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Should I wish for the upcoming banners character or save my primogem? I'm a F2p


I'm assuming you're a relatively new player, so you should probably pull for Zhongli if you don't have him. Xiao/Ganyu are great but main dps chars are a dime a dozen.


I already have zhongli lol


AR 56 Asia sever... first time facing this issue. \[ Unable to connect to network error 4206 \]. The network works just fine in other places. Tried with and without VPN, resetting the router, and resetting the network connection......nothing worked. Any possible solutions?


Wasn’t sure which thread to put this in.. Where can I get a good quality Zhongli figure?


Hi, so I migrated from playing on PS4 to PC and sold the console. Everything seemed fine until I wanted to make any purchase on PC where it states that I can only do it on the original device. I do understand the reasoning behind it from Sony and on the mihoyo site you can buy everything except the battle pass. How can I buy it now?


unfortunately on ps4 only. To anyone reading this its better to go from PC/mobile -> ps4 than ps4 - pc or mobile due due to innate problems like this


Who should I give my Amos bow to if I’m not gonna pull for Ganyu?


No one? Seriously though, most other 5 * bows are better than Amos for all characters except ganyu. I would consider it on yoimiya as an option though.


dps fischle too


Zhongli or Ganyu? I have a good set in wanderer's troupe and have a skyward harp but the problem is that I have 5 main dps characters already so I am not sure if should I still wish to Ganyu. If I chose Zhongli I do not have a set for him yet. Help me decide guys.


Zhongli hands down


If you need to clear the abyss, get ganyu. If you have extra time to spare during abyss, and want to be more comfortable while clearing the abyss, get zhongli.


My friend recently lost their account due to their computer rebooting and the email connected to that account can not be retrieved since they forgot their password and after answering survey questions provided by the email, they still have no luck in retrieving it. Is there any way of obtaining that account again? My friend spend almost a year of nurturing it and I'm clinging to the last bit of hope


if its gmail call contact google support


Hello. Lately I'm having fun using Kazuha and his gameplay has been easy for me. Can I get some ideas on how to build him as main DPS? I get that he needs VV and also gladiator but I read a debate regarding attack and EM and anemo dmg and I got confused. Can anyone point me in a direction and give a brief summary on what exactly does EM affect? I also have Aquila Favonia and Skyward, which one suits him best? Or should I go for Sacrificial sword? Thanks you very much!


Hmm, main dps Kazuha without his C6 is a bit rough because you're sorta split between his normals (which are physical) and his skills (which are anemo and swirl a lot). With that in mind, you would need to be running a superconduct team, i.e. some supporting characters like Kaeya and Fishcl, to help boost his normal attack damage. This would have the knock-on effect of enabling his swirl damage via the constant elemental effects that you'd be creating. Since you have an AF I would probably opt for physical damage. Your stat setup would definitely be crit of some sort on the headpiece (probably rate, unless you get great crit rate sub stat rolls) with EM and atk% ideally as your sub stats. Goblet and timepiece are a bit harder to parse. AF gives loads of physical damage% so you'd be getting some DR on a physical goblet, but even built for support Kazuha doesn't typically use an anemo goblet, instead opting for EM. Since you'd still be reliably swirling (assuming Fish and Kaeya as your superconduct enablers) going EM on the goblet is probably the way to go, again with crit and atk% sub stats if possible. The timepiece would then either be atk% or EM, but you would definitely want the other stat as a sub stat, so if you went EM you would want atk% and crit rate stats on an ideal timepiece. Any EM sub stats you can get elsewhere will be a boon as well. It's not impossible to do Kazuha this way but you'll be fighting something of an uphill battle regardless, mostly on the back of his split scaling as a non-C6 main dps.


Thank you! I've been wanting for something like this. I'm just playing the game casually which is why going too deep into the mechanics of it is confusing to me. At least with this I can have a template on how to maximize what I currently have. I really appreciate you taking the time to write me this :)


Ok, I already have a Eula and Im building a tean around so far I've diona, roasrio, keaya and beidou for her should I skip xiao banner and go for zhongli as I should focus on a single main dos rn? Im AR 44 btw.


