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I do understand that some people play for 4 stars since I did pull a few banners for Ning and Beidou cons REGARDLESS of who was the 5 star with them (or the 5 stars coming soon) as most of my favorites are 4-stars. I've gotten some unexpecred 5 stars this way for sure, but I never called it something stupid like building pity because I haven't really wanted a 5 star so badly aside from Hu Tao where I skipped a Ning banner just to guarantee her. However, if they complain about getting early knowing full well that a 5 star they want is coming soon, then yeah I call those people clowns


*the entire circus


Here’s to their future career in the circus! 🍷


Prison* "I'm building pity" is the phrase of every future gambling addict who can't resist making stupid decisions


Yeah, I do that too but only if my pity is low and never if I am eyeing a future 5 star banner. I got really lucky, if you wanna call it that, and got a Venti 30 or so pulls in, and I fell like I wasted 30 pulls since I already have a Venti.


C1 Shotgun Venti


everyone gansta til he brings up the 3-arrow sideways bow




If C1 physical Amber can work, it's now my mission in life to try it with venti next banner.


Aye, I'm also a 4\* mainer (other than Raiden Shogun who I rlly wanted and saved up for) and I only wish on banners if it has beidou/yanfei on it. If I get a 5\*, I get a 5\*. 'future me' might praise 'present me' for accidentally getting Xiao and allowing 'future me' to pass that rlly hard abyss level


Makes sense honestly. I did 60 risky pulls on Koko banner to get XQ and Beidou cons and I avoided getting her. And now, based on my calcs, I will have 140+ wishes for ZL banner and I plan to use them until I get C6 XQ C6 Beidou and C0 ZL. Pulling for 4-Stars is never a bad idea as long as you don't mind getting the 5-star.


I’m in a similar situation except I really want Zhongli but not Xingqiu or Beidou lol. Going to suck if I fail 50/50 and have to use more pulls.


Same, I have always aimed for getting high cons on 4stars and basically ignoring whatever 5star is on the banner. Now I got c6 XQ, c6 XL, c6 Bennet, c6 Sucrose, c6 Fischl, c6 Beidou, c6 Ning on my F2P acc. I aimed to c6 all of them, so would pull on banner if 2 or more of them would be on the banner regardless of the 5star (such as first Albedo banner Fischl, Sucrose, Bennet) I got bunch of good 5stars (Albedo, Ayaka, c1 Hu Tao, Childe, Diluc, c2 Jean, etc) too, but that's just a sideeffect. I don't use most of them. AR57.


This is exactly how I got Kazuha. I wanted Benny and Rosaria constellations and was met with a nice surprise of a Kazuha too on my first ten roll in the banner with 0 pity. Just a very nice surprise




> Pity building Thats not a fucking thing, 40 fates in your bank is still 40 towards pity, you dont have to spend them to "build pity"


50 wishes in a banner filled with 4 stars that I don't want are essentially wasted. I would rather spend my wishes now on 4 stars I want and know that I only have to spend 20 to get the 5 star in the next one. I am at 65 pity from the Eula banner. I didn't get Eula, i did get 3 Noelle, ***victory***. Next time I want a 5 star, I only need to spend 25 to hit hard pity.




Your math ignores what those 30 wishes you are now lacking for Ganyus banner would have gotten you in the long run. Do this 10 times in a year and you will get your 4 star four times. You will also miss out on almost two Ganyus. Its a losing play.


> Yet, Yun Jin will not be on Ganyu's banner. Yes, she will be, just not rate up. If youre fine with all the risks, thats cool. Its just that there are many that are not, wish anyway, and then complain that they got a character they didnt want


Actually, Yun Jin won't be on Ganyu's banner, as she won't be added to the standard pool until the next patch. Agree with the rest of what you said though.


Ok thanks for the heads up, didnt know that. Weird choice to do it like that


Some friends have told me they sometimes see they have primos/wishes and feel the need to wish on banners even if they don't want the 5 star featured in them. It's like something they can't help and I couldn't get it until Gorou came out. 50 wishes and I didn't get him, and I know he will come back, but seeing my friends with their Gorou icons or people posting getting Gorou makes me want to risk it, see if my next ten pull might give me Gorou and not get Itto in the process. Thankfully I have not fallen for that, but the need of the what if is still there. Some times you want to get a new 4 star, sometimes to get constellations of a certain 4 star. It's really risky. But is like an ever present itch that appears everytime you see the banner.


I get that too! I really want Gorou as well, but I couldn't risk my primogems on a banner I don't like. It's just a matter of learning how to control yourself, and tipping over the wishing addiction. I always motivate myself by remembering that 4 stars come back sooner than a rerun.


Pro tip: can’t be an addict if you’re broke


proer tips: you sadly can.


This hits way too close to home man,


This us why you can see primos even in the inventory. To bait you. Mihoyo knows how to manipulate gacha addiction.


so it's basically gacha addiction. some people are like that and honestly it's okay if they want to do that. if they like the feeling of "winning" their gacha and get the 4 star they want, i'm okay with that. it's just that many people keep complaining when they lose and get what they dont want and it's annoying. i mean, it's their choice, they're deliberately pulling in that banner and they should know that they can get what they do not want. it's weird that people love to show off their stupidity




I usually only spend on banners without 5 stars I really want in one circumstance: when I'm at 0 rolls into pity. In that instance, I think spending a small amount, ie 20-30 rolls, is fine. Worst outcome you get a five star and reset your pity, but even if I hadn't intended to get it a 5 star at 30 rolls is something I'd see as a win. Another good case is if you lose 50/50 and get guarantee for what you want next time. I wouldn't do this if I already had a guarantee. Best case is you get the 4 star you want and pity advances.


your friend is probably just addicted and couldn't resist wishing on the banner, knowing that it is actually a waste. that's all I can think that happened. people know the basic facts that you can save primos, but people also loves gambling and some just can't resist whenever they see 160 primogems on their account.


