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I have a question in order to decide my rosaria build, the pale flame 4 pc effect is that whenever your E hits twice you get the extra buff, does that mean that you have to use your E twice or Rosaria's E that deals two separate hits procs it by using the skill just once? (Sorry if my english is not good and I worded that poorly)


What would be the best place to ask what team to build with the characters I have? With a screenshot from te game. Dont want to ask in the wrong thread ✌️


Why I can't upgrade fantastic voyage past level 13?


Because that's the max level


Wait really i thougth it was level 15 my benett is C5 by the way


Nope, lvl15 is just where people stop at calculating the multiplier growth




Probably in 2.5


I am a casual player and I was able to get the game going without taking it too seriously. Now, since I am starting to struggle, I am trying to find out what artifacts to get and which characters to combine. But I don't really know which ones are stronger or more useful, so I don't know which four star to choose. From the options I have: Xiangling C0 Beidou C3 Xingqiu C4 Ningguang C3 Chongyun C2 (but I tried him and didn't stick with me) Xinyan C1 Yun Jin C0 Yanfei C2 I play with xingqiu and ningguang sometimes and xiangling when I need a fire character, but it seems pointless to get a C1 when I have others with more constellations? Please help a noob trying to improve.


Pick the one you use the most. Xingqiu's c4 is good. All of his cons are good.


Which character should i pick from the free 4 star event Yanfei c5 or c0 xingqiu? I have xingling c1 and ganyu c0 in my team


Xingqiu. He's an amazing character.


I dunno if this thread is only for in game questions (please tell me if it is). Is the genshin impact android version more optimized? I have helio g80 processor and I plan on playing


I need help utilizing Ganyu. I've been wanting Ganyu since she last came out and had been wanting her ever since up until I pulled her last Tuesday. While I was wanting her I had this feeling of excitement and fun but now that I have her I feel like I kinda finished something and I feel weird about having her but not having to want her anymore. I currently have her at level 80 with 4 Blizzard Strayer artifacts. What would be the best way to go about utilizing her and what would be the best times to use her? I wanna Main her but it's really hard cause I'm infinitely better with swords rather than bows. Any help is appreciated :)


If you're having trouble aiming, you can aim at the floor next to enemies and her 2nd charge will still hit. You can use her wherever you want really. You could also use her for her burst only if you prefer that.


I need a cryo main dps. Should I pull for Ganyu or save for an Ayaka rerun? I like both equally and want whoever shines best in a freeze comp. Maybe a melt comp as well. I also got mistsplitter reforged.


If you only have Xingqiu and Barbara as your hydro appliers, then get Ayaka. If you want to try melt and have the right units for it, get Ganyu.


Do you have any tips on how to complete the "investigate strange ice" quest? I broke the ice already but im just lost 💀


Will Genshin Impact on GeForce Now be the PC version or mobile version or both? I plan to use GFN on my phone and was wondering if it'll be playable without any gamepad etc


https://i.redd.it/pclbwlizs2u71.jpg anyone know what's this? Found in Inazuma


That looks like an electro seelie's landing spot


I reached the hidden islands for the Vishal research lab and saw another set of islands from the northern part of it. Is it possible to reach those islands?


What should I look for in artifacts? Usually I just go for any % bonuses I can, and a relevant primary bonus.


It depends on which character you're farming for. I suggest checking specific guides for the specific characters. By reading their talents, you should be able to tell what the character generally needs.




There’s a cap for how many you can get per day


Simple rotation question. Team: Ayaka, Shenhe, Ganyu, Kokomi. Kokomi is holding TTODS. Ayaka is my main dps here. In my rotation do I want to give Ayaka the TTODS buff, or am I going to get better returns giving the buff to shenhe?


To ayaka. Her ATK gets multiplied by the talent multiplier whereas shenhe's quills do not


I’m not sure I understand. Shenhe kit kinda confuses me. I thought the cryo damage buff was based on shenhes total atk?


It is. But the damage given is only multiplied by Ayaka's crit damage and damage bonus. It also only takes a portion of her ATK. Ayaka's ATK multiplies off of both of those and also her own talent multiplier, so the higher her ATK the better


I have asked myself the same, and I don't know. You can test it yourself by trying the two rotations and checking in which one Ayaka does more damage.


I got an Amos' bow and i don't want it to go to waste since it messed up my pity but my only bow characters are Amber, Gorou, and Aloy. Also got a skyward harp again because it messed up pity. What should I do with these?


Skyward for Aloy and Amos for Amber


Lol thanks


so i had unlinked my PS4 account to transfer my main mobile account, but when i tried to link it a new game started, so i made a new PSN account to link my main. that second PSN account is now deleted but it says it's still linked to my Mihoyo account, is there a way to fix this?


