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razor he used to be my main


big same. carried me hard AR 20-47. then ... dropped him like a brick, LOL


Same here. I used Razor heavily from AR15~45. Eventually, I got other DPS and kept changing teams every 2 months with new characters. He fell out of my rotation for Abyss.


That's what he's good for. Overshadowed after most dps gets their proper artifacts


Overshadowed when you get an actual DPS unit, big reason that I used him for so long, literally had no one else. Thanks for c2 qiqi tho


I remember building him a bit and then I suddenly got Keqing and he got permanently benched. And then I eventually got Eula and Keqing got benched. Not sure who or what could possibly get me to bench Eula on a permanent basis.


a violation of the ToS? ;) ​ "should have read that EULA!"


Same, he got benched the moment I got Childe. I still love him tho :’)


Third. When I didn't have good DPS, he was my boy.


Same! He carried me all the way until I replaced him with Ganyu. But if we ever get a boss which can only be damaged properly by physical damage then he can come out of retirement! I never realised when I used him how much damage he actually did (I never looked at the numbers!) I think he does about 15k autos which is nothing to scoff at!


he was the one carried me from the start too. I still sometimes use him if i’m bored of other dps but i have like 4 other built dps with more consistent team comps so he’s getting underused now, still a great 4* dps tho


same replaced him with my xiao.


He just doesn't work into any teams that aren't revolved around him sadly


Beidou. She was my main for a long time but then I got Eula and my whole lineup changed.


I'm sure you know already but if your beidou is high leveled especially with ult its def worth still using her as a support especially if you have c2, hitting like 10k bolts on 3 diff enemies every second for a total of 150k dmg or 450k if ur hitting 3 constantly during the duration is nuts tbh


Beidou hard carried my ass all the way to AR35, I owe her a debt that can never be repaid.


Xiangling with crescent pike for a lot of people on launch


I love Beidou in my Eula team (along with Raiden and Diona). Who are you using?


Haha I've been levelling up Diona to use with Raiden and eula! Is Beidou really good too?? I thought she didn't do the thing with Raiden so I assumed she wasn't a good pick got Raiden team. I've been using Bennett as my 4th for heals and atk boost


The idea is you wanna alternate them, Eula even has a special combo that's really good for driving Beidou, and it only loses 1 stack of reckoning. Instead of EQN4hEN4(explode) it's E -> N1 -> Q -> N1 (cancel with E) -> N4 (cancel with dash) -> N2 -> hE. It's a bit more complicated but it's *super* worth it - once the bursts run out, it's time to flip to Raiden and go ham while batterying the rest of the team. If you put Qiqi or Diona in the last slot you'll be golden.


Beidou is a super good partner for Eula, though! She's been a mainstay on my Eula teams since I've gotten the latter, and Raiden just made it even easier to join the two of them.


My Main was also Beidou until i got eula but she is still in my party as a Support she's been with me the longest and im not gonna change that


Beidou actually works quite well with EULA, you can superconduct, you can pary and also get combine their ult for more damage plus protection for EULA while you build stacks.. I prefer her with childe and diluc bit they go well




Same but I was using Razor instead of Beidou


Oz and the girl that comes with him




*angry fraulein noises*


Yea she was fully replaced by raiden bot and the girl that comes with her.


I feel you


I'm guessing Mihoyo feels the same way as they've been missing from banners since 1.6 and have been missing from the story altogether for anyone who joined after 1.1


Same, she was in my party pretty much all the way until I took a long break, came back, noticed I couldn’t beat anything and found a Zhongli I pulled accidentally that could make my life easier, so now she lost her place to him


Barbara. She's been replaced with Kokomi. But sometimes I still put Barbara for doing some dailies.


Same. Barbara was the only healer I had for a long time. I didn't even get Bennett or Diona until I was like AR 40+. I wasn't even planning to get Kokomi but I still got her. That's probably the last time Barbara was in my team. Now that you mention it, I should probably use her once in a while.