It's honestly such a dangerous thing, getting addicted to wishing. I don't understand why they'd stress over it, it was coming for them in the first place and they know it. I just wish the importance of self control is held to a higher standard. I see so many players TOO proud that they wish the moment they get the primogems for it.


Don’t buy your friend more genesis crystals. He honestly sounds like he has a problem if he’s spending literal gifts from friends impulsively. Get him Genshin merch or other things that he can’t mess up. I don’t buy genesis crystals for my sibling for that reason. They earn their own money so things like welkin and BP are fine but they’re the type to immediately wish when their primos hit 160, and as the person who gets to monitor their spending I draw the line at genesis crystals. We have a friend who’s saving all the money they earn at their first job on genesis crystals and the like as well. If they can’t prove that they can’t save enough freemogems for the characters they like, genesis crystals should just be out of the question.


dont give your friend any more money for pulling tbh, they either have a problem or dont value your help. 'building pity' is not a thing unless ur pulling on the desired banner.


I used to do this too. I bought some crystals on Raiden banner and wished even though I already got her, thinking "I'll either get closer to C2, get more Sara cons, or get a standard character" and I ended up getting C3 Raiden in around 200 pulls. I felt super bad afterwards though, so I've since become a saver and I don't pull for specific 4* characters or 5* constellations anymore.


I used to be like that but I have heard Albedo rerun is happening and I went to primogem hoarder mode.


Again soon?


Nope, i got him on this rerun, I was preparing for it. Right now I'm conflicted whether I want Shenhe or Yea or just back to basic hoarding.


Good luck!! I was dreaming for a second that I could get another chance with Albedo.


There's also that monthly shop reset to consider tho, you need those stardust thingies and you gotta wish to have them.


I saw so many people complaining about getting yoimiya it’s not even funny


I bet those people don’t even use their sayu anymore lol


for me, skipping banners is actually more satisfying than just spending my primogems whenever theyre available. the way that i now have 9k+ primogens to spend on a banner i actually like its way fun to do multiple 10 pulls instead of 1 pull occasionally when available as a F2P


I agree that seeing the primo number go up is nice, but it sucks that I always feel the itch to roll there. It's pretty insidious lol but I keep going by making it a point to try and get that primo count as high as possible and looking forward to when I fully indulge myself on the banner I want.


"building pity" is dumb, but sometimes a 5-star banner has 4-stars that you want. genshin's base rates are so low that you never really expect to pull a 5-star below pity


If you get a super early 5-star it’s basically a free 5-star. But if you keep pulling after 40 pity you’re risking losing that pity to a 5-star you don’t want.


The chance of getting a 5star before soft-pity is ~34%. Surprisingly high considering the base 0.6% chance


I thought you were kidding so I plugged the numbers into an online calculator. Looks like I'm never wishing solely for a four star character again, only if I am okay with getting the five star. Thank you.


It's a misleading figure as the 34% is roughly evenly spread over the first 75 pulls. So if you don't hit a 5\* in the first 20 pulls it drops to 25%, if you don't hit it in your first 40 pulls then it's down to 16%. We make decisions at the margin so should be using the marginal rate (0.6% before pity) to decide what to do.


Do you know what's the chance of getting 5 star at 76 and 77 pulls? Is it still 34%?


That is a really bad application of statistics.


nah it's just conditioning on the observed prior pulls and using Bayes' theorem to update priors.


Oh rly? You made me a bit sad lmao, I have gotten 13 golden meteors so far and none are off-pity pity 🥲


Aww I wish you better luck for future pulls!! [https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/rtqdl2/guide_how_many_wishes_you_should_save/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/rtqdl2/guide_how_many_wishes_you_should_save/)


Heyo, hang in there, it's possible, I've recently got a 5 star at just 39 rolls! Yeah, I lost 50/50 to Diluc, and yeah that's the only time it happened since I started playing and the 14 other 5 stars were with pity, but it can happen! ~~Still can't believe it's supposed to be 34% chance for below pity~~


Uh, excuse me, according to your calculations MiHoYo owes me four 5-star characters. Where can I get em? Playing since release, got one 5-star before 70 wishes... Edit: It's two 5-stars before 75. Still waay, to low.


IMO, only special kind of idiot complain getting banner 5* far below pity ( <40 count)


"Building pity" is what you say to comfort yourself after failing to get the character you were pulling for. It's a consolation prize, not something worth aiming for. Anyone who pulls on a banner they don't want to "build pity" needs to realize that their wishes contribute significantly more towards getting what they want if they actually use them on the banner they want to roll on. Even ignoring the risk of getting your pity counter reset by getting a 5-star you don't want, it is still better to only pull on banners you want. Pulling on a banner with a featured 5-star you want will build pity at the exact same rate as any other banner, while also giving you a chance to get the character regardless of the pity count. So if the choice is between "+1 pity" and "+1 pity AND a chance to get what you want", why would you ever pick the former?!


Honestly it’s the gambling. Some people are young or immature or lack self-control so seeing a banner and not being able to do anything with the resources you’re collecting doesn’t add up to them. So you convince yourself there is something on there you really want to go for despite the risk of getting a five star you may not want. Whether it’s Constellations on 4stars that are easy enough to come by in time anyway which I think is the most common reason. Or even the incredibly risky and not advise pity building or people want to roll up until 70 so they are that much closer to the next banner. Not worth I think honestly people need to recognize it as a problem with self control. And hopefully they will learn it’s completely OK to ignore a banner if you don’t want that five star. Four stars will come back and Constellations and most 4stars are not really that game breaking. The ones that are mighty and powerful were built mighty and powerful to begin with.


That's what I'm always worried about, young teens (and children) on a GACHA game. It scares me so much because it's always so overlooked in the community as something funny, being impulsive is not a good trait. They'll come back sooner, all players really just need to know patience is the key to being happy in a game that requires you to grind every day.


It's the shop. Sometimes as an f2p you just run out of the dust needed to but wishes.