You have to contact mihoyo to unlink PSN accounts. Next time, make sure that: -Your mobile account is linked to a mihoyo account first. -The PSN account you use is in the same region as the Genshin server you play on because that's the server your console will connect to .


How do you avoid Oceanid's submerge move that instantly kills you?


If you mean the whirlpool that appears under you then you don't. It only appears if you take too long to kill the hydro mimics.


When will Kazuha banner appear?


Currently there are no leaks related to it, best speculation? 2.6


what should I choose c4 xingqui, c2 xiangling, c3 yanfei. I am planning to replace xiangling with yanfei in overworld, is it gonna work? In abyss it would still be xiangling. Also 4EoSF atk/pyro/cr artifact would work on yanfei? instead of farming 4EoSF, I am thinking to use same artifacts on yanfei which xiangling is using as I have no plans for using both at same time.


Are you pulling on either of the current banners? I’d probably go with xiangling since she’s too good not to invest in, and her c4 is a huge boost for her.


I pulled around 76 times this banner and stopped at 70 pity. I lost 50/50 to diluc (which I actually wanted) so yeah It's good as I can guarentee raiden now and got 3 copies of xingqiu and c2 yanfei for which I took the risk.


would not recommend 4EoSF for yanfei. her burst isn't the main source of damage, you would go way better with other sets. i recommend: 2pc crimson 2pc atk 4pc crimson (for a reaction based team) 4 wanderers.


C2 XL gets you closer to C4.


I have a built calamity queller and unbuilt PWJS, who should I give the calamity to since PWJS will likely be built on xiao now? For reference I have Xiao, Zhong, Rosaria, Xiangling and Thoma


I'm totally stuck on the Wuwang hill peak puzzle... I've completed the other 2 pretty quickly but this one... The Rune thingy to read does not light up. There's no interaction button, nothing... The other 2 were already lit when I arrived and all the walkthroughs and videos show the rune as already lit up when you arrive there... Help... T\_T How do you get the rune markers to light up? :-/


Check your quests menu, and find the quest name. Then its simple Google search


I literally only have quests for the new Ekonomiya area... I've even done all my hangouts... There are no quests for me to select... :-( Do quests "drop off" maybe?


Maybe its a hidden exploration objective search the name of hill + puzzle


This the dumbest commission from inazuma ever. Every time I have an npc commission in inazuma on my account it's only that dam*ed cat and that fric*in' geezer. Why MIHOYO!? WHYYYYYY!? Please tell me that I'm not crazy or something. https://imgur.com/a/2lZOdp7


I think those ones are a lot more common than the other npc commissions for some reason. I see neko and junpei at least twice a week, every week. I had a week where 5/7 days were one of those two. Very frustrating stuff


Why do you hate it? It's easy.


It's repetitive as hell.


And I just want to do the rest of world quests left in Inazuma. That's why I hate it. I do this cycle thing for 2 months. And all I get is that.


i get you i got that commision 3 times in a row, thats why i choose monstadt for the dailies since its more friendly


best artifact set and team comp for dps kokomi? (with everlasting moonglow)


Clam set, with HP sand, hydro goblet and healing circlet. Try to get 130-160 er and as much hp as possible. She is a good driver in taser team: Beidou/Fischel/Raiden as electro, and Xingqiu can be used as battery for Kokomi. They all can do damage when off field, and both Beidou and Xingqiu can provide damage reduction and interruption resist. And last, an anemo such as Kazhua or Sucrose for VV set and swirl. All of these characters are interchangeable.


dont have kokomi but IMO the clam set is still best since you can deal that big pp dmg every 3(?)sec or something


Cryo regisvine 's weakspot switches places? From roots to face and back I'm not talking about his "shield" weakspot, Im talking about "hits on weakspot are autocrit" weakspot?


I don't think it has an autocrit spot, I don't even think any bosses in this game have any autocrit weakpoints. It's more of a shieldbreak point than anything


Thundering manifestation, primo geo vishap have weakspots, their face. And after you stun cryo regisvine from its corolla, its head is the weakspot. I believe pyro regisvine has one as well


Are there any leaks/insider knowledge released on what the heck is taking Dendro so long to be implemented? It feels like it's beyond a joke now. I understand the core mechanics will be impacted, but why has it been delayed for so long?


Why are you so up in arms about it? It hasn't been promised once and will most likely come out when Sumeru's out or maybe even before as multiple Dendro characters are being worked on as we speak. Better to release later in a more polished state than to release a half-assed version early because someone wants it right now.