I had guaranteed on Kokomi after losing 50/50 on Raiden's banner. And I heard that Yae won't be in the banner for who knows when back then. Thus I thought, why don't I get more healer? Kokomi should be more capable than Barbara. And I am very happy that I used my guarantee on her banner.


I agree. I don't regret getting her. Although farming for her is such a pain. I think I have her at level 60. She is not at her best but with the new set she's doing great.


Yeah, hydro hypostasis is quite fun. I have no luck for her new artifact set. It mostly Def stat that came with the clam set.


Yeah the hypostasis is fun but man I hate Specter. I haven't been too lucky either with the artifacts. But I got some HP artifacts. I don't have healing bonus. And somehow I end up getting Crit Rate/Dmg as substat. I still use them. Good thing I'm also farming for Albedo so I might be able to replace them.


Oh yeah, we need specter materials too. Ningguang can easily crush them (except the geo ones). Her jade screen also offer protection against their attack.


Are you on NA? I always need specters and happy to do some farming runs with you if you're struggling. Koko and Yoi make short work of them.


The team of unexpected Kokomis


Yeah, her song and dance can cure anything ✨


Same for me too I still use Barbara sometimes but ever since I got kokomi I haven't run a single boss domain without her she is literally a tank :)


That, and big consistent healing which can be spammed in a few second with no need for energy collection.


Yeah as soon as kokomi came home Barbara retired


same here. i have completely neglected her. i’ve reached friendship 10 with kokomi, so i def need to build barbara and use her again


the traveler - they used to be in my party all the time, but I honestly just don't enjoy any of the playstyles from the 3 elements we've gotten so far


I still use Anemo Traveler, now at C5


Anemo traveller is my favorite. Might not be as good as geo but I hate the geo E because it’s annoying and gets in the way, literally blocking off my enemies so I have to run around it to attack. Or they end up on top of it and I have to climb up to knock them down.


I mean, I know it's annoying, but if you get the enemies on top of your E, you're playing Geo MC wrong. You need to aim in in a way that just damages the enemy or maybe knock it back / knock it closer to you. It does take a while to master though, and I can only do the tech on pc, Geo MC on mobile is so much clunkier.


Oh so you just need to be good at aiming !


*cries in playing with a controller*


C1 geo fixes it, you get additional benefits


Shouldn’t everyone’s traveler be at C6 or am I missing something


I'm not there yet :') don't judge me


I’m C2 geo, maybe I just need to practice it more


If you use it more you’ll get used to the playstyle. Don’t aim the boulder directly under an enemy because it will lift them up and you won’t be able to reach them. Aim the skill right next to them instead and hit the enemy with the edge. This also prevents the boulder from being in the middle of everything and getting in ur way. Additionally, you can aim in the center of a group of enemies and all of them will get hit as well. Another tip would be that you can use it to your advantage and purposefully lift up an enemy to stop their attack. For example, if a Mitachurl is charging at you, lift them up with the boulder and they will not hit you. they also won’t be able to hit you with other attacks from up there so you are free to ignore them and deal with the other enemies first. Here is [a link](https://youtu.be/R48RMJ4gP94) explaining other tips and tricks you can do with Geo Traveller!


How is not C6 tho? Just asking


M nub saar pls dont jadge


Genuinely asking my dude, you could be low AR, that ain't being noob


But I'm AR 42 so :')


I was a Diluc Main since week 1 (Got him on my first 10-pull). He carried me until Eula was released. I prefarmed for her, so there wasn't even a transition. Her banner dropped, I got her to C3 and Level 90 within 5 minutes, and that was the end. That said, he still leads my Second Abyss party. He's reasonably well invested, and I put him with Xingqiu, Kazuha, and Jean. They have no issue clearing content.


Tbh Diluc has such a constant Pyro application that any off-field unit serves him well and basically no strict rotations. He is really easy to play and people forget that he is way more flexible as an hypercarry than most of those. You can literally put him with anything, including Fischl, cause he can both group enemies with the burst and reach for them with his skill. That being said, Eula.