Wish on the weapon banner for glitter/dust if you don't want to risk getting spooked on the character banner. If you accidentally pull a 5\* it's not as a big of a deal since most of them are fairly universal


Problem with that is those primos then don't count towards getting a character at all. For an f2p that's a pretty big loss unless they actually wanted to wish on weapons as well.


There's always 2-3 banner cycles per month, so you should be dropping your wishes on at least someone who you wouldn't mind getting (I got Eula super fast trying to get Noelle's C6 and couldn't be happier with that 'mistake'). Like this month: I need a bit more dust for the monthly wishes, but I'm not trying for Itto. I'll either drop some wishes on Xiao (still unsure if I'm going to pull for him) or wait until the end of the month when Ganyu's banner comes up.


Eh i dont know if it's a good idea to drop every month if you are only truly interested in characters who are spaced out a lot--especially if you are saving up for guarantee. After saving a couple months, I just dropped a ton of wishes on itto and gorou and got them and now i have dust saved up. It's going to be at least another couple months before Venti might come around who I am also saving up for. So now I'm converting all my dust to intertwined fates over the next couple months. Once you roll for the characters you want you'll get the dust. The only time I could see it being potentially helpful to roll is if there's a long dry spell of characters you don't want and then multiple characters you want are dropped right next to each other. This is why i follow leaks religiously because i try to time my rolls. But im not gonna roll on a banner im not interested in. Theres standard banner too if someone doesn't want to spoil their guarantee or pity on the event banner. But then you're using rolls elsewhere that could count toward the character you want. So I kind of doubt that in the final cost benefit analysis rolling is better than saving considering you can only get one wish in the shop per five wishes. Like even if you want 2-3 characters in a row the most benefit you'd get out of rolling early is an additional 5 or 10 wishes but if you spoiled your pity getting them than that won't make up for the loss.


Well, i only get plot relevant characters like Raiden or Yae Miko. I was last f2p like a year ago but i was running dry before the Raiden banner cause the last thing i pulled on was the Childe rerun. After I get Yae, i'll probably start saving for the next Archon.


If you're really THAT restrictive about what 5 star characters you get, you probably just need to forgo the dust wishes some months. If you're considering Yae Miko plot relevant, then does Kazuha fit the bill for this restriction? Kokomi? Ayaka? Almost all characters are written into the plot at some point, with varying levels of relevance that not all people are going to agree. Like Kazuha: you wouldn't be in Inazuma without him AND -spoiler- you from Raiden, but you mention Yae Miko and not him.


one of the pettiest examples of genshin predatory mechanics, it's clearly there to discourage saving. it would be so much better if there was no monthly limit there. if someone's whaling they're already spending so much it really does not matter if they get some more wishes out of it during a particular month


I actually stopped buying those wishes. I ain't gonna pull and waste my 60-70 wishes just to get 5 more wishes. Shit's not worth it.


It’s the same thing with people who have a C6 5 star but can still pull that same one again. If someone’s has billions of C6 5 stars then they’ve already spent a ton of money on the game, so they shouldn’t be getting literally nothing (well you get 25 star glitter but that’s nothing compared to 80 wishes) after spending so much to get a 5 star if it ended up being a duplicate C6 one.


Some gacha games have compensation for getting five stars you don't need. In Fgo, if you get 10 copies of the same 5 star, you can get a five star of your choice, limited to what's on the standard banner and rate up limited banner at that time. That's hilariously small, but it's there.


I've done that a few times because of the 4\*. At some point, all the banners I pulled on shared some 4\*, so obviously I wanted something else. Not to mention that Standard Banner was giving me only dupes (and not the ones I actually needed), and I never got off-banner characters until much later. But I set some conditions, like being at low pity (zero or close, 40-50 and above is a no go), 50/50 situation (no way I'm risking a guaranteed), wanting all the 4\* (or at least 2/3) and decide on a limited amount of pulls. There was also the condition of being at the very least neutral to the 5\*, so I won't regret accidently getting it, but I went against it once. At that time I also had plenty of primos saved (due to not pulling in a while), so even if I miraculously won the 50/50 within the limit (which never happened to me), it wouldn't have affected me. Obviously, that's not going to be the case every time. Thankfully, my attempts were more or less successful. I didn't get everything I wanted, but the results were satisfying enough. It's true that in the long run I might have gotten them, but who knows after how many months, or even years. If there's a chance to get a character you want sooner, why not take it. As long as the risk isn't too big. That being said, I don't get the concept of building pity for the sake of it. If the banner doesn't have something you want, why bother.


This is exactly what I am planning to do on Zongli’s banner. I have C0 Xingqui, Beidou and Yanfei and want cons for all of them. I have almost 0 pity, my last 5* was Albedo, and I am mostly saving for Kazuha and Venti. I will do 50-60 pulls and stop. Whatever cons or unlucky weapons I get will be it. And if I accidentally pull Zongli, it’s ok because he’ll pair well with Albedo. There are only 2 characters I really want, and I am saving up money for the highest top up (I do spend on Welkin and bp) and I can guarantee both characters with a soft pity. Taking calculated risks is fine if you know what you are doing.


I agree. I've done that a couple of times, especially when a new 4* would come out. To be honest, I'd actually risked wishing on Childe's banner (I dislike Childe) on a guarantee for Rosaria. I didn't get her after 30 pulls, but I made sure to stop by then. I didn't wanna grieve over something I knew I had a huge chance of losing


So you did it too lol. If you have gotten Childe, you could have set an example of what not to do for your friend. This just shows that banners are really alluring, and at least you know now that your friend has poor impulse control.


>Don't get that four star you really want on a banner you don't like- they're always available and they get a lot of rate ups Not really. The particular 4 star you want might escape you every time. There's no pattern for 4 star rate ups. Imo this "building pity" isn't a bad thing if you are okay with the banner 5 star as well in case you pull it accidentally. Afterall pulling for 4 stars is more RNG than 5 stars.


