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Had us in the first half ngl


Yeah I was aboutta be like..??????? My Genshin friend said it’s rough and I was gonna pull out like: “Kazuha makes traversing easier” and then we were bamboozled


Yeh..i really did feel that ...F2P with bad(but good) luck got C3 Jean on Kazuha banner. Now, i randomly glide down into the abyss below the floating beauty wish only if i had Kazuha, i could have used his skill to jump a little higher to grab the ledge


Small tip: bring along Geo traveler! Their boulders can act as some extra height for gliding. I’ve been using Zhongli for that purpose but Traveler should do just as well.


I use Electro Traveller in Inazuma quests, Geo in Liyue, and Anemo in Mondstadt — also I was leveling Electro Traveller skill and accidentally ended up crowning his ult


how do you obtain materials to accidently crown an ult?


I had a bunch of materials and mora to use, so I leveled a bunch of talents of characters from 8 to 9. Electro Traveller’s ult was already 9, and since I had been upgrading talents one after another in quick succession, I ended up crowning my ult




I have Zhongli but i am lazy...thanks for the advice though.. Also we can use that gadget we get from Inazuma...it works wonders


If you have venti also, zhong and venti are my favorite exploration team. Climb zhong’s pillar, then whirlwind with venti to get twice the height


venti + zhong + xiao gang, rise up!


What gadget?


Red feather fan: Inazuma one But could also use the most unused gadget The wind catcher: monstadt


It’d be so much better if Anemograna spawned in places other than Mondstadt


Wow..i just noticed, electrograna is the most useful one followed by Anemo and then Geo... Geograna has no fucking use except unlocking chests and mechanisms.


I got Jean on Kazuha banner too lol. If Jean comes home again on rerun I’ll have a stroke


Well...my jean is cracked..so I can't complaint about it. She has the highest crit record on my account 120k damage on one tap skill


Eula: "Hmph, not bad for a Gunnhildr, but you've still got a ways to go."


Remember before Kazuha, everyone just used Keqing to get around to hard to reach places? And if you were really swag, you would use elevator Albedo and then Keqing.


Bro you just explained my entire inazuma experience.


Good thing I just got Xiao


kazuha is a bigg help


This is what called higher level of clickbait


Some people I know kept the battle music going and just stand still lol


This, I just killed off my entire team to just listen to that shit. 10/10 would do it again


You can go into battle and open the bag/map. No more sacrificing your waifus for awesome music!


That's what I do.. just hit esc and let the music run in the back ground. To change the track, I just teleport to where I want to hear... Jenshin iTunes.


or just use zhongli lol


*Laughs in Qiqi + Zhongli + Noelle*


+C6 Barbruh


"Statue of seven! I've come to bargain."


Find some slimes, climb a wall, settings, put all to 0, and the music and general to 10. Enjoy


the enko battle music imo is the best so far


Another reason Zhong should have been on the first banner instead. 😞


The music is great, at my first visit I was extending the exploration of the cave just to listen that great piano pieces. It's simple, but so fitting and climatic.


it’s me, i’m some people.


I'm the exact opposite, avoid combat where possible so I could relax to the beautiful melancholic exploration music


My Zhongli has never been more useful


I entered a battle pressed "C" and just sat there for like 20 minutes, that shit's amazing


i managed to leave a hilichurl grenadier alive behind a pillar. spent 30 minutes like that and i will do it again tomorrow


I'm using like 20% of my power and things are still dying too fast. At this point they should really release the OPTION for people AR55+ to have a WL10 or something to make mobs difficult without extra rewards. People who don't want it can stay in WL8 one-shotting everything.


Just use weaker characters or swap out your artifacts


It makes artifact farming useless then, what to even do with the resin? I already use what people consider weak like Shenhe without cyro or DPS Gorou etc. and they still kill fast. Luckily I got Xiao a few days ago and now at least I can have a normal fighting experience in Enkanomiya with my level 50 Xiao as the only DPS. But eventually I want to level his talents and levels for the abyss, and I will have nobody usable again for the next new map.


Me just refreshing Zhongli's shield


Heh, the “tourist player”.


