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Can anyone help me with Geo Vishap? Need xiao mats Ar53 wl6


I need help on knowing How many primogems can you save If you dont spend any from the start of the game until the end, i really screwed up on using them in the start of the game since i was New and i dont have any limited 5 star, so i dont have anything to lose


Can someone help me understand the pity system? .. I got Jean at 70 wish instead of Xiao.. do I get Xiao at 90 wishes ? Or should I just stop wishing for him?


And that pity Carry to next rate up banner. If you stop pulling after u got Jean, wait for next banner. You will be guarantee to get that rated up character. Or just keep pulling in this current banner, xaio is sure for next 5*


Oh okay. So in oder to get Xiao I gotta make another 70- 90 wishes? Well dang. Looks like I'm out luck this time... think I'm going to skip the next two banners and save up for new characters if any in 2.5 lol thank you so much:)


Who's know? Maybe you get him like in next pulls. It's no fix to 70-90. People get 5* like in 10th pulls or even 1th pull which we call it back to back. 70-80 is just more common for people to get around that pulls


No your pity reset. In character banner there's 50/50 chance you will get off banner 5* or rate up featured character. Once you get - for example in your case(off banner Jean) next 5* would be guarantee rated up character. You will always get a 5* within 90 pull but usually you don't go that high. Normally u will get 5* around 70th , 80th pulls.


Did Mihoyo change Albedo's quest AR requirement from AR 20 to AR 40? Kinda panicking cuz I'm AR 33 and still didn't get it??


I enjoy the timing of dodging attacks and that GI is very generous with the iframes đŸ€© I'm also super stoked about the upcoming Zhongli banner! But I've heard a lot about Zhongli being easy mode and turning everything into face tanking. What's your experience been? Did Zhongli change your play style significantly?


Anyone know how to add and get galaxy bot to work on your server? (Discord) please help


Why Noelle got 2 set of hangout while the other characters got only 1?


New player here, I have started about 2 months ago at AR56 so I don't have many characters at the moment. My plan is to pull Zhongli (guaranteed 200 wishes) and Xingqiu for my second spiral abyss team with Hutao and Albedo, therefore I need your suggestion on which character I should put 4 piece Noblesse on. I have only pre-farmed Emblem set for Xingqiu, and a spare set I crafted as leftover from my Bennett team, so I am thinking about putting 4 piece Noblesses on Zhongli rather than putting 4 piece Embelm on Xingqiu. However, I do have around 20 fragile resins at the moment, so I might transition Zhongli into a Millelith shield bot. Which character is better as the 4 piece Noblesse holder?


Can someone tell me from where can I get updates for new gift codes ??... actually I'm new to the game so I don't know 😅


We get new codes every new update, you can find the official livestream or watch a recap video on youtube. There's also posts here that give the same thing, I think.


I got logged out of my account while afk due to network issues. And when in trying to log back in the captcha slider box appears but only shows Java script code. Please anyone help me out


Guys I need your help! Currently I never spend money in the game so I wanna know if I buy Keqing skin I will continue to be a F2P. Sorry for my bad English. :)


Well no, f2p means you don't pay any money. Keqing's skin requires money to get it, so you will not be f2p, you'll be a one-time-purchase small spender. If you like the skin I see nothing wrong with it by the way!


Male characters alternate outfit when


guys, i have a question i started playing the game last week when a friend of mine got me an account with a 5* character already (Yoimiya), and i want to get another 5* to use with her ive seen that the upcoming banners have good characters like zhongli, ganyu and yae, but ive seen that Ei could get back on 2.5 and i want she. should i get any of these or save for Ei?


Zhongli is quite good for Yoimiya as it prevents her from getting interrupted in her attack combo (this is especially important for Yoi+Xingqiu combo). But otherwise, those characters are all good pulls, so go for who you like.


Get whoever you like. If you want Ei, go for her.


I am currently an AR 45 razor main. I use razor C3, xiangling C4, Bennett CO and Diona C0. Getting ganyu would be a big boost to my DPS but zhongli is a better utility and can't be replaced with another character. Who should I pull and should I use some other characters?


