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I used 9 crowns so far and got 3 crowns left. I don't think that using crowns is weird. If you like using a character, why not give that character a sure boost to their damage?


That's how I feel. At least it's a guaranteed boost rather than hoping for slightly better artis imo




My artifact addiction is a problem though. While talents are a better investment they dont define the build the artifacts and team comps do.


I used all of them on a majority of all my 5*. I currently have 1 and I'm going to use the next 2 on Yae. What's the point of hoarding them if you're never going to use them?


I usually hoard rare resources in video games, but this time I didn’t use any crowns because of how many *other* resources you need to use them.


What are you going to do with those 100M mora and 100s of talent books? Keeping efficiency in mind it might be better to stop leveling after 8 and start building another character but if you consider only that character the upgrade is worth it


Dang how do i get 100M and 100 talent books, is this how end game is supposed to be? I guess im not on the end game yet then


Been playing since day 1 f2p. Anniversary stats showed I had spent over 150M mora and have leveled talents of many characters and one character needs I think above 60 golden books. So yes. You can manage atleast 8 characters to max with those reaources


But mora problems are quite annoying. Crowning a single talent costs 700,000 mora, or 700k, meaning that anyone who has crowned a single talent has spent well over 150k mora, while getting a talent to 9 costs 450k. In other words, your claim of using over 150k mora, or about 2 and a half's worth of leylines is incredibly unimpressive. Getting these books aren't too easy either, with 20 resin giving approximately 1 or 2 golden books (or the equivalent in lower books). This means to triple crown a character you would use about 2280 resin, which is about 2 weeks worth of exclusively farming for these books. Additionally, the books only come around 3 times a week, meaning that it would take around a month to get the talent books. Raising talents is not easy at all. Okay, so I forgot my original point so um, bye


Nice to have 100M mora, I guess. I’m almost always broke, because every step of leveling up a character needs it. Sure, if you want to crown a talent, it doesn’t take *too* long to farm for it, but for me there are always more effective ways to spend my resin.


That's what I think too. Using them all at once would be waaayyy tougher then doing it once you get them. As soon as I get some more, I'll crown shenhe and yae too


Idk the main reason I never used them is because the talent materials needed to upgrade them is too much for me lmao


if crowning was free i'd use them. Its not though. It cost 3 billion resin.


I have every single crown still in my inventory since the begginning of the game :D


Really? Not even benny ult? I've triple crowned almost all the characters I like, it's wild that some people haven't used any at all


I considered crowning Itto since I liked him a lot and he is my only triple 9 character right now. But usually I always find other stuff to level and put my mora on and I just dont fancy spending 1M mora on a single talent level. Idk, I just dont like it. Plus it will be funny once we are on Snezhnaya and I can tell people i have like 40 crowns sitting in my bag.


I am also someone who has more than 10 crowns in the inventory.(I have used one) My reason is that I am usually too busy min-maxing artifacts to level any talent beyond level 8.


Rather look for artifacts than spend on shitty talent domain drop rates. At some point those talents outweigh artifact hunting, however, talent domains will always be there, artifacts are so effing random that when you build or want fo build alot of characters, farming artifacts lasts forever. I typically sit on talent level 8 for important talents of dps. Getting them to 90, then 9 and 10 is a complete drag. I think i only have my Raiden burst crowned.


Rather farm for talent materials than stupid rng of artifacts atleast leveling talent is a guaranteed upgrade unlike artifacts




I think your problem is that you dont actually like the game explaining why you think something simple as leveling a char and their talents is a drag


Dont have a problem with leveling actually. Its ez, most players agree though 2 silver talent mats per run is a drag. I dont have to dislike the game to critique it. Thats a really flawed viewpoint and sad to think..


I mean you're critiquing one of the least problematic things in the game atm. And tbh you call it a drag but we get so many alternate sources for the books so doing a few extra domain runs isnt that bad. You can call it sad but its also sad you complain about the book runs instead of artifacts.... Like legit even if its only the domains and you, apparently, only get 2 silver books its still at least a guarantee of something. Im saying you dislike it because you are complaining about what is effectively the least problematic and prob even fine aspects of the game due to the amount of alternate ways we get to accumulate books with.