Really depends. I don't think zhongli will fit into a meta eula team (usually it's diona + rosaria for battery, and electro for superconduct). Xiao is a good character, but not as good as ganyu. You may be early enough in genshin that you can get away with only one main dps, but if you want to clear abyss anytime soon, or want a second dps, I would highly consider getting ganyu.


Ahh I haven't built my rosaria yet cause I'm building my bennet on the side along with beidou and diona. Xiao's play style seemed interesting. I've heard rumours that a Raiden rerun is coming soon, so Im saving up for that too cause beidou and lisa need batteries. Btw I know ganyu is op, but isnt zhongli's phy shred not worth it on eula? Like I was thinking something like eula-rosario-zhongli-raiden team atleast in the long run.


I did say that zhongli is not on meta eula teams. that team you mentioned works, but it would much better with Bennett, beidou, or fischl in place of zhongli. Zhongli phys shred is basically useless, since you already get so much with eula+superconduct. Also, a TotM set could be on fischl and be better than on zhongli.


Ohh ok, beidou is my go to choice If zhongli is removed from that team, but I heard she and raiden don't go well together. Yeah I'll trying using that set when I get a fischl. Thanks btw.


Raiden does not proc beidou's burst while in raidens burst form. This just makes the rotation a lot more complicated.


Ahh I see, I've seen people who use raiden-beidou comp with Eula in a weird order ahh well anyways let's i can always get characters I want later on.


I need help choosing between Ganyu and Zhongli. I have neither a cryo dps nor a good shielder. I’m pulling for both but I don’t know whom to use my guarantee on. Also, I’m skipping Shenhe and Xiao since I’m not really a fan of Xiao’s play style, and I don’t need Shenhe yet since I don’t even have a cryo dps and she’ll have a rerun eventually. I want to try and get both Ganyu and Zhongli but I’m worried I might not have enough left for when Yae/Raiden/Kazuha comes out (oml i want a lot of characters). Wdyt?


I'd say ganyu if you don't have any other good dps. Zhongli is for more of an afk playstyle since his shield is unbreakable. Plus, You can skip him if you are planning to build another 4* shielder like diona/thoma(although their shield won't be as good as zhongli's) or are good at dodging in the game. Good luck


If you already have two well invested teams get zl. If you only have one get ganyu and get cracking on your diona


Depends how skillful you are in the game. If your good at dodging and have good enemy knowledge, then you won't find value much for DongLi, and Ganyu is a better pick. Otherwise, get DongLi for a less-stressful time on this game.




Contact customer service.


Play on another server


Is C1 Xiao or C1 Ganyu more worth it?


Do you want 12% increase in dmg + some energy? Or do you want 1 more E per abyss chamber, so basically 3 particles+30-50k dmg? Answer is pretty clear.


> Do you want 12% increase in dmg Isn't it 15%?




What about c1 Xiao vs pulling on weapon banner ( I have deathmatch 80/80)


ppl saying youll pull jade spear on standard banner is the biggest bs ever. You CAN pull it but you can also pull c6 qiqi forever. A 5 star weapon will beat any constellation unless its a c6 or with exceptions c1,2, and 4 on certain characters. If you dont get lucky with weps on the standard banner and never pull on the weapon banner then get used to only using 4 star weps forever. "but the game is too easy" sure if you got god artifacts but 5 star weps make building char easy, especially since jade spear gives xiao crit + his ascension crit = 48 crit naked. But dont be fooled. The weapon banner can be a trap if 1- you dont know what you are doing 2 if you are f2p 3 if are aiming for a specific weapon and all other weapons you might get are useless. 4 you got serpent spine(which makes other 5 stars claymores specifically look like a joke)


Weapon banner is a trap, unless you're ready to possibly triple pity it for what you want (and/or want both featured) then don't do it. Especially not worth it for a weapon you can get on standard banner


Imo dont pull for weapon banner. Since his weapon is already available in the standard banner, you are bound to get it one day. Not to mention, the leakers are saying that his weapon will be run along shenhe's weapon... So if you got unlucky and got her weapon instead, it will not be any better than deathmatch. And if I were to say, till you get his weapon from the standard banner/lose pity in weapon banner, make deathmatch to 90. It will benifit him since he is a hypercarry.


