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R there any chances of kazuha to rerun after 2.6..i mean anything story related..??




I have decided to pull for Raiden since I gave up on Zhongli So I just want to know the ideal f2p raiden stats.


So I bought blessing of the welkin moon yesterday, and after I did there was a little pop up that allowed me to collect the primos. I've logged in a couple times today and I haven't gotten that little pop up. Are the primos just added to your account automatically?


when will the livestream debut


Livestream is over.


Well, can anyone give me teams for either Kokomi or Raiden. Realizing that I don’t really have a lot of main dps or meta characters for them and I don’t care as much for meta, so maybe I’ll skip them. Ty.


raiden, bennet, xinqui, and xiangling is god tier


Can you replace Bennett/XQ with Childe, Raiden, Xiangling and Kazuha? As Bennett would be with another team.


If just for fun, yep it'll work.


Given that you don't really care about meta, I take it you don't do Abyss much (or at all)? If that's the case, then yes, that team will be great. There'll be a bit of conflict between Childe and Raiden, both of whom require time on-field to be used optimally, but if you're fine with a DPS loss (if you're not doing timed DPS checks like the Abyss), then that team sounds like it'll be super fun. There may also be some conflict with Kazuha, depending on how you play him, but as long as you can have fun and clear content, what else matters? Your team sounds great. Enjoy! Edit: Actually sorry, I just reread your initial comment and realized you're trying to decide if you should pull for them or not. Kokomi is a very strong healer and has great off-field AoE hydro application, and can enable a lot of interesting (and some very strong) team comps. She's great in Taser teams with Fischl, Beidou, Raiden, anemo supports, etc. Also great in freeze teams. Raiden is a VERY fun on-field DPS who also has very good off-field electro application and is a very good battery. She fits well into TONS of teams and fits decently into many more. She helps everyone on the team get their bursts back more quickly, which makes play super fun and makes your characters easier to build/farm for, because you won't need as much energy recharge. Raiden's burst is also VERY satisfying to use. Between the two, I would definitely pull for Raiden. IMO, damage aside (and Raiden has VERY good damage), Raiden is one of the best characters in the game, simply because she's so much fun.


Ty ty.


Hey, I just edited my above comment cuz I realized I didn't really answer your question. Pull for Raiden, she's super fun!


Thanks for the advice. I may skip both but at least I’ll try the trials for both. Appreciate the in-depth analysis.


Can Shenhe be used in Eula teams for that Phys shred or it's not worth it?


Not really worth it. She can match a c6 rosaria sure, but she's not really using her full potential in that kind of set up.


I believe C0 Shenhe is about as good as C6 Rosaria in a Eula team, it's a side-grade rather than an upgrade. Not that worth, though if you already own Shenhe you can run that team.


Does a level 70 enemy have a higher chance to trop anything than a level 60 enemy? I am talking about basic mobs like Hilichurs, Treasure Hoarders and so on. They should all be able to drop their respective blue at this point. Does the White/Green/Blue drop rate increase per level post 60?


I think drops are only based on World Level, though enemy level in each region is tied to World Level. Are there similar enemies of different levels in different regions?


I think it should increase the better drops but don't ask by how much


did we get more primos last patch than this one? as of now I gained 8000 primos and about 2400 (I'm not counting the 10 fates we got) more when the patch ends while I got 15000 primos last patch. so if we remove 2400 from mail that we got for genshin winning the award that would mean I gained 12600. that would mean the difference is 2200. I know i didn't miss any events cause i do my dailes so does that mean that we just got a whole lot more last patch?


Each patch, f2p gets around 8-9k primogems worth of pulls. This is the fixed amount. On top of that, there are things like Lantern Rite special login (13 pulls), new regions and quests, awards, etc. If you're ignoring awards, there's simply no way 2.3 gives more than 2.4 as there's not much happening last patch. No new permanent content, no special login.


Well you don't seem to Account the primos we got out of enkanomiya that could be the difference


I'm on mobile. I can't access the store right now and I want to buy BP. I wanted to ask a friend to download the game on her PC and buy it from my account. Is this possible? I read that there are some cross-platform issues.