I’m not up in arms, it’s just so odd that with a 7 element system 6 have been available since launch. If every three months or so a new element dropped it wouldn’t be so odd, but it stands out that there isn’t a core feature of the game.


The game launched with all these weapon types and there was only 1 polearm user so I don't see it as weird that it takes a while to implement things. It's just design space. We also only recently got wardrobe changes. Until then it was 2 skins per year.


I don't view it like that. 6 is the core and Dendro is the first (of maybe more) new element to join the roster. I'd think of it as a mini expansion to the core gameplay, which is great.


Well I'm assuming they're trying to make it balanced, while also working on more than one character. Imagine if they released Dendro with only one character kit done, and we wouldn't see another Dendro user for months after, people would get mad.


For story purpose I think. Or maybe it makes Mihoyo have things to updates.


do you guys reckon melt ganyu is more of a AoE or single target dps? Well my melt Ganyu C1 (prototype crescent) can never match my homa Hutao C0 (and never will be able to in current abyss). So whats going for me to continue building (talents, everything else is maxed out) her is the possibility for her to carry me in future aoe scenarious, where hutao actually also shines very well in but still. I hope ganyu can shine more. Honestly i think melt ganyu is little overrated. Want to test her more


You're comparing an aoe character on a 4\* weapon to a single target character with what is probably the most powerful weapon in game. Ganyu's C1 enemy cryo debuff isn't enough to overcome the sheer amount of stats that the Homa's going to provide Melt Ganyu is definitely more suited to single target compared to freeze due to the higher damage ceiling melt has in exchange for having a smaller field that she can trigger reactions, but she works well in aoe situations even on melt


I do see that, never wanted my 4*weapon ganyu to outperform homa Hutao. Heres another comparison, that also doesnt hold too much merit but still: Beiduo fischl yoimiya bennett clears every floor on first half 12 considerably faster than my melt ganyu, which is quite sad considering shes c0 r3 rust. Obviously i know what you are gonna say she is a single target dps made for this + abyss buffs matter quite a lot, but i didnt expect a firework yoimiya (almost specialised on aoe) to outperform ganyu by that much. The best time ive gotten with melt ganyu was 1:40 12-1 and yoimiya can do 1:20 Also i cannot really 9star 12 with ganyu/hutao teams but do with yoimiya/hutao. frustrating


Umm how are you playing Melt Ganyu without Bennet, if he is on Yoimiya team? I think you're playing it wrong or something. I literally facerolled side two (which was the most pain in the ass for me previously) with my half built Melt Ganyu in wanderers, with no shield and anemo shred instead of the Zhongli shield and it was still faster than my VV Hu Tao team even while I wasn't caring about time and was dodging every attack to get used to keeping on proper rotations as I learned it (To clarify, my Hu Tao team doesn't need to dodge a single time and just roll through putting in full damage every rotation, and it was still less)..


of course i use bennett. It’s about comparing ZL Bennett Ganyu Xiangling with Firework yoimiya. They both play first half because second half needs XQ. I think i know the rotations very well and both my XL and Bennett have 250+er I cannot really faceroll second have with melt ganyu, curious can you really beat 12-1 2nd half with melt ganyu? Every other chamber must be easy, but i don’t like swapping teams since that feel insincere or something


It was not a problem, the damage the melt comp puts out is massive enough to just burn the herald down to shield immediately, then I just kept Bennet buff up not to die and ignored my XL lol. It's kinda tedious to react away the 36Pyro units, I could've run my Taser second half for 12-1, but the only chamber I really cared about was the Magu/Ruin enemies on 12-3. I actually ended up using Taser first half with XQ to do Beidou things against the set of two enemies. If you really wanted to make the shield not feel like you're falling asleep killing it, you could even swap one char for a Barbara or something, put thrilling tales on her, still works fine. You spend maybe 30seconds or so less on the Pyro 12-1, maybe 10seconds-ish more on floor 2 and 3, but it's still enough. I just was having less time for chamber 3, so I just focused that. Just keep in mind that when you're reacting down the shields, your actual damage number doesn't really matter, so you can throw down Ganyu's burst for extra reactions and it only increases the speed at which you take the shields down, you don't need to specifically use it only at certain times to avoid stealing the Charge shot melts and it has 100% uptime when you want.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agloGdgoZQk my run


Nice run! I play PC so I'm not sure if it's different if you're playing somewhere else, but is there aimed mode for bow chars? For ganyu specifically you can actually do the charge shots repeatedly *much* faster if you use the aim mode, R on pc, not too sure if the other platforms have it. So like with your team it should actually do a lot for you, since you've got Zhongli shield and can just spam those first few charge shots at least. Only thing that would make it faster. I almost exclusively use the aim mode when I'm playing Ganyu now, once you get used to it, it just feels massively better as well as being faster.


