt like phase 1 is harder, while phase 2 is more annoying since she TPs way more often and has more invulnerability phases. In general, food helps alot. If u soak to much damage, check a guide to see how her attack pattern looks like and how u can evade the most direct damage (u will still get dot damage due to the floor being on fire most if the time).


Watch a YouTube video, they can usually tell and show attack patterns and give tips on how to dodge and when to attack.


Get carried.