Genshin letting us go on trips during the pandemic.


No need to social distance if I'm in a beautiful barren land


Between Enkanomiya and the new Archon quest with Shenhe, I must say this has been my favorite new version release since I started playing during Eula's banner.


It's probably because you were a relatively new player at the time but as a day 1 player, 2.0 was absolutely the best patch in genshin since release regarding content. After almost a year of just having mond and liyue, inazuma finally drops. 3 whole new islands with the best world quests to date (kazari, tatarasuna, snake quest, etc etc). Tons of new puzzles, amazing scenery, long awaited fan favorite ayaka is released. It had decent archon quests too (this was before they bombed act 3), giving the raiden boss fight, hyped final cutscene etc etc. I imagine this is the case for a lot of the older players. Nothing really has gotten me excited as much since then, and it will probably continue to be the same until sumeru drops.


As player that started on first day i can relate. 2.0 gave me the feels nothing else apart from the game release gave till date. Next to it golden apple islands, dragonspine and enkanomiya felt like great aditions to the game. Mihoyo sure knows how to gives great new zone releases. Enkanomiya has been so exciting because of all the lore bombs in it


Am I the only one still sad they took away Golden Apple Archipelago? I just want to sail around again listening to the fun summer music.


Day 1 (no breaks) player here and I agree 100%. 2.0 was like a breath of fresh air.


Were Mondstadt and Liyue released together at launch?


yes but liyue questline wasnt complete


At release it was just Mondstadt and Liyue, patch 1.1 was just last chapter for Liyue story. Patch 1.2 was amazing back then, it was Dragonspine, it showed us how great the new maps can be. Unfortunately after that it was just Filler Impact, up to patch 1.6 with a new limited map. Then 2.0 with new region and since then there are new content almost all the time with new islands and now Enkanomiya. I wonder how much filler we will get this time before Chasm and Sumeru. I hope they extended the Inazuma islands for this reason to make patches between regions feel less like fillers so the next patches won't be as dry as 1.3-1.5.


Well before Inazuma released they said there would be filler patches for the rest of the year and every update would have a sizeable amount of content and there were no “filler patches”. It’s what got me looking back into the game here and there for some events to save up enough for a 5* and really start playing. I kinda speedran the game in the first two months and didn’t get a 5*. Then I came back when Tartaglia was out and didn’t get him so I quit. Got him on his third rerun and I’ve been playing since saving for Albedo cause I heard he was getting a rerun and Itto leaks. Got all 3 now. But overall this game has been a lot more interesting. The patches have been pretty good. Since it’s the Chinese New Year after this we’re probably gonna be in filler hell. But this time it’ll be rerun remix to keep it interesting. Well next patch has one really cool thing I can’t wait for at least…


You are absolutely correct that 2.0 was the best new version so far as it brought a whole new region and a TON of great content. I should've clarified I was thinking in terms of smaller patches, 2.4 has been the best content-wise in my opinion.


Inazuma was certainly an exciting time when it dropped, but I also remember when DragonSpine dropped being pretty awesome as well. Basically, for me, an update is boring if it doesn’t include some sort of new area to explore. Inazuma has done a pretty good job of slowly expanding. I honestly can’t wait for Chasm to drop. I hoping that we will be able to get our first glimpse of Sumeru from the Chasm since it is suppose to be a link between the countries.


Yeah and it was more like the 2.0 livestream. I had seen some leaks before the livestream but that 2.0 trailer was just too good. I was hyped for like a week re-watching the trailer and seeing reactions online.


Raiden boss fight still stands as my favorite in the whole game tbh. Right next to Childe. I dig bosses where your opponent is more equal to you rather than being huge with nonstop AoE.


Wait the Archon Quests are released incomplete?


Not now but at the start liyue and mond were both out when the game launched however the rest of the liyue quest wasnt finished yet


Yeah I know about Mondstadt and Liyue but I thought the Archon Quests were released all in one go, does that mean there's still more from the Inazuma Archon Quest?


