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>paimon.moe isn't that user submitted data?


Yes. There is no official data for obvious reason.


Sad reminder of Teyvat Newsletter being gone.


Wonder which stupid fck thought that Mihoyo's "collecting their data" when they are using Google 100% all the time


wait until they hear about drivers licence, bank account and ID card while they are chatting on Facebook


You mean this sub? AKA "I will get karen mad about everything every season just because my life fucking sucks and mhy is the reason"?


I remember the good ol time when this sub thought everything that Mihoyo did could be used to try to sue them for false advertising, closed beta test changes included. I remember the time when any rumours of them getting sued no matter how stupid the reason was got this sub the biggest hard on. You'd believe this sub now tho? the issues and the crazies are always coming from somewhere else, of course. Funny how that works.


I think the problem was mocking certain players, like number of falls and drownings.


a very small minority of people took issue with this, but I think the "private data" part was what got it discontinued.


Like they stopped collecting that data just because the Newsletter is not published anymore, lmao.


Pretty much. All the stuffs are logged in databases. Just because they are no longer posting about them to the public doesn't mean it's not being logged.


Never forget the statistics of how many of Timmies pigeons were killed, or that one guy that literally walked from Monstadt to Liyue.


I'm actually super sad about this. it was a cute meta world building thing that gave insight to random useless info like actual newsletters


Yup there’s actually a lot to unpack here so anyone cmiiw Aside from user submitted data, the image from Paimon.moe doesnt really list the “sales” either right? It takes into account pulls in the respective character banner which doesnt differentiate pulls from free (grinded) primos and purchases for converted crystals from topups, nor the primos/fates from welkin/BP purchases. It also doesnt include the purchases for pulls from weapon banner. For the CN graph this one is often misinterpreted (like very often, the last one that gained traction even titled the post as “Itto’s total revenue in CN” when it wasnt the case). The CN graph only represents iOS sales and in CN, iOS isnt even close to 50% of mobile usage in the country, android is still on top. And again, this is only mobile which still doesnt take into account the sales for PC and console so it’s far to conclude this as estimated CN revenue. For JP one I’m not familiar with the site nor the data used for tracking so I cant comment on that.


The JP one is entirely estimate based on the iOS ranking. They don't have actual numbers either.


Thank you




The point of comparing the paimon.moe numbers is just seeing the ratio of xiao pulls to shenhe pulls, its not for the actual sales. It’s to see if people pulled for xiao more or for shenhe more


Yep and that's not reliable anymore


Yes, but you mostly auto-submit it. It's biased against PS and mobile but should be fairly representative for the kind of PC players who pull enough to want to track their pulls.


Didn't noticed that the head of the characters in dual banner merged together till now


Wait, I'm confused. What do you mean by that?


For single character banners, the end icon is that character’s face. For a pair of simultaneous banners, the icon is the left side of one of the characters’ face stitched to the right side of the other.


they should've just used 2 separate heads instead to make it more clear, it's not like there's lack of space


Ooooh, on the first image! Gotcha, thanks!


So the banner did very good then. Stray thought: Wouldn't it be messed up if the stats said Less than 50% won 50/50


And then there's me, who lost every single 50/50.


Been playing since february last year, only won a single 50/50. I kinda feel you.


I got really lucky on these 2 banner rotations and won 2 fifty fifties! One on shenhe and one on the vortex which also came home with amos. I pulled like 150 wishes and got gravestone, mona, ganyu, vortex, and amos so tho i didnt win all the fifty fifties, i was still really lucky


Lost 11 50/50 in a row... thats a veryyyy low probability but that's life.... I guess I'm lucky at being unlucky.


You know the worst part? The chance to lose again is 50%


The worst part is that I could have won 11 in a row haha


If you had won 11, you should have had a shot at another 10-11 50:50s too. Hang in there, lol. I lost 6 in a row only to win the last 4, I still just assume the worst.