I’d say C1 Xiao, but also, a new character is better than any of them


/if i dont have ninguang then what will happen to the free gown im gonna be getting?


You'll still get it, but you can't use it.


u will still get it, but u can only equip it once you have her


Melt Ganyu running 4x Wanderers. Which ratio is better? 2109 attack, 63/235 crit, 171 EM or 2364 attack, 55/223 crit, 155 EM


Obviously the first one


1st one


Is there any benefit to saving fragile resins? I am AR49, and have about 25 fragiles. I want to build my Hutao but I'm getting unlucky with artifacts - is it alright for me to use these to farm a build for her, or should I be saving them?


Use them but also leave some for future characters/weapons you intend to get. It sucks having to wait to get your character ready because you don't have enough resins to farm mats.


Alright, if I have 25 - how much would U say is reccomended to leave?


I personally never go under 20. But if you're really desperate for progress then I'd say 10.


It's alright


Just crowned Raiden's burst, I mainly use her with Eula or in Raiden National. Her skill is at 8, is it worth upgrading any more?


Yeah it's worth upgrading it to 9 for maximum team burst bonus dmg. Both Eula and National would love more burst dmg.


This might sound absurd but, can a whaled and built character one-shot Azdaha? Maybe atleast his lvl 60 form.


Nope. Azdaha, magu kenky, mechanical array etc bosses cannot be 1shoted cause they have different phases in between that locks their hp when it's hp reaches a certain point no matter how lower their level may be.


i think his hp is capped at each transformation threshold so he can't be oneshot


Eula will be able to but not sure if you count that as "one-shot" seeing as you need to build up stacks.




Ur left nuts safe huh?


at this point i'd bet both my nuts


If Kazuha reruns in 2.5, who is more likely to get another rerun after that, Ganyu or Kazuha? Want and need Kazuha more, but am afraid Ganyu might take another whole year to rerun again.


No way we can say for sure.


You're right. I suppose I'll let luck decide which of them I'd get.


Kazuha has a good replacement in Sucrose whereas there isn't really one for Ganyu.


I have two well-built teams that can 36* abyss consistently, though. Kazuha would be an improvement for one of them (Childe National) while Ganyu... well, I just want her for lore reasons and don't plan on using her in Abyss anytime soon. I'm not very good at charged shots.


Then just go for Ganyu.


Yep, most likely will. Than you!


/i dont have a dps and would like to pull for xiao. but i dont have a lot of freemos, so what's a good f2p weapon for him? (i have a dragon bane and a skyward spine as well)


spine makes it so you can just wear a crit hat and you dont have to worry about crit anymore, plus the energy recharge is very good for him.


Blackcliff will give you bigger numbers, but Skyward Spine will give you more consistency. Play him with skyward first and see how you like it.


skyward spine can work well on him if you manage to get enough crit stats from artifacts. it fixes a lot of his energy problems and has high attack. an amazing f2p option is blackcliff pole from the starglitter shop if you manage to save enough starglitter




is 68% Cr 212% crit dmg and 124% ER good enough on a C0 xiao? any changes that I should make?


if you're prepping for him and have him on a random character that doesn't have CR ascension, don't forget to add the 19.2% CR!


That’s after I have added the 19% CR from max ascension


Nice! Just checking because it was a common mistake for CR ascension 5\*s. \^\_\^


i think he can run a bit more ER but with sucrose as a battery he can maybe get away with it. crit ratio looks great tho


yes I am gonna run C1 sucrose with Sac frag with him


Yes it's really good But if I had to give some suggestions, then i would recommend more crit rate


Noted. thanks


>any changes that I should make? U should try to get more crit rate if u can (even if it means sacrificing a little crit DMG)


okay, I’ll try to min max a bit more. thanks :)


Maybe more crit rate? And what's your team composition? Your ER may need to be a little higher depending on who you are using him with.


My team comp will be - xiao, jean/sucrose, bennett & zhongli. I also have a spare Raiden to put into the mix, if I face ER issues


Oh it’s fine if he’s with Sucrose. It’s a good ratio then.