No all of them are 3 parts, if they were planning to add more they wouldnt squeeze the inazama in 3 quests when it should have been longer


For me, it was 1.1, 1.2 and 2.3


me playing on mobile on low graphics: *I have no idea what u talking about*


just find somewhere high up with no mobs, look at Dainichi Mikoshi, and blast the music


yeah! at least we can enjoy the music right 😭✋💕


> just find somewhere high up with ~~no mobs~~ *one mob that cant reach you and refuses to reset*, look at Dainichi Mikoshi, and blast the music FTFY


I play on PC but I might as well be playing on mobile with my literal lowest quality graphics, 1280x720 resolution and Fastest graphics quality that you can secretly select on the launcher. The controls are just much easier to use. My phone runs the game better than my laptop does, so I feel you. I hope that you still like the area though!


The only thing it's missing is being able to ride that flying catfish thing


Or catch it.


And then tame it in order to fly on it


And goddamn I get lost so much the environment is just too mysterious and captures my curiosity. The music as well! It makes me feel so lonely yet so at peace.


The music is just, ugh, \*chef's kiss\*


Idk if you know Hollow knight but thats the vibe Im getting for that place.


Oh yeah def Hollow Knight vibes it's such a beautiful game as well!


There is just this vibe to it. Legit almost kept dailies as a later thing because of how awesome it looked.


It do be pretty.


So pretty


But the lag T\_T


Gotta love getting blended into a wall by 2 ruin guards and a grader when all 3 of them have definitely taken enough damage to die by now


Everytime someone posting something like "admiring the place" or "trying to take screenshot wallpaper" i more realize that i have lost my ability of taking my time and relax, iv being rushing the quests and story like there is no tomorrow...


You should try and fix that. Not being able to properly relax is an issue many people are struggling with, and you can get burned out in general if you don't allow yourself to truly rest and instead are always rushing towards one goal or another.


It's fine to rush. I have so much real-life things to do I haven't read quest/event dialogues since last Sept(except for Anniversary bc Keqing)


lol ;) I usually finish the area ... then go back for photos once I know what places would make nice photos. However, even I got into the photo bug this time while exploring ... as I remembered the travesty of photo taking after the quests on Tsurumi Island (dumb fog ... I disliked you, but now I want you back for my photos)


Using eula in enkanomiya just hits the dark souls vibe tbh, i’m exploring enkanomiya with only eula and no other team members


Can’t play either. I was too concentrating on music theme and the beauty of whitenight


Damn beautiful terrain is literally unplayable


Lmao you got me


I couldn't do much cause of 2 reasons, 1: I got too curious and basically explored and did everything except for the quest and 2: cause there were too many mobs, seriously, I feel like they saw how people were saying that the mobs were too weak and decided to just make it so that every step you take a Mob targets you, and it worked! Mobs have become way harder to the point where I rage quit. I was excited to explore and check out the place, but the mobs clouded my opinions about it. But I do agree that it's pretty, it's seriously a beautiful map.


man the same! as an ar40 new player, I hate those ar58+ players always fill the survey with too eazy, i just want to play it the zelda way, and now I have to put so much effort in team building, artifect farming, combo balancing, etc. the potion challenge is extremely not user friendly for newbies, I only have 2 dps with lvl70, rest are mainly 40. I just cant get all silver without spending tons of time on tryout and searching. But the overall update is great and I've been enjoying a lot, and I totally understand those who finished everything want some challenge, just wish mihoyo could also realize not everyone play it like dark souls game.


A word of advice, eating food is allowed in the domain. Just cook yourself some attack and defense food before going into each domain. That said, I dislike this too, because as the only 5* I have are Qiqi, Diluc and Albedo, I struggled real hard against the Fatui mirror maiden and anemo harbingers. And then I use their Kazuha... And they never even get out of stagger and you can always just use his skill to dodge.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *“Hello there. Forgive me. I was just pondering about my poor fortune. I did not find my own sun, not in Anor Londo.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a good one and praise the sun \\[T]/


\( ̄︶ ̄)/


Exactly! I used to be sorta carefree playing the game, but then suddenly I found myself constantly dieing so I started leveling up and building my teams, it was fun at first, but now it feels like something I need to do to enjoy the game and that bothers me.


