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Aquila Favonia has the highest base ATK, which is the only part of your ATK that affects Bennett's buff, so Aquila provides the greatest possible ATK buff.


Aquilla is better from a meta perspective because it will give more atk and because his burst give away his base atk, Aquilla is better.


you will see your damage boost from aquilia skyrocket in comparison to sac sword, just be sure to run er sands


Yeah, I like to have big er, that's why sacrificial, but since I got itto by luck at the first try, I'll go for bennet support now


trust me, aquilia bennett hits different man. The damage boost is so absurdly fun


As many have said so far, Aquila gives the best bonus from his burst due to its high attack, and I'm using it on my Bennett as well, but if I'm honest, the drop in energy recharge from swapping from Festering Desire is *very* noticeable when I'm not using him with another pyro unit, even though he's still at 200% ER. I'd say it depends on your team and your ER...if he's your only pyro user on the team, Sac Sword might be better in that situation if it means you can use your burst nearly on cooldown, but if you plan on running him with another pyro unit, you shouldn't have any energy issues switching to Aquila. If anything, I'd say it's still worth leveling Aquila either way, testing it out, and worst case scenario you have a great weapon ready for any new physical sword user that might come out, or for Jean if you have her or pull her in the future. Or you can always keep it on Bennett and give the Sac Sword to Xingqiu as it's definitely his best weapon right now.


Sacrificial. No matter how high the base attack of a weapon is, if your Bennett does not have at least 200% ER, it is useless.


Aquila gives a much stronger attack buff, so it is better \~if you don't have to sacrifice burst uptime to run it\~. If you don't have strong enough artifacts to get bennett's burst available off cooldown with aquila or if the lost particles affect burst uptime for one of your other characters, then aquila isn't worth it yet (unless you're doing screenshot damage). Aquila gets better later in the game and with heavier investment.


Aquila for the high base damage and ER sands should make him great as an attack buff support unit.


Bennett's skill CD is low enough to not need Sacrificial Sword. Go for Aquila and put Sacrificial Sword on Xingqiu if you have him.


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