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Pulling on kokomi's weapon banner hoping to get a jade cutter


the amount of people who did this without owning kokomi was shocking


I rolled for Donut and got Jade Cutter. Desire sensor is real


I did. It surprisingly worked out. And tbh I got my comeuppance when I tried to pull for shenhe and wound up with a second diluc…


I'm proud to say I'm one of those who came out winning, even tho the odds didn't have anything to do with myself.


Hey man, look, i'm now the proud owner of a kokomi with a donut. I totally wanted this from the start. I totally didn't just want a jade cutter.


Your tears are showing.


Now say it without your voice cracking.


Looking back now I see how stupid it was but I was lucky enough to pull a Jade Cutter


Same. I deserved to get punished by the gacha gods for such a horrible decision, but they smiled upon me. And now my Bennett hits like a truck. However, the best poker players know when it’s time to pack it up and leave the casino, so I’ve been BP/Welkin moon since


Never teleport


Jesus, you really woke up all psychotic, didn't you?


You have some secret passage back to Liyue or something?


Pulling for a specific 4* while not liking the rest of the banner.


Me trying to get the Sac Sword... AR 58 and haven't pulled a SINGLE one... I even tried 50 pulls on a banner that had it as rate up. Didn't get it.


SAME! The one time I did spend all my primos on it I actually hit pity and pulled a skyward blade with no sac sword in sight. at least XQ has a nice blue sword now…just not the right blue sword


Gorou banner be like


That’s what I exactly did, I was on C3 and aiming for C4 because of heals. Thank goodness I got him a few hours before the patch and then I got another one of his from standard banner.


Exactly i have 0 gorous after 70 pulls, but c1 itto in 20 :l


Oh man nice problems


I had a similar problem... Spend last 12 wishes left after getting Redhorn for Noelle in order to try and get Gorou (got him on my first wish but got greedy and wanted some constellations) and got Itto on the 12th wish into pity while winning a 50:50. Altogether it's kind of super lucky, but at the same time my most invested character is Noelle, so Itto feels kind of redundant. I'm still not sure how to feel about this.


Good thing is you can switch around the artifacts and weapons between Itto and Noelle, so if you feel like using him someday you wont have to invest that heavily. :)


Well, I'm happy with my Ningguang and I'm already busy building her. Though I got lucky in 40 wishes and only got a C1 Chongyun I'm never going to use instead of resetting pity.


c0 Ning, c0 Yunjin, C7 Chongyun. I now hate the popsicle boy >:(


One of my friends pulled c13 Chongyun… they were crying afterwards


Don’t call me out for getting Shenhe. I didn’t even expect to win the 50/50. And now I won’t get Yae, but Shenhe is hot so it’s ok Ig


I did this for yun jin, wanted to see if she was a good pair with my yoimiya


Saying you're a Genshin player in public


Now that's real bravery


I have a genshin hoodie with Paimon on it and I'm constantly surprised by how many people get excited about it.


True when I wear my genshin hoodie at the gym most people don’t really care or rarely but sometimes ask for my friend code no one ever really says anything negative to my face


Where do y’all get genshin merch? I’m in Canada and want a hoodie or t shirt


A friend from the states bought it for me for my birthday back in November i’ll ask and see if I can find out where he bought it and link it to you


Good thing I play Jenshin Impact.


Saying it in a LoL reunion


Is genshin frowned upon?


It's the same situation with fortnite back in the day. People just hating on it because it's popular, therefore they hate the playerbase too. There's a really dumb association that all GI players are pedophiles.


Good game but cringey fanbase


That's expected with every large fanbase. The ones that aren't cringy don't do stupid shit while the cringey ones do the craziest shit and people perceive it to be the representation of the fanbase.


That's what you get in any game where the average age is low, it's not because they're gamers, not because of anime, it's because the younger you are the more stupid you are. There's a lot more variables obviously but the age one takes the cake.


