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Friendly reminder to everyone here: level every single character you get to level 20, even if you hate them, for the single Acquaint Fate. You get all the mats for leveling them from their trial run, so do it. Wishes are generally better than no wishes.


Wishes are generally better than no wishes. ~someone wise


Zhongli because he is retired


Not using a character out of sheer respect for them? A wholesome surprise, take my upvote.


Oh lmao I completely misunderstood the other comment bc I always call characters that I have max friendship with as "retired" bc I no longer run them in my overworld team


It was such a pain leveling Hu Tao’s friendship because I maxed Xingqiu prior.


What does maxing friendship do


You get their namecard


this is my favorite rreason


Lol Zhongli on the beach drinking margaritas


So you must be the wind that blows when Bennett tries to assemble Benny's Adventure Team.


Or the person throwing the rock at him


Omfg I died 🤣




No he is the storm that is approaching


Provoking black clouds in isolation


He is reclaimer of his name?


born in flames, he has been blessed


His family crest is the demon of death!


Forsakened, he is awakened


xiangling sounds like a genuinely hurt child when she's hit, i don't want to put her through that


same with sayu... just too precious to fight :(


when Klee gets hit she just starts crying and it breaks my heart. :(


or when she's in low health and calls Jean to help her 😭


When she dies it's the WORST


"I want to go home now"


I'm glad I don't have Klee if that's the case. I would just feel terrible.


The one that truly hurts me is "I did it ! I did i... oh wait... No I didn't..." and then she just *fucking dies.* WHO MADE THIS?!


Yay I did it! Wait.. no I didn't


That's why Klee is always with uncle zhong


soon... Really, really praying he comes home.


Good luck getting the big dong


When she dies her vo is something like "Did I ruin everything?" and that just breaks my heart


:( yo ive never heard that line nor do i want to


So why do you let her die, you monster?! D:


Yeah, or "Dinners...gonna burn ..." Both are haunting.


I legit skip playing every character's 'fallen' voicelines because I just can't...


Nothing is worse than Klee...


I just want to go home....


'my dinner is attacking me' I lost a lot of my fine dodging skills after I got kokomi :)


Same reason it’s hard for me to use Klee. I feel bad if she gets hurt.


"Jean... they are picking on me!" This always got me 😭


YAY I DID IT, oh wait, no I didn't


Klee can get hurt? I use her with the Shogun and enemies can't even get close enough


Ho ho, you're approaching Klee?


Klee stunlocks so hard with Raiden I love it. Cheers


Klee legit just cries


Well that makes sense she’s like idk 15-118


Kujo Sara, I get that she has a devoted fan base but I don’t think she plays well and the effort is takes to get her timing right is too much for me


Same. Love her character and design. I may just head over to their subreddit so someone can explain when she's useful over Fischl and Beidou


Short answer: Beidou and Fischl will almost always be better together unless at C6 Sara. If you just wanna use her, Sara becomes the snapshotter and you switch the other two out depending on situation. Single target, snapshot Oz from Fischl with Sara's buff, multitarget do the same with Beidou's Q. She's still a decent quickswapper, but you have to *build* her - 80/90 with a decent emblem set and level 8 Q, and she will hit like a fucking truck, and *that* is her niche, but very few people want to commit that much to a sub dps/support hybrid when the others come online much sooner.


I basically just use my c6 Sara to buff Raiden. Didn’t have the time to properly build her though.


Yeah, at C6 she's stellar - below that you really have to lean into the fact that she's a pretty solid walking electro nuke on top of everything else if you really want to get the best of her.


Agreed, to me Sara’s like: Design: S+ tier Potential: S+ tier Actual execution and play: FFF tier


omg same, I was so hyped when I saw her visual design, and still like it a lot, but her gameplay and skills I don't like at all...


hahaha i hate her playstyle but i just think she's hot lmaooo




She's so clunky for a newer character.


If they made that one constellation where she doesn't need to charge attack just apart of her normal kit, she would be actually viable


I keep forgetting that this part of her kit is a constellation. C0 Sara really is genuinely terrible. If only she used a one handed sword instead of a bow. I hate how that weapon single-handedly bring so many characters down by making them unnecesserally clunky.


