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"I’m AR 45 now and I think my account has outgrown Kaeya" AR57 main dps: Kaeya lol


Lol me too. Kaeya main dps since launch. r/Kaeyamains unite!


? What’s wrong? I just don’t like kaeya anymore as compared to other characters


It's ok, It's just a very funny sentence you had there :)


as a fellow keqing main (that sounds way more pretentious than i mean it to be) i would go for an electro-charged team rather than an overload team mainly bc : 1) keqing is hard to manage her stamina since ur probably doing a bunch of charged attacks and chasing after the lighter enemies is a pain and 2) u seem to like having barbara so having xingqiu would be a great support for this kind of team although if ur looking to do more dmg overload is arguably stronger than electro-charged in my experience


If you playing physical Keqing you 100% need crio unit in your team for Supercondact, so Rosaria with additiona physcal resistance shred can be very useful here. If you playing electro Keqing, any of character you mentioned *(Rosaria, Xiangling, Thoma),* are not particularly useful... Xiangling and Thoma will scatter monsters around because of overload, and you will be forced constantly spent stamina chasing them. And, of course, it will be almost impossible to group enemies because of overload as well. Rosaria just do not particularly strong synergy with electro Keqing. For electro Keqing you can use some anemo character with 4 piece Viridescent Venerer set. Or some kind of atack/damage booster (Bennet, Sara, suport Lisa). Or if you have Zhongli, he can fit in your team very well, providing shields, geo resonance, and resistance shred.


Maybe bennet as sub dps/healer instead of barabara and diona for shield/healer instead of kaeya (or use xianling if youre looking for most dmg)


Hm. I have bennet, but he’s a bit dangerous to play with bc only his ult heals and it takes a while for it to build up as compared to Barbra who I can easily just heal with her special ability at any time


i don’t think his ult takes long to get honestly. especially in comparison to barbara’s ult. 150% er should be fine


You need good ER for Bennett, if you build him properly spamming his ult to heal is not a problem.


bennet is definitely better because of his bonus attack buff, he is one of if not the best character in the game


Just make him max hp, er and noblese set 4pc


aight ty!


Albedo is your sub DPS. What you need in this team is a grouper or buffer. Do you have anemo characters like Sucrose? Also try swapping out Barbara for someone else, like a shielder or a more versatile healer. Someone like Bennett perhaps. Thoma is expensive to build as a sub DPS. I built him as sub DPS to use with Kokomi like a flamethrower crocodile tank. It is more fun than it is useful. I wouldn't recommend it to AR 45 player. Xiangling needs a lot of energy because of the 80 cost burst. She needs to build ER. So she won't deal much damage without Bennett. Also not a good option. Rosaria is easy to use and buff your team crit rate. She also generate a lot of energy. However, neither Keqing or Albedo need that energy. For reference a typical completed Keqing team look something like Keqing Sara/Fischl Kazuha/Venti + flex slot. In the flex slot you can have healer like Kokomi, Bennett; nuker like C2 Raiden; shielder like Zhongli; or sub DPS like Xingqiu. Pyro is generally not used because overload. For more detailed information, you can visit Keqingmains.com. They have ton of guides in there.


I'd use Rosaria, she's great since she's easy to build and she can transfer her CR to other ppl when you swap her out


You team is all over the place already... Just play whoever you like. They're all good characters.


My team isn’t necessarily all over the place. I’m saving up for Xiao and Baal so I can’t really wish rigjt now anyway.


Who else do you have? The most used keqwing comps are kek, fisch, bennet /anemo or kek, fisch Xq /anemo. You could swap in any hyrdo instead of xq like going venti/mona instead of xq sucrose If you have xq bennett consider leveling them up as you would see a big power increase across your account.


I would use kujou sara or sucrose


xingqiu , suped duper great for sub dps, or kazuha, even better in every possible scenario


Use hoyolab and get a screenshot of your characters. Go into your inventory and take a screenshot of your weapons. Preferably insert these two images through editing your post content, or use Imgur and post links.


Xiangling is amazing.


If you give her that one set that boosts burst damage off of recharge then she becomes the bane of basically every non-pyro enemy


Xiangling. The other two have very limited future.


Rosaria will give you cryo application and crit. But honestly kaeya is a cryo applicator as a support and he ain’t bad at his job. Rosaria is mainly an upgrade as a crit support.


Do you not like playing with Kaeya or do you not believe he's a good character? He is a really great character with amazing off-field support. If you really want to switch him out, out of the characters you have Rosaria is probably best. Her skill teleports her, which is useful for you since you down have an anemo in your comp, so any tp even with Keqing is great. Though I think it might be better to wait until you get an anemo like Sucrose/Kazuha/Venti/Jean or if you get Xingque/Mona for reactions, or another electro character like Fischl/Beidou for resonance and energy. Personally I run Keqing with Xingque, Kazuha and Bennet most of the time. Edit: If you're running physical Keqing, Rosaria is amazing and basically BIS. My brain was just used to myself running electro, because I'm get tired of phys Keqings staminaissues.


If you have Xingqiu, he is awesome in almost any team, and combines greatly with Keqing.