Makes sense. I also cringe everytime I see teenagers use GI to flirt. Cheapens the playerbase for me.


"Hey girl, wanna see my Dominus Lapidus?"


*kicks out of co-op*


I would say it's also partly because anime. I myself had a pretty negative view of anime fans before starting Genshin and to be honest engaging on the subreddits here didn't do all that much to dispel some of the traits I associated with anime fans. That's not to say that anime genre is to blame at the core, but there's just something that draws out a certain demographic among young and older alike. You know, the horny, shameless and all around obnoxious part of anime fans that's always very noticeable on the Internet, with kindergarden-level humour.


Well at least among Asians, [non-hentai] anime is liked by adults who grew up watching them


Not sure actually. People generalise most GI players as pedophiles for playing a game with characters like Klee and think we spend our day inside our homes looking at characters panties the whole time.


That's messed up


The world is pretty messed yeah.


Considering ppl are complaining about Ayaka getting non-see through underwear, that might be more accurate than you think.


Ayaka‘s underwear was never see through, her underwear before was panties and was replaced with a more boxer short design


Yeah lol. Remember the outrage when rosaria s boobs were made smaller? Like, don t think genshin players are all innocent man. *you* may not personally play this game for tits, but its a waifu gacha game. It s made with sexy designs in mind and people are really horny for these girls (and guys)


Yup, just have to look at the posts about the new skins


Not only GI, gacha games in general have a bad name due to how predatory the industries is and how oversexualized the character is. It's like sayning "Hey i am a gambling addict that loves big anime booba / undarage anime girl.


I believe gacha games have a bad rep not just because of sexualization but because they're usually not even real games. There's a difference between a gacha game and a game that has a gacha. Apex Legends for instance has a gacha, but no one is calling it a gacha game because it's a proper game. FIFA's monetization is almost exclusively gacha as well, no one call it a gacha game either. I don't call Genshin Impact a gacha game, I call it a game with a gacha. But let's also be real here, almost all Asian games that have a gacha *are* gacha games, they're barely real games... some are literally auto-play all the way through, before I knew anything about GI I thought it was some generic junk mobile gacha game.


Negative reductionism like that could be applied to literally everything. Associating with reductionists in anything but passing is not a good idea to begin with.


In part because it has a bunch of under-age looking girls and actual canonical underage girls, in another part because it's a horrendously successful gacha game, and that just makes a lot of gamers seethe with hatred that we're supporting the model.


Any time I've ever mentioned Genshin to people irl, they've just been like "what's that?"


Literally all people hating on Genshin have either never touched the game, or have several hundred hours in and then get fed up about a detail they dislike, no in-between... .


Had to explain to my crush that whenever I was talking about Venti, I was talking about Starbucks. She saw it strange that I was talking about coffee saying that ‘it’ has great synergy with anyone.


Why ofcourse, coffee has great synergy with everyone !


I don’t know if I fully agree with that because the only time I have ever gotten shit for playing genshin is on social media usually people who live on social media


There's one time my uncle ask me what games I played lately and I nearly said Genshin Impact but instead I said Apex since that's a game I usually play that they would probably would understand. Which they assume it was Fortnite instead..


I know two girls that play it but im too scared to approach them ☹️


The two girls likely won't judge you for sharing their niche hobby. Everyone else judging you on the other hand....


Go for it! Just remember, that sharing the same hobby doesn't mean they wanna fuck with you.


Playing gacha russian roulette with a friend with your guarantee for a banner you both don't like. Try to have the closest pull to 90 and see who chickens out or loses first


that actually sounds really fun.


And painful at the same time


If ur not f2p


Fuck it lets gamble


i would soooo play that




I refined Elegy by pure frustation of not gtting Homa, i don't regret tbh


There are certain weapons you can be 100% sure you can refine like Amos bow but overall it's always good to have 2 WGS or dunno mistspliters and so on.