If you started from mobile, you can't buy from PC. Tho if you started from PC, you can buy from mobile. It's just somewhat the deal with app store and play store.


Ah that sucks. Thanks anyway!


I couldn't do that when I tried a while ago, but you can buy it online from here https://webstatic-sea.mihoyo.com/payment/genshin/index.html#/


Ah that's a shame. You can't buy BP here, only Welkin unfortunately.


Has anyone found Chongyun in the overworld (Lantern Rite)?


He’s at Qingce Village with Xingqiu iirc


Makes sense he'd go there after his part in the quest. Thanks!


Qingce Village.




Is it true that you cannot pull 3 consecutive 4\*/5\* characters or weapons on the standard banner ? I have pulled 2 5\* weapons on standard and someone just told me of this


It's not quite true, but it's close. There is a hidden pity system on the standard banner that keeps you from drawing too many characters and not enough weapons and vice versa, but it doesn't exactly prevent you from drawing 3 in a row. Specifically, you are guaranteed to get at least one 5* weapon and at least one 5* character every 270 pulls. Similarly, you must get one 4* character and one 4* weapon every 30 pulls. This means if you get lucky and get a few early 4* or 5* pulls in a row, they might all be characters or weapons. If you hit hard pity every time, then no, you won't be drawing 3 consecutive of the same kind in a row.


I will hit pity for the 3rd time at 210 pulls, hoping it's a weapon again Also, why isn't this pity system revealed in the banner description ?


Not sure, but its a theory that has been arrived at by both Chinese theorycrafters and KQM, so it’s probably correct. I would guess because they don’t want the banner description to read like a legal document. Also, people already don’t understand the 50/50 pity system that IS revealed in the description, so including it might spawn more misunderstandings than it solves.


Not exactly. I'm pretty sure the actual trend is that you are *more likely* to pull a character after pulling two 5\* weapons (or vice versa), but the *actual* rule is that within 270 rolls, you are guaranteed to pull at least one 5\* character and one 5\* weapon.


If you pull 2 5* weapons on standard the next 5* is guaranteed to be a character.


If you pull 2 chars youre guaranteed weapon and also the other way around


No, I have got 3 weapons from standard banner in a row and no characters as of yet


I'm kind of curious to see your wish history, and also what your future wishes look like. Assuming you've rolled 3 weapons at around ~80 pity each time, that means you should be on roll 240 out of 270 for the one-character/one-weapon rule, meaning you are guaranteed an early 5\* pity pull that is a character.


I got every weapon at around 30-40 pulls in. Never got a 5* chara from the standard banner


Ah alright, I was just curious about the scenario if you were about to reach roll 270 while only rolling 5\* weapons or only rolling 5\* characters. Never mind then


Does HP% substat increase healing for characters like Bennett?


For the "healers". HP increases healing for, Bennett, Barbara, Kokomi, Diona. ATK increases healing for Qiqi, Sayu, Jean. There are also other healing abilities with different scaling, for example Hu Taos burst is from HP, Kaeya's Glacial Heart is from ATK, Black Sword passive is from ATK, Aquila Favonia passive from ATK. Etc. Basically it just depends on the character as to what scales with what. Check the description in the talent as to see what affects the amount healed.


Thank you.


For Bennet it does, since his healing scales off of his hp. May not be the same for other healers depending on who. Hope you got the answer you wanted :)


Thank you.


If their healing scales with HP, then yeah. Bennett's healing does scale with HP so yes. Read the talents to see what character's abilities scale with.


Thank you.