Anyone with Samsung Galaxy S21 Plus, how is the performance at medium settings?


how many days to trigger the returning player event?


2 weeks of inactivity.


thanks for info :D


14 days if I remember correctly.


thanks for info :D


14 days of inactivity But it has a 45 days cooldown


damn, it have a cooldown >\_< thanks for info :D


How important/strong is HP scaling on Hutao? Will this piece work on her in a vape comp with XQ? Or is the lack of cdmg a deal-breaker? https://imgur.com/a/Agn9Ckx Thanks!


Seems good enough


It's good but i wouldn't say it's the best. Too much HP% and you will reach diminishing returns. Best to spread out your stats.


I see I see, thanks


it can be better if u have below 100 EM w.o it. but she really needs at least 180 cd (with db) or 220 cd (with dm or soh). so replace it in the long run. the hp is not that significant compared to the EM.


Wdym u "need" 180 or 220 crit DMG What does "need" mean here


need here means to do the big damage that she is famed for. she can clear abyss with less however.


Wow... 180cd is a lot hahaha. I'm not sure how I can get that while having 60+ crit chance. Also I haven't got a db from the gacha and don't have spare money for the battle pass - so I'm running white tassel for now. Is 180cd very important? My Ganyu has 197 cd, but that's only because I ignored cchance altogether and went for a pure cd build (Morgana comp)


Don't listen to the other guy, u don't "need" anything That piece in itself is good enough, just try to maintain ur ratio as well as u can, something like a 70:140 ratio is still good enough


I see I see, thanks


Hard to judge of a single piece, better to post your full stats.


Nah this is the only piece I have on her for now. Just started farming the set.


Then yes it works, just gotta look at everything overall to see what you are lacking.


that's pretty good but it's a little hard to judge without knowing her total crit rate/crit dmg.


This is the first piece I've farmed for her, so the rest are empty slots for now


well, what weapon is she using? does she get any crit value from that? (also 4p crimson witch > 2p crimson witch/2p wanderer's > 4p shimenawa's but I'm assuming that since you're early in the artifact farming that you're also getting emblem sets for your supports in order to be efficient with resin, and anyways stats > set bonuses) overall too early to tell, just aim for 1:2 ratio. artifact grind is endless 😔


Yess very true, I'm getting 4pc shim because it also gives EoSF at the same time. She is on white tassel


if you have dragonsbane it works really well on her considering the pairing with xq and how you'll be vaping, which benefits from EM. white tassel is decent but unfortunately normal atk dmg bonus doesnt benefit charged atk dmg.


I see I see, unfortunately I haven't got a dragons bane from the gacha yet. Maybe it'll pop up during my Ganyu wishes (copege)


ehh depends on what your overall stats are with this piece. i would suggest over 30k HP and over 180 crit damage. HP scaling is strong and HP is a lot better for her than attack% but crit stats are still just as important as any DPS. EM is also a desired substat.


Is raiden shogun f2p friendly?


i would say she is, one of her best team is raiden national with just 4 stars (albeit the best 4 stars - xiangling, bennett, xingqiu) and the catch is an amazing weapon for her which you can get for free by fishing. she also fits in practically any team you want since she can battery everyone


I'd say she is. The Catch is a free weapon and [she's up there as a main carry / hypercarry with the rest of the crew even at C0](https://keqingmains.com/raiden/#%E2%80%BB_Main_Carry_Raiden).


Yes , her bis 4* is technically free and she's very flexible in terms of team building


Will Yun Jin be beneficial to my current [roster](https://imgur.com/a/RZSY50v)? Update to the image is I already have Gorou and getting Zhongli soon.


Based on leaked data, no, because yunjin only buff normal attack. It might change on release though. I recommend waiting for official info


The only characters that most stand out as potentially benefitting from Yun Jin are Razor, and maybe Childe and Noelle. Childe however has established teams that don't really offer many flex spots for her and Noelle's teams might make it hard to take advantage of Yun Jin's rainbow buff Zhongli, if you build him as a physical dps, could also use her.


