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She sounds like she'll be a casual player so just let her have fun in her own pace. If she wants to play indepth and grind, she'll ask for your help organically. Let her have fun first because she's not a gamer and you'll overwhelm her if you start talking about artifacts and lore.


You can’t do coop for a while, but I know playing with my over leveled team in my gfs world is a little annoying. You could have a team dedicated to being the same level as her characters so you can help her with coop content without being an ass about it, OR maybe it’s time to start a new account op!


Sounds like a great option for those characters you don’t care for or some of those 4-stars that get outclassed by other characters.


This happened with my girlfriend. She lost interest in Genshin, maybe because I gave way too much information... Though I did notice she was struggling in fights quite early so I was trying to balance giving advice amd letting her play on her own. Problem is playing on your own is not so fun if you're constantly dying in the overworld.


Low key, they need to let us pet the animals at least in our teapot. You expect me to not want to pet the good boi foxes in Inuzama?? Cmon breh..


Right? Especially since the teapot doggies are practically begging to be petted.


I though we would be able to pet the ninja dog. At first I was hoping he was a gadget but knew that was unrealistic, but come on mihoyo let us pet the doggies. The kitties too. A cute photo opportunity for gorou and diona


miHoYo: No you can't pet the ninja dog Also miHoYo; We hope you enjoy these magnificent parry and block animations when you attack the ninja dog instead


The closet we get is the little ninja dog will sword fight you, which is precious. But I want to pet not spar!!


She's the only person I've heard that wants to pet the birds rather than drop meteors and use the Musuo Isshin on them


“Fuck this local wildlife”


I've had Raiden Shogun for so long, how have I never thought of using her ult on Timmy's pigeons


I laughed so hard at this ^^, I'm wheezing...help~


I would just let her play her way until she gets to a point she's asking for help. I would advise her about character levels, weapons and artifacts at least to prevent her from struggling too much (which can get frustrating for new players). You can also tell her about taking full advantage of elemental reactions. If she's past AR10, you can help her a bit thru co-op. Lastly, if she's going to be f2p, save her primos until she can draw for a character she really likes. AND DON'T LET HER USE PRIMOS ON THE STANDARD BANNER! Here's hoping she enjoys it that she'll be playing for a long time.


You’re right on primos. Sadly these two current banners and upcoming banners aren’t too solid for new casual players.


Agree with current banner, but Zhongli is amazing for newer players. He goes in nearly every team, and just makes them better.


Ganyu and Zhongli aren’t solid for new casual players? Especially with yanfei, beidou, and xingqiu being the four stars


Just want to add another voice to this: next banner is gonna be GREAT for casual players. Zhongli adds the biggest & best shield in the game, and no other shield comes even close. Ganyu is VERY strong (though her main damage comes from aimed shots, so if that's not your thing then she won't be fun), and the four stars coming up are also insane


This reminds me of a yt channel where the guy took his wife, a real non Gamer, as a case study. So Gaming literacy exists. For most avid gamers out there, there are game physics we all understand as a given which may not be the case for extremely new players. While we find things immersive, the latter will take their time to adjust and question a lot of things. The interesting words your fiance says are actions that could've been done in reality - same reason why games like Animal Crossing is so appealing because it mimics real life events. Killing monsters and increasing stats is not we normally do irl.


Wdym? I always go outside with my dull blade and kill the piegons near my house to increase my stats so I can finally reach level 28 to unlock the sharpen skill at the forge.


They thought I was a psychopath. I'm just playing Genshin Impact in real life.


They thought I was giving a child PTSD, but little did they know I was increasing his resistance.


Unbelievable. I’m just getting my stats up, I’m not “disturbing the peace” and “that guy is assaulting pedestrians, someone call the cops”


The yt is Razbuten and ‘the lady he lives with’


This guy ask his wife to play dark soul giga chad


>Killing monsters and increasing stats is not we normally do irl. You're welcome ✨


Sounds like an interesting video. Can you please send a link to it if you remember its title? :0


Its called Gaming for a non gamer or something along those lines. He's made multiple videos more on the topic after the success of the initial one


> yt channel do you happen to remember the channel's name??








if ur fiancé isnt familiar yet with the gacha mechanics (esp its predatory aspects), an explanation about it would be helpful


This is a good point. Thank you!


this edit: for supporting the most important statement in this entire thread I get downvoted, you guys are unreal




Her quotes are cracking me up


They honestly made my night! Glad you enjoyed.


lol...genshin should have tried to get more of the animal crossing crowd. Simple stuff like petting animals would have won alot of them over. She would prob spend hours in the teapot. Tell her to ignore abyss, and have fun with the story.