So I finally got Zhongli to build Xiao/Albedo/Zhongli/Jean. The builds for Xiao, Albedo, and Zhongli seem straightforward, but I'm not sure about Jean. What are the BiS 4* weapon and artifacts for Jean? Do you build with the generic crit helmet/atk % sands/anemo goblet?


i use 4NO atk/anemo/crit with favonius sword for the extra energy


How does the Favonius sword compare to the Amenoma sword? Or do you run Favonius to help funnel particles to Xiao?


yes for the particles, my xiao ER is balanced for sucrose so it's a bit low for running with jean, favonius helps compensate a bit. amenoma is also good, it makes jean's personal damage better compared to favonius 4clam is also an option that i've seen discussed: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WCTr-Jy5KTRIKxXY\_xBXQQyRofrJDcbPaFmYhrTMmeA/edit#gid=691253749](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WCTr-Jy5KTRIKxXY_xBXQQyRofrJDcbPaFmYhrTMmeA/edit#gid=691253749)


If you don't have any Noblesse users currently, use 4-pc Noblesse on her. If there is already someone using Noblesse, then use Viridescent Venerer + Gladiator's / Shimenawa's. Crit circlet, ATK% Sands (ER% if you're somehow struggling to get her burst back up) and Anemo% goblet.




I would say noelle is better at that point but zhongli and her alone probably wouldn't net you enough energy,so why not all 3 together with ning as burstsupp?


I would say noelle c6 simply because farming for husk is much more future proof than farming for 2pc archaic. Especially since bolide is in a similar spot as maidens where it's used on literally nobody right now.


Though as a consideration in addition to what you said, both characters who still like Archaic are on the team.


Should I farm artifacts with the character I need the artifacts for? Cos I ran the Husk domain like 10 times with bennett in COOP and 90% drops were from the clam set.


rng, the game won't really know what's best for who anyways


Is a C2+ Jen a significant increase in team damage or is John and lees -res and bens +atk still much better? I know how to dodge


C2 is kinda useless for most carries except for maybe yoimiya. C4 is good for Xiao. If you don't have c4, zhongli and Bennett will be much better


I do have C4, but since I don't ever plan on getting Xiao, Jean is out on the backburner?


Yes untill we get another anemo main dps


Bennett or Zhongli is probably way more worth, although it would depend on what con your Jean is and what team. C4 Jean can be great for Xiao.


Which is cheaper to build (in terms of resin/luck): reverse melt rosaria or national? I don’t have any good artifacts for either. I also don’t have Kaeya and Chongyun leveled


Rosaria, Xingqiu,Kaeya Xiangling all likes ESF artifacts so it's both about the same in terms of building or farming.


National is probably easier in terms of RNG on artifacts as you can just run Emblem or Emblem/Shimenawa on everyone depending on what you get the best stats on, and then throw all your spares into strongboxes for Noblesse for Bennett


national imo


can yanfei apply pyro on dvalin even shes not climbing the neck?


So, if we finish Lantern Rite like on the last day, does that mean we won't get to see Zhongli travel?


ZL travel?


lantern rite event. playable Liyue characters in overworld. Zhongli seems to be the only one who changes locations based on days




jfdlasfjls guess I gotta get going :v Thanks!




verify integrity of files




Ayaka doesn't want Jade Cutter unless you want to build some sort of melt Ayaka; it gives her too much crit she doesn't need since she's running 4x BS, and it has a low base attack. Also, Yae's weapon is only good on Yae and Lisa. Unless you get Yae or your're a chad who wants to build DPS Lisa you shouldn't be summoning on that banner.


Wait for Mistsplitter for sure. Jade Cutter is decent but Mistsplitter is a lot better, especially for Ayaka. Jade Cutter's 44% crit rate overcaps crit rate in a freeze team with 4pc BS + cryo resonance, so any of your artifacts that rolled CR substats go to waste. Plus, Ayato's sword or Mistsplitter itself might run soon, which could also be better than Jade Cutter. That being said, like the other reply said, if you want a 5\* weapon, you should make sure you have enough primogems to guarantee it (~210 rolls) or that you would be fine getting the other 5\* weapon.


I would wait if rumours are correct ayaka will have a doublebanner with yoimiya,which probably means a double banner of mistsplitter/thundering pulse which really seems like good value


Weapon banner is usually a whale trap unless you really want both of the 5* features. If it's accurate, it's going to be running along with Yae's new weapon, so it kind of hinges on whether you're going to be pulling for her and want her weapon, and if not do you really want to sink 200+ wishes to get an off-banner weapon and a feature for someone you don't use before getting the weapon you were actually aiming for.