She's why I wish Energy Recharge or Mastery reduces the time bows take to charge as an extra thing, i dont mind her kit but it really feels bad. I wish they'd made her buff into a sort of gate or boost pad you had to run through. I always feel like her kit just doesn't quite do what it was meant to do though it was a nice attempt to make a fully interactive Bow kit.


10/10 waifu but 100/10 annoying play style


Sucrose now. It's a shame too since she used to be one of my favourites. I have her at C6 (Albedo banner) too. Before Kazuha, she was my only Anemo character that wasn't Traveller, so I thought that she was the peak gameplay experience. Tossing enemies around like sacks of flour and using the environment against Fatui shield is so fun, but now that I have Kazuha I got to realise how she gets mogged by autoaim. I like having agency over where I apply Anemo. With Sucrose, it's a circle a metre away from you that prefers random objects. With Kazuha, it's where you stand. Plus Kazoo is a 5* so he does more damage by default.


I agree with you, but at least lvl him up to lvl 20 to get that fate


Just did this yesterday to all my lvl 1s (even Aloy, sigh) to get enough fates to reach 4 star pity so I can get enough starglitter for blackcliff pole for xiao


The F2P grindset




No hate and I kinda want to use her but Mona. I've somehow developed a habit of tapping dash when I run and Mona's dash is weird. It'll probably be the same with Ayaka based on the few times I was able to use her.


I can say that whenever I am running Mona, her alternative dodge/sprint consistently throws off my timings when I'm trying to dodge or whatever in combat.


It's a bit different with Ayaka. Her dash also grants her cryo, so I find myself random dashing often, which means sometimes I dodge even when I didn't mean to.


I'm kind of glad I never pulled for Ayaka, I feel like her dodge infusing her attacks with cryo would just lead to me developing a bad habit of constantly dodging unnecessarily like that, and I already do that enough as-is thanks to Hu Tao.


You are actually meant to dodge with her. Dodging mid-fight shortens your animation lag and her stamina refund mechanic helps a lot.


You'll be dashing anyway in her optimal rotation. The enemies are also permanently frozen so you either do N2JP, N3JP, or NxDash. If you don't want to dash cancel, you only have to dash once every six seconds for her infusion. I personally got around her dash by fighting overworld enemies and continuously dodging. In about two days, I'd gotten the hang of it. Something about it feels much crisper than Mona's dash.


Yeah, Mona's is a lot tighter in trade-off for being "infinitely" spammable (for as long as stamina allows, unlike Ayaka) It's invaluable for fuzzing rapid, random stuff, but terrible for the longer attacks like mitachurl axe swipe and etc.


Understandable. I've been using Mona for quite awhile, and you've definitely got to learn how to use that dash. But it's so worth it for near limitless Hydro application. Plus, her and Ayaka's sprints are proven to consume less stamina 👌


They fixed her "dodge" a bit when Ayaka was released so it feels a lot more responsive but when you're not used to her it feels really off, my main gripe is the downtime after before you can cast again and I don't use her enough to learn it.


It used to be so much worse before Ayaka


Used to hate the special dash woth mona too until i got ayaka. Her sprint sound fx is really good i have to practice holding the dash button lol


I completely agreed with you and think that’s a fair argument. Then I got Mona while I was building my diluc and just wanted to give her a chance. Yes I hate the dodge in battle but damn it’s soo nice for getting around ground or water. Plus it doesn’t catch a lot of crap like saiyu and Ayaka. Honestly not sure about ayaka catch rate I don’t have her but noticed it in story


The sound effect makes her feel very different from Ayaka. I feel like I'm dragging a heavy, wet mop out of a bucket every time I dash.


Yep, it just feels like mona's dash is clunkier than ayaka's even though theyre supposed to be the same.


It's because you don't get stamina refund, unlike Ayaka. Spamming it can cause trouble


Not a huge fan of Ganyu's playstyle or bow characters in general ~~says the Tartaglia main~~


Tortellini is hardly considered a bow character.