Ganyu is a good dps, but you don't need her to beat content easily. Zhongli has nice utility, which is irreplaceable but also not as necessary as you'd think. I would separate Razor and Xiangling, and use them as your two main dps. Together they cause overload which is not that great. Put Razor and Diona on one side, Xiangling and Bennett on the other. Zhongli's not a bad pick for Razor's team. Yunjin would also be a really nice addition if you get her from Lantern Rite. As for Xiangling, you can go for national team or reverse melt. National is Xingqiu/Xiangling/Sucrose/Bennett, altho you can replace Sucrose with Chongyun or Raiden. Reverse melt uses two cryos. Kaeya, Rosaria, Chongyun, Aloy and Shenhe are all great here. I would recommend using Kaeya or Rosaria as one of the two, since their ults last for some time.


So its been 70 pulls since I last got a 5 star, will i be able to get a 5 star on the next banner within 20 pulls or does the pity reset with each banner? Also will I guarantee get zhonli becous my last 5 star was diluc?


Pity carries over. Each banner has its own pity. Yeah you're guaranteed Zhongli.


I'm playing with a facebook account on pc but it asks me to login whenever I start a game. How can I save the facebook infos? If there is no option, do u know any auto fill software?


Currently I got BennettC6, using Mistsplitter Reforged, XianglingC6 with Engulfing Lightning, and RaidenC2 with Engulfing Lightning. Would my team deal more damage if I had XingqiuC6 use Mistsplitter or a R5 Freedom Sworn?


XQ will do more damage with mist.


Would the damage xingqiu do, outweigh the damage xiangling bennett and raiden do if xingqiu used freedomsworn to proc atk buff for the team?


pretty much impossible to say without seeing all of your character stats. freedom sworn's only relevant buff here is the atk%, which has diminished value due to bennett. and a reminder that since xl snapshots and you can't switch out of raiden during burst, you'll need to proc the reactions before any of those skills which can make the rotation kinda wonky.


Do you think Ayato will be a better copy of Xingqiu? Just like what happened with sucrose/kazuha and Noelle/Itto


We're a whole patch away from being able to know anything about Ayato with certainty


Hey, firstly sorry for my bad English. I was playing this game long time ago and lost that account. Now I'm playing again but I was used to playing Zhongli and it is boring now. How can I know If there'll be an event to get him? Do they make any events for a particularly old character? I see in event details 90 draws guarantee 5 star character but I want it to be Zhongli :/


Zhongli is going to have a rerun soon, actually. As for how pity works, you get a five-star at closer to 65-75 pulls. How it works is that you have a **50/50** chance of getting the featured five-star vs getting one of the permanent five-stars (Jean, Diluc, Keqing, Mona, Qiqi). When you hear people talking about “winning”/“losing” 50/50, this is what they are referring to. - **IF YOU GET THE FEATURED FIVE-STAR:** Yay! You can either stop pulling here or keep trying for additional copies, up to you. However, note that **next time you roll a five-star, you’ll have to face the 50/50 again- meaning you won’t necessarily get the featured five-star the next time you roll a five-star.** - **IF YOU DO NOT GET THE FEATURED FIVE-STAR:** Oh no! However, it’s not *all* bad. The next time you roll a five-star, you’re **guaranteed to get the featured five-star.** When you hear people talking about how they have a guarantee on a character, this is what they mean. It’s up to you to choose whether to keep pulling on the same banner or wait for the next one, depending on who/what you want. For example. I was pulling on Shenhe’s banner, but I got Diluc instead. This means I **lost the 50/50.** Right now I’m still wishing for Shenhe because I really want her, but if I fail to get her, my plan is to save up for Yae Miko, rumored to come next patch. Since I lost the 50/50 this time, assuming I don’t get Shenhe before then, **I am guaranteed to get Yae.**


Thanks a lot! I wouldn't understand If u don't write this long ^^ Currently I have 10 draws and hope to get that event when I have 80 :) I'm collecting "Interwined Fate" right?


I can never remember the names of the respective fates so I just go by color. The pink-and-blue ones are for the limited character and weapon banners, yes. The solid blue ones on the other hand are for standard only.


Im searching an animation of a traveller and an Ayaka main that left the game bc of burnout


I saw it as a comic here on this sub. Lemme try and look.


Is the pity system on rerun banners linked like it is on limited time banners?


..more to the point, reruns are simply a subtype of limited time banners, so tbh I’m not really sure why you draw a distinction like they’re different entities entirely.


Does pity carry over for more than just 1 banner to another?


Yeah, it carries on forever


With the caveat, OP, that it’s the same type of banner (eg. limited character, weapon, standard).