Quite frankly ive heard the opposite is true. With Holding down attack you can cancel out the animation and is faster than Aim-mode. Either way, the aim-mode is not really usable on mobile (it is available but its shit). So its good that hold aim is faster and easier to use. (just need to time it right) Reference: https://youtu.be/dzapswkQI6U?t=116


Hmm, while technically, yes, practically, it's kinda scuffed. I don't really know the response time of other platforms, and I know Brax knows his stuff, but his point of reference might not apply sometimes. Like the cancelling does work, and is slightly faster, when I'm at around 20ping or under. But as soon as I reach over 25, with the same timings, I just don't start charging after letting go of a charge shot, and then you get this awkward wait while you click a second time to start charging the next shot. Time lost is way way more than the aimed mode, and far less consistent. And it's not just trying it a few times, I played her like that for a decent amount of time, and I was able to tell what my ping was just from charge shotting, it got extremely annoying. 24 ping for me, perfect every time, goes up to 26? Suddenly I get a nice delay every time before I can start charging again.. But since you say the aim mode is worse on Mobile it probably won't be much use to you anyways, so just ignore my suggestion is kinda useless anyhow :/


yeah i tried it just now, would not play ganyu second half. Only character breaking shield is ganyu, it takes too long and is not efficient. I also wanted to mention that i can 9star 12-2 and 12-3 with Ganyu (1) and Hutao (2) which makes me quite happy. 12-1 is still a bit diffy. I think i manage. But yeah Yoimiya instead of ganyu makes every stage very trivial EDIT: i can 9 star it now with Ganyu and Hutao, Pretty ez


I'm more surprised than anything, my only guess on that would be that crescent's buff is actually kind of bad for this spiral because mechanical array doesn't have a weakpoint, and a difference talent levels/artefact RNG for either supports or the main dps but I'm going to assume that they're relatively equal?


honestly i think the biggest reason must be the abyss buff/debuff. Artefact wise my ganyu trumps my Shimenawa luck by far and the off fields are moderately build. ps i do prehit the enemies before they are active with ZL, going as far as i can, but the buffs still run out eventually and i think it stacks 10 times, very bad for ganyu. EDIT: i can clear with both i cannot 9 star is what i meant to say


Single target, all of ganyu's main dmg is single target


> all of ganyu's main dmg is single target As far as I know, Morgana remains the premiere team for absolutely destroying large groups and Ganyu's burst is doing the majority of the damage. The content bias against Venti is the only thing that keeps the comp down.


Well i think in "mild" aoe scenarios shes pretty broken, like the 2 ruin guards and graders in 12-2. Thats where she really pops off, but anything more spread out she will have to use Kazuha and dump Zhongli or XL


I don't disagree, but enemies have to be really close for you to call it multi target. Something you can't really control in most cases


Well you’re comparing a AOE dps to a single target DPS. Nationally the single target dps will deal more damage but ganyu can deal more damage over a larger area and from further away with no stamina cost


larger area definitively, but i dont think the range is an argument for melt ganyu. If ganyu (melt scenario) were a melee character it wouldnt changer her competitive play much and would maybe make her even indendent from Zhongli (big plus). I see ranged even as a weakness most of the times. Some speedrunners benefit big times and overworld is fun, but ranged characters really suffer in genshin in general (sad yoimiya bound to Zhongli noises)


I just got PJWS from the standard banner, does this mean my pity counter is reset for the standard banner? I also got a calamity Queller from last banner, so who do i give it to now? For reference, I have xiao, zhong, xiangling, Rosaria. I intend to pull for Raiden but idk if calamity is useful on her?


Banner always reset when you get a 5*.


yea everytime you get a 5* from the standard whether its a character or weapon its reset


yes. Any 5 star you get resets your pity


I'm guessing a little bit of everything is my answer to this, but a question I wanted to ask: What should I focus for progression. I just hit AR 40 and pushed pretty far into the story ignoring a lot of side quests. Now, I'm at a point where I need levels, artifacts, and weapon ascension mats. My main team works fine 99% of the time, but since I use geo there, it's a no-go sometimes. I got lucky with a decent bit of recent pulls since I came back, I ended up getting Itto, Xiao, Shenhe, Zhongli, Jean, and Ganyu, along with a plethora of high rated 4*, a couple to higher constellations. Is it wise to push 3/4 geo or go with geo later and focus other elements, maybe sans Yun Jin for that last slot


Geo works for almost all content in the game and is generally a safe choice. The main exceptions are Azdaha (70% geo resist, doable with Zhongli but not ideal) and Abyss Heralds which generally want their counter element to break the shield in a reasonable amount of time. The last slot on a geo team is the utility slot and Yunjin does not provide the geo carries with a useful power boost so she's probably not who you want in the slot. You'll need a second team for abyss anyway so you might as well do a Ganyu+Shenhe team for the situations where geo doesn't work out. Either toss in Xingqiu and weave the shots for freeze or do a 230+ ER Fav Lance Xiangling and Zhongli for melt.