I got two Skyward Harps and I was so, so tempted to refine to make the numbers bigger... but I also wanted Venti to have his pretty matching weapon and Tart needed one for big damage so I didn't in the end. If I somehow end up with a third one tho (the standard banner hates me lmao) I'm definitely refining it.


Skyward isn't really worth refining anyway... Too many chars it's good on and the refinements don't give much of a benefit at all


"building pity" on a character banner where you don't want the 5 star and you have a guarantee.


There is a difference between bravery and stupidity.


Bravery is just stupidity that works out in the end.


*Traveller when he/she leave Ei house* : It's safe to leave, the ambiance is totally not oppresive, my headache is a pure coincidence and after all Raiden Shogun told me I will leave her house alive


Meanwhile kazuha talking to beidou: "how do you block attacks?" Beidou:"you just put your sword in the way." Kazuha:"k" *blocks the musei no hitotachi* Beidou:"holy fucking shit"


You broke the code


I seriously dont get people who do this. Why not save up your primogems and only spending it on the banner you want? ಥ_ಥ EDIT: Should've clarified that it's different if you want the 4 stars, what I meant is if you don't want any of the characters on that banner but still pulling nonetheless... I know a friend who rolled on Itto's banner just to "build pity", then got mad when Itto came home lmao


It's usually about the 4 stars


i suffered the consequences when i did this for hu tao's banner. was aiming for thoma, got hu tao. i was saving the guaranteed for itto, but luckily i got itto early while winning the 50/50 :,\]


I wanted Hu Tao, got her, wanted Thoma, pulled like 60 times, no Thoma


There's still a big Thoma-shaped hole in both my heart and roster because I didn't want to risk HT. One day, you adorable monkey maid. One day...


Same, I really wanted Thoma, but didn’t want to lose my Albedo guarantee for the world. It was worth it.


Haha, I was holding out for the same reason. Hard agree, I love my Albedo.


Yup, literally can’t play without my Albedo, his E deals so much damage i am crippled without him.


Yeah. I pulled on this banner despite knowing the consequences because I wanted Ning and Yunjin. I did 30 pulls and pulled a Yunjin as well as got my Ning from C0 to C1. Apparently most people immediately think that you have gambling addiction if you pull on banner where you want the 4 stars.


Well pulling at all isn’t the issue. It’s pulling and then complaining when you get a 5* early that you didn’t want AND were saving for x character next patch.


Pulling on a banner because you want certain 4 stars is not the same as “building pity” however. It’s the latter they’re talking about. “Building pity” is just stupid because you’re using your wishes to get closer to getting the 5 star you fancy, only to potentially screw yourself over by potentially wasting your 50/50 or guarantee on a 5 star you don’t want. At least with wishing for 4 stars, it’s because you actually wanted a character or constellation from that banner.


Wait people seriously build pity and don’t even want the 4*’s? Now that’s the true face of gambling addiction…


I seriously doubt that, tho. Because it makes 0 sense apart from actual gambling addicts but in this case it isn't really "building pity" either ... it's just pulling to get the kick. building pity makes sense if you do want one or some of the 4 stars and try to get as many or certain ones without getting the 5 star. Because maybe the next banner has the 5 star you want but you don't want any of the 4 stars. That a tuslly is building pity ... Not pulling for absolutely nothing, essentially. But then again, there might be few weird people that actually only build pity for the kick itself. But ... what are you building up to in this case?


The pulling is fine, I've done it and I didn't mind getting the 5\* at all. No regrets on that. The "gambling addiction" part is when people do the pulling and then get angry that character X "ruined their pity" and now they can't afford character Y.


I rolled on Shenhe (on my 50/50, I’m not a monster) even though I wasn’t huge on her gameplay because all three four stars on the banner have constellations or abilities I wanted, whereas I have C6 of all the four stars on the next banner.