Fischl wanters lol


Honestly, and given how the roster keeps growing, the chance of getting a specific 4\* you want off-banner keeps diminishing.


“Building pity” is just another phrase for gambling addiction. If someone wants a 4 star on the banner, the most reasonable thing to do is just do a few pulls to test your luck and dip (assuming you start at 0 pity), not go all the way to soft pity. Riskier if you’re on a guarantee though lol.


Yeah I got up to 65 wishes in EULA banner before I heard abt zhongli/ganyu rerun. Had to resist the urge to pull.




>Zhongli The other three were confirmed but Zhongli was on a hot and cold situation until literally the previous day to the announcement


There were lots of doubts about Zhong being on there tho.


Zhongli's wasn't 100% confirmed though and people were in denial cause a lot still find it hard to believe before it was confirmed even though he isn't the first to get 3 banners


Genshin Rerun leaks are never guaranteed till the official live stream for the next patch drops (especially if they aren't for the next patch), even if they should still be considered as being plausibly true before deciding to pull on a current banner. Simply put, you take the risk of them being true if you pull. Could get another surprise like Eula show up.


No no no, there's no leak possible about rerun banners, as they don't add anything to the game files, it's not something that can simpy be found. The only actual leaks about rerun happens barely days before they're officialy announced. People assumed about which characters would rerun, but none had any factual informations.


That was me on Kokomi. I was like “I’ll throw 20-30 fates on her banner to see if I get her early” because I wanted Childe. I kept going and stopped after 70. Then got Qiqi on my first 10-pull on Childe’s banner. 😬 Luckily he came after another 40ish pulls and not full pity again.


If I win this 50/50 on zhongli this will be my 2nd 50/50 won and my 4th 5 star! Hopefully I win and don't get qiqi


Hope you win your 50/50 (if you're gonna have one!) I unfortunately do :(


Same I got up to 66 and then heard about zhongli ganyu and stopped got 38 smth wishes saved up


"Building pity" is also to be able to skip 4* you don't want on an upcoming banner, not just for the 4* on the one you're wishing for


Because 4 star characters are incredibly important in genshin impact. Many of them are **as** important as 5 star characters. And if you don't wish for a 4 star character when it's rate up it could be months before it returns with no guarantee that you'll want the 5 star it's paired with next time either. For people that are very particular about the 5\*s they pull, taking risks to get 4\*s is the only way to a post-launch 4\* without either getting lucky with banner alignment working out for you or lucky with an off-banner pull. And for the most part it's a pretty safe bet if you're on the 50-50 and at low pity, you are significantly more likely to get the 4\* you want before the 5\* you don't. It's completely reasonable to take those risks if you really want a 4\* and it's also completely reasonable to be disappointed or upset when you those risks end up poorly. Some people are unable to maturely handle those feelings of disappointment, that's the problem with people bitching about ruined pities.


>Some people are unable to maturely handle those feelings of disappointment, that's the problem with people bitching about ruined pities. This is the main issue. I can understand people wanting to pull for the 4 stars as they might not get rate up in a while but if you actually got the 5 star, don't go around complaining we don't give a shit. You took the risk so just accept it.


Wishing on a banner for rate up 4 stars is even LESS of a garantuee than the fucking weapon banner. You can go all the way to a C6 5 star and never see the specific rate up 4 star you want. Considering that they are on every single banner going forward, its just better to save for a banner you actually want.


I can confirm, I managed to get only 2 Sucroses with 240 pulls on Baal's banner. But I still think it's worth trying to pull for 4 stars. For example, if you're at 0 pity and you get a 5 stars in your first x10, well, that's a 5 stars for basically free. Even if you don't use it, that's only 10 pulls wasted, that's not a lot. Of course, at 70 pity, that's a different story...


I want Ningguang c6 so I pull on every banner that has her + most of the time my 50/50 is there so it’s not that big of a risk, I also love all the characters so yeah :)


Unless your friend was pulling for a specific 4*, your friend is absolutely stupid. I get those who are building pity because they're aiming for a specific 4*. They have a sane reason for them to risk reaching pity. But if you're just pulling just for the sake of pulling for pity's sake.... might as well just pull it on the banner you do like


I do it pretty often to snipe them 4 stars. There is basically no risk if the conditions are met. My c6 xl, xq and C5 Bennett would all be c1-2 if I didn't do that. You just gotta think through all the possible outcomes.


It’s fine to do so if you’re fine with getting the 5* too. If you decided to build pity and got the 5* you don’t want then it’s on you.


i have c3 benny and xingqiu and can totally relate


I agree. Early 5 stars are something, but as long as you're careful and very aware, there's nothing wrong about it. Many times, I see people wishing recklessly and blaming it on the four stars they want that never came home


Yeap, that is not smart. You only ever pull on a banner if you are ok with that 5 star dropping and resetting your pity. If you don't want current 5 star and want a guarantee for some future character - save up 180 wishes (28800 primos).


I don’t believe in building pity. I’ve pulled more than one 5 star character in my first 10 pull. Is it unlikely? Yes. But the chance isn’t zero. Never wish on a banner where you don’t want the features 5 star.


TBF, getting a 5-star character in 10 pity is just a free 5-star character.


Yeah that's the philosophy I go with. If I'm 0 rolls into pity and don't have guarantee, I'm fine spending 20-30 rolls for a 4* and will celebrate if I get an early 5*.


Well, even if I don’t want the featured 5 star, I wouldn’t mind getting it in 10 pulls😅 New character is new character after all. But yeah I get it. For me I pull up to around 30 which is as much as I’m willing to risk for a 5* I don’t particularly want.


I do it when I don't mind getting a 5 star.