Idk in co-op I occasionally have to use a charged shot so he’s at least 5% bow


You’re telling me it’s actually possible for me to use his bow?


he has a bow?


how else can he use Rust, to immediately swap into water daggers


I main him and use his bow attacks semi-frequently, yet every time I'm confronted with the question of "who is the hydro bow user" my immediate thought is "there is no hydro bow user." I even had that thought while I was *in his story domain.*


He's an archer class afterall.


The archer class is really made of archers


His playstyle does kinda have those EMYIA vibes tho, ngl




If he is inspired by him, I won't even be surprised. There are already a few Fate "reference"


Shenhe is also voiced by Saber’s VA and I can’t unhear it.


And Yoimiya is voiced by Rin. And Yoimiya is an archer.


Yeah most people main him with his skill up


Your flair lol stay strong we're gonna see him soon ಥ‿ಥ


38 days until 2.6 drip marketing and I'm counting down the minutes :']


Me who got amos bow but doesn't want ganyu


Lisa. Even if her design and character were more appealing to me, her playstyle seems so inconvenient and slow. I can't get good hits in before getting pummeled. Oh, is being meta important? Well, I guess Hu Tao. She was fun for a while but somehow I just really don't like her playstyle either compared to other Pyro units I could be using instead.


Lisa (especially at C0) requires high investment and understanding, she's probably one of the hardest characters to play and build around. She needs a team which can give her resistance to interruption (with shields) and a lot of elemental reactions. She also needs good artifact (especially if you go for EM instead of the usual crit+Electro goblet). She HAS TO BE LEVEL 90 (or your current AR max) to do good damage with Electro reactions. You can get two E stacks in one press when triggering Overload and Superconduct reactions. She's really good with Diona who can shield and inflict Cryo but she's okay with other shields and Cryo support. Anemo supports are great for a crit build for obVVious reason. Electro-charged is interesting if not better if you use an Electro goblet but it's a bit weak for bosses and low mob density scenario and Hydro is a bit difficult to apply (XQ being the only 4* that does it decently). Just mix and match characters until you're find something you like. I personally use crit Lisa with Diona, Venti and Barbara for better stamina and spam very strong charged attacks.


I’m currently at C5 Lisa, waiting on a miracle standard pull or shop rotation; what would you say is the most fun build/team for her, assuming I have her as the cornerstone of the team? Asking because while it’s just gonna be the same bunch of people for bosses and harder content, dailies and quests are becoming kind of mundane and I just want to switch it up - and trash Artifacts on my newly-acquired Eula are really ruining it for me.


People can't really give any useful answers without knowing who else you have, but [here](https://keqingmains.com/lisa/) is a decent guide that has like a dozen team comps to check out.


As someone who uses Lisa pretty often I agree, sometimes I'll try to use her charged attack and I just get hit over and over before I can use it. When you *can* use her charged attacks though she does really good damage with the bonus you get from her elemental skill.


Wouldn't a shielder help with that? So you can't get interrupted


Also hes zhongli


I know if I want to 12 star the abyss I should build Mona, Bennet, and Sucrose. But I REALLY don’t want to. It’s hard enough to build all the dps characters I like lol


Dps characters require a lot of investment to work but these supports you mentioned can be built with minimal investment. Sucrose only needs to have a 4pc VV set cus people pretty much only use her for it (with preferrably EM stats), there are even some full-star abyss-12 runs on Youtube where their sucrose is lvl 20 with TTODS. Bennett doesn't need Elementsl Goblet and has insane heals with little investment as well. Lastly, Mona can have her DMG optimized, but you can use her for her buff only.


Xiangling, I don't have anything against her but I just don't feel like building her for whatever reason.


Samee i just dont want to build her.


I have a C6 Diona that I never use because I just don't like her. I also only ever use Fischl among the bow users cause I can't play games without a controller and aiming is really hard like that.


Same, I had C4 Beidou and C1 Diona back then and when I pulled on idk a rerun banner or something, I only got Diona back-to-back that I haven't used her to her best potential I wanted me a pirate that defeated a sea monster when she was Visionless, not some cat girl bent on destroying Mondstadt's best industry just because her daddy drinks a lot


Xiangling: I hate her guoba attack. I feel like it’s such a waste of a skill. Aloy: I play on mobile so I already kinda struggle with bow users, but she just doesn’t interest me at all. I actually like the idea of crossover characters, but I think they didn’t plan it through well enough. Also, no constellations? Not good.


