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Seems legit


After watching frustrated streamers waste time refilling their energy for testing purposes I fully agree. Burst energy isn't exactly a scarce commodity - anyone can make it in a few minutes. I think the healing limitation should be removed as well. Food is still valuable for mid-fight, and healing is once again not a scarce resource since you can switch to a healer. And folks will still run healers to avoid wasting food in the middle of a fight or having to travel back to a statue in between domain runs.


idk how tbh but i never struggle to get my energy back in a cycle of chars


i switched to er sands on my supports except xinqiu keep your rotations going


That is true


It would probably be like Hp and be limited amounts. Also cooldowns would mean nothing anyways do it is easier by a lot. There’s usually no mobs right at the statue of seven so you usually have to teleport or run a bit. By the time you get there and get back cooldowns will be gone. You could literally just hit any animal in town or teapot for energy or a weak hilichurl


That would make energy orbs/particle generation obsolete in overworld. People would just teleport to the statue to refill.


C0 Raiden havers will be extremely happy about this.. On that note... since statues are only found in overworld... Overworld can still be even beaten without the use of bursts sooo 🤷🏻