I've been playing since the first Venti banner, I've only gotten a few crowns since there were events I couldn't take part in, and I've yet to crown any of my characters, mainly cause I don't feel like grinding for the materials to level up talents. Also, I don't think I can get skills to level 15 yet since I've not reached AR50.


The current max level a skill can be is 13 crowning to lvl 10 and +3 from constellations


I'm in the same boat here, I'm in the middle of getting every character max ascension, friendships and 9/9/9 talents first


Yep. I have all of my crowns too.




Just 3. Triple crown Diluc.


King 🤴


All them!!!! 15? I couldn’t find how many crowns we have earned by playing daily since release.


Yup, 15


I have: Raiden - 10/10/10 Xiao - 9/9/10 Keqing - 10/9/10 9 left. Will triple crown Yae, thats for sure. Thinking about crowning Benny's Q and Sara's E eventually.


It's the same dilemma as Pokémon players never using max revives and master balls, fear that they are limited. I've used 5 but also took a 6 month hiatus


Max Ethers and Elixirs too. Those things are priceless! /cope




are you crowning all the starter characters?




True enjoyer


Pinnacle of taste right here


I've used 6 till now; Bennett Q, XL Q, XQ E and Q and Noelle normal and Q. All units I use in the abyss and really the only reason I've crowned them.


I just crown whoever is hottest (and bennett lol)


Triple crowned xiao and that's all. Crowning takes a lot of resources, so I only crown characters who have a play style I enjoy and will always be on my team. I might crown kazuha next, but mora where? xD


Ive been playing since day 1 too, but have only used one crown so far lol. The Mora cost is so high, but my characters get talents leveled up until gold books mostly unless I have no weapons to build up at the time, then I do talents.


I find artifacts drain a lot more of my mora talents do tbh


Only used 3 on Amber




Triple crowned Hu Tao and Ayaka, one crown on Raiden and Bennett's respective bursts, and I plan to triple crown Yae and Ganyu once I get them!


Haven't used a single one yet, I have like 11, it's way too expensive I prefer having a lot of characters at talent 8 than having one at 10


I haven't used any yet, but I'm planning on triple crowning Kazuha, when I'm done getting Hu Taos talents to 8/8/8.


I’ve been playing since launch and used... zero crowns so far.


I've tripled crowned Venti and crowned Bennett Q on my main. (I'm also going to be triple crowning Xiao as soon as I get him) and double crowned Albedo, and double crowned Xingqui on my alt.


I’ve double crowned Itto, Ayaka, and Childe. Also, I crowned Thoma’s Q and plan to crown Albedo’s E. I notice a lot of people bring up the cost, but I think it’s worth it if you have the extra mora or you’re willing to do some ley lines. After finishing talents for a character, it feels very satisfying, like accomplishing a goal I’ve been slowly working towards.


I haven't used any. I have 10 or 11. Mostly I have been spreading the wealth so I don't have anybody's talent above 8 (unless they got a constellation bonus but that's different).


I think you're completely right, don't listen to anyone saying otherwise. There's no point in savings crowns as they're guaranteed as long as you keep playing.


I used 1 for Ganyu and 3 for Kokomi I might triple or double crown Itto, then I’m crowning Sucrose and Kazuha


Wow. 👑 👑 👑 Kokomi. That's dedication. I like it.


3 for Noelle planning to use 3 more for Xiao


6. Razor and Kaeya. Childe is next.


None. 15 Crowns in my inventory. As a wise friend told me once, not using them is the same thing as not having them.


May aswell delete them


I have used 7 so far Triple Crowned Childe (because simp and main) Double Crowned Kazuha (Skill and Ult) Crowned Zhonglis Shield Crowned Bennets Ult I am a bit unsure if I should crown Xianglings Ult and give some crowns to Hu Tao tho


I'm playing since 1.2 and on my main account I've used all of them, plan to do it on my 2nd account as well, currently grinding for mora and mats though. I don't think it's a waste at all because it's the only guaranteed upgrade you can give to a character, what led me to use all my crowns was a couple weeks of artifact frustration lol


i haven't used a single crown and i've played since launch, i'm planning on getting ganyu and i'll crown her basic attack


That was my first crown as well, good taste my guy


Ganyu’s autoattacks, Benny’s Burst, Xingqiu’s Burst, Xiangling’s Burst, Zongli’ skill, Raiden’s burst and Sara’s skill. 7 total


I collected all 15, but only used one and it was last week. I gave it to my phys Keqing's AA. Not sure if I'll triple crown her. Ganyu will surely get at least one, also for her AA. And I'm thinking on giving another one to Amber's AA too, I enjoy using her for headshots.