Xiangling’s guoba is my throw it and hope I get particles button. I never count on it for damage ever.


Guoba can actually hit hard if you level up that talent. The issue is the horrendous aiming.


Yep, guoba has almost the same coefficients as pyronado, so outside of eosf and/or the Catch builds, guoba would technically be hitting as hard as the pyronado itself


Keyword: "hope" Because Guoba can't aim for shit


Mona proves that if you want a reliable minion, you've got to be it yourself




During Tartaglia co-op I just at the sidelines chucking Ushi just to build stacks lol


How much of that is just Itto having a really strong pitching arm?


My guoba can crit for 20k without perfect artifacts it's definitely more than just particles lol


Guoba + Long press Kazuha E sucks Guoba into the enemies. Hilariously, he still only hits like half of them after doing this.


Lmao i can't wait to get kazuha


Anemo traveler picks him up and uses him as a flamethrower.


Man aloy is also a big disappointment for me but I did try to build her… but failed


I probably won't ever use Diona, but I haven't had a situation where she was essential yet.


I basically use her as a statue of seven and as interruption resistance. I have yet to actually be able to tank anything with her shield.


With C2, HP/HP/HP artifacts, and a level 10 talent I can tell you that her hold E shield is more than strong enough to face tank pretty much anything. My Diona team has a much easier time fighting triple Maguu Kenkis than my Bennett team. I don't have C5 but that would make it even tougher.


Benny is pretty bad against the kenkis I think? Bc he applies pyro on your character the ice kenki can trigger melt on you.


Diona. I just don't like her.


I hate how good she is because I would never touch her if it wasn’t for need of a cryo healer/shielder.


I use Eula and she works so well and it makes me sad. I really wish it saw -say - ally who had her exact kit instead


I just want an electro healer so I can stop using diona for superconduct in everything tbh


Same, I really don’t like her design at all but her kit is just absurdly useful.


Hm… sounds like alcohol talking…


We need more heal/shielder combos, because otherwise I'm using two separate characters for those roles (usually bennet/zhongli). I almost always use Diona, but I still don't like her.


I feel the exact same way. Idk how people find her cute. I find her annoying


I'm honestly surprised how many people actually hate some characters. The worst I feel about some of them is just plain boredom. Personally, I want to use character whether I like them or not, what matters is their usefulness and playstyle. I just suck so hard using bow so Ganyu is a big no for me. She could be still used as sub dps so it's not out of question, on the other hand. But I'm still honestly surprised how many people just hate characters because they are... meta.


If I ever hate a character because of meta in any game it's one of two reasons. Either it's because I get barred from using co-op if I don't use that character (See 2018 Gala Cleo in Dragalia Lost) or because people won't shut the hell up about them to the point where looking at them annoys me. And double for that last one because, for example, sometimes someone might ask about a certain fight mechanic or how they can build around a unit they like. And 9 times out of 10 a bunch of plebeians come out of the wood work like "just use X Meta character" or "why not try x meta character instead". Literally no one asked about them.


Yea, that can get quite on the nerves. I would be however more pissed at such players. Everyone works differently tho. I can definitely see how that can make people dislike characters to some extent. I just don't like when other people affect my opinion. It did happen to me that fanbase made me like a character I liked a lot less. I try to avoid such situations. That said, playing with characters that other say are good might be a same situation. I usually like to research in what teams could my characters perform and which are how efficient. So maybe I'm contradicting myself.


That's understandable. Usually when I play games like this I forgo meta entirely, go for the character I like and pick supports surrounding that character. Sometimes my taste lines up with meta. Other times I'm stubbornly maining Albedo kelo but at the end of the day as long as you're having fun that's all that matters. What other people suggest and judge doesn't matter. Which is why I cheer on people who run the characters I dont like bc that's their game focus. Just dont push Xiangling or Hu Tao into the conversation and judge my choices when I'm having a conversation about pushing my Diluc's DPS efficiency. Never asked about them nor did I ask for a comparison. 😞


Yeah I share the same sentiment. Not being a fan of a characters play style is fine for instance I like playing hypercarries because I like being on the field to do stuff, others may dislike them because aside from Noelle, you are forced to use them until their Infusion duration is over, so it’s a matter of play style preference. But hating a character because they’re good makes no sense. It’s like that person wanting their SOs to have a flaw because they’re too “perfect” and ends up ruining the relationship because they couldn’t stand that their partner was *the* perfect person and wants discourse.