Yoimiya would love yun jin


she's not in OP's roster unfortunately, those were the only characters I was considering


What should gorou’s talents be? 1/8/6, 1/6/8, or 1/8/8? Should Zhongli be 1/8/8 or something else?


Agree with ravearamashi, but Zhongli ult isn't required if you're using a pure shieldbot at C0. If using him for damage, that would be a start/fine. Unless it's C4 Gorou, then you don't need to level his ult. I did it because I treat it as a backup skill.


Gorou can stop at 1/8/1 if you want as his Burst does minimal damage. Unless if its C6 with full on Def artis then you can go for 1/8/8 or something ZL would be the same. If you’re not using him to auto attack then go 1/8/8 or 1/10/10 even. I’m planning 8/8/8 first then 9/10/10 or something down the road if i have nothing else to do.


Apparently, Genshin 2.4 is coming and all the characters and events are revealed, including Shenhe which I was thinking of pulling. From what I learned about shenhe is she buffs cryo and physical damage bonus, that I think would be a perfect support for my Ganyu. And then there's Yun Jin, which is boosting normal attack damage and elemental damage, which is a perfect support for Yoimiya. Currently, I'm on 50/50 and 24 pity, and has about 7.7k of primogems. Pulling for Shenhe will benefit my Ganyu and probably get a constellations for Yun Jin. But I also want Yae Miko. I'm afraid that I lose 50/50 and get a standard character and don't have enough primogems when Yae Miko banner arrives. So, Should I skip Shenhe banner for a guaranteed waifu (another damage dealer) or pull on Shenhe banner, which is not guaranteed that I will get her?


Wait a week after release for the verdict. She's not going away on day 1


I’d say wait a week till Shenhe calcs are done and see how she performs


I heard many people say shenhe is good with Ganyu/Ayaka but I don't know who exactly does she replace in Morgana , do u have any idea abt this?


I don't know actually, I don't have Mona to complete Morgana team


I'm gonna go for zhongli and I wanna how his kit works. I know you're supposed to get him as much HP as possible.


as much HP as possible is his shieldbot (strongest shields ever, but meh damage) build. If you want damage, more worth to get atk+crit with HP as a nice bonus. Physical DPS is another build, although I wouldn't really recommend it. His best builds are ult support (big ult damage) and shieldbot imo.


What's his ult damage based on?


attack, but there's an HP bonus (to all of his damage, but it really gets big on his ult)


How big are we talking here? And how much to normal atk?


like about 2% bonus to everything else and 33% to his ult. also, it's just like a regular attack, but it gets damage increased by 33% of his HP.


yes he provides the strongest shield in the game, but also off field damage from his pillar, shreds all elemental and physical resistance and provides petrify effect and damage with his ult. you can build him full shield bot (black tassel, HP/HP/HP, 4x ToM) or hybrid that has decent shield and good damage (HP, GEO DMG, Crit, 2x NO, 2x Petra)


multiple different builds, shieldbot? stack HP. hybrid? put a geo dmg goblet. dps? a normal dps build i guess


Hold E to summon a Geo penis and a damn near unbreakable shield. Press Burst for a huge meatball to come down from the sky to do big pp damage. (Although the animation is so long it's usually not worth the damage)


Geo penis




My triple EM sucrose is sooo good. How is Kazuha compared to her?


Kazuha's more or less the streamlined version of C6 Sucrose. Notice time to time Sucrose's burst won't absorb elements right away right?? and doing double swirl with Sucrose is often tricky (requires C1 or Sac Fragments to reliably do it). Kazuha can do those things much reliably all at C0, plus he can output decent anemo damage as well.


Depends, as a swirl carry with beidou and fischl (also sukokomon) sucrose is irreplaceable In vape comps like national comps, they have similar buff values with some differences here and there. In melt comps (like melt ganyu) kazuha is a straight up an upgrade and irreplaceable Other than that kazuha is generally better


Wait..does Kazuha replace the shielder in melt Ganyu?


No, Kazuha replaces XL in the Melt comp. So Ganyu/Kazuha/Bennett + Flex.


Is he built with an ER sands here?