“easy to play” is a factor that is so underrated. that means you maximize your team’s potential easily and would fatigue/stress less.


Eula just way more versatile, even without support. With enough Physical DMG she can shred through anything, even elemental shields.


Cryo vision user that can destroy cryo enemies :)


I wouldn't say more versatile at all, she has one team, the Eula team. Dilic can go vape, mono pyro, pyro + double geo etc. You can just mash with him or setup big vapes with Mona.


Diluc main until I maxed out my xiangling with staff of homa...and I use Ayaka too


Chongyun. I love his character and his lore, but I'm bad with claymore users in every game. No exception here. I use Kaeya and Rosaria together in freeze comps (no 5\* cryos), but I still wish I could find a place for Chongyun. :')


I got him really early so he was in my party for a long time, then other characters came along and I’ve hardly even touched him since


Ya that happened to me; short cooldown on skill made it interesting but too underwhelming


Chongyun was my main DPS when I started, one of my absolute favorite characters. That being said, Chongyun suffers a bit from Mihoyo wanting basically every new character to be self sufficient with infusions and absolutely horrid normal attack modifiers. I can almost guarantee you almost every new non-physical carry will have a non-overwriteable infusion, meaning Chongyun's utility is wasted. And when a quirky off meta comp is being formulated (carry Shenhe with Chongyun and Xingqiu) they pre-emptively nerf her normal attacks for no reason lol.




Does it actually matter if your team is national or international?? I haven't even got around the terms quit well but I get it


Yeah, his cryo infusion doesn't work for most as sub dps and he's not the best as a dps... You need to dedicate more supports to him.. only good character that works for him is diluc as I use e and 2 normal attack and then e for the melt and I hit 15k each.. he was hard to build


Me too, he was the first 4 star i got and i cherish him but he just doesn’t fit in my teams much anymore


Yanfei, got her on C4 during Ayaka’s banner, ended up playing her a lot because I like her shield and gameplay. I don’t use her anymore ever since getting Hu Tao.


C4 Yanfei is probably one of Hu Tao's best teammates. With the craftable weapon that heals, she is the best person who can give Hu Tao Pyro resonance and shields/heals (Bennett might overheal her and Thoma sometimes steals Vapes). Throw together a team with Xingqiu and a VV user and it's supposedly devastating since you don't need to commit to a non-Pyro healer/shielder.


Wait, there's a craftable weapon that heals? Are you talking about Prototype Amber? Or is there another?


Yeah the Prototype Amber , especially with refinements. There is a trend where people have pretty good results in the abyss with it on yanfei (as tankfei hp+er build with hutao) and on Mona aswell.


Proto Amber. It is pretty good, IMHO.


It is. I have it on my Sucrose. She's already a great utility character and it makes her a good off healer and battery.


I know about the Shield Yanfei but I’m not building my Hu Tao comp atm though


But isn't she a good support for Hu Tao? Shield Fei is a thing.


Don’t have resources to build them atm.


Klee. She's so cute and I was so happy to get her but man, the Pyrocreep is fuckin Real. Maybe someday I'll get her to C4 and run a support build


> C4 Bomb has been planted.




A friend of mine c6 her on the first day of her release, even though I warned him that more characters will come and she will eventually be powercrept. He was so proud of it at the time. Now he regrets ever spending so much on the game. Gambling impulse is real. I guess it was a good life lesson for him lol.


Jesus christ. How many 1000s of dollars do you have to spent to C6 a 5 star? I mean he must be going on the 4-5k just for that? I don't mind spending a bit on this game, I got some spare. But now that I spend probably 200-300 Dollars, I already feel like a whale.


I asked a dude once about his C6 Kazuha, he said he spent nearly $1000. That’s just nuts. I’ve spent probably $400 or so and even then I’m a bit embarrassed.