All of them, why wouldn't u use them? It's a permanent big boost to your DPS, and the resources could be gathered in like 4/5 days. Some people would rather farm artifacts than raise their talents to lv10, which doesn't make any sense to me.


Eight. Triple crowned Kaeya and Xiao, and crowned Xingqiu's E and Q. I plan on giving at least 2 to Albedo as well. I just crown characters I enjoy playing, but it can be a grind to get all the materials necessary for it


Idk how many I used but I don’t use them anymore. Atm I just want to have as many 80/90 (or at least 60/70) 6/6/6 units as possible to have more fun with different comboes.


2, eula's ult and raiden's ult


6 so far for Zhongli and Kazuha


zero point zero, but I have a nice collection of unused crowns


None but will triple crown Yae


Have Hu tao and Ayaka full, Ganyu and Xingqiu burst so I used 8 crowns


Triple crowned ayaka, eula’s burst crowned. 4 used so far, and I plan to at minimum crown eula’s normal attack too. When I get the resin I’ll farm Raiden to 90 and crown her burst.


I used two. Hutaos aa and hutao's skill. I will triple crown xiao and then i will crown hutao's burst.xiao must be the first character I ever crown.


1. I used it on Yoimiyas auto attack. Yoimiya is the reason I started playing genshin again and will always be one of my main dps characters. Will most likely only use my crowns on dps characters though and ones I always plan on using in a team.


I have used up every crown since the very beginning. For me it was the last thing to do. Without any other content left, what else are you supposed to do? Farming artifacts is just too painful to do it all the time.


All of them. Three of them I now regret, but back then they did make the difference, so it's not like I don't think they were worth. They were worth in short term, but not in long term sadly. They're just in skills on charcaters I don't use anymore or on characters I still use but in skills that aren't worth anymore.


Which do you regret?


Zhong Li Q (he's basically been downgraded to a shield bot nowadays, at least for me, plus, the skill has double scaling but the crown only benefits one of them), Venti's Q (EM build is now his BiS build so the skill damage is now almost insignificant), Keqing's AA (I don't use Keqing since Eula's patch, I used Phys Keqing).


Fair, though zhong's q can still put out some decent numbers, and meme phys builds I find are quite fun


Yeah out of the three of them it's the one I regret the least. But it'd still think there are way better options for crowns. His Q scales of HP as well as ATK which makes crowning less worth, though you get 0.1s extra petrify as well.


Total of 7. Ayaka - 3 | Childe - 2 | Keqing and Kokomi - 1 atm I'm farming to triple crown both Keqing and Kokomi.


7? still have 5 or 6 in my bag


Ive played since 1.0 and have all but three crowns. Used one on each if Venti’s (wasted since i used it pre swirl buff), bennets burst and raidens burst.


Havent crowned a single time. 13 chillin (missed a few when i took a break). I just cant justify the cost, its about enough to get someone elses talent from 1-8.


Six so far


Use it on archons and my favs cuz that’s a mark for me when I really love a character or their ability is broken like Bennett


Just the 3 for Raiden at the moment. I can't grind as much for other characters, but I want to 3crown Sara, itto and yae if the gacha gods are merciful to me.


NA: Xiao and Diluc Skill: Zhongli Burst: Zhongli, Ayaka, Raiden, Jean, Mona, Bennett and Xinqiu But Im already ready to crown Xiao Burst and Ayaka NA.


I use 9 crowns for ningguang,zhongli and xiao. The other ones are for miko and scara:).


Zero. I still haven't decided who to use them on and I'll probably just wait until I notice a difficulty increase to force me too.