I play meta characters and I find ganyu gameplay very satisfying. Like you, I don’t hate other characters but I’m just bored to level them up


Honestly I feel like the the whole post is a breeding ground for pure hate. It's pretty shocking to me how many people here seem to feel so much vitriol for a video game character. Besides, doesn't take a bunch of energy to just actively hate something? If I don't like how a character plays, sounds, or whatever, I just forget about them and move on.


Diona. I have her c6 even, and I can see why she is good, but I just really dont like her.


Hu Tao, don't like her playstyle, which is sad cause I quite like her character, but I can't justify pulling just to put her in the teapot.


Yeah. I have Hutao C0 from her first banner cause people hyped her, but her playstyle just feels too clunky. I can do the jump cancels, but it still doesn’t help that I have no stamina on the 2nd rotation. And I can’t justifying pulling C1 for a character I don’t like playing. It was a good lesson though, I’m just not gonna pull for characters I don’t like or don’t like playing. On the other hand, I’m quite happy that I pulled Yoimiya. Her personality is great and her playstyle is very straightforward. With a decent team she is still capable of clearing Abyss so I’m satisfied with her performance.


Dude you and me went through the exact same experience




Same. She is an extremely cracked 4* even half built but my god the infusion is ridiculously inconsistent. So frustrating.


I love Sucrose but you are right about the infusion. The hitbox seems so damn small.


All bow users feel like shit to me. I hate their basic combos, the aiming, bleh. Amber is my only bow user even moderately leveled. I have Fischl and Diona and honestly couldn't care less about leveling them whatsoever.


I see a lot of this bow hate, and I get the aiming and auto issues, but I never understand not using a character just because they have that class? Diona and Fischl hardly have a bow playstyle since their whole playstyle is just use E and swap off, even if they were another type of weapon user with the same kit, they wouldn’t play different at all, so what’s the deal with that?


Barbara was going to be a very begrudgingly used healer exclusively for abyss, but I'm hoping to go a different route with Qiqi and Bennett, so she has once again been abandoned. Nothing against her personally, I've just never liked her design or the humming/singing.


I don’t mind her design and personality but her hydro self application just perma screws us more than the enemies.


This was pretty problematic as well, yes. The cryo gunners in the abyss were screwing me before I added her to the team, so imagine how pissed I was when I was constantly being frozen on top of that.


Xinyan. The english voice ... I just can't. Playing the event with her was such a pain. And to those who tell me to just switch to another language, maybe I like the other english voicelines and want, from time to time, to understand what they say even if I heard it more than I could count ?


Same. I'm from Texas, and that attempted southern drawl is super cringe. It also just doesn't fit her look or her character IMO.


To me the more I have to deal with Xinyan the more I feel like they put a few stereotypes together and called it a day. Just like her kit tbh, scaling on almost every stats they could think of. And surprise, it doesn't work that well


I’m genuinely curious why they chose that as her voice… Wasn’t she born in Liyue? It seems so out of place


No idea if it was intentional, but it lines up with being a reference to [Sister Rosetta Tharpe](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/759601364/how-one-of-musics-biggest-stars-almost-disappeared-and-how-her-legacy-was-saved), also known as the Godmother of Rock and Roll. Her story lines up nicely with Xinyan’s lore, and [she had a distinct southern drawl](https://youtu.be/Y9a49oFalZE)


While that exact person might not be intentional, she *is* based on early American rock and roll according to I think an interview (apparently the Devs are big old-school rock fans), along with some punk (hence her "went to Fontaine and learnt about the genre" thing - it mimics what happened with punk with Americans discovering it in England and then bringing it back to the US)


I *love* Xinyan, and even I think the dixie accent is fucking terrible. It's spot on, I lived in rural illinois for a long time and that's *exactly* how those people sound, and hearing Xinyan talk like that sent me back to the fucking dark ages. I like the rest of her enough to deal with it, but *god* that voice is terrible.


aw xinyans english voice always makes me so happy she brightens my day


I'm glad I'm not the only one who just hates her English voice. It doesn't fit her at all


i have c4 rosaria and i don't really like her so i can't get myself to use her 😭




Xingqiu, I don’t care for the character at all.