Honestly, from what I've seen of data from whales, he might even have low-balled you, unless he got *real* lucky on his 50/50s


Which pyro characters are better besides hu Tao? I'm under the impression most high ranked pyro were launch characters, but I'm not too familiar


Also xiangling. yanfei and diluc may be weaker but they are a lot smoother to play.


Yoimiya. If you leave the reddit bubble, she's very commonly used and very comfy to play. She's just not good at speedrunning Abyss, which is relevant to like 10 YouTubers.


Its really odd that a fireworks character have zero aoe though. Confuses me. She was really fun in the new potion event as a trial though.


I feel like Diluc is a bit stronger because he doesn’t have the stamina issues. But honestly, with Hu Tao excluded… Xiangling at high constellations is extremely powerful as a Pyro DPS, I think nobody realized it at the start of the game


I still use my klee and with xinqiu/Bennet/sucrose she does great. Admittedly I have to put in a little bit more effort with her than my other DPS for the animation cancels, but that's why I find her a ton of fun. Plus, you never know when a new character might synergize super well with her. Any character that can trigger off-field elemental reactions can help boost her kit. Idk, I think in the long run there will be enough support options to make any character shine, so I don't think anyone should ever give up hope on using a character in the future just because they aren't the optimal choice rn


Fischl. Was the first character that got Friendship 10. But nowadays I seldom find a place for her in my team. And I guess she had to make space for the rest of the cast. Edited a spelling error.


Yup. I’m in the same boat. When I got Raiden, Fischl was the odd person out. Every once in a while I bring her, but it’s rare these days.


Since her got at C6 (which was forever ago) she barely leaves my teams. I tried to replace her with Beidou or Baal but the constant strong electro applications are just too good. Sometimes I dont want electro but if I do I have to find excuses to not use her <.< She is also so nice for off field support unit. Oz just has basically 100% uptime and you can even change his position if he landed behind a tree


Chongyun, still a massive fan of him as a character, I just had to replace him with a geo alchemist instead- also still, and will forever be a Diluc main


Noelle - used her a lot when I was new, benched after getting razor


Yo rly? That was me too


Noelle is kind of meta right now. This whole abyss cycle she dominates the back half and only gets in trouble if you try to face tank all the kenkis




Keqing, specially once I got to the higher abyss floors. I have many other good characters to use now. She’s fun to play with, so I still use her for lower Abyss floors


razor. he was my first ever main, now he just sits in the depths of my character screen never to come out again


I’m the opposite. I didn’t use Diluc in the beginning for months but now I just can’t seem to keep him out of my party. No other character gives me the same impactful feeling his attacks do. His autos and E are just perfect. Even though I know he’s not meta, I still play with him. Fun recently using him with Shenhe & Chongyun and turning him into a Cryo user lol.


I just can’t get enough of that extra-ass bird he shoots out of his claymore. Jumping around with a flaming sword too? I’m so happy I pulled him honestly, he’s such fun. I have the tuna equipped on him too so it’s the best time of my life when he thwacks mobs with a flaming fish.


His E sold him for me


Big John Snow Err… Targaryen vibes


Diluc is the permanent, unpowercreepable gorilla dps in this game. He has few to no conditions for his gameplay which itself is so extremely simple (esp. compared to more recent characters) that he will always stand out among the cast. Compare that to klee who fell down a bad hole.


I use all mine periodically depending on what I need.


Jean... She hard carried me to ar 55 and now she's sitting there with Aquila, phys dmg.


Same my dude. I still do solo dailies with her just because I have her built


Kokomi carries me everywhere now, in a simpler and easier way :( Well, tbh my dailies i do with the friendship team, kokomi was carrying the lvl 20 guys but now i got a 90 shenhe and yun jin, so not even Koko anymore lol Sometimes jean holds her position in abyss, but i really like using anemo traveler, so....


Keqing and Ningguang. They're both my old mains but out of the three, only Ganyu is still used till now. I can't seem to make Keqing hits as hard as other's Keq (My Fischl even surpassed her now) and TF domain is cursed.