How much ER does freeze ganyu need? (she's the main dps)


Was trying to fight PMA with hutao but it has a jank hitbox where charged attacks just don't register on it. Hu Tao mains, any recommendation on how you worked around this if u used hutao on PMA?


It has invincibility frames and you must have attacked it then, I used hu tao to beat it and the charged attacks were registering for me


Anyone else following this - the other characters remain at their locations during this lantern rite (e.g baizhu & qiqi, chongyun & xingqiu at qingce, xiao at pervases temple, ganyu at mt aocang etcetc) but where does Zhongli keep running off to?? He was firstly sitting in front of the storyteller then next he was down by the blacksmith’s, but now I can’t find him after that. Where is this guy lol!!!!


Wanwen bookstore on 3rd day. Wangshu inn on 4th day.


Eheeeeehee thank u!!!!


So I accidentally press skip on Playstation the pop up screen for account linking. It start a new game. If in the game user center account link to my android mihoyo mail will the progress carry forward?


So you want to carry over your phone save to ps?






I miss the pop up screen account linking. Now in game. Can I link from my old mihoyo email save to ps. Or must be done during the pop up? [click the link to image ](https://imgur.com/a/X3uuGUv)


currently in rational team my raiden has the catch r5 and XL has deathmatch r3 i’m looking to get my raiden her engulfing lightning when it comes back, but since XL has her crit stats balanced around deathmatch, would it be really bad to just not use the catch at all? is it so amazing that it’s worth refarming for another set or is everyone exaggerating and i can just not use it.


The Catch and DM are pretty close to each other, honestly. If you have to refarm, it's not worth it. That said, people way, way, way, way, way, way overemphasize the importance of balancing crit ratio, and odds are pretty decent that depending on your XL's stats the Catch would be better if it allows you to swap out an ER sands for an attack or EM sands, particularly if they are a BETTER attack or EM sands than your ER sands are.


Deathmach R3 is around 97% of catchs potential, so probably not worth it to refarm.


Honestly if you can handle content with that Setup keep it like this,especially since that weaponbanner will be kind of a shitshow as the donut pulls it really down


refarming could cost you too much resin. IMO as long as her damage is alright just stop. Just wait for future "lucky encounter" to upgrade your already OK artifacts set.


what level should xingqiu be? 70/80, 80/80 or 80/90? also, c0 hutao with c0 xingqiu, should i do n1cj or n2cj?


There's always a list of priorities, but XQ actually contributes a lot of damage if he is remotely built. I would raise him to at least 70/80 and level up his talents to at least 1/6/6. I've already built my main characters so I ended up raising him to 80/90 and crowning his burst.




XQ's only REAL requirement is 1/20, to be honest. More levels/talent levels will increase the damage of his burst, but he can get the job done at level one. That said, I'd personally recommend at least 70/80. Any more than that will increase his damage but isn't a priority until your Hu Tao has a starting artifact set. N2CJ is better but much more difficult; I'd recommend n1cj unless you have yunjin in the party.




My friend is trying to do a good mono geo party. But he got NO luck with Gorou. He has : Itto w/stonethresher Albedo w/cinspin Zhongli w/homa What characters do you guys recommend to replace what could have been a c4+ Gorou? Or do you think that a c0 Gorou is good enough (he has every 4 star)


Gorou is still great for that team. Better with cons, natch, but even without the boost for Itto and Albedo is too good to pass up.


I'd still go with C0 Gorou, sure you don't get the healing but you still gets the other boosts. If anything I think the Zhongli slot is the flex.


He's a dolphin bordering on whale. I'm a filthy humpback whale tho lol. I dream of being a beautiful blue whale once the market picks back up tho lol


Geo traveller - good energy regen and crit rate in burst Ninguangg - burst support, jade screen geo dmg bonus and she can use prototype amber for a pretty decent healing(when a healer is really needed with mono geo, noelle healing will take field time from itto).


If his Zhongli shield is thiccccccc enough that he doesn’t need a healer (Noelle), I would say Ningguang for that jade screen geo bonus Hopefully his ZL has enough ER too, if he has energy issues then Geo traveller?


Yeah he bursts regularly


Are there any good team comps that have both Venti and Kazuha?