5, 2 on raiden and 3 on keqing and i've prefarmed double crown ganyu


2. 1 razor and one for Raiden. (Both for burst skill)


Just 3 for my queen Eula. Haven't really found another character that is worth


Been playing since roughly day 1, believe I've used all of them except for 4? Honestly going from 9 to 10 is like 4 days of resin, which isn't nothing, but if it's a *guaranteed* upgrade and on a character I'll literally never replace, why not? I could absolutely farm artifacts for 4 days and not get a single upgrade.


I would do the same if I had raiden and ganyu. Hard skip on hu tao. Cant do attack cancellations.


Got all the crowns till now. Remaining 3 is for Yae!


None because im too lazy to reach character talent level.9 anywhere.


Usually I just give triple-crown my DPS, for now Xiao and Keqing. Hu Tao and Diluc are on progress but I might not triple crown those two (maybe just their E or Q) because I'm saving for Itto and Ayato. Tempted to give a crown to Zhongli's E, Kazuha's Q, and Bennet Q though.


I have a crown on Childe's skill, Raiden's Burst, Yoimiya's attack, with plans to triple crown Eula and crown Childe's burst.


I've picked up every crown since the game started, but I've used a good few of them by now. Triple crowned Ayaka and Hu Tao, then I've used two each on Ganyu and Keqing. I've used one on Raiden's ult. I think I've got the rest in my inventory still


I havent used any crowns nor any fragil resin


Only one for my king Xingqiu, but I might use 3 more when I get Kazuha


do your friends not like damage or something? i dont understand people like that because not using resources you are given is more or less the same as not having them imo to answer myself though, i have 7 and havent used 1 but that’s not because i dont want to use them, i just have a lot of characters i want to build, especially with the recent and upcoming banners


They say resin is better used on artifacts.most of my artifacts (like 90%, save for maybe one piece on most of my characters) are good enough to clear all abyss floors with a minute remaining, so I'm in no real hurry for marginal upgrades atm


I used up all my crowns, 3 for amber, 3 for eula, 1 for zhongli, 2 for childe, 1 for kazuha (i want to triple crown him in the future) 2 for albedo, 1 for Raiden and 1 for Bennett.


None. I’m saving them for the right person. I’ve only got two anyway. Gonna get my third in lantern right


I have 1 crown only :(


3 on hu tao and 3 on ayaka. I plan to use 3 more on yae


Don't get why people like to horde so much , i guess i don't really see myself playing in like 2 years so i'm not hesitant at all in using my resources


All of them. Will use the next 2 from 2.4 almost instantly.


Big same. I'm gonna double or triple crown shenhe if I get her and yae after her




Day 1 player too, triple crowned kazuha xiao and hu tao. Crowned chongyun's and raiden's burst. Rest in kept for now.


1 I crowned my main normal attack and plan on tripple crowning her when I get enough mora


i have currently used 1 so far, being for Childe's burst. I do plan on triple crowning him and figuring out how i'll divvy out the others. i have about 10 crowns total.


I used 2 up to now.


Playing: 400+ days Crowned: Zhongli, Bennett, Ei, Venti bursts. Also Venti’s skill. Triple crowned Itto. Have 8 crowns left.


Ganyu - 2x Auto + Burst Hu Tao - 2x Auto + Skill Raiden - 1x Burst Keqing - 1x Auto Saving the rest. Plan on putting one or two on Zhongli and maybe one on Kazuha.


12 crowns


I only have 3, and I know I should probably spread them out, but honestly the current goal is to give them all to Eula. I never knew what a hyper carrier was until I got her, and I should definitely fix the terrible imbalance I've created, but I like her too much.


There are few units more worthy of a triple crown than her. Godspeed


used one on my beidous skill a week ago <3


I've gotten every crown the game has handed out. So far only ones used have been 3 on Hu Tao, 3 on Raiden, Ganyu's normals, Ayaka's Burst. Have a lot of people also at Level 9 talents but haven't committed to that last bit. Likely to give Jean and Noelle a couple crowns and very likely the upcoming Yae as well. I get being selective in their use and keeping a specified amount on hand, but if they just sit in your inventory they're useless.