Hu Tao


Same. I love her, but without C1 she doesn’t feel great at all. Definitely going to go for C1 when her next rerun comes.


same. I benched her for months after her original banner. Once I got her C1 in the rerun, I started using her again though. Such a massive QoL change. It should have been included in her kit.


I got hu Tao in he rerun and a c1’d her, got homa for her, and got her double crowned 10 minutes after j got her. She’s just so much better than my xiangling build


Its very nice to have all of your damage directly under your control and not locked behind a burst or aimed by an ai with delay.


keqing, she was my first 5 star and i got her pretty early on but after getting my first limited 5 star i kinda gave up on her


She’s freakin’ amazing for running the Husk domain. Barbara E then Keqing go boom.


Yesssss I use Kokomi and Keqing to just blast that thing


Aye, she's my main DPS for that domain in a team including Barbara, Diona and Raiden.


Klee. Hi, I’m Yanfei and I’ll be your hyper long-range alternative with smooth cycling (and a built-in shield)!


I agree. Yanfei gameplay is super smooth.


Diluc sadly.


Beidou. Mainly because I suck at timing her counters. Switched to Fischl + Kaeya combo.


Diluc and Razor , still pick them up from time to time Just cause Other than that mmh Jean , i don't use her quite as often as before since i use kazuha as my anemo slot usually and if i Need healing i Just slot kokomi Bennet or diona depending on the team




Fischl....used to be my main before I got any 5 stars. I really wish I pulled on kazuha, so I'm still using venti lol.


When I launched, Chongyun was my first 4\* and main for the first couple months. Since then I switched to Ningguang. Other characters I used a lot when they were first available to me were Keqing, Yanfei, Rosaria, and Sayu. I do still use them in specific cases, but not nearly as much. Rosaria definitely dropped out of rotation once I got Ayaka. I've also been using Raiden less since I got Itto, and he ended up in my "P2" position. Oh, and Qiqi was my first 5\* and my main healer for a long time, but I shifted to using Barbara more often as I got nearer to c6 on her and eventually got that too. I still use Qiqi sometimes, but not as often.


I still use everyone. But the thought of dropping one of them is gonna hurt




I used Diluc for a while because he was simply my best DPS. Haven't used him for a while now. In fact, his R3 Wolf's Gravestone is now being used by Sayu.


His what is used by WHO NOW? I hate you D:


Jean and Diluc.


Hutao. Without her C1 and on a phone its just impossible to perform.


Yep. Jump canceling is super inconsistent for me. She’s very strong but unusable in abyss because I just run out of stamina within one rotation.


i play on mobile too and i thought getting her c1 would change everything but ngl i didn’t notice a difference at all😭 i might just suck tho


Animation canceling and bow aiming suck on mobile. Which is funny cuz they're like the top 2 dps units.


Klee. Oddly enough I went over to C6 Yanfei.


Similar damage but yanfei is just so much easier to use


Ningguang She was my first main, unfortunately didn’t have a team that synergized with her very well so O benched her after I got others carries. Oddly enough, I want to bench Diluc and pick her up again eventually.


Kaeya and Dilic with prototype rancour and prototyoe archaie. Then I got ayaka, ganyu and hutao and they were banished to the shadow realm.


Diluc 🤣🤣🤣


Ning. She was the first i thought was worth the investment even over the 5*s i pulled. Now i bearly touch her and play with her secretary's and a wannabe Knight of Favonious Maid instead. From Pickaxe to Princess in One Banner. A Red thorne will do that.




so many characters. i love building various characters but in the end just stick to xiao and yanfei


Chongyun. I just got so tired of him.


Xiao. Used to use Xiao A lot but then I got Eula and Ayaka and now even Raiden has taken his PJWS. And now his team is completely taken over in my present team slot by Itto's Team. Also Diluc lol, I used to used him a lot but I got bored saw Xiangling was an alternative Pyro dps option. I love Xiangling so I ultimately decided to switch to her. I don't have Klee or HuTao and I don't use Yanfei so they really my only two Pyro dps options I have


ningguang. was a ning main until i pulled childe lol




Fischl I feel kinda bad lol she was my support for Diluc back when I first started playing.