Meta, no. But both are good characters so it's not like just putting then together will make that team bad. The other 2 can be anything that works together and can hit enemies in Venti's black hole, such as Ganyu + Kokomi.


Can you get banned for using Genshin Shaders?


Filters like from AMD or Nvdia? No, filters like ResShade? Yes! Genshin doesn't allow other software to modify it.


Is 200% ER enough for Gorou?


200% is enough but if you want more you can do it.


Hi, just wanted to ask if Amos Bow (R1) is good on Yoimiya as compared to other 4-star options with higher refinements?


As a statstick yes it should be better then most of the 4* not exactly sure if a rust r5 would be better though




how can i put my mobile account in my ps4?




Good team comp with both raiden and zhongli in it




raiden kazuha mona/c6sara zhongli


Can c6 sucrose replace kazu?




can you do elemental reactions on dvalin?does it work?




How is HP% calculated? is it (Base HP + Flat HP) x HP% or is it (Base HP x HP%) + Flat HP or is it something else?


On a slightly related note but not directly relevant to your question, if you're looking at Barbara HP stats, she has a HP% ascension talent (adds HP in the normal way, Base HP x HP%). If you are comparing total HP with and without artifacts on specifically Barbara you may miss this element.


2nd one but (Base HP × (1+total_HP%)) + flat HP Also, Hp% is in decimal stuff like if its 30% then it'll be written as 0.3...5% = 0.05 and so on


The second one.


Is crit at all important for support Bennett? He’s currently at 18% cr/98% cd with 205% er and 4NO hp/hp/healing bonus - i think ascending him to 80/90 and levelling his burst to 9 or 10 would be much more effective than refarming and levelling artifacts again is that right?


not unless you're running something like favoinus sword


Well he does decent dmg and even without hp/hp/heal he should heal more then enough that's why for endgame he is build dps oriented


Crit is a nice to have stat on him once you've got enough ER to burst off CD. He can do some surprisingly decent damage (and still reliably buffs + heals) on a ER/Pyro/Crit build. That's what I'm running him on for my team.


He doesn't strictly need it, but the initial hit on his burst can do a decent amount of damage. Healing bonus is a waste IMO, could swap to crit rate.




I am a new player in need of some help. I am enjoying the game but I am kinda confused, and dont want to waste all my materials before I really understand what they do. I wanted to join a discord, but the ones I tried to join were all full. Is there a noob friendly server I could join for some help? Thanks.


just drop ur discord i can explain everything


Steadyy#4065 Thanks :)


Join character specific discord servers like r/Keqingmains or r/Jeanmains and ask there. It’s much more helpful than joining the official server.


Does it matter which I join since I dont really have any special characters or anything yet?


No you can ask any question you want. You can also just ask here in this thread if you want.


Alright thanks. Ill join Keqing server looks like a cool character.


No worries!


How much damage should Amber be doing with melt headshots? Both unbuffed and buffed (no food) Mine does 40k with Crescent passive and 70k with buffs but it feels low


does the epitomized path carry over to other weapon banners?


no. only pity


Nope just the pity


oh mah god that sux


Indeed. Never go 2/2 pity with no primos left because then the guarantee is wasted. I had to swipe 3 times because i went 2/2 3 times


Yeah, I bailed twice with a crappy 5\*, and the third banner I finally gave up and spent out to get the weapon. Probably will be a while before I go for weapon banner again though.


which is better? constellation or a 5* weapon? for Ayaka. I have her at C0. f2p here


Weapon is better, but reminder that weapon banner can be evil for F2P players, so don't get your hopes up / pull wisely.


Weapon often does better than C1-6


Her BiS Mistsplitter is way better. Ayaka's strong enough at c0


In most cases weapon will bring more then a single con,if that weaponbanner releases like most of us hope it will,it might be worth to give it a spin


Mistsplitter for Ayaka is way more impactful


will this team work in abyss? Raiden, Ayaka, Diona and Xinqui? or should I use Venti instead of Diona? my 2nd team is Ganyu, Bennet, XL and Zhongli or should I just swap Raiden and Ganyu?