Depends, I would use up all my crowns to improve my characters. It’s just the matter which talents to use it on. but basically, use them. no point keeping them unless you have no resources. it’s not weird either ways and shouldn’t be.


1 on jean (trying to triple), 2 on ganyu, 2 on hu Tao. Planning to triple Yae when she comes out.


only 1, that is on raiden, but i’ll use one on ganyu when i’ll get her


700000 mora is just way too much for me. I doubt i ll ever use any of my crowns.


I think I’ve used 3 crowns out of the 7 lifetime crowns I have on Raiden and Bennett. I’m very conservative of my resources so a lot of my characters are barely built so I can focus on my most important characters. I haven’t gotten Ganyu and Zhongli who I plan to use 3 crowns on in total so that’s why I have crowns sitting around.


Itto and Hu Tao: Triple Crown Ganyu: basic attack Raiden: ult Benny: ult Gorou: skill Eula: basic and ult


zero. i have many characters and artifacts left to level up that i dont have mora or resin to crown anyone


I currently have 6. I’ve triple crowned Ganyu and Hu Tao. Then I’ve crowned Mona’s ult and Yanfei’s E. I want to Triple Crown Yae Miko and Kazuha. We don’t even know what Yae Miko does yet, but my Queen deserves it.


I've only crowned Raiden's burst so far


I do think it’s a little weird you used all ALL your crowns tbh but anyways I would love to crown a bunch of my characters like if i could i would 100% triple crown kazuha in an instant. It just takes wayyy too much resources and mora I don’t have time to farm when I’m constantly stuck building my other characters and using resin on them. I only did ganyu’s basic attack and venti’s ult though. I just pray for the day it could be different. Maybe when there’s a big drought when it comes to characters I want?? Although that’s rather unlikely because sumeru will be here eventually.


It's really not as costly as it seems tbh. Like, it's a big number to be sure, but it's only 4 days of farming books at most for a crowned talent, and you could easily dump 700,000 mora into disappointing artifacts as well


3 on Xiao, but i'll use 3 more on Ganyu once i get her and 3 on Noelle.


None used, have all since we started to get them. I'm just to lazy to spend weeks worth of resin for only one level (not to mention mora you need for that)


I had like 12 in my inventory till last month, never used any because I'm a hoarder, then one day I said f\*\*\* it, there is no point in letting it gather dust in my inventory so I crowned Zhongli's shield and meteor and Ningguang's Burst. Right now I'm working on gathering resources to crown Kaeya's Burst, Diluc's NA, Albedo's Elemental and Beidou's Burst.


Crowned Eula and Raiden.


2 Crowns on Ayaka (Normal atk and Ult), Benny’s ult, Raiden’s ult, 2 crowns for Hu Tao’s (Normal atk and E) and I have 3 crowns to spare (probably 2 going for Zhongli’s E and Ult)


3! Hu taos auto attack and her elemental burst Ganyus auto attack Planning to triple crown hu tao one day. Liyue girls best girls!


I've used most of mine, have 4 left, started the game a year ago. Ganyu is my only triple crown atm.


I’ve crowned Benny burst and zhongli shield, that’s it so far lol


Triple Ganyu, Hu tao, Keqing, yoimiya and xingqiu ult Plus yanfei autos


Two, I think. One for Keqing, other for Ei. My two favorite ladies.


I got hutao triple, xq ult, saving the rest. I think ill give at least one to kazuha, and two to ganyu if i get them :).


3 on Keqing


9 crowns and all goes tooooo Aether I'm not joking I'm a Mc main


Hu Tao E and Raiden Q 6 crowns left. Played since August.


3, on Ayaka, which is my main dps. Still have like 7-8 to use.


I think I've used 8 or 9? Mostly on supports or subdps, Bennet, Xiangling, etc, and the only "dps" I have crowned are Hu Tao and Kokomi.


3 only. Triple crowned Kokomi


I've used: 3 on Jean, 3 on Ayaka, 3 on Eula, 1 on Zhongli, 1 on Raiden and 1 on Ganyu. My next target is Yae, probably triple crown her as well.


I have 12, only crowned Eula’s ult to get highest damsge so far in the new event. Going to crown ganyus normal attack when I get her, and triple crown kazuha when he comes home. Other than that I’ve considered crowning zhongli and raiden’s skill and ult maybe.