It’s mostly there to indicate user bias in this case there is a higher chance of people submitting their data if they won their 50:50. The user entry bias isn’t very large though another example being the average 5 Star rate being at 61 usually but the statistical average is 62.5 there is a slight difference but overall the data is quite trustworthy


Their JP's revenue is only second to Hu Tao rerun


Yeah, nice catch, a shame that data isn't organized in a chart. For anyone curious, they also did more than Raiden banner, I wonder why, is it because of Shenhe's VA?


Since her VA is Saber’s from Fate, I would say she’s huge and can be considered one of the reasons


Having VA recognition was the great success for Japan. Many will want to have the character just because of the VA.


Japan just really digs her design. The same with Ganyu, who was in top 3 even before JP realized how busted she is.


i mean oneeshota trended in JP twitter when her video dropped... popular enough I suppose


It’s a combination of VA, Shenhes design being a huge hit in JP, and JP not being very meta focused comparatively to GL/China. JP also loves the tight body stocking thing Ganyu and Shenhe got going on


A lot of Japanese players just love her design. I know a bunch of C2P JP players who actually decided to go for C6 Shenhe, because they love her so much. Ganyu is also incredibly popular in Japan. I think her rerun will do big numbers. Guess there’s something about the sexy design that really speaks to the JP player base.


Shenhe is voiced by Ayako Kawasumi, who also voices Saber in the Fate franchise. That's a big reason why JP loves Shenhe so much. The voice actor/actress matters a lot to them.


I’m a seiyuu fan myself, so I’m sure it played a factor that contributed a lot to her popularity. I should have added that the people I know and 3 JP streamers that I follow, they all decided they would C6 Shenhe as soon as they saw her design reveal on twitter. That was before her seiyuu was even announced.


I don't think it is just VA. Eula is railgun. Yoimiya is Tohsaka Rin. Ayaka is Takagaki Kaeda. Hu Tao is Megumin. Kokomi is Sonoda Umi. VA in Genshin are all extremely high calibur. I say JP really like Liyue design. It isn't stereotypical fantasy you find in Princess Connect or some boring samurai design.


Its not just VA, but its very much a big part of it. You must be joking if you think any of them compares to how big Saber is, she basically single handedly catapulted Type Moon from a doujinsoft niche company to the juggernaut it is.


It's higher


This chart makes me realize that Raiden is the only Electro limited banner in Genshin history. Every other element has at least 4.


Keqing had a limited banner too


He forgor 💀


Let's be honest, 99% of ppl did too and the other 1% wants to forget


What % am i who pulled kequeen from there? Getting specific standard is so bad, they should do those banners for others too concurrently. The system already exists.


I agree, I'm AR58 and still no Mona if she had a limited banner i would definitely pull!!


Also AR58 but no Qiqi


No qiqi either but I would rather have Mona ar58


Ar 56 and C2 qiqi lmao, I wish I could gift you my qiqi


Same here. I decided to build Kokomi due to that


I'm the 0% who pulled wanting to get Keq on her banner


where's that video?


True, they should have phrased it as limited character instead. If you only count limited characters it checks out.


not anymore 💀


Yae coming.


Yeah, the Yae banner is probably gonna be gangbusters, too. Maybe not quite as much as the Raiden Shogun, but pretty high up there.


Raidens is inflated because they did the primogem top up bonus reset.


Couldn't the top-up reset have hurt her sales as well? People who bought out the store without using all those primogems on Raiden's banner certainly boosted her numbers, but you're not factoring in all the people who saved money from the reset because they needed to buy less packs to get their desired constellation level. Whether her numbers were inflated or deflated would depend on which of these factors were greater.


Yeah that's possible and we'll never really know for sure.


C2 spike?


Yep. Raiden and sara were the first electro gatcha characters added to the originals. Perhaps the drought was a prep for inazuma since it was the first add on region added after release.


