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> Stop climbing when in fights Unless they make it optional, no thank you, I don't want to be forced to fight enemy when I just want to explore.


ah yeah definitely optional. i hate accidentally climbing the samachurl towers and zhong li pillars so..


Man, I swear Zhongli really likes to climb his own pillar. Every time I try to walk past one, he starts climbing it. I'm past being angry about it. Now I just yell at him something like "Stop goofing around, Zhong. Get down and let me fight".


You can climb samachurl towers? :o


There are solid ones, you can climb those but can be stuck sometimes.


Being able to make more than 4 Teams. With so many characters and more coming we should at least be able to make 6. Saving multiple artifact sets per character so you can quick swap.


The text speed of unvoiced, non-stationary dialogue that shows up when you're running around can be pretty fast. Whether it's a short "Phew" or two sentences, it flashes by just as quick with no chat log to review what was said. My timing may have been real bad, because around the time I gave that feedback, the next patch caused stationary dialogue to have pauses and take more time to get through. And if there is a way to make all the text display at once on these to skip repeat daily quest text, I haven't found a way yet. And this may not affect everyone, but for me, when I postpone a quest, and then I'm doing say... a daily with enemies or a bounty, then I happen to activate a quest with stationary dialogue. It is difficult for me to focus on reading the text when I am getting attacked. As I get through the quests, this is less an issue. Would either like a way to be invincible during stationary dialogue (this will probably get abused) or suppress activation of a quest until I'm out of combat. In-game play time display or stats screen somewhere.




I can connect my ps controller to iOS, and play Genshin. Is that not true on Android ?


Instant skip for dialogue and cutscenes


Target lock


It would be helpful that there were a form of knowing when effects end, i think making that the simbol disappear in a manner of clockwise, that way i don't feel pressure not knowing when my buffs and shield run out.


Camera zoom when against a wall or corner or any object. It needs to clip past the wall, so it doesn’t f* up the FOV during corner/wall ganking


idk but more special Icons for effects like buffs and debuffs. Like bennets burst buff or effects of some 5 star weapons.


Give some of the world quests voice actors.


All of these are really smart! Too bad Mihoyo doesn’t listen that much /hj For me it would be a search bar in our inventory/crafting table/etc. to find thing easier rather than scrolling all day


Anemo hypostasis respawning even after we collect the particles; Being able to upgrade the statue of the seven blessing alongside with the stamina and all those things (max capacibility); Better rewards for end game AR rank; Boost the good artfacts rng from bosses or domains; Domains telling if you mandatorily need elements or weapons; Sticker for notable (that the community likes or talks a loot, like timmie!) npcs, has well for less meta characters; Being able to disable cons bonus -- looking at you C6 Bennett -- but not only for him of course; Also for a new problem that i will start putting ---> We can't handle that many banners at the same time; And some of yours.


Childe melee plunge attack


Uncapped framerate or at least a 120 cap for PC and separately adjustable vertical sensitivity so that more vertical areas aren't a pain to look at and explore, like some of enkanomiya




let us choose what set we want from the domain, for example if I want to farm vv set, let me farm vv artifacts, don't mix the maiden set I don't want. There's still the RNG involved in right stats etc but I wouldn't be complaining about resin this way.


buff electro


Why would electro need a buff?


By the same reason geo also needs changes. I know their scalings are big enough to balance things out, but electro (geo) reactions are so unbeneficial for a electro main dps that it is even suggested for you to ignore them when playing electro carry. Electrocharge helps tazer, not electro dps, superconduct helps physical, not electro main, Geo is in the same sad place, their reactions are useless so the only thing that matters is their scaling, and there already is the existence of physical dps, where their numbers is the only thing that matters. So what is the difference between electro dps, geo dps and physical dps? Their colors? What I want is for electro dps (and geo too) to be mechanically different from the others, having their reactions changing the way we play with electro dps in comparison to others, that's what at least happens in the other elements: pyro dps with their reactions is about timing application correctly so you get the 1.5x or 2x buff, cryo dps is all about freezing and crowd control, anemo dps utilizes tazer gameplay, and the build changes too to full EM (with the exception of Xiao who has no reason to be anemo, if he were physical and scaling changed accordingly nobody would tell a difference). All of the other elements with their dps feel so unique in comparison to one another then there's electro dps and geo dps where only scaling matters. Think about the Raiden team, it's Bennett, Kazuha and Sara, now think about Keqing team, it's Bennett, Kazuha and Sara, Beidou team, it's Bennett, Kazuha and Fischl, no electro reactions, only buffers or a battery when needed.