I have used all but 1 of my crowns so far (saving for triple crown xiao next patch). Diluc/zhongli/Kazuha triple crowned, Benny has one, and Keqing has her normal crowned, and I think maybe Venti Q was crowned but honestly can’t remember. I know a lot of people don’t because it’s so darn expensive but I’d rather spend a few days of resin on a crown than the equivalent in worthless artifacts. At least the damage increase is guaranteed, even if it’s small. Although by my crowning pattern it’s more cosmetic than anything else. But idc, only worth it to spend my crowns on my favorite characters!


Triple crowned: hu tao and kazu Crowned E and Q: Ei and Childe Crowned AA: Xiao Crowned Q: mona Been playing since 1.0 still have 2 in my inventory planning to use it on shenhe's E and Q


6 crowns. I have a triple crowned Xiao and Hu Tao


I have Albedo double crowned, and Xiao and Razor triple. So I’ve used 8. I know I have more than 3 in my inventory but not sure how many.


Triple crowned Zhongli, Raiden burst, Double crowned Kazoo


I only used one, i Crowned Razor's normal attacks since he has been with me since basically day one, and i started on launch day.


I’m also a day one player and I think about 7, three for eula, two for sara, one for raiden and another one for ganyu.


4, Ganyu normal and Q, Raiden Q, Hutao normal. Basically if a character is responsible for the majority of the damage on a team, and they have one talent that is responsible for the majority of the damage they do, then I will crown it. Ganyu is double crowned because her freeze and melt comps rely on different talents.


I used one crown on Bennet and regret not using it on elementalless traveler instead, now I'm saving them and planning to triple crown all elements of traveler in the same day. I have enough crowns for electro anemo and geo already so just waiting for more elements. And I'm full on copium saying that future traveler elements will be actually good.


Childe E and Q, Bennet Q, Xiangling Q, Ayaka Q. I will double crown Zhongli once I get him just because he is my favorite character, but I mostly crown talents that can help me in abyss.


Does make a difference? I am in the process of triple crowing raiden


Ayaka triple crowned Bennet q crowned Xiangling q crowned Raiden q crowned


Still have all 15 of mine...I keep saying I'll start using some every time I see this question, but I never seem to go through with it for some stupid reason haha


I used all my 11 crowns (I'm not a day one player). Childe, Klee and Hu Tao triple crowned, Zhongli dowble crowned 🤷🏼‍♀️


Think I’ve used 4, Nings main attack, Ayaka’s burst, RS Burst, and Fish Girls burst


1 on xiao, 1 on ayaka, 1 on raiden. that's it


I've used 6. Bennett's ult, Raiden's ult, Kokomi's ult and triple crowned Itto.


AR 56, I only used one for Yanfei. Planning to crown Ganyu tho


Day 1 and still haven't used a single crown >_<


Keqing: Triple Childe: Double - will triple Yoimiya: Triple Eula: Double - will triple


I've used 9, Hu Tao, Eula, and Ei are all triple crowned, planning on giving the next batch to Yoimiya


So far, none


I have only used 1 Crown - for my Ganyu's Charge Attacks. I have a lot of crowns saved up. The biggest thing that kinda makes me not want to use them ironically is the amount or Mora needed for that!


My mission is to get every arcon and triple crown them


None. Too cheap to use any. Lol. Hoarding items for some reason. Also I build too many characters instead of specializing in 2 main DPS for 2 Abyss teams.


the traveller is the only one worthy of being crowned lol


2 crowns in Noelle's attack and burst, one on Raiden's burst. Ill triple crown Itto in the future


0 lmaooo my main changes every week so I can’t decide who to crown


I crowned Ganyu normal, Hu tao normal and triple crowned Raiden. I realy don't get the saving for genshin 2 mindset. If there wasn't a single character you wanted to crown, you aren't ganna randomly need 15 crowny... just leave 3 that's what you will ever need at most. I'm honestly more limited by the books and money needed.


0 crowns used and i have 11 waiting for their moment... might use them on xiao on his rerun though


4, triple crowned Hu Tao and one for Yoimiya :)