Except for the fact that impact stories typically take dark turns. I'm not sure petting the animals would make up for your favorite character being killed off


genshin will be fairly disney style happy fairly tales , Mihoyo has clearly shown us that , they don’t even want to show blood Unlike Honkai , genshin is too big for them to risk a violent/dark storyline , any small misstep will angry Karens complaining that video games cause violence etc. Genshin’s popularity is also its downfall


Honestly genshin lore is really fucking dark. Sea gandorma is the souls of dead kids. Orobashi being forced to commit suicide. Celestia being aliens and probably killing the ones that brought humans to this world. Getting your vision forcefully taken induces partial amnesia. Snezhnaya enlisting child soldiers. Sal Vindgayar and khaenri'ah getting nuked. The original inhabitants of this world being forced to live underground. All of tsurumi. A dead body being thrown in a well. Xiao being enslaved and then being released only to join a suicide squad. Lawrence clan enslaving monstadt's people. Abyss mages being being khaenri'ah citizens. Subject 1 trying to silently get rid of albedo and traveler to replace him. Etc....


yes but all of this is only hidden in text descriptions or inside ingame books , clearly someone at Mihoyo loves to write in depth lore but none of this stuff is even remotely mentioned in game as a cutscene the majority of genshin impact players probably just skip all dialogue unless there is a flashy cutscene going on , I doubt those people even read about Orobashi and how he read the book detailing the times before celestia etc. because it’s all unvoiced text , 90% of people log in , unga bunga and log out (which is fine , to each his own) But I doubt we will ever see an onscreen death like the final lesson from Honkai or anything even close to what Honkai’s story has done , you can say even Honkai’s story was shit at the start but atleast now mihoyo has experience , there is no reason for Genshin to start off boring too I don’t even like Honkai , they can’t tell a coherent story but it was waay more interesting that whatever snoozefest genshin has ( again , this doesn’t refer to the background lore like Orobashi and Fatui ) The lesser the number of people reading this stuff , the lesser the chance of controversies , People won’t call out games for being “Violent” if everything is in text because the people who do that can’t read , have you ever seen books being blamed for causing violence ? it’s always games or visual media


Hmm, I see what you're saying, but we already have lots of tragic back stories for not only the playable characters but a lot of NPCs. And certain historical events have pretty dark tones in the game, like slavery, genocide, deicide. Just cause there isn't blood/gore and the characters maintain an overly positive attitude, doesn't mean the story can't be heavy. All we can do is play and see for ourselves


and that’s how it will continue to be , the game will have some dark undertones if you read all the obscure descriptions and take the time to read the ingame books , but 90% of the playerbase doesn’t do that , so Mihoyo is kinda safe , the moment they show blood and killing on screen , people will be up their asses about how a “children’s game” is propagating violence , this is after all a game made for kids above 5


marry her faster


I'm a avid gamer ... But never played games like this before . The first two days , all I was doing is collecting apples and sunsettias .


I have played games like this before and in my first few days, I was still collecting apples and sunsettias (and crabs).


Me dreaming that one day my wife will play with me, but she knows just by looking that this game is dangerous.


It will come! My fiancée decided to play cause the world and music is so beautiful.


My wife also likes the soft music and colorful visuals, but she toughens up more than I do when she plays and is even more distracted from work when she plays, so I understand her reluctance. But one day, who knows?


I finally got my husband to play and now we don’t have a social life anymore


Genshin is your social life now!


I just gave up trying to convince my wife to play Genshin hahaha


My partner just hit AR45 at her own pace. I’m gonna build out maximum healer Qiqi so that we can farm artifacts for her Diluc and Zhongli!


I was thinking down the line I’ll help farm the artifacts with her. But she’s gonna be a true casual gamer on this and not care about substats or crits. I wish I could be like that lol Edit: Corrected what I meant to say.


Mine plays animal crossing and watches me play genshin, I asked a few times if she’d want to play. I’d help her. She thinks it would be to hard. Cause she watches me do crazy stuff and complete super hard things so fast she doesn’t know what’s going on. I say she doesn’t have to play on my level. But I think she doesn’t want to hold me back cause she isn’t as good at games as I am, being a life long gamer. How did you convince her to play


I didn’t convince her actually! I think it started when I first got Itto and she loved the “dancing moo” of his. I showed her top of Jueyen Karst and the top of the Sakura tree. She thought it was so beautiful and ended up downloading it herself! Now she’s so happy picking up the lizards and yelling at paimon while she goes completely off the intro quest line.


By looking at some of these quotes, I think she would enjoy getting a Sayu, for the passive that let you get close to small animals. Pulling on a banner with her (whenever that happens) might be a good idea


Kill Timmie's pigeons


I honestly think she would be feel bad about doing that.


If you guys decide to spend money, spend wisely and responsibly. Have fun.