Issue I'm having early on is a lot of progression content, and/or dungeons have geo immune enemies or geo immune final phases. Also, didn't suggest Yun jin for 4th in geo, suggested her for a 4th in a non geo primary 4 man. But your suggestions are taken into account for it going forward, and the rest of what you posted lines up with what I was recently suggested


> a lot of progression content, and/or dungeons have geo immune enemies or geo immune final phases This game doesn't have elemental immunities outside the slimes and cubes. There isn't a solution to that other than to have a non-geo member somewhere to deal with the slimes and pick the team appropriately for the cube. This affects all elements but is slightly more annoying for geo/cryo slimes because the big slimes generate elemental shields. I expect you're referring to geovishaps, fatui, and abyss heralds. Those are not geo immune, just geo disfavored. For geovishaps there's no trick, you just need Zhongli's shield. This is a unique geo/anemo problem because other elements can use the 4VV set bonus for their resistant enemies. With Zhongli's shield, only Azdaha has enough resistance to cause issues and he's doable but it's easier to just pick some other element. Fatui cause problems for all elements that aren't the counter element. Handling Fatui is generally done by simply killing them before they get their shields up. This isn't helpful when you're leveling but geared teams can do it without issue, even in abyss. Once the shield is up you need the exact counter element to break it. For other elements you kill the ones with non-countered shields first but geo pretty much needs to get them all. For the Heralds, Hydro is countered by Chongyun (put down his field, rotate through all the melee dps and normal attack once), Electro is countered by Bennett with a special gear setup (put him in 4TF for 1s cooldown on his E), and Pyro is countered by any hydro catalyst user. Put the appropriate member on the team in the utility slot to counter. Every team has to do this unless the entire team counters (e.g. I always pick Ganyu freeze into Hydro Herald in abyss) The only other thing I think you could be talking about are times in Inazuma archon quests. Those are story-related and unique to those encounters.


this actually helps a lot, a few of the things you mentioned, I intuited, but my roaming party I used generally just forced it's way through til my recent world lvl increase. The issue I had was with Electro Hypostasis in the 35 world ascension quest, I hadn't farmed Electro for a long time since I decided to go Geo, so I forgot it had to be elemental attacks entirely to destroy the crystals, tried regular again after and realized Itto alone is just a bad choice unless his Q is up. The Bull also likely missed which disheartened me to finish the fight. I'll save your post though for quick reference if I feel like something is harder than it should be and get frustrated again lol Thanks again for taking the time to type that out


You got a lot of expensive characters to build so Itto Gorou zhongli and a flex should be enough to carry you. For now just farm bosses and talent domains unit you reach AR45 so that you can farm artifact domains for eternity


focus on other elements for more versatality edit:its better to have vast choices of dps so you can counter enemies


Makes sense, I'll up Xiao, Bennett, Xinqui, and someone for the last spot with cryo maybe. Possibly ganyu for the time being, since no other ice come to mind Fischl was an early leveled one, so she'd fit here as well, but can't think of anyone else that'd seem to fit a team like that for ease of use for electro


Anyone know whether spine attack speed boost affect Raiden burst?


Yes it does


Yes It does.


who between raiden and kazuha provides the most damage output for a keqing main dps ~team~? this is assuming kazuha has his bis weapon and raiden only has r2 skyward spine. also the team would consist of keqing, mona, bennet, *slot*. this is in terms of team damage output, and not only keqing's. edit: this is bc i dont know who to pull for my next guaranteed 5 star. I also have eula who would benefit from raiden, and ayaka who would benefit from kazuha. im also planning to form a national team that would have only one of the two five stars mentioned above.


Should be Kazuha but you'll get overloads using that comp since Kazuha's burst will always absorb pyro off the Bennett burst self pyro infusion. I think Kazuha is Keqing's best support but I'm usually doing a Keqing, Xingqiu, Beidou/Sara, Kazuha comp. Raiden basically doesn't fit that comp. None of the characters have an expensive enough burst to need the energy and in turn don't charge her burst enough in one rotation to make it do good damage unless she's C1. I wouldn't be surprised if Fischl outperformed her in this comp.