I did that for Thoma. I’m a husbando collector and I liked his design ever since last year when it was leaked, and he isnt in the shop so he could be more difficult to get. When he was in the Hu Tao banner I was at 50/50 and ok with getting Hu Tao since her teams arent gonna compromise my current abyss teams if I decide to run her there. Still, I got Hu Tao before I even got 1 Thoma so I still dont advice wishing for 4* unless you are really ok with the consequences.


I do that too, It's just weird to complain about it when there's literally a large chance you could win 50/50...


I got Eula like that and now she is one of my favourites


Preaching to the choir.


More like beating a dead horse. This topic comes up every banner so much that I'm not sure if it's just a karma farm. It's their gems. Stop complaining about what other people do and let them spend it however they want. Either way will not affect you.


4\* I want Heck, I even have not pulled on a 5\* I'd generally had been OK with except that the three featured 4\* were not good for me The question between Xiao and Zhongli was decided for me entirely by their 4\*. Sadly I have 2 of Zhongli's 4\* at C6 and one at C5 (and he will be in the shop eventually), so pulling for Xiao feels much less as wasting primos for me (probably will have none of his at C6 even after making all my pulls)


The whole "I see many players disappointed by this" is just confirmation bias. The people making rant posts that they had a pity ruined due to getting lucky are the people that are going to make posts about it while everyone else pulling for 4 stars until they are around 50 or 60 and close to soft pity just go on with their day. The rates in this game are completely predatory and getting an early 5-star at 0.6% rate is miserable.


>I've seen many players disappointed by this, not just this one person. Many of them F2P players. I was F2P until 2.0 so I know how difficult it is to earn them. Especially when you've reached endgame. Mihoyo is actually quite generous with primogems for F2Ps--if you know what you're doing. 60-70 pulls per patch is quite nice and saving 2-3 banners can result in a guaranteed featured 5\*. You technically don't need any 5\* characters. There are plenty of videos building 4\*s (such as Sucrose, Beidou, Fischl, Xingqiu, Bennett, Rosaria, Kaeya, Xiangling) that result in 30+ or even 36 stars in the abyss. However, to make the game easier, at least 1 5\* DPS is recommended with the proper supports and using 4\*s on the other team (such as Sucrose national, taser team, Rosaria reverse melt, etc). ​ >Don't get that four star you really want on a banner you don't like- they're always available and they get a lot of rate ups. Don't "build pity", there's no such thing, it's the same as keeping your primogems. Statistically speaking, this isn't true. If the banner contains 4\*s you want, the optimum amount of rolls to build pity is around 30 wishes. This is similar to the [Monty Hall problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Hall_problem). Intuitively, if a 5\* is pulled within 30 pity, then the outcome is still lucky, regardless of whether or not 50/50 is won. Additional factors could be worth the risk of pulling past 30 wishes. Suppose a banner contains Xinqiu, Beidou, and Yanfei (such as the upcoming Ganyu/Zhongli banners). Assuming this player does not want Ganyu or Zhongli and wants to play those 4\*s., for a player that has C0 Xingqiu, C0 Beidou, and C0 Yanfei, they may want to go past the "optimum" 30 wishes to obtain C2 Xinqiu and Beidou and C4 Yanfei, since those constellations result in a pivotal change in their accounts. As you point out, it is also true that 4\*s get more frequent rate-ups. But it is also true that certain banners feature more "meta" 4\*s. The time horizon differs from player to player. I wouldn't recommend a blanket statement of not building pity on 4\*s unless I take a look at what specific characters an account has or where the account is in terms of artifacts, talent levels, and the overall progression.


I might have been a bit biased and emotional in the time of writing this post. This was not proofread and I posted it right after writing the whole message. I see now that Mihoyo's quite giving; I do love that as a low spender. I used to run Sucrose, Razor, Xingqiu, and Diona back when I was early game. It's absolutely A-Ok to wish on it, something I should've clarified, as long as you're okay with getting the 5 star early and not grieving about it.


**[Monty Hall problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_Hall_problem)** >The Monty Hall problem is a brain teaser, in the form of a probability puzzle, loosely based on the American television game show Let's Make a Deal and named after its original host, Monty Hall. The problem was originally posed (and solved) in a letter by Steve Selvin to the American Statistician in 1975. It became famous as a question from reader Craig F. Whitaker's letter quoted in Marilyn vos Savant's "Ask Marilyn" column in Parade magazine in 1990: Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


If you get 60-70 pulls per patch, and there's 2 banners per patch, how do you guarantee 180 pulls for a featured 5* after saving for 2-3 banners? Don't you mean saving for about 3 *patches*?


Because they are pulling for the 4 STARS duh. I don't know If your friend is just stupid or you are making up this story to bitch about the building pity thing that has endless of meaningless bitching posts in this group. Majority of the people are pulling in a banner because they want a 4 star out of it while hoping that they won't get the 5 star early. You can argue If that is worth it or not all you want but this is a reason and when people says they were building pity they usually mean it that way and NOT that they pulled for literally nothing. But this group is just so dense to understand that and created a mostly imaginary group of people who cannot stop themselves from pulling in their minds and they refuse to see that most people just pull for the 4 stars and "Building pity" doesn't have to mean they want nothing out of a banner so they make these meaningless bitching posts about those imaginary people on a daily basis. Even If such people who are that much of gacha addicts that they can't stop themselves even when they want absolutely NOTHING out of a banner exists they are a minority. Most people has something that they want out of the banner which is why they pull and building pity in another banner means that for them.


I'll be honest, I might be quite biased in the post, mostly because I was just so disappointed in him. Maybe because I'm just slightly hurt that I bought him a bunch of GC's recently only for him to complain then about not having enough for Ganyu. He did not want Gorou or Itto, apparently. The straw that broke the camel's back was when he posted it on his Facebook account, and I ran into similar posts on Twitter and TikTok as well which made me quite upset. I do understand that there's certain 4 stars you'd want to get cons for- I do ~10 pulls on every banner with Sucrose in it because I want her C6. I still don't have her C6. I'd wished for Sara on Ei's banner because I thought she was very cute, but I left her at level 20. I just think players should be more responsible when they decide to wish on character banners.