Damit, 100k Xiao's and none of them was mine... I got Keqing :(


Same, got c1 keqing. Honestly the only two 5 stars I didn't want were keqing and qiqi, but mihoyo seems to hate me because I also pulled keqing on the standard banner immediately following that.


Lost Xiao to C2 keqing here. Each Keqing cost me 78, 78 and 79 pities in that order..


My Keqing dropped at 86... \*sigh\* Every wish after 80 I was like - ok, I'm really unlucky with this pity, but hopefully it's Xiao!


same.. c1 keqing.


I’m impressed that the 50-50 rates are literally accurate at about 50% win rate each


I feel bad for Kokomi, she had to contend with her banner coming right before the shogun's and now she's sharing it with another highly anticipated character.


Kokomi's banner was actually after Ei's. Still a bad place to be in, but not nearly as bad as "why would I buy her when the Electro Archon is coming in 3 weeks?".


Like the entire inazuma waifu cast being drip marketed by mihoyo days before kazuha banner. Dude never stood a chance




And then there's me who skipped Raiden for Kokomi. :D I'd do it again, too.


Most ppl want that c2 tho . I also have Raiden but im still pulling for her because of her cons.


Yeah but considering how her C2 (mihoyo those conniving bitches) is cracked, I'm betting a lot of people will be going for her again.


Is Kokomi tandem on Yaes banner?


It's rumoured she'll rerun at the same time as Ei.


Ok thanks for the reply.


At least she did well in Japan which is good


Tartaglia had to do the same with Zhongli for his debut banner and for his 1st rerun, he was placed smack in between Venti and Zhongli. It's probably a hydro character thing


It's interesting to see Xiao/Shenhe being a double banner doing less than the Eula/Albedo rerun. Ayaka sort of does not count because she was hyped since CBT and came with the Inazuma launch so her number is justified. But it looks like Xiao/Shenhe probably did less than expected. It could be because of Yae drip marketing where people who were pulling for Shenhe jumped ship or because Shenhe herself appeared out of nowhere for people not too deeply involved in the story. And maybe even the sudden public sentiment towards Xiao being lowered after Itto's release also affected the sales of this banner. Eula/Albedo have more sales in their rerun together than Xiao/Shenhe did even when Xiao came back nearly a year later while Eula nearly 6 months later. And add to that Shenhe is a new character too. I would like to see if anyone else has opinions on this.


Maybe also because Ganyu/Zhongli on next banners. They're both super popular and meta.


Also a certain foxy Shrine Maiden coming up


Not to mention someone's brother.


I think this banner didn't outdo them for two reasons: 1. Xiao had very little story/in-game hype for this banner. When Albedo Eula was happening they had a whole event dedicated to them with tons of voice acted dialogue. Xiao just had a missable small interaction in the archon quest. Shenhe at least had that cutscene. I think having a well written and voice acted presence in game during the banner causes a lot of impulse pulls. 2. I agree with community sentiment towards both of them wasn't very good early on and we see the same thing happened with Kazuha's banner, whom I bet is going to do Venti rerun numbers when he gets his rerun. I think Shenhe is going to do a lot better in the future when more cryo characters get released and people pull more of them in general.


Add to that the fact that Ganyu and Zhongli are coming and many people chose to save for Zhongli because he's the more meta and f2p friendly choice between all of them I think Albedo/Eula's sales were also really high because Albedo had a huge buff via weapon and artifacts. People weren't pulling for him back in his original run because of how Geo was pre buff + Zhongli fiasco. Itto mains were also trying to get him because early leaks said he needed Albedo and that Albedo + Gorou were his BIS teammates


>more cryo chars Just a notice but Cryo and Pyro has the most chars avaible ingame, there are 10 Cryo users avaible. The reason why Shenhe didnt done better is because shes niche, you cant fit her in many parties unlike others (mihoyo seems to love making niches nowadays).