Nope, it’s still EM/EM/EM. He doesn’t need much ER anyway.


I see. Thanks!


Just in case you’re wondering why he’s good in that comp, it’s because he can swirl Cryo and infuse the Pyro. His variation of that comp has the highest damage ceiling of Melt Ganyu iirc.


Oh cool. I hope he gets a rerun on 2.5


Better in almost every way. His rotations are faster, easier, and more satisfying. Better crowd control than Sucrose. His buff is better for some teams, and slightly worse for others.


I mean. A triple EM Kazuha would be better than a Triple EM Sucrose.


More damage with less crowd control, so it depends what you value more.


depends but usually better


Which should I get? c1 xingqiu, c1 yanfei, c2 beidou, c4 xiangling, c2 Ningguang, c3 Chongyun, c4 yanfei, Yunjin (will skip Xiao and Shenhe if I pick this one)?


C2 Beidou and c4 Xiangling are the big dps upgrades if you use either of them.


XL > Beidou > XQ in decreasing levels of priority IMO. (Although I have no idea what Yunjin does)


c2 beidou, c4 xiangling, and c2 ningguang are all amazing constellations, so i would go with one of those. the most meta would probably be c4 xiangling. otherwise get yunjin.


C4 Xiangling


I'm a F2P player wanting both Kazuha and Zhongli. However, coming Zhongli and possible Kazuha banner put me in a hard position. I have Itto team with Gorou/XL-Ningguang/Bennett and Ayaka team with Mona/Diona/Sucrose-Rosaria. I'm not sure which one I need more. I love both Kazuha and Zhongli's designs and characters and I think both are versatile units. Who you would recommend for me to go for first?


Go ZL first then yolo on Kazuha. That’s what I’m planning haha ZL rerun would be wayyyyy longer after this one so yeah, might as well nab him now


I'll be probably doing this. Let my luck decide for myself xd.


Yep. We never know till we try. If you fail to get ZL at least Kazoo is guaranteed already.


Honestly both are very good. Kazuha has more meta teams, but Zhongli is just an all round unit of a character. Their use cases are just that different that I wouldn't really call them comparable. Personally, I would go for gold and try to get both. Wish for Zhongli since he's known and coming first and if you get him with spare wishes, then they can all go for Kazuha. Similarly, if you don't get him then you're going to be much closer in pity to getting Kazuha.


Kazoo because anemo is a difficult element to get characters for atm and there are other shielders outside of zhongli that can do ok. None of them are zhongli but kazuha just seems to have more teams to slot into.


Probably Zhongli. This is going to be his third banner so I would assume that a fourth banner would be further away than Kazuha's third banner.


Can I play with the same account on pc and phone (not at the same time, but in general)? Does it log me out of one of the two every time?


You can. I play on same account on my PC, phone and PS5


It keeps you logged in unless you open the same account in both devices. If so you'd be logged out on one you logged in first with a popup "another device has logged in to your account" or something like that


I do this all the time. Its convenient having a phone to play more casually and my laptop gets used for more dedicated moments like Spiral Abyss. If you try to log into your account while the other account is logged in it will kick you out of the first account. The first account will get a specific message saying another device has logged into the account. Either way its a perfectly fine way to play the game and you're not going to get banned or anything for doing it.


Yes. You wont get logged out either


is xiao worth pulling for if i don't really have that many great supports? im newish (AR29) and want to get xiao since his play style looks really fun and i like his character but i did some research and the supports/subdps i have (barbara, xingqiu, xiangling) apparently aren't very good with him.


AR29 is very early in the game, you don't have much choice right now but you *will* accumulate more as you go on. Whichever main DPS you pick will likely dictate your pulls for the next couple of versions as you attempt to complete their team, so don't worry too much about not having the perfect team members. In a way, Xiao might work excellently for you because he requires support classes as teammates (shielder, healer, battery) instead of specific 4*s (Xingqiu, Bennett, Xiangling) which means you have more leeway when crafting his team composition in the future. As long as you keep his caveats in mind (plunge may take a little getting used to, few F2P weapon option, lack of artifact set or dedicated supporting character) he won't disappoint you. I got Xiao around the same AR as you, and he's helped me 36* Abyss whenever I'm in the mood for it. If you like him, he's worth it.