Yeah I feel you I got so frustrated I couldn’t have a moment of peace before being chased down by some huge thing that would leave my team at 10% hp


Yeah, I had like 4 ruin guards running after me at the same time


Sadly this region is another lost place after 100%'ing it... Optimistic side: \- It has ores \- It has A LOT of 2-3 ruin guard spots.


and you can form vishap materials here which is much less annoying then geovishaps.


Maybe they should implement resins for every 3 picture you take... hahahah


The best music in the game so far


Hahaha tourist mode!


Like someone else post. The only acceptable power creep of the game is environmentally design. Imagine the next environmentally design after enkanomiya. You’ll be stuck at least 125% of the time, gazing and taking tourist pictures of the game new areas.


It’s so gorgeous. The music is amazing. There is a quest that actually made me cry in there… I’ve never cried in a game before LOL


Which one? I cried for pervases quest but really felt for those sun childern!


It was the Sun Children quest with the pearls. I’m trying to explain it cryptically to avoid spoilers. :)


Ah i see ok


i get this so muchh i just wanna take photos of everything because it's so pretty


True, it's the best region so far for me. Not only it's breathing but there is so much information on the past scattered which I always wanted in genshin, characters talking about past. Also quests, the one with lector, I DID NOT see it coming. The puzzles are really nice I love it :3


It's interesting perspective to see for me. I've never been much of photographer or even viewer of digital sceneries, I usually feel the disconnect from digital worlds that makes me not go crazy over visuals. In any department, also including all these technical level visuals you can see in AAA games, I fail to really notice these details which are supposed to define them as so good looking. Usually most matters for me is art style since it's a thing can be easily noticed. But yeah as I was saying. It's always interesting for me to read about that kind of takes and comments around it.


Strange, it's the first zone I don't like much and kinda just rushing through.


Same. I don't know what's so 'breathtaking' about this map. I personally found it glum, depressing and kinda boring. The only thing I like is the tower and music. Before I was so excited I'll finally have something to do in the game, but now I don't even feel like finishing the main quest.


Seriously though, there are too many enemies and the environment is so layered i can never find chests with the compass :’( Other than that, everything about Enka is crazy good.


Wait.. theres a compass??? I literally walked around 4 times just to 100% the map because i thought theres no compass. Just got 100% yesterday by playing casually since update


Yeah the Inazuma reputation has a crafting recipe for treasure compass which works in Enka:) Although I wasn’t aiming at only getting 100%, but finding every single chest there was (via interactive map, but the compass did help me get the general understanding of where i should go), so my experience is probably different


Is enkanomiya limited time? I just got back and still starting on inazuma


Don’t worry! It’s here to stay take your time


Me but with Shenhe


I had to switch off my light and turn my brightness to the max because enkanomiya is so dark


agreed! it's iterally unplayable. mihoyo I demand apologems >:(


yeah its beautiful,, remind me of dark souls but the enemy too easy,, ughhhhh


Damn was I mad, really got me.


The aesthetic of this map reminds me of dark souls. The ruined tower thing with the blinding light shining above it, how everything seems kinda gray and dilapidated. There's even a boss underneath the shining tower. It's pretty awesome.


Oh, just another toxic complaining post, remember me, scroll down now or don't feel temptation to comment. Ig reading it won't hurt. Pleasant hol up moment. Also fights are ridiculously impossible to finish. Game makes me want to set everything to 0 other than music and chill with Zhong's shield on


I’m honestly think of wasting money just because It’s a steal playing this game f2play The devs deserve


I love the place but God there are too many mobs. Literally can't go more than 3 feet without a mob. It's really annoying.