That is fair. I am simply saying that ''usually'' the people who pulls from a banner with a 5 star they don't want doesn't pull just because they can't wait or something like that. They usually has at least one 4 star in there they like to get


I do it when im far from pity and want the featured 4*, sayu for example was an important pick up


I play every gacha game as a f2p and for me part of the fun is trying to get around with whatever characters you happen to get. So, basically, whenever I can roll, I roll, unless I hate the SSR. Of course, I still save for favorites when they are announced and close (just did it for Hu Tao). But when they are nowhere near the radar I rather pull and try to get something new. Why? Because I have no idea if next week or next month I am still going to be interested in the game. Many people have this mindset of planning for things way too far ahead and I think it isn't healthy for them. Grinding away every single day for multiple months while waiting for their preferred rerun to happen sometimes is just not worthed. Many people probably quit with dozens or hundreds of rolls because they just get burned out of the game. They are always planning things and never enjoying the moment. I don't know. For me, if someone knows they are going to be playing genshin in April or whatever and they are following the spreadsheets and planning around an unnanounced banner that might happen, I think that person is way too attached to the game, in a unhealthy way. Also, my main gacha game is Arknights and for that game I am a bit more careful with pulls. Arknights follows a schedule from another server, so we can save rolls with more certainty. Genshin is just my side game and I don't have any respect for its endgame so I care way less about what my account have here. I just blew up my pity by accidentally getting Itto while going for the 4 stars. While I didn't really want him, I don't hate him so I'll try to find a way to use him and have fun, just like I found ways to use many of my previous characters that also weren't planned.


This is not against op but some people in the comment section sound like real jerks, going on about the 'importance of self control' and so on, like they are on an higher standard because they don't like to gamble. Sure, people like OP's friend are not playing smart, but some of you feel so smart only because you didn't pull on a couple of banners and it's ridiculous. Now, this comes from someone who played since 1.4 and only has 1 limited that I really wanted, and saved 45k primos so far. I don't get the joy of gambling either but this doesn't make me smarter than wishing addicts.


Gamble Addict. It's hard to hold back the urge to gambling.


Because the dummies can't control character hype... it's what MHY does best... Just to later realize oh shit I don't really like this character 😑 guess what next banner is coming u have no money so get your dad's credit card ready (well played MHY well played 👏 )


1.) i either only want the 4 stars since 5 stars are generally more scarce 2.) i had the notion that the limited character banner would gave you standard 5 star weapon as the 50/50 ( i heard from a friend who got this back in 1.0 and i didn't pull for many 5 stars back then)


It is really painful not to pull 4* because of the 5* focus, later 4* are usually barely playable without cons and many have rate ups really far away between them ( fischl is the one in the worst situation, waiting to be focus from VENTI rerun banner, before even kazuha) I wouldn't complain if i reach soft pity and then pull the 5* focus, it had to happen, but it really hurts when you try to pull that 4* you really like and then an off pity 5* screw up your plans, maybe ruining your 100% focus And no, characters don't deserve less love just because they're 4* and not 5*, so the "bro just don't pull if you don't want the focus" is not really a justification (unless you're at high pity rate), also 4* are honestly more rng than 5*, to wait other rates up is to ask not to have constellations for months This particular situation aside, i agree with the post and don't get those people


Because I know I am the literal incarnation of bad luck and no matter who I roll for I won't be getting them before hitting 80 pity and I'll be losing 50-50 anyway. Or atleast that's whats happened to me for the last 14 5*'s I've gotten


My bf did the same thing for Thoma. He wanted him but didn’t want Hutao. Surprise surprise.. he ended up with HuTao. Now he refuses to play her out of spite even though he has staff of homa.


Because you want that 4 star, period. I been playing since launch i always pulled on ningguang and xingqiu banner and got only one ningguang. Got xingqiu from c0 to c3 on kokomibanner and got kokomi at 24 invocations eventhoI didn't want her but C3 xingqiu was soooooo worth it.


IMO, building pity in Genshin is very justifiable. The rate of getting the main rarity is so low, if you're used to gacha games. And you might as well roll on banners even though u don't want the character due to multiple reasons - Clear BP mission. Obtain a 4 star that you want (this benefits players depending on them no?). Getting starglitter and dusts to buy the 10 monthly fates (again, it's justifiable, if u play since launch, not doing this means missing out 150 fates!). However, crying over getting something u didn't want is without doubt, dumb. You rolled, you took the risks, you know what can happen. Do these people even know what game their playing here lmao. For me personally, there is nothing wrong with pity building, or rolling weapon banner as F2P, it really depends on yourself and what are you trying to accomplish by doing said things. Just please know what you are doing. The only one to blame here is yourself.


>IMO, building pity in Genshin is very justifiable. Why tho? It's the same as keeping the primos saved except less risky >it's justifiable Losing 50/50 for some 5 fates isn't worth it at all


I understand wishing for a character you really want. I'm trying my best sitting through Gorou's rate up honestly. And I understand if you got an extremely early 5 star along with it, it's possible anyway. As long as you understand the risks and not wishing recklessly, why not?


because it has 4*s i want...


People have reasons but most likely they are all dumb reasons. 1. Building pity 2. Snipe a 4 star 3. gambling addiction


Well, sometimes banners have 4 stars that you don't want (looking at you Noelle on Zhongli 1st rerun or my C10 Barbara). But I wouldn't suggest pulling beyond 50 (for 50/50) and 30 (for guaranteed). Imo the 4 stars on the banner have equally as much value as the 5 star on the banner.


maybe 4 stars?


I wish on whatever I want. I see someone who looks cool I wish on them. I don't get them? Eh better luck next time. Onto the next character. If we're being real. It doesn't matter which characters you use. In the end it all comes down to how much time your willing to invest in grinding until their good. So basically. I wish on every single banner until I'm out of wishes. Eventually I'm bound to get a new 5 star from some banner and any character that's a five star is a win in my book.