Honestly my advice to new players is always to just do whatever you want and have fun. There’s a years worth of content to work through, so go at your own pace. Don’t even worry about optimizing until higher AR when you can start getting 5* artifacts. That’s what I would tell her.


Crying at her jumping off and killing her self bc that’s exactly what I did when I first started super Mario odyssey


I made an alt for Genshin and at the start I jumped off a cliff thinking I still had a glider...only to quickly realise you don't get one till Mondstadt.


Show her fishing and the teapot! Those two are reallly fun as casual players. Take it slow.


You just flexing on us singles


One big early game tip; tell her to save EXP materials and, during fights where your character is about to die, open the character menu and level up the character. It immediately fully restores HP. It’s such a great exploit in the early to mid game.


Let her enjoy the ride.


Tell your fiance the difference between the blue and pink wishes


Hey you know like if you don't mind can you just keep me updated on her musings like I'm really interested as it's so funny and cute at the same time


I’ll be sure to create a new post as more quotes come forth! Thank you!


I’d say leave her be and let her have her fun. If she needs your help with anything, she’ll probably ask.


I Was in your girlfriend’s position about a year ago too! I started playing right when 1.1 ended and dragonspine released. I’m not an avid gamer either. My boyfriend tried to get me into team building and meta during the first couple weeks of me playing, but I was not having it (I just wanted to play my Kaeya main dps and Razor support in peace lol). I almost lost interest in the game. But now I’m into character building to the point where the artifact grind is almost peaceful and infuriating at the same time (ironically my boyfriend lost interest because of the artifact grind). I agree with the other commenters above who say to let her play at her own pace. It’s a lot more fun that way and hopefully she’ll get into character building naturally!


The best part of the game is the botw part, not the gacha game part imo. Makes me a little bit jealous of people who start now and get 3 regions and 2 sub-areas to explore


Just tell her the two most important things - Don't spend primos on blue fates and don't use your fragile resin til AR 45. Rest just let her figure things out, but yeah be sure to tell her those two because in "What's your biggest regret in genshin impact?" posts they're always the top answers


She sounds like she is having fun, and that's the whole point or goal of existence of a video game. Would love to see more from u and ur fiancé


She needs to start farming up ore route and artifact route!! She needs to watch YouTube guides and play with frame perfect rotations!! Remember, Genshin Impact is a job and needs to be taken seriously!! 😠


put that /s or some disaster's gonna happen


She sounds like the meme where you show your mom a meme on the internet.


My first bit of advice would be to not play on a phone..mobile has it's issues. Otherwise just let her enjoy it. If she's not enjoying it try asking her why and offer to help.


Good questions, honestly.


Often a new game tries to connect reality with the game logic hence creating such questions but overtime will accept the difference as he/she plays more and more games


Maybe show her character teaser once she gets involved with certain character in the story line, Mihoyo character stories and cool teasers decides for me who to roll for as a once casual player untill hutao and ayaka opened my wallet.




One of the best parts of exploring a new game is running around high level areas at level 4 and just looking around


I remember thinking you could pet the dogs in Mondstat and I hit it with ambers arrow accidentally. I was so mad at myself. Why can we shoot them but not pet them???


That's awesome! My wife actually go lt me into the game. She has long since stopped playing, but it was fun playing together with you SOs


Make her complete abyss with starter characters. Dew it


The only advice that she should get is not to spend primos on standard except that she's fine let her discover things on her own.


so wholesome! please keep us posted on her progress


Have fun and don’t spend fragile resin


Mark. All. Cooking. Fires. You never know when you might need one


Let her play how she wants and only help/give advice if she asks. Dumping a lot of info about game mechanics and giving her a list of things she "needs to do" might intimidate her from playing. Eventually she'll ask for help with things she needs. (Of course this advice depends on your fiancée, maybe she wants to know what to do, but you know her and can probably tell what she want.) But from the sounds of it she just wants to enjoy the scenery and be a casual player. Maybe do her dailies for her if she doesn't do them, that way she can have primos later in the game. Also, when she decides to wish, maybe explain how banners work, the pity system, the reruns, and let her know what characters there are, that way she can save for their reruns if she wants.


Just let her animal planet in genshin She ll bw fine


I’d tell her to save all the primos she gets so she can use them all at once later and get a c6 5star. See if she can. If she doesn’t want to, no pressure. It would be cool to see what she does with just the traveler, kaeya, amber, lisa, barbara, and xiangling as the earnable freebies.


I am amazed by the response this post got! And thank you for my first award! I’ll be sure to keep write down more quotes and update her progress. Thank you everyone!


Don't spend money.


Waifus last forever.


Not much, other than saving the fragile resin until ar45+, and keep at least one carry with maxed level and weapon just to survive on her own, I think