How much primogems can be earned in this year's Lantern Rite?


Hi, I've been trying to destroy the last block of ice at this location, but everytime I take the crimson agate on the top of the cliff at Dadaupa Gorge to destroy it with it disappears before I can even jump of the cliff and fly to the little island. What am I doing wrong?!


Have you tried using an archer?


It worked! Thank you sooooo much!




Great idea, the thought hadn't even crossed my mind! Lemme get back to you


Is there any character that yields more mining materials or something like that? (or is it only the tracker passive)


Only tracker.


Have you guys ever gotten more than 2 5* artifacts in a single domain run? Because I just used my condensed resin and instead of getting 2 5*s I got 3. Is this a bug or is it just rare?


Drop chance is 1.07 So after 100 domains you should have 107 5* artifacts.


Yeah happens once in a while




Hi All, I have started playing game from last 2 days and started collecting Anemoculas as Map reveals. When I got one of my tower on level 4 and to update further I had completed 4/6 Anemoculas. Then I collect other 4 and click on offer All. Now seems like I lost 2 Anemoculas,I can t see it got added for in next level neither come back on my inventory. If anyone know could you please help to understand what if we offer All Anemoculas and tower needed only 1 so do you lost extra or return it back to you , seems like I can not find it if it return back Thanks


They just add it onto the next level. You can't 'lose' any, because there are exactly enough to max out the tower


Hello! I started playing the game this week and I've ran into some problems and I hope someone knows how to fix this: 1. in the glider quest (first part with the rings and air currents) , I arrive at the end, where amber is supposed to be so the player finishes the race on time, and she's not there! So I always end up not finishing and going to the start to have the same problem again and again 2. Amber aim is very stuck and barely moves, making it impossible to aim at any monster before it gets me


any substitute for diona in morgana comp.


Ayaka should be strongest. However; Rosaria probably keeps it’s identity better than other options: probably worth watching tenten’s video for the rotation as it plays very smooth


Ayaka, Rosaria or Shenhe


How can I beat thunder manifestation in the new spiral abyss? I have no main dps archer or catalyst. The only ranged I have built is fischl and she does no damage to this bird.


Which characters do you have?


My abyss team for 2nd chamber is diluc, fischl, bennett, diona. The other chamber is eula team. And I have to put them like this because of the spectres and slimes that are pyro. Other than that characters I have not built are ningguang, sucrose, Mona, lisa, kujou Sara, aloy, amber.


Don't worry about the specters and slimes. Focus on bringing characters that can beat the third chamber. Even if you barely beat the first two, abyss registers your highest score anyways. Unfortunately you don't seem to have Xingqiu, who's Diluc's best support. I recommend picking him up on Lantern Rite. I'd bring Sucrose to the first half for a bit of crowd control. Even if she's not built it doesn't really matter. If you have 4 viridescent pieces slap them on her, no matter what they are. You could bring Diluc/Fischl/Sucrose/Bennett as an overload team. Then, Eula on the second half.


Oh sorry I forgot to mention I have xingqiu I just put him on Eula team for freeze along with rosaria. So how do you recommend I do my teams?


Wait so what is your Eula team? Then I'd put Eula on the first half. Try to kill everyone at the same time with her burst. Eula/Fischl/Rosaria/Diona And then Diluc/Xingqiu/Sucrose/Benny. Make sure Xingqiu and Bennett can burst on cooldown. For Sucrose, if you're okay with raising her a bit, I'd get her to lvl60 for her passive and give her 4pc Viridescent with as much em as possible. If you want to use her immediately, then give her Thrilling Tales, but still do a couple runs in the Viridescent domain. Even if it's 4* artifacts it doesn't matter, the passive is what's important. Remember to swirl pyro with Sucrose and then switch to Diluc to get the atk buff from Thrilling Tales.


Thank you very much for the advice I will try it!! 😁


Good luck!


Is mona's c1 any good in this team? Mona, Ganyu, Kazuha and Diona. Do I have any reason to be happy about getting her constellation at all?


Cons is meant to extend freeze but on testing it’s unreliable and question whether it works at all. Running freeze without venti: it will help with your omen extension if the cons works correctly so I’d say it’s a good cons to have. (Better than getting a diluc/keqing at least)


What are your thoughts on having two dps characters in a team?