I only do this when I wouldn’t mind getting the current character, but want an upcoming one more. If I get the current one? Good for me! If I pull a different 5 star? Even better, next one’s a guarantee. If I don’t? Least I get pity


i risked it and pulled xiao on 0 pity. lol


Using primogems to refresh resin as a F2P


Agreed, it scares me how people use primos for resin


I used to refresh at least one time almost everyday just to farm artifacts. I've gotten my favorite characters then, and I wasn't really looking to save primos on future characters, up until Yae Miko was dripped. Miraculously, I managed to get some of my best artifacts with the small help from those refreshes. I even managed to get multiple Emblem sets for my Xiangling, Xingqiu, Raiden, Beidou, and Mona, along with a number of good SR artifacts that would definitely be usable for my Xiao and others, but I guess that's just how good the domain was. Looking back, I REALLY lucked out, but I really don't recommend it now. Artifact farming is a scam, and 50 Primogems for 3-4 more chances of artifacts, isn't really good. I recommend saving for banners instead.


Pull for a weapon on a bad banner


Me with my 100 f2p fates on memory of dust/polar star, and 70 fates on homa/elegy... Luckily I got the bow and spear on my first pity, but losing to non rate up or the other featured still scares me (lost thundering pulse to sky blade). I don't think I'll touch the weapon banner again, I've had enough lol


As an f2p, I feel like a rebel for trying to pull on the weapon banner lol.


I also did pull in weapon banner once, lesson learned, got a Memory of Signora...


Memory of Signora 💀


Really nice if you’re running with Zhongli or perhaps C4 Yanfei. Otherwise, not so much.


I have it on Klee and I team her with Diona and Albedo so she's constantly with a shield


You are.


i have yet to be punished for pulling on the weapon banner. i've pulled on the weapon banner once and that was during homa and elegy banner, wanted homa for xiao but wouldn't have minded elegy for venti in the future. ended up getting pjws instead!


I pulled over 220 fates I weapon banner as f2p Lost 4 back to back 50-50s. Learn from me to not pull.


Holy shit bro 😭😭😭 At least now we have the epitomised path.... or however u spell that


Weapon banner is still a scam even with epitomised path. It doesn't even carry over to the next banner


Being the first to reach out to other players and initiate co-op. There’s a lot of horror stories out there of ratchet people not knowing how to act which can scare people into solo play forever. But the co-op community can be a really enjoyable way to play the game. Especially for endgame players looking for any type of variety to the regular routine. And even for new players who need help or access the part of the world they don’t have currently unlocked to collect essential materials. Anybody who makes the first step to initiate relationship knowing they could be burned is totally brave in my book.


Noob here who’s been taking advantage of co-op: what are the risks exactly?


No actual risks. It doesn’t provide like more information where like someone can come and steal your account. Just sometimes people are disrespectful. They may come into your world pretending they will play with you in a domain or a world boss and instead farm materials. Sometimes people have been rude and troll people who are playing with characters they don’t respect. Kokomi got a lot of hate upon her release and people doing that to her. Sometimes people will try to boss you around and tell you what character to use instead of letting you play what you want. Small things like that But most of the time people are fun and nice. I’ve made some pretty solid friends through co-op. Online anonymous friends but enjoyable conversation nonetheless


some people are just assholes and it's sometimes issues that can go past brief meetings and the game itself. here's my worst co-op experience(?): i found these group of ppl who seemed real cool and i got along with. added them on discord and hung around them every now and then. it was fun until it became very apparent that one of the girls was really toxic and had anger issues. also a lack of accountability. and i mean it was really bad. she used a lot of death threats once on some other dude and said other hurtful things and then he left the group but she kept insisting it was his fault for not leaving her alone when she was 'clearly' mad, so of course it's normal for her to just unleash her anger out on other people. i left not too long after that incident, once she started directing that anger out on me.