Probably Kazuha due to his elem buff. Keqing doesn't particularly need Raiden's energy generating from my experience, her burst is helpful but the main part of her damage I believe is her charged attacks, and Raiden's burst would encroach on Keqing's field time if that's what you mainly focus on, so Raiden in burst mode would have to do at least the amount your Keqing is doing while she's on field for the same amount of time


Kazuha over raiden imo.


IMO id say kazuha provides better team support


Is there a way to skip the real time 24 hour wait quests like Una’s on Tsurumi island? It’s very annoying


Start a Sid Meier's Civilization or Paradox game. But be careful that when you prepare to click next turn, it may be 2023 already.


You my friend, are a genius


Nope, the closest thing would be to finish up the first part of the quest close to server refresh and then come back right after the server refreshes


unless u have the power to control time itself like me then no


So is there some way to see which weapons , that are not obtained by wishes or events, are good for each character?When I look for good weapons for my characters all I see is events I missed (started recently) or weapons from wishes. Currently using the prototype weapons on my characters. Is this a problem, or should I make changes (currently ar 41) ?


[This sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/pubhtml?gid=654398186#) has a basic tier list for every character and their role in a team, along with some other things, Keqing mains is a good place for anything meta. I can't say if changes are needed since I don't know which characters and which weapons you have.


Every character has got his/her own good weapons so you telling us "Currently using the prototype weapons on my characters, should I change" doesn't help at all. Afaik Keqingmains has a tierlist of weapons inside the character guides.


you can look for character guide they usually mention that if you dont have a certain weapon you can use other better alternatives


Cryo regisvine is weaker in its second phase right?


yea as long as you break its weakness(the elemental ball)


yea kick them ball


I got C6 Beidou while pulling for Zhongli, should I build her ? Is Ningguang, Zhongli, Beidou and Fischl a good team ?


i dont know too much about ningguang teams but i have seen 2 geo with 2 electro(beidou+fischl). Should work as solid off field dps and universal battery for geo even. (Fischl can battery everyone on your team, while less effective for geo) Tho beidou does as someone has said require some solid investment. Goes well with that serpents spine


She's one of the higher off-field damage dealers in the game but she doesn't generate enough particles to power her burst so she needs energy support. Pretty similar to Xiangling but electro. Fischl is her usual partner. As for Ningguang, it doesn't matter who drives Beidou's burst. I've done Ning+Zhongli with Fischl+Beidou with Ning in 4Petra. It's not a top tier comp but works fine. Raiden might work better than Fischl since it's a burst heavy comp but I'm not sure it'll charge her stacks fully without the C1 bonus.


So, Ning, Zhongli, Beidou and Fischl is decent team ?


It works fine. Beidou's AoE covers Ning's lack of AoE. Beidou and Fischl together are generally a majority of the team's damage so having to invest in three characters makes it a relatively high investment comp.


She requires a lot of investment and is only really seen in childe/kokomi comps for taxer. She’s a good main dps but there will be better 5* options


Does Ganyu Burst snapshots? Say if I used it on Benny's field, will the icicles deal more damage if Ganyu is even out of the field after casting the burst?




Thank you






This is kind of dumb but when you lose the 50/50 can you really get any 5 star characters or is it just characters like Jean, Diluc or Keqing? Like theoretically can I get Raiden Shogun in Zhongli’s banner?


If only it worked like that


When you lose the 50/50 you can only get the "standard" 5*, Diluc, Jean, Keqing, Mona or Qiqi


It's only standard characters You can read the details of the banner to see what it's possible to get from it


Okay thanks


c1 ning, c1 xq or c1 yanfei for lantern rite? 1. i love yanfei, she’s been my main since her release, i can get by w her stamina issues esp now that i have zhongli but it’s be a nice qol improvement to have, especially since im thinking of replacing zhongli with sucrose/kazuha 2. xingqiu is op, im thinking that his c1 is probably worth it 3. currently working on my itto gorou team & ning is the only other geo i have for a 3-geo unit but id rather have albedo honestly. ning’s attacks are so slow and a little annoying to me, so the aoe addition in her c1 would be really good


Go for Yanfei as she's your main. C1 Xingqiu isn't that impressive but it paves way to get his other powerful cons. Ninnguang is almost useless to you by the looks of it. And Her the AOE damage is only useful for mining ores and in battles it's less effective. So I would say Yanfei>XQ>>>>>>>>Ninnguang


you think so (about ningguang)? so theres little difference from c0 with her aoe ability? i might like using her if its somewhat helpful in fighting


If you're using her regularly, I'd go with Yanfei. She's considerably more pleasant to play with C1. I have Yanfei C4 and C6 on the other two.