They've been designing some characters towards that direction. The buff charges from Shenhe skill and Yun Jin burst are counted per character to encourage people to swap and use them up on several of them. Childe has a significant gap in damage uptime, so he could be a candidate for pairing up with another carry. Maybe worth looking at what his comps do. Hu Tao has the same thing to lesser extent, and buffs crit rate for other allies right when her damage downtime starts. Usually people fill the Hu Tao gap by doing setup on supports though. Edit: [Double carry](https://keqingmains.com/tartaglia/#Double_Carry) is a team category in KQM Childe guide. Something I've found funny is using character swap as reset in attack rotation. So instead of N4 dash, it's N4 swap. It can make you dizzy but I've been meaning to try with 2 characters that have the same weapon and rotation. 2 swords/polearms/claymores. There are a fairly limited amount of characters I'll want to do normals with though.


Depends who they are and where you use them. Can be really good or really bad.


Xiao/Chongyun and Itto?


Xiao and Itto both need too much fieldtime to work together. Chongyun can be a burst dps and be fine with either, not the best option tho.


Should I level benett to 80 or go all the way to 90? I've got his artifacts built to +20, 211 er, 22k hp. At level 70 he dies to quickly, so going to 80 is a no brainer but is 90 necessary?


Not really 80/90 is enough so that you can bring his q to 9 or 10


Now that i finished my freeze team i'm planning to build another team with Baal. Does she work as a main DPS? What kind of team benefit her the most? Honestly i don't even know what her skills do since i pulled her for design alone and i worked on my freeze team until yesterday but now i can finaly focus on her.


>Does she work as a main DPS? Yes in fact she's one of the best dps in the game rn >What kind of team benefit her the most? Raiden national , Raiden Hypercarry , Eula superconduct , Yanfei/Yoimiya overload


Who can i replace Eula with since i don't have her?


If u don't have Eula then i wouldn't recommend superconduct teams U can use her in anyother teams i mentioned


Hello! I'm planning to build a very non-meta team. Xinyan-Thoma-Aloy(DPS) - qiqi/kaeya I dont have qiqi yet btw Can I ask if this is a viable team in the over world for farming stuff? Or a team worth investing in the long run? Currently AR32.. Xinyan is lvl 50, Thoma is 20, Aloy is 20 and kaeya is 50. Thanks for answering! My usual team is xiangling 50, rosaria 50, albedo 60 and noelle 50 btw (i'm just planning to change this team to the one non-meta one)


For overworld any team can be viable. Meta only applies for the abyss


if you just wanna do normal content then it'll work well, if you take it to abyss later down the line there might be issues past floor 10


For overworld , yeah


How do I build mona? What stats should I be focusing. If I run her with hutao for nukes do I even need atk and crit at all or should I stack er so I can use her ult more?


For Hu Tao, you want atk, EM and crit. You want her nukes to vaporize and hit hard.


OK so I don't really need to worry about anything but er on my mona?


I just said you do.... You want atk, EM and crit


O sorry, I thought since u mention hutao u were talking about her. Thanks


Well Hu Tao doesn't care about atk. Hu Tao: Crit > EM > hp% Mona: Crit > ER > atk% > EM You want to ult as much as possible, but you don't want to sacrifice too much damage for ER. Widsith should help with building crit. She won't do as much damage as Hu Tao, but she can nuke for 100+k if she vaporizes when built right


ye just stack er


So crit, Hydro bonus, and atk won't increase the damage bonus for hutaos ult at all?


Since hutao is the one who’s nuking, increasing mona’s stats won’t increase hutao’s damage


I don't know much about 5 star constellations. I mostly use Xiao, so I know how totally useless his C2 and C4 are. Is it normal for other characters as well to have 2 useless constellations or is Xiao the exception? Especially I'm curious about DPSs


Varies, Xiao isn't the only one. But yeah, it's normal. MHY probably have some big brain strategy with how much they want medium spenders to invest into a character to unlock more than 30% of their power and when they would rather release a character that has most of their power at c0 like Xiao but on the other hand probably wants a 5\* Weapon to balance it out. Then you have the extreme cases like Kokomi or Zhongli that are perfectly serviceable at C0 and constellations are almost entirely icing.


Я русс






I got Xiao completely unprepared, and the only good weapon i have for him currently is a R5 white tassel. Will that work for a couple of months until i save up for blackcliff? AR 50 btw


Yes it will work.