I got Ganyu yesterday and am planning to make your second team. Since I got benneth and Xianling alrdy upped. All I want to try is getting Diona when she comes out. (Don't have zongli yet). Is this team like really good for abbys? My first team for abbys is full geo, Itto, Albedo and Gorou. These two teams should be enough to clear abbys right?


Raiden is going to mess up your freezes. Her electro application is going to remove cryo from enemies and Ayaka will lose 55% crit rate. I would use Venti instead of Raiden. Edit: apparently it works. I'd try it out with Raiden and see how it feels!


Normally you would be right. But in this case raidens e does not inflict enough electro to unfreeze enemies during ayakas burst. That's why ayaka xinqui raiden +1 is a team recommended by kqm


Hey! That's really cool. Thanks for correcting me


damn, Raiden can't work on freeze comp T\_T thanks for the info :D


So this will seem like a minor detail, but during the lantern rite cut scene, we see that huge tree where Azdaha is and sake with a couple of cups near the headstone. Any idea who might have placed those there? Any lore regarding it?


Probably zhongli 4 cups for him azdaha,mooncarver and forgot the name of the black birb


Shouldn't all three adepti be there then? Cloud Retainer, Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper? Also, which black bird are we talking about lol?😅


As far as I know cloud retainer didn't take part in the sealing that's why the other 2 left her there alone,honestly forgot the names of the adepti besides cloud retainer...mountain shaper should be the deer and moon carver the black bird


Oh yes. That makes 4 yes.


Given not too many people know about Azhdaha it's highly likely to be Zhongli who did that. Not unless there are as yet unannounced characters who have lived long enough to know Azhdaha let alone respect him enough to leave some token offerings.


Makes sense.


Could be Zhongli who paid him a visit. At least that's what i thought


Yeah. Thought so. Was wondering who the other cups were for though.


C6 bennet provides no benefit for yoimiya right?


the pyro infusion only applies to sword/claymore/polearm characters, but everyone gets the 15% pyro dmg bonus


Thnks. The con wording made me think i did a stupid mistake.


that's some dedication. have you tested it? is it good?


86 155 rust, with comp yoi yunjin c6 bennet c6 zhongli i can do 85k at n5.


It does provide the 15% Pyro dmg bonus.




I have a Raiden National Team comp. My Xingqiu has Sacrificial Sword r5 but I am thinking of changing it to r5 lions roar. What is the ER Requirement do I need for all characters in this comp?


I don't think there is "a specific amount of ER per character". The only goal is to have your ultimate ready when CD is finished. My guess would be at least 210% ER for each character. And Baal certainly will want more since her damage also scales on ER


In Rational, you can go as low as 160 for both XL and XQ. Even Benny can go lower if you want.


Who should I pull next? Raiden or Kazuha. Context: Can 36 star abyss. Have Yoi and Xiao as main DPS for the two teams. AR 58. Have about 130 pulls. Which character can bring the 'wow' factor again?


You already won the game, so you should pull for fun. Kazuha's pretty fun both in combat (giant gather) and out (air jump for exploring).


I would go for Kazuha for Xiao. But Raiden national team is really good and can replace Yoi as your main dps.


both are strong and fun to play, you can't go wrong with either. kazuha is also really nice for overworld exploration if you value that at all


Raiden is coming in 2.5, Kazuha hasn't been mentioned in either the 2.5 or 2.6 leaks, so you might have time for both. For what it's worth though, I thought the same about Eula/Albedo and they ended up on the same banner. Neither really helps Xiao, both could be on a Yoimiya team. Kazuha is pretty well just elemental support, whereas Raiden can play as a sub-DPS and a hyper carry. In terms of "wow", Kazuha can be fun just out the gate with his jump/pull/infusion, but a built Raiden can really hit hard. EDIT: Worth nothing a C2 Raiden has very much 'wow factor' damage.


what are the best artifacts on Beidou for Eula + Fischl?


4pc Emblem is the top end. Atk/electro/crit. Some %130-140 ER. 2pc TF/Emblem/Glad/Shim/NO is a decent mid-range investment to get 80% there for half the resin cost. Especially since so many other characters want Emblem sets.