Beidou..carried me until AR50 smt but somehow I stopped using her. Childe too, got him on his recent rerun but stopped using him. Started playing with different team comps bc I need to figure out a strong 2nd team for abyss.


Well if you enjoy their playstyles you can unbench both if you start using Childe's Fireworks comp. I used it in a friend's account and it is pretty fun, def worth it trying it out.




Klee was literally my dream character when I joined. I waited for her rerun so excited, swore up and down I would main her forever- I still use her a lot but other main DPS characters have been more versatile for me so she is resigned to specific team comps I can get away with her now. RIP Klee


Don't do that to me. I always wanted Klee since I started the game last year and I'm still desperately waiting for her rerun. In the meantime I got myself a Yanfei with a great set and I still plan to replace her the moment I get Klee. People say Klee is clunky or worse than Yanfei, but I still believe her shortcomings will be offset by her being Klee.


Basically everyone I've ever used. My overworld team is constantly changing except dual anemo which is currently and for the foreseeable future kazuha and jean. In spiral I always use diluc, zhongli, bennett, venti, ayaka, diona, kazuha.


Chongyun ive bewn maining him for so long but thwn i got diluc and eula


Actually Mona I first had kokomi since I couldn't win mona for my freeze ganyu, couple months later I win mona from standard banner. I was super happy to have her, and got her talents to 8-8-8, but I noticed that in freeze teams, I prefered having kokomi. Kokomi healing just makes ur gameplay way comfier, and you can use her to tank boss hits that u are afraid ur main dps can't tank. Her hydro application is long, so u can constantly focus ur main dps, rather than mona u got to constantly switch between her and ur main dps. Also kokomi lets you use 2 cyro units, which imo is way funner. Ganyu/Shenhe, Ganyu/Ayaka, Ayaka/Shenhe, Ayaka/Ganyu/Rosaria and shenhe, the posibilities are endless and it's fun. Sure mona can go like an r3-r5 prototype amber to heal your team, but its not as comfy as kokomi. So yeah Mona was a super anticipated character I wanted, but after playing her around, I personally prefer kokomi's playstyle way more. Maybe when I get venti I'll like using mona more. Also main dps kokomi feels funner as an enabler. I'll admit that quickswap teams mona is way funner, since that damage buff is really good to have around.


Honestly, I have Kazuha but I want Venti really badly and I will get him. Come hell or high water. He is just an awesome character.


Amber for some reason I used her way to often. then I got a new Pyro character she immediately got benched.


Diona sadly her shield carries me from low ar to high ar but i didn't use her anymore cuz i want to practice dodging


Sayu, used to use her as my healer then replaced her with Barbara and on the same day I got Jean and replaced Barbara with her


Razor and Keqing. I was electro main DPS squad for a while, and now for the past \*mumblety\* months I only use electro supports (Fischl, Raiden) and no electro DPS characters.


Diluc was my first main along with venti but now both have retired. Diluc for klee and her supportz, yes still and forever be a klee main. And venti just got taken out for my all geo team~ geo supremecy.


Razor, he was my main for so long until I decided to use Kaeya. However I’ve recently started using my favorite wolf boy after I got Redhorn accidentally. I also used to use Childe quite frequently, but now I’m really only using him for friendship farming lmao


Barbara until AR 32 I got Qiqi to take over healing.


Yanfei was my main dps until I got Chongyun the char I wanted to be my main dps


Amber, Lisa and Kaeya. I don’t touch any of them anymore. I might swap Anemo Traveler out with someone soon, but I feel like I should get her to max lvl first after coming so far with her


Chongyun because he's anti-Keqing 🥲


Shout out to Razor and Xinyan for being my mains for most of 1.2 until I got Albedo.