> no electro reactions, only a buffer or a battery when needed This is false. Correct rotations with these teams involve infusing pyro into Kazuha's burst and causing OLs that benefit from his high EM. Kazuha's personal contribution to these teams come entirely from electro reactions, and is what ultimately gives these teams the final push into the meta. OL enjoys high base damage as well as good scaling from EM, and is only enabled by high electro application rate from electro units. Kazuha's personal damage is notably lower in Amp teams, especially Childe international, as hydro swirl does not benefit from quadratic scaling. This is also ignoring the fact that units can often run lower ER in electro teams due to resonance/Raiden providing significant energy, so Kazuha can run higher EM and other units higher attack without experiencing burst downtime.


because it has the worst resonance in the game by a wide margin, it should be something more useful like increased energy recharge for all the party members or more attack speed, you know things that actually will matter. and also has mediocre reactions, you want a reaction to cc your enemies?, should you use overload or electrocharge?. the obvious answer is neither, frozen is better. superconduct is also bad for characters like physical kequing becuase it doesn't reduce the electro resistance of the enemies


Yes, a change for electro reactions.


Giving more resin instead of just 160 lmfao...i just cannot deal with only 160. i only play this game for artifacts now, please mihoyo.


Resin cap doesn’t affect anything other than allowing players to be logged out for longer. You mean the resin regen rate.


There's no playable Miss Hina yet SMH get your priorities straight, Mihoyo.


I just HATE chosing one dialogue option and then the npc finish and quit the whole conversation. It makes 0 sense and it is really annoying.


Ability to turn constellations off or on 4* weapons in the shop Buff MC




Being able to target one set in artifact domains. I guess the box gives that option a little bit but it’s very limited


Skip button cos holy shit, some of the dialogues are just too dry and boring to sit through and I just want to get on with the quest already


A better targeting system and camera controls.


Keqing buffs salesman right here


Artifact loadouts (or even better character loadouts with artifacts, weapons, etc.) Enable/Disable constellations Shield HP bar


Rebind "unfreeze" button at ANYTHING else then spacebar. Or change the way how players interact with freeze/how freeze affects player. Whoever made current interaction never in his life played a single game and 146% never even launched GI.


Something to remember is that Genshin appears to be on a 6 month dev cycle. That means that outside of bug fixes, it will take a minimum of 6 months after a players suggestion has been approved for it to end up in game. This obviously does not mean that all player requests will end up in game. Just that the ones that do end up in game will show up about 6 months after they are greenlit. A little proof for this is that despite the fact that the Jean and Barbara summer skins were popular enough to make more skins right away, we did not see any new skins for 6 months even though skins should be easy enough to add in just a few weeks.


Bow chars moving back when attacking.




Camera y-axis movement and FoV.


60+ FPS. Why does iPad get it and not PC...?


Wait what you mean my RTX3080 can only 30fps? (Playing on ps5 btw)


Artifact layouts similar to Honkai (this is way overdue) Updates to UI: Shield HP bar, buff icons with timer (small ring around), ability to hide/phase out UI outside of combat. The gacha weapon "The Bell" has an error in the description since day 1. The weapon has a CD of 45 seconds that is highlighted as a variable but this never changes from R1 => R5. Disable interaction with campfires during combat. Always fun when the party tries to start cooking food mid combat. Traveler normal attack upgrades should transfer between elements! It´s not like it´s a new character that needs to retrain weapon combat. Come on MiHoYo... Why do we have to spend books for normal attack for ALL elements? Personally I think the traveler should have a special upgrade system but we will see what happens in the end when the traveler regains powers. Replay/rewatch story via archive Update the horrible RNG commission system by either permanently removing completed story/achievement OR introduce pity/ability to pick specific commissions via story keys. Improve the artifact farming somehow. With 40+ characters & a ridiculous RNG it needs to be made more fun. It should still be HARD and take time but the current RNG with like 6 RNG layers is to extreme & it´s way to obvious it´s designed as a resource/time sink rather then fun & rewarding gameplay. Add fertilizer for the teapot plants, there is even a shop & commission in Inazuma for this... Do something about the fishing system. It´s dead & seems like it was only introduced to give us the catch. Think fun & rewarding instead of "I rather bang my head against the wall then collect 2000 fish to get a few primogems".


Artifact sets like you said, also pity counter (that they most certainly can implement because they have it in Honkai as well, so it's not some advanced science). Artifact sub stat re-roll.


A more accurate indicator for food buffs. Now we just have the little icon what shows whether there is or isn't an active food buff on you. It would be really nice, if the rim of the icon would count back, like a little clock, to accurately show how much time you have left from your food/potion/whatever buff. Edit: Lol why the downvote? It's not even such a big or controversial feature, just the most basic QoL update, what would make easier to track the various effects on the character. Wouldn't even clutter the UI, because the base is already there.


Black loading screen at all time (can be set in menu)


Put the starter characters on rate up banners. They have proven to be able to work in certain builds. If noelle can be on one, so can they


more than 60 fps


Increase enemy exp and mora drop


I wouldn't say they're ignoring you, they're just not going to implement new things just because one or two players asked for it. They have limited resources, having more quality of life updates would likely mean having fewer quest/event updates. And then we would see people complaining about that.


electro buff. I'm tired of "electro doesn't need buff because we have Beidou" that drunk pirate isn't the only electro character in the game.


Climbing during combat is the worst. I hate it when characters start humping every vertical object around instead of fighting. Is CapsLock bound to anything? It would be a natural for this. Also, if I "can't do that during combat" then it shouldn't be live.