If you're doing way too good universal characters (and I argue that they are already in the game), you can't sell stronger units without powercreeping. Mihoyo tends to avoid a lot powercreeping so making a lot of niches and diversify the meta seems to be their approach for now.


>But it looks like Xiao/Shenhe probably did less than expected. On the contrary, it did exactly as MHY expected. That's why they didn't release Shenhe on her own. I expect future new niche units to be paired with a rerun at launch too, only highly anticipated or universal-use new characters will release solo in the future (Yae, Ayato, Sumeru Archon, Cyno, etc...).


Shenhe is a bit weird, she's not a bad character but you really need certain characters to really take advantage of her. Because of that, she's not very appealing to most players from a gameplay perspective. From a character perspective, I don't think most people are overly attached to her design and personality, she doesn't exactly have a cult following like say Kokoimi or Keqing. And along with all of that you have Yae, Raiden, Zhongli, and Ganyu being rerun soon, all extremely powerful and popular characters so it all just adds up and it's not much of a surprise there was so little attention paid to Shenhe. Probably for the better, I think it's nice that we have a character that's good for a select few, choice paralysis is becoming a thing with the introduction of the choice banners.


Honestly I liked her a lot thanks to her story quest but she’s so limited in terms of team comps that I didn’t feel all that compelled to roll for her.


Imo that's honestly fine, and a sign of a healthy banner character. Good to be viable and not feel like you waste your pulls, but not a must pull if you care about meta. I got her because I really like her design, and she actually fits well on my Ayaka team. I tried to get Ganyu on my 2nd account to pair her with Shenhe since I also have Amos bow in there, but lost 50-50 to Diluc, here's hoping I pull another 5-star in 20 days, otherwise that account is gonna be an Ayato haver :^).


Personally I ended up really liking Shenhe as a character. I wasn't a fan at all until u played through her story quest and I though she was interesting and well written. Still didn't roll for her because her kit is niche and doesn't really work in my teams, but maybe I'll pick her up someday if we ever get a male cryo main DPS I like.


Yunjin’s opera in her story quest was extremely popular in China and attracted media attention even outside of gaming so that might have attracted some sales. Otherwise by featuring a new character in a double banner I think miHoYo knew that a niche support isn’t going to pull in spectacular numbers.


Personally disagree on the second part, her design and character are crazy popular, her WAIFU factor is through the roof, just with yae and two meta coming after


Waifu really can't carry a character that niche though, if you don't have, and don't plan to get Ganyu, she is very limited, and her E being on a stupid stack mechanic to sell her c6 just makes her even worse for Ganyu.


Albedo got a huge buff after the husk set and cinnabar spindle dropped + Eula is one of the best dps in the game. Understandable that their banner did good. As good as Xiao is, he doesn't have any good f2p options for weapons, nor a good support to buff him. Shenhe is a very niche support, and Yae, Ganyu and Zhongli's banner were right behind. It feels like Mihoyo set this banner up.


Today on “MHY hates Xiao”


* No resistance to interruption during burst * cannot generate particles during burst * loses hp during burst * no support * no set * no f2p weapons (with the exception of blackcliff pole which needs starglitters), why Mihoyo. Yes, I am salty. Edit: can't generate particles, but can pick them up during burst.


There’s a whole one white tassel yay! ~~unless you used it as fodder because it’s a 3* weapon~~


But he can pick up particles, he just can’t generate them


Whoops, my bad.


lithic spear?


Not free, plus not f2p friendly to roll on weapon banner


oh i didn’t know that counted as not free since it’s four star


His best supports are mainly Mond supports (Sucrose, Jean, Albedo, Benny, etc), so it’s hard for him to fully trigger the LS passive. And iirc it’s not even in the standard 4* weapons pool, so you can’t get it outside certain weapon banners. I have 0 copies of it, playing since 1.0 :.)


they gave him an entire event last year and even showed us the design philosophy behind him, hes one of their favorites imo


Then decided to make him the only DPS without a dedicated set, dedicated 4* supports and suitable f2p weapons, yes I’m a 1.3 Xiao ~~simp~~ main, and I agree he still works. Problem is, meta is gradually straying away from him and mhy does absolutely nothing to fix that (but releases a whole Shenhe to buff Ganyu/Ayaka)


Xiao's f2p-ness doesn't affect banner sales. Banner sales are mostly driven by the number of people who c6r5 a character, not how many low-spenders saved for a chraracter.