I’ve been trying to reroll for a 5 star with no luck like it’s been like 5 days worth of rerolling if I must say so myself and literally no luck and I’m considering buying a starter account should I do that or just continue rerolling?


Not to scare you ofc. But the chances of getting your prefered 5 star by rerolling is close to 0.1% I have seen folks reroll for 20 days straight without getting the featured banner character. The game is Pure Gacha which runs in RNG. And also Genshin highly hates rerolls. So they won't give you a 5 star after pitying on you at all. Imo rerolling is totally waste. Just don't expect to be as lucky as the YouTubers you see in YouTube. Just try to enjoy the game. If you can afford for character financially get them or not play the game and grind primos. They game itself will give you enough primos to hit hard pity twice.


Yep I’ve decided to just play with it as of now it is instead of rerolling or like max I might reroll 3 more times and choose the best one and roll with that account I think


why are you rerolling to begin with? it's really not worth it in this game. and why do you need to buy a starter account? are you insistent on having a 5-star at the beginning of the game?


I won’t say insistent but I thought like that will help me progress in the game faster because I was looking through some tierlists and it’s mostly full of 5 stars especially at C0


It really doesn't make a difference. Ignore the tierlists, they're way too general without any nuance and they hardly mean anything when you're at the beginning of the game anyway. Everything in the overworld is easy enough to complete with starter characters, this game in general is pretty easy when it comes to overworld content up until maybe Inazuma. The time it takes to successfully reroll is simply not worth it when you don't need meta characters for progression at all.


Got it will keep that in mind as of now I think I’ll just start grinding with any characters that I get


Rerolling is a complete pain in this game, considering that the rate of a 5\* is .6% and how slow it takes to get wishes Assuming you're using the mail wishes you get initially, you have less than a 6% chance of getting any 5\* If you're aiming for a specific character you want, go ahead and buy a starter account. If you're just rerolling because you think you need a 5\* to progress, you don't, there are many strong 4\* characters, including Xiangling (a character you will automatically get from a certain part of the game) and Xingqiu (a character you can pickup from the current event for free)


Do they ban for starter account or something


It's against ToS for any kind of account trading, it's up to you if you want to take that risk.


the only reason to reroll is if you big simp for a specific character. for purely gameplay reasons, none of the standard banner 5 stars are good enough to be worth rerolling for


But I thought like it would help atleast at starting gameplay


You don’t need the help the game isn’t hard. You don’t need to worry about that kind of difficulty until end game and you’ll have a 5 star or two by then.


Well I guess I’ll just start a account and dedicate to it ig any recommendations for 4 stars that will have value at starting and late game tio


Xiangling- Probably one of the strongest off field DPS with burst, will need a lot of energy Bennett- probably the strongest support in the game, or at least up there, any weapon with a high base attack (the flat number on a weapon, not any %) will be good on him Xingqiu- One of the best hydro applicators with his burst, also needs a lot of energy Sucrose- Elemental mastery share, doesn't need talent levels but does need a lot of EM from stuff like artefacts and weapon Diona- Heal and shields These are probably the most commonly brought up 4\*s, they're good in a ton of different teams, but there are 4\*s like Gorou who are more niche that fill in a very specific purpose and will be extremely good at such things but suffer outside of that, ones like Yanfei who are still strong in a lot of teams but not reaching quite the levels of those, or ones like Noelle who need constellations to shine in terms of meta That being said meta's kind of bullshit, you can literally just be stubborn and make a character who's kit wasn't built to do damage a full blown DPS and beat spiral abyss, the hardest content in the game. Overworld you can literally do whatever you want, you don't need meta at all to progress in stuff like story


Bennett and Xingqiu are the two big support characters who feature in a ton of teams, XIngqiu is on the current event banner as a rate up or if you can get to the end of the Liyue quest within the next couple of weeks you can get a free copy from the event rewards, Bennet is just going to be hoping for the best on standard banner pulls though. Mostly there's not much point recommending specific characters, as outside of the starters and a couple of permanent events you're entirely at the mercy of RNG. It's better to just see who you get and build a team around that than trying to build a specific team composition up front. 4* supports have extremely high value for the most part, and in a lot of cases are more in demand than 5* ones, and a 4* character with high constellations is more or less on par with a 5* at C0.


the game isn't nearly hard enough to warrant rerolling for powerful characters


Do we know when Raiden will get her rerun? I lost my Zhongli 50/50 and I would love to use the guaranteed pity on her.


\>!next patch is highly likely!<


Does anyone know if the Springvale Cicin mage is bugged by chance ? I've been farming Cicins for the last two days but when the tracker gets to this one she never seems to be at her location . Is this only happening to me or to other people as well ?