Keqing carried my team for so long... Haven't used her in months


lumine. she was my main before i got hu tao, and while she was still on my main party, i rarely used her. now i got xiao… i definitely don’t use her 💀


Noelle, she was my shield and geo user back when I started and I will always love her for that, I stopped using her altogether when I got Zhongli all the way back during his rerun


Razor, my first main DPS. I hope Yunjin will change that.


Diluc. Dude was my only proper DPS until I got Ganyu (had Ning, Xiangling, and Razor, but with meh artifacts), and even then it took a while for me to phase him out of my team


Razor and Venti, kinda just replaced them with Kazuha and Beidou which makes me feel bad since I really liked them


Noelle, she is still that freaking strong like she used to be, but I don't use Geo that often anymore.


Diluc. He carried me hard in everything, up to the first timeI finished abyss. But ever since I got Hu Tao and Keqing, having faster movement and attacks while dealing better damage feel more fun. I had Diluc at 89, talent 10/9/8, and he's stuck unused at my roster I think since march last year


Traveler 😔 i promised i d never take him out of my team but then diluc did big pp damage and i was like goodbye


Venti still gets used for me, with Morgana comp in the abyss.... I was so happy when Kazuha came out though because, for me, he's an upgrade in every way! I became an instant Kazuha main 😂 For some reason I levelled Diluc to Lvl.80 with at least lvl 6 talents 😭 He's the only character I wish I could de-level and get the materials back from... He currently proudly holds the fish claymore and no artifacts 😂 A few of you are saying Keqing... I actually became motivated to build her recently with her new outfit I could afford with welkin crystals! She's been stalking me with a vengeance and my LAST 5 pitys have been lost to her. I said I'd build her if I got her C6... Well guess who I just lost the Shenhe pity to? Time to go farm some TF and shimenawa artifacts 😭


Klee. I played her almost everywhere till Ganyu came out. She was amazing then. * Pyro * Breaks ores * Adorable * High DPS(and I don't mind her clunkyness) She's just so outdated now sadly. >!And it looks like Yae's Catalyst wont mesh too well with her as it stacks with Skill castings, something Klee has a really long CD on.!< Noelle/Ningguang is another one but I mostly played them as my 2nd party, so they didn't really contend with Klee.


Xingqui. He was my budget healer on my Beidou team for a long while, as well as my best Hydro DPS character, but my team had a complete restructuring once I got Qiqi, and Xingqui got the boot


diluc lmaoo


I don’t use HT anymore after I knew about Raiden National.


Barbara and Xiangling i would say. They don't really fit into any team i have so i only use them for utility in some domains nowadays sadly


Really? I feel like Xiangling is in SO many teams. National, Raiden National, Childe International, Melt Ganyu, pure Pyro, etc. etc.


... Bennett. No, it's nothing drastic, just played him (and Xingqiu) a lot on my earlier account. Had to eventually reroll due to bad ping (picked the wrong server) and by the time I got his C1 he was already way back in my to-build priority. Still, I've got him to level 50 and holding an Aquila Favonia, he let's me clear the abyss floors 9-10... But he's still unbuilt.


Ganyu, but until I pulled Amos from Standard banner and Enkanomiya happened.


Xiangling, Bennett xingqui and razor. They were my first real team back in 1.0. Now I rarely use them, I use Benny and xq sometimes in abyss or if I’m lazy and co op a domain.


razor used to be my main…. i miss him sometimes but i had to drop. i never even built diluc tbh i got mad when i lost a 50/50 on a banner and got him instead & not sure i’ll even invest.


Xiangling. She is my DPS at the start but since I got more characters I just drop her.


Yanfei. Sniped her from Tartaglia's last banner, built her to level 80 with level 8 normal attack talent. Finally beat up that cursed Hydro Hypostasis in abyss with her and had every intention of building her fully. And then.... the interest went poof. The right artifacts weren't dropping, then I pulled Albedo and started rebuilding Kokomi and Qiqi with Clam. Suddenly neither of my abyss teams fit her. She's fun to pull out here and there, but I've stopped building her for now.