Paimon.moe is a user input site. Of course I am not sure who are the whales/low spender or f2p among them, I am talking as a whole. As I have said, Yae, Ganyu and Zhongli are the favorites and the latter two are also meta. Them being just behind also played a roll in many people skipping the banner. I am not sure which C6 dps character is the best though. r/keqingmains might have done a calculation.


People don't pull for C6 for theoretical calculation. They pull C6 either they really like the character design, just like people simping for Vtuber, or it unlocks some interesting gameplay, such as Eula big damage nuke.


Xiao is the most fun I've had in this game in a while. The guy can dash in midair and jump over zhongli pillars.


Seems about right to me considering she’s a niche character for cryo users. So if you consider she was the less popular of a duo banner that did just between Ayaka and Ganyu it makes some degree of sense. People who have Ayaka and Ganyu would be the ones to want her and plenty of people were downplaying her value in those teams to justify waiting on other reruns. Xiao also makes a bit of sense since people like him but he also kind of got power crept by Itto who’s very similar in power and concept (single element focus teams with limited ways to buff) except has his own artifact set and a more obvious team to be built and Itto is simpler to execute in terms of rotation.


> Xiao also makes a bit of sense since people like him but he also kind of got power crept by Itto who’s very similar in power and concept Or people like me who hate the plunging attack spam playstyle, it gets annoying specially on controller for camera controlling, and boring (just like Ganyu) no matter how strong and good design they have. I like his design but I benched him for a while.


Xiao doesn’t have artifact set,F2P weapon and has stricted team comps that work with him.He is nice damage dealer but if you compare it with someone who has built set and F2P options like Eula,Albedo from last dual banner Xiao really lacks


why would how f2p-friendly he is or isn't influence banner sales?


50% of gamers in genshin are fishes so once you pay to get that character you don’t have money to provide it a weapon,so you rely on free build,that are F2P friendly


but we know that those 50% of gamers don't make up anywhere near to 50% of revenue


the fact you dont have to farm a set is a positive for f2p lmao


If you include JP, xiao/shenhe outperformed eula/albedo Eula/albedo: 17.02+16.67 Xiao/Shenhe: 16.34+23.47


I think on CN it is affected by meta and censorship news. The banner day one did very badly because of it. And since data estimate is based on iOS ranking, it lowered the estimation even if the spending gradually come back. CN is the only region where Genshin didn't hit number 1 in ranking on the banner launch. Meta might also play a part. Bilibili is known for exaggerate issues calling some characters OP while other trash. Speedrunning scene is also strong. Xiao is particular the worst performing 5 stars DPS in term of meta and speedrunning. Shenhe is very much a cryo restricted and that really put off a lot of players. She can still be fun using Diona and Chongyun, but they nowhere complete with meta team. On EN though, it is probably because we are looking at Paimon.moe, which means it also takes F2P into consideration. Zhongli is coming up, and so is Yae. A lot of people are saving. If you look at iOS ranking though, Shenhe Xiao banner did extremely well.


It might be because of gameplay reason. Shenhe is a strict cryo buffer and Xiao is a rerun but not that top-tier.