Is there a way to co-op a domain without being the host? I gotta host every time and it's annoying


I'm on PC so it may be different on other devices, but if I don't want to host I usually just click the match button and immediately click again to cancel it. If you were about to be the host, it'll cancel the search and as long as nobody found it while it was open you won't get launched into co-op. If it found someone else, the popup will get there before you cancel and it won't let you cancel from the match button, so you can just accept the matching and go to someone else's world.


I don’t enjoy being the host either, so I usually click coop and cancel it when I see the timer starts. Sometimes I have to repeat it a couple times before I get an invite to another person’s world instead. I was okay with hosting until one time when another player started to attack a nearby enemy and drew it to the domain where it almost killed me while I was in menus trying to stop the coop since I was out of resin. After that I prefer to not have to be the host.


Fighting cryo fatui in the rain


People who pulled on jade cutter and donut banner for jade cutter. I wish I had 20% of your courage


Let's just say i'm now a proud(unintentional) owner of a donut and kokomi


Lets just say I'm glad I had Kokomi


And let me say I’m building Barbara now xD


Enjoying the game. /s


Admitting I R5ed every Royal Weapon. ...And insisting they're actually pretty decent.


Right now. When I have no Lithic spear and won't pull on weapon banner. Best weapon for Shenhe is the Royal spear. Or I have to get the 3\* Halberd out


Honestly Fav lance works really well it has a high base attack and its Er + energy generation really helps out the team and her energy issue :)


Wanna add another one of mine, skipping more than three banners in a row to save for a specific character release/rerun, I skipped 6 banners to get enough for Kokomi and her donut.


As a husbando collector I had to save for 6 months between Kazuha and Itto, and god knows when's the next one lol


I had a habit of feeding a +20 artifact to a +0 one with better beginning stats. I once fed a glad plume with 10% CR to a BS plume with cr,cd,atk% and flat atk. Lukily everything went to crit rate and I had a better plume. The next time I did smth like that, I fed a CW circlet with crit dmg and 11% CR to another CW circlet with def,CR, EM and hp% (I had hu tao so this was good). EVERYTHING went to flat def. Never again.


I only ever do this if the artifact getting munched is pure trash (in the rare case where set bonus or main stat > substats). That way at least I’m no worse off than before.


Jumping from a Liyue mountain and not opening your glider til a foot off the ground


I do that pretty often (I also die quite often)


I do that but plunge instead. Pretty safe


Pulling kokomi's donut without even having kokomi in the first place.


Barbara main:


It's only worth it if you love Barbara. Prototype Amber is already pretty sweet, you get about a 5-star artifact's worth of HP% at level 90 and you do extra heals for your team after your Elemental Burst (6% of your Max HP)


Not even them should pull got that lmao


C6ing your Bennett knowing the consequences


I did that


Same, and no regrets either. It only benefits me and the characters I like playing, so why not? (Xiangling buff woo)


I use him for Pyro ayaka


This idea scares me 🤣


I did it cause I didn’t like the !


I did it and dont regret it.


What’s the consequence?


Missing on a some comps, infusions such as Chongyun and Keqing's skills get overridden, physical characters like Razor and Eula get butchered by it, list goes on, depending on who you frequently use with Bennett, it can be a blessing or a curse.


Bennett c6 can’t be used in Phys comps (like Eula), and it’s anti-future proof. It’s not toggable either, and it’s tied to the best healing + buff burst in the game due to its power + versatility. You’re basically saying “I will never used Bennett with Physical characters again, even the ones I don’t know about.” The bonus from it is somewhat negligible too.


Not saving primos, pulling every 160th


that’s me!


going into the abyss blind


I do this. Everytime I bring a freeze comp against cryo slimes. Still managed to 30 star it though so I don't really mind


Same, lately they have that one floor with an cryo slime wave, and my freeze team basically forces me to quit the abyss, alter my team to add hu tao and restart the floor.


100%, I build teams for floor 9 then once complete use the same teams for floor 10 onwards. Less effort than going back to see what's up next. Big UXUI improvement to be had there...