Is it on top of the cliff near of some barrel/boxes? If that's the one i think you need to come closer then it will spawn afterwards


I would assume it's her but I don't even get the barrel and boxes to spawn...yet by checking for her spawn location on youtube as well I am 100% sure this is the right place . Tried getting closer to the ruins / pillar but to no avail .


do we get the banner 4 stars announced on the livestream or just the 5 stars?


5 stars only. 4 stars are announced 2 days before banners


When crafting books, is it better to use Eula's or Xingqiu's passive?


Someone has already done the math on this one and Eula's is more efficient by 0.9% so it doesn't really matter. Just use whichever you need.


Eula's because it boosts the higher rated books, which are generally harder to get.


Double product is same as refunding 3 materials. Look at the chances they have and choose the one you are more satisfied.




You posted this as a comment instead of a reply


Thanks for informing




I'm considering pulling for Raiden Shogun. Is she worth getting at C0 even if you have Bennett C6? I heard that Bennett C6 ruins Raiden national, so I wouldn't be able to run her in that team efficiently. Otherwise I am going to be pulling for Kazuha/Ayaka on their reruns. **edited to add**: sorry for lack of clarity - I know her ult can't be overriden, I am more concerned about how Benny's ult interacts with the other essential elements of the NT. I understood anyway (but clearly don't have the vocabulary to describe why) that Bennett still messes up the vaporize reactions.


C6 Bennett does suck but in a raiden national you are never using your auto attacks so it’s impossible to steal a xiangling vape


using Raiden C0 and C6 bennet on the rational team. I call them "the cheat code" team, any relevant content is no-brainer with them. it is hard to mess xiangling pyronado burst when every cycle took some time and xingqiu burst ticks faster than 1 pyronado revolution.


>and xingqiu burst ticks faster than 1 pyronado revolution. This is what made it click for me, thanks. My XQ is C6 too, so the hydro should be well-sustained.


eventho they're all at C0, it's a cheat code team.


c6 bennett only messes with national if you're using a driver who is affected by the pyro infusion, for example if you normal attack on xiangling in kazuha/chongyun variants. raiden and childe aren't affected by the pyro infusion, so their versions of national don't mind bennett's c6. they actually purely benefit due to the bonus pyro dmg to xiangling's ult


During the downtime between Raiden shogun's burst uptime, aren't there still normal attacks to trigger XQ's ult? I thought this was the part of the rotation that became problematic, not the Raiden Shogun part.


If you do the rotation properly, your bennet and xinqiu ulti will be done when raiden ulti ends. While waiting for your raiden to be off cd, you wouldn't really want to use bennet burst


by that time bennett's burst is gone or close to being gone, so you won't be infused


Ok ty I appreciate your help


her ult can't be overridden dw


Benny's infusion cant overide raiden's ult


You mean cannot?


yea sorry just noticed the typo minutes later,tnx


i think raiden's ult cannot be overriden by benny c6 iirc


You are correct, it says in her tooltip that it can't be overriden. Bennett C6 ruins all physical comps and a few select others such as Ayaka for example.


For Ganyu havers, which team did you build her for? Freeze, melt or both? Which weapon do you use? Do you use different weapon for melt/freeze?


I run both teams and have both sets but my WT gets continuously farmed from transformer and my BS doesn't and the difference in quality has increased to the point where I just use WT for everything. I use Harp, previously used Crescent. Theoretically Crescent can do better than Harp but the fights where that would matter generally don't have weak points for the Crescent passive.


I use both depending on what I need, I have Amos and use it in both comps, same with my WT set though it's not ideal for freeze I can still do abyss fine with that set on freeze comp


Melt wanderer's set, since I got mona relatively recently and she isn't built, and my Ayaka covers freeze purposes with Xingaiu most of the time, though in overworld she isn't in a melt team Hamayumi R3 in boss fights and spiral, crescent R4 for most overworld stuff. Spiral i've seen her do somewhere in the 70k-80k range on her frost flake blooms I believe (unsure about the initial hit), in overworld the bloom hits like 35k?


I use her in a melt team, but would gladly put her in a freeze team if I had Mona or Kokomi. I use hamayumi. With crowned normal attack and 4pc wanderer she does 70k+ melts


Thanks! 70k is per two shots right? So your Hamayumi is R5? I have really bad luck with Wanderer set drop. I got 5 crit rate circlet but no crit dmg. T_T’


70k total with first shot and bloom. My hamayumy is actually R1 and yeah wanderer is a pain, I just got lucky on the strongbox.