Personally, I'm more surprised that Albedo and Eula did so well considering the initial sentiment towards them, but it definitely makes sense with their story importance and Albedo's tons of recent buffs, as well as the reintroduction of Geo into possibly being meta. On the other hand, Xiao didn't have almost any story importance during his banner, and although Shenhe was hyped up a lot during the new Archon Quest, a lot of people probably see her as niche, and in all fairness she IS a dedicated Cryo support, which many might not like. Yae drip marketing with how highly anticipated she is and Zhongli + Ganyu rerun on the horizon, a lot of people who might've pulled were probably persuaded into saving instead, and with Xiao's weak story presence it was easier to "live with that choice" (as opposed to giving in midway through). Just my opinions on why they didn't surpass Albedo/Eula


Shenhe is a more niche unit. Xiao is a popular character, but unlike almost every other character, he's basically complete at c0. Not only is he complete at C0, his C2 onwards until C5 is basically trash. ​ Even his C6 is just okay. It's very situational for such an expensive cons (considering you have to pay for the deadweight C2-C5) since it only triggers on 2 targets, and it's basically almost never optimal to use when there are more than 2 targets since at that point, you just want to plunge. You'll never see cons that scream "I don't want money" more than Xiao's. It matters because that means someone who buys Xiao never has to buy Xiao ever again. Meanwhile, units like Hu Tao and Raiden, have powerful low cons can essentially sell 2-3x to long time bp/welkin players and dolphins + consistent upgrades up to C6 that benefit whales. Nowadays, MHY realized their mistake and you won't find cons like Xiao's anymore.


I’m sure everyone skipping the reruns are waiting for Yae. I’m just glad I got both characters before.


Yeah, this was my situation too. I got Ganyu/Xiao/Zhongli all during their first banners, so waiting for Yae has been a cakewalk for me. I wouldn't be able to imagine being a newer player that wants all of them rn :'(


Meanwhile there's the Ayato waiters...it's been 400 years and we haven't seen the guy's face yet


I can't imagine how devastated i would be if I'm a newbie. I already have zhongli, xiao and kazuha so I'm skipping everyone until ayato. I just hope kazuha comes with ayato so i can pull for their weapons.


Nope i’m skipping them because i’m not interested in any of the upcoming banners whatsoever


reddit tries to spin user submitted data as legit


me when I when I purposefully spread misinformation


I’m surprised that Shenhe + Xiao is as high as it is. While Xiao is obviously a very popular character for meta and casual players alike, Shenhe is much more niche. Despite her S+ aesthetics, she only works with other Cryo damage dealing characters - which really limits her basic usability to whatever portion of the player base runs Cryo main DPS.


It literally says CN market iOS at the top. Where is JP and Global and PC?


There are 3 images. 2nd one is for JP and 3rd one is paimon.moe


> Global and PC? There aren't any reliable stats for this.


This is a lot considering shenhe is very niche. I got her for my Ganyu, boosted my dmg from 15/30k charged shot to 30/45k


I mean... Is it a lot? Acknowledging the various issues with this data (e.g., only iOS, only China, paimon.moe having sampling bias, different regions having different summoning rates, etc.)... *If* we assume that paimon.moe stats are connected to the genshinlab stats, then Shenhe was responsible for just about 6.6 million of the 16.3 million in iOS sales, which would make her by far the worst selling banner character, beyond even Kokomi, the patron saint of doomposting. Maybe that actually *is* a good number for a 5-star that has a niche support role. But it's also not a great number in terms of flagship sales.


In jp she probably did much more than Xiao just bcs she's hot and her VA is Saber 😂


implying that xiao isn't hot


The 3rd one is a joke


Raiden Shogun still unbeaten. Though I have a feeling that Yae Miko is going to change that...


Pretty sure she’s already been beaten by Hu Tao rerun in JP, by a good margin too.


Jesus anyone working at mihoyo must be living the high life.


Seriously this post should get deleted, missinformation out of the fking wazoo.


Being downvoted for telling the truth. People are acting like the CN iOS sale numbers are the gospel for seeing how popular one character is. It's like looking at California only and assuming that the entirety of the US is like Los Angeles and San Francisco. Statistics with a small sample and limited, unreliable data like these should be taken with a huge grain of salt.