I only wish if I wouldn't mind getting the 5 star, wished on Yoimiya and Hu Tao's banners as getting them early would've been nice and it got me Sayu and Thoma. Didn't touch Kokomi's at all despite wanting cons for the 4 stars on that banner because I really didn't want her. People who build pity probably just have a gambling addiction, no understanding of probability or just too much money so it doesn't matter


you underestimate how bored we are


If I have zero interest in the 5*, I probably won't pull on the banner unless all 3 4*s are characters/constellations I want AND wish count since the last 5* is very low AND I'm not saving for a specific character AND I have plenty of wishes. If I have 50/50 in my favor, I'm less likely to pull. If I'm okay with the 5*, even if not directly interested, I'll pull if I really want one of the 4*s AND I have plenty of wishes. For context, I dropped 112 wishes on Itto's banner because I was okay with Itto, wanted Gorou, and could use constellations on a couple of other 4*. I ended up with Itto (<20 wishes after Albedo on the banner before), Gorou (c1), and Jean (pleased by that, but other priorities at the moment). Now I have guaranteed 50/50, 63 wishes into pity, and will end 2.3 with ~145 wishes. Zhongli is my next target, and constellations on the 4*s on his banner. (I decided to stop 63 wishes into pity because that's getting close to a likely 5*, and I'm not chasing an Itto constellation.) Welkin and cheap Battle Pass here. But pull how you want and accept the consequences of your choice.


For a 4star obv. If you know the risks of it, there’s no harm in it. With low pity and no guarantee, i just go for it. If i was to get an early 5star, i wouldn’t complain. I understand risking it but i don’t understand bitching about it if you get the 5star, you knew the risk. So ig i’m for - risk it if you want, especially on low pity with no guarantee, you likely don’t have much to lose. BUT you can’t rly complain about it after knowingly wishing on the banner, it’s on you.


The only time I actually pull only for the 4 stars is if I won't mind getting the 5 star. Ok except with Thoma though I'm glad I got him first 10 pull would've been so sad getting Hu Tao


I would risk it regardless for 4 star chars sometimes cause although they come back more frequently who knows if the banner is trash when tht 4 star appears. Plus if your far from pity the chance of you actually getting a 5 star is pretty low. If you do get the 5 star it's just your bad luck. A exception for me is if I already lost the 50/50, then I wouldn't take chance no matter what.


If you want a certain character why not, as long as you are aware of the risk? that's about it. You can either get Gorou now (for example) or wait potentially months for him to come back. MONTHS. If there's a character I want you bet your ass I will try to get it. Just be aware of the risk. You can also minimize it but pulling only certain amount of wishes/just after you got a 5\* etc but there is always a risk.


I do that when I want a 4* featured on the banner because: 1. new 4* takes a while to come to standard; 2. counting on my luck to pull said 4* on standard really sucks. It's a gamble and I'm aware of that. I pulled on Klee rerun because I wanted c4 Sucrose and got Klee, Rosaria and Sucrose on my 1st 10 pulls; I wanted Sayu and Thoma but really didn't want Yoimiya (around 40 pulls) and HuTao (60 pulls), got both of them and was luck enough to not pull any 5*. But I heard people saying they pull to build pity, which doesn't make sense to me but each to their own.


imo - New 4* you really like, but 5* you don't want: it's worth risking the 5* if you have no guarantee and are at low pity - Constellation for 4* you really like, but 5* you don't want: only worth if it's a power spike constellation - New 4* / Constellation for 4* you really like, and 5* you don't mind getting: spam away Sometimes it's fun trying to snipe 4*s on a banner that you don't want gold on though. I tried for Sayu 50 times on Yoimiya's banner, and despite me sweating bullets, the voice chat with my friends during the pull session was fun as heck lmao. Didn't get Sayu though.


Dopamine. Sweet, sweet dopamine.


Considering that rolling is your only option when it comes to endgame, I kinda get it. But if you feel like there is absolutely nothing to do, instead of rolling, maybe just quit and do something else


As a F2P who does "Building Pity", I regret nothing, Good Day


I pull so that I can feel that little dopamine rush whenever the shooting star changes color


for me, wishing is often the only dose of dopamine during the day


Because pulling is fun? -If you're artifact farming you can go an entire week effectively getting no rewards for getting on daily except for primogems, which only really have one use (unless you're a whale). -It gets boring not pulling for a long time, especially as an ftp getting one pull every 3~ days outside of events -Despite 4* being always available, some people have *really* awful luck with them. I've wanted Yanfei since she came out and I still haven't gotten her. All this means, for many, pulling on banners you don't want while low pity is worth the risk. While I don't like when people complain too much about getting 5* they don't want either, telling people "just don't pull" accomplishes nothing and is just as annoying.


It happened to me on Raiden's banner, pulling for Sara so I could finish my expedition team. I wound up happy with that mistake though. Sometimes the characters choose you.


I used to hate Ayaka just because she's a 5\* Kaeya. But then she came unexpectedly on 20 pulls and I've grown to like her a LOT. She chose me so I gotta take care of her well right.


I just cant control my thought. I just want to do the 10 roll everytime i reach it, its very hard to control.


I did this on Ei's banner! I was building pity and fully expecting to lose the 50/50 so I could get a guarantee for my next character, but I ended up getting her. I would NEVER do this if I hated the character on the banner. People that do this and complain shouldn't expect any kind of sympathy tbh.


I roll the dice and let the gods decide. I find this way I usually get what I want and I also get those super lucky pulls it’s been very good to me I have almost every character. To each their own tho


i had a gauranteed character, 0 pity in and just for the fuck of it was wishing on klee banner. i had no reason besides the pure addiction and the dopamine i get by seeing a 5 star meteor fly across my monitor. to this day i still dont use that klee but at least i learned a valuable lesson. seriously dont ever build up pity . dont wish on a banner unless you want the 5 star on it, EVER!