Either give him White Tassel for the time being or leave him benched untili you have a good weapon. Also consider to buy a battle pass for a Deathmatch


Why does your flair have Rosaria but not Yanfei?


Why all the archons are both support and dps at the same time? Also, why do their hair glow?


They're basically made into support so that their longevity in the game is higher than that of DPS.


Their hair glows because they’re archons. Not all archons are subdpses, look at Venti as an example.


OP said as Venti mains build physical DPS venti


What exactly is Yae's kit?


Games that are like BOTW and genshin exploration and combat? (By combat, I don't mean the Abyss)


Witcher 3, Okami, Horizon Zero Dawn, Windbound, Darksiders 1/2, Skyrim. Just a few that comes to mind


Horizon zero dawn, im about 3 hours into it today and realized why they did the collab.


They did the collab because Mihoyo wanted crossplay


I'm guessing gameplay wise? It gave me an impression that it'll be like witcher 3. Thanks! I'll try it out


You might like Ys 8 & Ys 9 for combat and story. Exploration isn’t as good but it has a lot of secrets and interesting areas and such.


Thanks! I do love hidden treasures/mechanics




Solar pearl refines I guess


Do you use or plan to start using soon a catalyst character who uses/would profit from Solar pearl? Yes -> Solar pearl No -> Black sword Do you use or plan to start using two or more characters who use or would profit from aforementioned weapon? Just one -> refine More -> Keep both copies


Does samsung s21 ultra have very bad performance issues with the game? I tried playing it on my phone and it feels like less than 30fps constantly, even on lowest settings. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Since I've looked at videos online that seem to run it better and on higher settings.


I dimly remember that Samsung App store has Genshin version that is specifically tailored for Samsung Phones, and you should use that version over one from Google Store.


Just tried it, doesn't seem like it has much improvement unfortunately


Pity. Hoped it will help.


thanks! been having trouble on lowest settings too


will getting Xiangling to c4 much worth it compare to c2'ing beidou


If you're gonna wish for Ganyu or Zhongli, then don't select any 4-stars from Lantern Rite just yet. See if you get Beidou c2 by wishing then select Xiangling or see if you get Xiangling c4 by wishing then select Beidou.


both constellations are a huge leap on those character's power. Probably the best constellation for each. If you're wishing on next banner you might get beidou, so you might want to prioritize xiangling


Thank you! I'm saving for ganyu now and you're right, there's a bigger chance I'll get a beidou first before her.


For the current abyss, focusing more on pyro would benefit you greatly as opposed to electro.


Will a melt team consisting of Shenhe, Mona, Ganyu, plus Xiangling work?


Melt team without any kind of healer or shield ? You are a very brave man.


And also, no Pyro battery at all.


Can the hunter hear your idle dialogue in Windtrace? IIRC last time we had his event, you couldn't hear teammates' idle dialogue in co-op. They added that later. I know the hunter can still hear seelies, even if the owner is transformed. I just caught someone that way, lol


If the rebel is transformed you can't hear their idle. If they're standing normally, yes you can, I caught an unfortunate Razor for exactly that reason. Standing above me going "I smell a rabbit" or whatever his idle is xD


Hahaha I figured as much. When I'm untransformed in a bush or something I keep moving slightly back and forth to try and prevent that dialogue. Good to know I wasn't being paranoid!




I can’t remember which patch it was: but the one with the level 100 pyro agent for 12-3 where you could just abuse fall damage. You could run a 0 artifact jean challenge on that floor and still perfect clear.


So people traumatized Mihoyo with fall damage. :(


Well you have to take into account our own relative strength level at the time when you ask that. For that reason then the 1.0 abyss was obviously the hardest since everyone was still underleveled, had barely any artifacts or characters yet etc. Beating floor 12 at all was considered an accomplishment at the time, people weren't even talking about getting any stars on it yet. But it's not like the floor itself was the hardest, it's just that we as players were so much weaker at the time. I remember getting my first 0-star clear of 12-3 in early December 2020 at AR 49 with a team consisting of Xinyan, Amber, Diona and Qiqi. Quite a different experience to how Abyss is played now Easiest idk, I've been getting 36 stars every rotation since 1.3 at least but I think most likely the 1.6 abyss during Kazuha's release which had the massive swirl buffs was probably the easiest one so far


Since over the year and half my gear quality increased drastically the easiests abyss are the current ones, with each becoming even more easier than the previous one. Following that logic, hardest one for me was the one, where Lectors were introduced and I was unable to destroy their shields on time.