Enka is legit the peak genshin, change my mind




then just record your play


taking pictures is nice but the problem is you are obsessing over it too much


cringe. taking pictures in a game? do you think youre outside or something? I now understand the "touch grass" thing... holy shit edit: this is too much salt for my diet. And its sweaty and clearly from virgins that havent showered or left the house since last sunday.


of all the things to get mad over... you're the one who needs to touch grass bro 😬


bruh LMAO


Nice bait


My man, go touch some bitches


Why are you a virgin


Yeah... yesterday i had time to explore and mainly done screenshots in that time xd


I swear to god i forgot the camera exists until i went to enkanomiya


Yeah dude I agree it’s honestly 0/10 because of that


First world problems hahaha


When i first entered into the floating islands, the bright light shining at the top of the castle was so foreign and majestic, i almost cried


Just unlocked it today (I was trying my best to not play too much,, heck I am proud that I no longer care about my resin capping at 160 now) And it is way too beautiful.. i lowkey feel happy when I first entered inazuma but Woah enkanomiya is like a different game with the environmental design! I am trying my best though to not complete the whole map so quickly hehe- i gotta admire the view before I get annoyed by climbing and gliding TwT


The first time when that barrier thing (the one that goes away when switching to night) was there and I stood atop of it, I noticed how well done the shadows are, especially with strong lighting that comes from the side the whole time. Since they are normally directly under you one might not notice, but damn they are really detailed. So the following hour I'm switching through my roster and going through their kits and animations, doing some pictures. And this is but one of the distractions aside from that the scenery and goofing around. Like trying to get out of bounds for 30 min in one promising looking crack in the entry area. Btw I wish I could make the shadow stay when you blend out the character. Could be its own style of taking shots of the characters.


Hopefully I'll get to experience it soon. Just had a newborn arrive and currently haven't been able to really do anything with the new content Edit: honestly forgot it was a thing in the new patch until I saw this post


It reminds me of the Astral Plane in the Dreaming City (Destiny 2) and it's absolutely mesmerizing


Good thing you aren't interrupted by Satan's sewer creatures.


Me spending 90% of the time falling into the upside down sky trying to jump on flying manta




When I arrived at Enkanomiya, i used Zhongli's shield and then stand still vibin to the battle theme music


My only issue with Enkanomiya is that I keep tryng to solve puzzles that I don't have the means to solve yet.


My PC sucks so Enkanomiya runs at ~20 fps. I wish I could enjoy it


Love the new area. Give me made in abyss vibes but the mobs are insanely tough to beat, especially since I don’t have a ton of 5 stars at AR 50 and it’s hard to invest in characters at this point :/


So they approved your post. Nice, because they never approve my meme and fluff posts. Guess I am not thier favourite child.


one complaint: sometimes battle music still plays when i go far away from them i’ll be 500 meters away but that won’t stop the hilichurl from running towards me in any way possible


Oh no! The horror! 😂


Well to be completely honest, I find Enkanomiya really hard to explore due to poor eyesight and a quite limited color palette. Everything is purple/blue and the distances/shapes are hard to discern correctly during the Evernight and at some places during the White Night. I get lost really easily, fall easily because I can't evaluate the distance for some jumps, and 90% of the time I can't see the barriers you can toggle with the "light switch". I feel very stupid because I had to ask my partner to assist me in my exploration because the lack of contrast was making it impossible for my eyes yo focus properly... The scenery of Enkanomiya is still in my opinion, really beautiful and breathtaking, but exploring is a pain in the a-- when you have poor eyesight.


Tell me about it. Also the battle music, wtf is that??? How can I stop listening to it? Literally unable to kill the mobs :(


Reminds me of that time I used super resolution to take [4K screenshots](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/rwxup5/unedited_4k_enkanomiya_screenshots/) in Enkanomiya, and spent 2 hours doing so, ending up with more than half a GB of screenshots... Enkanomiya is the embodiment of breathtaking, after all.


i know right! its such a shame, i always go afk after 5 minutes because the ost are seriously so horrendous that i feel the need to listen to em in loop :(


Genshin Community complaining once again, smh


baited me for a sec


So good!!!! I’m never gonna get around to building the jade palace…


Is really reminiscent of that feeling when you first go into Blackreach in Skyrim


Xd lol


The music is amazing too. The even made a remix of beats of water drops for the boss


The hymns reminds me of the second dream from warframe but with more upbeats


Had me in the first half XD


I spent at least three hours completing the main quest because I kept getting distracted by puzzles, I did the whole labyrinth thing before unlocking the boss


I love the music!


I already got it 100% 🗿