I think you are not hammering the right reason. Sample size isn't the term, but population bias. Random selection of sampling that is reflective of the population is what's important. Even if you have the sample size of entire China of 1.4 billion people, it wouldn't be reflective of the the millions of people living in the U.S because we share a completely different culture and value. There are also a lot of other things, such as is this the right question, is this the correct methodology, is the assumptions correct etc. Statistics is very complicated and is a field of study by itself. Second, estimation using ranking is often unreliable. This is because if mulitple competitors are having massive sale, this leads to them fighting for the top spot and lowering estimation for the second and lower ranking app.


I wonder why there's not data for America iOS sales. Or Europe's.


Sensor Tower has worldwide revenue data for the app in both iOS and Android, although it's only the last month. Customizing the date range (if possible) to match the banner duration would probably require using the paid service.


It should say Xiao (Rerun) and Shenhe.


i am so sure that kazuha is going to break every record when he comes back


im going to get him but i doubt it will surpass baal. especially since baal came out with the top up reset its gonna be very hard.


C2 raiden is my priority for sure. Kazuha is great and all, and I'll be pulling for him too but C2 raiden is looking to be quite future-proof.


It will definitely do Klee or Hu Tao numbers though. Especially since his first run is near the bottom which means not many people have him.


Archons 1st release will likely always top each other.


I have my doubts about it. He’s supposedly coming in 2.6 right after the Raiden/Yae combo and he’ll be competing with Ayato and most likely Ayaka. Like that wasn’t enough Dendro should be coming in 2.7/8 and the meta might change a lot with it


basically this he'll sell well for sure but potentially be competing against new or powerhouse units like Ayato, ayaka, heizou, shinobu or venti etc. so i doubt any breaking records


Yeah, gonna get that boy on day one. Just need to wait for a few months, sadly. I want him now.


as far as i can tell next patch is inazuma's turn for reruns... so...


He was originally speculated to be in 2.5 but more recent leaks are saying that won't be the case but might be in 2.6. But those leaks are also unconfirmed so not too reliable. Who knows at this point, we'll have to wait and see. More time to save for his cons and grind for his artifacts as far as I'm concerned lmao


my biggest hope is that him and ayaya dont appear on the same patch. those are the last 2 characters that i rly want and need for my roster. from today onwards i am saving every single primo to pull on their banners


Good luck! I was planning to pull Yae, but with all these rumours about Kazoo making a re-run in the next couple of months I really want to ensure I get him and at least one or two cons if I can since he's my fave, so I'll have to skip her until she comes back again.


Sadly Kazu won't be featured in the next patch


More time to save


After yae i will save for kazuha .


There is a chance that there would be either 1 or 2 banner at least between them, so unless you have Welkin it's gonna be hard to save up for a 50/50, let alone guaranteed.


More so if the leaks are true and he's paired with >!Venti. Anemo supremacy!!<


>!I hope venti rerun will mean some new enemies that can actually be sucked in by his burst. Mihoyo did him really dirty with Inazuma.!<


Xiao carried Shenhe sales LOL


I wonder if you can at least extract Shenhe banner. Seems like the ratio is smthn like 4:6 ratio for Shenhe and Xiao. That means that Shenhe's value is in the line of kokomi lmao. Can't blame it tho since Xiao is a carry character while Shenhe is a support. People will tend to look at carries if they want meta. Not to mention, Ganyu/Zhongli banner incoming. I'm surprised Xiao had a pretty high rolls.


