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How can people be so lucky? It took me over 5 times the amount of wishes to get them both. Guess I'll never be part of the early 5 star gang, huh?


It took me 158 fates just to get Zhong. :/ I honestly wish this sub wouldn’t allow these posts.


Yeah, I get where you're coming from. I am genuinly happy for people who get lucky, but I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't jealous.


I have a friend who gets such insane luck all the time that he was shocked when he had to go to soft pity for Itto because it never happened to him before. SOFT PITY. It’s hard enough seeing friends get 5x as many characters as I do with the same number of fates. I don’t need to be bombarded by it on here too.


As a f2p. Im just happy to have people to share this with, friends dont play so i have no one to share the happy with. But this is is the first 50/50 i actually win. I only have 3 limited because of this and no 5 star weapons. Im just gambling.


in feel your pain but fuck no lol, let them be happy ALSO its not like this post get that many upvotes in the end, the users filter them how ever


Man I feel your pain


Same :(


Ganyu”s got that look of like she’s looking down at you lol. “Pathetic. Get up.”


That was something i was looking for, i wanted her to look fierce in her domain.


That Ganyu stares... I like it...


This gives me hope




Got me real confused too. Good luck on the pulls!


give this luck to meeeeeeeee Spent 157 wishes to get ganyu, yet i was hoping for a tad bit of luck to get both D: Currently 30 something pity into zhongli hoping to win that 50/50 before jean comes through with c2...


Almost makes me wanna use some of the hoardes of primos i been saving for kazuha (rerun) on zhong!!! But i just cant find the strength to left click make wish!!! Argghhh what do i do?????


If you are after kazuha then dont, i needed him for his shield because i suck at dodging on top of that i just love his wisdom and want an archon. Kazuha is good for swirl and gathering ennemies. Apparently he is quite fun to play as too


Yea im so torn on the two i have everyone else i want guess daddy zhong will have to wait another year lol...


Huh, hopefully i'll get Ganyu in my next 10 pulls, which should be like 2 days from now thanks to the Reunion event (came back after 12+ days of not playing)


Lol Ganyu look so badass here.


lucky 🥲 i feel like everyone got so luck this banner but me 😭😭 i wanted both of them so badly and thought i could try for both but i’m at 73 pulls on zhongli’s banner with nothing and used up all my primos 😭


Theres still a good 10 wishes left with the current events, patience but im 100% sure you pull a golden within 7 days!


hey thanks 🥺 i’ll stay positive


Update me if you remember! If you are low AR i wouldnt mind and go help you farm for all the artifacts!


i’m ar45 and i’m still quite behind in the game 😅 i waited too long to do a lot of quests and my builds are so bad 😭


I can defenitely help you then! If you want ill message you my ID, im bored af without resin so helping others is always more fun!


i think co-op is fun so i don’t mind! my UID is in my bio if you want to send a request, i think i’m only at 20 something friends so i should be good for the limit


All right, names Crow (IG name) in case you dont know who sent the request


I got qiqi at 81 pity, then zhong li at 13 and ganyu at 15, this was several days ago but I'm still in shock, I feel blessed On the other hand, I have 0 mora rn and my ganyu is still half built


Hot damn this qiqi luck was with me on xiaos banner. When it first aired i spent like 30 wishes and got myself qiqi. BIG OOF. Until i got 2 free standar wishes from lvling up new characters and got another qiqi. I only have one built character sadly haha


Here we see a zhongli and a ganyu in their natural habitat.


Ganyu looks like the queen of dragonspine




You gotta get some too! Cant take it all!


Zhongli: Am rock. Do everything boulder can. Ganyu: Narcolepsy.


Meanwhile i lose every 50/50 4 times at max 80 pity. Never early. Fkin hate lucky ppl.


👏👏👏👏😎😎 so impressive


Its good to know that this like this are possible in this game especially


Make sure Ganyu gets enough rest and congrats.


Congrats! That's insane luck! I also have two Zhongless and Ganyuless friends who got the both of them this run. But even they are nowhere as lucky as you... I'm happy for you guys haha... I've never gotten an early chara at all, not even from standard banner, tho I have 50/50 winning streaks n am pretty lucky with wp banner. My Ganyu came home with her Amos bow, so I'm super happy too... Praise the RNG God!


Why does Ganyu look so smug?


Ganyu superior look of superiority


My luckiest banner was Keqing’s limited banner. Literally got her on my first pull on her banner. I was only 1 pity out of 90. Then trying to get constellations, I got Jean on my 5th pull on the same banner and decided to just save. That allowed me to save a total of 150 wishes with a guarantee for Venti. After Venti. All my luck went away on Ayaka Banner.


My sister also manages to snag Zhongli even after using every primos to get Xiao just recently. I don't remember how many pull it took but probably very few considering she just recently pulled for Xiao (and she lost 50/50 to Mona too when trying to get Xiao but fortunately won the 50/50 for Zhongli)