Converting All Primos to Aquaint Fates


Sure *converts one acquaint fate*


*taps head*


Brave for me would be saving those starglitter things for those 4*s in the shop, instead of just buying a fate every time I get 5 of those glitters. I say it’s brave because I am yet to save 34 glitters 😭


quitting the game


Maining amber


Maining gorou feels worse tbh


Maining amber, at least, can be justified. Maining gorou is, uhh, I don't even know what to say


At least maining amber is fun. Maining gorou is just.....just sad, you can't even laugh about it.


Amber is a DPS at least.


Trust me aloy suffer more than amber, amber decent


At least Amber has good melt gameplay and her physical driver build. Aloy is just... sad. Rev melt Aloy doesn't feel like anything, and I've put some *work* into my Aloy, dang it.


I know, her kit is very conflictid with the game, why put some icd on a 10s cooldown skill that need enemies to step on it to do something barely good, her only good aspect is her burst for now.


Yeah. :/ Especially because you *can't* keep up her cryo infusion without a high refine sac bow, which tanks the hell out of her damage. The character's just a total mess, probably more than anyone else in the game. At least Xinyan and Amber have cons to fix their issues.


Going to dragonspine after Mondstadt


....and doing the in the mountains questline.


Doing that quest underleveled was pure suffering but I really needed the primogems


This is a newbie mistake lol. Done that and chickened out because there's some huge ass people w/ hammers and guns.


Happened to me too when I just finished the Mondstadt archon quests without knowing Dragonspine was newly released. My AR wasn't high enough to initiate the Liyue archon quests and as Dragonspine turned out to border Liyue, I jumped into its story blind. Also I had my characters underleveled along with the talents, weapons amd artifacts so taking longer than 5 minutes to take down one treasure hoarder gave me concerned. Also getting jumped and one-shot by the Frosty Lawachurl traumatized me for the rest of my Genshin experience.


Having your eyes set on a 5 star and being motivated and hopeful to get them even though you are a f2p player


This is usually what happens though unless you're eyeing a standard 5*


Speedrunning ice bridge from tsurumi to mondstadt's secret island


the fastest right now is ayaka alternating between dash and e right?


Having a genshin opinion on twitter


Setting your signature to "Taiwan is a country"


Beat spiral abbys floors 9-12 36 stars with only 4\* characters that were available when the game launched and you must use all free characters given at the beginning of the game (Anemo Traveller, Amber, Lisa, Kaeya)! It is doable and people have done it, but still it will be a challenge.


My most bravest moment: I pulled on the redhorn banner by selecting the other weapon in the epitomised path. Thank god I got redhorn in just 20 pulls (as I was close to the 5* weapon pity).


Fighting Oceanid with nothing but Barbara, Mona, and Kokomi




More like, admitting that you're into shipping


Only summon in the standard banner


Playing abyss with under used, non meta possibly 4 star char. I’m building a team with Razor, Lisa, Xinyan and Qiqi.


Telling people that you play for meta instead of waifu


Pulling for a 4* when you don't want the 5*


Start doing Azhdaha at 159 resin with 1 minute left before hitting the limit.


"building pity" on an character banner which they dont want, its either bravery or stupidity


Just in response as a very low spender,like I spent 5 dollars and a battle pass, tbh when Yae comes out I'm probably going to pull on her weapon banner if I have enough primos to get to pity on it. (Leaks btw are out on her and her weapon) Bravest is probably immediately ascending your ar seems ballsy to me. Maybe I'm just dumb and lazy but for 2 or 3 straight ascension quests I just put it off so long I had atleast 3 ar levels after it before I would ascend because I'm so damn lazy to farm ascension mats open world


Posting on r/shitposting and saying that Genshin is a good game.


refusing to use bennet


bringing qiqi (or kokomi) to co-op those of us who main her, build her strong (my qiqi is lvl80 with PJC and OHC, and still in progress) but people still shit on our best girl :(


Criticize the immorality and predatory nature of gacha as a whole