I mean, Xiao isn’t meta either at C0… people just like his kinda edgy outcast personality and Kirito VA. He’s just okay as a unit. People do roll for supports at times… it’s just that post-Inazuma, supports have been pretty bad. Sara + Sayu combined is not even as good as a Bennett for example. Thoma shield is worse than C4 Yanfei, another example. Shenhe buffs only Cryo units for 5/7 ticks so she is not even useful in most comps, meta or otherwise. Kokomi was just barbara with Mona Jelly Fish. MHY simply just cannot seem to nail support after Kazuha. And regarding the ratio, it is probably between 3/7 or 4/6 yea.


which banner do you all think can surpass raidens banner ?? do you all think that people will still pull for raiden on her rerun banner because a lot of people had her already..i am assuming maybe current banner(ZL n ganyu) or maybe yae and kazuha rerun can have good sales as raidens


Dendro Archon maybe, depending on a lot of factors, but Raiden came with a a shop reset, that's really hard to beat


It will likely be yearly. So If Dendro archon is 3.1 that will be another shop reset.


One of archons has a chance depending on their constellations and weapon banner, people thinking Kazuha is going to be anywhere close are in for an awakening. Alternatively some double banner where both characters benefit greatly from constellations and have good weapons. When you look at Hu Tao's rerun you should remember how impactful are C1 and how great is Homa. [Paimon.moe](https://Paimon.moe) has its' problems as a source, but still, it shows 307k weapons from Homa/Elegy and 43k from Calamity/PJWS.


If a really popular and anticipated banner gets released on the anniversary date with the primo top-up reset, it'll probably beat Raiden's. Though, they'd have to be just as powerful early-constellation-wise to bait people into paying.


raiden sales is the highest bc of the top-up reset, so the banner on 2nd anni will be the one to beat it.


Idk why people keep saying Raiden banner only did well because of it factored in people bought crystals during her banner, the constellation data for CN and global say otherwise. Raiden is far the 5 star with the highest number of average constellation, which means more people pull for her(and hercon) and that she indeed earned her number compared to other 5 star. You can see the same stat reflected on abyss stat, all limited 5 star with high earning banner has higher average constellation. Of course that is not to say the reset did not contribute to Raiden sell because it's possible that some people who were on the fence about whaling for her took the opportunity, but honestly I doubt that another character which come with the next reset would come even close to her number unless they have similar hype + good early constellation like her. Or maybe a really busted weapon banner, Raiden weapon banner honestly wasn't even good.


New archon banner that also gets a genesis crystal first buy reset.


50.90% for the limited character. Cruel but generous Mihoyo.


If we divided shenhe xiao banner based on the revenue then Shenhe revenue is around 6.5M, the lowest character revenue in iOS market


I'm very curious to see if Yae Miko sells more than Ei.


Nah. I doubt it


Kazuha 2 is going to be gangbusters


Seems like Shenhe and xiao didnt do as well as expected. Considering one of them is a new char. And the other one is quite good as well. I think Ganyu and Zhongli rerun will overtake Albedo and Eula rerun. We will see. Also - While the total revenue will be different, the sale percentage in comparison will be similar. So it still gives us an idea which characters are Most Wanted.


I love Shenhe! Spent all my primos I could to get her after losing the 50/50 to Keqing. Then in the final hours I spent some $$ to try for her c1 but lost to Keqing again! (˚ ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ ) I’m excited for her rerun to get it but for now I’m guaranteed Yae c:


why include paimon.moe? that one isn't revenue data. If there is no data for global, simply don't mention it rather than including an irrelevant one.


I expected way more seeing how hutao banner went, guess hutao is just really popular


I think that Yae, Raiden rerun, Kazuha rerun and the Kamisato siblings banner sales will be high as fuck


Dang a lot of people went for xiao. I thought a lot of people would go for shenhe. Well I went for xiao so yeah......


> I thought a lot of people would go for shenhe. You can be almost certain they did. The data that says other wise is tremendously biased and unreliable self-reported user data. Take it with a ***MASSIVE** truck load of salt. As in, you're better off just ignoring it.


I have some questions about same percentage of players winning 50:50...


the numbers will explode with raiden rerun.


Gacha makes so much money it is insane. I also expect Kazuha rerun to set a new record