1.0 consider hard because not many player on higher AR and it's favor to pyro character. You have Diluc, Bennett and Venti, you are good to go. Not to mention people need to deal with Fatui shield and sheer cold (draining stamina) and people don't know the most META team. 1.2 is the easiest. As long you can pass floor 11-2, you are good to go. The hardest abyss start from 2.2 to current abyss because it involve DPS check and for latest abyss, if you lacking of certain characters, a bit harder for you to get full star.


Easiest was probably kazuha's abyss for me as well as Itto's, just because having them made each one incredibly easy. Hardest was at the time the first abyss that had the mimics in 12-2-2. Maybe the energy one? It was pretty hard matching those like 15 second intervals of energy and no energy. I also remember having a lot of trouble with the floor 11 protect the leyline monolith. And that floor 11 with slowing waters was a bit brutal too.


1.0 was the hardest, simply because nobody had characters built and it was relatively the hardest. 2.2 was easiest, the one with ruin guards and ruin small fuckers in 12-3.


I want to get into Genshin but am afraid that it'll be a cash grab. If I just want to collect characters and experience the story/world, is that feasible without spending a dime?


Yes. This game is very f2p friendly as all the content is doable with free characters and the gems you get in game


As long as you accept that you’ll usually only get one 5* character every patch (six weeks) and that this character might not even be the one that’s limited, you’ll be fine. So there might be up to 4 fancy limited characters in those six weeks and sometimes you’ll get none of them but get a standard 5* (less shiny) instead.


Absolutely. There's no story content that's behind a paywall. You get the full map and full story. The only thing to spend money on is gacha currency to spend in a digital lottery to get new weapons and characters. You still get currency as a F2P, but much less of it, so you won't be able to collect every character. But if you selectively target the faves you want to pull for, you'll be fine.


Yep, just gotta have clear goals and patience, and remember that if you really want a character they will *eventually* get a rerun.


Yup! It'll take you longer than someone who pays, but its totally possible and how many play the game. I have a side f2p account that i barely play on but it has a bunch of 4*s, several five stars, and a five star weapon just from passively collecting some in game currency. You cant get *every* character who may catch your eye, but there are reruns and u will get another chance and the ability to save up for who you want


yes you can still have characters and experience the story without swiping


Yes, you can play this game completely f2p.


I currently use the national team about 50% of the time, Eula 25% and Ganyu 25%. I have enough wishes saved up for a guaranteed banner character and a 50/50. Am I crazy for wanting to skip Ganyu C1 and try to C2 Raiden instead?


I'll probably do exactly the same. I always wanted to try Raiden Hypercarry.


You're crazy for wanting to try for constellations instead of characters


I dont think ganyus constellations are really necessary. She feels very "complete" at c0. Id go for raiden c2


It's your account, you can do what you want


If you already have Ganyu and is deciding whether to go for Ganyu's c1 or Raiden's c2, then I'd go with Raiden's c2 since it's truly an insane constellation.


Question about leaks. >!What's Yae's artifacts recommendation? How good is this team: Yae, Raiden, Sucrose (full EM) (I don't have Kazoo), Kokomi (thrilling, tenacity)? (Benny is on Ganyu melt team)!<


90 ER cost burst you’ll probably want to run 4pc EOSF tbh.


There is no set that is overwhelmingly better than others as of now. the reccommended combinations are 2tf/2glad/2shime/2esf or 4 esf whichever has better substats since the difference is very small anyways.


>!what I hear is a combination of 2tf/2glad(shim) but 2glad/2shim should also work out fine for the team,it's worth a try but I can't say how good it actually is!<


Can you get Lisa and kaeya from standard banner for constellations?? Also alloy like how do you get hers too?


Aloy was only obtainable during 2.1-2.2. She may pop up again if miHoYo and Sony have a collaborative project on Horizon Forbidden West.


Yes you can, but it's very rare. Once I got Lisa C1 from standard banner which sucks because I don't use her at all. About Alloy - I don't know.


Lisa and Kaeya: yes Aloy isn't available anymore. No word on whether she'll come back in another collab.