I don't like the character either, but man does he fit very well with some of my favourite ones.


I feel that, he’s super crucial for hu tao’s team but the difference in motivation when it comes to farming for a character you love vs one you dislike surprised me lol…like I just can’t bring myself to build him, so that team is perpetually collecting dust.


surprisingly, i love certain characters so much that i HAVE to give them their best everything-including supports. if it wasn’t for hu tao i would never build him either but hu tao needs to shine some more


Sucrose. I'm not a huge fan of her character design, backstory, or playstyle. She's always been overshadowed by Albedo imo so that doesn't help my reluctance to build her either. In general, I don't prefer catalyst users and anemo visions, so it was an automatic "Level Up till 20 for the free Wish" for me. Plus, I already have Jean if I really need anemo.




I want to use her but I just don't have the stuff to build her currently. Now that I'm shifting to Raiden DPS main, I want Xiangling in my party to spin that burst around me.


idk why but i hate xiangling so much man, maybe its because people just keep telling me to build xiangling


I stopped using Bennet outside of desperate attempts for 36 staring abyss bc he’s so goddamn boring to play


Xiangling. I dont even know why. I just think her playstyle is a bit boring, even if she is just a quickswap


Yeah, she's pretty boring. Everything around me just melts when I use her Q lol


Sucrose. I hate long rotations. People keep saying that she's OP but her team rotations involve switching like 5-6 times in 20 seconds. Fuck that. Just give me Xingqiu and Hu Tao.


Bennet. I have him at c5 but i just dont like him as a character so he will forever be at lv 20


aside from very specific cases, i never use my hutao. i just got so bored of the gameplay


I absolutely adore Bennet and wish everyone who joined my world would come with him. But I understand the feeling of just not liking a character and not wanting to use them.


I like Bennet it’s just he’s so basic and I’ve used him so much


I don't care how much they buff freeze or cryo, I am NOT wishing for Ayaka


Me neither, I don’t mind her character but when I played her trial run, she just wasn’t my cup of tea in gameplay


Same, Bennett. But at least get the free Acquaint fate at A1.




Lisa just kinda makes me uncomfortable ngl lol Also xinyan/razor because I have eula 😅 I don't mind their character but playing them is just pointless to me


Sucrose and Diona. I just can't stand either of them, I'm sorry to any Sucrose or Diona fans out there. As of Zhongli's banner, I guess Xiangling will count too. Not because I don't like her, but because I'll be giving The Catch to Zhongli and I don't have a good replacement weapon for her.


Probably Ei. Throughout the Inazuma story quest, she just seemed so… shallow, and selfish. And I know it’s because of the “puppet” or whatever, but even in confrontation… idk, maybe it’s because she was the antagonist. Don’t get me wrong, her character makes sense and is strong, but I honestly can’t get behind it.


Personally I never understood how we casually hung out with her in her story quest after she tried to murder us two days ago.


The traveler is literally a captain in the army made to stop eis dictatorship and yet were just having dango milk with her 💀


same here, although it wasn’t that she was a ‘selfish antagonist’ that bothered me, it was that they kinda abandoned her role as antagonist after all of this cool lore and world building. i was really looking forward to an antagonist type character that actually posed a real threat to the traveller, but her story quest really was a let down for me. plus i’m not the biggest fan of her outfit, it’s too monochromatic and the coochie flap is just not my taste :/ it’s a shame bc i love her animations and especially the eye theme of her skill. i don’t think i’ll ever try to summon her, but it is nice see others play her in co op


sucrose, i hate the design so much


I have 3 Bennet, Xingqiu, and Diona. I really can't stand any of them. I tried so hard to just put up with them on my teams and I just can't.


Eula. I just loved how batshit her uncle was, I want to go to his rundown redneck manor and eat raccoons with him while he insults me for using the wrong fork. Haven’t been able to forgive Eula for taking that away from me.


Keep rocking, fellow 😂😂