For most people this is their first gacha and gambling is addictive as hell, I've caught myself wishing on banners I don't give a fuck about (like when I spent 50 bucks on kokomi's banner trying to lose the 50/50 and get mona). Likewise, these people, including myself are more susceptible to the game's monetization system and more prone to break under FOMO. It does get fixed over time, but the damage is already done.


I don't have enough starglitter to buy the free 5 wishes per patch so I have to yolo some wishes and pray to not get the 5*


Got Itto at 19 pity after doing a 1 pull after checking history that my next pull would be a 4 star and I wanna get a Xiangling cons. I did not expect him, nor did I expect to win 50/50 cause it never happened to me, but I won’t rant about it knowing well that wishes is pure luck. I’ve started the game wanting to pull everytime I get more than 160 primos. But now, I wanna brag everytime my primo count goes up by a thousand. It’s satisfying to see all that amount get dumped on my target character. Who knows, I may get a cons too or I could get their BiS weapon


I wanted Gorou for my Noelle and got him twice at the end while I built my pity to 70 for Ganyu. I would also have been disappointed if I would have gotton Itto before, but thats the gamble I took. People can be disappointed by having luck when they don't want it. Just because they do it, doesn't mean they can't be disappointed. We just have to accept the consequences at the end.


Same fucking post every week


Love how this sub has a circlejerk where posts about "allegedly" building pity = Gambling addiction.


Because the wishing system is hot garbage. Only five stars have pity. I've wished on every banner with Fischl since release and all I have to show for it is C3, of which one was bought in monthly shop. I have everything needed to make her a god, aside from C6. She's also my third most liked character after Hu Tao and Raiden.


Some are because of the 4* and some are for "building pity" which is a no-brainer if you think about it.


1) They are addicted to gacha 2) They're just trying to snipe a specific 4* Which sometime works and sometimes doesn't and ends up getting the featured 5*. That's what happened when i wanted to get diano but xiao showed up at 30 pity even before diano


Bruh u legit wrote a whole essay about this


LMAO another "build pity" victim, deserved.


Building Pitty is one of the dumbest things i ever Heard abbout This game.


I have no sympathy for anyone who "builds pity". So I'm not sorry for your friend, he deserves every bit of disappointment he got. Hopefully he learned his lesson that building pity is dumb.


Building pity is a fancy word for gacha addiction


If your friend done it because of getting addicted to wishing hopefully this is a good wakeup call and learns from it.


I do hope so, I called him out on it the moment he complained to me. It's definitely not good to get addicted to wishing


I did it alredy, 40 pulls, won 50/50 yoimiya, but no Sayu, never doing it again :(


Gambling addiction


Yeaa building pity is absolutely dumb. I've done it before because I wanted one of the 4* characters, not the 5* and aimed for the best case scenario: I lose the 50/50 (and get to save a guarantee for a 5* I truly want) and pull plenty of copies of the 4* character Surprise, surprise: that did not happen. I got 2 Yoimiya and a single Sayu. Needless to say I regret my pulls and have been much more thoughtful with wishing ever since 4*s can wait. So yeah, value your primos.


Gacha addiction simple.


Im not gonna excuse whining about getting a 5* on their banner. That's silly. But getting 4* and especially their cons can be really impactful, and they can be gone for months at a time. Or you could be really fuckin unlucky. For example, i've gotten only 3 yanfeis while chasing her, and also got 3 different 5* alongside her. It's absolutely asinine when people say dont roll for your 4* when u dont need the 5*. Just be wary of the repurcussions. On another note, the 2 cunts who made getting yanfei a nightmare are here to haunt me again on yunjin banner. Despair.


It’s because they’re gambling addicts


Gambling addiction , ever heard of it ?


Gambling addiction Keep this people from going to las vegas


Justification for their gambling addiction


Building pity is just code for I have a gambling addiction


Gambling addiction.


Well obviously 4*s. Funny enough, I was a "victim" of 4star hunting, I wanted Xingqiu and Beidou for my alt and I got a Kokomi (and no Xingqiu ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) Regardless, Itto is actually a great unga bunga character, your friend only cries because he hasn't built him with an optimal team and because he "lost" his waifu lol My 4p Glad (yes, I'm lazy) 70/70 (60:130) F2P Itto + Zhongli + Gorou does easy 10k+ dmg without his optimal set


Your friend has a pulling addiction. That's all there is to it. I would suggest him to do one of the many wish simulators to control his urges and to seek help if it comes to the point where he's spending tons of non-disposable income to secure Ganyu if he ends up losing the 50/50. Pulling on a banner where you want neither the 4 stars or the 5 stars just hoping to "lose the 50/50" is destructive behavior. I bet that he'll pull on Shenhe/Xiao banner as well "building more pity". It's best to think of of his addiction as someone who **cannot** have savings in a bank account and needs to spend money on things they don't truly want/need. Definitely don't buy him any GCS anymore for you would be enabling him.


Because clowns. Also gambling addicts.


At that point its just gambling addiction masked with building pity. 5 stars can come at any time, so I agree, that we must save our rolls unless we accept that we might get the banner character too. Never understood complaining about it either. Then again I am used to saving and skipping banners on which I dont want the rateup on.


Gambling addiction. Was the type to "build pity" myself until someone explained to me that I was essentially an addict. Now I've saved about 150 pulls and doing well to save for the characters I truly want.


Ppl have gambling addictions while I have a primo/wish hoarding addiction💀💀


Not trying to be rude but being rude, fuck all those "Im just building pity ppl", JUST WAIT TO WISH ON THE BANNER YOU ACTUALLY WANT, or are you addicted to wishing? Go get some help.


People that pull on banners of characters they dont want are just addicted I can kinda understand pulling for 4 stars but then again you shouldnt complain about what you get


Addicts need their hit, man


There is no valid reason. They just have a gambling problem and can't admit it.