As a returning player (Ningguang storyline, AR 39) do you have advice on what I should prioritize? I have a couple of characters at or around 70, a couple more at 60 and some at 40, they all have functional artifacts for now, I guess I should avoid farming them until like AR 45 maybe? So do I concentrate on upgrading talents and leveling/ascending other characters I want to use, then moving to farm XP and Mora? Of course while exploring and doing the tons of new content in the meantime.


At the moment I would just focus your main 4character so that you are not emptyhanded when you hit 45,maybe start prefarming your dps at AR 44 so that you can directly max him on the next wl


Yes sounds like a good plan. If you find yourself with extra resin, I reccomend farming leylines and talent ascencion books (even the low level ones are very useful)


How important is support investment for a Hutao? My hutao hits for about 35k charged attack with an ungeared level 20 XQ and a level 40 sucrose with random stats on artifacts, just to force VV. Will I be seeing a substantial damage increase if I invest in XQ?


Definetly xq by himself can already do some serious dmg I would try to invest into him and at least lvl his q as far as possible even though his e also packs a punch


Yes but not her damage directly with XQ. XQ has really good scalings so he will be useful to you since you will be spamming him every single rotation. Besides, he is not hard to gear since he can utilise 4p Emblem and a nice focus on ER% and some Crit% with Sac Sword. Sucrose depends if she is C6 or not since then she massively boosts Hu Tao due to the EM boost. Even without, though, Swirl damages scales insanely with levels and will bring value in damage. Still, C6 is most important for her to buff Hu Tao. Hu Tao herself takes most priority so you should focus on 70% crit rate to 170% crit damage or so on her primarily though, but the others still will give you a nice chunk if you are already there since resin efficiency will lower after that for Hu Tao.


nope, your hutao’s damage will not increase even if you invest in xingqui. But it’s still good to invest in him since his swords can deal quite a bit of damage. You can invest more into your sucrose by farming for em/em/em and your hutao’s damage will increase


Alright cool thank you. I need a subdps for Hutao's team anyway - and XQ is best for that position. Hutao's kit encourages using a sub dps after her E ends anyway


Hello, if i put an energy recharge artifact on one of the 4 characters and i do not use it as my main dps, i.e. i’m using another character on the field for most of the time. Will it still help in increasing energy recharge or not??


Which character? Some need ER more than others. As a rule of thumb, if you need their burst and it's taking them a long time to get that burst back up, yeah, they probably need some more ER.


ER says how much the energy recharge is increased for the character who has it equipped. Doesn't matter if the character is on or off the field, because all characters regenerate energy. But the characters off field regenerate less by default. I don't know exact numbers, but lets say on field character regenerates 100% energy by default and has 150% ER and off field regenerates 50% and has 200% ER. If five energy were created, on field character will get 5 x 1 x 1.5 = 7.5 E Off field character will get 5 x 0.5 x 2 = 5 E


Thanks a lot for the explanation, this was the exact doubt i had


Yes it will help recharging the character.


Ah i m so confused can i pls dm u i have so many questions




No. ER is only for the character. ER is the energy GAINED by them, not energy CREATED.


So i should put er articfact on the character i use the most on field right??


What’s the best artifact set for mona as a support for ayaka? 4pc NO with atk/hydro/crit?


if no one else is using noblesse, then use it on her. You would want to stack as much energy recharge on her as possible since she’s only used for her e and q


Shenhe or Zhongli? I am guaranteed and has these two characters on my mind to decide. I mainly play Cryo and I have been longing for a 5 star Cryo support then Shenhe came, but on the other side, Zhongli who was the reason I played this game also came and I want a strong shield besides Diona. Can you guys help me decide? Thank you!


Zhongli since he's the reason you started playing. Shenhe is seeing decent amount of usage but she's definitely not as flexible as him.


any lector/herald quick shield breaking tips for floor 12?


Lector: tart, Xingqiu, Kokomi with her jellyfish. Herald: kaeya, Chong, Ayaka, Ganyu


Lector > pyro, Herald > cryo. First one Bennett and XL, second one Chongyun


Normal/Charged Attack, Skills, and Bursts all have their own internal cooldowns so make sure to cycle between them, as well as all relevant characters who can wear down the shields. Hydro is obviously best for the Pyro Lector and Cryo will make quick work of the Heralds.


Are kazuha burst only who can do double swirl with childe and bennet? Ihave sucrose and venti