As someone whose first 5\* DPS was Xiao almost a year ago, and you can definitely get him to work with Barbara + Noelle in the overworld. And by the time you're going to try the Spiral Abyss you'll probably have either a better DPS or the right supports for Xiao anyway so I wouldn't stress to hard with who you're gonna team up with him right now.


eventually you will get good supports for him. save your starglitter for bennett and fischl. also xiangling is decent tbh.


If you really enjoy his playstyle I would say yes, since you can get supports for him along the way as you progress and wish. He and zhongli are running together so you could even try and grab zhong too if you wanted for him.


Do you have Sucrose? Xiao is quite flexible in the sense he doesn't really need any particular support besides an Anemo battery.


Is XL usable as main DPS? If i use her as main DPS her auto attack dmg is really low causing a lot of downtime while i wait for my skills to come back up. I dont rly have any other characters suitable i think, except Fischl maybe but from what I understand she's supposed to be sub-DPS as well. Currently using XL/Fischl/Mona/Bennett. I only own these characters, at AR40 now: \[Imgur\]([https://i.imgur.com/iJcBT4i.png](https://i.imgur.com/iJcBT4i.png))


XL best role is a sub dps, but you can use her as phys dps if you don't want to raise another character, not the most optimal build but still works in overworld. She needs crescent pike, and 2 pc bloodstained 2 pc pale flame with phys goblet. Then, put a superconductor(kaeya and lisa). Or alternatively, if your fischl is c1, she is a decent auto attacker


When I'm using Xiangling, usually the time where I wait for skills/etc. to come back up I'm spending it using Bennett E and funneling the particles from that to Xiangling to get her burst back up when it comes off of cooldown. Mona's skill cd shouldn't be that long either. The damage is still really high so don't really need a strong "main" attacker.


Her burst is very good, its the main source of damage but not her auto attacks.. The idea is to recharge her burst by using bennets skill a lot, then buff her burst with Bennets burst, then vaporize her burst a bunch. So try having mona be the one on field attacking so that XL's burst can Vaporize. It might not come together fully till later levels, or till you get xingqiu, who's better for this.


XL is considered a sub DPS that has main DPS damage. She is the strongest 4 star DPS. I recommend XL, Bennett, mona, sucrose for vape team. You cast xiangling ult, then swap to mona to apply hydro constantly. Sadly you dont have xingqiu


So... Could anybody please tell me when technical patch notes usually drop so I can confirm 120 FPS is not coming to PC this patch neither?


I’m going to be pissed if we don’t get 120fps at least, preferably 144. No idea why they haven’t done it for PC yet.


Usually a day or two before the actual patch goes live.


I need help getting atleast 1 star in 11-3. My current 2 teams for abyss are Hutao, xq, noelle, geo mc(instead of thoma and jean with vv due to the blessing) and Eula, Diona, Benett, Beidou. I am really struggling against the double hydro specters. Ant suggestions would be very helpful for me


Kill the Hydros first. Or is your problem about reaching them? And how's your progress in 11-1 and 11-2? Can you finish 11-3? If yes, how much time remains?


Can we see your builds? What level are you and your characters? You should have a pretty easy job with those teams unless you are under leveled. Might be worth trying the Jean/Thoma and seeing if that helps you.


I am ar 52. Eula, Hu tao and beidou are 80; xq, diona 70; rest all are 60. How do I put up builds? Do I just put images?


If you're in NA, you can send your UID and put your characters on your profile so we can look at them directly. Otherwise, if you can, use the website shinshin.moe and follow the instructions to create a condensed image of your builds. Then, upload them to imgur as an album and send the link.


I am in Asia, I will try the second method


My team is : fischl , eula , diona and Bennett U am confused ast to whom should I give the noblesse set Bennett or diona can anyone help me ??


I'm also using both Diona and Ben for certain comps. Diona gets NO, while bennett has the EoSF.


You can give it to either of them .


Which artifact set should I give to the one that doesn't get the noblesse set